Tue Jan 30 19:47:44 MSK 2001 Cleanup sources. Mark all changes with LOCALE,IMOVEMENT,QCALC defines Mon Jan 29 03:37:57 MSK 2001 Fix problem with resizing. The problem was in missing in tty.c. Sun Jan 28 22:14:56 MSK 2001 I've integrated QuickCalc - nice calculator by robertp@macatawa.org instead of built-in ones. From QuickCalc help: operators : basic binary operators + - / * ^ ~ _ < > & arith : arithmetic functions abs sign sq sqrt round floor ceil log : logarithmic functions exp ln log fact hyp : hyperbolic functions sinh cosh tanh asinh acosh atanh trigo : trigonometric functions sin cos tan asin acos atan constants : built-in constants %pi %e And now you can use all of them ! Fri Jan 26 21:31:48 MSK 2001 This patch adds locale support to very popular editor joe (2.8). I was tired to wait a new version, so I decided to hack it myself. This is rather crude hack (it took about 2.5 hour with invaluable C-programming support by Teodor Sigaev (teodor@stack.net) It was tested under Slackware 7.1 with ru_RU.KOI8-R and ru_RU.CP1251 locales, FreeBSD 3.4-STABLE. I have tested this patch also on Solaris 2.5, Sun Sparc 4 (-DNOISBLANK) NOTES: I used -funsigned-char to compile all sources because it's difficult to go through all the sources and change definition of 'char' to 'unsigned char' That's why I consider this patch as a crude hack. Volunteer are welcome ! USAGE: just as with ordinary locale-aware program (LC_CTYPE, LC_COLLATE) BENEFITS: - You can use case-insensitive search - You can jump by word (^K x, ^K z) - You can delete word (^K w) BUGS: Certainly, they are. Patches and suggestions are welcome. AVAILABILITY: The patch is availbale from my home page http://www.sai.msu.su/~megera/joe or directly ftp://ftp.sai.msu.su:/pub/unix/Editors/joe2.8-locale.patch Oleg Bartunov (oleg@sai.msu.su), 2001