Samus N.N., Goranskij V.P., Durlevich O.V., Kazarovets E V., Kireeva N.N., Pastukhova E.N., Zharova A.V.
Institute of Astronomy of Russian Academy of Sciences and Sternberg State Astronomical Institute of the Moscow State University
The present improved electronic version of the GCVS4 Volumes I-V, combined with Name-Lists of Variable Stars Nos.67-80, are available from Sternberg Institute to
The information at this site is regularly updated (corrections of detected mistakes, improvements of identifications and coordinates, etc.).
This GCVS edition contains data for 28484 individual variable objects discovered and named as variable stars by 1982 and located mainly in the Milky Way galaxy. These data are contained in the first three published volumes. The computer version GCVS4 vols. I-III contains principally the same data as in the first three volumes of the printed catalog. The Name-lists Nos. 67-80 contain variable stars designated between 1982 and 2013; these stars are also incorporated in the combined catalog. The fourth volume of the fourth edition, published in 1990, contains a table of all variables ordered by right ascension (B1950), a table of variables listed by variability type, and an extensive series of cross-identification tables to alternative designations. The electronic version vol. IV contains only the cross- identification tables. The final, fifth volume contains data for variables in external galaxies (including the Magellanic Clouds) and for extragalactic supernovae.
This data set is the combined computer-readable version of the GCVS4 with improved coordinates Vols. I-III (Kholopov et al. 1985-1988) and Name-Lists of Variable Stars Nos.67-80 published in the system introduced during the preparation of the 4th GCVS edition. The total number of designated variable stars has now reached 47 811.
All variables in the present data set are arranged in the order of their names inside constellations. For Name-list stars, the information follows the format of the Name-Lists, that is, it includes only coordinates, the variability type, the range of brightness variations, and references.
For 47619 variable stars, our version provides new equatorial J2000.0 coordinates (right ascensions to within 0.01s and declinations to within 0.1"), for 21384 stars with allowance for their proper motions (vol_pos.txt).
We have corrected the errors revealed in the printed Volumes I-III. Then, we have improved coordinates for those variables of Vols. I-III which also enter Volume V, using the results of the positional determinations undertaken during the preparation of Vol. V.
We have started preparation of an electronic release GCVS 4.2 which will contain improved light elements, classifications etc. along with sufficiently accurate positional information. The first approach to this project has resulted in improved equatorial positions (B1950, J2000) for all named variable stars, with a new standard of positional accuracy, to 1 second of arc.
File Summary: ---------------------------------------------------------------- FileName Explanations ---------------------------------------------------------------- html/index.htm HTML-site iii.txt The GCVS4 Catalog vol_pos.txt Positional information vartype.htm GCVS Variabilitys ref.txt References ref_abr.txt The list of the abbreviations in the references remark.txt Remarks constel.txt Numerical Codes for Constellations variable.txt Numerical Codes for Variable stars abbrev.txt The catalog abbreviations
The Cross-Identifications of Variable Stars
Bytes | Format | Units | Label | Explanations |
1- 2 | I2 | --- | Constell | [1/88]Constellation numeric code |
3- 6 | I4 | --- | Number | Star number within the constellation |
7 | A1 | --- | Component | *Component identification |
9- 18 | A10 | --- | GCVS | *Variable star designation |
19 | A1 | --- | NoteFlag | [*] Notes |
21- 22 | I2 | h | RAh | Hours RA, equinox 2000.0 |
23- 24 | I2 | min | RAm | Minutes RA, equinox 2000.0 |
25- 28 | F4.1 | s | RAs | Seconds RA, equinox 2000.0 |
29 | A1 | --- | DE- | Sign Dec, equinox 2000.0 |
30- 31 | I2 | deg | DEd | Degrees Dec, equinox 2000.0 |
32- 33 | I2 | arcmin | DEm | Minutes Dec, equinox 2000.0 |
34- 35 | I2 | arcsec | DEs | Seconds Dec, equinox 2000.0 |
36 | A1 | --- | u_DEs | *[:] position accuracy flags |
38- 47 | A10 | --- | VarType | Type of variability |
49 | A1 | --- | l_magMax | [<>(]">" if magMax is a faint limit; "<" if magMax is a bright limit; "(" if magMax is an amplitude |
50- 55 | F6.3 | mag | magMax | Magnitude at maximum brightness |
56 | A1 | --- | u_magMax | Uncertainty flag (:) on magMax |
56 | A1 | --- | n_magMax | *Alternative photometric system for magMax |
57 | A1 | --- | f_magMax | [)] ")" if magMax is an amplitude |
59- 60 | A2 | --- | l_magMinI | [<(]"<" if magMinI is a bright limit "(" if magMinI is an amplitude |
61- 66 | F6.3 | mag | magMinI | Minimum I magnitude or amplitude |
67 | A1 | --- | u_magMinI | Uncertainty flag (:) on magMinI |
68- 69 | A1 | --- | n_magMinI | *Alternative photometric system for magMinI |
70 | A1 | --- | f_magMinI | [)] ")" if magMinI is an amplitude |
72- 73 | A2 | --- | l_magMinII | [<(]"<" if magMinII is a bright limit "(" if magMinII is an amplitude |
74- 79 | F6.3 | mag | magMinII | Minimum II magnitude or amplitude |
80 | A1 | --- | u_magMinII | Uncertainty flag (:) on magMinII |
81- 82 | A1 | --- | n_magMinII | *Alternative photometric system for magMinII |
83 | A1 | --- | f_magMinII | [)] ")" if magMinII is an amplitude |
85- 86 | A2 | --- | magCode | *The photometric system for magnitudes |
88-98 | F11.5 | d | Epoch | *Epoch for maximum light, Julian days |
99 | A1 | --- | q_Epoch | *[:+-] Quality flag on Epoch |
101-104 | A4 | --- | YearNova | Year of outburst for nova or supernova |
105 | A1 | --- | q_Year | [:] Quality flag on Year of outburst |
107 | A1 | --- | l_Period | *[<>(] Code for upper or lower limits |
108-123 | F16.10 | d | Period | Period of the variable star |
124 | A1 | --- | u_Period | Uncertainty flag (:) on Period |
125-126 | A2 | --- | n_Period | *[*/N)] |
128-130 | A3 | % | M-m/D | *Rising time (M-m) or duration of eclipse (D) |
131 | A1 | --- | u_M-m/D | Uncertainty flag (:) on M-m/D |
132 | A1 | --- | n_M-m/D | *[*] Note for eclipsing variable |
134-150 | A17 | --- | SpType | Spectral type |
152-156 | A5 | --- | *Ref1 | Reference to a study of the star |
158-162 | A5 | --- | *Ref2 | Reference to a chart or photograph |
164-175 | A12 | --- | *Exists | *Cases of non-existence of the variable etc. |
First, it is used if the variable is equivalent to another cataloged variable. In such case, after the "=" symbol, the alternative name of the variable follows, and all necessary information on the star is to be found under that alternative name.
Second, it is used for all variables of the Name-Lists Nos.67-78, it is followed by the two-digit number of the Name-list and the four-digit number of the star in the Name-list, and the information for the star follows the format of the Name-lists (see above).
Third, the "=" symbol may be followed by the star's name in the GCVS Vol. V (where the explanation of the designations is also given). This means that the star enters also Vol. V, and the information of Vol. V makes it possible to improve the data of Vols. I-III. In this case, the symbol "*" in column 178 means the presence of remarks in Vol. V.
The table vol_pos.txt provides positional information based on our identifications with major astrometric catalogs, on published data, or on our new measurements (see below) for 47619 stars of the new version of GCVS (including stars of the new name lists).
The order of stars in this table is the same as that in the main table.
Byte-by-byte Description of file: vol_pos.txt
Bytes | Format | Units | Label | Explanations |
1- 2 | I2 | --- | Constell | [1/88]Constellation numeric code |
3- 6 | I4 | --- | Number | Star number within the constellation |
7 | A1 | --- | Component | Component identification |
9- 18 | A10 | --- | GCVS | Variable star designation |
20- 21 | I2 | h | RAh | Hours RA, equinox J2000.0 |
22- 23 | I2 | min | RAm | Minutes RA, equinox J2000.0 |
24- 28 | F5.2 | s | RAs | Seconds RA, equinox J2000.0 |
30 | A1 | --- | DE- | Sign Dec, equinox J2000.0 |
31- 32 | I2 | deg | DEd | Degrees Dec, equinox J2000.0 |
33- 34 | I2 | arcmin | DEm | Minutes Dec, equinox J2000.0 |
35- 38 | F4.1 | arcsec | DEs | Seconds Dec, equinox J2000.0 |
39 | A1 | --- | u_DEs | *[:] position accuracy flag |
41- 46 | F6.3 | arcsec/yr | PMa | Proper motion RA |
48- 53 | F6.3 | arcsec/yr | PMd | Proper motion DE |
55- 62 | F8.3 | yr | Epoch | *Epoch |
64 | A1 | --- | u_Ident | *Uncertainty flag (?) on identification |
66- 77 | A12 | --- | Ident | *The source of astrometric data |
POSITION ACCURACY FLAG (:) - indicating that the coordinates are actually rougher than the new accuracy standard adopted in the catalog, because we failed to determine better coordinates and to find them in source catalogs or in publications. In comparatively numerous cases, such coordinates were obtained by transforming B1950.0 coordinates from the IRAS Point Sorce Catalog (see below).
EPOCH of the given coordinates. No epoch is provided when using the coordinates from the literature if the epoch was no specified in the publication and cold not be established;
FLAG (?) ON IDENTIFICATION - the variable star's identification with the source catalog is uncertain;
THE SOURCE OF ASTROMETRIC DATA - A brief designation of the source of astrometric data. In several cases, the catalog designation is folowed by the symbol "+pm"; it implies that the position for a certain epoch was taken from the catalog and reduced to the epoch 2000.0 using information on the star's proper motion from a different source.
Below, we give a list of the major catalogs and other data sources used, roghly in the order of our preference in identifying variable stars (see also the description of the catalogs provided for A.A. Volchkov's visualization code we used at
Hip - The Hipparcos Catalogue (ESA 1997).
Tyc2 - The Tycho Catalogue (Hog et al. 2000). In isolated instances where the star is absent in the second Tycho catalogue but is present in the first catalogue (ESA 1997), the source is indicated as Tyc1.
UCAC2 - US Naval Observatory CCD Astrograph Catalog (Zacharias et al., 2004).
PPM - The Positions and Proper Motions (Roser et al. 1991-1993).
NPM - The Lick Northern Proper Motion Program (Klemola et al. 1987).
AC - The Four-Million Star Catalog (see Gulyaev and Nesterov 1992).
ACT - The ACT Reference Catalog (Urban et al. 1997).
GSC 2.2 - The Guide Star Catalog, Version 2.2.01, 2001, Space Telescope Science, Institute and Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino.
GSC - The Guide Star Catalog (Lasker et al. 1990). The symbol "ns" accompanying a GSC reference implies that the entry is marked as a nonstellar object in the cited catalog.
A2.0, B1.0 - A Catalog of Astrometric Standards (Monet et al., 1998) (there were rare cases when the star could be found only in the previous version of the catalogue, marked as A1.0); The Whole-Sky USNO-B1.0 Catalog of 1 045 913 669 Sources (Monet et al., 2003).
2MASS - The Two Micron All Sky Survey (Cutri et al., 2003).
GCVS - For some 10 stars, the coordinates were measured by the authors using Digitized Sky Survey images, plates from different collections, or other images.
Lit. - The coordinates taken from current astronomical periodicals.
General Catalogue of Variable Stars, 4th Edition, Volumes I-III. Kholopov P.N., Samus N.N., Frolov M.S., Goranskij V.P., Gorynya N.A., Karitskaya E.A., Kazarovets E.V., Kireeva N.N., Kukarkina N.P., Kurochkin N.E., Medvedeva G.I., Pastukhova E.N., Perova N.B., Rastorguev A.S., and Shugarov S.Yu. Moscow: Nauka Publishing House (1985-1988)
Warren, W.H., Jr. 1989, General Catalogue of Variable Stars, 4th edition, Documentation for the Machine-Readable Version, NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 88-23
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