R And SiO maser. S And SN (NGC 224). W And SiO maser. Z And Outbursts, average cycle 8400d. Porb = 758.8d, it reveals Z And itself in photometry during the low state. A quasi-period, P1, Z And about 656d is present during the outbursts. The beat period Z And between Porb and P1, about 5500d, is also found in the Z And photometric data. RS And H2O maser. RT And P varies, current elements are given. RU And P varies strongly. RX And Porb = 0.209893d. RY And OH, H2O maser. SS And P2 = 650d, P3 = 3800d. SU And VB A (B 12.77m, F0V:, 15"). SV And SiO maser. SW And [Fe/H] = -0.24. P varies, current elements are given. SW And According to [N0037], Max = 2435249.25744 + 0.442270491d*E - SW And 1.032 x 10^{-10}E*E. SY And d = 0.027P. TW And P varies, current elements are given. TW And d = 0.020P. P varies, current elements are given. TX And Recent observations in the AAVSO database suggest type LB. UU And The depth of MinII is 0.2m R. P varies, current elements are UU And given. VX And The mean brightness varies with P = 904d. WW And The depth of MinII is 0.16m. WX And d = 0.03P. P varies, current elements are given. WY And [Fe/H] = -1.0. WZ And P varies, current elements are given. Min II 11.61. XX And P varies, current elements are given. [Fe/H] = -1.94. XX And Blazhko effect with a 36-day period [03111]. XY And [Fe/H] = -0.92. XZ And P varies in a complex manner, current elements are given. ZZ And [Fe/H] = -1.58. AB And P varies, current elements are given. The light curve shape AB And varies. AC And A triple-mode pulsator. The table gives the light elements for AC And the fundamental-mode pulsations. First overtone: Max = AC And 2428009.45 + 0.5251342d*E; second overtone: Max = AC And 2428009.69 + 0.4210572d*E. [Fe/H] = -1.16. AD And The depth of Min II is 0.58m. P varies, current elements are AD And given. AE And In the M31 galaxy. AF And In the M31 galaxy. AG And The data in [75119] refer to a different star. The data in AG And [08296] probably refer to a different star. AM And VB A (B 14.7m 17" sf). AQ And Secondary period 346d. AR And Porb = 0.16302d. AT And [Fe/H] = -1.18. AW And Identified by its number from the Harvard - Groningen AW And Durchmusterung quoted in [01992], in 1 degree of declination AW And from the position published by the discoverer. Not red, AW And apparently does not vary in modern automatic surveys. BD And P varies, current elements are given. BK And [Fe/H] = -0.08. BL And The depth of Min II is 0.32m. BU And H2O maser. BX And ADS 1671 A (B 10.86m, 20", 59deg). P varies, current elements BX And are given. CC And Multiperiodic. CE And H2O maser. CG And The elements in the Table correspond to maximum U-band light. CG And During some seasons, short-period variations with a period CG And about 125 min and an amplitude up to several hundredths of a CG And magnitude were observed. In 1973, periods of 0.09325d and CG And 0.06737d were detected. CI And [Fe/H] = -0.69. CN And P varies, quadratic term -9.8*10^{-11}*E*E. CO And d = 0.06P:. CP And d = 0.01P:. P varies? CU And d > 0.034P. P varies? DI And An unusual light curve with a secondary maximum. DL And In the region of the open cluster NGC 7686. DQ And [M/H] = 0.00. DR And [Fe/H] = -1.48. P varies, current elements are given. Blazhko DR And effect with a period about 57d is possible [N0053]. DS And d = 0.04P. In the open cluster NGC 752. dII = 0.07P. DU And [Fe/H] = -2.11. DX And Porb = 0.440502d. EG And Porb = 482.57d. The light curve is modulated with a double wave EG And during the orbital period. EL And A twice shorter period is possible. EP And The depth of Min II is 0.60m. P varies, current elements are EP And given. ET And SB1, Porb = 48.304d. EU And H2O maser. EX And No evidence for the secondary minimum being displaced, as EX And claimed in [04335], in recent CCD data. P varies? EY And OH, H2O, SiO maser. FF And VB A (B 10.53m V, 7", 295deg). SB2, Porb = 2.170304d. FF And BY-type variations: 10.35m - 10.42m V outside flares, FF And P = 2.170d [5230]. FL And d = 0.02P. FO And Porb = 0.07161d. Superhumps: P = 0.07411d [N0067]. FV And P varies? GK And P varies? GN And ADS 409 A (B 13.1m, 2", 6deg, 1948). GP And VB A (B 12.50m, 11"). P varies, quadratic term GP And +5.20d*10^{-13}E*E. GQ And ADS 246 B (A = GX And). 11.04m - 11.10m V outside flares GQ And [08313]. GX And ADS 246 A (B = GQ And). GY And SB1, P = 272.88d. GZ And ADS 1693 A (B 11.13m, 8", 31deg, 1894; C 11.91m, 14", 200deg, GZ And 1908; D 12.65m, 24", 285deg, 1908). P varies, current elements GZ And are given. HN And SB1, P = 106.3334d. From Hipparcos data, a photometric period HN And of 1.7237d (instead of 69.92d) was suggested in [N0078]. HN And However, it does not represent the observations from [06992], HN And where the derived period was 69.5d. HR And d = 0.05P. HS And P varies, current elements are given. HT And In the region of the M 31 galaxy. HY And In the region of the M 31 galaxy. HZ And P > 100d. Red. IK And In the region of the M 31 galaxy. IL And d = 0.02P. IO And In the region of the M 31 galaxy. IP And d = 0.02P:. KM And According to [69005], cst, 14.8m pg. KP And The depth of Min II is 0.1m R. KV And Superhumps: P = 0.07434d [N0087]. KX And SB2 (Porb = 38.908d). Porb reveals itself in seasonal light KX And curves. KZ And ADS 16557 B (A 7.2m; B 16", 256deg, 1984). SB2, KZ And Porb = 3.032867d. LL And Porb = 0.055055d. LM And VB (QY And 14" np). LN And ADS 16472 (B A1V, 9.88m, 7", 40 deg). LO And P varies, current elements are given. LQ And SB1, Porb = 7.413d. LR And Epoch of Max is given. P varies, quadratic term LR And +3.379*10^{-9}*E*E. LS And In the region of the M 31 galaxy. LT And In the region of the M 31 galaxy. LV And [Fe/H] = -1.55. MP And [Fe/H] = -1.62. MR And [Fe/H] = -1.26. MU And [Fe/H] = -1.57. MV And [Fe/H] = -1.78. MX And [Fe/H] = -1.50. MY And [Fe/H] = -1.32. NN And [Fe/H] = -1.35. NO And [Fe/H] = -1.67. NQ And [Fe/H] = -1.38. OR And Porb = 0.1359d. OT And MinII - MinI = 0.52P. OV And ADS 284 B (A Sp G, 7.5" p; several additional fainter OV And companions). PQ And Rare outbursts in 1938, 1967, 1988. Porb = 0.071d. PT And In the region of the M 31 galaxy. PU And In the region of the M 31 galaxy. PX And The elements are for eclipses. The amplitude of the eclipses PX And is about 0.5m. PY And SB, P = 399.6d. QR And The elements are for eclipses. QU And SB1. QW And The depth of MinII is 0.44m. QX And In the open cluster NGC 752. P varies? QY And VB (LM And 14" sf). Variations only due to LM And are seen in QY And ROTSE/NSVS data for combined light. QZ And VB A (B 14" np). V0336 And VB A (B 20" sp). V0337 And VB A (B 14.0m, 15" nf). V0342 And VB (A 7.86m, B 9.21m, 5", 82deg, 1991). V0348 And ADS 197 (B 7.5m V, 0.2", 42deg, 1957). V0355 And ADS 616 (A 7.92m Hp, F5; B 9.08m Hp, 1.4", 5.5deg, 1991). V0361 And ADS 948 (A 7.84m, F0; B 11.65m, 3", 249deg, 1991). V0369 And VB (9.5m V + 9.5m V, 0".1, 128deg, 1986.9). V0371 And VB (ADS 1613AB: A 8.7m V, B 8.9m V, 0.2". 358deg, 1997; V0371 And C 11.5m V, 0.8", 261deg, 1958). V0392 And VB (A 9.3m Hp; B 11.5m Hp, 2", 75deg, 1991). V0393 And P = 0.223880d is suggested in [HIP], the light curve has a V0393 And large scatter. V0395 And ADS 16965 (A 7.6m V; B 9.8m V, 6", 103deg, 1991). V0413 And d = 0.01P. ADS 17087 (B 12.5m V, 5", 181deg, 1907). V0419 And ADS 1672 (B 10.0m V, 6", 254deg, 1991). V0420 And VB A (B 15.0m pg, 12" np). V0428 And SB1, Porb = 576d. V0429 And Multiperiodic, P1 = 195s. V0446 And A chromospherically active giant, photometric variations with V0446 And the rotation period. V0455 And A single major outburst in September, 2007. Superhumps were observed. Porb = 0.05631d. V0466 And A single major outburst in September, 2008. Early superhumps: P = 0.056383d; ordinary superhumps: P = 0.05713d; late superhumps: P = 0.056d. V0470 And P2 = 1.93570d. V0478 And Multiperiodic. V0484 And Catalina data do not completely confirm the light elements [00001]. V0496 And P varies, current elements are tabulated. V0498 And VB A (A 10.04mV; B 10.15mV, 22", 139deg, 2005). Combined brightness is tabulated. V0500 And A single major outburst in November, 2008. Superhumps were observed. V0515 And P2 = 0.0056553d. V0521 And Multiperiodic. V0522 And MinII - MinI = 0.484P. V0529 And Multiperiodic. The largest-amplitude Delta Scuti period is 0.11876d. VB A (B 13.4mV, 16", 166deg, 1998). V0560 And O'Connell effect. V0572 And Early superhumps: P = 0.054868d; ordinary superhumps: P = 0.055544d. V0604 And Multiple. The coordinates in [80598] are wrong. V0704 And Porb = 0.154d. V0735 And Magnitudes in the Table can be influenced by surrounding bright stars. V0736 And VB AB (AB 11.03mV; 0.1", 115deg, 1973; A and B estimated equally bright). Magnitudes in the Table can be influenced by a 10.60mV star BD +36 0159 (50", 252deg, 1999). V0744 And Porb = 0.02608d. V0751 And A twice shorter period is not excluded. V0762 And Studied in [81025] (SAVS 023548+491758) but erroneously identified with GSC 03303-01008. V0769 And VB B (A 16.8mV, B 16.9mV; AB 6", 37deg, 1998). The magnitudes in the Table were influenced with the companion. V0770 And Multiperiodic. V0782 And MinII - MinI = 0.383P. V0784 And P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.534895d; P1/P0 = 0.7465. V0787 And P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.542396d; P1/P0 = 0.7465. V0788 And P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.529664d; P1/P0 = 0.7461. V0796 And P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.470490d; P1/P0 = 0.7442. V0797 And Additional non-radial pulsation, Pnr = 0.18776d. V0797 And P1 is presented in the Table; Pnr/P1 = 0.9162. V0799 And VB (A 10.3m; B 10.9m, 6", 320deg, 2016). The magnitudes in the Table are for combined brightness. V0800 And Biperiodic, P2 = 71.2d. V0806 And MinII - MinI = 0.494P. V0807 And d = 0.08P. The elements in the table are for planet transits. Superposed DSCT V0807 And oscillations: P = 0.0476d [023]. V0811 And VB A (15.3mG; B 16.9mG, 11", 44deg, 2000). V0812 And Blazhko effect? P varies? V0819 And Multiperiodic, other periods are 0.0914017d and 0.0849941d. V0820 And Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0562745d, P1/P0 = 0.7749. V0821 And Porb = 0.055d, Psh = 0.05677d. V0822 And Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.07318673d, P1/P0 = 0.7730. V0823 And The light elements in the Table are for eclipses. Observed eclipse amplitudes were up to 3 mag. V0824 And Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.05137296d, P1/P0 = 0.7745. V0825 And Porb = 0.05619d, Psh = 0.05707d. V0826 And Double-mode pulsations. P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.1314774d, P1/P0 = 0.7718. alf And SB2 (P = 96.7041d). VB (interferometric, a = 0.024"). alf And Photometric variability could not be confirmed in [N0111]. zet And For regular ellipsoidal variations, the depth of minima are zet And about 0.07m. lam And The tabulated elements are for brightness minima in 1996 - 2002. lam And SB1 (P = 20.5212d). omi And Multiple (AB 0.3", period much longer than 100d; Aa 0.05"; omi And B SB2, P = 33.08d). Several shell events were observed. omi And Periodic variations with varying amplitude (up to 0.1m): omi And double wave, MinI = 2429981.250 + 1.571272d*E [N0114]. A number omi And of different photometric and spectroscopic periods were also omi And reported. T Ant [A/H] = -0.0. P var, nonlinear elements: Max = 2436120.756 T Ant + 5.897915d*E + 4.80d*10^{-8}E^2 [N0027]. V Ant OH, H_2O, SiO maser. SZ Ant From photometry in [N0002], about 12.3m V, const? [00001]. TU Ant From photometry in [N0002], about 10.6m V, const? [00001]. WY Ant [Fe/H] = -1.48. P var, nonlinear elements: Max = WY Ant 2439139.40 + 0.574330174d*E + 4.820d*10^{-10}E^2 [N0029]. AG Ant [Fe/H] = -4.8. A post-AGB star. SB1. Brightness variations with AG Ant the orbital period probably due to variations of circumstellar AG Ant extinction. AI Ant Slow variations with Prot (see Table), oscillations with P about AI Ant 15 minutes, several frequencies. BU Ant VB A (B 11.72m, 27", 36deg, 2000). BV Ant MinII - MinI = 0.60P. BW Ant Porb = 0.0303d. BX Ant VB B (A 10.9m; AB 27", 124deg, 1999). In the TWA association. BY Ant VB B (A = NSV 04876, 5.56m, B9.5V; AB 11", 226deg, 1999). BZ Ant VB B (A 5.56m, NSV 04876; AB 11", 226deg, 1999). CE Ant In the TWA association. CH Ant Multiperiodic, 4 harmonics. P1 is given in the Table. CI Ant VB A (B 13.1m, 1", 306deg, 1991). CN Ant P strongly varies. The elements in the Table are for JD 2453569 - 2454298. CV Ant Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0937556d, P1/P0 = 0.7702. CW Ant Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.03778475d, P1/P0 = 0.7718. CX Ant Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.07230915d, P1/P0 = 0.7737. RS Aps VB A (A 15.1mV; B 15.5mV, 6", 139deg, 1999). TY Aps Blazhko effect? [Fe/H] = -0.95. UW Aps VB A (A 15.4mV, B 15.7mV; AB 9", 147deg, 2000). VX Aps [Fe/H] = -1.44. YZ Aps VB (14.2m, 14.6m, 8", 207deg, 2000). The southern component varies? AB Aps [Fe/H] = -1.30. BE Aps OH maser. BM Aps VB A (B 12.2mR, 18", 137deg, 2000). The tabulated magnitude in maximum is influenced by the companion. BS Aps [Fe/H] = -1.33. CE Aps VB A (B 13m, 14", 125deg; C 14m, 199deg, 2000). CK Aps [Fe/H] = -1.49. CP Aps VB A (B 15.2m, 9", 289deg, 2000). It is not quite clear which of the components varies. CZ Aps SiO maser. DF Aps VB A (B 15.5mpg, 14", 308deg, 2000). DI Aps Blazhko effect? [Fe/H] = -1.60. DZ Aps Blazhko effect. EL Aps [Fe/H] = -1.56. ER Aps [Fe/H] = -1.39. EX Aps [Fe/H] = -0.81. GO Aps Type RR is not excluded. IP Aps VB B (A 14.5mpg, B 14.7mpg; AB 10", 140deg, 2000). IZ Aps VB B (A 15.4mpg, B 16.4mpg; AB 8", 300deg, 2000). LM Aps Type RV is also possible. LO Aps O'Connell effect. LU Aps [Fe/H] = -2.06. MY Aps L19-2. Multiperiodic, main stable modes: 192.6s and 113.8s. OZ Aps A twice longer period is not excluded. PQ Aps In the region of the globular cluster IC 4499; cluster non-member. PV Aps MinII - MinI = 0.75P. QX Aps Superposed variations with P = 74d: and an amplitude about 1m. V0347 Aps VB A (A 13.5m; B 15.1m, 10", 79deg, 2000; C 5", 321deg, 2000). The tabulated amplitude was affected by the companions. V0367 Aps VB B (A 11.3m; AB 8", 58deg, 2000). V0380 Aps VB (several companions). V0390 Aps Distorsion wave: P = 2.84455d. V0393 Aps Period varies. V0394 Aps VB A (B 7", 340deg, 2000). V0395 Aps The period in the Table is that of the first overtone (P1). Fundamental mode: P0 = 0.472647d. P1/P0 = 0.74445. V0398 Aps According to [g0009], the star is a second-overtone pulsator. V0401 Aps P varies, the period in the Table is valid for 1990 - 1994. V0403 Aps The period in the Table is that of the first overtone (P1). Fundamental mode: P0 = 0.477591d. P1/P0 = 0.744412. V0404 Aps The period in the Table is that of the first overtone (P1). Fundamental mode: P0 = 0.480751d. P1/P0 = 0.74410. V0405 Aps Blazhko effect. V0410 Aps The period in the Table is that of the first overtone (P1). Fundamental mode: P0 = 0.473375d. P1/P0 = 0.74416. V0419 Aps According to [g0010], the star is a second-overtone pulsator. V0419 Aps According to [g0009], the star is a second-overtone pulsator. V0421 Aps The period in the Table is that of the first overtone (P1). Fundamental mode: P0 = 0.496065d. P1/P0 = 0.74449. V0426 Aps Blazhko effect? V0431 Aps The period in the Table is that of the first overtone (P1). Fundamental mode: P0 = 0.48834d. P1/P0 = 0.74434. V0432 Aps The period in the Table is that of the first overtone (P1). Fundamental mode: P0 = 0.474642d. P1/P0 = 0.74414. V0440 Aps The coordinates in the Table are uncertain. V0444 Aps The coordinates in the Table are uncertain. V0445 Aps The period in the Table is that of the first overtone (P1). Fundamental mode: P0 = 0.480528d. P1/P0 = 0.74440. V0446 Aps The period in the Table is that of the first overtone (P1). Fundamental mode: P0 = 0.486080d. P1/P0 = 0.74420. V0447 Aps According to [g0009], the star can be a double-mode pulsator with a low-amplitude fundamental mode. V0448 Aps The period in the Table is that of the first overtone (P1). Fundamental mode: P0 = 0.473993d. P1/P0 = 0.74424. V0449 Aps The period in the Table is that of the first overtone (P1). P1 = 0.358943d is equally possible. The fundamental-mode period was not determined in [g0009]. V0454 Aps The coordinates in the Table are uncertain. V0458 Aps According to [g0009], the star is a second-overtone pulsator. V0461 Aps The period in the Table is that of the first overtone (P1). Fundamental mode: P0 = 0.477109d. P1/P0 = 0.74434. V0463 Aps The period in the Table is that of the first overtone (P1). Fundamental mode: P0 = 0.480001d. P1/P0 = 0.74434. V0466 Aps The period in the Table is that of the first overtone (P1). Fundamental mode: P0 = 0.474776d. P1/P0 = 0.74424. V0469 Aps Blended; the coordinates in the Table are uncertain. V0470 Aps The period in the Table is that of the first overtone (P1). Fundamental mode: P0 = 0.493508d. P1/P0 = 0.74446. V0483 Aps The period in the Table is that of the first overtone (P1). Fundamental mode: P0 = 0.485225d. P1/P0 = 0.74501. V0488 Aps The period in the Table is that of the first overtone (P1). Fundamental mode: P0 = 0.482485d. P1/P0 = 0.74431. V0494 Aps Cluster non-member? V0496 Aps P varies? V0498 Aps P varies? V0504 Aps P varies? [g0001]. kap 1 Aps SB. VB A (B 11.27m, 27", 255deg, 2000). R Aqr P varies, current elements are given. SiO, OH, H2O maser. R Aqr Porb = 44 years? In a nebula, has a jet. During certain time R Aqr intervals several years long, too faint maxima and/or too bright R Aqr minima, with the total range within two magnitudes. V Aqr H2O maser. Biperiodic, P1 is given in the Table, P0 = 689d. W Aqr SiO maser. RX Aqr H2O maser. RY Aqr P varies, current elements are given. ADS 14862 A (B 12.65m, 4", RY Aqr 238deg, 1899). ST Aqr P varies, current elements are given. SU Aqr ADS 16318 A (B 10.7m, 5", 143deg, 1926). The range given is for SU Aqr the combined brightness. SW Aqr [Fe/H] = -1.63. SX Aqr [Fe/H] = -1.87. TT Aqr VB A (B 15.0m, 3", 135deg, 1830). TZ Aqr [Fe/H] = -1.24. UU Aqr The elements are for eclipses, about 1.3m V deep. Strong UU Aqr nova-like variations (see [N0116]). VY Aqr Rare outbursts. Porb = 0.06309d. XX Aqr OH maser. XZ Aqr P varies, current elements are given. The depth of MinII is XZ Aqr about 0.2m V. YZ Aqr [Fe/H] = -1.55. AA Aqr [Fe/H] = -2.09. AE Aqr Porb = 0.4116556d. Short flares, flickering. Ellipsoidal AE Aqr variations with Porb and an amplitude of 0.3m V [N0118]. AE Aqr Optical oscillations with P = 33.076737s [08675] and an AE Aqr amplitude up to 0.02m are considered the spin period of the AE Aqr white dwarf, a twice shorter period was also reported. AX Aqr [Fe/H] = -1.88. P varies, current elements are given. BB Aqr [Fe/H] = -1.55. BG Aqr [Fe/H] = -1.51. BH Aqr [Fe/H] = -1.80. P varies? BN Aqr [Fe/H] = -1.33. P varies, current elements are given. BO Aqr [Fe/H] = -1.80. P varies? Current elements are given. BQ Aqr d = 0.05P:. P varies? BR Aqr [Fe/H] = -0.74. P varies? BS Aqr P varies? Current elements are given. BT Aqr [Fe/H] = -0.29. P varies, current elements are given. BV Aqr [Fe/H] = -1.18. P varies? BW Aqr DII = 0.06P, Min II - Min I = 0.478P (1983. Apsidal motion. BX Aqr P varies, current elements are given. CF Aqr [Fe/H] = -1.03. CH Aqr [Fe/H] = -1.61. CP Aqr [Fe/H] = -0.77. CV Aqr Minor planet (52) Europa. CX Aqr P varies, current elements are given. CY Aqr [Fe/H] = -1.65. P varies, current elements are given. DD Aqr P varies, current elements are given. DN Aqr [Fe/H] = -1.66. DO Aqr P varies. DS Aqr [Fe/H] = -1.1. DU Aqr The minor planet (57) Mnemosyne. The data in [00797] must refer DU Aqr to another star. DV Aqr A shell spectral episode was reported in [08062]. DX Aqr ADS 15562 B (A 7.36m, K0III; B 4.0", 332deg, 1991). The range DX Aqr in the Table is for combined brightness. EP Aqr SiO, H2O maser. EZ Aqr VB (AB a = 0.36", P = 2.20 years; A SB, P = 3.786516d). EZ Aqr BY-type variations: Prot is about 4d [N0120]. FF Aqr d = 0.059P. The amplitude of the distortion wave is 0.22m U. FG Aqr VB A (B = NSV 14102, 8", 212deg, 1982.66). FI Aqr P = 4.659d or 4.719d not excluded. FK Aqr BDS 11854 A (B = FL Aqr, 24", 352deg, 1966). SB2 (P = 4.08322d). FL Aqr BDS 11854 B (A = FK Aqr; B 24", 352deg, 1966). FO Aqr Brightness variations reveal Porb (see Table) and FO Aqr Pspin = 0.014519d (the spin period varies). FR Aqr VB A (B 16.68m V, white dwarf, 14", 311deg, 1946). FU Aqr Type EW with twice longer period is also possible. FV Aqr [Fe/H] = -2.8. FX Aqr Blazhko effect? GK Aqr P varies, current elements are given. GR Aqr P = 0.675601d is also possible. GS Aqr According to [68018], P = 0.4604185d. GV Aqr According to [N0002], P = 0.20259d. HH Aqr Blazhko effect, P(Bl) = 68.7d ? HI Aqr VB (a = 0.077", Porb = 19.25 yr). SB2 (P = 3.429616d). HK Aqr Flare amplitude up to 0.6m U. HL Aqr Rapid small-amplitude oscillations: P = 39.2s. HM Aqr Very unusual, the depth of minima varies strongly. HV Aqr The X-ray source 1RXS J212125.1-030936. VB A (B 5", 321deg, HV Aqr 1992). The light curve shape varies. HZ Aqr Porb = 3.7569d. KQ Aqr The X-ray source 1RXS J221038.4-240120. KV Aqr VB AB (A 7.24m; B 8.23m, 7", 158deg, 1991). One deep fading KV Aqr on a brightening trend. LL Aqr The phase of MinII is 0.32. LY Aqr A binary millisecond pulsar with radio eclipses. LZ Aqr Orbital-period modulation during the bright stage: LZ Aqr Min = 2451022.782 + 0.24820d * E [N0131]. OV Aqr A twice longer period is not excluded. QT Aqr Porb = 0.074665d. QU Aqr Porb = 0.08330d. QV Aqr VB A (B 19.1mg, 4", 228deg, 2001). Porb = 0.07196d. QW Aqr The first-overtone period is tabulated. P0 = 0.47722d, A1/A0 = 1.3. QZ Aqr Superhumps: P = 0.064593d? [80233]. V0349 Aqr Pspin is tabulated. Porb = 0.1344d. V0354 Aqr Blazhko effect, P = 181.20d. V0357 Aqr P varies. dP/dt = -0.37 x 10^(-5) d/yr. V0358 Aqr Epoch of minimum is tabulated. High states: 15.7 - 16.8m; low states: 16.5 - 17.5m. V0360 Aqr Blazhko effect, P = 54.52d. V0362 Aqr Light elements for eclipses are tabulated. DSCTC: P = 0.038213d, Delta m = 0.03m. V0366 Aqr Multiperiodic. V0367 Aqr Double-mode pulsations. First overtone: see the Table. P0 = 0.485897d. P1/P0 = 0.7432. V0368 Aqr P1 is presented in the Table. P0 =0.481835d. P1/P0=0.7443. V0369 Aqr P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.590458. P1/P0 = 0.7446. V0370 Aqr P1 is presented in the Table. Fundamental mode: Max = 2454700.685 + 0.532434d x E. P1/P0 = 0.7469. V0371 Aqr Double-mode pulsation. The period in the Table is for the fundamental mode. P1 = 0.0624379d. P1/P0 = 0.7748. V0373 Aqr Double-mode pulsation. The period in the Table is for the first overtone. P0 = 0.554570d. P1/P0 = 0.7456. V0375 Aqr Double-mode pulsation. The period in the Table is for the first overtone. P0 = 0.479278d. P1/P0 = 0.7443. V0379 Aqr Double-mode pulsation. The period in the Table is for the first overtone. P0 = 0.530200d. P1/P0 = 0.7459. V0380 Aqr Double-mode pulsation. The period in the Table is for the first overtone. P0 = 0.4900d. P1/P0 = 0.7429. V0381 Aqr Period varies. V0383 Aqr Period varies strongly. V0384 Aqr Blazhko effect? V0387 Aqr Blazhko effect? V0398 Aqr Blazhko effect? V0399 Aqr Blazhko effect. V0409 Aqr Blazhko effect? V0413 Aqr Blazhko effect. V0425 Aqr VB A (B sp). Blazhko effect? V0427 Aqr Field star? Blazhko effect? Another possible period: P = 0.746053d. V0429 Aqr Blazhko effect. V0432 Aqr P varies. V0440 Aqr Strong Blazhko effect [g0006]. P varies? [g0001]. V0457 Aqr P varies, the light elements in the Table are for JD 2452433 - 2452445. V0462 Aqr P varies, the light elements in the Table are for JD 2452433 - 2452445. V0477 Aqr Period varies. V0485 Aqr Porb = 1.68d. V0486 Aqr P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.582264d, P1/P0 = 0.7455. V0488 Aqr P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.564100d, P1/P0 = 0.7454. V0489 Aqr VB A (14.2mG; B 15.5mG, 4", 36deg, 2000). The range in the Table is for combined brightness. V0491 Aqr P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.600176d, P1/P0 = 0.7454. V0493 Aqr Period varies strongly. V0494 Aqr P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.488297d, P1/P0 = 0.7444. V0497 Aqr P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.471482d, P1/P0 = 0.7438. V0499 Aqr Period varies? V0500 Aqr P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.501303d, P1/P0 = 0.7457. V0501 Aqr MinII - MinI = 0.53P. V0503 Aqr P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.546980d, P1/P0 = 0.7466. V0504 Aqr P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.467934d, P1/P0 = 0.7429. V0505 Aqr Period varies strongly. V0508 Aqr P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.549393d, P1/P0 = 0.7463. V0509 Aqr P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.551978d, P1/P0 = 0.7462. V0512 Aqr O'Connell effect. V0513 Aqr VB B (A 16.1mG, B 17.3mG; AB 12", 116deg, 2000). Blazhko effect, P = 107d. V0518 Aqr P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.570136d, P1/P0 = 0.7463. V0519 Aqr P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.506748d, P1/P0 = 0.7449. V0521 Aqr P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.482006d, P1/P0 = 0.7447. V0524 Aqr Porb = 0.05787d, Psh = 0.05850d. V0525 Aqr Period varies? V0532 Aqr Porb = 0.05841d, Psh = 0.05831d. V0541 Aqr Period probably varies. V0544 Aqr O'Connell effect. V0548 Aqr Period varies. V0549 Aqr d = 0.06P. V0550 Aqr Porb = 0.05726d, Psh = 0.05787d. R Aql Period decreases, current elements are given. OH, H2O, SiO maser. U Aql SB, Porb = 1856.4d. VB A (B 11.7m, 2", 224deg, 2009). V Aql Biperiodic, P0 is tabulated, P1 = 215d. W Aql SiO maser. Y Aql Speckle binary (0.3"). Z Aql H2O maser. RR Aql OH, H2O, SiO maser. RS Aql OH, H2O, SiO maser. SV Aql OH, H2O maser. SY Aql OH, H2O, SiO maser. SZ Aql P varies, current elements are tabulated. TU Aql VB A (B 10.9m, 9", 356deg, 2000). TW Aql OH maser. UU Aql Porb = 0.163532d. UX Aql VB A (B 4", 123deg). VX Aql Double maxima. XZ Aql P varies, current elements are tabulated. YY Aql IR excess. YZ Aql d = 0.03P. P varies, current elements are tabulated. AA Aql [Fe/H] = -0.58. AK Aql VB A (B 12.4m, 17", 86deg, 1999). BC Aql [Fe/H] = 0.1. BF Aql Multiple. CD Aql VB, the SW component varies. Combined magnitudes are tabulated. CI Aql The first outburst was detected in 1917. Eclipsing variations in quiescence: 15.3-16.2-15.7mV, Min = 2448412.167 + 0.618355d x E, D = 0.20:P [N0252]. CL Aql Multiple. CR Aql Blazhko effect? CS Aql VB A (B p). DM Aql VB A (B 13.2m, 14", 178deg; C 14.0m, 8", 12deg, 1996). DO Aql Eclipses: variable amplitude of the orbital variations, up to 0.8m. Min = 2448832.4408 + 0.167762d x E [N0255]. EU Aql H2O, SiO maser. EV Aql P varies, current elements are tabulated. [A/H] = -0.3. EW Aql VB A (A 12.2mV; B 12.4mV, 16", 188deg, 2000). EX Aql Double wave, RV Tauri-like. FF Aql VB A (B 10.1m, 7", 144deg, 2002; Aa, Ab 0.2", 157deg, 1990). SB1 (P = 1433d). P varies, quadratic term +84d x 10^(-10) x E^2. FG Aql In the dark nebula B130. FH Aql In the dark nebula B130. FK Aql P varies, current elements are tabulated. FN Aql P varies, current elements are tabulated. FO Aql Porb = 0.217d. FY Aql VB A (B 14.5:mV, 5", 219deg, 2000; B is a blend). FZ Aql VB A (B 11.5m, F2V, 15", 163deg, 1999). The combined brightness in the ASAS photometry varies between 10.02m and 10.12mV. GK Aql VB A (A 13m:V; B 13.1mV, 24", 3deg, 1999). Available deep surveys do not show a large amplitude. GU Aql d = 0.02P. GY Aql OH, SiO maser. GZ Aql VB? HI Aql VB A (B 14.1m, 26", 332deg, 2000). II Aql VB A (B 15.4m, 10", 39deg, 1996; C 15.5m, 13", 235deg, 1996). IM Aql P varies, the tabulated elements are valid between JD 2432772 and 2439000. IQ Aql VB A (B 13.8m, 23", 168deg, 2000). KL Aql [A/H] = 0.6. KM Aql Blazhko effect, P = 192.20d. KO Aql P varies, current elements are tabulated. KX Aql Porb = 0.06035d. LS Aql A wave with a cycle of 50-60d and an amplitude about 0.2-0.3m is superposed. LT Aql Several companions at distances between 16" and 34". MQ Aql VB A (B 8", 109deg, 1998). MV Aql VB B (A 7.1mJ, B 10.0mJ; AB 6", 77deg, 2000). OO Aql P varies, current elements are tabulated. OP Aql P varies, current elements are tabulated. OS Aql VB A (7.1mJ; B 11.3mJ, 8.5", 171deg, 1999). PP Aql [A/H] = 0.0. P varies, current elements are tabulated. PQ Aql Porb = 0.24675d. QS Aql VB AB (6.69m, 6.75m, 0.2", 311deg, 2010). QY Aql P varies, current elements are tabulated. V0337 Aql P varies? V0341 Aql [Fe/H] = -1.22. V0342 Aql VB B (A 8.3mV, B 8.7mV; AB 20", 14deg, 1999). P varies, current elements are tabulated. V0343 Aql P varies, current elements are tabulated. V0346 Aql VB A (B 11.4m, 3", 244deg, 2012); the magnitude in the table are for combined brightness. P varies, current elements are tabulated. V0360 Aql VB A (B 15.3mpg, 3", 215deg). V0368 Aql Eclipses: Min = 2449189.5230 + 0.69050942d x E, amplitude about 0.25mR [N0263]. V0379 Aql VB A (A 9.1mJ; B 13.6mJ, 6", 1998). Combined magnitudes are tabulated. V0387 Aql VB A (B 15.0mV, 8", 332deg, 1999; also other components). V0409 Aql Spectral type A2-A3 in a different publication. V0413 Aql A very unusual light curve, with a large (up to 0.5mV) scatter outside of minima. IR excess? V0417 Aql P varies, current elements are tabulated. V0418 Aql P varies? Current elements are tabulated. V0419 Aql Superposed shorter (80d - 100d) waves with an amplitude about 0.3m. V0434 Aql Several companions within 40". V0435 Aql Several companions within 25". V0441 Aql Often exhibits double maxima. V0455 Aql OH, H2O maser. V0459 Aql VB A (B 15m, 8", 131deg). V0461 Aql VB A (B 14.2m, 8", 286deg, 1990). V0466 Aql VB A (B 11.0m, 22", 19deg, 2000). V0470 Aql H2O maser. V0483 Aql In the region of the open cluster NGC 6709. A cycle about 927d is possible. V0484 Aql VB B (A 11.0mV, B 12.2mV; AB 26", 84deg, 1999). V0486 Aql VB A (B 15.0mV, 9", 276deg). V0497 Aql VB A (B 15.2mV, 10", 26deg, 1993). V0500 Aql Eclipses: P = 0.1452d, depth about 0.4m [N0264]. V0502 Aql VB A (B 5", 335deg); combined magnitudes are tabulated. V0522 Aql VB A (A 8.9mJ, B 12.7mJ; AB 5", 249deg, 1998); combined magnitudes are tabulated. V0526 Aql P varies? Current elements are tabulated. V0528 Aql VB A (B 16.3m, 10", 74deg, 1951). V0530 Aql VB A (B 13.0mR, 24", 18deg, 1999; C 13.2mR, 16", 336deg). V0535 Aql VB A (B 15.6m, 9", 279deg, 1999). V0536 Aql Speckle-interferometric binary (0.5", 17deg). V0539 Aql VB A (B 15.2mpg, 7", 235deg). V0556 Aql VB A (B 7", 270deg). V0557 Aql P varies, current elements are tabulated. V0561 Aql VB A (12.5:mV; B 13.6mV, 22", 205deg, 1999; C 14.1mV, 20", 169deg, 1999). V0572 Aql P varies, current elements are tabulated. [Fe/H] = 0.0. V0602 Aql P varies, current elements are tabulated. V0603 Aql Porb = 0.13815d, reflected in the X-ray flux and polarization. Variations at minimum brightness: 11.62-12.15mV, Positive (0.144-0.145d) and negative (about 0.135d) superhumps, quasi-peri V0605 Aql VB A (B 15.6m, in 8" sf). A maximum was observed in 1919, with secondary brightenings. Faint after 1923. In the center of the planetary nebula A58. Probably an event of the final helium V0609 Aql VB A (B 5", 90deg, 1998). Combined magnitudes are presented. P varies? Currents elements are tabulated. V0635 Aql VB A (B 13.8m, 13", 187deg, 1999). The tabulated magnitudes are influenced with the companion. OH maser. V0641 Aql VB B (A 13.6m; AB 14", 303deg, 2000). V0654 Aql VB B (A 12.8m; AB 20", 305deg, 2000). The tabulated magnitudes are probably influenced with the companion. V0666 Aql VB A (B 5", 356deg, 1997). Combined magnitudes are tabulated. V0672 Aql Blazhko effect? V0676 Aql VB A (A 13.8mV; B 14.2mV, 12", 51deg, 2000). V0694 Aql VB A? (B 1"). V0703 Aql VB A (7.54mK; B 8.82mK, 23", 90deg). V0724 Aql P varies? Current elements are tabulated. V0725 Aql VB A (B 12.7m; AB 13", 10deg, 1991). V0734 Aql VB A (B 16.3m, 7", 114deg, 1997). V0755 Aql The light elements Min = 2429195.290 + 1.01598d x E are not excluded. V0761 Aql P varies? Current elements are tabulated. V0762 Aql The period 2.1d/N [00387] cannot be confirmed with more recent epochs of minima. V0766 Aql [Fe/H] = -1.98. V0778 Aql VB A (B 13.2m, 20", 18deg, 2000; C 13.4m, 13", 78deg, 2000). V0780 Aql OH maser. V0782 Aql VB A (B 15.9mV, 6", 322deg, 2000). V0793 Aql [Fe/H] = -1.53. V0801 Aql VB A (B 14.0m, 14", 240deg, 1999). V0803 Aql P varies, current elements are tabulated. V0812 Aql VB A (B 14.4mV, 11", 122deg, 1999; C 6", 226deg). V0814 Aql VB A (13.8mR; B 15.8mR, 8", 236deg, 1999). V0819 Aql VB B (A 13.3mV; B 14.1mV, 11", 235deg, 1999). V0822 Aql VB A (B 9.6m, 1", 70deg, 1991; C 10.5m, 297deg, 2003). V0825 Aql VB A (12.4mV; B 13.3mV, 26", 236deg, 1999; C 13.4mV, 18", 213deg, 1999). V0829 Aql Multiperiodic. V0845 Aql VB A (B 13.2m, 29", 28deg, 2000). V0846 Aql Modern photometric surveys do not confirm the tabulated variability data. V0866 Aql VB A (B 5"s). V0871 Aql MinII - MinI = 0.55P. V0877 Aql VB A (B 16.5mpg, 6", 49deg, 1999; C 17.2mR, 7", 155deg, 1999). V0878 Aql VB A (11.6mV; B 12.0mV, 21", 180deg, 1999). V0888 Aql VB C (A 12.4mV, B 13.0mV; AC 18", 307deg, 1999; BC 23", 111deg, 1999). In the region of the open cluster NGC 6738. V0889 Aql MinII - MinI = 0.36P. P varies, current elements are tabulated. Light-time effect, apsidal motion? V0895 Aql [Fe/H] = -0.54. V0909 Aql VB A (14.4mR; B 15.7mR, 8", 171deg, 1998; C 16.0mR, 19", 100deg, 1998). V0912 Aql VB A (B 13.6m, 12", 309deg, 1999). V0913 Aql The tabulated period corrects a misprint in [08717]. V0917 Aql d = 0.03P. V0923 Aql Periodic variations with P = 0.8518d were reported in [03178]. SB, P = 214.756d. V0926 Aql P varies? Current elements are tabulated. V0927 Aql VB B (A 14.2mV, B 14.9mV; AB 7", 328deg, 1999). V0936 Aql P varies, current elements are tabulated. VB B (A 13.3mV, B 13.6mV; AB 11", 35deg, 2000). V0958 Aql VB A (A 15.4mV; B 15.7mV, 8", 57deg, 1999; C 16.1mV, 12", 313deg, 1999). V0962 Aql P varies, current elements are tabulated. V0965 Aql VB A (B 14.7mV, 11", 118deg, 1998). V0968 Aql Multiple. V0971 Aql [Fe/H] = -0.3. V0991 Aql Multiple. V0999 Aql Observations from [07806] contradict the tabulated elements. V1012 Aql P2 = 83.7d, P3 = 1146d. V1019 Aql VB A (A 12.7mV; B 16.7mV, 16", 196deg, 1997; also fainter companions). V1046 Aql P varies? V1058 Aql VB A (A 12.5mJ; B 13.9mJ, 11", 225deg, 1998). V1062 Aql OH, H2O maser. V1069 Aql VB (4"). V1070 Aql VB B (A 14.0mV, B 14.1mV; AB 12", 160deg, 2000). V1076 Aql VB B (A 14m; AB 12", 284deg, 1998). V1086 Aql VB A (B 7", 291deg, 2000). Combined magnitudes are tabulated. V1096 Aql P varies, current elements are tabulated. V1101 Aql Porb = 0.1442d. V1102 Aql P = 0.594045d is also possible. V1112 Aql MinII - MinI = 0.30P? V1132 Aql VB B (A 14.1V; AB 5", 228deg, 2000). V1140 Aql P varies? V1147 Aql VB B (A 12.6m; AB 24", 259deg, 1998). V1154 Aql MinII - MinI = 0.70P. V1166 Aql Type UG is also possible. V1173 Aql VB A (B 17.6m, 13", 241deg, 2000). V1199 Aql Not red. V1204 Aql VB A (B p). V1208 Aql Multiperiodic. V1215 Aql The tabulated period can be a multiple of the true one. V1248 Aql OH, H2O maser. V1251 Aql Another solution from different data: EB:, 13.0m - 13.7mV, MinII 13.5mV, Min = 2451443 + 0.49942d x E. V1269 Aql VB A (B 7", 43deg, 1999). Combined magnitudes are tabulated. V1285 Aql SB2, Porb = 10.3191d. V1286 Aql Rapid oscillations: P = 11.6 minutes, multiperiodic, amplitude about 0.001mB [N0287]. V1293 Aql Long-term variations: P = 270:d. V1297 Aql d = 0.05P. V1298 Aql A flare was detected spectroscopically [06835]. A common-proper-motion companion of BD+04 4048. V1300 Aql OH, SiO maser. V1302 Aql OH, SiO maser. Was gradually brightening in 1925 - 1970. Becomes gradually hotter. A protoplanetary object? V1309 Aql P = 6.97d/N. V1319 Aql H2O maser. V1323 Aql Several companions. V1325 Aql VB A (B 4" sf). V1333 Aql Aql X-1. VB B (A 19.4m; B 0.5" p). Outbursts once in several months. V1338 Aql VB B (A 15.8mR; B 16.0mR, 6", 84deg, 1999). V1339 Aql SB?, P = 1.27219d. Speckle-interferometry binary, rho = 0.057". V1340 Aql d = 0.06P:. Intrinsic brightness variations outside eclipses are possible. V1342 Aql P varies, current elements are tabulated. V1343 Aql SS 433. B - V = +2.0m. Associated with the SNR W 50. The light elements V1343 Aql for eclipses are tabulated. Eclipses: the depth of MinI varies V1343 Aql between 0.2 and 0.9m; that of MinII, between 0 and 0.4m. V1343 Aql The mean light varies between 14.0m and 14.6m with the period V1343 Aql 162.15d, which varies; this period is usually interpreted as V1343 Aql precession of the accretion disk. Also noted is the period V1343 Aql 6.2877d, interpreted as nutation. Different kinds of activity V1343 Aql and irregularity are present in the light curves. Three systems V1343 Aql of H, HeI, HeII emission lines are observed in the spectrum: the V1343 Aql "stationary" one, featuring radial velocity variations between 150 V1343 Aql and 300 km/s with the orbital period, and two "relativistic" ones, with radial velocity V1343 Aql variations, opposite in phase, between -35000 and +50000 km/s. V1343 Aql The "relativistic" systems correspond to two jets consisting of V1343 Aql high-density condensations of matter emerging from the system at V1343 Aql a relativistic velocity (0.27 c). The system is generally considered V1343 Aql a prototype microquasar, but its properties remain extreme for the V1343 Aql whole class of such objects. V1352 Aql VB A (B 14.6m, Sp M3, 6", 172deg, 1999). A chain of Herbig - Haro objects near the variable. V1355 Aql P varies? V1360 Aql OH, SiO maser. V1361 Aql OH, SiO, H2O maser. V1362 Aql OH, SiO, H2O maser. V1363 Aql OH maser. V1364 Aql OH, SiO, H2O maser. V1365 Aql OH, SiO, H2O maser. V1366 Aql OH, SiO, H2O maser. V1367 Aql OH, SiO maser. V1368 Aql OH, SiO, H2O maser. V1369 Aql OH, SiO maser. V1376 Aql VB (9", 356deg, 2000). The light elements need verification. V1379 Aql The period of RS variations is tabulated. Eclipses: V1379 Aql Min = 2449656.4804 + 20.66118d x E, D = 0.07P, d = 0.06P, depth 0.17mU. V1401 Aql P2 = 11.8d. [Fe/H] = -1.1. V1402 Aql Multiple. Probably multiperiodic. V1405 Aql The tabulated light elements are for eclipse-like fadinds, there amplitude being about 0.4m - 0.5m. V1406 Aql VB B (A 7.03mV, B 11.3mV; AB 10", 180deg, 2012). V1408 Aql The tabulated elements are for the maximum of small-scale periodic variations. V1413 Aql d = 0.05P. The depth of eclipses outside outburst peaks is about 2m. V1415 Aql OH, SiO, H2O maser. V1416 Aql OH, SiO, H2O maser. V1427 Aql Possibly a protoplanetary object. V1433 Aql OH, H2O maser. V1436 Aql VB A (9.4mV; B 12.3mV, 4", 33deg, 2001). Possibly spurious variability. V1440 Aql VB A (8.6mV; B 9.9mV, 22", 198deg, 2013). V1452 Aql P = 2.5930d is also possible. V1461 Aql VB AB (9.3m, 10.5m, 2.5", 306deg, 2002). V1462 Aql VB A (8.3mV; B 11.5mV, 13", 88deg, 2000). V1466 Aql VB A (6.5mV; B 10.3mV, 14", 310deg, 2012). V1470 Aql VB AB (8.2m, 9.2m, 2", 286deg, 2011). Probably the fainter component varies. V1472 Aql VB AB (6.6mV, 11.0mV; 3", 120deg, 2008). SB, Porb = 198.716d. V1473 Aql Multiperiodic, P2 = 2.04036d, P3 = 3.41274d. V1477 Aql VB AB (9.73mV, 12.56mV, 1", 2deg, 1991). Another companion: 9.2mR, 20", 112deg, 1998. Possibly spurious variability. V1479 Aql The spectral type presented in the Hipparcos catalog (K7) contradicts the star's color indices. Possibly spurious variability. V1488 Aql Erroneously called GM Aql in several publications by V.P. Tsesevich. V1494 Aql VB A (B 18.1m, 1"). Eclipses: Min = 2452462.4966 + 0.1346141d x E, depth 0.25m, D = 0.20P [N0308]. V1532 Aql Several companions. V1538 Aql Possible RRC periods: 0.3661945d, 0.2678428d. V1546 Aql VB B (A 10.3mV; B 11.52mJ, 11.22mK, 16", 299deg, 2000). V1575 Aql In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6749. V1576 Aql In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6749. V1648 Aql Brightening over 10 years, probably due to dissipating dust envelope, plus quasi-periodic variations. [Fe/H] = -1.1. V1656 Aql The tabulated ephemeris is for eclipses. P varies, quadratic term +1.14 x 10^(-6)d x E^2. V1656 Aql Instead, period jumps are not excluded. Occasional brightness humps: P = 8.628d. V1665 Aql MinII - MinI = 0.40P. Slight apsidal motion. V1706 Aql Epoch of minimum brightness is tabulated. V1707 Aql VB A (B 13.9m, 18", 166deg, 1999). V1710 Aql Epoch of maximum is tabulated. Continuous periodic brightness variations. V1719 Aql A twice longer period is not excluded. V1737 Aql VB A (B 12.2mV, 7", 130deg, 2000). V1742 Aql VB A (B 16.5m, 2" sp). V1743 Aql The elements tabulated are for EB variations. EA: amplitude 0.14m, Min = 2450646.6692 + 1.1920d x E, D = 0.14P. V1752 Aql P2 = 0.3586d. V1760 Aql P2 = 0.8381d. V1801 Aql An asymptotic-giant-branch star. SB, Porb = 119.5d, e = 0.37. Porb is not detected in photometry. V1811 Aql A twice shorter period is not excluded. V1815 Aql A magnetic white dwarf, varies presumably due to starspots and axial rotation. V1820 Aql O'Connell effect. V1834 Aql A period about 230d is superposed. V1837 Aql The period for the first overtone is given in the Table. Second overtone: Max = 2453729.40+ 1.01121d x E. P1 given in the Table. P2/P1 = 0.8040. V1844 Aql Multiperiodic. V1853 Aql VB (2"). Other possible periods: 0.66579d or 0.49934d. RRC type with P = 0.24967d is also possible. V1861 Aql VB (3"). V1876 Aql The one-day alias, P = 0.058916d, is also possible. V1877 Aql P = 0.30306d is also possible. V1878 Aql VB A (B 4", 24deg, 1999). V1880 Aql P = 0.42243d is also possible. V1881 Aql Blazhko effect. V1883 Aql The one-day alias, P = 0.109205d, is also possible. V1886 Aql Period varies. V1889 Aql Multiperiodic. P2 = 0.1004498d. V1898 Aql P = 0.4102d is also possible. V1922 Aql The light elements in the Table are for minina of the orbital variations. Also present are pulsations with P = 198d and an amplitude of 0.6mV. V1927 Aql Period varies. Multiperiodic. V1928 Aql VB A (9.8mV; B 10.2mV, 7", 104deg, 2013). The range in the Table is for combined brightness. V1936 Aql A red star, despite the spectral type O4I in the literature. V1946 Aql VB A (11.4mG; B 14.3mV, 6", 200deg, 2000). V1968 Aql VB A (13.5mG; B 14.7mG, 3", 165deg, 2000); the range in the Table is influenced by the companion. V1971 Aql MinII - MinI = 0.61P. V1977 Aql P = 31.5d is superposed. V1992 Aql VB A (8.3mG; B 11.4mG, 9", 72deg, 2000). The range in the Table is for combined brightness. V2001 Aql P = 34.7:d is superposed. V2005 Aql VB A (B 12.26mV, 18", 346deg, 2015). V2006 Aql P = 39.9d is superposed. V2033 Aql Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 1.34230d, P1/P0 = 0.7189. V2036 Aql VB A (15.3mG; B 16.2mG, 2", 111deg, 2000). V2050 Aql Multiperiodic. V2052 Aql VB B (A 12.5mG, B 15.8mG; AB 5", 119deg, 2000). V2053 Aql VB A (14.9mG; B 15.9mG, 5", 29deg, 2000). alf Aql Multiperiodic. eta Aql The presence of an unresolved A0V companion is suspected. P varies, current elements are tabulated. R Ara VB A (B 8.2m, 4", 123deg, 1933). S Ara [Fe/H] = -0.71. P var. Max = 2420047.2382 + 0.451888176d*E - S Ara 1.36d*10**(-10)*E**2 (2414000 - 2441200) [03126]. For current S Ara elements after 2441000, see Table. T Ara VB A (B 11.0m, 34", 60deg). RW Ara d = 0.02P. Changes of the shape of the light curve due to gaseous streams RW Ara or to a hot spot are possible. SZ Ara P var [N0005]. TV Ara In the region of the open cluster NGC 6208. TX Ara VB A (B 16.5m 5" sf). A twice shorter period is possible. AD Ara [A/H] = -0.4. AW Ara Before JD 2417300, Max = 2412600 + 186d*E. BF Ara The superoutburst cycle is given. CC Ara VB A (B 14.9m 7" sp). CT Ara Between JD 2420400 and 2425000, Max = 2413080 + 215d:*E. DU Ara P var. DZ Ara VB A (B 12.9m 12" np). EH Ara VB A (B 14.7m 12" nf). EK Ara VB A (B 15m pg 5" s). FS Ara VB A (B 15.1m V 7" nf). FT Ara VB A (B 15.4m 7" nf). GI Ara VB A (B 10" sp). It is not quite clear which star varies. GK Ara The coordinates in [00251] and the chart in [06286] are GK Ara believed to be wrong. IN Ara [Fe/H] = -1.75. IW Ara VB A (B 15.9m 9" sp). KP Ara VB A (B 14.8m 7" p). KY Ara Only one sharp Max (JD2428715 - 721) was observed [00629]. KY Ara Possibly a Nova. KZ Ara VB A (B 13.5m 13" p). LW Ara As of May 2006, erroneously called LX Ara in [N0002]. MQ Ara VB A (B = NSV 9784 25" sp). MR Ara [Fe/H] = -1.0. MS Ara [Fe/H] = -1.48. MT Ara VB A (B 13.5m 26" sf). MV Ara VB A (B 17.6m 7" nf), a star 13.5m 18" n. MX Ara VB A (B 15.5m 14" sf). NU Ara VB B (A 16.4m 8" sp). OY Ara Eclipsing variations [N0010]: amplitude 1.9m (wide B+V filter), OY Ara Min = 2449862.8220 + 0.155466d*E. QR Ara Marked in the chart for BV 1443. ASAS-3 data do not show QR Ara noticeable variations. QX Ara Erroneously called V675 Ara in [N0002]. V0340 Ara [A/H] = 0.6. V0341 Ara X-ray source 1RXS J165743.7-631237. V-Ic between 0.08m and V0341 Ara 0.20m [N0012]. The periods 11.95d [00080], 10.919d [HIP], V0341 Ara 14.11045d [N0012] satisfy observations only during some V0341 Ara intervals of time. V0342 Ara P >= 140d. V0345 Ara P >= 180d. V0355 Ara P > 220d. V0356 Ara P > 170d. VB B (A 12.65m B, 22" nf). V0360 Ara Min II - Min I = 0.35P. V0383 Ara VB A (B 16.5m 8" nf). V0419 Ara Not red [00001]. V0422 Ara According to [04001] and [01385], UG. The spectral type suggests V0422 Ara another type [N0013]. V0433 Ara Eclipses: Min = 2453065.5502 + 0.19573d*E [N0014]. According to V0433 Ara [N0014], the outside-eclipse brightness varies between 16.8m V0433 Ara and 18.4m V, suggesting a type like NL+EA or UGZ+EA. The V0433 Ara faintest magnitude observed in an eclipse was about 19.6m V. V0447 Ara Another possible solution of the data from [N0002]: V0447 Ara Min = 2451936.878 + 18.146d*E [N0015]. V0461 Ara Identified with a bright IR object in the 2MASS catalogue. V0520 Ara No objects with Mira-like colors in the field [00001]. V0528 Ara Not an RR Lyrae star according to [N0006], where no period V0528 Ara could be found between 0.25d and 2.0d. V0539 Ara VB A (B 9.22m, 12", 269deg). DII = 0.13P. Apsidal motion. V0539 Ara Tabulated are: the epoch of MinI based on observations in [HIP] V0539 Ara and the siderial period from [N0017]. In 1982 - 1994, V0539 Ara MinI = 2445056.777 + 3.169112d*E, V0539 Ara MinII = 2445067.825 + 3.169076d*E, U = 150 years. The fainter V0539 Ara component of the eclipsing pair pulsates, the detected periods V0539 Ara are 1.36d, 1.78d, 1.08d [N0017]. V0544 Ara VB A (B 14.5m pg, 17" sp). V0577 Ara The chart in [03776] leads to a much brighter star than the V0577 Ara magnitudes in [03776]; for this brighter star, the data in V0577 Ara [N0002] permit to suspect type EA, Max 13.1m V, MinI 13.6m V, V0577 Ara MinII 13.3:m V, MinI = 2453090.826 + 0.6880d*E, with a large V0577 Ara light-curve scatter [00001]. V0583 Ara The chart in [03776] leads to a much brighter star than the V0583 Ara magnitudes in [03776]. V0613 Ara VB B (A 12" np). V0617 Ara VB B (A 13.1m Bj, 12" nf). Combined magnitudes of the pair are V0617 Ara given. V0624 Ara MaxII 11.9 at the phase 0.4. V0639 Ara V1 (NGC 6397). Cluster non-member. V0650 Ara Individual cycles have amplitudes about 0.7m, the mean V0650 Ara brightness level varies. V0656 Ara EW type is not excluded. V0658 Ara The suggested type is in contradiction with the star's red V0658 Ara color [00001]. V0687 Ara Type RRC is possible. V0710 Ara Individual cycles have amplitudes from 0.5m to 1m, secondary V0710 Ara cycle about 750d. V0729 Ara Type RV with a twice longer period is possible. V0744 Ara Not red. V0755 Ara The chart in [07772] (BV 1310) shows a different variable star. V0793 Ara Not red. V0801 Ara MXB 1636-53. Description of the spectrum [01356]. V0801 Ara Modulation with Porb = 0.15804738d [N0020], amplitudes up to V0801 Ara 0.6m V. V0808 Ara Type EW is possible. V0816 Ara Type RR: was suggested in [01385], but the star is red. V0820 Ara Epoch of Min is given. Strong magnetic field. Either an V0820 Ara eclipsing binary or a white-dwarf oblique rotator. V0821 Ara 4U 1658-48. Complex behavior. Three X-ray states: off, hard-low, V0821 Ara high-soft, poorly correlated with optical variations. The latter V0821 Ara consist of flickering, possible low-amplitude quasi-periodic V0821 Ara variations, and large-amplitude changes. Porb near 0.7d is V0821 Ara suspected. V0825 Ara V2 (NGC 6397), cluster non-member. V0826 Ara V3 (NGC 6397), cluster non-member. V0827 Ara V4 (NGC 6397) according to the numbering system from [67025] (differs from the numbering system in [N0025]). Probably cluster non-member. V0829 Ara Type SRB is possible [71065]. According to [HIP], ELL, V0829 Ara 6.06m - 6.14m Hp, Min = 2448504.951 + 7.5010d*E; these type and V0829 Ara period seem improbable for the spectral type. V0832 Ara Porb = 5200d. V0834 Ara Oscillations: P = 12 minutes. V0835 Ara Oscillations: P = 10.75 minutes. V0837 Ara Associated with a nebula. V0839 Ara Associated with a nebula. V0883 Ara MinII - MinI = 0.44P. V0898 Ara Multiperiodic. V0909 Ara Called "BH Ara?" in [80474]; the suggested identification is wrong. V0919 Ara SB2. V0927 Ara VB A (B 13.3m, 14", 121deg, 1999). The magnitude in minimum is influenced with the companion. V0943 Ara Similarity to FG Sge is not excluded. V0952 Ara Multiperiodic, 5 frequencies detected. V0969 Ara VB A (B 13.8m, 16", 148deg, 1999). V0978 Ara P=46.5d is superposed. V0981 Ara Blazhko effect, P = 58.66d. V0982 Ara VB B (A 13.9mpg, B 14.3mpg; AB 13", 351deg, 2000). The magnitudes in the Table are influenced by the companion. V1000 Ara VB A (B 9" p). V1011 Ara Period varies. V1027 Ara VB A (B 14.0m, 12", 51deg, 2000). The magnitudes in the Table were influenced by the companion. V1042 Ara VB A (B 12.5m, 8.5", 329deg, 2000). V1054 Ara Cluster non-member. V1055 Ara Cluster non-member. V1058 Ara Cluster non-member. V1059 Ara Additional mode, P = 0.6285d [g0025]. V1060 Ara Blazhko effect, P(Blazhko) = 57.710d [g0025]. V1060 Ara Blazhko effect, P(Blazhko) = 35.2368d [g0025]. V1061 Ara Cluster non-member. MinII - MinI = 0.26P. V1063 Ara Cluster non-member. V1064 Ara Cluster non-member. V1065 Ara Additional mode, P = 0.1707740d [g0025]. V1067 Ara A second high-amplitude mode: P = 0.2509836d. V1071 Ara Blazhko effect, P(Blazhko) = 34.809d; additional period 216.34d [g0025]. V1072 Ara A0 = 0.3771mV. P1 = 0.3266817d, A1 = 0.0275mV, P1/P0 = 0.7304 (abnormal ratio). V1073 Ara Blazhko effect, P(Blazhko) = 13.764d. Additional mode, P = 0.1897573d. V1075 Ara Cluster non-member. V1077 Ara Cluster non-member. V1078 Ara MinII - MinI = 0.75P. V1080 Ara Blazhko effect, P(Blazhko) = 82.267d [g0025]. V1083 Ara Blazhko effect, P(Blazhko) = 66.917d [g0025]. V1084 Ara A0 = 0.3089mV. P1 = 0.3596333d, A1 = 0.0177mV, P1/P0 = 0.7275 (abnormal ratio). V1085 Ara Blazhko effect, P(Blazhko) = 17.4043d [g0025]. V1088 Ara Blazhko effect, P(Blazhko) = 41.191d [g0025]. V1090 Ara Period varies. V1092 Ara Additional mode, P = 0.1688913d [g0025]. V1093 Ara Blazhko effect, P(Blazhko) = 17.3010d [g0025]. V1094 Ara Blazhko effect, P(Blazhko) = 73.332d [g0025]. V1095 Ara Additional mode, P = 0.1715296d [g0025]. V1096 Ara Cluster non-member. V1097 Ara Double-periodic Blazhko effect, P1(Blazhko) = 15.4504d, P2(Blazhko) = 13.771d. V1100 Ara Additional mode, P = 0.2002600d [g0025]. V1101 Ara Additional mode, P = 0.1783040d [g0025]. V1103 Ara Blazhko effect, P(Blazhko) = 56.190d [g0025]. V1105 Ara Blazhko effect, P(Blazhko) = 78.036d [g0025]. V1108 Ara Additional mode, P = 0.1730099d [g0025]. V1109 Ara Cluster non-member. V1113 Ara Blazhko effect, P(Blazhko) = 8.52242d. V1116 Ara Additional modes, P = 0.1924287d, P = 0.1955796d, P = 0.1984818d [g0025]. V1117 Ara Cluster non-member. V1118 Ara Additional modes, P = 0.187836d and 0.19332d. V1119 Ara According to [g0026], cluster non-member, in contradiction to Gaia DR2 proper motion. V1121 Ara Cluster non-member. V1124 Ara Cluster non-member. V1126 Ara Cluster non-member. V1133 Ara The Table presents the probable first-overtone period. P0 = 0.52d. Probable cluster non-member [g0023]. V1133 Ara The suggested P0 gives P1/P0 = 0.66, not typical of first-overtone and fundamental-mode pulsators [g0001]. V1143 Ara Chandra X-ray source. V1144 Ara Chandra X-ray source. V1146 Ara Optical counterepart of the millisecond pulsar PSR J1740-5340. V1181 Ara VB B (A 14.6mG, B 15.3mG; AB 9", 339deg, 2000). The variability range in the Table is influenced by the neighbor. R Ari H2O, OH maser. T Ari H2O, SiO maser. P varies strongly, current elements are given. U Ari SiO maser. W Ari A "missing BD star", no certain identification. X Ari P varies, current elements are given. [Fe/H] = -2.50. RU Ari OH, H2O maser. RV Ari Double-mode. P0 is given in the Table, P1 = 0.0719469d. Both RV Ari periods vary. RW Ari [Fe/H] = -1.16. RX Ari d = 0.02P. P varies, current elements are given. RY Ari H2O maser. SS Ari P varies, current elements are given. SU Ari A "missing BD star", identification uncertain. SZ Ari P varies, current elements are given. TT Ari Porb = 0.13755d. Usually near maximum brightness, occasional TT Ari deep fadings. Numerous photometric periods were reported. TT Ari According to [N0138], the star experiences alternating TT Ari "negative superhump" (P = 0.13270 - 0.1398d) and "positive TT Ari superhump" (P = 0.14840 - 0.14926d) intervals, with amplitudes TT Ari of several tenths of a magnitude. Quasiperiodic oscilations, TT Ari flickering. TU Ari P varies, current elements are given. TX Ari P varies, current elements are given. UU Ari Multiperiodic. UV Ari Probably multiperiodic. UX Ari VB (0.4", 61deg, 1990.8). SB2, Porb = 6.43791d. Photometric UX Ari variations with a period close to Porb. Mean brightness varies. VW Ari Multiperiodic. VY Ari SB1, Porb = 13.20d. WW Ari VB (3"). Probably both components vary. WX Ari The elements are for eclipses. Flickering. YY Ari H2O, OH maser. YZ Ari OH maser. AD Ari According to [N0146], DSCTC pulsations with a period about AD Ari 0.06d can be also present. BF Ari Periodically variable brown dwarf. BG Ari Superhumps detected: P1 = 0.084897, P2 = 0.084683. BI Ari Multiperiodic. BL Ari Blazhko effect? BQ Ari VB A (A 10.9m; B 11.5m, 14", 19deg, 2000). The tabulated magnitudes are possibly affected by the companion. BS Ari VB (0.5", 104deg, 2001). BU Ari VB (0.4", 52deg, 2001); VB A (B 4", 61deg, 2001; C = BV Ari, 15", 23deg, 2001). BV Ari VB (0.4", 234deg, 2001); VB C (A = BU Ari; AC 15", 23deg, 2001). BX Ari VB AB (1", 165deg, 2001). CP Ari VB A (B 7", 149deg, 1997). CR Ari Type ELL with the light elements Min = 2455181.6141 + 0.361849d x E is also possible. DN Ari P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.547871d; P1/P0 = 0.7466. DO Ari P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.564048d; P1/P0 = 0.7455. DP Ari P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.492409d; P1/P0 = 0.7449. DQ Ari P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.480781; P1/P0 = 0.7441. DS Ari VB B (A 15.3mV, const, at the coordinates of 1SWASP J022727.03+115641.7; DS Ari B varies, AB 12", 309deg, 2000; C 17.3mV, AC 14", 348deg, 2000). The data in DS Ari in [82030] are for combined brightness. The magnitudes in the Table also seem DS Ari to be somewhat influenced with the companions. DT Ari P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.561570d; P1/P0 = 0.7455. DV Ari P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.481500d; P1/P0 = 0.7448. DX Ari Photometric effects from star spots have been detected. DY Ari Double-mode pulsations. P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.11644490d, P1/P0 = 0.7716. EE Ari Porb = 0.05935d. EF Ari Porb = 0.05615d, Psh = 0.05744d. gam Ari VB A (B 4.65m, B9V, 8", 0deg). tau 1 Ari VB AB (B 8.4m V, 0.7", 246deg, 1968). R Aur H2O, SiO maser. P varies, current elements are given. T Aur Eclipses: Min = 2452283.261 + 0.20437826d * E. The minima from T Aur 0.10m to 0.28m deep in integrated light [03195]. U Aur OH, H2O, SiO maser. Z Aur P varies, current elements are given. RS Aur Biperiodic, the second period is 168d [N0039]. RT Aur P varies, current elements are given. RU Aur OH, SiO maser. RV Aur Mean magnitude probably varies with Pi = 10400d [01059]. RW Aur VB ABC (1.4", 255deg, 1994; B 13.6m, K5, suspected in flare RW Aur activity; BC 0.12"). RX Aur P varies [N0147]. Elements for 1990s are given in the Table. RX Aur [Fe/H] = -0.13. RY Aur P varies, current elements are given. RZ Aur P varies, current elements are given. SS Aur Porb = 0.1828d. Intervals of abnormal photometric behavior SS Aur (frequent low-amplitude outburts) occur sometimes. ST Aur VB A (B 14m, 7" sp). SU Aur OH maser. SX Aur P varies, current elements are given. SY Aur P varies, current elements are given. SZ Aur SiO maser. TW Aur The mean brightness varies with P = 1380d. TZ Aur [Fe/H] = -0.79. UU Aur Double-mode, also P = 235d. UV Aur A symbiotic Mira. Very variable heights of maxima. UV Aur [NeIII] and [OIII] emissions in the spectrum. UV Aur VB A (B 10.96m, B9V, 3.4", 4deg). UV Aur The B9V companion is apparently not hot enough to excite the UV Aur nebula. UW Aur Epoch of Min is given. UY Aur OH maser. VB AB (B 12m?, M2, 0.9", 228deg, 1999). VW Aur VB AB (9.0m, 11.8m V, 1.4", 332deg, 1976). XX Aur P varies? Current elements are given. YZ Aur SB. AB Aur Rare deep fadings. AE Aur The well-known "runaway star" from Ori OB1. AH Aur The depth of MinII is 0.50m. AM Aur P varies, current elements are given. AO Aur P varies? Current elements are given. AP Aur P varies, quadratic term 6.3398d*10^(-10)E^2. The depth of MinII AP Aur is 0.51m. AQ Aur SiO maser. AR Aur P varies, current elements are given. AR Aur Period variations are possibly periodic, with a period of AR Aur 25-27 years [N0158]. AW Aur SiO maser. AZ Aur VB A (B 16.3m B, 4", 165deg, 1953). BF Aur P varies, current elements are given. CG Aur Apsidal motion? P(MinII)=1.8048647d. CI Aur P varies, current elements are given. CL Aur The depth of MinII is 0.32m Rc. P var. Quadratic term CL Aur +2.52d*10^(-10)E^2. Third body, P = 21.7 years. CO Aur The tabulated period is that of the first overtone; the second CO Aur overtone period is 1.427781d. DN Aur [Fe/H] = -0.46. VB A (B 7", 46deg, 2000). EM Aur P varies? EP Aur P varies, current elements are given. The depth of MinII is EP Aur 0.22m. EQ Aur P varies, current elements are given. ER Aur P varies, current elements are given. EW Aur [Fe/H] = -0.6. FF Aur [Fe/H] = -0.3. FP Aur d = 0.08 P. FS Aur Porb = 0.059479d. FZ Aur A two times shorter period is also possible. GX Aur P varies, current elements are given. HN Aur The secondary period is about 1400d. II Aur MinII 15.0:. IS Aur VB A (B 15.4m, 18", 47deg, 1999). The tabulated range is for IS Aur the combined magnitude of the pair. IU Aur A well-documented light-time effect (P = 294.3d, the semi-amplitude IU Aur of the O-C residuals is 0.0059d) because of a third body on IU Aur an eccentric orbit. Precession causes changes of the brightness IU Aur amplitude: the amplitude of the MinI was observed to vary between IU Aur 0.46m and 0.70m and that of MinII, between 0.37m and 0.55m. The IU Aur depths of minima reached their maximum values about JD 2445800 IU Aur and began to decrease [N0176]. KR Aur Porb = 0.1628d. KU Aur P varies? KW Aur VB A (B 9.0m, 10", 9deg, 2004; C 7.3m, F4V+DA1, Porb = 2.99d, KW Aur 14", 225deg, 1991). SB, Porb = 3.7886d. The pulsation period is KW Aur tabulated. Other pulsation harmonics: 0.096533d, 0.088243d. The KW Aur brightness varies with the orbital period. KX Aur In the nebula IC 405. KY Aur In the nebula IC 405. LW Aur VB A (B 17.5m, 9", 46deg, 1999). LY Aur d = 0.017P. VB A (B 9.154m Hp, 0.6", 253deg, 1991). MN Aur P varies, current elements are given. MT Aur d = 0.02 P. NQ Aur VB A (B 12.8m, 17", 143deg, 1999). NU Aur Blazhko effect. NV Aur OH, SiO, H2O maser. NW Aur In the open cluster NGC 1893. NX Aur In the open cluster NGC 1893. OP Aur In the region of the open cluster Stock 8. OX Aur VB A (B 10.2m, G5V(n), 22", 224deg, 1998). Multiperiodic. OX Aur P0 is tabulated. P1 = 0.115442d. QT Aur VB A (B 15.8mV, 10", 266deg, 2000). QU Aur VB A (B 6", 199deg, 1999). QY Aur SB2, Porb = 10.4265d. QZ Aur Eclipses outside the outburst: 16.98m - 18.95mV, QZ Aur Min = 2448555.1595 + 0.3574961d x E [N0193]. V0348 Aur VB A (B 12.8m V, 25", 222deg, 2007). V0353 Aur The protoplanetary nebula "Red Rectangle". The star was V0353 Aur brightening for several decades, between 1940s and 1970s. V0356 Aur Multiperiodic, P2 = 0.15642d. V0358 Aur In the region of the open cluster NGC 2099. V0361 Aur Multiperiodic, P = 273s is dominating. V0373 Aur SiO maser. V0382 Aur [Fe/H] = -1.6. V0386 Aur [Fe/H] = -1.75. V0387 Aur [Fe/H] = -1.40. V0390 Aur VB (A 7.25m Hp; B 9.10m Hp, 0.4", 80deg, 1991). Accoring to V0390 Aur [N0197], also exhibits flares with amplitudes up to 0.29m U. V0394 Aur VB A (B F7V, 10.72m, 9", 209deg, 2007). V0397 Aur SB1, Porb > 1000d. V0398 Aur VB A (B 12.2m, 5", 82deg, 1958). Multiperiodic, P2 = 2.89404d. V0403 Aur Porb = 83.1d. V0404 Aur Porb = 0.1726d. V0404 Aur Amplituda (Min II) = 0.28:. V0410 Aur P varies, current elements are given. V0411 Aur The HD catalogue identifies HD 32447 (K) with BD+30 775, which V0411 Aur is V0411 Aur. In the HDE Atlas, V0411 Aur = HD 282867 (M0), and V0411 Aur HD 32447 (F2) is a different star. V0424 Aur VB (0.25", 229deg, 1998). V0431 Aur In the region of the open cluster NGC 1960. V0432 Aur d = 0.03 P. One of the components probably pulsates. V0433 Aur SB? V0437 Aur The HIPPARCOS observations can be represented with several V0437 Aur different periods, the tabulated one contradicts later V0437 Aur observations. V0440 Aur ADS 4443A (B 12.0mV, 14", 15deg, 2000). V0462 Aur ADS 5582A (B 9.76m, 8", 210deg, 1991). V0469 Aur VB B (A = V499 Aur; AB 25", 87deg, 1999). V0490 Aur VB. V0499 Aur VB A (B = V469 Aur, 25", 87deg, 1999). V0501 Aur SB. V0528 Aur SiO maser. V0530 Aur SiO maser. V0539 Aur In the open cluster M37 (NGC 2099). Probably non-member. V0540 Aur In the open cluster M37 (NGC 2099). V0541 Aur In the open cluster M37 (NGC 2099). V0542 Aur In the open cluster M37 (NGC 2099). The depth of MinII is 0.3m. V0543 Aur In the open cluster M37 (NGC 2099). The depth of MinII is 0.66m. V0544 Aur In the open cluster M37 (NGC 2099). The depth of MinII is 0.31m. V0545 Aur In the open cluster M37 (NGC 2099). Non-member? V0546 Aur In the open cluster NGC 2166. Type RS with P = 1.64470d is possible. V0547 Aur In the open cluster NGC 2166. Probably non-member. V0548 Aur In the open cluster NGC 2166. Probably non-member. V0549 Aur In the open cluster NGC 2166. V0550 Aur In the open cluster NGC 2166. V0551 Aur In the open cluster NGC 2166. Delta Scuti variations: amplitude 0.05m, P = 0.12936d. V0552 Aur The period is for small-amplitude variations, V0552 Aur flickering is also observed; the combined amplitude of these V0552 Aur variations is 0.03m. V0560 Aur VB (A 9.2m; B 9.6m, 0.9", 37deg, 1991). V0574 Aur VB A (B 15.0mV, 11", 72deg, 2000). V0579 Aur VB A (B 15.4mV, 8", 133deg, 1999). V0581 Aur Originally erroneously named FS Boo, at a wrong position. V0584 Aur VB AB (10.1m, 11.4m, 0.5", 272deg, 2002). V0603 Aur VB AB (5", 59deg, 1999). V0608 Aur VB A (B 15.8m, 9", 118deg, 2000). V0617 Aur VB AB (8.27mHp, 11.42mHp, 1.2", 184deg, 1991). V0624 Aur A twice longer period is not excluded. V0637 Aur VB A (B 11.6mV, 14", 286deg, 2007). V0645 Aur MinII - MinI = 0.789: x P. V0647 Aur Porb = 201min, Pspin = 1008.3408s or 930.5829s. V0674 Aur P = 0.29779d is not excluded. Type EW, with periods 0.59563d or 0.63533d, is also possible. V0681 Aur Blazhko effect. V0695 Aur Running numbers and USNO-B1.0 numbers in [81080] are mixed up; corrected by GCVS compilers. V0696 Aur Running numbers and USNO-B1.0 numbers in [81080] are mixed up; corrected by GCVS compilers. V0697 Aur VB A (B 6", 70deg, 1997). V0698 Aur Eccentric binary. Running numbers and USNO-B1.0 numbers in [81080] are mixed up; corrected by GCVS compilers. V0707 Aur O'Connell effect. V0708 Aur O'Connell effect. V0716 Aur MinII - MinI = 0.47P. V0742 Aur DSCTC type with P=0.132695d is also possible. V0744 Aur VB A (B 5", 9deg, 2000). P = 0.362922d is also possible. V0746 Aur P = 0.086921d is also possible. V0750 Aur Multiperiodic, P2 = 0.069397. V0754 Aur P = 0.33285d is also possible. V0765 Aur VB A (B 4", 91deg, 1997). V0786 Aur VB A (B 3", 183deg, 1989). V0790 Aur Type EW with a twice longer period is not excluded. V0798 Aur VB A (12.4mV; B 14.7:mV, 7", 286deg, 1998). V0803 Aur Multiperiodic. P2 = 0.05503008d, P3 = 0.04250400d. V0808 Aur Eclipses: Min = 2455126.8960 + 0.081376d x E, range 17.8 - 21.4 V, D = 0.06P. V0815 Aur VB A (B 16.5mpg, 5", 75deg, 2000). V0817 Aur MinII - MinI = 0.32P. V0823 Aur Secondary period P2 = 0.2980d. V0829 Aur Possible BY variations outside flares: P = 1.04098d, 16.4m - 16.6m. V0830 Aur VB A (B 6", 176deg, 2000). The range in the Table is for combined brightness. V0837 Aur VB A (B 13.4m, 19", 94deg, 2000; C 5", 281deg, 2000). V0838 Aur MinII - MinI = 0.330P. V0839 Aur MinII - MinI = 0.438P. V0841 Aur VB B (A 10.8mV; AB 16", 351deg, 2007). V0849 Aur Two systems of eclipses. The Table presents the light elements for system A. V0849 Aur MinII - MinI = 0.52P. System B: MinI = 2455968.3398 + 0.806931 x E; D = 0.14P. V0856 Aur VB A (B 13.3m, 17", 345deg, 1998). V0860 Aur The data for 1SWASP J070953.45+364417.3 in [82030] are combined measurementss for a V0860 Aur non-variable star (V = 12.8) near the SuperWASP position and the real variable. V0861 Aur P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.555912d; P1/P0 = 0.7464. V0869 Aur Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.07253164d, P1/P0 = 0.7755. V0873 Aur Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.07795395d, P1/P0 = 0.7725. V0876 Aur Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.05506798d, P1/P0 = 0.7741. V0881 Aur Multimode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.12319683d, P1/P0 = 0.7667. Non-radial mode Pn = 0.1180603d. V0882 Aur Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.1724252d, P1/P0 = 0.7863. V0883 Aur Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.06797523d, P1/P0 = 0.7744. V0885 Aur Porb = 0.056:d. V0886 Aur Psh = 0.05609d. V0887 Aur VB A (13.7mG; B 15.3mG, 7", 25deg, 2000). V0888 Aur VB A (14.0mG; B 15.7mG, 4", 351deg, 2000). bet Aur VB A (C 14.1m, 13", 174deg, 1934). eps Aur d = 0.04 P. VB A (B 14.0m, 30", 225deg, 2008; C 11.3m, 43", 276deg, 2008; eps Aur D 12.0m, 45", 316deg, 2008). Probably eclipses are caused by eps Aur a gas and dust disk. Besides eclipses, quasi-periodic brightness eps Aur variations with an amplitude of several tenths of a magnitude eps Aur and a cycle of 105 - 120 days (e.g., [N0204]). More rapid eps Aur variations were also reported. zet Aur D = 0.041P, d = 0.038P (varies?). tet Aur VB A (B 7.2m, 4", 306 deg, 2008). psi 1 Aur P1 = 150 - 200d, P2 = 2000d. R Boo H2O maser. V Boo Biperiodic, P1 = 137d. A long-term amplitude decrease. V Boo SiO maser. Z Boo H2O, SiO, OH maser. RS Boo P varies, current elements are given. Possible Blazhko RS Boo effect periods: 533d, 58d, 62d [04832]. [Fe/H] = -0.36. RU Boo [Fe/H] = -1.50. RX Boo P2 = 304.7d, possibly P3 = 2692d. H2O, SiO, OH maser. SS Boo The depth of MinII is 0.1m, the distortion wave ampitude SS Boo is up to 0.2m. ST Boo [Fe/H] = -1.76. Blazhko effect, Pi = 284d [07238]. SU Boo P varies, current elements are given. SV Boo [Fe/H] = -1.55. SW Boo [Fe/H] = -1.12. P varies, current elements are given. SZ Boo [Fe/H] = -1.68. TU Boo P varies, current elements are given. TV Boo [Fe/H] = -2.44. TW Boo [Fe/H] = -1.46. P varies, current elements are given. TX Boo P varies, current elements are given. TY Boo P varies, current elements are given. TZ Boo P varies, current elements are given. Magnitudes in the minima TZ Boo vary, sometimes MinII becomes deeper than MinI. UU Boo P varies, current elements are given. UW Boo P varies, current elements are given. The depth of MinII is UW Boo 0.1m pg. UY Boo P varies. VW Boo P varies, current elements are given. XY Boo P varies, current elements are given. AC Boo P varies, current elements are given. AC Boo The light curve shape varies. AE Boo [Fe/H] = -1.39. AO Boo P varies, the mean P is given. AR Boo P varies, current elements are given. BE Boo P varies? BI Boo In the region of the globular cluster NGC 5466. BK Boo In the region of the globular cluster NGC 5466. BL Boo V19 (NGC 5466), cluster member. [Fe/H] = -1.92. P varies. BN Boo In the region of the globular cluster NGC 5466. BO Boo Blazhko effect. BR Boo [Fe/H] = -1.03. BU Boo Blazhko effect? BW Boo MinII - MinI = 0.45P (1991). BX Boo VB A (B 9.6m, 35", 156deg, 2007). CC Boo z = 0.172. CD Boo z = 1.045. CE Boo Multiple. CK Boo P varies, current elements are given. CK Boo The light curve shape varies. CM Boo [Fe/H] = -1.48. DE Boo Porb = 125.4d. DM Boo X-ray source. DQ Boo VB AB (A 9.64m; B 10.92m, 9", 151deg, 1991). DU Boo O'Connell effect. EF Boo P varies, current elements are given. EQ Boo MinII - MinI = 0.399P. VB AB (A 9.4m; B 10.1m, 1.3", 271deg, 2005). FL Boo VB AB (A 10.04m; B 10.37m, 7", 26deg, 1991). FP Boo P varies? Current elements are given. FS Boo Erroneously named at a wrong position because of a misprint. See V0581 Aur. GM Boo P varies, current elements are given. GN Boo P varies, current elements are given. GQ Boo P varies, current elements are given. GS Boo P varies, current elements are given. GV Boo P varies, current elements are given. GX Boo Type DSCT with a twice shorter period is possible. HK Boo SB2. HQ Boo VB A (B 15.0mV, 24", 21deg, 1998). The tabulated amplitude can be influenced by the companion. V0381 Boo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.534137d; P1/P0 = 0.7457. V0383 Boo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.472061d; P1/P0 = 0.7439. V0384 Boo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.532235d; P1/P0 = 0.7460. V0386 Boo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.555941d; P1/P0 = 0.7457. V0388 Boo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.527220d; P1/P0 = 0.7460. V0392 Boo Additional non-radial mode, P = 0.2909421d; P(Blazhko) = 27.6d. V0394 Boo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.478545d; P1/P0 = 0.7449. V0395 Boo P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.345662d; P1/P0 = 0.7433. V0396 Boo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.536540d; P1/P0 = 0.7464. V0397 Boo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.506502d; P1/P0 = 0.7440. V0398 Boo Additional non-radial mode, P = 0.2645555d; P(Blazhko) = 14.1d. V0399 Boo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.492554d; P1/P0 = 0.7453. V0401 Boo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.493517d; P1/P0 = 0.7444. V0403 Boo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.564890d; P1/P0 = 0.7457. V0405 Boo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.546206d; P1/P0 = 0.7453. V0407 Boo VB A (14.1mV; B 14.5mV, 22", 113deg, 1998). V0411 Boo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.476987d; P1/P0 = 0.7442. V0412 Boo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.483115d; P1/P0 = 0.7444. V0413 Boo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.480226d; P1/P0 = 0.7440. V0414 Boo Additional non-radial mode, P = 0.324200d; P(Blazhko) = 36.6d. V0415 Boo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.552367d; P1/P0 = 0.7457. V0421 Boo Multiperiodic. V0423 Boo Blazhko effect. P varies? V0424 Boo Blazhko effect. V0426 Boo The period in the Table is for suspected eclipsing variations. Pulsations: P = 0.040264d. V0429 Boo O'Connell effect. V0432 Boo Multiperiodic. V0433 Boo Multiperiodic. V0434 Boo Multiperiodic. V0435 Boo Multiperiodic. V0444 Boo Multiperiodic. V0445 Boo Blazhko effect. V0447 Boo Multiperiodic. V0450 Boo P varies. V0451 Boo Porb = 0.032d, Psh = 0.0315d. V0455 Boo Double-mode pulsations. P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.4952015d, P1/P0 = 0.7454. V0461 Boo Period strongly varies. gam Boo VB A (A speckle binary, 0.07", 78deg, 1975, unresolved on several other dates; B 12.7m, 48", 121deg, 1998). kap 2 Boo Multiperiodic. VB A (B 6.69m, F2V, SB1, 14", 237deg, 2009). ksi Boo VB AB (4.73m, 7.04m, a = 4.9", Porb = 150 y). i Boo VB B (A = NSV 20241, 5.31m Hp, G0; B 6.09m Hp, a = 3.8", e = 0.43, Porb = 225 y); combined (A + B) magnitudes are tabulated. i Boo P varies strongly, current elements are given. R Cae SiO maser. U Cae [Fe/H] = -1.11. Blazhko effect? V Cae [Fe/H] = -2.00. X Cae Multiperiodic. RR Cae d = 0.02P. RX Cae Variability type and spectral type do not agree. RZ Cae VB (7.9m, 9.4m, 3", 222deg, 1993). SX Cae A twice shorter period is also possible. TZ Cae Psh = 0.05546d. UU Cae Psh = 0.05547d. U Cam Triply periodic; other periods are 400d and 220d. V Cam H2O, SiO maser. Y Cam P varies, current elements are given. According to [N0223], Y Cam MinI = 2424443.4806 + 3.30552340d x E + 0.1564d x sin(0.011052deg x E + 225.8deg) + 0.0452d x sim(0.022105 x E + 65.49deg). Y Cam Superposed are pulsations with an amplitude up to 0.07m Y Cam and P = 0.066457537d. Z Cam Porb = 0.2898406d. RR Cam Biperiodic; the other period is P0 = 223d. RS Cam Triply periodic; other periods are 160d and 966d. RT Cam H2O maser. RU Cam [A/H] = 0.9. P varies. An unusual CWA variable with a carbon spectrum. RU Cam In 1965, the star has abruptly changed the character of its variations, RU Cam from nearly-regular, large-amplitude ones to mostly chaotic, with RU Cam much smaller amplitude, sometimes decreasing to nearly zero. RV Cam Multiperiodic. VB (0.07", 222deg, 1995) from speckle interferometry. RX Cam SB, Porb = 1114d. RY Cam VB (0.1", 350deg, 1997) from speckle interferometry. RZ Cam [Fe/H] = -1.01. SS Cam d = 0.06P. P varies, current elements are given. ST Cam Triply periodic; other periods are 202d and 1580d. SU Cam P varies, mean elements are given. Period variations have a SU Cam possible period somewhat longer than 40 years. SZ Cam ADS 2984B (A 6.93m; AB 18", 305deg, 2008). A very complex multiple star; SZ Cam for component identifications see [N0228]. In the open cluster SZ Cam NGC 1502. P varies, current elements are given. TW Cam [Fe/H] = -0.8. TX Cam VB A (B 16.6mpg, 8" nf). SiO maser. UU Cam P varies, current elements are given. UY Cam [Fe/H] = -1.33. WW Cam MinII - MinI = 0.495P. XX Cam Only one deep minimum near JD 2429632. No strong IR excess. XX Cam P = 36:d in maximum [N0230]. AF Cam Porb = 0.2306d. AG Cam SiO maser. AH Cam VB A (B 14.32m, 7", 35deg, 1999). P varies, current elements are given. AH Cam Blazhko effect with P = 11.0d [00232]. AK Cam P varies, current elements are given. AL Cam P varies, current elements are given. AO Cam P varies, current elements are given. AS Cam d = 0.02P. DII = 0.06P. MinII - MinI = 0.437P. Long-period apsidal motion. AS Cam Third body, P = 805d. According to [N0236], pulsations with AS Cam P = 0.913d and amplitude 0.02m are observed outside minima. AX Cam VB (Porb = 6.644y, a = 0".554, e = 0.660). AY Cam d = 0.02P. BD Cam SB1, Porb = 596d. BL Cam Multiperiodic; P varies [N0237]. BM Cam SB1, Porb = 80.1745d, e = 0.35. BT Cam Multiperiodic. P2 = 0.0079d, other periods. BW Cam H2O, OH maser. BX Cam H2O, SiO, OH maser. BY Cam Other detected periods: 7.3d; 145d. BZ Cam In a nebula. CE Cam SB? CH Cam The central star of the planetary nebula NGC 1501. Multiperiodic. CI Cam A single strong outburst in 1998. According to [N0245], CI Cam multiperiodic pulsations are observed outside the outburst, CI Cam the dominating periods being 0.41521d and 0.26647d. CI Cam Porb = 19.407d. CL Cam SB1, Porb = 20.8d. CM Cam SB1, Porb = 3770d. CS Cam VB A (B 8.22m, 2", 164deg, 1991). CS Cam doubt which of the components varies. CV Cam VB AB (9.80m, 10.84m, 4", 44deg, 1991). CZ Cam The detected semiregular variations are not typical of the spectral type. DL Cam VB A (B 6.96m, 10", 308deg, 1991). DM Cam VB AaAb (7.82m, 8.10m, 0".1, 170deg, 1991). FH Cam Alternatively, can be a pulsating star with a twice shorter period. FT Cam Porb = 0.074990d. GS Cam VB A (8.39mJ, Sp C; B 12.09mJ, 23", 219deg, 2000). There remains HT Cam Porb = 0.060d. IQ Cam Biperiodic. Second periodicity: P = 0.3248d. LL Cam SiO maser. LQ Cam SiO maser. LS Cam Porb = 0.143d. LU Cam Porb = 0.15d. LW Cam Porb = 0.06754658d. MM Cam Chromospherically active giant, slow photometric variations. MU Cam The orbital period is tabulated. The spin period from photometry is 0.01374127d. MW Cam Biperiodic, P2 = 0.1282d. NR Cam O'Connell effect. V0524 Cam Distortion wave: P = 0.499464d. V0525 Cam Distortion wave: P = 0.461208d. V0534 Cam MinII - MinI = 0.545P. V0542 Cam Multiperiodic. P1 is presented in the Table; P0 = 0.174773d. VB A (11.70mV; B 13.55mV, 17", 191deg, 1999). V0549 Cam MinII - MinI = 0.543P. O'Connell effect. V0565 Cam VB A (B 14.9mF, 7", 139deg, 2000); the amplitude in the Table is too low because of the companion. V0588 Cam Period varies. V0602 Cam Type SR with P = 92d is not excluded. V0609 Cam VB B (A 11.7m; AB 26", 239deg, 2000; C 14.2m, AC 38", 302deg, 2000). V0610 Cam P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.47921d6; P1/P0 = 0.7443. V0618 Cam Double-mode pulsations. P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.09959518d, P1/P0 = 0.7733. V0620 Cam The GDOR period is given in the Table. Probable DSCT pulsation with P = 0.1083d. V0621 Cam VB A (11.9mG; B 12.5mG, 12", 247deg, 2000; C 12.8mG, 12", 249deg, 2000). The variability range in the Table is for combined light. V0622 Cam Double-mode pulsations. P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.1025558d, P1/P0 = 0.7733. V0623 Cam Porb = 0.1477d. V0624 Cam Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.06487509d, P1/P0 = 0.7833. V0625 Cam Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0595345d, P1/P0 = 0.7752. V0626 Cam Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.04979364d, P1/P0 = 0.7739. R Cnc OH, H2O, SiO maser. S Cnc In the region of the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). P varies? T Cnc SiO maser. U Cnc In the region of the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). V Cnc VB A (B 13.7m, 9", 276deg, 2002). W Cnc H2O, SiO maser. X Cnc Other periods suspected. SB?, Porb = 491.4:d. Y Cnc Blazhko effect. RS Cnc Multiperiodic, P2 = 128.760d. H2O, SiO maser. RW Cnc Blazhko effect periods: 29.9d, 91.1d [02088]. [Fe/H] = -1.67. RY Cnc In the region of the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). P varies, current elements are tabulated. SS Cnc [Fe/H] = -0.07. SW Cnc P varies? SY Cnc Porb = 0.38d. SZ Cnc SiO maser. TT Cnc P varies, current elements are tabulated. Blazhko effect, P = 89.3d. [Fe/H] = -1.57. TU Cnc P varies, current elements are tabulated. TX Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). P varies, current elements are tabulated. TY Cnc P varies, current elements are tabulated. UV Cnc In the region of the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). VZ Cnc P2 = 0.142804d. Beat period: 0.716292d. WW Cnc P varies, current elements are tabulated. WY Cnc VB A (B+C 12.5m; B 25", 356deg, 1998; C 28", 1deg, 1998). P varies, current elements are tabulated. XX Cnc In the region of the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). YZ Cnc Porb = 0.0868d. AC Cnc Physical variations, additional minima were reported. AE Cnc VB A (B 15.5m, 11", 18deg, 2000). AF Cnc Blazhko effect, P = 27.23d. AG Cnc In the region of the open cluster NGC 2682 (M 67). SB2, Porb = 2.823094d. AH Cnc P varies, quadratic term +1.56d x 10^(-10) x E^2. In the open cluster NGC 2682 (M 67), probable member. AK Cnc Porb = 0.0651d. AN Cnc [Fe/H] = -1.45. AO Cnc P varies? AP Cnc Blazhko effect? AR Cnc The period tabulated is for eclipses that occur, in quiescence, from the V = 18.7 level. AS Cnc [Fe/H] = -1.89. AT Cnc Surrounded with a filamentary nebula, which is presumably a Nova remnant. AU Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). AV Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). AW Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). AX Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). AY Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). AZ Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). BB Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). BC Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). BD Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). BE Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). BF Cnc VB A (B 16.7mV, 9", 37deg, 2000). Blazhko effect? BG Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). BM Cnc SB, Porb = 585.4154d. BN Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). Multiperiodic. BO Cnc P2 = 270d. BQ Cnc Multiperiodic. SB2. In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). BR Cnc Multiperiodic. In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). BS Cnc Multiperiodic. In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). BT Cnc Multiperiodic. In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). BU Cnc Multiperiodic. In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). BV Cnc Multiperiodic. In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). BW Cnc Multiperiodic. In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). BX Cnc Multiperiodic. In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). BY Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). BZ Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). CC Cnc Porb = 0.07352d. In the region of the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). CD Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). CE Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). CF Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). CG Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). CH Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). CI Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). CK Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). CL Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). CM Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). CN Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). CO Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). CP Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). CR Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). CS Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). CU Cnc VB A (B = CV Cnc, 10", 348deg, 2001, common proper motion). In the region of the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe), non-member. Eclipses: 11.67 - 11.82V, MinII 11.75V, D = 0.03P, Min = 2450208.5068 + 2.771468d x E [N0335]. CV Cnc VB Bab (0.8", 200deg, 2006; A = CU Cnc, AB 10", 348deg, 2001, common proper motion). In the region of the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe), non-member. CW Cnc H2O maser. CY Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). DD Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). DF Cnc In the region of the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe), non-member? DG Cnc In the region of the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe), non-member? DH Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). DI Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). DK Cnc In the region of the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). DL Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). DM Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). DN Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). DO Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). DP Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). DQ Cnc In the region of the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe), non-member? DR Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). DS Cnc In the region of the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe), non-member? DT Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). DU Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). DY Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). DZ Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). EE Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). EG Cnc Porb = 0.05997d. EH Cnc P varies, current elements are tabulated. EI Cnc VB AB (1.4", 77deg, 2005). EL Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). EM Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). EN Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). EO Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). EP Cnc Multiperiodic. In the region of the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). EQ Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). ER Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). ES Cnc In the region of the open cluster NGC 2682 (M 67). ET Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2682 (M 67). EU Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2682 (M 67). EV Cnc O'Connell effect. A blue straggler in the open cluster NGC 2682 (M 67). EW Cnc Multiperiodic. A blue straggler in the open cluster NGC 2682 (M 67). EX Cnc Multiperiodic. A blue straggler in the open cluster NGC 2682 (M 67). EY Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2682 (M 67). FL Cnc Multiperiodic. FM Cnc Blazhko effect? FN Cnc Blazhko effect, P = 50.3d? FP Cnc VB A (B 12.3mV, M3, 14", 240deg, 2004). FV Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). SB2, Porb = 2.981781d. GS Cnc VB A (12.5mV; B 12.7mV, 10", 267deg). GY Cnc Eclipses of different depth, from all all outburst brightness levels. The light elements for eclipses are tabulated. GZ Cnc Porb = 0.08825d. HI Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe). HK Cnc Multiperiodic. HM Cnc Two white dwarfs on a very-short-period orbit. HN Cnc P varies, current elements are tabulated. HO Cnc VB AB (9.62m, 9.76m, 3", 1deg, 2011). HP Cnc VB AB (9.91m, 10.09m, 1.4", 168deg, 2010). HQ Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2682 (M 67), non-member. HR Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2682 (M 67). HS Cnc The light curve shape varies. In the open cluster NGC 2682 (M 67). HT Cnc Porb = 1.358766d. In the open cluster NGC 2682 (M 67). HU Cnc SB1, Porb = 18.396d. In the open cluster NGC 2682 (M 67). HV Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2682 (M 67). HW Cnc SB2, Porb = 10.05525d. In the open cluster NGC 2682 (M 67). HX Cnc SB, Porb = 2.66059. In the open cluster NGC 2682 (M 67). HY Cnc In the open cluster NGC 2682 (M 67). HZ Cnc Multi-mode pulsations at a time scale of hours. IO Cnc P varies? KK Cnc VB (the NW component varies). Superhumps: P = 0.060818d. KQ Cnc Blazhko effect? KV Cnc Blazhko effect, P = 42d:. KZ Cnc In the region of the open cluster NGC 2682 (M 67). LN Cnc In the region of the open cluster NGC 2682 (M 67). Type RRC with a twice shorter period is also possible. LO Cnc In the region of the open cluster NGC 2682 (M 67), probably non-member. LP Cnc In the region of the open cluster NGC 2682 (M 67). LT Cnc Pulsations at a timescale of about an hour. SB, Porb = 6.1163d. LV Cnc Multiperiodic, P2 = 0.0025d. SB, Porb = 0.0567d. Cataclysmic spectrum. MR Cnc Pulsates in the first overtone (see Table) and fundamental (Max = 2454701.537 + 0.536525d x E) modes. P1/P0 = 0.7462. MY Cnc Double-mode, with a radial and a none-radial modes excited. The second light elements: Max = 2454700.652 + 0.281995d x E. P2/P1 = 0.9824. NN Cnc P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.478318d; P1/P0 = 0.7448. NP Cnc P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.498566d; P1/P0 = 0.7449. NU Cnc P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.472146d; P1/P0 = 0.7432. NW Cnc P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.481136d; P1/P0 = 0.7446. OO Cnc P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.505835d; P1/P0 = 0.7443. PR Cnc P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.482865d; P1/P0 = 0.7450. PS Cnc P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.478487d; P1/P0 = 0.7442. PU Cnc P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.489181d; P1/P0 = 0.7443. PW Cnc VB A (B = NEXT STAR IN THE LIST, 12", 171deg, 1997). PX Cnc A twice longer period is not excluded. VB B (A = PREVIOUS STAR IN THE LIST; AB 12", 171deg, 1997). QQ Cnc P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.483002d; P1/P0 = 0.7441. QU Cnc P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.542956d; P1/P0 = 0.7456. QX Cnc Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.05275110d, P1/P0 = 0.7749. kap Cnc SB, P = 6.39616d. R CVn OH, SiO maser. U CVn OH, H2O maser. V CVn Multiperiodic, P2 = 186d. OH, H2O, SiO maser. W CVn [Fe/H] = -1.22. P varies, current elements for 1999 are tabulated. Quadratic elements: Max = 2421402.421 + 0.55175963d x E -0.4156d x 10^{-10}E^2 [N0347]. Y CVn Multiperiodic, other periods: 273d, 160d. Z CVn [Fe/H] = -1.98. P varies, elements valid after 1999 are tabulated. Blazhko effect, P = 22.75d. RR CVn [Fe/H] = -1.08. RS CVn d = 0.033P. P varies, current elements are tabulated. Distorsion wave: Delta(m) from 0.09m to 0.20m, P = 4.7917d [07209]. RU CVn [Fe/H] = -1.38. P varies, current elements are tabulated. RV CVn V141 (M3 = NGC 5272), cluster non-member. P varies, current elements are tabulated. RX CVn [Fe/H] = -1.31. RZ CVn [Fe/H] = -1.84. P varies, current elements are tabulated. SS CVn [Fe/H] = -1.37. P varies? Blazhko effect? ST CVn [Fe/H] = -1.07. SV CVn [Fe/H] = -2.20. P varies, current elements are tabulated. SW CVn P varies, quadratic term +2.0334d x 10^{-10}E^2. [Fe/H] = -1.53. TX CVn Porb = 199.0:d. UU CVn In the region of the globular cluster NGC 5466. P varies, current elements are tabulated. Blazhko effect? UV CVn In the region of the globular cluster NGC 5466; cluster non-member. P varies, current elements are tabulated. UW CVn In the region of the globular cluster NGC 5466. UZ CVn [Fe/H] = -1.89. P varies, current elements for Hipparcos observations are tabulated. VW CVn P varies, current elements for 1999 are tabulated. The light curve shape varies? WW CVn Blazhko effect. WY CVn V205 (M3 = NGC 5272). WZ CVn V206 (M3 = NGC 5272). Blazhko effect, P = 25.4d? XX CVn V113 (M3 = NGC 5272). XY CVn [Fe/H] = -2.03. XZ CVn [Fe/H] = -1.46. P varies strongly, elements for JD 2455939 - 2456462 are tabulated. YY CVn P varies strongly, elements for JD 2455939 - 2456462 are tabulated. AA CVn [Fe/H] = -1.78. AC CVn Blazhko effect. AD CVn [Fe/H] = -1.39. VB A (B 16.0mV, 10", 147deg, 1998). AF CVn [Fe/H] = -1.19. AG CVn [Fe/H] = -2.01. AH CVn [Fe/H] = -1.93. AI CVn Multiperiodic. AK CVn [Fe/H] = -1.62. AM CVn Multiperiodic; also Min = 2448742.5610 + 0.011906623d x E (presumably orbital variations) and other periods. The tabulated period (double wave) can be interpreted as positive superhumps. Often considered a system of two white dwarfs. AN CVn [Fe/H] = -1.54. AP CVn VB A (13.6mV; B 13.9mV, 23", 183deg, 2000). AQ CVn A probable field horizontal-branch star. A single strong brightening, about 20 minutes duration, was observed. BD CVn Blazhko effect? BF CVn VB A (B = NSV 6039, 13.16m, dM3.5e, 16", 226deg, 1991). Flares in the combined light of the pair (Delta U up to 0.95m) were observed [02195]. BG CVn Multiperiodic. Also P = 780s (0.00903d), etc.; different periods dominate at different times. BI CVn P varies, current elements are tabulated. BM CVn SB, Porb = 20.625d. Somewhat different periods were observed during different seasons of observations. BN CVn P varies, quadratic term +1.7372d x 10^{-10}E^2. BO CVn P varies, current elements are tabulated. CH CVn SB. CP CVn SB. CS CVn HIPPARCOS data are in contradiction with the M0V spectral type. CU CVn Multiperiodic. CX CVn VB (A 9.5mHp, B 13.2mHp, 1.3", 308deg, 1991). DD CVn Multiperiodic. DE CVn EA-like in U and B light, EB at longer wavelengths. Amplitude decreases with wavelength. DG CVn VB (Delta(mK) = 0.16m, 0.17", 253deg, 2000). DK CVn The light curve shape varies strongly. DN CVn P varies strongly [00001]. DY CVn P varies, current elements are tabulated. VB A (B 15m, 5", 250deg, 1998). DZ CVn Blazhko effect. EF CVn P varies? EG CVn P varies, current elements are tabulated. EI CVn P varies? FL CVn Blazhko effect? FT CVn Blazhko effect. FV CVn P varies, current elements are tabulated. GP CVn Light elements for eclipses: Min = 2453796.248245 + 0.062959041d x E [81139]. GR CVn The Table presents the period of first-overtone pulsations; P0 = 0.486651d. P1/P0 = 0.7443. HK CVn P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.478824d; P1/P0 = 0.7442. HL CVn P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.555276d; P1/P0 = 0.7462. HM CVn P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.526289d; P1/P0 = 0.7459. HP CVn P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.479250d; P1/P0 = 0.7446. HQ CVn Strong O'Connell effect. HS CVn P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.531760d; P1/P0 = 0.7451. HU CVn The mean brightness slowly varies by about 0.1mV. The depths of MinI and MinII are about 0.1mV. HV CVn P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.514168d; P1/P0 = 0.7450. HX CVn P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.513224d; P1/P0 = 0.7452. IK CVn A second-overtone RR Lyrae star. IY CVn Blazhko effect. IZ CVn Blazhko effect. KN CVn Blazhko effect. KS CVn Blazhko effect. KU CVn Blazhko effect. KZ CVn Blazhko effect. LL CVn Blazhko effect. LN CVn Blazhko effect. LO CVn Blazhko effect. LP CVn Blazhko effect. LR CVn Blazhko effect. LS CVn P1 = 0.35672d, P1/P0 = 0.7354. LV CVn Blazhko effect. MP CVn Blazhko effect. MU CVn VB with NGC 5272 V 155 (V029 - V155: 2", 135deg, 2000). There can be confusion between the light elements of the two stars. MV CVn VB with NGC 5272 V029 (V029 - V155: 2", 135deg, 2000). There can be confusion between the light elements of the two stars. MZ CVn Blazhko effect. NO CVn Blazhko effect. NP CVn Blazhko effect. NR CVn Blazhko effect. NS CVn VB A (B 0.5", 139deg, 1993). Resolved by the Hubble Space Telescope. NU CVn VB B (AB 0.5", 139deg, 1993). Resolved by the Hubble Space Telescope. NX CVn Blazhko effect? NY CVn Blazhko effect. OO CVn VB (15.6mG; companion 15.3mG, 1.2", 282deg, 2000). OT CVn Blazhko effect. PS CVn P1 = 0.35072d, P1/P0 = 0.7314; P2 = 0.28160d, P2/P1 = 0.8029. PV CVn Blazhko effect. QR CVn Blazhko effect? V0345 CVn Blazhko effect. V0351 CVn Blended. V0354 CVn A close pair within 1"? V0355 CVn P0 = 0.4530, P1/P0 = 0.7419. V0356 CVn P0 = 0.4762, P1/P0 = 0.7438. V0357 CVn Blazhko effect. V0359 CVn P0 = 0.48530d, P1/P0 = 0.7439. V0362 CVn A close pair. V0367 CVn Blazhko effect. V0369 CVn In a close pair of two RR Lyrae variables. V0370 CVn In a close pair of two RR Lyrae variables. V0377 CVn Blazhko effect. V0380 CVn Blended. V0394 CVn P0 = 0.4778805d, P1/P0 = 0.7449. V0400 CVn Blazhko effect. V0411 CVn Blazhko effect. V0416 CVn P0 = 0.479, P1/P0 = 0.74. The star switched from RRAB variations to double-mode pulsations in 1992. According to [g1066], it was an RRAB star again in 2007. V0418 CVn Blazhko effect. V0419 CVn Blazhko effect. V0420 CVn Blazhko effect. V0436 CVn VB B (A 14.6mG, B 15.6mG; AB 5", 219deg, 2000). V0440 CVn Blazhko effect. V0446 CVn P0 = 0.48017d, P1/P0 = 0.7445. V0453 CVn Blazhko effect? V0454 CVn Blazhko effect. V0455 CVn Blazhko effect. V0459 CVn Blazhko effect. V0460 CVn P1 = 0.36812, P1/P0 = 0.7307. V0463 CVn Blazhko effect. V0465 CVn P0 = 0.48209d, P1/P0 = 0.7491. V0466 CVn Period varies. V0467 CVn Blazhko effect. V0469 CVn Blazhko effect. V0474 CVn Blazhko effect. V0475 CVn Period varies? alf 2 CVn Epoch of Max is tabulated. VB A (2.81mHp; B 5.86mHp, 19", 229deg, 1991). R CMa P varies, current elements are tabulated. Y CMa SiO maser. Z CMa Speckle interferometry: VB (0.1", 305deg, 1993). RR CMa P varies, current elements are tabulated. RT CMa P varies, current elements are tabulated. RX CMa P varies. RZ CMa P varies? Current elements are tabulated. SS CMa P varies? Current elements are tabulated. SW CMa MinII - MinI = 0.31P. e = 0.32. SY CMa VB A (companions: 7", 156deg; 14", 270deg, 1994). TT CMa SiO maser. UU CMa P varies, current elements are tabulated. UZ CMa Multiperiodic, P2 = 38.4d. VY CMa In the region of the young open cluster NGC 2362. Embedded in a reflecting nebula. ADS 6033 A; numerous companions are probably details of the nebula. H2O, OH, SiO maser. AO CMa In the region of the open cluster Ruprecht 18. AS CMa d = 0.04P. BG CMa VB (5", 20deg, 1999). The variable is probably the southern component. BQ CMa In the region of the open cluster NGC 2354. CE CMa MinII - MinI = 0.663P. CG CMa VB A (B 16m, 4", 261deg, 1999). CN CMa [Fe/H] = 0.0. CV CMa Currently, MinII - MinI = 0.46P. Apsidal motion. DL CMa OH maser. DM CMa No red star near the published position. Cataclysmic? [00001]. DS CMa VB A (B 15.8m, 9", 320deg, 1998). DZ CMa The elements for fundamental mode are tabulated. P1 = 1.64495d. EW CMa VB (4.920mHp, 5.394mHp, 0.131", 324deg, 1991). SB, P = 0.261975d. Shell events. BCEP-like variations, P = 0.0918d [N0367]. Other reported periods: about 20d [N0366], 1.2572d [N0367]. EY CMa Multiperiodic. EZ CMa SB. In the ring nebula S308. In the region of the open cluster Collinder 121. P2 = 1.18d was possible in 1988. FF CMa In the region of the open cluster Collinder 132a. FN CMa VB (A 5.685mHp; B 7.042mHp, 0.571", 116deg, 1991; C 9.0mV, B6V, 18", 350deg, 2011). The range in the table is for the A+B pair. Associated with the nebula vB 95. The period needs confirmation. FR CMa VB (A 5.55mV; B 9.7mV, 4", 23deg, 2003). FU CMa VB Aab (6.52m, 0.1", 337deg, 2010; B 11,07m, 14", 232deg, 1999). FV CMa VB AB (5.7mV, 7.7mV, 0.1", 11deg, 2012). FZ CMa In the HII region S 295. GG CMa In the open cluster Cr 132a. GU CMa VB AB (7.03m, 7.70m, 0.6", 198deg, 1991). In the HII region S 293. HK CMa In the region of the open cluster NGC 2287. HL CMa Probably related to XM variables. The X-ray source 1E 0643.0-1648. Lx/Lopt is from 0.002 to 1. Porb = 0.2145d. HN CMa Multiperiodic. HP CMa Several possible periods or cycles were reported. VB A (B 8.21m, 5", 220deg, 1999). HQ CMa VB A (B 13.0m, 9", 220deg, 1999). HW CMa Orbital eccentricity e = 0.500. II CMa In the region of the open cluster Be 33. IK CMa In the open cluster Be 33. IL CMa Pulsation periods (unstable) of 1.19d and 1.28d were reported. IU CMa VB (6.85m, 8.15m, 0.8", 156deg, 1991). IY CMa VB (5.86mV, 7.60mV, 1.2", 43deg, 1999). KL CMa Apsidal motion. MinII = 2448.171.228 + 1.762168d x E. VB A (B 10.47m, 21", 43deg, 2011). KQ CMa VB A (B 11.29mV, 7", 42deg, 1999). KY CMa Mean brightness varies with P2 = 493d. LT CMa Apsidal motion. MinII = 2448389.445 + 1.759503d x E. LX CMa P = 4.362d according to [HIP]. MX CMa In the region of the open cluster NGC 2362. NN CMa Semiperiodic bursts (P = 210d). NO CMa In the region of the open cluster Cr 140. NQ CMa VB (9.9mV, 13.2mV, 5", 64deg, 1999). NS CMa In the region of the open cluster NGC 2243. NT CMa In the region of the open cluster NGC 2243. NU CMa In the region of the open cluster NGC 2243. NV CMa In the region of the open cluster NGC 2243. NW CMa In the region of the open cluster NGC 2243. NX CMa In the region of the open cluster NGC 2243. PX CMa In the region of the open cluster Tombaugh 2. PY CMa In the region of the open cluster Tombaugh 2. PZ CMa In the region of the open cluster Tombaugh 2. QQ CMa In the region of the open cluster Tombaugh 2. QR CMa In the region of the open cluster Tombaugh 2. QS CMa In the region of the open cluster Tombaugh 2. QT CMa VB A (B 9", 252deg, 2000). QU CMa In the region of the open cluster NGC 2354. QX CMa Type EW is also possible. In the open cluster NGC 2362. V0347 CMa VB A (B 13.5m, 8", 92deg, 1998). The tabulated magnitude at maximum is influenced by the companion. V0350 CMa Multiperiodic, P2 = 0.7750d. VB A (6.332mHp; B 8.895mHp, 18", 144deg, 1991). V0356 CMa VB AB (2", 22deg, 2001; C 10.8m, 14", 116deg, 1999). V0367 CMa Superposed variations with an amplitude up to 0.5m and a period of 89d. V0377 CMa A twice shorter period is not excluded. V0388 CMa VB (9.1m, 9.1m, 3", 330deg, 1991). MinII - MinI = 0.61P. V0400 CMa In the open cluster NGC 2204. V0401 CMa In the open cluster NGC 2204. V0402 CMa In the open cluster NGC 2204. V0403 CMa In the open cluster NGC 2204. V0404 CMa P varies, dP/dt = -0.47 x 10^(-5) d/yr. V0406 CMa In the open cluster NGC 2243. V0407 CMa In the open cluster NGC 2243. V0408 CMa In the open cluster NGC 2243. V0409 CMa Type EW with a twice longer period is also possible. In the open cluster NGC 2243. V0410 CMa In the open cluster NGC 2243. V0411 CMa In the open cluster NGC 2243. V0412 CMa In the open cluster NGC 2243. V0413 CMa In the open cluster NGC 2243. V0415 CMa VB A (B 9.3m, 9", 335deg, 1999). V0416 CMa P varies, dP/dt = 0.27 x 10^(-5) d/yr. V0422 CMa In the open cluster NGC 2362. V0432 CMa MinII - MinI = 0.53P. V0436 CMa The data for 1SWASP J061236.44-281553.0 in [82030] are combined measurements for a V0436 CMa non-variable star (V = 14.8m) near the SuperWASP position and the real variable. V0441 CMa Multiperiodic. V0442 CMa Multiperiodic. V0445 CMa MinII - MinI = 0.56P. V0450 CMa MinII - MinI = 0.73P. V0451 CMa For SRD light elements, see the Table. Eclipses: Min = 2453707.98 + 8.2958d x E, amplitude 0.2m. V0452 CMa Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0948327d, P1/P0 = 0.7692. V0453 CMa Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0597698d, P1/P0 = 0.7742. V0454 CMa Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.05599595d, P1/P0 = 0.7740. V0455 CMa Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0730645d, P1/P0 = 0.7745. V0456 CMa Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.07874227d, P1/P0 = 0.7733. V0457 CMa Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.04391921d, P1/P0 = 0.7733. V0458 CMa Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.1306380d, P1/P0 = 0.7684. V0459 CMa Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0607636d, P1/P0 = 0.7735. V0460 CMa Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0740858d, P1/P0 = 0.7732. V0461 CMa Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.08678022d, P1/P0 = 0.7726. V0463 CMa VB B (A 15.32mG, B 15.35mG; AB 10", 336deg, 2000). bet CMa Multiperiodic. iot CMa Non-radial pulsations? tau CMa VB Aa, Ab (4.89mV, 5.33mV, 0.1", Porb = 154.9d; B 10.2mV, 9", 93deg, 2002; C 11.2mV, 14". 87deg, 2002; E 9.7mV, Ab-E 0.9", 88deg, 2012). ome CMa P = 1.3719d in radial velocities was reported. S CMi SiO maser. U CMi Often shows double-peaked maxima, the second peak being usually brighter. X CMi Delta S = 3. Y CMi Blazhko effect. RX CMi MinII - MinI = 0.52:P. The light elements need improvement. SY CMi P varies. XZ CMi P varies, current elements are given in the Table. YZ CMi Quasi-periodic BY variations: 11.12 - 11.38mV, P = 2.7774d [00001]. AA CMi [Fe/H] = -0.14. AG CMi P varies, current elements are given in the Table. AH CMi VB A (B 14.7m, 10", 120deg, 2000). AI CMi OH, H2O maser. AL CMi [Fe/H] = -0.85. AM CMi P varies, current elements are given in the Table. AW CMi P = 1.04d/N is possible. BB CMi O'Connell effect. BG CMi Intermediate polar. The orbital period is presented in the Table. Spin period: 0.010572993d (varies). BH CMi O'Connell effect. BI CMi Multiperiodic. BM CMi VB A (B 14,5m, 7', 68grad, 2000). BO CMi Several episodes of outburst-like activity. BU CMi MinII - MinI = 0.37P. DE CMi Multiperiodic. DL CMi A twice shorter period is not excluded. DO CMi Multiperiodic. P0 is tabulated. P1 = 0.14862d, P2 = 0.11908d, P3 = 0.11617d. DR CMi MinII - MinI = 0.669P. DY CMi Superhumps: P = 0.060750d. Y Cap H2O maser. RU Cap OH, H2O, SiO maser. RV Cap [Fe/H] = -1.61. Blazhko effect, P = 231.66d. RW Cap P varies, current elements are given. RX Cap [Fe/H] = -0.30. RY Cap VB B (A 7.9mV; AB 7", 89deg, 1991). Mira classification [01731] seems improbable, no red stars around. SY Cap Superhumps: P = 0.063759d. TW Cap P varies, the Table presents current elements. [Fe/H] = -1.20. TY Cap P varies, the Table presents current elements. UW Cap P varies? VV Cap Blazhko effect? VX Cap [Fe/H] = -1.0. WY Cap Blazhko effect? YZ Cap [Fe/H] = -1.06. AN Cap [Fe/H] = -1.1:. AS Cap Porb = 49.137d. AV Cap Porb = 9.3464d. AW Cap Posc = 10.8 minutes. AZ Cap VB (2.2", 140deg). BB Cap VB (a = 0.14", Porb = 1.933 years). BC Cap P2 = 57d. BM Cap VB AB (9.68m, 9.84m, 6", 141deg, 2000). BN Cap VB AB (8.90m, 9.00m, 2", 89deg, 2013). Probably the fainter component varies. BY Cap Porb = 13.17d. BZ Cap VB A (B 9", 346deg, 1998; C 8", 154deg, 1998). CR Cap The first-overtone period is tabulated. P0 = 0.47302d. Delta(m)1/Delta(m)0 = 1.5. DF Cap Multiperiodic. DM Cap Porb = 0.2215d. DO Cap Period varies strongly. DQ Cap Blazhko effect [81005]. EG Cap VB A (11.1mG; B 14.0mG, 7", 313deg, 2000). EH Cap Double-mode pulsations. The Table contains light elements for the fundamental mode. P1/P0 = 0.7746. EM Cap VB AB (A 14.3 mG; B 15.0mG, 4", 334deg, 2000). The variability range in the Table is for combined light. ER Cap Other possible types: CWA:, EB: (with a twice longer period). EV Cap Type EB with a twice longer period is not excluded. EY Cap P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.550510d, P1/P0 = 0.7463. FI Cap Cluster non-member. Porb = 0.0923d. FP Cap The range in the Table is for combined brightness of a blend of at least three stars. FU Cap On the subgiant branch of the cluster's color-magnitude diagram; probably a blend. FX Cap Blazhko effect? R Car H2O, SiO maser. VB A (B 11.3m, 1.8", 140deg, 1978). Y Car The elements for the fundamental mode are given in the Table (A = 0.58m). Y Car The first overtone: P1 = 2.5596d (A = 0.28m). P1/P0 = 0.7032. [Fe/H] = -0.33. SB (P = 1006.9d). VB A (B 12.22m, 12", 47deg, 2000; C 12.96m, 34", 33deg, 2000). RR Car S6.5/1-. RT Car In the region of the open cluster Tr 15. RY Car VB A (B 14.1m, 14", 149deg, 1997). SU Car SiO maser. SZ Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 3114. UX Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2581. VV Car In the region of the open cluster C 1036-589, embedded in a nebula. VY Car VB A (B 11.1m, 10.5", 153deg, 2000). WZ Car P varies, the Table gives elements for 2451887 - 2455188. YZ Car P varies, the Table gives elements for 2450541 - 2453024. SB, Porb = 657.3d. AE Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 3532. AG Car The central star of the planetary nebula PK 289-00 1. AW Car d = 0.015P. AY Car VB A (B 13.2m, 12", 182deg, 2000). The magnitudes in the Table were influenced by the companion. BC Car SiO maser. BL Car In the region of the open cluster Tr 16. BO Car VB A (B 11.6m, B8III, 14", 42deg, 1998). In the region of the association Tr 15; non-member. BP Car In the region of nebulae around Eta Carinae. The elements were derived from ASAS-3 data, where the magnitudes are for a blend of three stars. BS Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. BX Car Double maxima. CD Car In the central region of the open cluster Cr 236. CF Car VB A (B 12.3m, 20", 88deg, 2000; C 7.5", 110deg, 2000). In the region of the open cluster NGC 3496. CG Car Several close companions. CH Car VB A (B 8", 194deg, 2000). CI Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 3572. Several close companions; the magnitudes in the Table were influenced by them. DF Car A twice longer period is not excluded. DH Car VB (4.5", 99deg, 2000). It is unclear which component varies. A star with V = 13.2m in 14", 159deg and several other close neighbors. DM Car d = 0.040P. DN Car A close blend of several components. DP Car d = 0.034P. DU Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. DW Car In the region of the open cluster Cr 228. EE Car VB A (B 5", 316deg, 2000). The magnitudes of the Table were probably influenced with the companion. EG Car VB (12.0mV, 13.4mV, 6", 280deg, 2000; also other companions). It is unclear which component varies. In the region of the open cluster NGC 3532. EH Car VB (13.1mV, 13.7mV, 8", 317deg, 2000; also other companions). It is unclear which component varies. EK Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 3632. EM Car MinII - MinI = 0.57P; apsidal motion? In the region of the open cluster Tr 18. EQ Car d = 0.030P. ER Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 3532. ES Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 3572. EV Car P2 = 820d. EY Car The Table presents the fundamental-mode period. P1 = 2.036d. FK Car VB A (B 7", 237deg, 2000). FO Car VB A (B 14m, 6", 90deg, 2000). FQ Car In the region of the open cluster Tr 18. FS Car In the region of the open cluster C1036-589. FU Car VB A (11.2mV; B 11.6mV, 23", 305deg, 2000). FV Car VB A (B 8", 59deg, 1998). FY Car The mean brightness varies, P = 1036: days. GG Car VB (8.88mHp, 11.58mHp, 0.3", 289deg, 1991). SB, Porb = 31.030d. Photometry shows a single wave during the orbital period. Gas and dust envelope. GH Car In the region of the open cluster Tr 18. GI Car In the region of the open cluster Tr 19. GK Car In the region of the open cluster Tr 19. GL Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 3572. Apsidal motion, P = 25.22 years. The elements in the Table are for the primary minimum (JD 2454410 - 2455168). For the same time interval, MinII = 2454860.770 + 2.4223075d x E. GM Car In the region of the open cluster C1036-589. GN Car VB A (A 14.4mV, B 14.4mV; AB 14", 42deg, 2000). GR Car MinII - MinI = 0.316P. DII = 0.05P. GV Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 3512. GZ Car The Table presents the light elements for the fundamental mode. First overtone: Max = 2443259.6 + 2.933762d x E. P1/P0 = 0.7054. HH Car VB A (B 11.1m, 13", 337deg, 2000; C 12.2m, 6", 254deg, 2000; D 12.6m, 16", 11deg, 2000). HK Car VB A (B 13.4mHp, 2", 91deg, 1991). HM Car Multiple. HP Car VB A (B 9.5m, 0.4", 177deg, 2010). The Table gives combined magnitudes of the pair. HQ Car P varies? HR Car Associated with a nebula. HT Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2581. HU Car VB B (A 13.2mV, B 13.6mV; AB 13", 116deg, 2000). HV Car d = 0.025P. HX Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 3532. IK Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. IN Car A twice longer period is not excluded. IQ Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 3532. IR Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 3532. IU Car [Fe/H] = -1.85. P varies, the elements in the Table are for JD 2454090 - 2455166. IW Car Shorter-period oscillation: Delta V = 0.4m. Longer-period oscillation: P = 1400d. IX Car In a nebula. KK Car SiO maser. MP Car VB A (14.0mV; B 15.7mV, 12", 190deg, 2000). MZ Car VB B (A 12.9mV, B 13.8mV; AB 15", 147deg, 2000). NO Car VB A (B 3" sf). OY Car The cycle in the Table is for superhumps. Eclipses: Min = 2443993.553839 + 0.0631209239 x E [N0394], D = 0.05P. The depth of Min varies. PU Car Blended. QU Car Porb = 0.450d - 0.456d. Brightness variations sometimes reveal the same period. QX Car MinII = 2453630.997 + 4.47793d x E. DII = 0.11P. QY Car SB1, P = 8.6d. In the region of the open cluster C 1010-577. QZ Car Unresolved system of two SB1 stars, A (Porb = 20.73596d) and B (eclipsing), combined magnitudes are given in the Table. In the open cluster Collinder 228 and Eta Carinae nebula. V0338 Car Ellipsoidal variations 9.19m - 9.48m; the narrow eclipse starts from the level of 9.40m. V0341 Car In the variable reflecting nebula IC 2220. In the region of the open cluster NGC 2516. V0343 Car SB, Porb = 133.92d. V0345 Car SB, Porb = 1.13028d. V0348 Car In the open cluster IC 2581. V0356 Car In the open cluster NGC 2516. V0357 Car SB, P = 6.74483d. V0361 Car In the open cluster NGC 3293. V0365 Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 3532. V0370 Car In a nebula. In the region of the open cluster NGC 3324. SB2. V0372 Car Second period 0.124151d. V0373 Car In the open star cluster NGC 2516. V0374 Car In the open star cluster NGC 2516. V0375 Car P = 0.359d is also possible. V0378 Car Multiperiodic. In the open cluster NGC 3293. V0379 Car In the open cluster NGC 3293. Crowded. V0380 Car In the open cluster NGC 3293. V0381 Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 3293. The light elements in the Table are for eclipses. Pulsations: Delta V = 0.06m, P = 0.1773d [N0397]. V0382 Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 3532. V0384 Car The mean brightness varies, P = 790d. V0385 Car In the ring nebula RCW 58. SB1. V0391 Car In the open cluster NGC 2516. V0392 Car In the open cluster NGC 2516. V0395 Car VB A (B 6", 144deg, 2000). V0399 Car In the open cluster IC 2581. V0400 Car Multiperiodic. In the region of the open cluster NGC 3293. V0401 Car Multiperiodic. In the region of the open cluster NGC 3293. V0402 Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 3293. V0403 Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 3293. V0404 Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 3293. V0405 Car Multiperiodic. In the region of the open cluster NGC 3293. V0406 Car Multiperiodic. In the region of the open cluster NGC 3293. V0407 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0408 Car VB (4") or multiple. The magnitudes in the Table are for combined brightness. In the HD catalog, the spectral type is K0. V0409 Car Photometric Prot is given in the Table. Oscillations: P = 12.6 min [68057]. V0410 Car In the open cluster NGC 2516. V0412 Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 3293. V0416 Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 2516. V0417 Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 2516. V0418 Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 2516. V0419 Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 2516. V0420 Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 2516. V0421 Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 2516. V0422 Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 2516. V0424 Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 3114. V0425 Car OH, SiO maser. V0426 Car VB (A 10.5m; B 13m, 9", 198deg, 2000; C 13m, 8", 264deg, 2000; D 14m, 5", 238deg, 2000); combined brightness in the Table. SB1, P = 43.5d. V0428 Car VB A (B 13", 276deg, 2000, Comp. A VB, 0.6", 135deg, 1991). V0429 Car In a nebula. V0432 Car In a ring nebula. V0433 Car Multiperiodic. V0434 Car OH, SiO maser. V0436 Car Porb = 0.1497d. V0438 Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 3293. V0439 Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 3293. V0440 Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 3293. V0441 Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 3293. V0442 Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 3496. Crowded. V0450 Car VB A (B 6.8m, 1.4", 86deg, 1997); one of the components is SB, Porb = 340d. V0460 Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 2516. V0466 Car Apsidal motion. MinII = 2448036.284 + 3.455887d x E. V0467 Car MinII - MinI = 0.62P. V0470 Car VB Aab (7.61mHp, 9.79mHp, 0.1", 42deg, 2015). V0486 Car O'Connell effect. V0487 Car The mean brightness varies with a cycle about 780d. V0491 Car The mean Hipparcos magnitude is 9.69mHp. Const at 8.93mV? [00001]. V0493 Car Apsidal motion. MinII = 2447947.768 + 3.22937 x E. V0498 Car Type BE: is also possible. V0499 Car Possible periods: 0.081566d, 4.98753d. V0513 Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 3293. V0514 Car Porb is given in the Table. Pulsations: P = 4.655d. V0519 Car In the region of the open cluster Cr 228. In a nebula. V0523 Car P = 0.9155d is also possible. V0526 Car VB A (B 10.6m, 23", 153deg, 2000). V0527 Car VB AB (9.15m, 11.83m, 1", 230deg, 1991). V0529 Car Apsidal motion. MinII = 2448159.970 + 4.74449d x E. V0530 Car VB A (B 14.0m, 1.4", 355deg, 1944; C 14.2m, 4", 169deg, 1944; D 12.3m, 19", 176deg, 2000). V0531 Car VB A (B 13.0m, 16", 189deg, 1998). V0533 Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 3572a. V0534 Car Flare-like activity. V0542 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0543 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0544 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0545 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0546 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0547 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0548 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0549 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0550 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0551 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0552 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0553 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0554 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0555 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0556 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0557 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0558 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0559 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0560 Car Apsidal motion. V0561 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0562 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0563 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0564 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0565 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0566 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0567 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0568 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0569 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0570 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0571 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2602. V0572 Car In the region of the open cluster Tr 16 and Eta Car nebula. Eclipses are in the O7V+O9.5V pair; for the B0.2IV star, Porb = 285.1d or 1340.5d is possible [77090]. V0573 Car In the region of the open cluster Trumpler 16. V0574 Car VB A (B 4"p). Almost monotonic brightening for 12 years. V0583 Car VB A (B 15m, 14", 286deg, 2000). V0601 Car A cycle of about 70d is sometimes superposed. V0606 Car MinII - MinI = 0.583P. V0607 Car In the region of the open cluster NGC 2516. V0610 Car MinII - MinI = 0.26P. V0613 Car VB A (companion B of comparable brightness, 16", 0deg, 2000). The magnitudes in the Table were inflienced by the companion. V0621 Car VB A (B 14.6m, 12", 347deg; C 15.2m, 5", 27deg, 2000). V0627 Car VB A (B 13.5mpg, 22", 18deg, 1998). V0638 Car VB A (B 15.1mpg, 6", 27deg, 2000). V0645 Car VB A (B 11.6m, 15", 54deg, 2000). V0652 Car VB A (B 13.2m, 10", 55deg, 1997; other companions). V0653 Car VB A (B 14.4m, 10", 285deg, 2000). V0654 Car In the region of the open cluster Cr 223. V0655 Car MinII - MinI = 0.38P. V0656 Car Blended. V0660 Car In the Eta Carinae nebula. VB A (B 10.8m, 21", 206deg, 1998), the tabulated magnitude at maximum can be influenced. V0661 Car MinII - MinI = 0.65P. In the Eta Carinae nebula. VB A (B 12.5m, 12", 158deg, 2000). V0662 Car In the Eta Carinae nebula. In the region of the open cluster NGC 3372. V0674 Car MinII - MinI = 0.29P. Multiple (faint companions). V0675 Car VB A (B 12.2mR, 6", 20deg, 1996). The magnitudes in the Table are for combined brightness. V0680 Car VB B (A 7.74m, A0V; AB 17", 238deg, 1998). V0681 Car The Table presents light elements for eclipses. Pulsations: P = 0.214292d, amplitude about 0.03m. V0684 Car VB AB (A 9.03m; B 10.70m, 4", 188deg, 1941). V0701 Car P0 is tabulated, P1 = 2.869. VB AB (11.44m, 11.66m, 0.9", 1991). V0706 Car The mean brightness varies with a cycle about 1900d. V0712 Car In the region of the open cluster Westerlund 2. V0714 Car In the region of the open cluster IC 2581. V0717 Car Besides variations with the tabulated period, a second EB periodicity is revealed, P2 = 1.110270d, with amplitudes 0.20m (primary) and 0.15m (secondary). V0718 Car Besides variations with the tabulated period, a second EW periodicity is revealed, P2 = 0.388607d, with amplitudes of both minima about 0.1m. V0720 Car VB B (A 10.15m; B 16", 53deg, 1991). V0721 Car In the Eta Carinae nebula. V0722 Car In the Eta Carinae nebula. V0723 Car In the region of the open cluster Tr 14. In the Eta Carinae nebula. V0724 Car VB A (B 13.2m, 4", 80deg, 1934). V0725 Car MinII - MinI = 0.15P. In the Eta Carinae nebula. V0726 Car In the Eta Carinae nebula. V0727 Car VB B (A 10.4m; AB 12", 51deg, 2000). V0728 Car In the Eta Carinae nebula. V0729 Car In the Eta Carinae nebula. V0730 Car In the Eta Carinae nebula. V0731 Car In the Eta Carinae nebula. In the region of the open cluster Tr 16. VB A (B 9.61m, 27", 2deg, 1991; C 9.64m, 15", 195deg, 1991). V0734 Car MinII - MinI = 0.44P. V0742 Car VB A (B 1"p). V0750 Car SB3. V0754 Car SB3. V0777 Car VB A (B 5"sp). V0786 Car Outside eclipses, sinusoidal variations, full amplitude 0.0035m, P about 0.23d [80369]. V0788 Car SB2, a triple system. V0790 Car SB2, a triple system. V0802 Car Mean brightness varies. VB A (B 11.7m, 5", 222deg, 2000). V0821 Car SB3. V0829 Car In the open cluster Cr 240. V0831 Car Possibly also an intrinsic variable. V0835 Car SB2. V0835 Car SB2. V0845 Car SB2. V0845 Car SB2. V0846 Car Multiperiodic, 3 harmonics. V0846 Car Multiperiodic, 3 harmonics. V0865 Car MinII - MinI = 0.605P. V0865 Car MinII - MinI = 0.605P. V0867 Car VB B (A 12.6mV; AB 4.5", 194deg, 2000). V0867 Car VB B (A 12.6mV; AB 4.5", 194deg, 2000). V0869 Car MinII - MinI = 0.45P. V0869 Car MinII - MinI = 0.45P. V0887 Car MinII - MinI = 0.445P. V0887 Car MinII - MinI = 0.445P. V0889 Car MinII - MinI = 0.370P. V0889 Car MinII - MinI = 0.370P. V0890 Car A twice shorter period is also possible. V0890 Car A twice shorter period is also possible. V0899 Car Double-mode pulsations. The Table gives the fundamental-mode elements. For the first overtone, P1 = 0.0858512d. P1/P0 = 0.7748. V0899 Car Double-mode pulsations. The Table gives the fundamental-mode elements. For the first overtone, P1 = 0.0858512d. P1/P0 = 0.7748. V0901 Car Large scatter outside eclipses; intrinsic variability? V0901 Car Large scatter outside eclipses; intrinsic variability? V0911 Car Epoch of minimum brightness is given in the Table. Secondary minimum at about 11.4m. P = 44.9d is superposed. V0914 Car MinII - MinI = 0.90P. V0924 Car Blended. Blazhko effect. V0944 Car Cluster non-member. V0947 Car Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.05669563d, P1/P0 = 0.7745. V0948 Car Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.05214632d, P1/P0 = 0.7747. V0950 Car Epoch of maximum and longer period are given in the Table. P = 19.357d is superposed. V0953 Car Psh = 0.06072d. V0954 Car VB A (13.8mG; B 15.2mG, 9", 285deg, 2000; other companions). In a nebulosity. V0955 Car VB B (A 14.2mG, B 15.2mG; AB 9", 177deg, 2000). In a nebulosity. V0956 Car Psh = 0.08931d. eta Car In the HII region NGC 3372, in the region of the open cluster Tr 16. Multiple from speckle interferometry. eta Car Maximum brightness was observed in 1843. The bipolar Homunculus nebula was formed in the 1843 event. Several periodicities were reported by different authors. R Cas VB A (B 14.5m, 14", 273deg). SiO, OH maser; R Cas OH, H2O, SiO maser. VB A (B 13.2m, 22", 265deg, 2011; C 11.0m, 31", 318deg, 2011). S Cas SiO maser. T Cas SiO maser. Double maxima are often observed. U Cas S4.5/4e. V Cas SiO maser. X Cas P varies. Y Cas OH, H2O, SiO maser. Z Cas SiO maser. RV Cas SiO maser. RW Cas P varies. RX Cas P varies, quadratic term +1.151d x 10^{-5} x E^2. The magnitude at MinII varies between 9.12m and 9.49m. RZ Cas Irregular period variations, the Table presents current elements. The light curve shape varies. SU Cas Probable member of the open cluster Alessi 95. SB? SV Cas Biperiodic, P2 = 460d. SX Cas d = 0.04P. P varies, the Table presents current light elements. Light curve shape varies. VB A (B 12.1m, 20", 249deg, 2015). SY Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. SZ Cas P varies, quadratic term +1.01d x 10^(-5) x E^2. TU Cas The Table presents the period of the fundamental mode. First overtone: P1 = 1.51833. TV Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. Light curve shape varies. TW Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. TY Cas H2O maser. P varies. P = 545.0d was reported for JD 2419200 - 2425000. UV Cas According to [N0230], pulsations with P = 40.2d at maximum with an amplitude of 0.04m. VV Cas P varies. The light elements in the Table are valid after JD 2432500. WY Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 7789. WZ Cas Biperiodic, second period 187d. ZZ Cas P varies, the Table presents mean light elements. AB Cas The light elements in the Table are for eclipses. Pulsations: P = 0.05828649d [N0415], amplitude 0.04mV, associated with the primary. AE Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. AH Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. AL Cas P varies? The Table presents current light elements. AM Cas Porb = 0.1649: days. AO Cas The shape of the light curve varies? AR Cas VB A (B 9.3m, 0.8", 356deg, 2002; other distant components). MinII = 2435796.6429 + 6.0662969d x E. The period of the apsidalmotion is about 1100 years. AS Cas VB A (B 15.2m, 9", 57deg, 2000). The light elements in the Table are for the fundamental mode (amplitude 0.59m). First overtone: Max = 2448510.5 + 2.155557d x E, amplitude 0.13m. AX Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. AZ Cas D = 110d, d = 88d = 0.026P. BD Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. Type DCEPS is not excluded. BE Cas VB A (B Sp G, 14.8m, 19", 264deg, 2000). BH Cas VB A (B 13.5m, 10", 209deg, 2000). P varies, the Table presents current light elements. BM Cas Variations outside eclipses with an amplitude from 0.1m to 0.2m at time scales of 20d, 80-90d [N0421]. BS Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. BT Cas SiO maser. BY Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 663. P varies, the Table presents current light elements. Quadratic light elements: Max = 2431933.033 + 3.221494d x E + 2.251d x 10(^-7) x E^2 [N0256]. SB. BZ Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. CE CasA In the open cluster NGC 7790. VB A (B = CE Cas B, 2.4", 265deg, 2002). CE CasB In the open cluster NGC 7790. VB B (A = CE Cas A; AB 2.4", 265deg, 2002). CF Cas In the open cluster NGC 7790. CG Cas In the region of the open clusters Be 58 and NGC 7790. CQ Cas The slow variations are superposed with smaller-amplitude waves, 110d to 250d long. CR Cas P varies, the Table presents provisional current light elements. Contradictory spectral type information. CW Cas P varies (decreases systematically), the Table presents current light elements. Depths of minima vary. DD Cas P varies? The Table presents current light elements. DF Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 1027. DI Cas VB A (B 16.0mpg, 7", 190deg, 1995). DK Cas Close companions. DL Cas Member of the open cluster NGC 129. SB, Porb = 684.4d. DQ Cas In the region of the emission nebula NGC 7635. DR Cas In the region of the emission nebula NGC 7635. DS Cas In the region of the emission nebula NGC 7635. DZ Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. EG Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. EI Cas P varies? The Table presents current light elements. EM Cas P varies. Amplitude varies strongly. EP Cas P varies? The Table presents current light elements. EU Cas SiO maser. EY Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. FN Cas VB A (B 16.1m, 7", 51deg, 1990). FO Cas VB A (B 14.7m, 16", 304deg, 1992; other companions). FV Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. GG Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. GH Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. GT Cas d = 0.02P. P varies, the Table presents current light elements. GX Cas Superoutbursts: the cycle is about 386d. Porb = 0.08902d. HN Cas d = 0.038P. HS Cas Several close companions. HT Cas The light elements in the Table are for EA eclipses. 16.0 - 16.5mV in quiescence outside eclipses. Rare superoutbursts and normal outbursts during recent years. HU Cas P varies. VB A (B 16.1mpg, 7", 273deg, 1999). HY Cas P = 12.07d/n. IR Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. IS Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. IT Cas MinII - MinI = 0.553P. Possible apsidal motion cycle: 404 years. DSCTC pulsations of the secondary were suspected [N0426]. IV Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. Probable third body, P = 60 years [N0427]. Pulsations of the primary: P = 0.026545d, Delta m = 0.01mB [N0428]. IX Cas P varies. SB, Porb = 110.29d. KO Cas VB A (B 13.6m, 24", 314deg, 1998). KX Cas VB C (A 13.0m, B 13.1m; AC 14", 76deg, 1998; BC 12", 264deg, 1998). KY Cas VB A (A 15.8mV; B 15.9mV, 8", 245deg, 1998). KZ Cas VB A (B 18.1m, 7", 26deg, 1998). LQ Cas P varies? The Table presents current light elements. LW Cas In the nebulosity associated with the open cluster IC 1848. Single strong brightening in 1951 - 1952. LX Cas In the region of the open cluster Collinder 33. MinII - MinI = 0.47P. dI = 0.10P. LY Cas In the region of the open cluster Collinder 33. d = 0.03P. MM Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. Variations of the primary reported in [N0432], with a combined-brightness amplitude of 0.08m and P = 0.15d. MO Cas In the region of the nebula NGC 7635. 10.2 - 13.1mI. MP Cas In the region of the nebula NGC 7635. 10.4 - 13.5mI. MR Cas P varies? MT Cas d = 0.04P. P varies? The Table presents current light elements. MU Cas MinII - MinI = 0.37P. MW Cas VB A (B 8", 75deg, 2000). The magnitude range in the Table is for combined brightness. MY Cas P varies? The Table presents current light elements. NN Cas VB A (B 9", 29deg, 2000; C 6", 238deg, 2000). NT Cas P varies? NV Cas d = 0.03P. NX Cas In an HII region. OX Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 381. The Table presents mean light elements. Apsidal motion, P = 39.8 years [N0434]. PV Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. Apsidal motion, P = 92.9 years. PZ Cas VB A (B 12.8m, 12", 99deg, 2011). Biperiodic, P2 = 3195d. QQ Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. QX Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 7790. VB A (B 13.1m, 3"). MinII - MinI = 0.38P. QY Cas [Fe/H] = -1.30. V0341 Cas P varies, the elements in the Table are valid prior to JD 2440443. V0346 Cas VB A (12.7mV; B 13.9mV, 15", 22deg, 1990). V0348 Cas VB A (B 16.8m, 7", 65deg, 2000). V0350 Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. V0355 Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. V0359 Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. V0363 Cas P1 = 0.438243d. V0365 Cas P varies, the period in the Table is for JD 2430000 - 2440000. V0366 Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. V0368 Cas P varies? The Table presents current light elements. V0373 Cas MinII - MinI = 0.58P. Peculiar light curve. Suspected apsidal motion. V0375 Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. V0377 Cas VB AB (8.11mV, 8.48mV, 2", 182deg, 1991). V0381 Cas Apsidal motion? The Table presents current light elements for MinI. V0384 Cas P varies? The Table presents current light elements. V0385 Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. V0387 Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. V0388 Cas Wolf 47. mu = 0.727" per year, p = 82.5deg. A common-proper-motion pair with BD +61deg 195 = Wolf 46 at an angular distance of 294". V0389 Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. V0392 Cas P varies? V0398 Cas In the region of the emission nebula NGC 7635. V0404 Cas [Fe/H] = -1.6:. V0411 Cas P varies? V0412 Cas VB A (B 15", 259deg, 2000). V0424 Cas P = 3.09d/N. V0425 Cas SB1, Porb = 0.14964d. V0430 Cas VB A (B 17.7m, 6", 188deg, 1995). V0442 Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. V0444 Cas P varies, the Table presents mean light elements. V0445 Cas P varies? The Table presents current light elements. V0450 Cas VB A (B 17.5:m, 3", 189deg, 1999). The range in the Table is for combined light. V0452 Cas VB A (B 15.8m, 7", 160deg, 1998). V0466 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457. V0470 Cas P varies, the Table presents light elements for JD 2436200 - 2450013. V0471 Cas P varies? The Table presents current light elements. V0473 Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. V0480 Cas Red. LB: [00001]. V0482 Cas P = 0.28292d is also possible [05522]. No reliable periodic variations were detected in [00075]. VB Aab (7.8mV, 10.5mV, 0.4", 90deg, 2008; B 9.9mV, 7", 190deg, 2015; C 10.5mV, 53", 9deg, 2008; D 15.0mV, 3", 113deg, 2008). V0487 Cas P2 = 99.6d. V0494 Cas The chart in [05849] is believed to be distorted. V0495 Cas VB (3"). V0497 Cas In the region of the open cluster IC 1848. V0498 Cas In the region of the open cluster IC 1848. V0499 Cas In the region of the open cluster IC 1848. V0509 Cas P2 = 299.2d; possibly P3 = 385.4d. Other authors report different periods. V0518 Cas In the region of the open cluster Stock 2. V0520 Cas P varies, the Table presents current mean light elements. V0521 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V0523 Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. V0524 Cas OH, H2O, SiO maser. V0526 Cas Multiperiodic; also P = 0.0526d. V0528 Cas VB A (B 10.9mV, 15", 104deg, 2011). V0530 Cas In the region of the emission nebula NGC 7635. V0532 Cas VB B (A 9.8m; AB 24", 237deg, 2006). In the open cluster NGC 7789. V0533 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 7789. V0536 Cas P varies, the Table presents light elements for JD 2441533 - 2442016. V0542 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 7789. V0544 Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. V0546 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 103. V0547 Cas VB A (Aa, Ab 0.4", 222deg, 2014; B 12.2mV, 4", 182deg, 2013). The range in the Table is for combined magnitudes. V0559 Cas VB AB (7.5m, 8.2m, 0.4", 71 deg, 2007). The range in the Table is for combined brightness. V0563 Cas In the region of the nebula NGC 7635. V0566 Cas VB (5.70m, 8.07m, 1.5", 194deg, 2015). The range in the Table is for combined brightness. V0568 Cas Possible Blazhko effect. V0569 Cas In the region of the nebula NGC 7635. V0570 Cas In the region of the nebula NGC 7635. V0571 Cas In the region of the nebula NGC 7635. V0572 Cas In the region of the nebula NGC 7635. V0573 Cas In the region of the nebula NGC 7635. V0574 Cas In the region of the nebula NGC 7635. V0575 Cas In the region of the nebula NGC 7635. V0576 Cas In the region of the nebula NGC 7635. V0577 Cas In the region of the nebula NGC 7635. V0578 Cas In the region of the nebula NGC 7635. V0579 Cas In the region of the nebula NGC 7635. V0580 Cas In the region of the nebula NGC 7635. V0581 Cas In the region of the nebula NGC 7635. V0582 Cas In the region of the nebula NGC 7635. V0583 Cas In the region of the nebula NGC 7635. V0584 Cas In the region of the nebula NGC 7635. V0585 Cas In the region of the nebula NGC 7635. V0586 Cas In the region of the nebula NGC 7635. V0587 Cas In the region of the nebula NGC 7635. V0589 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 663. V0592 Cas Porb = 0.112d. Variations with P = 0.0150d were reported in [N0451]. V0594 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 225. V0597 Cas Not red. V0600 Cas Not red. V0601 Cas Not red. V0603 Cas Not red. V0604 Cas Not red. V0606 Cas Not red. V0608 Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. V0612 Cas Not red enough for its variability type and spectral type. V0614 Cas Not red enough for its variability type and spectral type. V0615 Cas VB A (B 13.4m, 12", 166deg, 2003). Optical variations with the orbital period, radio outbursts with the same period. P2 about 1670d was reported. V0627 Cas H2O, SiO, OH maser. V0628 Cas Several close companions reported. In a nebula with a complex structure. V0629 Cas In the open cluster Stock 12. V0630 Cas Very rare outbursts (1950, 1992, 2009). Porb = 2.56387d. V0633 Cas H2O maser. V0635 Cas Porb = 24.3d, Prot = 3.6s. V0638 Cas VB Aa (Ab 10.52m, 0.6", 137deg, 2009; B 10.15m, 19", 48deg, 2007). V0639 Cas VB A (6.52m; B 8.32m, 0.2", 34deg, 1998). The range in the Table is for combined brightness. V0640 Cas VB (A 6.34mV; B 7.99mV, 1.4". 357deg, 2015; Porb = 106.8 years). B SB, P = 47.685d. V0643 Cas Seems too white for a Cepheid [00001]. V0644 Cas Seems too white for a Cepheid [00001]. V0645 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457. V0650 Cas VB AB (6.76mV, 7.76mV, 0.7", 319deg, 2011). V0656 Cas OH, SiO maser. V0657 Cas H2O, SiO maser. V0662 Cas Porb = 11.59d, e = 0.16. X-ray flaring activity. V0663 Cas Multiperiodic. V0664 Cas The central star of the planetary nebula HFG1. V0665 Cas Optical pulsations at 285.6 MHz were reported. A 7-second X-ray pulsar. The star remains a doubtful variable with no reliable optical identification. V0669 Cas H2O, SiO, OH maser. V0702 Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. V0709 Cas Pspin = 312.77s, Pbeat = 317.94s. V0710 Cas A double IR source (6") in a nebula within a dark cloud. H2O maser. V0711 Cas In the region of the galaxy NGC 185; a foreground object? V0712 Cas In the region of the galaxy NGC 185; a foreground object? V0713 Cas In the region of the galaxy NGC 185; a foreground object? V0714 Cas In the region of the galaxy NGC 185; a foreground object? V0715 Cas In the region of the galaxy NGC 185; a foreground object? V0716 Cas In the region of the galaxy NGC 185; a foreground object? V0717 Cas In the region of the galaxy NGC 185; a foreground object? V0718 Cas In the region of the galaxy NGC 185; a foreground object? V0719 Cas In the region of the galaxy NGC 185; a foreground object? V0723 Cas Long-term variations: Max = 2450136 + 182d x E. Short-term variations (eclipses?): Min = 2450421.4405 + 0.63501d x E. V0730 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 7789. V0731 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 7789. V0732 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 7789. V0733 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 7789. V0734 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 7789. V0735 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 7789. V0736 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 7789. V0737 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 7789. O'Connell effect. V0738 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 7789. VB A (B 2" sf). V0742 Cas SB, Porb = 55.9233d. V0745 Cas VB A (B 11.13m, 9.5", 85deg, 2012). V0746 Cas VB AB (5.95m, 6.84m, 0.1", 94deg, 2007). Multiperiodic; P2 =1.06502d, P3 = 0.83094d. SB, P = 25.44d. V0747 Cas VB AB (7.67m, 7.87m, 0.15", 35deg, 1991). The variability may be due to the fainter component. V0756 Cas VB AB (9.21m, 10.02m, 0.3", 159deg, 2008). V0761 Cas VB AB (6.50m, 8.97m, 1.5", 262deg, 2007). V0765 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457. V0766 Cas VB AB (7.30m, 9.18m, 0.4", 90deg, 1998). V0773 Cas VB AB (6.36m, 6.60m, 0.6", 332deg, 2010). V0775 Cas MinII - MinI = 0.65P. V0776 Cas VB AB (9.08m, 10.64m, 5", 136deg, 2011). V0779 Cas VB AB (6.78m, 8.74m, 1.1", 9deg, 2007). V0784 Cas Multiperiodic. V0791 Cas VB AB (7.85m, 11.09m, 3", 140deg, 1991). V0798 Cas SB. V0799 Cas MinII - MinI = 0.68P. V0816 Cas VB AB (6.6mV, 10.8mV, 3", 277deg, 2009). V0821 Cas Apsidal motion. MinII = 2447965.031 + 1.769720d x E. V0823 Cas A triple-mode pulsating variable star. Resembles AC And. First overtone: see Table. Fundamental mode: P0 = 0.669001d. Second overtone: P = 0.410916d. Periods vary. V0825 Cas The Table presents light elements for the fundamental mode. First overtone: Max = 2444825.50 + 2.65262d x E. V0827 Cas P varies. V0831 Cas Pulses with P about 8.7s in X-rays and in the optical range [N0471]. V0839 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7654. P = 0.816d is also possible. V0840 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7654. V0841 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7654. V0842 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7654. V0843 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7654. V0849 Cas Between JD 2429100 and JD 2447087, brightness oscillated around ever increasing mean level. V0861 Cas SiO maser. V0865 Cas SiO maser. V0868 Cas In the open cluster NGC 663. V0869 Cas In the open cluster NGC 663. V0874 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V0875 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V0876 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V0877 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V0898 Cas Several companions. V0923 Cas VB A (B 6", 353deg, 1999). V0934 Cas VB A (B 14.7m, 14", 334deg, 1992). V0947 Cas SiO maser. V0969 Cas In the open cluster NGC 654. MinII - MinI = 0.547P. V0971 Cas In the open cluster NGC 654. V0972 Cas In the open cluster NGC 663. V0973 Cas In the open cluster NGC 663. V0974 Cas In the open cluster NGC 663. V0975 Cas In the open cluster NGC 663. V0976 Cas In the open cluster NGC 663. V0977 Cas VB A (B 10.98m, 7", 38deg, 2015). In the open cluster NGC 663. V0978 Cas VB B (A 9.04m; AB 9", 106deg, 2015). In the open cluster NGC 663. V0979 Cas In the open cluster NGC 663. V0980 Cas In the open cluster NGC 663. V0981 Cas In the open cluster NGC 663. V0982 Cas In the open cluster NGC 663. V0983 Cas In the open cluster NGC 663. V0984 Cas In the open cluster NGC 663. V0985 Cas VB B (A 9.36m; AB 8", 69deg, 2015). In the open cluster NGC 663. V0986 Cas In the open cluster NGC 663. V0987 Cas VB A (B 10.7m, 10", 329deg, 2000). V0988 Cas VB AB (8.13mV, 10.7mV, 5", 181deg, 2003). V0990 Cas Chromospherically active giant, photometric variations with the rotational period. V1006 Cas Multiperiodic. V1012 Cas Multiperiodic. VB AB (7.42mV, 9.72mV, 0.1", 76deg, 2010). V1018 Cas VB AB (10.4mV, 11.6mV, 2", 198deg, 2001). MinII - MinI = 0.41P. V1022 Cas MinII - MinI = 0.67:P. V1023 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 7789. V1024 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 7789. V1026 Cas Multiperiodic. V1027 Cas Intermediate polar. Porb = 0.16804d. V1036 Cas VB AB (10.2mV, 10.1mV, 0.4", 91deg, 2009). V1037 Cas Millisecond pulsar (Pspin = 1.7ms). Porb = 0.1024d. Several large-amplitude brightenings were observed. V1038 Cas VB AB (10.7mV, 11.2mV, 0.7", 314deg, 1991). V1054 Cas The tabulated variability range is distorted with GSC 03667-01557. V1066 Cas MinII - MinI = 0.56P. V1073 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457, outside its tidal radius. V1074 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457, outside its tidal radius. V1075 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457, outside its tidal radius. V1076 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457, outside its tidal radius. V1077 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457, outside its tidal radius. V1078 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457. V1079 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457, outside its tidal radius. V1080 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457, outside its tidal radius. V1081 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457, outside its tidal radius. V1082 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457, cluster non-member. V1083 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457, outside its tidal radius. V1084 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457. V1085 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457, cluster non-member. V1086 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457. V1087 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457, cluster non-member. V1088 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457, outside its tidal radius. V1090 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457, cluster non-member. V1092 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457, outside its tidal radius. V1093 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457, cluster non-member. V1095 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457, outside its tidal radius. V1096 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457, outside its tidal radius. V1097 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457, outside its tidal radius. V1098 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457. V1099 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457, outside its tidal radius. V1101 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457, outside its tidal radius. V1102 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457, outside its tidal radius. V1103 Cas MinII - MinI = 0.531P. V1104 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457, outside its tidal radius. V1105 Cas In the region of the open cluster NGC 457, outside its tidal radius. V1107 Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. V1110 Cas MinII - MinI = 0.710P. V1111 Cas In the open cluster M 103 = NGC 581. V1112 Cas A twice longer period with minima of the same depth is possible. V1113 Cas In the open cluster M 103 = NGC 581. V1114 Cas In the open cluster M 103 = NGC 581. V1115 Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. V1117 Cas In the open cluster M 103 = NGC 581. V1118 Cas In the open cluster M 103 = NGC 581. V1119 Cas In the open cluster M 103 = NGC 581. V1120 Cas In the open cluster M 103 = NGC 581. V1121 Cas In the open cluster M 103 = NGC 581. V1122 Cas VB B (A = NSV 00542, 7.3m; B 14", 143deg, 2007; 3 more components). In the open cluster M 103 = NGC 581. V1123 Cas In the open cluster M 103 = NGC 581. MinII - MinI = 0.73P. P = 6.006d is also possible. V1124 Cas In the open cluster M 103 = NGC 581. V1125 Cas In the open cluster M 103 = NGC 581. V1126 Cas In the open cluster M 103 = NGC 581. V1127 Cas In the open cluster M 103 = NGC 581. V1129 Cas In the open cluster M 103 = NGC 581. V1130 Cas In the open cluster M 103 = NGC 581. V1132 Cas In the open cluster M 103 = NGC 581. Multiperiodic. V1133 Cas In the open cluster M 103 = NGC 581. V1134 Cas In the open cluster M 103 = NGC 581. V1135 Cas In the open cluster M 103 = NGC 581. V1136 Cas In the open cluster M 103 = NGC 581. V1137 Cas Probable apsidal motion. V1139 Cas P varies, the Table presents current light elements. Third body? V1141 Cas MinII - MinI = 0.441P. V1142 Cas In the open cluster NGC 637. V1143 Cas In the open cluster NGC 637. Multiperiodic. V1144 Cas In the open cluster NGC 659. V1145 Cas In the open cluster NGC 659. V1146 Cas In the open cluster NGC 659. V1147 Cas In the field of the open cluster NGC 659. V1148 Cas In the open cluster NGC 659. V1149 Cas In the field of the open cluster NGC 659. V1150 Cas In the open cluster NGC 659. V1151 Cas In the field of the open cluster NGC 663. V1152 Cas In the field of the open cluster NGC 663. V1153 Cas In the field of the open cluster NGC 663. V1155 Cas VB A (A 11.1mV; B 13.2mV, 7", 120deg, 2012). In the field of the open cluster NGC 663. V1156 Cas VB A (B 13.5mV, 12", 223deg, 2012). In the field of the open cluster NGC 663. V1157 Cas In the field of the open cluster NGC 663. V1160 Cas A twice shorter period is not excluded. V1162 Cas MinII - MinI = 0.230P. V1170 Cas In the open cluster IC 1848. V1176 Cas MinII - MinI = 0.494P. V1177 Cas MinII - MinI = 0.53P. V1179 Cas VB A (B 13.8mV, 29", 323deg, 1999). The tabulated magnitudes can be distorted by the companion. V1180 Cas In the dark cloud Lynds 1340. V1183 Cas Multiperiodic. V1194 Cas Multiperiodic. V1196 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1197 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1198 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1199 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1200 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1201 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1202 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1203 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1204 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1205 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1207 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1208 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1209 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1210 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1211 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1212 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1213 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1214 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1215 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1216 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1217 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1218 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1219 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1220 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1221 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1222 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1223 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1224 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1225 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1226 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1227 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1228 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1229 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1230 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1231 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1232 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1233 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1234 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1235 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1236 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. O'Connell effect. V1237 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1238 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1239 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1240 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1241 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1242 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1243 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1244 Cas In the open cluster NGC 7789. V1255 Cas Type RRC with a twice shorter period is also possible. V1271 Cas MinII - MinI = 0.525P. V1276 Cas The light curve shape varies. V1277 Cas Multiperiodic. V1280 Cas Multiperiodic. V1292 Cas P = 0.311336d is also possible. V1293 Cas Oscillations outside MinI, amplitude 0.04mV, periods 0.12d and 0.045d. V1315 Cas Type DCEPS is also possible. V1316 Cas VB B (A 14.3mV; AB 23", 165deg, 1998). The object 1SWASP V1316 Cas J011732.10+525204.9, announced variable in [82030], is a blend V1316 Cas of the non-variable component A near the SuperWASP position and V1316 Cas the really variable component B. V1345 Cas Type EW with a twice longer period is also possible. V1355 Cas VB (companion: 6", 259deg, 1999). V1378 Cas Type RRC with a twice shorter period is also possible. V1386 Cas MinII - MinI = 0.465P. V1391 Cas Porb = 0.15442d. V1402 Cas VB A (14.0mG; B 16.2mG, 4.5", 194deg, 2000). V1404 Cas VB A (16.3mG; B 16.8mG, 7", 158deg, 2000). V1405 Cas Porb = 0.1883907d. V1406 Cas Not identical to NSV 14807. V1408 Cas Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0528000d, P1/P0 = 0.7781. V1409 Cas Porb = 0.078d, Psh = 0.08037d. V1414 Cas P = 73.7d is superposed. V1417 Cas MinII - MinI = 0.44P. V1426 Cas MinII - MinI = 0.24P. V1430 Cas Blazhko effect. P(Bl) = 47.5d. V1432 Cas Psh = 0.05518d. V1449 Cas VB A (B 12.6mV, 6", 157deg, 2014). V1461 Cas MinII - MinI = 0.52P. V1464 Cas VB A (11.6mG; B 13.2mG, 7", 230deg, 2000). V1467 Cas P = 54d is superposed. bet Cas SB, Porb = 27d. gam Cas VB A (B 10.9m, 2", 259deg, 2002). SB? In the HII region S 185. V sin i = 310 km/s. eta Cas SB. VB A (B 7.4mV, 13", 324deg, 2015). iot Cas VB (Aa 4.63m, Ab 8.48m, 0.6", 42deg, 2010; B 6.92m, 3", 232deg, 2015; C 9.05m, 7", 120deg, 2015). The range in the Table is for combined brightness. kap Cas SB, Porb = 0.14035d. omi Cas SB1, P = 1033d. V sin i = 220 km/s. rho Cas Multiperiodic. B Cas Tycho Brahe's supernova. Maximum probably around November 15, 1572. R Cen H2O, SiO maser. VB A (B 11.2m, 27", 215deg, 2000). Double maxima, the elements in the Table are for the brighter maximum. P decreases, the Table presents current light elements. V Cen In the open cluster NGC 5662. X Cen SiO maser. Y Cen H2O maser. Z Cen SN 1895B (NGC 5253). RR Cen P varies, the Table presents current light elements. RT Cen OH maser. RX Cen OH maser. SV Cen P varies, quadratic term in the light elements: -7.502d x 10^(-8) x E^2. SX Cen P2 = 610d. TW Cen H2O maser. UW Cen VB A (B 13.6m, 23", 336deg, 2000). Variations between minima: P = 42.82d [N0488]. Associated with a faint nebula. UZ Cen VB A (B 13.5m, 3", 192deg, 1938). The Table presents the fundamental-mode period. First overtone: P1 = 1.355317d. WX Cen Epoch of Min is given. Variations with the orbital period plus flickering. XX Cen P varies, the Table presents current light elements. SB, Porb = 909.4d. ZZ Cen VB D (A 9.75m; B 11.1m, 8", 310deg, 1999; C = AA Cen, 12.2m, 9.5", 110deg, 1999; D 12.4m, 9.3", 257deg, 1999). In [00027], ZZ Cen is called component C. AA Cen VB C (A 9.75m; B 11.1m, 8", 310deg, 1999; C 12.2m, 9.5", 110deg, 1999; D = ZZ Cen, 12.4m, 9.3", 257deg, 1999). In [00027], AA Cen is called component D. AB Cen d = 0.06P. AQ Cen OH, SiO, H2O maser. AR Cen VB A (B 13.2m, 18", 185deg, 2000; other companions). AS Cen VB AB (3", 199deg, 2000; there are other companions). AZ Cen SB. BF Cen In the region of the open cluster NGC 3766. BH Cen In the region of the open cluster IC 2944. P varies, the Table presents current light elements. BI Cen Blazhko effect, P = 79.4d. [Fe/H] = -0.83. BK Cen Fundamental mode: see Table, A0 = 0.54m. First overtone: P1 = 2.222967d, A1 = 0.22m. P1/P0 = 0.700. BP Cen P varies? BV Cen During half a century, time intervals between outbursts increase, becoming about 1000d by 2008. Possibly a Nova resembling GK Per, with the major outburst missed. Small-amplitude brightness variations with Porb = 0.6096144d [05799]. BW Cen VB A (B 14m, 19", 231deg, 2001). DP Cen VB (5", 52deg, 1999; other components). The range in the Table is for combined brightness. DU Cen P = 1d/N. DX Cen Multiple. Closest companion: 14.0m, 10", 106deg, 2000. The variability range in the Table was influenced by the companions. DY Cen Deep minima in 1897, 1901, 1924, 1929 [00030]. No recent deep minima, gradual brightness decrease. SB1, Porb = 39.67d. EL Cen MinII - MinI = 0.31P? EU Cen VB A (B 14m, 18", 91deg, 1997; other faint companions). FN Cen Smaller-amplitude variations with P2 = 136d are superposed. GI Cen V1 (NGC 5286). GZ Cen VB A (B 5", 303deg). HN Cen VB A (B 14m, 11", 175deg, 1999). IL Cen Superposed shorter-period, smaller-amplitude variations. IX Cen In the region of the open cluster NGC 3766. IY Cen In the region of the open cluster IC 2944. KO Cen Multiperiodic, P2 = 164d. KS Cen [Fe/H] = -0.80. KT Cen MinII - MinI = 0.47P. Apsidal motion. KW Cen Blazhko effect? LN Cen [Fe/H] = -1.89. LU Cen A twice longer period is also possible. LW Cen In the region of the open cluster IC 2944. In a nebula. ASAS-3 data show change of brightness level: 9.2m - 9.3m before JD 2453250, then 8.85m - 9.0m before 2454750, with subsequent gradual fading [00001]. LX Cen VB AB (6", 63deg, 2000). MN Cen VB A (8.82m; B 10.3m, 7", 145deg, 2010; other companions). The magnitudes in the Table are for combined brightness. MQ Cen Multiple star. The magnitudes in the Table are for combined brightness. MU Cen Porb = 0.341883d. NN Cen VB A (B 16.4V, 3", 195deg, 1999, 2000; C 16.5V, 5",129deg, 2000). QR Cen In the region of the open cluster NGC 5381. QU Cen VB B (A 12.0m; AB 9", 240deg, 2000). QZ Cen Blazhko effect? V0339 Cen VB A (B 12.0m, 17", 238deg, 2000). V0346 Cen Apsidal motion, P = 321yr. The Table presents light elements for MinI. MinII = 2444654.0485 + 6.3221513d x E. In the region of the open cluster Stock 14. V0359 Cen Superoutbursts occur with intervals of 307 - 397d. Superhumps: P = 0.08092d. V0370 Cen SiO maser. V0371 Cen Unusual light curve with a secondary minimum at phase 0.22P from Catalina data. V0373 Cen VB A (B 5", 329deg, 1999). V0378 Cen P varies, the Table presents current light elements. Max = 2434025.452 + 6.459493d x E + 0.0000001723d x E^2 [N0497]. V0383 Cen MinII - MinI = 0.609P. V0384 Cen DII = 0.08P. MinII - MinI = 0.65P. V0419 Cen P varies, quadratic term -0.0000000475d x E^2. V0420 Cen P varies, quadratic term -0.000090d x E^2. V0436 Cen Porb = 0.0625d. The cycle of superoutbursts is about 300d. V0441 Cen VB A (B 14.8mV, 9", 302deg, 2000; other companions). V0443 Cen d = 0.02P. V0458 Cen Strong Blazhko effect. V0459 Cen Blazhko effect? V0465 Cen Blazhko effect? V0481 Cen Blazhko effect. V0483 Cen Blazhko effect? P varies? V0491 Cen Several close companions. V0495 Cen d = 0.03P:. V0496 Cen In the region of the open cluster NGC 4755. V0499 Cen [Fe/H] = -1.43. V0503 Cen Strong Blazhko effect. V0504 Cen Occasional deep fadings, spectrum of a cataclysmic variable. V0505 Cen VB A (B 15m, 20", 106deg, 1999). V0507 Cen VB A (B 13m, 7", 210deg, 1996). V0509 Cen VB (5", 276deg, 1999). V0514 Cen Blazhko effect? V0532 Cen Identification with the transient X-ray source 3A 1431-409 was suggested. V0539 Cen VB A (B 13.6mF, 12", 172deg, 1999). V0540 Cen VB (companion 14.8mF, 13", 109deg, 1999). V0547 Cen VB A (B 5", 182deg, 1999). V0549 Cen VB A (B 16m, 7", 126deg, 1999). V0565 Cen Type RR with P = 0.238072 is also possible. V0570 Cen Blazhko effect. V0571 Cen VB A (B 13m, 22", 285deg, 2000; other components). V0574 Cen VB A (B 4", 131deg, 2000); the Table presents combined magnitudes. Blazhko effect? V0587 Cen Blazhko effect? V0592 Cen The long-period, large-amplitude variations are superposed with faster variations, P = 41.7d, Delta m = 0.8m. V0593 Cen In the region of the open cluster Stock 16. V0594 Cen V133 (NGC 5139 = omega Cen); cluster non-member. V0618 Cen OH maser. V0619 Cen In the open cluster NGC 5319. Strongly blended; the range in the Table is for combined magnitudes. V0622 Cen VB A (B 5", 77deg, 2000). V0633 Cen Strong Blazhko effect? V0639 Cen VB A (B 5", 234deg, 2000); the Table presents combined magnitudes. V0643 Cen VB A (B 14m, 13", 158deg, 1999). V0645 Cen Proxima Cen = alpha Cen C. Soft X-ray source. BY variations with a small amplitude; different authors report Prot from 31.5d to 42d. V0646 Cen d = 0.02P. V0654 Cen O'Connell effect. V0659 Cen VB (0.63"). V0671 Cen [Fe/H] = -1.40. V0672 Cen O'Connell effect. V0674 Cen Blazhko effect, P = 46.5d:. [Fe/H] = -1.53. V0687 Cen DII = 0.12P. MinII - MinI = 0.580P. V0701 Cen VB A (A 9.32mHp; B 10.06mHp, A0-2V-IV, 1.3", 30deg, 1991). The magnitudes in the Table are for combined brightness. V0723 Cen A twice longer period is possible. V0727 Cen A twice shorter period is not excluded. V0729 Cen Blazhko effect. V0734 Cen Blazhko effect? V0747 Cen O'Connell effect. V0748 Cen d = 0.08P. Long-term variations of the out-of-eclipse brightness between 10.36m and 11.2m. V0752 Cen P varies, the Table presents current light elements. V0755 Cen VB A (B 7", 31deg, 2000); combined magnitudes are given. Possible BY variations: 11.9 - 12.2mV, P = 80: d. V0761 Cen SB. V0764 Cen SB1. V0766 Cen VB AaAb (7.31m, 7.70m, 0.1", 114deg, 1991; B 9.9m, 9", 318deg, 1998). V0772 Cen In the region of the open cluster IC 2944. V0778 Cen VB A (A 10.2mV; B 11.6mV, 21", 205deg, 2000). V0779 Cen Cen X-3 = 4U 1119-603. The light elements are for MinI of the eclipsing variations. X-ray pulses: P = 4.834477s (epoch JD 2442785.3) [07612]. The orbital period and the pulse period vary. V0784 Cen Variations with P = 87.3d are sometimes superposed. V0786 Cen Physical variations outside eclipses can be present. V0790 Cen P varies? VB C (J 9.56m, 10", 62deg, 2000). V0791 Cen V269 in the globular cluster NGC 5139 (omega Cen). Cluster non-member. V0796 Cen VB AB (10.1m, 13m, 11", 171deg, 2000). The Table presents the combined magnitude. V0801 Cen Optical brightness variations related to the disk of the Be star. Pulsar, P = 292s. X-ray outbursts, about 10d in duration, at periastron passages of the neutron star (Porb = 186.5d). V0802 Cen Helium spectrum, virtually without hydrogen lines. Three brightness states, "high" (12.7m - 13.3m), "low" (about 17m), and "cycling" (13.4m - 14.5m, at least 50% of the time). V0802 Cen Variations with P about 22 hours in the "cycling" state, probably similar to outbursts of dwarf novae. In the "low" state, outbursts probably have a cycle about 5d. V0802 Cen At all phases, variations with P about 1612 seconds,possibly superhumps. V0805 Cen MinII - MinI = 0.547P. V0807 Cen VB AB (10.1m, 10.3m, 0.4", 258deg, 1931). V0810 Cen In the open cluster Stock 14. V0811 Cen Strongly blended. V0813 Cen V65 in the globular cluster NGC 5139 (omega Cen). Cluster non-member. V0814 Cen V78 in the globular cluster NGC 5139 (omega Cen). Cluster non-member. V0815 Cen VB A (A 5.25mHp; B 7.96mHp, 1.3", 252deg, 1995). The range in the Table is for combined brightness. V0816 Cen Multiperiodic. V0820 Cen [Fe/H] = -1.72. V0822 Cen Ellipsoidal variations in quiescence: Min = HJD 2446919.7744 + 0.628935 x E, 19.24 - 19.62mB, MinII 19.44mB [N0508]. V0825 Cen V2 in the globular cluster NGC 5139 (omega Cen). Cluster non-member. V0826 Cen V129 in the globular cluster NGC 5139 (omega Cen). Cluster non-member. V0830 Cen X-ray pulsar: Ppuls = 292s. V0831 Cen VB ABC (A 5.3m, B 6.0m, 0.2", 125deg, 2015; AB 4.55m, C 8.4m, 2", 15deg, 2015); other, more distant, components. The Table presents combined magnitudes for ABC. Presumably, A varies. V0832 Cen V168 in the globular cluster NGC 5139 (omega Cen). Cluster non-member. V0833 Cen V56 in the globular cluster NGC 5139 (omega Cen). Cluster non-member. Blazhko effect. V0836 Cen Multiperiodic. V0837 Cen Multiperiodic. V0838 Cen VB AB (9.35m, 10.64m, 0.2", 231deg, 2015; C 13.5m, 14", 29deg, 2000; D 14.0m, 8.5", 143deg, 2000). V0840 Cen VB A (B 4", 313deg, 2000). V0841 Cen SB1. V0843 Cen In the open cluster NGC 3766. V0844 Cen In the open cluster NGC 3766. V0845 Cen In the open cluster NGC 3766. V0846 Cen In the open cluster NGC 3766. V0847 Cen In the open cluster NGC 3766. V0848 Cen In the open cluster NGC 3766. V0849 Cen In the open cluster NGC 3766. V0850 Cen X-rays: pulsar, P = 272s; outbursts, P = 132.5d. V0851 Cen SB1, Porb = 11.9886d. V0852 Cen In the "Southern Crab" nebula. V0854 Cen Possible quasi-period outside deep minima: 43.23d. V0855 Cen In the open cluster NGC 3766. V0869 Cen SB2, Porb = 26.036d. V0871 Cen VB (A 7.10m; B 7.42m, 0.4", 117deg, 2015; AB is the eclipsing star and SB with P = 2.8d; C 9.9m, 1.7", 7deg, 2015; D 11.6m, 9.5". 324deg, 2000). Combined magnitudes are given in the Table. V0883 Cen The light elements in the Table are for eclipses. ACV variations: Prot = 61.46d, small amplitude. V0884 Cen OH, SiO maser. V0885 Cen The period in the Table is interpreted as due to interaction in an eccentric binary. Longer-term variations, P about 1700d. V0886 Cen Multiperiodic. V0887 Cen V2 in the globular cluster Ru 106. Cluster non-member, background object. V0898 Cen SB. V0900 Cen VB AB (7.08mV, 9.09mV, 0.4", 100deg, 1996). V0902 Cen VB A (12.5mV; B 12.8mV, 12", 4deg, 1999). Spurious variability? V0903 Cen P2 = 0.200233d. VB AB (9.73mHp, 12.48mHp, 5", 56deg, 1991). V0916 Cen In the open cluster Stock 14. Superposed pulsations: P1 = 0.22447d, P2 = 0.54362d. V0933 Cen HIPPARCOS data contradict the luminosity class V. V0960 Cen MinII - MinI = 0.545P. V0963 Cen MinII - MinI = 0.29P. V0969 Cen In the open cluster Hogg 16. V0975 Cen MinII - MinI = 0.073P. V0983 Cen VB A (B 6.05m, 8", 104deg, 2013). V1000 Cen MinII - MinI = 0.60P. V1002 Cen VB A (B 11.5mV, 4", 131deg, 1963). V1006 Cen In the open cluster NGC 5617. V1014 Cen VB A (B 22", 217deg, 1998). Spurious variations in the HIP catalog? V1025 Cen Porb = 0.05876d. V1030 Cen In the region of the globular cluster NGC 5139. V1039 Cen In May, 2004, varied between 15.60 and 15.75mV with P = 0.00832d [79019]. V1043 Cen Porb = 0.1746d. V1044 Cen Porb = 985d. V1045 Cen In the region of the globular cluster NGC 5139. Background star. V1048 Cen The Table gives the period of the first overtone (P1). Second overtone: P2 = 0.743241d. P2/P1 = 0.8058. V1051 Cen In the open cluster IC 2944. V1056 Cen VB A (B 11.5m, 20", 246deg, 1999); the magnitude in maximum is influenced by the companion. V1057 Cen VB A (B 13.2m, 22", 290deg, 2000). V1059 Cen VB A (B 13m, 26", 285deg, 1999); the magnitude in maximum is influenced by the companion. V1060 Cen VB A (B 11.7m, 15", 151deg, 2000); the magnitudes in the Table are influenced by the companion. Possibly a Mira. V1070 Cen VB A (B 14.4m, 23", 22deg; C 14.4m, 25", 218deg, 2000). Possibly a Mira. V1087 Cen VB AB (9.9m, 10.3m, 0.8", 27deg, 1991). Apsidal motion, U = 169 years [79126]. V1089 Cen MinII - MinI = 0.57P. V1090 Cen VB, several close components. V1094 Cen O'Connell effect, MaxII 9.98m. V1095 Cen VB A (B 12.9m, 18", 172deg, 1999). V1100 Cen VB A (B 13.2m, 17", 257deg, 2000; C 15.5m, 11", 129deg, 1999). V1104 Cen VB (A 10.2m; B 12.0m, 13", 76deg, 2000). According to [79236], a double-periodicity eclipsing star: EB, P = 0.876114d, and EA, P = 19.11d (MinI 2451938.733 [00001]). V1105 Cen Superposed longer-term variation: P = 438d. V1118 Cen MinII - MinI = 0.53P. V1119 Cen VB (9.62m, 12.8m, 3", 122deg, 1966). V1123 Cen Multiperiodic, P2 = 55d. V1129 Cen Eclipses in quiescence: Max 9.55m. Brightens to 9.1m once in about 357d. V1133 Cen VB AB (10.3m, 10.6m, 0.5", 281deg, 1991). V1138 Cen P varies. V1142 Cen MinII - MinI = 0.41P. DII = 0.10P. V1152 Cen The mean brightness varies with a cycle about 900d. V1155 Cen X-ray source. VB B (A = HR 4940, 4.69m, B5V; B 11", 79deg, 2001; C 9.16mKs, 1.6", 268deg, 2000). V1157 Cen VB B (A 10.5:m; B 25", 193deg, 2001). The magnitude at maximum in the Table was influenced by the companion. V1159 Cen VB A (B 14m, 15", 72deg, 2001). V1161 Cen Double maxima. V1166 Cen MinII - MinI = 0.41P. V1167 Cen Blazhko effect? V1176 Cen MinII - MinI = 0.59P. V1180 Cen VB A (B 12.7m, 12", 270deg, 1997). V1182 Cen VB A (B 13.6mpg, 25", 277deg, 1998; C 13.9mpg, 18", 32deg, 1998). V1184 Cen P varies, the light elements in the Table are for JD 2455200 - 2456500. V1185 Cen VB A (B 14.6m, 7", 198deg, 1997). V1188 Cen Blazhko effect. V1194 Cen VB (A 10.0m; B 10.5m, 12", 309deg, 1999). V1197 Cen VB A (B 13.6m, 15", 211deg; C 14.1m, 14", 307deg; D 10.3mJ, 6", 337deg, 2004; other components). V1202 Cen VB A (B 11.4m, 7", 356deg, 2000). V1210 Cen The light elements in the Table are for the fundamental mode. P1 = 3.037d, P1/P0 = 0.7035. V1214 Cen The light elements in the Table are for the eclipses. Pulsations: P = 0.121252d, with an amplitude of 0.04m. V1215 Cen VB A (A 11.87mR; B 13.11mR, 17", 51deg, 1999). V1229 Cen P varies. dP/dT = 1.67 x 10^(-5) d/yr. VB AB (A 10.29m; B 10.44m, 0.4", 231deg, 1991; C 10.80m, AB-C 16", 324deg, 2000). AB varies; the Table presents combined ABC magnitudes. V1235 Cen VB A (B 11.5mR, 18", 199deg, 2000). V1238 Cen VB B (A = V1239 Cen; AB 6", 276deg, 2000). V1239 Cen VB A (B = V1238 Cen, 6", 276deg, 2000). V1250 Cen VB A (B = V1251 Cen, 6", 16deg, 2000). V1251 Cen VB B (A = V1250 Cen; AB 6", 16deg, 2000). V1258 Cen The light elements in the Table are for eclipses in quiescence. The range of orbital variations is 15.4m - 17.0m in outburst, 18.2m - 22.2m in quiescence. V1259 Cen Multiperiodic. V1261 Cen VB B (A 4.23mV; AB 25", 100deg, 2007). V1264 Cen The light elements in the Table are for eclipses. Pulsations: P = 0.0734d, with an amplitude of 0.21m. V1265 Cen The period in the Table is twice shorter than that suggested in [79236]. Also detected is P = 3.537421d, close to that in the Table but differing from it. V1266 Cen VB A (AaAb speckle: Aa 8.10m, Ab 11.00m, 0.1", 76deg, 2008; B 10.84m, 9", 283deg, 2000). V1307 Cen In the open cluster NGC 5381. V1309 Cen In the open cluster NGC 5381. V1310 Cen In the open cluster NGC 5381. V1312 Cen In the open cluster NGC 5381. V1313 Cen In the open cluster NGC 5381. V1314 Cen In the open cluster NGC 5381. V1315 Cen In the open cluster NGC 5381. V1316 Cen In the open cluster NGC 5381. V1317 Cen In the open cluster NGC 5381. V1318 Cen In the open cluster NGC 5381. V1319 Cen In the open cluster NGC 5381. V1320 Cen In the open cluster NGC 5381. V1321 Cen In the open cluster NGC 5381. V1322 Cen In the open cluster NGC 5381. V1323 Cen In the open cluster NGC 5381. V1324 Cen In the open cluster NGC 5381. V1325 Cen In the open cluster NGC 5381. V1326 Cen In the open cluster NGC 5381. V1336 Cen In the region of the open cluster NGC 5460. V1337 Cen VB A (B 15m, 12", 90deg, 1990). V1338 Cen P varies. The light elements in the Table are for JD 2454000 - 2455100. V1339 Cen First overtone: see Table, amplitude 0.38m. Second overtone: Max = 2453556.358 + 0.506888d x E, amplitude 0.06m. V1353 Cen Blazhko effect? V1357 Cen VB A (B 14.8m, 13", 104deg, 2000). The magnitude in maximum in the Table is influenced by the companion. V1358 Cen VB A (B 13m, 15", 34deg, 2000). V1360 Cen First overtone: see Table, amplitude 0.39m. Fundamental mode: Max = 2454200.806 + 0.463072d x E, amplitude 0.23m. V1362 Cen P varies, dP/dt = 0.19 x 10^(-5) d/yr. VB AB (9.6m, 12.1m, 0.8", 243deg, 1945). V1367 Cen VB A (B 15m, 13", 108deg, 1999). V1375 Cen Porb = 0.3604d? [81150]. V1389 Cen SB2? V1393 Cen Double-mode pulsations. For P1, see Table. P0 = 0.1177931d, P1/P0 = 0.7712. V1397 Cen Blazhko effect, P = 146d. V1400 Cen Modulation with P = 3.21d, probably due to star spots. One deep minimum, with secondary fadings during 54d around it, was observed. V1406 Cen The data for 1SWASP J111501.66-361254.2 in [82030] are combined measurements for a V1406 Cen non-variable star (V = 15.4m) near the SuperWASP position and the real variable. V1411 Cen The data for 1SWASP J121359.79-414742.7 in [82030] are combined measurements for a V1411 Cen non-variable star (V = 13.2m) near the SuperWASP position and the real variable. V1415 Cen In the field of the globular cluster NGC 5139 = Omega Cen. V1418 Cen P = 60.7d is superposed. V1419 Cen P = 45.0d is superposed. V1425 Cen P = 14.896d is superposed. V1429 Cen A secondary wave (possibly nonradial) with P = 0.103095d. V1431 Cen Cluster non-member. O'Connell effect. V1434 Cen Cluster non-member. V1449 Cen Cluster non-member. V1450 Cen Cluster non-member. V1452 Cen Cluster non-member. V1453 Cen Cluster non-member. V1454 Cen Cluster non-member. V1455 Cen Cluster non-member. V1458 Cen Cluster non-member. V1459 Cen Cluster non-member. V1462 Cen Cluster non-member. V1466 Cen Cluster non-member. Type BY is also possible. V1467 Cen Blazhko effect? V1469 Cen Cluster non-member. V1473 Cen P varies? V1475 Cen Blazhko effect? V1486 Cen Cluster non-member. V1487 Cen Cluster non-member? V1491 Cen Blazhko effect. V1499 Cen Cluster non-member. V1514 Cen Blazhko effect? V1519 Cen Blazhko effect? V1522 Cen P varies? V1527 Cen An extreme horizontal branch star. Multiperiodic. V1528 Cen P varies? V1536 Cen Blazhko effect. V1537 Cen P varies? Blazhko effect? V1543 Cen Cluster non-member. V1550 Cen An extreme horizontal branch star. Multiperiodic. V1553 Cen Blazhko effect. V1560 Cen VB, the star has a brighter companion. V1568 Cen P varies? V1570 Cen P varies? V1573 Cen Blazhko effect? V1576 Cen Cluster non-member? V1579 Cen P varies? V1586 Cen Brighter than other RR Lyrae stars in the cluster; unresolved blend? V1598 Cen Cluster non-member? V1601 Cen Cluster non-member? V1603 Cen P varies? V1607 Cen Blazhko effect? V1616 Cen Blazhko effect. V1621 Cen According to [g1072], type RR(B) (RRB01). V1631 Cen Cluster non-member. V1635 Cen P varies. V1636 Cen P varies? V1642 Cen P varies? V1645 Cen P varies? V1646 Cen Blazhko effect. V1659 Cen P varies? The light curve shape varies? V1664 Cen P varies? V1675 Cen P varies? V1685 Cen Blazhko effect? V1693 Cen P varies? V1696 Cen O'Connell effect. V1703 Cen An extreme horizontal branch star. Multiperiodic. V1704 Cen Cluster non-member. V1718 Cen The light curve shape varies? V1719 Cen Cluster non-member? Possibly associated with an X-ray source. V1724 Cen Cluster non-member? V1725 Cen An extreme horizontal branch star. Multiperiodic. V1733 Cen An extreme horizontal branch star. Multiperiodic. V1735 Cen P varies? V1739 Cen P varies? The light curve shape varies? V1751 Cen P varies? V1752 Cen Cluster non-member. Possibly associated with an X-ray source. V1759 Cen Cluster non-member. V1766 Cen O'Connell effect. V1768 Cen Cluster non-member. V1780 Cen Cluster non-member? V1787 Cen P varies. V1789 Cen Cluster non-member. V1796 Cen The Gaia-DR2 proper motion contradicts cluster membership. V1802 Cen Cluster non-member? V1806 Cen Cluster non-member? V1808 Cen P varies? V1809 Cen Cluster non-member? V1810 Cen Cluster non-member. The declination in [g1071] is wrong by one degree. V1814 Cen Cluster non-member? V1817 Cen Cluster non-member? V1818 Cen Cluster non-member? V1819 Cen Cluster non-member? V1822 Cen Cluster non-member? V1825 Cen Cluster non-member. V1826 Cen Type EW (EC) with a twice longer period is not excluded. V1827 Cen Cluster non-member? V1828 Cen Cluster non-member. V1831 Cen Cluster non-member? O'Connell effect. V1832 Cen Cluster non-member. V1833 Cen P varies? V1834 Cen Cluster non-member. V1835 Cen Cluster non-member. V1836 Cen Cluster non-member. V1840 Cen The observations presented for the star in [g1068] correspond to another variable. V1847 Cen Very crowded field. V1868 Cen Very croeded field. V1869 Cen Blended with a bright nearby star. V1874 Cen The observations presented for the star in [g1068] correspond to another variable. V1893 Cen Blended. V1895 Cen The observations presented for the star in [g1068] probably correspond to another variable. V1896 Cen VB B (A 16.0mG, B 16.2mG; AB 2", 344deg, 2000). V1904 Cen Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.06671833d, P1/P0 = 0.7729. V1906 Cen O'Connell effect. V1908 Cen The Table contains light elements for ELL (or EW) variations. Light elements for EA variations: Min = 2457900.311 + 1.223312d x E, D = 0.16P. V1909 Cen Double-mode pulsations. P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.09865323d, P1/P0 = 0.7720. V1912 Cen Period varies. V1922 Cen VB A (15.1mG; B 16.3mG, 4", 150deg, 2000). V1924 Cen VB A (16.1mG; B 16.3mG, 7.5", 221deg, 2000). V1927 Cen In the region of the globular cluster NGC 5139 (omega Cen). V1929 Cen P = 75.8d is superposed. V1930 Cen Superposed periods: 59.3d. 474d. bet Cen VB A (B 3.95m, 0.4", 196deg, 2014). SB, Porb = 357.02d. Soft X-ray source. del Cen VB AaAb (0.1", 118deg, 2008). eps Cen Double-mode pulsations. P2 = 0.1914d. mu. Cen Different authors suggested several periods for small-scale variations. nu. Cen Possible BCEP variations with P = 0.1750d, with an amplitude of 0.008m, were detected only in the Stroemgren u band [N0530]. T Cep H2O, OH, SiO maser. U Cep VB A (B 11.8m, 14", 63deg, 2015; C 12.2m, 24", 315deg, 2015). U Cep d = 0.03P. The light curve shapes varies. P varies, generally increases; the Table presents current light elements. W Cep Speckle interferometry: VB (0.26", 88deg, 1997). X Cep H2O maser. OH maser? RS Cep d = 0.04P. P varies, the Table presents current light elements. RT Cep SiO maser. RZ Cep [Fe/H] = -1.77. P varies. The light curve shape varies. SS Cep Biperiodic. P0 is presented in the Table, P1 = 100d. SX Cep In the region of the nebula NGC 7023. SZ Cep VB A (B 11.2m, 24", 78deg, 2010). VV Cep d is about 0.04P. Semiregular variations: mean period 116d. Several other periods were also suspected. A strong, variable magnetic field. VW Cep VB A (B 10.3m, a = 0.51", Porb = 30.45 years). P varies, the Table presents current light elements. The light curve shape varies. X-ray source. WX Cep d = 0.008P. WZ Cep P varies, the Table presents current light elements. XX Cep P varies, the Table presents current light elements. XY Cep P varies, the Table presents current light elements. ZZ Cep VB A (9.1m; B 9.9m, A2p, 4", 202deg, 2016; C 10.8m, A5V, 17", 224deg, 2016); the range in the Table is influenced by the companions. AF Cep VB A (B 14.0mV, 9", 79deg, 1999). AG Cep H2O maser. AH Cep The light curve shape varies. P varies, the linear elements in the Table are valid for JD 2445500 - 2454500. Probable light-time effect with P= 63.0 years [N0537]. AM Cep OH, H2O maser. AV Cep P varies, the Table presents current light elements. BB Cep d = 0.05P. P varies? BE Cep P varies, the Table presents current light elements. BF Cep SiO maser. BR Cep P varies? BU Cep P varies, the Table presents current light elements. CO Cep MinII - MinI = 0.551P. CQ Cep P varies, the Table presents current light elements. Possible additional intrinsic variations. CR Cep P varies, the Table presents current light elements. CU Cep H2O maser. CW Cep VB A (B 10.2m, 0.5", 246deg, 2007; C 12.3m, 22", 309deg, 2003). Apsidal motion, P = 43 years; the non-linear term in the light elements is +/-0.0250d x sin(0.0626deg x E - 28.3deg). DH Cep In the region of the open cluster NGC 7380. DK Cep P varies, the Table presents current light elements. DO Cep VB B (A = NSV 14168; Porb = 44.64 years, a = 2.42", e = 0.41). DP Cep P varies, the Table presents current light elements. DQ Cep Multiperiodic. DX Cep [Fe/H] = -1.83. P varies. EF Cep P varies, the Table presents current light elements. EG Cep P varies, the Table presents current light elements. EH Cep In the region of the nebula NGC 7023. EK Cep MinII - MinI = 0.535P (epoch 1991.25). Apsidal motion, P = 4700 years [N0541]. EM Cep In the region of the open cluster NGC 7160. VB A (7.1mV; C A2, 12.6mV, 21", 279deg, 2003; other companions). P varies, the Table presents current light elements. EO Cep P varies, the Table presents current light elements. EP Cep In the open cluster NGC 188. EQ Cep In the open cluster NGC 188. ER Cep In the open cluster NGC 188. ES Cep In the open cluster NGC 188. ET Cep In the region of the open cluster NGC 188. EZ Cep [Fe/H] = -0.01. FH Cep P varies, the Table presents current light elements. FL Cep d = 0.02P. FT Cep VB A (B 18.3m, 5", 27deg, 1999). In the region of the nebula NGC 7023. FU Cep In the region of the nebula NGC 7023. FY Cep VB A (B 16.8m, 10", 302deg, 1999). GH Cep H2O maser. GI Cep P varies, the Table presents current light elements. GK Cep P varies, the Table presents mean light elements. Orbital motion due to a third body, P = 20.5 years. GL Cep In the region of the open cluster IC 1396 and gaseous nebulae. GM Cep In the region of the open cluster IC 1396 and gaseous nebulae. GP Cep In a nebula. Believed to consist of two unresolved eclipsing pairs. The Table presents the elements for one of them; MinII 9.03m. The second one: Min = 2443689.16 + 3.4696d x E, with the depth of MinI about 0.04m. GW Cep P varies, the Table presents current light elements. HI Cep P varies? The Table presents current light elements. HO Cep Variability announced in [03905] is probably spurios; a high-proper-motion star. HS Cep Not red [00001]. HZ Cep In the region of the nebula NGC 7023. IL Cep VB A (B 11.9m, 8", 329deg, 2012). According to [N0550], component B is an irregilar variable, 11.37mV - 12.63mV. IM Cep P varies, the Table presents current light elements. IO Cep P varies, the Table presents current light elements. IR Cep VB AB (8.3m, 8.3m, 0.2", 22deg, 1992). IW Cep MinII - MinI = 0.52P. P varies, the Table presents current light elements. IX Cep d = 0.03P. KL Cep d = 0.019P. KP Cep P varies? KV Cep VB A (B 7", 58deg, 2000). KY Cep An object found in a spectrogram and believed to be a flare that lasted for about 65s. KZ Cep VB AB (8.5m, 8.6m, 2", 248deg, 2016). LP Cep P varies, the Table presents current light elements. LQ Cep VB A (B 14.8m, 8", 259deg, 1999). MX Cep SB, Porb = 16.03d. MY Cep OH, H2O, SiO maser. In the region of the open cluster NGC 7419. MZ Cep In the region of the open cluster NGC 7419. NW Cep VB A (10.9mV; B 12.3mV, 11", 86deg, 1999). NY Cep VB A (B 10.18m, 0.2", 253deg, 1991). SB2, e = 0.443. OQ Cep In the region of the nebula NGC 7635. OT Cep P varies, the Table presents current light elements. PR Cep SiO maser. PS Cep In the region of the open cluster NGC 7380. PV Cep In a dark nebula. Associated with the fan nebula GM 1-29 and a bipolar flow. PW Cep In the region of the nebula NGC 7023. PY Cep SiO maser. QT Cep In a group of stars in the nebulous patch GM 1-79. V0348 Cep VB B (A 14.2mV; B 19.3mV, 11", 318deg, 1999). V0349 Cep Blended. There are no very red stars in the field. V0351 Cep P varies. V0359 Cep VB (6", 328deg, 2000). The components of the pair are not red. V0360 Cep VB AB (8.8m, 9.8m, 1.2", 147deg, 2008). V0361 Cep In the region of the nebula NGC 7129. H2O maser. V0366 Cep In the region of the open cluster Tr 37. V0367 Cep X-ray source. V0369 Cep V7 in the old open cluster NGC 188. VB B (AB 4", 313deg, 1999). V0370 Cep V6 in the old open cluster NGC 188. VB B (AB 5", 292deg, 1999). V0371 Cep V5 in the old open cluster NGC 188. V0372 Cep V8 in the old open cluster NGC 188. X-ray source. V0373 Cep In the region of the nebula NGC 7129. H2O maser. V0375 Cep In the region of the open cluster NGC 7142. V0376 Cep SB2. VB B (A 6.98m; B 13", 66deg, 2016). V0377 Cep Multiperiodic. V0380 Cep In the nebula NGC 7023. OH maser. V0381 Cep VB Aa, Ab (5.90m, 7.42m, 0.1", 123deg, 2006; B 9.27m, B2V, 5", 45deg, 2002). V0383 Cep P varies? The Table presents current light elements. V0390 Cep In the nebula IC 1396A. V0391 Cep Associated with a small nebula. V0392 Cep In the nebula RNO 138. V0397 Cep In 2000, MinII - MinI = 0.573P. Apsidal motion. V0399 Cep In the nebula and open cluster NGC 7822. V0421 Cep P = 2.5069d is not excluded. SB, P1 = 5.4136d, P2 = 225.44d. V0425 Cep VB AB (9.45mV, 11.19mV, 0.3", 54deg, 2007). V0432 Cep In the region of the open cluster Trumpler 37. V0435 Cep In the region of the open cluster Trumpler 37. V0436 Cep The light curve has eclipse-like features. V0447 Cep VB (A 8.0mV; B 8.3mV, 0.8", 234deg, 2014; C 11.9mV, 29", 261deg, 2013: D 13.0mV, 29", 81deg, 2013). Possibly, it is the B component that actually varies. V0448 Cep Also possible is P = 213d. SB, Porb = 7.7320d. V0453 Cep VB A (A 7.6mV, B 9.5mV, 9", 137deg, 2015). V0454 Cep Slight apsidal motion. V0458 Cep In the open cluster Markarian 50. Assiciated with the nebula S 157. VB AB (10.50mV, B1II; 10.64mV, WN4.5, 1.4", 128deg, 2010; C 14.3m, 11", 93deg, 2003). V0463 Cep In the nebula and open cluster NGC 7822. VB AB (10.8mV, 11.0mV, 8", 225deg, 2015). V0464 Cep VB A (B 15.0m, 9", 68deg, 1999). V0465 Cep In the open cluster NGC 6939. V0466 Cep In the open cluster NGC 6939. V0467 Cep In the open cluster NGC 6939. V0468 Cep In the open cluster NGC 6939. Not red. V0469 Cep In the open cluster NGC 6939. P = 1.165d is also possible. V0470 Cep In the open cluster NGC 6939. V0476 Cep VB A (B 16.6mV, 11", 332deg, 2000). V0488 Cep In the region of the nebula IC 1396. V0496 Cep SiO maser. V0497 Cep In the open cluster NGC 7160. VB A (B 9.0m, 10", 56deg, 2011). V0521 Cep VB A (B 15.9pg, 11", 85deg, 1989). V0527 Cep The period is decreasing. V0554 Cep VB (13.8mV, 13.8mV, 13", 1deg, 1999). V0572 Cep Erroneously identified with GSC 4253.01889 in [76012]. The amplitude in the Table can be influenced by neighbor stars. V0584 Cep VB A (B 13.9mpg, 10", 131deg, 1999). V0587 Cep The amplitude in the Table can be influenced by neighbor stars. V0614 Cep VB A (B 15.5mV, 3", 31deg). V0615 Cep VB A (B 15.8mV, 7", 188deg). V0628 Cep VB A (B 5", 284deg). V0632 Cep Blended. V0637 Cep VB A (A 13.5mV, B 14.4mV; AB 11", 162deg, 2000). The magnitudes in the Table are for combined brightness. V0660 Cep VB A (B 16.5mpg, 4", 292deg, 1990). V0663 Cep It is assumed that the variability announcement really referred to IRAS 22211+5821, which is GSC 3994.01126, and not to GSC 3994.00911. In a nebula. V0688 Cep The magnitudes in the Table are influenced by the neighbor, GSC 3995.00495. V0698 Cep MinII - MinI = 0.423P. V0702 Cep In the open cluster NGC 7762. V0704 Cep SiO maser. V0705 Cep SiO maser. V0708 Cep SiO maser. V0710 Cep VB AB (7.8m, 9.4m, 0.6", 250deg, 2008). V0711 Cep VB AB (9.6m, 9.9m, 5.5", 325deg, 2016). V0713 Cep Eclipses in quiescence: 18.0mV - 21.0:mV. Min = 2456532.192754 + 0.085418509d x E [N0567]. V0732 Cep Multiperiodic. V0734 Cep MinII - MinI = 0.55P. V0738 Cep VB A (B 14.1mV, 14", 141deg, 2000). V0741 Cep VB (9.2mHp, 12.7mHp, 0.7", 9deg, 1991). V0743 Cep MinII - MinI = 0.53P:. SB2. V0747 Cep MinII - MinI = 0.25P. In the open cluster NGC 7822. V0750 Cep MinII - MinI = 0.44P:. V0757 Cep P varies, the Table presents current light elements. V0759 Cep In the region of the old open cluster NGC 188, probable non-member. V0760 Cep In the region of the old open cluster NGC 188, non-member. V0761 Cep In the region of the old open cluster NGC 188, non-member. V0764 Cep In the region of the old open cluster NGC 188, non-member. V0771 Cep Blended. V0777 Cep In the region of the old open cluster NGC 188, non-member. V0789 Cep O'Connell effect. In the region of the old open cluster NGC 188, non-member. V0790 Cep In the region of the old open cluster NGC 188, non-member. V0791 Cep In the region of the old open cluster NGC 188, non-member. V0792 Cep In the region of the old open cluster NGC 188, non-member. V0793 Cep In the region of the old open cluster NGC 188, non-member. V0796 Cep P varies? The Table presents current light elements. V0798 Cep MinII - MinI = 0.232P. V0800 Cep VB A (A 13.0mV; B 16m, 9", 178deg, 1999). V0810 Cep O'Connell effect. V0818 Cep In the region of the open cluster NGC 6939, non-member. V0821 Cep VB A (B 17.9mR, 4", 253deg, 2000). V0822 Cep Type EW with a twice longer period is not excluded [00001]. V0835 Cep Type RRC with the light elements Max = 2451511.899 + 0.2261d x E is not excluded. V0839 Cep VB AB (9.9mV, 11.7mV, 0.2", 212deg, 2008). MinII - MinI = 0.511P. V0850 Cep MinII - MinI = 0.599:P. V0855 Cep VB AB (5", 247deg, 1999). V0870 Cep P varies? The Table presents current light elements. V0873 Cep Multiperiodic. V0874 Cep Multiperiodic. V0880 Cep MinII - MinI = 0.540P. V0881 Cep MinII - MinI = 0.476:P. V0882 Cep VB A (B 14.6mV, 7", 274deg, 1999). V0897 Cep MinII - MinI = 0.518P. V0919 Cep The Table presents current light elements (1999 - 2015). In 1999, MinII -MinI = 0.44P. Apsidal motion. V0921 Cep MinII - MinI = 0.429P. V0922 Cep MinII - MinI = 0.585P. VB A (A 10.6mJ; B 11.9mJ, 11", 44deg, 1999; C 13.6mJ, 4", 76deg, 1999). The magnitudes in the Table might be influenced with the companions. V0930 Cep P varies? The Table presents current light elements. V0944 Cep MinII - MinI = 0.528P. V0947 Cep VB A (B 7", 312deg, 1999; C 11", 350deg, 1999). V0954 Cep O'Connell effect. V0957 Cep MinII - MinI = 0.58P in 2012. Apsidal motion. V0961 Cep MinII - MinI = 0.482P. V0964 Cep VB A (B 4", 281deg, 1999). V0972 Cep In the region of the open cluster NGC 6939. Cluster non-member. V1004 Cep MinII - MinI = 0.22P. V1009 Cep Multiperiodic. V1015 Cep P varies, the Table presents current light elements. V1024 Cep Eclipses: Min = 2451859.2468 + 0.14872385d x E, amplitude 1.4m. V1026 Cep P = 76.5d is superposed. V1040 Cep VB A (B 12.9mV, 1.0", 124deg, 2008). V1043 Cep Blazhko effect, P = 140d. V1048 Cep VB B (A 15.4mG, B 15.5mG; AB 18", 200deg, 2000). The A-component (V = 16.0m) contributes to the magnitudes in the Table. V1056 Cep VB A (14.7mG; B 16.7mG, 6", 263deg, 2000). V1057 Cep VB A (14.2mG; B 15.8mG, 7", 326deg, 2000). V1059 Cep Min II - Min I = 0.46P. V1082 Cep VB A (12.5mG; B 13.1 nG, 5", 61deg, 2000). The variability range in the Table was influenced by the companion. V1085 Cep MinII - MinI = 0.55P. V1088 Cep Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.079165d, P1/P0 = 0.7706. V1111 Cep VB B (A 13.8mG, B 14.5mG; AB 6", 77deg, 2000; common proper motion). V1113 Cep MinII - MinI = 0.79P. V1117 Cep Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0715963d, P1/P0 = 0.7749. V1136 Cep VB A (15.9mG; B 16.0mG, 3.5", 104deg, 2000). V1139 Cep Period varies? VB A (12.7mG; B 14.9mG var?, 4",123deg, 2000). V1142 Cep VB A (15.9mG; B 16.9mG, 6", 271deg, 2000). V1149 Cep MinII - MinI = 0.785P. V1163 Cep MinII - MinI = 0.68P. V1171 Cep Type ELL is not excluded. V1173 Cep Amplitude in gr filter varies from 0.16m to 0.65m. V1176 Cep VB A (13.0mG; B 13.5mG, 7.5", 171deg, 2000). V1193 Cep MinII - MinI = 0.556P. V1196 Cep Type EW with a twice longer period is not excluded. V1198 Cep A twice shorter period is also possible. V1199 Cep Erroneously marked on the chart for star No. 38 in [035]. V1200 Cep VB (A 9.1mV, B 9.7mV, 0.6", 129deg, 2008). V1202 Cep P = 69.5d is superposed. V1209 Cep MinII - MinI = 0.534P. V1211 Cep VB (A 13.28mG, B 13.33mG, 0.7", 24deg, 2000). The variability range in the Table is for combined light. V1214 Cep O'Connell effect. V1232 Cep Another possible period is 122d. V1239 Cep VB (A 11.4mV, B 11.8mV, 0.8", 4deg, 1991). V1245 Cep In the region of the emission nebula NGC 7635. V1255 Cep Another cycle is 42.6d. bet Cep P varies. VB Aa (Ab 6.6mV, 0.2", 226deg, 2007; B 8.6m, 13.5", 251deg, 2016). del Cep P varies, the Table presents current light elements. VB A (B 6.1mV, B7IV, 41", 2016; other companions). eps Cep Multiperiodic. zet Cep Radial velocity varies. mu. Cep Multiperiodic. SiO maser. VB A (B 12.3mV, 19", 259deg, 2012; other components). nu. Cep Other reported periods: 170d, 190d [80268], 5d [68370]. W Cet S5.5/2e. RR Cet [Fe/H] = -1.26. P var. During JD2417500 - 28820 RR Cet Max = 2417501.444 + 0.55302577d*E; since JD2433180 - see RR Cet Table. According to [08726], the graph of O - C deviations RR Cet from the elements given in [03506] is approximately RR Cet sinusoidal, with Pi = 2600d and the amplitude 0.025d. RU Cet (k - b)2 = 0.01. Delta(m) var? P var [02455]. Max = RU Cet 2426964.019 + 0.5863003d*E (JD2426500 - 28430) RU Cet [00181]; Max = 2434143.056 + 0.5862676d*E RU Cet (JD2433100 - 35820) [02431]; since JD2435820 - see Table. RV Cet Delta(S) = 9. RW Cet Min II 10.5. P var. During JD2426500 - 41000 RW Cet Max = 2426585.503 + 0.9751814d*E [00001]; since RW Cet JD2441000 - see Table. RX Cet Delta(S) = 5. P var. Before JD2428500 Max = RX Cet 2425938.271 + 0.5737100d*E [03506]; since RX Cet JD2430000 - see Table. RZ Cet Delta(S) = 6.7. P var. During JD2426585 - 28630 RZ Cet Max = 2426585.448 + 0.510633d*E [03506]; current RZ Cet elements - see Table. SS Cet d = 0.025P. P var. Min = 2429321.250 + 2.9739509d*E SS Cet (JD2427340 - 30700) [02419]; Min = 2430698.160 + SS Cet 2.973992d*E (JD2429300 - 36650) [03115]; SS Cet since JD2440000 - see Table. SV Cet Min II 14.9. TT Cet Min II 11.1. TU Cet D = 0.043P. Min II 10.9. Min II - Min I = 0.478P. TU Cet According to [03564], the spectrum is K2. TV Cet Min II 9.10. DII = 0.03P. Min II - Min I = 0.494P. TW Cet Min II 11.14. P var. Min I = 2430965.595 + TW Cet 0.316852d*E (JD2427650 - 31000) [00192]; Min I = TW Cet 2433611.3121 + 0.316846d*E (JD2433530 - 615) TW Cet [00001]; since JD2440000 - see Table. TX Cet B - V: +0.34, +0.37. Min II 11.12. TY Cet Min II 12.1. UU Cet (k - b)2 = 0.08. P var. Blazhko effect? UV Cet VB B (A 12.45m, dM5.5e; a = 2.1", P = 25a). VV Cet Min II 11.0. EB type is also possible. RR type with twice VV Cet shorter period is not excluded. VX Cet d = 0.026P. VY Cet Min II 11.70. VZ Cet ADS 1778 B (B 0.61", 122deg; A = omicron Cet). VZ Cet Small variations are also observed on the time scale of VZ Cet several hours, with superimposed 10 - 15 minute variations VZ Cet and rare flares of approximately 2 minute duration VZ Cet [06492]. A possible white dwarf with an accretion VZ Cet disc [08926]. WW Cet VR var (P = 0.160d) [04712]. WW Cet Rapid oscillations (~10 min) of brightness are observed WW Cet [04709]. WZ Cet Min II 11.0. XY Cet d = 0.02P. Min II 9.34. YY Cet Min II 9.2. ZZ Cet 4 stable oscillations are observed simultaneously: ZZ Cet P1 = 213.132605s, P2 = 212.768427s, P3 = 274.250814s, ZZ Cet P4 = 274.774562s. AA Cet ADS 1581 A (B 7.7m vis, SB 2, F5, 8.5", 304deg). AA Cet Min II 6.7:. dII = 0.065P. AB Cet ADS 1849 A (B 9.30m, 12", 293deg). SB? (VR var, AB Cet P = 2.997814d). The period of magnetic variations is AB Cet 15.9d [08932]. AD Cet ADS 180 A (B 10m, 3", 4deg). CL Cet Type ELL: is also possible. EE Cet The variability may be due to the fainter (B) component. EL Cet SB2. EV Cet The depth of MinII is 0.44. FH Cet MinII 13.8. FL Cet The light elements given are for the eclipses. FR Cet A shell star of the spectral type A. FU Cet Chomospherically active giant, photometric variations with the rotational period. GO Cet Variable brown dwarf. GP Cet Min II = 9.89. GR Cet Min II = 11.47. P varies. dP/dt = -0.39x10^(-5) d/yr. GW Cet Blazhko effect with a possible period about 84d. GY Cet Pulsation periods: 595s, 335s, etc. Porb = 81.54min. GZ Cet Porb = 0.060d. HI Cet Min II = 13.07. HK Cet Multiperiodic. VB A (B Sp L6, 0".3). HS Cet Min II = 11.1. IO Cet VB A (12.1mV; B 13mV, 14", 173deg, 1998). The range in the Table is for combined magnitudes. IQ Cet P1 is presented in the Table; P1/P0 = 0.7438. IU Cet P1 is presented in the Table; P1/P0 = 0.7425. IZ Cet SB, Porb = 8.1194d. KM Cet P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.542695d. KN Cet Eclipsing variability outside outbursts: 17.2m*-19.9m*, Min = 2455202.5579 + 0.05298466 x E [81196]. KR Cet P1 is presented in the Table; P1/P0 = 0.7434. KS Cet P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.564845d; P1/P0 = 0.7456. KY Cet Period strongly varies. The light elemens in KY Cet the Table are for JD 2455600 - 56600. LN Cet P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.530534d; P1/P0 = 0.7459. LQ Cet P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.465495d; P1/P0 = 0.7433. LT Cet Additional non-radial mode, P = 0.2820182d, or Blazhko effect, P = 231d. LU Cet Multiperiodic. P2 = 0.8488154d, P3 = 0.4776334d. del Cet Nonlinear term: +2.20d*10**(-11)*E**2. omi Cet ADS 1778 A (B = VZ Cet, 0.61", 122deg). Maser omi Cet SiO, OH, H2O. S Cha VB A (B 9.3mV, 22", 132deg, 2000). T Cha In a dark nebula. Sometimes quasi-periodic; for example, P = 3.29d could be detected on JD 2458500 - 2458700. Z Cha VB A (15.7mG; B 17.2mG, 6", 79deg, 2000). Eclipses: Min = 2440264.68070 + 0.0744993048d x E [N0583]. Z Cha Eclipses during an outburst: 12.9mV - 14.5mV, D = 0.11P. Eclipses outside outbursts: D = 0.06P. RR Cha Eclipses: P = 0.1401d, 18.1mV - 19.0mV, D = 0.2P; superhumps and quasi-periodic oscillations [10202]. RR Cha Spectroscopic observations only at low brightness. RS Cha According to [08403], one of the components is a DSCTC pulsator with the dominant period between 0.074d and 0.097d. RS Cha According to [N0585], both components are Herbig Ae stars with non-radial oscillations. RV Cha [Fe/H] = -1.66. RW Cha P varies, light elements for JD 2458700 - 2459610 are presented in the Table. RX Cha Cycle of superoutbursts: 717.9d [N0587]. ST Cha Porb = 0.23d. SX Cha VB AB (14.3mG, 14.7mG, 2.2", 289deg, 2000). In the Cha I association. The range in the Table is for combined brightness. SY Cha In the Cha I association. Periodic variations: 13.0 - 13.6mV, P = 6.1314d [00001]. SZ Cha In the Cha I association. TW Cha In the Cha I association. TZ Cha VB A (15.9mG; B 17.4mG, 7", 116deg, 2000). UU Cha In the region of the Cha I association. UV Cha In the Cha I association. UX Cha In the Cha I association. UY Cha In the Cha I association. UZ Cha In the Cha I association. VV Cha VB (A 14.2mG; B = 14.8mG, 0.8", 14deg, 2016). In the Cha I association. VW Cha VB (A 12.4mG; B = 12.8mG, 0.7", 176deg, 2000; other companions). HN Cha in the vicinity. In the Cha I association. VX Cha In the region of the Cha I association; non-member. VY Cha In the Cha I association. VZ Cha In the Cha I association. WW Cha In the Cha I association. WX Cha In the Cha I association. WY Cha In the Cha I association. WZ Cha In the Cha I association. XX Cha In the Cha I association. AN Cha VB A (14.6mG; B 15.5mG, 13", 138deg, 2000). AT Cha VB A (12.2mG; B 12.6mG, 11", 199deg, 2000). AY Cha VB A (14.7mG; B 15.9mG, 14", 253deg, 2000). BC Cha In the Cha II association. BF Cha In the Cha II association. BK Cha In the Cha II association. VB AB (14.2mG, 14.5mG, 0.8", 25deg, 2016). BL Cha VB A (15.0mG; B 16.1mG, 8.5", 308deg, 2000). BM Cha In the Cha II association. BS Cha P varies? Blazhko effect? BY Cha VB A (15.2mG; B 16.4mG, 13", 298deg, 2000). CD Cha VB A (14.8mG; B 15.4mG, 10", 126deg, 2000). CM Cha In the Cha II association. CP Cha VB A (13.6mG; B 14.8mG, 6", 327deg, 2000). CR Cha In the Cha I association. CS Cha In the Cha I association. CT Cha In the Cha I association. CU Cha In the Cha I association. CV Cha In the Cha I association. VB (A = CV Cha, 10.5mG; B = CW Cha, 14.7mG, 11", 99deg, 2000; other companions). CW Cha In the Cha I association. VB (A = CV Cha, 10.5mG; B = CW Cha, 14.7mG, 11", 99deg, 2000; other companions). DI Cha In the Cha I association. VB A (10.2mG; B 15.3mG, 4.6", 202deg, 2000). DK Cha In the Cha II association. DX Cha P = 0.02731d is also possible. EE Cha Multiperiodic. P2 = 0.03412d. EF Cha Multiperiodic. P2 = 0.03435d. EG Cha In the eta Cha association. EH Cha In the eta Cha association. EI Cha In the eta Cha association. EK Cha In the eta Cha association. EL Cha In the eta Cha association. EM Cha In the eta Cha association. EN Cha In the eta Cha association. EO Cha In the eta Cha association. EP Cha In the eta Cha association. EQ Cha In the eta Cha association. Multiperiodic, P2 = 1.24d. ES Cha In the eta Cha association. ET Cha In the eta Cha association. VB A (13.3mG; B 14.6mG, 6", 211deg, 2000). EV Cha VB A (12.0mG; B 13.6mG, 14", 104deg, 2000). FH Cha In the region of the Cha I association, non-member. FI Cha In the Cha I association. FK Cha In the Cha I association. FL Cha In the Cha I association. FM Cha In the Cha I association. FN Cha In the Cha I association. FO Cha In the Cha I association. VB A (14.5mG; B 15.9mG, 12", 161deg, 2000). GK Cha VB A (13.5mG; B 16.0mG, 7", 35deg, 2000). GM Cha In the Cha I association. VB B (A 10.25m; AB 10", 57deg, 2000). GO Cha VB A (10.8mG; B 12.9mG, 7", 29deg, 2000). GP Cha P2 = 1190d. GR Cha In the Cha I association. GS Cha In the region of the Cha I association. VB A (16.6mG; B 17.7mG, 5.3", 325deg, 2000). GT Cha In the region of the Cha I association. VB A (16.6mG; B 17.1mG, 7.7", 320deg, 2000). GU Cha In the Cha I association. GV Cha In the region of the Cha I association. GW Cha In the region of the Cha I association. GX Cha In the Cha I association. GY Cha In the region of the Cha I association. GZ Cha In the Cha I association. HH Cha In the region of the Cha I association. HI Cha In the Cha I association. HK Cha In the Cha I association. HL Cha In the Cha I association. HM Cha In the Cha I association. VB B (A 17.5mG, B 18.9mG; AB 10", 298deg, 2000). HN Cha In the Cha I association. VW Cha in the vicinity. HO Cha In the Cha I association. VB B (A 15.4mG, B = NSV 18675, 16.2mG; AB 16", 82deg, 2016). HP Cha In the Cha I association. VB (A 10.5mG, G5e; B 12.5mG, K3, 2.5", 286deg, 2000). HQ Cha In the Cha I association. HR Cha In the Cha I association. HS Cha In the Cha I association. HT Cha In the Cha I association. HU Cha In the Cha I association. HV Cha In the Cha I association. HW Cha In the Cha I association. HX Cha In the Cha I association. HY Cha In the Cha I association. HZ Cha In the Cha I association. IK Cha In the Cha I association. IL Cha In the Cha I association. IM Cha In the Cha I association. IN Cha In the Cha I association. IO Cha In the Cha I association. IP Cha In the region of the Cha I association, non-member. VB A (16.0mG; B 17.0mG, 9", 341deg, 2000). IW Cha V2 in the globular cluster E3. Considered a cluster non-member in [N0590], but the Gaia EDR3 proper motion suggests membership. IX Cha V1 in the globular cluster E3. VB B (A 16.53mG, B 17.26mG; AB 2", 165deg, 2000). IY Cha Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.07586985d, P1/P0 = 0.7730. IZ Cha Double-mode pulsations. P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.1284868d, P1/P0 = 0.7717. zet Cha SB. Y Cir LPB pulsations: P = 1.108888d, peak-to-peak amplitude 0.06mV [80281]. RT Cir VB A (14.9mG; B 15.4mG, 9", 27deg, 2000). RU Cir VB B (A 11.6mG, B 13.0mG; AB 13", 57deg, 2000). TX Cir VB A (11.9mG; B 13.5mG, 1.8", 105deg, 2000). TY Cir VB A (10.8mG; B 12.4mG, 3.3", 35deg, 2000). TZ Cir P varies? UZ Cir Secondary minimum at phase 0.86P. YY Cir VB A (13.3mG; B 15.4mG, 7", 166deg, 2000). AF Cir VB A (12.7mG; B 14.0mG, 14", 337deg, 2000). AN Cir VB A (13.4mG; B 15.0mG, 5", 329deg, 2000). AR Cir VB A (B 13.7mG, 3.3", 143deg, 2000). AT Cir P varies? AX Cir SB, Porb = 6532d. AZ Cir VB A (14.0mG; B 15.1mG, 10", 70deg, 2000). The variability range in the Table could be influenced by the companion. BH Cir VB A (15.7mG; B 16.3mG, 12", 87deg, 2000; other components). BL Cir VB A (14.4mG; B 15.5mG, 6", 230deg, 2000; other components). BN Cir MinII - MinI = 0.78P. BR Cir Cir X-1. The star has a close companion. Drops of X-ray intensity with P = 16.595d accompanied with abrupt IR brightening. According to modern data, this period decreases. BU Cir Multiperiodic. P2 = 0.142516d. BW Cir X-ray outbursts in 1987 and 1997. BY Cir Eclipses: P = 0.2816d [N0596]. BZ Cir Porb = 0.079d. CC Cir SB2. CL Cir MinII - MinI = 0.43P. CQ Cir Associated with a dark cloud. CX Cir In the open cluster Pismis 20. VB A (8.3mV; B 10.6mV, 12.5", 249deg, 2015; other components). DD Cir Eclipses in 2002: Min = 2452426.2102 + 0.09746d x E, 19.80mV - 20.90mV, D = 0.06P: [N0596]. DK Cir MinII - MinI = 0.75P. DR Cir VB A (12.9mG; B 14.9mG, 8", 42deg, 2000). DT Cir VB A (13.2mG; B 15.2mG, 8", 102deg, 2000). DU Cir VB A (13.1mG; B 13.5mG, 11", 41deg, 2016). DY Cir VB A (15.4mG; B 15.9mG, 12", 70deg, 2000). EL Cir VB B (A 11.5mG, B 13.3mG; AB 17", 299deg, 2000). FG Cir VB A (12.5mG; B 13.7mG, 19", 339deg, 2000). FH Cir Multiperiodic. P2 = 0.1260864. P2/P1 = 0.8279. FI Cir VB (A 11.82mG, B 11.85mG; AB 2.3", 29deg, 2000; common proper motion). The Table presents the range for combined brightness. FP Cir Multiperiodic. Fundamental mode: see Table. P1 = 0.0976718. P1/P0 = 0.7706. FQ Cir Magnitude in minimum is possibly fainter. FS Cir VB A (11.2mG; B 13.0mG, 5", 250deg, 2000). alf Cir Multiperiodic. P2 = 0.00474459d. gam Cir VB (A 4.9mV, B 5.7mV, 0.8", 355deg, 2019). tet Cir VB (5.9m, 5.9m, 0.1", 292deg, 2020). T Col SiO maser. U Col Min II 10.5. Y Col V2 (NGC 1851). Z Col V1 (NGC 1851). RS Col Min II 9.97. dII = 0.021P. RY Col (k - b)2 = 0.10. P var; nonlinear term: -3.38*10**(9)E**2. RZ Col Min II 11.20. TV Col 2A 0526 - 328. VB A (B 15.79m, 10", 330deg). Epoch of Max TV Col of short-term photometric variations is given. The TV Col following elements describe, respectively, moments of Max TV Col Vr for Balmer lines and moments of Max for the TV Col comparatively long-term photometric variations which are TV Col due to the beat phenomenon for the photometric and TV Col spectral periods: Max Vr = 2444227.631 + 0.228600d*E; TV Col Max = 2444191.5 + 4.024d*E. Flickering up to 0.15m B and TV Col flares up to 0.3m U are also observed [08960]. VW Col Variability may be due to component B. AW Col MinII - MinI = 0.79P. AY Col Min II = 10.63. AZ Col Min II = 11.65. P varies. dP/dt = -0.17x10^(-5) d/yr. BC Col Min II = 13.5. BD Col VB B (A = NSV 16739, 4.4m; AB 34", 110deg, 1999). BE Col Min II = 11.55. BI Col Type EW with a twice longer period is not excluded, having in mind association with an X-ray source [81001]. BK Col P varies strongly [80001]. BL Col Blazhko effect, P = 40.5d. BQ Col Blazhko effect, P = 15.33d? BW Col Cluster non-member? CH Col Blazhko effect? CM Col Blended. CQ Col Blended with a fainter companion. CV Col Blazhko effect? CW Col Blazhko effect? CY Col Type RRC (RR1) with P about 0.333d is not excluded. DE Col Blended. DI Col Psh = 0.05976d. DK Col Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0475319d, P1/P0 = 0.7775. DL Col Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.04842434d, P1/P0 = 0.7717. R Com OH emission. S Com Delta(S) = 8. T Com OH, H2O emission. U Com Delta(S) = 5. V Com P var. Max = 2424518.219 + 0.46913844d*E V Com (JD2420900 - 26900) [00218]; since JD2438100 - see Table. V Com Delta(S) = 8. W Com Radio source ON 231. X Com Z = 0.092. Spectrum description [07415, 08966]. Y Com In the region of the globular cluster M 53 (NGC 5024). Z Com In the region of the globular cluster M 53 (NGC 5024). RR Com In the region of the globular cluster M 53 (NGC 5024). RS Com In the region of the globular cluster NGC 5053. RT Com In the region of the globular cluster NGC 5053. A var; RT Com P var. Max = 2423113.496 + 0.5651925d*E (JD2422700 - RT Com 26450) [00222]; since JD2438535 - see Table. RU Com In the region of the globular cluster M 53 (NGC 5024). RV Com In the region of the globular cluster M 53 (NGC 5024). RW Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. dI = 0.04P; RW Com Min II 11.56. P var. RW Com Min I = 2433040.406 + 0.23734705d*E (JD2419680 - 34550) RW Com [00185]; since JD2439600 - see Table. RY Com P var. Max = 2425007.450 + 0.46894835d*E (JD2425000 - RY Com 27500) [03506]; Max = 2432674.390 + 0.4689397d*E RY Com (JD2432600 - 38110) [03415]; since JD2438100 - see Table. RY Com (k - b)2 = 0.07. RZ Com Possible member of the Comae Berenices cluster. Min II RZ Com 11.09; dI = 0.043P, dII = 0.039P. P var. RZ Com Min I = 2433396.737 + 0.33850556d*E (JD2425000 - 33300) RZ Com [00226]; since JD2433300 - see Table. RZ Com Shape of the light curve varies. SS Com Min II 11.9. ST Com Delta(S) = 10. SX Com In the region of the globular cluster NGC 4147. SZ Com In the region of the globular cluster NGC 4147. TU Com Shape of the light curve, A and P vary. Mean elements TU Com are given in the Table. Possible period of Blazhko effect TU Com is 75d [03584]. [Fe/H] = -1.43. UU Com Member of the Comae Berenices cluster. Light variations UU Com are due to rotation and pulsations of the star. Rotational UU Com period is 2.1953d or 1.0256d or 0.9178d. Period of UU Com pulsations is 0.0227d (A ~0.01m). According to [07985] UU Com there are two periods of pulsations: P1 = 0.0274d and UU Com P2 = 0.0209d UU Com (P2/P1 = 0.76). UV Com [Fe/H] = -1.44. UW Com [Fe/H] = -1.22. UX Com Min II 10.13. P var; nonlinear term: -3.75d*10**(-8)*E**2. UY Com [Fe/H] = -1.51. UZ Com [Fe/H] = -1.44. VV Com [Fe/H] = -1.53. VW Com VB (12.00m, dM 3.5e; 12.3m, dM 4e, 3.0", 23deg, 1945). VW Com Range of total brightness variation VW Com is given. According to [08363] the component B is VW Com variable. However both components may be variables. VY Com Min II 14.5. AI Com Member of the Comae Berenices cluster. VB A (B 6.63m, AI Com 145", 251deg). Pulsations are possible: P = 0.052d AI Com (A = 0.02m) [08975]. AL Com Within 8' to the south-east from the nucleus of M 88 AL Com (NGC 4501) galaxy. AQ Com Min II 15.7. BM Com Min II 13.8. BS Com P var. Max = 2434453.31 + 0.36341d*E (JD2434130 - 35230); BS Com since JD2435590 - see Table. Shape of the light curve BS Com varies. BZ Com [Fe/H] = -1.21. CC Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. Min II CC Com 12.09; dI = 0.03P. CD Com [Fe/H] = -1.78. CF Com Shape of the light curve varies. CG Com [Fe/H] = -1.06. CI Com RRC? CK Com P var. Max = 2437370.71 + 0.6940159d*E (JD2437370 - 40130); CK Com Max = 2441630.35 + 0.6939080d*E (JD2440130 - 41630); CK Com since JD2441630 - see Table. Blazhko effect. CK Com [Fe/H] = -1.68. CL Com [Fe/H] = -1.00. CN Com Min II 13.5. CP Com [Fe/H] = -1.19. CT Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. CV Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. CX Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. Not member CX Com of the cluster. DD Com Min II 14.90. DG Com Min II 14.6. DL Com P var? DR Com EW? P = 0.45184d? DS Com [Fe/H] = -1.32. DT Com [Fe/H] = -1.60. DU Com [Fe/H] = -1.45. DV Com [Fe/H] = -1.57. DW Com [Fe/H] = -1.53. EE Com P = 0.539533d also satisfies observations. [Fe/H] = -1.64. EF Com [Fe/H] = -1.90. EG Com [Fe/H] = -1.29. EI Com [Fe/H] = -1.68. EL Com P = 0.52362d also satisfies observations. EM Com [Fe/H] = -1.64. EN Com [Fe/H] = -1.19. EO Com [Fe/H] = -1.51. EP Com [Fe/H] = -0.98. EQ Com Min II 15.3. ER Com [Fe/H] = -1.51. ES Com [Fe/H] = -2.02. EW Com [Fe/H] = -1.77. EX Com P = 0.558359d? [Fe/H] = -1.48. EY Com Min II 18.0. EZ Com P = 0.568349d? [Fe/H] = -1.16. FG Com P = 0.3098d also satisfies observations. FK Com Wide emission lines, Halpha and H, K CaII, of variable FK Com intensity. Epoch of light minimum is given. FM Com The member of the Comae Berenices cluster. Multiperiodicity. FM Com Cycle of 0.0713d was observed also [08989]. FO Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. FP Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. mu = 0.23", FP Com P = 158deg. Red. FZ Com P = 4.704864d? GM Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. GN Com Member of the Comae Berenices cluster. P > 1d. GO Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. GP Com mu = 0.38", p = 286deg. SB (Porb = 0.032306d). GP Com Unique object G 61-29. Consists of two interacting white GP Com dwarfs. The lower mass star, a helium white dwarf, GP Com transfers mass to the higher mass star surrounded by an GP Com accretion disk. Usually flares are being observed with an GP Com amplitude about 0.2m V, 0.5m U lasting about 20 seconds GP Com [07417, 08991]. Sometimes periods of photometric activity GP Com arise when amplitude of light variations reaches 0.6m V GP Com and sharp passages from maxima to minima are being GP Com observed; the duration of these minima reaches up to 0.14d GP Com [07417]. When the star is most active, periodic light GP Com oscillations appear with P = 105 seconds and amplitude GP Com 0.05m - 0.10m V [07062]. GQ Com Z = 0.165. Emission H, [OIII]. Irregular light variations. GQ Com B - V = +0.16. GT Com Minor planet (679) Pax. HH Com Epoch of Min in V system is given. HI Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. HK Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. HM Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. HN Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. HO Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. HP Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. HQ Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. HR Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. HS Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. HT Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. HU Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. HV Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. HW Com In the region of the Comae Berenices cluster. MM Com MinII 12.80. MN Com Variable brown dwarf. MR Com MinII 12.43. MT Com Small-amplitude pulsations with characteristic periods 1344, 1236, 668 seconds. MW Com Min II = 10.5. MX Com Min II = 11.94. MZ Com Min II = 10.2 :. NN Com Min II = 12.67. NS Com Min II = 13.5. NV Com Min II = 12.15. NW Com Multiperiodic, with several periods in the DSCTC range (one of them tabulated) and several GDOR periods (P = 0.42779d and others). OP Com Multiperiodic? Blazhko effect? OR Com P varies [80001]. Blazhko effect? [80026]. OW Com Min II = 16.3. OX Com Min II = 16.1 :. QQ Com P strongly varies. QU Com P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.541781d; P1/P0 = 0.7456. QW Com P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.547401d; P1/P0 = 0.7455. QX Com P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.544233d; P1/P0 = 0.7454. QY Com P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.490349d; P1/P0 = 0.7446. QZ Com Additional non-radial mode, P = 0.2687276d; P(Blazhko) = 13.7d. V0335 Com P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.515253d; P1/P0 = 0.7460. V0336 Com P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.480562d; P1/P0 = 0.7439. V0337 Com P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.478242d; P1/P0 = 0.7439. V0338 Com P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.485204d; P1/P0 = 0.7440. V0340 Com P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.460448d; P1/P0 = 0.7425. V0341 Com P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.476173d; P1/P0 = 0.7443. V0342 Com P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.488314d; P1/P0 = 0.7447. V0343 Com P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.486854d; P1/P0 = 0.7443. V0344 Com Blazhko effect. V0347 Com Blazhko effect. V0350 Com The number V020 is from [g1086], the star was not in the Catalog of Variable Stars in Galactic Glogular Clusters, version September, 2018. The coordinates in [g1018] are wrong. V0351 Com The light curve shape varies. V0356 Com P varies? V0357 Com The light curve shape varies. V0358 Com Blazhko effect, P = 67.46d. V0360 Com P varies? V0369 Com VB B (A 14.1mG, B 16.8mG; AB 4", 343deg, 2000). V0371 Com Blazhko effect. V0375 Com Blazhko effect. V0376 Com VB B (A 16.2mG, B 16.7mG; AB 2", 122deg, 2000). V0377 Com Blazhko effect? V0378 Com Multiperiodic. V0383 Com Crowded. V0385 Com VB B (A 17.2mG, B 18.2mG; AB 1.5", 58deg, 2000). V0387 Com Blazhko effect. V0388 Com Crowded. V0391 Com The light curve shape varies? V0393 Com Blend. V0394 Com Multiperiodic. V0395 Com Multiperiodic. Blend. V0397 Com Multiperiodic. V0400 Com Multiperiodic. V0402 Com Blended. VB A (A 15.4mG, blend; B 15.8mG, 2", 0deg, 2000). V0403 Com VB B (A 15.9mG, B 16.7mG; AB 1.4", 257deg, 2000). V0404 Com Blend. Blazhko effect? V0406 Com Multiperiodic. VB B (A 17.2 mG, B 18.3mG; AB 1.3", 227deg, 2000; other companions). V0407 Com VB B (A 16.5mG, B 16.9mG; AB 2", 74deg, 2000). V0408 Com VB B (A 13.9mG, B 16.4mG; AB 1.5", 310deg, 2000). V0410 Com Blended. Blazhko effect. V0411 Com VB A (16.7mG; B 17.0mG, 1.4", 162deg, 2000). V0412 Com NGC 5024 V052 (V0414 Com) np. V0414 Com Blazhko effect. NGC 5024 V053 (V0412 Com) sp. V0416 Com Blended. The light curve shape varies. V0418 Com VB B (A 16.9mG, B 18.2mG; AB 1.1", 240deg, 2000). Photometry was possibly contaminated with the neighbor. V0421 Com VB A (16.9mG; B 17.1mG, 2", 49deg, 2000). Blazhko effect. V0422 Com VB B (A 15.9mG, G 16.4mG; AB 1.4", 38deg, 2015.5). V0424 Com VB B (A 15.1mG, B 16.7mG; AB 2", 38deg, 2000). V0425 Com VB B (A 17.7mG, B 19.4mG; AB 1.6", 140deg, 2000). V0426 Com VB B (A 17.5mG, B 19.2mG; AB 1", 192deg, 2000). V0428 Com VB A (19.5mG; B 19.7mG, 2.5", 306deg, 2000). V0436 Com VB B (A 19.3mG, B 19.6mG; AB 2", 214deg, 2000). V0438 Com P varies? V0439 Com Blazhko effect. V0453 Com VB A (19.3mG; B 19.7mG, 4", 87deg, 2000). V0454 Com P varies? V0459 Com The GCVS name for this star is out of order for its cluster because of a typo in right ascension. V0460 Com P varies? V0465 Com P varies, dP/dt = -0.28: x 10^(-6) d per year. V0466 Com P varies. V0467 Com P varies. V0468 Com P varies, dP/dt = +0.17 x 10^(-6) d per year. The Table presents linear light elements. VB A (16.6mG; B 16.7mG, 3", 178deg, 2000). V0469 Com P = 0.03945d is also possible. V0471 Com P varies, dP/dt = +0.48 x 10^(-6) d per year. In 1997 - 2002, P = 0.362868d. V0472 Com P varies, dP/dt = -0.32 x 10^(-6) d per year. V0473 Com P varies? dP/dt = +0.09 x 10^(-6) d per year. The Table presents linear light elements. V0474 Com P varies, dP/dt = +0.18 x 10^(-6) d per year. The Table presents linear light elements. R CrA In the head of the bright cometary nebula NGC 6729. R CrA IR excess. S CrA VB A (B 13.5m, 1", 137deg). IR excess. T CrA In the bright cometary nebula NGC 6729. IR excess. V CrA Quasiperiodic variations (P ~75d, Delta(V) ~ 0.2m - 0.9m). V CrA IR excess. RS CrA sp of two close stars; each of them or both may be RS CrA identified with CoD -39deg 13082. RW CrA Min II 9.4. SS CrA V1 (NGC 6541). SV CrA The period may be twice shorter. TY CrA VB A (B 13.3m, 4", 138deg; C 58", 24deg). TY CrA In the bright nebula NGC 6726/27. P = 1.92d is not TY CrA excluded, in that case Min II = Min I. On the basis of TY CrA visual observations 8.7 - 12.4 v (presumably "spurious TY CrA variability" due to the difficulties of estimates over TY CrA the bright background of the nebula), and the star TY CrA was classified as INSA. TZ CrA Min II 9.72. UU CrA Min II 11.0. UX CrA The period may be twice shorter. UY CrA P var? VV CrA In the region of the bright nebula NGC 6729. IR excess. WY CrA Apparently, variability announced in [00249] was due to misidentification of a high-proper-motion star. AF CrA P var. Before JD2418060 Max = 2413710 + 483d*E; since AF CrA JD2418060 - see Table. AL CrA B - V: +0.65, +1.30. [A/H] = -0.2. AN CrA P var. Nonlinear term: -0.006d*10**(-6)*E**2. AU CrA P var. Nonlinear term: -0.026d*10**(-6)*E**2. AY CrA Min II 15.2. BG CrA Min II 15.1. BH CrA P var. Nonlinear term: -0.023d*10**(-6)*E**2. CM CrA P var. Nonlinear term: -0.007d*10**(-6)*E**2. CR CrA Min II 15.7. CS CrA Min II 15.2. CY CrA P var. Nonlinear term: -0.002d*10**(-6)*E**2. DG CrA In the region of the bright nebula NGC 6729. IR excess. DL CrA Min II 13.6. DN CrA P var. Nonlinear term: +0.006d*10**(-6)*E**2. DZ CrA d = 0.02P. EE CrA mpg var, 13.5m - 15.5m, P2 = 3000d - 5000d EE CrA Delta(m) (P1 = 167d) ~1.5m. EK CrA P var. Before JD2422600 Max = 2411870 + 421d*E. FF CrA Before JD2423000 Max = 2411530 + 140.2d*E. FK CrA Min II 14.5. FS CrA Min II 14.5. FW CrA Before JD2416600 Max = 2411190 + 112.2d*E. GS CrA Before JD2422600 Max = 2414070 + 284d*E. IT CrA Min II 13.6. KM CrA The chart in [06286] is wrong. KQ CrA [A/H] = -0.7. B - V: +0.76, +1.23. KT CrA Red. LU CrA P = 182d is possible. MS CrA Yellow. MT CrA Min II 13.1. NO CrA Reddish. QR CrA Reddish. V0347 CrA B - V: +0.82, +1.17. V0350 CrA Min II 13.4. V0385 CrA The period may be spurious. V0413 CrA (k - b)2 = 0.11. V0428 CrA The period may be twice shorter. V0449 CrA [A/H] = -0.3. V0454 CrA Min II 10.5. V0455 CrA d = 0.05P. Min II 13.7. V0457 CrA Epoch of Min is given. EW type is also possible, in that V0457 CrA case the value of P should be doubled. V0465 CrA Min II 14.2. V0467 CrA P var? V0471 CrA Min II 13.3. V0478 CrA Sometimes a cycle 60d - 70d. V0480 CrA Min II 13.9. V0490 CrA P var? The elements represent the observations of 1944. V0493 CrA P var? V0501 CrA Min II 13.4. Twice shorter period is possible. V0503 CrA d = 0.03P. V0511 CrA Twice longer period is possible. V0512 CrA P var? V0513 CrA Min II 13.2. V0514 CrA Min II 14.0. V0527 CrA P var. V0535 CrA P var. V0541 CrA P var? V0545 CrA VB. Combined brightness with a faint companion is given. V0553 CrA P var? V0566 CrA Min II 12.7. V0568 CrA Sometimes a cycle 60d - 80d. V0569 CrA Min II 13.1. EB type is possible. V0571 CrA Min II 14.7. V0572 CrA Min II 14.0. V0577 CrA Min II 13.2. RR type with twice shorter period is possible. V0578 CrA RV type with P = 118d is possible. V0580 CrA Min II 14.4. V0595 CrA P var. V0601 CrA Epoch of min is given. V0603 CrA Slightly noticeable Min II at the phase 0.5P. V0604 CrA d = 0.03P. V0607 CrA Min II 14.3. V0612 CrA d = 0.03P. V0615 CrA P var? V0622 CrA Sometimes 55d - 60d cycles. V0633 CrA P var. V0634 CrA Min II 13.9. V0648 CrA Min II is felt at the phase 0.5P. V0659 CrA P = 189.4d is possible. V0667 CrA In the region of the bright cometary nebula NGC 6729. V0667 CrA The spectral type is earlier than K. V0676 CrA RR type is possible. V0686 CrA Max I 5.34, Min I 5.41, Max II 5.35, Min II 5.40 [08970]. V0691 CrA 4U 1822-37. Emissions CIII/NIII lambda 4640 - 50, V0691 CrA He II lambda 4686, CIV lambda 1550 etc. V0692 CrA P = 0.83d is possible. V0730 CrA MinII 9.99 [78011]. Type RRC with a twice shorter period is possible. V0731 CrA Large scatter on the light curve. V0737 CrA Multiperiodic, P2 = 0.156795d. V0738 CrA Globular cluster non-member? V0739 CrA Globular cluster non-member? V0740 CrA Globular cluster non-member? V0741 CrA P = 0.394d is also possible. Globular cluster non-member? V0742 CrA Globular cluster non-member? V0743 CrA Globular cluster non-member? V0745 CrA Globular cluster non-member? V0756 CrA Double-mode. P0 is given in the Table; P1 = 0.0821611d, P1/P0 = 0.7665. V0778 CrA P = 95d is superposed. V0782 CrA VB B (A 14.0mV; AB 20", 355deg, 1991). The magnitude in maximum can be influenced by the companion. V0795 CrA Blazhko effect? V0798 CrA VB A (15.0mG; B 15.3mG, 7", 72deg, 2000); the range in the Table can be influenced by the companion. V0799 CrA Blazhko effect? P varies? V0800 CrA Blazhko effect? P varies? V0808 CrA VB A (13.5mG; B 14.3mG, 12", 266deg, 2000); the range in the Table can be influenced by the companion. V0818 CrA Cluster non-member. VB B (A 15.7mG, B 16.8mG; AB 4", 236deg, 2000). V0819 CrA Cluster non-member. V0820 CrA Cluster non-member. V0822 CrA Cluster non-member? V0834 CrA Cluster non-member. V0835 CrA Cluster non-member. eps CrA Min II 4.95. R CrB IR excess. S CrB OH, H2O, SiO maser. T CrB VB? A (B <= 12m, 0.2"). SB (P = 227.6d). T CrB The spectral period is present in the photometric data of T CrB 1891 - 1917 and 1960 - 1971 [08978]. The epoch of the first T CrB outburst JD2402734 (1866). Two smaller outbursts were T CrB observed in UV light, JD2438030 (1963) and 2442543 T CrB (1975) [08979]. U CrB Min II 7.72. P var. RR CrB P2 = 377d. Delta(m) (P1) ~0.5m, Delta(m) (P2) ~0.6m. RS CrB P2 = 69.5d [01100]. Main period oscillation: 9.1m - 11.6m. RT CrB Nonlinear term: +2.01d*10**(-8)*E**2. Min II 10.52 (var). RT CrB DII = 0.09P. RV CrB P var. Max = 2428285.608 + 0.3316217d*E (JD2428285 - 31610); RV CrB Max = 2431705.349 + 0.3317313d*E RV CrB (JD2431705 - 32954); Max = 2433030.572 + 0.331705d*E RV CrB (JD2433030 - 36814) [05496]; Max = RV CrB 2440001.453 + 0.331569d*E (1967 - 1971) [06237]; RV CrB Max = 2441451.413 + 0.331619d*E (1972 - 1974) RV CrB [07032]. The Table gives current elements. On RV CrB the period changes see also [03506]. Blazhko effect? RW CrB d = 0.028P. Min II 10.29. TW CrB Min II 11.0. TZ CrB ADS 9979 A (B 6.72m, GIV, 6.6", 233deg, 1980). TZ CrB SB2 (P = 1.139789d). TZ CrB Epoch of Min is given. The variation presented in the TZ CrB Table is superimposed by a second one, with the same TZ CrB amplitude and P = 0.1d. The amplitude is given TZ CrB for the combined light of ADS 9979 A and B, the TZ CrB mean magnitude is for ADS 9979 A. UU CrB During JD2444381.73 - .76 a slow flare was observed, with UU CrB maximal amplitude 0.30m in the IK band and 0.18m in the UU CrB U band. AL CrB Spotted rotating G-type giant. AR CrB MinII 11.44. AS CrB MinII 11.75. AV CrB MinII 12.41. AW CrB According to [78161], EW, P = 0.360920 d. AY CrB Min II = 14.0. BD CrB Min II = 14.6. BG CrB VB AB (9.5m, 9.8m, 0.1", 192deg, 2007). BR CrB Min II = 10.11. CT CrB Strong Blazhko effect. CZ CrB P strongly varies. DE CrB P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.554870d; P1/P0 = 0.7460. DG CrB P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.539078d; P1/P0 = 0.7456. DH CrB P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.551550d; P1/P0 = 0.7464. DI CrB P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.508196d; P1/P0 = 0.7452. DK CrB MinII - MinI = 0.482P. DL CrB Time-variable O'Connell effect. DN CrB Double-mode pulsations. P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.4706323d, P1/P0 = 0.7435. alf CrB lambda eff = 7230 A: DI = 0.034P, DII = 0.018P, alf CrB Min II - Min I = 0.66P, depth of Min I 0.10m, Min II alf CrB 0.025m. bet CrB VB A (B ~ 5m - 6m, 0.2", ~130deg, 1978). SB (P = 3833.7d). bet CrB Magnetic field var, P = 18.487d. The epoch of Min light bet CrB is given. gam CrB ADS 9757 (4.2m, 5.6m; A = 0.74", P = 91.0a). U Crv VB A (B 13.5m, 0.4' p). W Crv Min II 11.86. The light curve is asymmetrical, the maxima W Crv differ in hight by 0.10m. Y Crv Min II 11.7. RRC type with twice shorter period Y Crv is possible. Z Crv d = 0.06P. RV Crv Elements do RV Crv not satisfy some of the published moments of Min. RZ Crv Min II 13.9. SX Crv Min II 9.23. The shape of the light curve varies. Depth of SX Crv Min I 0.20m, depth of Min II 0.18m. In 1972 the system SX Crv became fainter than in 1971 by 0.06m. TY Crv SB2. XX Crv P1 is tabulated; P0 = 0.54452d. XY Crv P1 is tabulated (amplitude 0.44m); P0 = 0.484820d (amplitude 0.28m). YZ Crv VB B (A 16.2mpg, B 16.2mpg; AB 27", 192deg, 2000). The coordinates in [81005] refer to the A component. AA Crv VB B (A 12.7mpg, B 15.9mpg; AB 28", 220deg, 1998). The coordinates in [81005] refer to the brighter star. AD Crv Additional non-radial mode, P = 0.2691307d; P(Blazhko) = 185d. AG Crv P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.537739d; P1/P0 = 0.7465. AH Crv P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.488888d; P1/P0 = 0.7450. R Crt Periods of light constancy which last up to 250d occur R Crt every two or there thousand days. OH, H2O maser. S Crt H2O maser. T Crt Mean light var, P2 = 1006d. V Crt Min II 10.1; Min II - Min I = 0.57P. W Crt (k - b)2 = +0.21. X Crt (k - b)2 = +0.02. Z Crt d = 0.016P. RR Crt P = 293d or 146d is possible. RV Crt Min II 9.4:. SU Crt [Fe/H] > -0.3. SV Crt ADS 8115 A (B 11.5m vis, 1", 220deg). SB2 (P = 5.90513d, SV Crt apsidal motion, P ~700a). Epoch of Min I in B light is SV Crt given. Depth of Min II is 0.015m. EuII and SrII in SV Crt emission. AG Crt P varies. AI Crt Blazhko effect, P=63d. The identification with NSV 5200 suggested in [80153] is probably wrong. AK Crt Min II = 11.15. The tabulated elements are for the eclipses. Pulsations: P = 0.067964d, with a variable amplitude up to 0.07m. AV Crt A period about 3497d is possibly superposed. AX Crt P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.521023d; P1/P0 = 0.7454. AY Crt P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.483101d; P1/P0 = 0.7446. BH Crt Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.04065318d, P1/P0 = 0.7809. BI Crt Double-mode pulsations. P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.07519871d, P1/P0 = 0.7730. BK Crt Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.05674253d, P1/P0 = 0.7725. BL Crt VB B (A 12.3mG, B 14.3mG; AB 5", 311deg, 2000). R Cru In the region of the open cluster NGC 4349. T Cru In the region of the open cluster NGC 4349. U Cru P var. Max = 2410143 + 351.4d*E (JD2410100 - 14100) [00237]; U Cru since JD2437600 - see Table. W Cru Min II 9.3. SU Cru [A/H] = -0.8. SV Cru In the region of the open cluster Ruprecht 97. SV Cru Non-member of the cluster. SW Cru VB A (B 14.0m, 12"). (k - b)2 = 0.27. SY Cru d = 0.05P? TU Cru Min II 11.5. TW Cru Min II 12.85:. TX Cru It is not excluded that actually P is much shorter, TX Cru close to 1d, for instance. TZ Cru P = 2.091140d? UW Cru Min II 12.9; Min II - Min I = 0.536P. UX Cru VB A (B 10"). Min II 12.4; Min I - Min II = 0.325P; UX Cru DII = 0.025P. VY Cru Min II 13.5. VZ Cru P = 1.125810d? WW Cru Min II 13.0. WX Cru d = 0.040P. Light variability in maximum is noted. WY Cru VB A. P = 9.013290d? XX Cru P = 3.28566d? XY Cru Min II 11.7. XZ Cru P = 1.6495930d? YY Cru Min II 13.0. YZ Cru Min II 13.1. ZZ Cru Min II 9.8. AB Cru Min II 8.9. AC Cru Min II 12.1. AD Cru VB A (B 14.5m, 10", 270deg). P var. Max = 2434918.160 + AD Cru 6.39844d*E (JD2423800 - 35400) [02309]; AD Cru since JD2441000 - see Table. AE Cru Depth of Min II 0.03m. AF Cru Min II 9.87. AG Cru The blue component is possible [09004]. AI Cru In the region AI Cru of the open cluster NGC 4103. Min II 9.94. AQ Cru Min II 13.8. AT Cru Min II 12.6. AW Cru Min II 13.9. AY Cru Min II 11.2. BB Cru Min II 14.0. BC Cru Depth of Min II 0.03m. BD Cru Depth of Min II 0.05m. BF Cru Min II 12.3. BH Cru Epoch of Min I is given in the Table. The light BH Cru curve like the light curves of R Cen and R Nor BH Cru has two maxima and two minima of different BH Cru depths. Max I 7.6m (0.22P), Min II 8.0m (0.41P), BH Cru Max II 7.2m (0.53P). BI Cru Spectrum description [04949]. BK Cru In Coalsack region. BM Cru In Coalsack region. BP Cru 3U 1223-62. A unique X-system. Consists of an X-pulsar BP Cru with pulse period 698s [09018] moving on an excentric BP Cru orbit (E = 0.47) around the ellipsoidal B2 supergiant with BP Cru orbital period of 41.51d. Accretion of the stellar wind BP Cru from the primary star on the pulsar increases during the BP Cru periastron passage. Therefore large X-flares are observed BP Cru with the elements: T (X Max) = 2433158.09 + 41.51d*E. BP Cru Optical flares are possible. BQ Cru B - V: +1.13, +0.88. BS Cru In the open cluster NGC 4755. BT Cru In the open cluster NGC 4755. BU Cru In the open cluster NGC 4755. BV Cru In the open cluster NGC 4755. BW Cru In the open cluster NGC 4755. DU Cru The identification with NSV 06012 (SIMBAD) is wrong. EP Cru MinII - MinI = 0.62P. EQ Cru MinII - MinI = 0.48P. EW Cru A twice longer period is also possible. FG Cru Multiperiodic. FL Cru Multiperiodic. bet Cru VB A (B 11.4m, 44.3", 322deg; C 7.5m, 372", 23deg). bet Cru Interferometric binary. Multiple periods (the total V bet Cru amplitudes of corresponding oscillations are indicated bet Cru in brackets): P0 = 0.2365072d (0.034m), P1 = 0.160466d bet Cru (0.029m), P2 = 0.121383d (0.01m), P02 = 0.249373d bet Cru (0.016m), P13 = 0.24273d (0.024m), P24 = 0.23931d bet Cru (0.028m), P03 = 0.16342d (0.016m), P14 = 0.16171d bet Cru (0.029m). tet 2 Cru SB (P = 3.4380d). BCEPS, P > 1h? [08420]. lam Cru Type ELL with lam Cru P = 0.7902d is possible. Amplitude and shape of lam Cru the light curve vary. The secondary oscillation lam Cru (A = 0.007m) with the elements Max = 2441779.034 + lam Cru 0.1793d*E is possible. R Cyg VB A (B 9.3m, 91", 14deg). S4/6e - S8/6e. T Cyg VB A (B 10.03m, 10.2", 122deg; C 12m, 13.6", 197deg). U Cyg VB A (B 7.8m, 63.5", 51deg). P var. Max = 2406455 + U Cyg 461.57d*E (JD2404590 - 13900); Max = 2414827 + U Cyg 470.76d*E (JD2413900 - 19940); Max = 2421806 + U Cyg 455.95d*E (JD2419940 - 27380); Max = 2427848 + U Cyg 472.85d*E (JD2427380 - 35750); since JD2435750 - see Table. W Cyg There is a second oscillation with P = 235.3d. X Cyg P var. Max = 2410190.86 + 16.3841d*E (JD2410100 - X Cyg 23370) [09028]; since JD2417000 - see Table. X Cyg There is a square term in the elements given in the Table: X Cyg +1.01d*10**(-7)*E**2. [A/H] = 0.4. Y Cyg Min II 7.75; E = 0.1458. Apsidal motion: P = 47.6 yr. Y Cyg There are sinusoidal terms in the elements: Y Cyg +0.1391d*sin(0.06256deg*E) - 0.0076d*sin(2*(0.06256deg*E)); Y Cyg Min II = 2409454.9174 + 2.9963328d*E - Y Cyg 0.1391d*sin(0.06256deg*E) - 0.0076d*sin(2*(0.06256deg*E)). Z Cyg OH, H2O emission. RR Cyg VB A (B 12.5m, 18.1", 58deg). RS Cyg VB A (B 7.09m, 132", 355deg; C 9.3m, 56", 106deg). RS Cyg Epoch of light minimum is given. The shape of the light RS Cyg curve strongly varies. Double maxima are sometimes RS Cyg observed (Min II at the phase 0.5P). RU Cyg VB A (B 12.40m V, 10", 224deg; C 11.15m V, 19", 29deg). RV Cyg VB A (B 10m, 142", 118deg). RY Cyg In the region of the open cluster NGC 6883. RZ Cyg The shape of the light curve strongly varies. Alternation RZ Cyg of high and low maxima, as well as of shallow and RZ Cyg deep minima is observed, as a rule: 9.8m <= Max <= 12.0m. RZ Cyg 11.8m <= Min <= 14.1m. SS Cyg SB2 (P = 0.27512995d [08285]). SS Cyg During maxima of brightness there are oscillations of SS Cyg light and X-ray flux with amplitudes about 0.002m V SS Cyg and periods changing between 7.29s and 10.90s [06102, SS Cyg 09032]. SU Cyg P var. Max = 2421278.503 + 3.845507d*E (JD2414250 - SU Cyg 29000) [01559]; Max = 2433095.944 + 3.845664d*E SU Cyg (JD2429000 - 33150) [00921]; since JD2434500 - see Table. SV Cyg VB A (B 9.5m V, 145", 140deg). SW Cyg Min II 9.30; d(V) = 0.018P; d(U) = 0.00P. P var. Min I = SW Cyg 2414782.448 + 4.572937d*E (JD2411340 - 16450); SW Cyg Min I = 2418440.758 + 4.5727923d*E (JD2417060 - SW Cyg 19740) [00063]; Min I = 2421504.489 + 4.572729d*E SW Cyg (JD2421470 - 24970); Min I = 2425185.550 + 4.5728386d*E SW Cyg (JD2424960 - 29500); Min I = 2433160.669 + 4.5729841d*E SW Cyg (JD2433000 - 36800) [09085]; Min I = 2438584.3081 + SW Cyg 4.57311736d*E (JD2438600 - 40560) [09085]; SW Cyg since JD2441160 - see Table. SY Cyg d = 0.040P. Possible depth SY Cyg of Min II 0.03m. SY Cyg P var. Min I = 2411659.568 + 6.00584d*E (JD2411600 - SY Cyg 17100); Min I = 2420001.571 + 6.005716d*E SY Cyg (JD2418760 - 20760) [01961]; SY Cyg Min I = 2437069.254 + 6.005626d*E SY Cyg (JD2432800 - 37070) [05416]. SY Cyg Mean elements given in the Table represent epochs of SY Cyg Min I in the interval JD2414400 - 37070 up to +- 0.07d. SY Cyg According to [04248] the apsidal motion with the period ~46 SY Cyg years is possible. SZ Cyg [A/H] = 0.5. P var [02392]. SZ Cyg Mean elements given in the SZ Cyg Table represent epochs of Max up to +- 0.5d. According SZ Cyg to [09029] "the O - C diagram has a sinusoidal structure SZ Cyg as is to be expected for a member of a binary system" SZ Cyg with P orb = 65 years. TT Cyg VB A (B 10.8m V, 70", 213deg; C 11.1m V, 83", 49deg; TT Cyg D 10.7m V, 94", 268deg). TV Cyg According to [03663] - spectrum G0. TX Cyg [A/H] = -0.2. P var. Max = 2436793.138 + 14.708157d*E TX Cyg (JD2415000 - 37000); since JD2436700 - see Table. UU Cyg VB A (B 10.7m V, 3.6", 351deg). UV Cyg VB A (B 10.8m V, 0.9", 79deg). UW Cyg P var. Min I = 2419624.501 + 3.450797d*E (JD2410000 - UW Cyg 20750) [00526]; Min I = 2419624.501 + 3.450752d*E UW Cyg (JD2419620 - 33000); Min I = 2433848.508 + 3.450740d*E UW Cyg (JD2430000 - 41800); since JD2441800 - UW Cyg see Table. Possible depth of Min II 0.05m. UX Cyg P var. Max = 2432444 + 560.3d*E (JD2415670 - 32450); UX Cyg Max = 2439352 + 578.0d*E (JD2432450 - 40500); UX Cyg since JD2437600 - see Table. Sometimes rapid light UX Cyg decreases on the ascending branch near Max are observed UX Cyg [01563, 01564]. H2O, OH, SiO maser. UY Cyg Delta(S) = 3.8. UZ Cyg VB A (B 10.8m, 28", 130deg). d = 0.032P; Min II 10.31. VV Cyg Min II 13.2. P var? [03665]. VW Cyg d = 0.035P; Min II 10.31. P var. Min I = 2417377.123 + VW Cyg 8.4305260d*E (JD2415660 - 17400); Min I = VW Cyg 2430444.061 + 8.4302826d*E (JD2417400 - 30450); VW Cyg Min I = 2441116.868 + 8.4303917d*E + 4.31d*10**(-8)*E**2 VW Cyg (JD2430450 - 41120) [07096]; since JD2440350 - see Table. VX Cyg [A/H] = 0.2. P var. There is a square term in the VX Cyg elemenmts +8.02d*10**(-7)*E**2. VZ Cyg P var. Max = 2437103.945 + 4.8645598d*E(JD2416000 - VZ Cyg 41000); since JD2434000 - see Table. WW Cyg d = 0.008P; Min II 10.16. P var [06144]. Mean elements: WW Cyg Min I = 2416981.299 + 3.3176924d*E (JD2412000 - 31000) WW Cyg [00063]; since JD2431000 - see Table. WZ Cyg Min II 10.9. XX Cyg [Fe/H] = -0.49. P var. Max = 2430671.1010 + XX Cyg 0.134865026*E(2416560 - 30000); since JD2430000 - see XX Cyg Table. XZ Cyg [Fe/H] = -1.2. P var. Max = 2417201.241 + 0.4665878*E - XZ Cyg 0.000107d*10**(-6)*E**2 (JD2414000 - 35000) [02550]; XZ Cyg Max = 2438562.796 + 0.466570d*E (JD2434000 - 39800); XZ Cyg Max = 2440445.789 + 0.466497d*E (JD2439800 - 41000) XZ Cyg [06237]; Max = 2441453.3856 + 0.4664731d*E XZ Cyg (JD2441000 - 42500) [07424]; Max = 2443028.641 + XZ Cyg 0.466438d*E (JD2442500 - 43800) [09101]; Max = XZ Cyg 2444142.650 + 0.466649d*E (JD2443800 - 44200) XZ Cyg [09102]; since JD2444100 - see Table. XZ Cyg Besides that the star has a strongly XZ Cyg expressed Blazhko effect; the period of Blazhko effect XZ Cyg varies, too [07424, 07425]. 0.13P <= M - m <= 0.22P; XZ Cyg 0.90m <= A(B) <= 1.70m, 0.70m <= A(B) <= 1.30m; XZ Cyg -0.05P < O - C < +0.05; XZ Cyg Max A = 2417025.5 + 57.401d*E (JD2417000 - 38500); XZ Cyg Max A = 2438881.7 + 58.387d*E (since JD2438500).[09103]. XZ Cyg After JD2444000 XZ Cyg Blazhko effect period probably decreased to 56.3d [09102]. ZZ Cyg VB A (B 12.63m, 8.5", 43deg. ZZ Cyg Total brightness variation range ZZ Cyg is given. Min II 10.78. P var. Min I = 2417442.419 + ZZ Cyg 0.6286185d*E (JD2415000 - 25800) [07427]; ZZ Cyg since JD2427950 - see Table. AA Cyg S 6/3. AC Cyg H2O maser. AD Cyg S 5/5. AE Cyg d = 0.039P; Depth of Min II 0.06m. AF Cyg Light curve (1914 - 1956) [09104]. AF Cyg Two more independent oscillations are superimposed: AF Cyg P2 = 175.8d, P3 = 941.2d. AK Cyg VB A (B 11.06m, A7, 20", 85deg). AV Cyg P var. Max = 2420451.9 + 87.48d*E (JD2418782 - AV Cyg 24823); Max = 2427936.3 + 89.73d*E (JD2426326 - AV Cyg 28745); Max = 2429440.9 + 87.69d*E (JD2428820 - AV Cyg 31260); Max = 2436413.8 + 89.63d*E (JD2434610 - AV Cyg 37130); since JD2437450 - see Table. AV Cyg 0.27P <= M - m <= 0.50P. AX Cyg VB A (B 10.2m, 18", 52deg). AY Cyg In the region of the open cluster Dolidze 2. BB Cyg P var. Max = 2426360 + 265.7d*E (JD2414900 - 26700); BB Cyg Max = 2433091 + 258.6d*E (JD2426700 - 35500); Max = BB Cyg 2438354 + 266.9d*E (JD35500 - 40200) [09106]; BB Cyg since JD2439200 - see Table. BF Cyg P orb = 750d [05655]. BF Cyg Irregular light variations and sometimes observed BF Cyg brightenings by 2m - 3m are superimposed by semiregular BF Cyg oscillations with the cycle 755d [01039, 08044]. BG Cyg P var. Max = 2421190 + 290.35d*E (JD2421150 - 29950); BG Cyg Max = 2430546 + 307.3d*E (JD2429950 - 30850); Max = BG Cyg 2432872 + 289.5d*E (JD2430850 - 34920); BG Cyg since JD2435100 - see Table. BI Cyg VB A (B 9.4m, 126", 110deg). BO Cyg D = 0.025P; Min II 12.0. BR Cyg D = 0.020P; Min II 9.58. BS Cyg SC 8/8. P var. Max = 2422655 + 420d*E (JD2422600 - BS Cyg 24750) [01161]; Max = 2425181 + 431.4d*E (JD2424750 - BS Cyg 26500) [01171]; since JD2437500 - see Table. BY Cyg VB A (B 16m). BZ Cyg [A/H] = 0.1. Double maximum. CD Cyg [A/H] = 0.2. P var. CD Cyg There is a square term in the elements: CD Cyg +1.54d*10**(-6)*E**2. CG Cyg VB A (B 11.8m, 1.3", 306deg; 1979.7). CG Cyg 10.10 <= Min II <= 10.44. P var. CG Cyg Min I = 2422967.4248 + 0.63114347d*E CG Cyg (JD2422900 - 38500); since JD2439000 - see Table. Combined CG Cyg light range is given. Shape of the light curve varies CG Cyg [08848]. CH Cyg Semiregular light variations with the mean cycle 97d; CH Cyg mean brightness varies with the cycle ~4700d [01169]. CH Cyg There are also a cycle 725d [08849], rapid oscillations CH Cyg (A <= 0.25m U) and flares [05350]. It is not excluded CH Cyg that the system is an eclipsing one [06499]. CI Cyg d = 0.084P. CI Cyg Depth of eclipses ~0.8m. The eclipses of B star are CI Cyg observed. Usually there are light fluctuations near mean CI Cyg brightness ( ~12.1m). The outbursts last some dozens CI Cyg and hundreds days. Light curves [06155, 08044, 08850, CI Cyg 08851]. Emissions of H, He I, He II, [O III], and N III. CM Cyg S 4/6.5e. CU Cyg P var. Max = 2422643 + 223.8d*E (JD2422600 - 26500); CU Cyg since JD2426500 - see Table. CV Cyg dI = 0.06P; Min II 11.33. P var. Min I = 2424458.348 + CV Cyg 0.9834523d*E (JD2414300 - 24500); since JD2424450 - see CV Cyg Table. Shape of the light curve and Min I depth vary. CY Cyg SC 2/7.5. CZ Cyg P var. Max = 2424500 + 284d*E (JD2424500 - 33600) CZ Cyg [03122]; since JD2432700 - see Table. DD Cyg P var. Max = 2425465 + 148.30d*E (JD2424800 - 39000) DD Cyg [01149]; since JD2439000 - see Table. DF Cyg P var [01177, 06107]. Mean DF Cyg brightness varies: Min = 2411292 + 780.2d*E [01571]. DG Cyg SiO maser? DH Cyg OH emission? DK Cyg dI = dII = 0.04P; Min II 10.90. P var. DK Cyg Shape of the light curve and depth of Min II vary. DL Cyg Min II 9.9. DM Cyg P var. Max = 2425887.560 + 0.4198557d*E (JD2415200 - DM Cyg 25900) [03506]; Max = 2425887.5597 + 0.41985715d*E DM Cyg (JD2425880 - 29250) [00522]; Max = 2433872.420 + DM Cyg 0.41985842d*E (JD2429250 - 37900) [03506]; Max = DM Cyg 2438677.708 + 0.4198619d*E (JD2438600 - 41250) DM Cyg [07114]; since JD2441240 - see Table. DM Cyg There is also Blazhko effect with the elements: DM Cyg Max(O - C) = 2442978.97 + 26.01d*E [08853]; DM Cyg -0.01 d< = O - C <= +0.01d. Delta(S) = 0. DQ Cyg P = 180d? DT Cyg P var. Max = 2424305.651 + 2.49913d*E (JD2424300 - DT Cyg 28500) [01183]; Max = 2432792.893 + 2.49934d*E DT Cyg (JD2430000 - 36000); since JD2436000 - see Table. DV Cyg P var. Max = 2425476 + 146.7d*E (JD2415200 - 29200); DV Cyg since JD2432800 - see Table. DW Cyg P var. Max = 2427603 + 279.6d*E (JD2416700 - 33500); DW Cyg since JD2433500 - see Table. DX Cyg Min II 14.2; Min II - Min I = 0.515P; DI = 0.22P, DX Cyg DII = 0.12P. DY Cyg VB A (B 3", 218 deg, 2002). Slow oscillations are superimposed by rapid ones with DY Cyg A = 0.3m [03662]. According to [03148] type EB? DY Cyg Min = 2436659.531 + 0.6990d(:)*E (JD2436600 - 37000) DY Cyg [03148]. EE Cyg Min II 14.5. EF Cyg 142d <= P <= 175d. EH Cyg P var. Max = 2427608 + 276.90d*E (JD2416200 - 27610); EH Cyg since JD2427800 - see Table. EI Cyg Epoch of Max I is given; heights of Max I and Max II EI Cyg differ strongly, the depths of Min I and Min II are almost EI Cyg equal. Max I - Min I = 52d. EK Cyg Observations are represented by the elements in the EK Cyg interval JD2425200 - 37900 only. EM Cyg Mean cycle varies in the range 19d - 33d [04248, 09111]. EM Cyg Depth of eclipses 0.25m V; elements of eclipsing system EM Cyg light variations: Min = 2437882.8595 + 0.29090950d*E - EM Cyg 21d*10**(-12)*E**2 [08854]. EM Cyg Sometimes there are light oscillations with periods EM Cyg 14.6s - 21.2s and an amplitude up to 0.4% [06102, 09112]. EN Cyg d = 0.012P. P var. Min = 2425181.311 + 2.2148998d*E EN Cyg (JD2424880 - 29600) [00332]; since JD2433500 - see Table. ES Cyg P var. Max = 2425146 + 157d*E (JD2425000 - 29300) ES Cyg [00332]; since JD2432800 - see Table. EV Cyg P var. Max = 2427740 + 259.1d*E (JD2425100 - 29100); EV Cyg since JD2433500 - see Table. EV Cyg The position of the star in the chart in [00530] is wrong EV Cyg [00782]. EZ Cyg P var? Shape of the light curve and the amplitude EZ Cyg strongly vary; 0.40P < = M - m < = 0.48P. FF Cyg S 5.5/6-e. FG Cyg P var. Max = 2426955 + 456.0d*E (JD2416000 - 27000) FG Cyg [00001]; Max = 2426955 + 458.8d*E (JD2426900 - 34300) FG Cyg [03122]; since JD2439200 - see Table. FM Cyg P var. Max = 2425313 + 274d*E (JD2425300 - 29200) FM Cyg [00332]; since JD2429200 - see Table. FN Cyg P var. Max = 2429137 + 314.6d*E (JD2416200 - 29200) FN Cyg [00001]; since JD2432800 - see Table. FO Cyg A var. P var. Max = 2425193 + 156.6d*E (JD2425000 - FO Cyg 29200) [00332]; since JD2432500 - see Table. FR Cyg Min II 14.0; d = 0.03P. FT Cyg P var. Max = 2425184 + 156.7d*E (JD2425100 - 29200) FT Cyg [00332]. 83d <= P <= 187d (JD2432500 - 38000). FY Cyg P var. Max = 2425172 + 194.d*E (JD2425100 - 29300) FY Cyg [00332]. 130d <= P< = 189d (JD2432500 - 38000). GG Cyg d = 0.079P; Min II 12.1. GM Cyg P var. Min = 2428754.305 + 4.745772d*E (JD2413200 - GM Cyg 33500) [01209]; since JD2433500 - see Table. GN Cyg P var. Max = 2425448 + 156d*E (JD2425400 - 27400) GN Cyg [01155]; since JD2427500 - see Table. GO Cyg Min II 8.73. P var. Intrinsic light variability of the GO Cyg components is possible [01210]. GS Cyg P = 195d? GT Cyg Depth of Min II 0.05m? P var? GY Cyg Secondary oscillation with P = 4000d and GY Cyg A(V) = 0.5m is possible. GZ Cyg Red. HL Cyg d = 0.02P. HV Cyg VB (Northern component). HY Cyg P var. Max = 2425334 + 344d*E (JD2425300 - 29200) HY Cyg [00332]; since JD2432760 - LB? II Cyg P var. Max = 2425150 + 82d*E (JD2425120 - 25550), II Cyg Max = 2425475 + 94d*E (JD2425550 - 29250) [00332]; II Cyg since JD2432500 77d <= P <= 99d. IK Cyg P var. Max = 2425199 + 77.3d*E (JD2425000 - 29200) IK Cyg [00332]; since JD2432500 - see Table. IT Cyg P var. Max = 2425305 + 67.4d*E (JD2425300 - 850) IT Cyg [00332]; since JD2432500 - see Table. IU Cyg B - V: +0.90, +1.45. P var. Max = 2429157.6 + 31.22266d*E IU Cyg (JD2417800 - 29250); Max = 2433601.3 + 31.1550d*E IU Cyg (JD2432700 - 35400); since JD2435400 - see Table. IV Cyg P var. Max = 2425470.406 + 0.33432871d*E (JD2425300 - IV Cyg 33120) [03506]; Max = 2434122.519 + 0.33433895d*E IV Cyg (JD2432700 - 40200) [04248]; since JD2440200 - see Table. IV Cyg Shape of the light IV Cyg curve varies: 0.10P <= M - m <= 0.20P. IX Cyg P var. Max = 2425173 + 172d*E (JD2425000 - 25900) IX Cyg [00332]; since JD2428000 - see Table. KL Cyg P var. Max = 2437906 + 536.8d*E (JD2418500 - 38000) KL Cyg [00001]; since JD2438000 - see Table. KP Cyg Delta(S) = 0. KR Cyg Min II 9.37. KU Cyg Min II 11.15; d = 0.047P. Shape of the light curve varies. KV Cyg Min II 11.9. KY Cyg H2O, OH maser. LN Cyg Min II 14.3. LO Cyg Min II 13.3. LX Cyg P var. Max = 2432775 + 460.0d*E (JD2415000 - 33300) LX Cyg [01159]; since JD2437900 - see Table. SC 7/9-e - SC 8/8.5e. MQ Cyg VB A (B 17.5m B, 4.5", 122deg). P var. Max = 2432737 + MQ Cyg 428.5d*E (JD2414300 - 33300) [01229]; since MQ Cyg JD2440000 - see Table. MR Cyg Min II 9.12; d = 0.030P; DII = 0.19P. MU Cyg Min II 14.4. MY Cyg Min II 8.99. Min II - Min I = 0.5021P. MZ Cyg P var. Max = 2427641.914 + 21.162460d*E + MZ Cyg 0.10575d*10**(-3)*E**2 (JD2414900 - 37900) [03689]; since MZ Cyg JD2443600 - see Table. Probably it is an RV Tau type MZ Cyg variable, and then the period should be doubled [08862]. MZ Cyg [A/H] = 0.1. NQ Cyg EW type is possible. Close to V736 Cyg. NU Cyg Min II 14.9. NZ Cyg Min II 14.2. OS Cyg P var. OU Cyg Min II 15.6. OY Cyg Star 23 - 30 [01321]. PP Cyg Star G in the chart for VV245 [07749]. PR Cyg Star 24 - 40 [01321]. PT Cyg Star 23 - 55 [01321]. PU Cyg Star 25 - 56 [01321]. PX Cyg Star 35 - 78 [01321]. PY Cyg Min II 15.2. QS Cyg Min II 13.3. QT Cyg Depth of Min II 0.04m. QU Cyg Min II 15.1. QW Cyg Min II 14.1. QX Cyg Min II 14.5. V0339 Cyg np component of a close binary. V0340 Cyg Min II 14.5. V0343 Cyg [A/H] = -0.2. V0346 Cyg Companion 13.8m, 0.4' sf. Min II 11.9. P var. V0346 Cyg Min I = 2427270.241 + 2.743345d*E (JD2415000 - 32000); V0346 Cyg since JD2432000 - see Table. V0348 Cyg According to [07516] EW type variable with large V0348 Cyg irregularities: Min = 2441567.177 + 0.285768d*E V0348 Cyg (JD2441567 - 95). V0355 Cyg Min II 14.3. V0360 Cyg P var [06107]. Min I = 2429187.4 + 70.449d*E V0360 Cyg (JD2414600 - 34000) [00580]; since JD2426000 - see Table. V0366 Cyg Min II 10.2. V0367 Cyg VB A (A 0.1", 50deg; B 13.7m, 2.3", 255deg). Min II 7.16. V0367 Cyg Shape of the light curve and the radial velocity curve V0367 Cyg vary. V0368 Cyg According to [00204] EB type (12.8m - 13.8m pg) V0368 Cyg with the elements: Min I = 2425808.10 + 0.47586d*E V0368 Cyg (JD2425805 - 853). V0369 Cyg P var. Max = 2438199 + 104.46d*E (JD2426000 - 38200); V0369 Cyg since JD2438200 - see Table. V0370 Cyg Min II 11.9. P var. Min I = 2425096.429 + 0.77453979d*E V0370 Cyg (JD2414400 - 30000); since JD2430000 - see Table. V0371 Cyg Min II 12.5. V0374 Cyg d = 0.03P. V0380 Cyg Min II 5.76; Min II - Min I = 0.418P (1963). V0380 Cyg There are periodic terms in the elements: V0380 Cyg +0.8916d*sin(38.8deg + 0.0082deg*E) - V0380 Cyg 0.0796d*sin(77.6deg + 0.0164deg*E) + 0.0088d*cos(26.4deg + V0380 Cyg 0.0246deg*E); Min II = 2441262.266 + 12.425612d*E - V0380 Cyg 0.8916d*sin(38.8deg + 0.0082deg*E) - 0.0796d*sin(77.6deg + V0380 Cyg 0.164deg*E) - 0.0088d cos (26.4deg + 0.0246deg*E). V0380 Cyg Apsidal motion is possible with P = 1490 years. V0382 Cyg VB A (B 11.5m, 11", 332deg). Min II 9.12. V0382 Cyg Shape of the light curve and depth of Min II vary. P var. V0382 Cyg Min I = 2427992.458 + 1.885497d*E (JD2413480 - 29500) V0382 Cyg [01253]; since JD2428000 - see Table. V0385 Cyg Min II 12.4. V0387 Cyg Min II 11.6. V0388 Cyg Min II 9.15; d = 0.06P. P var. Min I = 2433584.540 + V0388 Cyg 0.8590507d*E (JD2427600 - 37200); V0388 Cyg since JD2437200 - see Table. V0389 Cyg VB A (B 8.0m, 3.4", 305deg, 1980). SB (P = 3.313168d); V0389 Cyg Turns around the invisible third companion with V0389 Cyg P = 154.09d. According to [01256] the light varies with V0389 Cyg two alternate periods P1 and P2. The first oscillation V0389 Cyg (P1) with A = 0.19m satisfies the elements: Max = V0389 Cyg 2423298.460 + 1.12912d*E, the second (P2) with A = V0389 Cyg 0.05m - the elements: Max = 2429162.080 + 1.19328d*E. V0389 Cyg each of them continues for 1 - 3 weeks. At the transition V0389 Cyg from one oscillation to the other irregular light V0389 Cyg variations are sometimes observed or almost constant V0389 Cyg brightness. At the renewal of each oscillation its phase V0389 Cyg remains unchanged, experiencing no shift. According V0389 Cyg to [08909] in 1975 - 1977 periodicity was not observed. V0393 Cyg d = 0.02P. V0401 Cyg Min II 11.13. P var. Min I = 2432881.277 + 0.582717d*E V0401 Cyg (JD2428800 - 34000); since JD2434000 - see Table. V0402 Cyg VB A (B 20", 90deg). V0407 Cyg VB A (B 14.0m, 8", 190deg). V0407 Cyg Light variations of the Mira type V0407 Cyg variable are superimposed by the outburst of the probable V0407 Cyg nova which occured near JD2428400 (1936) V0407 Cyg with the consequent slow light decrease. Combined spectrum. V0411 Cyg P var. Max = 2421075 + 321d*E (JD2421000 - 31100) V0411 Cyg [01262]; since JD2431100 - see Table. V0416 Cyg Red. V0425 Cyg Description of the spectrum and its variations [02685, 03149]. V0427 Cyg P var. Max = 2425471 + 143d*E (JD2425400 - 5950) V0427 Cyg [01155]; since JD2433850 - see Table. V0429 Cyg In the region of the open cluster NGC 6883. V0430 Cyg In the region of the open cluster NGC 6883. V0430 Cyg Max = 2425544 + 258d*E (JD2425500 - 27400) [01155]. V0432 Cyg In the region of the open cluster Dolidze 3. V0439 Cyg In the region of the open cluster Berkeley 87 = OCL 161. V0441 Cyg Epoch of Min I is given. V0442 Cyg Min II 10.4:, d = 0.01P:. According to V0442 Cyg [08721] the period given in [00525] must be doubled. V0443 Cyg There is a periodic term in the elements: V0443 Cyg -0.016d*sin(0.00105*E). V0444 Cyg In the H II region S 109. Min II 8.06; V0444 Cyg D II = 0.10P. P var. Min I = 2430856.453 + 4.21238d*E V0444 Cyg (JD2415000 - 30000) [00007]; since JD2430000 - see Table. V0445 Cyg P var. Min = 2425527.391 + 1.947833d*E (JD2425500 - V0445 Cyg 34700) [01155]; since JD2434700 - see Table. V0447 Cyg In the region of the open cluster NGC 6871. V0448 Cyg In the region of the open cluster NGC 6871. Min II 8.40. V0450 Cyg The light curve resembles that of DQ Her. V0453 Cyg In the region of the open cluster NGC 6871. Min II 8.68; V0453 Cyg d = 0.03P; Min II - Min I = 0.5077P. [07518]. According to V0453 Cyg [07518] there is apsidal motion with P = 71 years. V0454 Cyg Min II 12.3. In the region of the open cluster IC 4996. V0455 Cyg Min II 10.9. P var. Min I = 2431151.908 + 8.7689331d*E V0455 Cyg (JD2426800 - 33950) [01286]; since JD2436800 - see Table. V0456 Cyg Min II 11.4; Min II - Min I = 0.518P. P var? V0457 Cyg Min II 13.9. V0458 Cyg Min II 14.2. V0461 Cyg PB ~7000d? [08251]. V0462 Cyg P var. Max = 2428540 + 376.0d*E (JD2416000 - 35200); V0462 Cyg since JD2435200 - see Table. V0463 Cyg Min II 10.65; Min II - Min I = 0.514P. V0465 Cyg There is a close companion of 17.5m. V0466 Cyg Min II 11.4. V0469 Cyg Min II 12.9; Min II - Min I = 0.57P. V0470 Cyg Min II 8.545. V0471 Cyg S 5.5/5.5. V0473 Cyg P var. Max = 2430615 + 218.5d*E (JD2418000 - 31000) V0473 Cyg [00346]; since JD2442300 - see Table. V0474 Cyg d = 0.014P. V0477 Cyg Min II 8.69; D II = 0.09P; d = 0.003P. P var. Min I = V0477 Cyg 2429194.309 + 2.3470011d*E (JD2410000 - 29200) V0477 Cyg [00001]; Min I = 2437317.2695 + 2.3469943d*E V0477 Cyg (JD2429200 - 39700) [08919]; since JD2439700 - see Table. V0477 Cyg Apsidal motion with Pi = 349 years; E = 0.302 [06175]. V0477 Cyg 0.331P (1965 - 1970) <= Min II - Min I < = 0.460P (1904). V0478 Cyg VB A (B 12.8m, 4", 259deg. Min II 9.02; Min II - Min I = V0478 Cyg 0.5072P. V0482 Cyg VB A (B 14.4m V, M4 III, 8", 225deg). V0483 Cyg Min II 11.9. V0484 Cyg Min II 13.6. V0486 Cyg Min II 14.3. V0488 Cyg Min II 13.0. V0490 Cyg Min II 13.5; Min II - Min I = 0.47P. V0491 Cyg Min II 14.7. V0493 Cyg Min II 12.9. V0494 Cyg Min II 13.6. V0496 Cyg Min II 12.5. V0498 Cyg Min II 10.27. V0500 Cyg VB B (A 11.5m; 18", 45deg). Min II 12.0. V0501 Cyg Min II 13.1; d = 0.02P. V0502 Cyg Min II 14.2. V0505 Cyg Min II 12.0. V0509 Cyg d = 0.05P. V0512 Cyg Min II 11.5. There is a periodic term in the elements: V0512 Cyg +0.065d*sin(0.2105263deg*(E + 538)). V0513 Cyg Min II 12.6. V0519 Cyg Min II 13.4. V0520 Cyg VB A (B 15", 135deg). V0525 Cyg d = 0.03P:. V0526 Cyg Min II 13.1. In the region of the open cluster TGC 7039. V0532 Cyg P var. Max = 2434618.158 + 3.283651d*E (JD2427900 - V0532 Cyg 35000); Max = 2436817.694 + 3.282792d*E (JD2435000 - V0532 Cyg 38700); since JD2438700 - see Table. V0536 Cyg d = 0.010P. V0538 Cyg B - V: +1.17, +1.50. V0539 Cyg P2 = 1500d. V0541 Cyg Min II 10.9; DII = 0.012P; Min II - Min I = 0.453P. V0544 Cyg P var? V0546 Cyg Min II 15.2:; Min II - Min I = 0.48P; d = 0.077P. V0546 Cyg In the dark nebula Barnard 144. V0547 Cyg B - V: +1.27, +1.73. In the dark nebula Barnard 144. V0548 Cyg Min II 8.62. P var. Min I = 2442279.3838 + 1.80524695d*E V0548 Cyg (JD2430800 - 42300) [08930]; since JD2442300 - see Table. V0563 Cyg P var. Max = 2427590 + 295.4d*E (JD2426000 - 30250); V0563 Cyg since JD2430250 - see Table. V0567 Cyg d = 0.036P. V0581 Cyg Red. V0586 Cyg In the region of the open cluster NGC 7039. V0588 Cyg VB A (B 18m, 15", 0deg). Very Red. V0589 Cyg VB. V0606 Cyg P var. Max = 2428376.7 + 50.245d*E (JD2427950 - 31330) V0606 Cyg [01262]; since JD2437100 - see Table. V0612 Cyg Cycles of 50 - 100d (JD2427950 - 31330) [01262]; V0612 Cyg since JD2437100 - see Table. V0614 Cyg Min II 14.5. V0618 Cyg In the region of the open cluster TGC 7092. V0622 Cyg In the region of the open cluster NGC 7092. V0628 Cyg Min II 12.5. V0635 Cyg Min II 13.5. V0643 Cyg P var. Elements given in the V0643 Cyg Table are valid in the interval JD2427950 - 31330. V0644 Cyg VB A (B 15.6m, 6", 141deg; C 16.3m, 6", 141deg). V0645 Cyg Observed as the V0645 Cyg bright nebular condensation with ~2" diameter scattering V0645 Cyg light of an O8 star associated with it but invisible V0645 Cyg because of absorption. A part of strongly polarized V0645 Cyg bipolar nebula with diameter about 10". There are V0645 Cyg strong emission lines of H, Fe II, [O I], [S II], etc. In V0645 Cyg the spectrum [08942, 09129]. H2O maser source. Infrared V0645 Cyg source CRL 2789. V0651 Cyg Min II 14.7. V0652 Cyg Min II 12.1. V0664 Cyg d = 0.05P. V0666 Cyg P var. Max = 2427965 + 236d*E (JD2427950 - 31350) V0666 Cyg [01262]; since JD2433400 - see Table. V0670 Cyg sp component of a close binary. V0680 Cyg Min II 10.3. V0685 Cyg VB. V0687 Cyg Min II 10.4. P var? V0688 Cyg d = 0.029P. V0690 Cyg d = 0.021P. V0691 Cyg d <= 0.034P. V0692 Cyg Min II 14.9? V0693 Cyg Min II 14.4? V0694 Cyg d = 0.017P. V0695 Cyg 31 Cyg. Probably enters a common system with V1488 Cyg V0695 Cyg (32 Cyg). VB A (B 13.0m, 36.8", 332deg; C 6.99m, 107.0", V0695 Cyg 174deg; D 5.0m, 338", 323deg). d = 0.0151P. V0695 Cyg Interferometric binary eclipsing system (A = 0.08", V0695 Cyg E = 0.15 [01582]; 0.035", 141.8deg, 1980.4). The epoch of V0695 Cyg eclipse of the component of the spectral type B4 by the V0695 Cyg component of the type K4 is given in the Table. The V0695 Cyg amplitude strongly varies depending upon the wavelength: V0695 Cyg A(lambda 6560 A) = 0.03m, A(lambda 3530 A) = 1.80m [09131]. V0696 Cyg Mean magnitude varies with P = 1600d. V0700 Cyg Min II 12.3. P var. Min I = 2432028.863 + 0.340047d*E V0700 Cyg (JD2431700 - 37500) [05352]; since JD2437500 - see Table. V0704 Cyg Min II 14.2. V0706 Cyg Min II 13.9. V0713 Cyg Min II 15.1. V0720 Cyg P var. Min I = 2427611 + 332d*E (JD2429450 - 32000) V0720 Cyg [00798]; since JD2432500 - see Table. V0726 Cyg Min II 12.8; d = 0.018P. V0728 Cyg P var. Min = 2425760.475 + 2.0601256d*E (JD2425500 - 35000) V0728 Cyg [00164]; since JD2439700 - see Table. V0729 Cyg VB A (B 13.5m, 1.5", 65deg). Min II 9.29. P var. Min I = V0729 Cyg 2434264.638 + 6.597700d*E (JD2428700 - 37900) V0729 Cyg [00001]; since JD2439750 - see Table. V0731 Cyg VB. V0735 Cyg Depth of Min II 0.04m. V0736 Cyg Min II 16.5. Close to NQ Cyg. V0737 Cyg Star 23 - 50 [01321]. V0739 Cyg Star 36 - 81 [01321]. V0741 Cyg d = 0.03P. V0742 Cyg P var. Max = 2429409.448 + 0.93979d*E (JD2428420 - V0742 Cyg 30700) [08977]; Max = 2431489.580 + 0.94010d*E V0742 Cyg (JD2430250 - 32350); Max = 2433282.014 + 0.93979d*E V0742 Cyg (JD2432350 - 33650); since JD2433650 - see Table. V0742 Cyg According to [08977] since JD2430700 the observations are V0742 Cyg better represented by the elements: V0742 Cyg Max = 2432943.701 + 0.93977897d*E - 1.067d*10**(-7)*E**2. V0747 Cyg The intervals between maxima of brightness V0747 Cyg are 2000 - 4000d. Not red. V0751 Cyg In the region of the nebula IC 5070. SB (P = 0.25d [09132]). V0751 Cyg Rapid small variations near maximum of brightness V0751 Cyg (B - V = +0.25) are superimposed sometimes by deep V0751 Cyg minima lasting for some hundreds days [02699]. Soft X-ray V0751 Cyg source [09133]. Spectrum description [02698, 09132]. V0752 Cyg B - V = +0.77, U - B = -0.47. V0753 Cyg d = 0.12P. P = 0.952374d? V0757 Cyg Red. V0758 Cyg P = 400d? V0759 Cyg P var. Max = 2434513.427 + 0.36001476d*E V0759 Cyg (JD2414430 - 34570) [03506]; since JD2434500 - see Table. V0759 Cyg Blazhko effect. V0779 Cyg Type RR? V0781 Cyg P var? V0783 Cyg P var. Max = 2433261.029 + 0.62069487d*E V0783 Cyg (JD2424690 - 34000); since JD2438970 - see Table. V0786 Cyg Usually in minimum brightness, with rapid V0786 Cyg brightenings by 0.5m - 1.0m. In the interval JD2427692 - V0786 Cyg 697 the brightness was 13.5m. V0789 Cyg P var? [Fe/H] = -0.91. V0795 Cyg sf component of a close pair. V0796 Cyg Min II 11.4. V0797 Cyg Min 15.4. V0799 Cyg P var. V0801 Cyg There is a square term in the elements: V0801 Cyg +1.93d*10**(-10)*E**2. V0802 Cyg P var. Max = 2432779.9342 + 0.59560377d*E V0802 Cyg (JD2425480 - 35170) [02775]; Max = 2439415.263 + V0802 Cyg 0.5955638d*E (JD2435950 - 40000) [09266]. Max = V0802 Cyg 2440036.409 + 0.595447d*E (JD2440000 - 41000); Max = V0802 Cyg 2441517.498 + 0.595635d*E (JD2441000 - 42500); V0802 Cyg since JD2442500 - see Table. Shape of the light curve V0802 Cyg varies (0.13P <= M - m <= 0.50P); period variations are V0802 Cyg accompanied sometimes by strong variations of amplitude V0802 Cyg (in the interval JD2440000 - 41000; 0.3m <= A <= 1.7m). V0803 Cyg Min II 14.5. V0806 Cyg Min II 15.0; DII = 0.061P. V0807 Cyg Min II 14.9. V0808 Cyg Brightness in maximum varies. V0809 Cyg Min II 13.6; DII = 0.069P. V0810 Cyg d = 0.050P. Depth of Min II 0.05m. P var? V0817 Cyg sp component of the pair. V0818 Cyg Shape of the light curve and period vary. V0821 Cyg Min II 15.6. V0822 Cyg Min II 13.0. V0824 Cyg Min II 14.3. V0825 Cyg Min II 16.9. Min II = 2433871.915 + 7.709015d*E. V0826 Cyg Min II 14.7. V0828 Cyg Min II 10.12. V0832 Cyg VB A (B 9.43m, 20", 352deg; C 11.62m, 27", 141deg; D 12.72m, V0832 Cyg 38", 220deg). description of spectral variations [09135]. V0836 Cyg Min II 8.77. P var. Min I = 2426547.5224 + 0.65341090d*E V0836 Cyg (JD2425500 - 42000) [03869]; since JD2441200 - see Table. V0836 Cyg Shape of the light curve varies. V0840 Cyg LS II 28.3deg [08090]. Cycles 250 - 300d. V0841 Cyg Min II 11.2. V0842 Cyg Min II 14.1. V0844 Cyg VB A (B 17.8m, 2.9", 50deg). V0850 Cyg Min II 11.8. P var. Min I = 2430587.263 + 4.5578d*E V0850 Cyg (JD2428750 - 30590) [04253]; since JD2434330 - see Table. V0851 Cyg d = 0.017P? V0852 Cyg Min II 14.9. V0853 Cyg Min II 14.2. V0856 Cyg Depth of Min II 0.05m. V0857 Cyg Depth of Min II 0.03m. V0859 Cyg Min II 12.1. V0865 Cyg Min II 14.6. V0866 Cyg Min II 13.9. V0869 Cyg Min II 14.8. Shape of the light curve varies. V0870 Cyg Min II 15.8. V0871 Cyg Min II 14.9. V0873 Cyg Min II 14.7. Min II - Min I = 0.48P. V0874 Cyg Min II 13.8. V0877 Cyg Min II 12.9. V0880 Cyg Min II 14.1; Min II - Min I = 0.506P; d = 0.02P. V0881 Cyg Delta(S) is small [09037]. V0882 Cyg [Fe/H] = -1.42. V0884 Cyg np component of a pair. Min II 14.2. V0885 Cyg Min II 10.2. V0886 Cyg Min II 14.1; Min II - Min I = 0.515P. V0887 Cyg Depth of Min II 0.03m. V0888 Cyg Min II 15.9. V0889 Cyg Min II 10.4. V0891 Cyg Min II 9.4. V0892 Cyg Min II 15.5. nf component of a close pair. V0900 Cyg Min II 15.2. V0902 Cyg d = 0.02P. Depth of Min II 0.05m. V0906 Cyg Min II 15.7. V0907 Cyg Min II 14.9. According to [04427] Min I = V0907 Cyg 2435066.257 + 0.54138554d*E. V0908 Cyg nf component of a close pair. Depth of Min II 0.04m. V0909 Cyg Min II 9.66. V0910 Cyg Min II 14.2; d = 0.02P. V0911 Cyg Min II 14.6. P var? Min I = 2432120.251 + 3.42262215d*E V0911 Cyg (JD2415500 - 37900) [04761]; since JD2437100 - see Table. V0912 Cyg Depth of Min II 0.05m. V0913 Cyg VB A (B 17m, 0deg). V0920 Cyg A var. Blazhko effect? V0922 Cyg d = 0.02P:. V0924 Cyg P var. Max = 2435706.776 + 5.5709816d*E (JD2432760 - 38000) V0924 Cyg [08053]; since JD2438000 - see Table. V0925 Cyg Min II 16.0. V0927 Cyg Epoch of Min brightness is given. V0928 Cyg Min II 15.4. V0931 Cyg Min II 14.5. V0932 Cyg Depth of Min II 0.04m. V0934 Cyg Min II 13.7. V0936 Cyg Depth of Min II 0.05m. V0939 Cyg Min II 12.5. V0940 Cyg Min II 15.1. V0941 Cyg Min II 13.2. V0942 Cyg VB A (B ~10deg, C ~110deg). V0944 Cyg np component of pair. V0947 Cyg Min II 15.0. V0948 Cyg Min II 15.2. V0949 Cyg Red. V0955 Cyg Min II 15.3. sp component of a close pair. V0956 Cyg Min II 15.1. sp component of a close pair. V0957 Cyg Min II 12.6. V0958 Cyg P = 199d? V0959 Cyg Min II 11.4; Min II - Min I = 0.52P; DII = 0.16P:. V0959 Cyg sp component of a close pair. V0961 Cyg Min II 12.4; Min II - Min I = 0.505P. V0962 Cyg d = 0.02P:. V0964 Cyg Min II 14.4. V0965 Cyg Min II 14.9. Type RRC? P = 0.32028628d? V0970 Cyg Min II 14.8. V0974 Cyg Min II 12.5; Min II - Min I = 0.462P. V0974 Cyg Min II = 2435373.398 + 3.204418d*E. V0979 Cyg Min II 14.7. V0981 Cyg Min II 15.0. V0982 Cyg Red. V0997 Cyg [Fe/H] = -0.77. V1004 Cyg Min II 13.0. V1007 Cyg Depth of Min II 0.04m. V1008 Cyg Min II 16.0. V1010 Cyg Depth of Min II 0.03m. V1011 Cyg Depth of Min II 0.04m. V1012 Cyg Min II 15.4. V1016 Cyg Before the outburst in 1964 the brightness V1016 Cyg changed between 15.0m and 17.5m pg [05701], the spectral V1016 Cyg type was late Me alpha [01222]. In the 1964 - 67 the V1016 Cyg brightness increased from 16.0m to 11.2m B. In 1967 - 69 V1016 Cyg the brightness steadily increased to 10.05m B, V1016 Cyg being constant in V system (10.5m). In the infrared it V1016 Cyg changes in the limits 6.9 - 8.4 J, 4.7 - 5.8 K with the V1016 Cyg period 470d [07174, 09141]. High excitation emission V1016 Cyg spectrum with strong IR excess resembles that of V1016 Cyg symbiotic variables [09142]. X-ray and radio source. V1018 Cyg Min II 11.6. V1021 Cyg Min II 14.3. V1023 Cyg Min II 12.9; d = 0.03P:. DII = 0.14P. V1023 Cyg Min II - Min I = 0.495P. V1024 Cyg Depth of Min II 0.04m. V1030 Cyg Elements given in the V1030 Cyg Table are valid in the interval JD2426600 - 32300. V1033 Cyg P var. V1034 Cyg Min II 9.9. V1035 Cyg P var? V1037 Cyg Min II 14.8. V1038 Cyg VB B (9.4", 215deg, 1963). Min II 15.5. V1039 Cyg Min II 15.6. V1042 Cyg VB A (B 10m, 53", 110deg). In HII region S 109. V1044 Cyg Min II 16.5. V1045 Cyg Min II 16.0. V1047 Cyg d = 0.02P. V1053 Cyg d = 0.05P. V1057 Cyg In the dark nebula, in the region of the North America V1057 Cyg nebula (NGC 7000). In 1969 - 70 (JD2440400 - 830) V1057 Cyg the outburst from 16.5m to 10.3m occured. Brightness V1057 Cyg maximum was observed at JD2440830 (spectrum - B3). V1057 Cyg Before the outburst the light changed in the range V1057 Cyg 15.5m - 16.5m, the spectral type was Ke with V1057 Cyg characteristic features of T Tau type stars [02698, 06415]. V1057 Cyg After the outburst the brightness began to weaken V1057 Cyg monotonouosly and in 1982 reached 13.1m B (the spectral V1057 Cyg type about G2 - G5 Ib). Strong Halpha emission appeared V1057 Cyg in 1971. There are also small rapid light fluctuations. V1057 Cyg Description of light variations [06504, 07115, V1057 Cyg 07754, 08996]. The star is associated with a luminous V1057 Cyg arc-shaped reflection nebula. This nebula with length V1057 Cyg of about 3' appeared in 1971 and its brightness is V1057 Cyg gradually decreasing simultaneously with the fading V1057 Cyg of the star. V1061 Cyg Min II 9.5. V1063 Cyg P var. Max = 2428260 + 339d*E (JD2428260 - 30700); V1063 Cyg since JD2433500 - see Table. V1064 Cyg Min II 15.3. V1068 Cyg Min II 11.2; d = 0.070P. V1068 Cyg A migrating wavelike distorsion with an amplitude ~0.1m V V1068 Cyg is being observed outside eclipses [08999]. V1073 Cyg Min II 8.57. V1074 Cyg Min II 14.8. V1083 Cyg Min II 11.2. V1085 Cyg Observations given in [07010] contradict the elements given V1085 Cyg in [07193]: Min = 2437856.592 + 2.8089d*E. V1096 Cyg d = 0.03P. V1102 Cyg Radio-quiet N galaxy. Absorption spectrum without emission V1102 Cyg lines; z = 0.0272. V1111 Cyg Blazhko effect is possible. V1122 Cyg Blazhko effect is possible. V1130 Cyg Min II 12.9. V1136 Cyg Min II 13.2. Eccentric orbit (E = 0.3). Apsidal motion is V1136 Cyg possible [08051]. V1141 Cyg Min II 11.8. V1142 Cyg Min II 13.4. V1143 Cyg Min II 6.06; Min II - Min I = 0.743P; d = 0.002P. V1157 Cyg Min II 13.6. V1158 Cyg d = 0.02P; Depth of Min II 0.04m. V1161 Cyg d = 0.01P. V1162 Cyg Only one Max was observed (see Table). Thereafter - either V1162 Cyg invisible, or fairly constant (17.6m - 17.8m). Bluish. V1171 Cyg VB A (B 11.0m, 0.34", 71.2deg; 1979.5). Min II 10.3. V1175 Cyg Min II 16.5. P var. Min I = 2434629.545 + 1.3330d*E V1175 Cyg (JD2426620 - 34630); since JD2434635 - see Table. V1176 Cyg VB. Variable is probably the northern red component. V1187 Cyg In the nebula IC 1318B. Min II 11.19. P = 3.7675d? V1188 Cyg Min II 14.3. V1189 Cyg Min II 13.7. P var. Min I = 2437906.516 + 1.041908d*E V1189 Cyg (JD2426620 - 31240); since JD2437906 - see Table. V1191 Cyg In the nebula IC 1318B. VB A (B 13m, 11", 299deg; C 13m, V1191 Cyg 11", 284deg). Min II 11.11. Shape of the light curve varies. V1193 Cyg Min II 14.3. V1196 Cyg Depth of Min II 0.05m. V1200 Cyg Min II 16.1:. V1210 Cyg Red. V1212 Cyg Red. V1218 Cyg VB A (B 17m, sf). V1225 Cyg VB A (B 16m V, B - V = +1.3m, 1.2", 270deg; C 15.0m V, V1225 Cyg B - V = +0.5m, 2.4", 270deg); P var? Max = 2428250 + V1225 Cyg 384.2d*E (JD2428200 - 38250) [03160]; since V1225 Cyg JD2438500 - see Table. V1236 Cyg Red. V1255 Cyg Brightness in Max varies in the range 15.2m - 16.0m with V1255 Cyg possible elements: Max = 2439382.281 + 0.28619537d*E. V1256 Cyg Min II 14.1. V1273 Cyg Min II 16.5. V1275 Cyg In the region of the open cluster NGC 6819. V1281 Cyg Min II 15.4. V1285 Cyg Red. V1302 Cyg Depth of Min II 0.05m. V1305 Cyg Min II 11.5m - 11.7m (var). V1307 Cyg Considerable dispersion of mean light curve points. V1315 Cyg Min II 15.3. V1316 Cyg (P) > 100d. V1318 Cyg LkH alpha 225. Associated with a cometary nebula. V1321 Cyg P = 0.7281802d? V1322 Cyg In the region of the open cluster NGC 6913. V1326 Cyg Min II 11.8; Min II - Min I = 0.53P. V1327 Cyg Very red. V1329 Cyg In 1891 - 1964 light variations in the range 14.2m - 15.5m V1329 Cyg with deep minima to 18m; the minima are satisfied by the V1329 Cyg elements given in the Table; D = 0.1p; spectral type M V1329 Cyg [07235]. In 1964 - the outburst up to 12.1m. Then gradual V1329 Cyg brightness decrease superimposed by periodical V1329 Cyg variations with an amplitude near 1m. Light minima V1329 Cyg as before are satisfied by the elements given in the V1329 Cyg Table but the character of eclipses changed (probably V1329 Cyg because of appearance of a dense envelope ejected V1329 Cyg by one of the components of the system). After the V1329 Cyg outburst high excitation emission spectrum with IR V1329 Cyg excess is observed similar to the spectrum of symbiotic V1329 Cyg variables. V1331 Cyg Associated with a cometary nebula. V1334 Cyg VB A (B 7.9m, B5 - B8, 0.13", 26.1deg, 1975). V1336 Cyg According to [07010], RR? P = 0.5d? V1341 Cyg Cyg X-2. SB1. Halo object (nu = -220 km/s). Strong V1341 Cyg reflection effect changes the spectral type of the F V1341 Cyg component. Spectral line profiles vary. The lines of V1341 Cyg He II, KCa II, C III,and N III are in emission. The V1341 Cyg system has low and high states. During the low state the V1341 Cyg mean light curve is a double wave with the range V1341 Cyg 15.1m - 15.4m B. Epoch of Min I given in the Table V1341 Cyg corresponds to the F star in superior conjunction; V1341 Cyg Min II 15.4. The eclipse of the accretion disk at the V1341 Cyg phase 0.5P in partial. Rapid light variability by 0.1m V1341 Cyg in 10 minutes and by 0.5m in several hours is V1341 Cyg superimposed. In the high states lasting V1341 Cyg for ~10d the mean light increases by 0.5m. Radio V1341 Cyg source at 8085 MHz, source of soft and hard X-ray V1341 Cyg emission from 0.1 to 60 KeV. V1345 Cyg Min II 15.0:. V1354 Cyg Depth of Min II 0.04m. V1356 Cyg Min II 10.4. V1357 Cyg Cyg X-1. SB1. The epoch of the inferior conjunction of the V1357 Cyg optical component is given in the Table. Min II 8.88. The V1357 Cyg shape of the light curve varies; Min II sometimes are not V1357 Cyg observed. The periodicity in the light curve variations V1357 Cyg as well as in polarization changes is possible with V1357 Cyg P = 78.4d [09021, 09022]. Rapidly variable X-ray source in V1357 Cyg wide range up to 3 MeV characterized by the change of high V1357 Cyg and low states. Light and X-ray variation with P = 294d V1357 Cyg is also detected [09154, 09156]. Variable and flare radio V1357 Cyg source at 2695 and 8085 MHz. V1372 Cyg P2 = 360d?. V1374 Cyg Min II 17.7. V1384 Cyg In the region of the open cluster NGC 6913. V1396 Cyg VB AB (10.26m V, 12.3m V; A = 0.1127", P = 29.33 Y V1396 Cyg [09026]); mu = 0.67", P = 113deg; A-SB 2 (mAb - mAa = 0.6m, V1396 Cyg P = 3.275631d [09025]). Probably all the three components V1396 Cyg of the system are variables of the UV Cet type, and V1396 Cyg according to [05716] also of the BY Dra type. The range of V1396 Cyg combined brightness of the system is given in the Table. V1396 Cyg Really the flare of AB component was observed in the V1396 Cyg spectrograms [09025]. V1401 Cyg Min II 13.6. V1410 Cyg P > 400d. V1411 Cyg P = 1.553478d? V1412 Cyg Min II 15.5. V1414 Cyg Northern component of a close pair; d = 0.04P. V1416 Cyg Min II 14.7. V1417 Cyg Min II 13.1. V1421 Cyg In the region of the planetary nebula NGC 6857 = K3 - 50. V1425 Cyg Depth of Min II 0.31m. V1427 Cyg In the region of the open cluster M39. V1429 Cyg Min II 15.3. V1430 Cyg Min II 15.0. V1436 Cyg Min II 15.9, D II = 0.08P; Min II - Min I = 0.48P. V1437 Cyg Min II 16.0. V1440 Cyg In the region of the open cluster NGC 6819. V1465 Cyg Resembles an eclipsing variable. V1478 Cyg VB A (B 17m:, 3", 80deg). V1478 Cyg Compact radio source. extended structure centered at the V1478 Cyg star is observed at 5 Ghz. Bq [] star with the excess of V1478 Cyg infrared radiation of dust at T = 300degK. Description of V1478 Cyg the spectrum [07080, 07081, 07523, 09159, 09160]. V1479 Cyg In the region of the nebula IC 5070. V1481 Cyg Min II 12.5. In the region of the open cluster NGC 7128. V1485 Cyg Identical to VES 28, as it follows from latter star's V1485 Cyg coordinates and magnitudes in [7095], but the star is V1485 Cyg actually invisible in the chart in [7095], where a faint V1485 Cyg companion, to 0.4'N of the variable, is erroneously marked. V1485 Cyg Similarly, it is identical to +29deg 104, judging from the V1485 Cyg latter star's photometry and spectral type from [4732]; V1485 Cyg however, the star is plotted slightly offset (by 0.8' to E) V1485 Cyg in the chart in [4732]. V1488 Cyg 32 Cyg. Probably enters a common system with V695 Cyg V1488 Cyg (31 Cyg). D = 0.015P, 0 < d < 0.011P. P var. V1488 Cyg Min I = 2420670.0 + 1140.1d*E (JD2411400 - 29700). V1488 Cyg Since JD2429700 - see Table. V1488 Cyg The epoch of the eclipse of the B4 type V1488 Cyg Component by the K5 type component is given. There V1488 Cyg is also small physical light variability of the K V1488 Cyg component [08896, 09161]. Depth of eclipses depends of lambda: V1488 Cyg 0.04M V, 0.13m B, 0.27m (lambda 4243A),0.90m (lambda 3552A). V1489 Cyg NML Cyg. 17.0m: - 18.0m V, B>21M; I - K = +8.17. V1489 Cyg Very large IR exess due to expanding gaseous-dust envelope. V1489 Cyg In the area 2.5"*3.5" around V1489 Cyg the star the system of about 60 discrete sources of V1489 Cyg OH emission is detected [07461]; source of OH, H2O, V1489 Cyg SiO maser emission. Light variations are periodical V1489 Cyg (see also [09163]). The object may be a protostar being V1489 Cyg observed at the end of condensation process. The late V1489 Cyg spectrum arises probably in the extending envelope V1489 Cyg [09165, 09166]. V1490 Cyg In the region of the nebula IC 5070. V1491 Cyg In the region of the nebula IC 5070. V1492 Cyg In the region of the nebula IC 5070. V1493 Cyg In the region of the nebula IC 5070. V1707 Cyg 10.5"P. V1494 Cyg In the region of the nebula IC 5070. V1495 Cyg In the region of the nebula NGC 7000. V1497 Cyg In the region of the nebula NGC 7000. V1498 Cyg In the region of the nebula NGC 7000. V1500 Cyg In August 1975, before the very rapid increase V1500 Cyg of light, the brightness of the Nova gradually increased V1500 Cyg from 17.6m to 13.5m B (JD2442632 - 653.2). After Max V1500 Cyg almost monotonous decay of brightness is superimposed by V1500 Cyg light variations with the amplitude of 0.03m - 1.0m V; V1500 Cyg the period of these variations in the interval V1500 Cyg JD2442656 - 43100 changed in the range 0.1415d [09167, V1500 Cyg 09168] - 0.137d [09169, 09170]. Since JD2443100 Min = V1500 Cyg 2443696.4827 + 0.1396133d*E. Some investigators (see, V1500 Cyg for instance, [09173]) adopt double value of this peiod. V1500 Cyg A month after the light maximum of the Nova the V1500 Cyg radio emission was registered at 2695 and 8085 MHz [09171]. V1507 Cyg The epoch of a broad Min I (superior conjunction of V1507 Cyg the B component) is given; Min II 7.01; D II = 0.20P, V1507 Cyg Min II - Min I = 0.29P; e = 0.39. Unusual light curve V1507 Cyg [08213, 09049]. Shape of the light curve and depths of V1507 Cyg Min vary. Gaseous streams And expAnding envelope. V1508 Cyg Min II 13.3. V1509 Cyg VB A (B 11.7m, 55", 106deg). V1511 Cyg V - K = 13.6m. V1513 Cyg SB. V1515 Cyg In a dark nebula, near the nebula NGC 6914. Connected V1515 Cyg with nebular appendage like a Comma. Light increase was V1515 Cyg observed from 1944 till 1958. Since 1958 the star is in V1515 Cyg Max. Slow light variations with A <= 1.6m. The absorption V1515 Cyg line Li I lambda 6707A is seen in the spectrum. V1521 Cyg Cyg X-3. Peculiar infrared X-ray source. V > 23m. V1521 Cyg Flare radio source. In the K band short and slow flares V1521 Cyg on the time scale about 2 minutes and 1-2 hours, V1521 Cyg irregular variations and longperiodic variability are V1521 Cyg observed [07752]. These variations are accompanied V1521 Cyg by periodical oscillations of infrared, X-ray and gamma V1521 Cyg radiation with the elements: Min = 2440949.8986 + V1521 Cyg 0.1996830d*E + 1.25d*10**(-10)*E**2 [09187]. Usually the V1521 Cyg amplitude of these variations A(K) = 0.5m, but sometimes V1521 Cyg they disappear completely. V1531 Cyg LkH alpha 142. VB A (B = V1532 Cyg, 2.5", 90deg). In the V1531 Cyg region of the nebula IC 5070. Combined brightness and V1531 Cyg spectrum are given. V1532 Cyg LkH alpha 143. VB B (A = V1531 Cyg; B 2.5", 90deg). V1532 Cyg In the region of the nebula IC 5070. Combined brightness V1532 Cyg and spectrum are given. V1535 Cyg In the region of the nebula IC 5070. V1536 Cyg In the region of the nebula NGC 7000. V1538 Cyg In the region of the nebula NGC 7000. V1539 Cyg In the region of the nebula NGC 7000. V1540 Cyg In the region of the nebula NGC 7000. V1546 Cyg In the region of the nebula NGC 7000. V1548 Cyg VB A (B 16.7m, 6.2", 131deg). V1554 Cyg VB A (B 14.7m, 3.5", 214deg). V1577 Cyg In the cluster and nebula IC 5146. V1578 Cyg In the cluster and nebula IC 5146. VB A (B 15m, 5", 45deg; V1578 Cyg C 17m, 5", 225deg). Associated with a reflecting nebula. V1580 Cyg There is a periodic term in the elements: V1580 Cyg -0.027d*sin(0.045deg) (JD - 2439000). V1581 Cyg G 208 - 44. VB A (B = G 208 - 45, 15.97m V, M6Ve; 7.9", V1581 Cyg 106deg, 1954; 8.2", 96deg, 1974). mu = 0.71", P = 140deg. V1581 Cyg The flare was observed during spectroscopic observations V1581 Cyg [09175]. The companion may be also a UV Cet type variable. V1581 Cyg The range of combined brightness variation of the system V1581 Cyg is given. V1584 Cyg Epoch of min brightness is given. V1597 Cyg In the region of the nebula IC 5070. V1598 Cyg In the region of the nebula IC 5070. V1600 Cyg In the region of the nebula IC 5070. V1608 Cyg In the region of the nebula NGC 7000. V1610 Cyg Infrared source CRL 2688, the star of the spectral type V1610 Cyg F5Ia, associated with a bipolar reflection nebula V1610 Cyg (the so-called Egg nebula). The northern component of V1610 Cyg the nebula is 4" to the north from the source. Since 1920 V1610 Cyg to 1958 the integrated light of this component increased V1610 Cyg from 15.2m to 13.4b B and after that does not vary [08735]. Light V1610 Cyg of the faint (16.2m B) southern component (5" to the V1610 Cyg south from the source) varies by 0.6m B [09176]. The V1610 Cyg radiation of the nebula is strongly polarized (46%, V1610 Cyg theta = 106deg in V system). There are C3 absorption V1610 Cyg features as well as Na, C2, and [S II] emission in the V1610 Cyg spectrum. Probably the object is a precursor of a V1610 Cyg planetary nebula [09178]. V1611 Cyg In the region of the nebula NGC 7000. V1624 Cyg A var. V1624 Cyg In 1957 out of a B star turned into Be star. Probably must V1624 Cyg be referred also to GCAS type. V1661 Cyg VB A (B 11.14m, 20", 174deg). V1668 Cyg There are sinusoidal light variations with A(V) = 0.15m V1668 Cyg and elements Min = 2443767.475 + 0.4392d*E in the V1668 Cyg descending branch of the light curve after JD2443765 V1668 Cyg [09179]. Infrared light curves (1.6 - 10 mkm) have a V1668 Cyg secondary maximum (JD2443815) due to the formation of V1668 Cyg the dust envelope. At 10 mkm this secondary maximum is V1668 Cyg brighter than the primary one [09069]. V1669 Cyg d = 0.036P. V1671 Cyg Delta(U) = 0.06. V1674 Cyg VB (B 15m, 5"). V1674 Cyg The range of combined brightness variation is given. It V1674 Cyg is not excluded that it is the component B that is V1674 Cyg variable. Slow variations of mean brightness in the range V1674 Cyg 10.555m - 10.570m B are superimposed by sinusoidal V1674 Cyg periodikal ones with P1 = 1.3608d (A1 = 0.0037m) V1674 Cyg and P2 = 0.8055d (A2 = 0.0032m). V1676 Cyg In the open cluster NGC 6871. V1676 Cyg ADS 13374 A (B 12.0m, 6.5", 64deg; C 11.0m, 9.5", 28deg V1676 Cyg D 9.5m, B3V, 11.4", 301deg; E 11.42m, 28.1", 109deg; V1676 Cyg F 7.36m, B1IA, 35.9", 29deg); SB2 (P = 112.7d). V1696 Cyg SB1 (Porb = 4.3174d). Epoch of Min brightness is given. V1696 Cyg The eclipse of the accretion disc around the compact V1696 Cyg object formed in the outburst of a Supernova in a binary V1696 Cyg system about 5*10**6 years ago is possible [03619]. V1701 Cyg In the region of the nebula IC 5070. V1702 Cyg In the region of the nebula IC 5070. V1703 Cyg In the region of the nebula IC 5070. V1704 Cyg In the region of the nebula IC 5070. V1706 Cyg In the region of the nebula IC 5070. V1707 Cyg In the region of the nebula IC 5070. V1493 Cyg 10.5"f. V1711 Cyg In the region of the nebula NGC 7000. V1716 Cyg In the region of the nebula NGC 7000. V1719 Cyg Shape of the light curve varies. V1720 Cyg Min II 7.79. V1721 Cyg P var.Min I = 2442605.497 + 2.724370d*E (JD2442311 - 928); V1721 Cyg since JD2442928 - see Table. V1722 Cyg Min II 14.6? V1726 Cyg Possible member of an anonimous open cluster. V1727 Cyg 4U 2129 +47. Lx/Lopt ~10. V1727 Cyg Emissions in the spectrum: NeII lambda 4686A, CIII - NIII V1727 Cyg lambda lambda 4640 - 50A. V1735 Cyg In the complex of dark nebulae associated with the V1735 Cyg open cluster and the nebula IC 5146. Lights up a V1735 Cyg reflecting nebula. Became brighter by 5m at least V1735 Cyg from 1952 to 1965. V1737 Cyg B - V = +3.7. V1738 Cyg B - V = +5.5:. V1739 Cyg B - V = +4.5:. V1744 Cyg Epoch of Max in U system is given. V1746 Cyg Sometimes P = 0.21d is observed. V1747 Cyg P > 100d. B - V = +4.0. V1748 Cyg In the nebula IC 1318a. V1751 Cyg In the nebula IC 1318c. V1761 Cyg Close companion? Elements are not certain. V1860 Cyg The chart in [68103] is wrong. V2105 Cyg Variability type and spectral type (F8Iab:) do not agree. V2121 Cyg Strong Blazhko effect. V2150 Cyg Type RR: is also possible. V2174 Cyg SB, Porb = 225.162d. V2175 Cyg X-ray source. V2312 Cyg Erroneously called HD 192776 in [77190]. V2324 Cyg Possible brightening trend over 6 years, maybe due to dissipating V2324 Cyg dust envelope, plus quicker variations. V2363 Cyg The depth of MinII is 0.13. V2364 Cyg MinII 11.73. O'Connell effect. V2374 Cyg The classification suggested in [78276] is EB?, with a twice longer period. V2375 Cyg The depth of MinII is 0.20. V2376 Cyg The depth of MinII is 0.50. V2380 Cyg The depth of MinII is 0.35. V2381 Cyg The depth of MinII is 0.20. V2383 Cyg The depth of MinII is 0.15. V2385 Cyg The depth of MinII is 0.30. V2386 Cyg The depth of MinII is 0.50. V2388 Cyg The depth of MinII is 0.40. V2389 Cyg The depth of MinII is 0.35. V2390 Cyg The depth of MinII is 0.05. V2394 Cyg The depth of MinII is 0.16. V2409 Cyg MinII 14.1. V2414 Cyg MinII 10.22, the phase of MinII is about 0.3 P. Pulsations possibly overlapped. V2417 Cyg Cool companion, slow variations. V2421 Cyg MinII 14.20. V2422 Cyg The depth of MinII is 0.47. V2428 Cyg In quiescence, Max = 2440749 + 774 * E. V2456 Cyg MinII 11.6. V2473 Cyg VB AB (12.7mV, 14.3mr, 4", 267deg, 2000; C 14.4mV, 18", 188deg, 2000). V2474 Cyg A possible different classification is RV [79100]. V2478 Cyg VB A (B 17.1mpg, 12", 149deg, 1993). V2486 Cyg VB A (B 11.5m, 21", 248deg, 1998). V2498 Cyg Multiperiodic, P2 = 0.094d. V2500 Cyg Multiperiodic, P2 = 0.0677332d. V2517 Cyg VB A (B 14.1m, 5", 84deg, 1998). V2533 Cyg Multiperiodic, P2 = 0.162486d, P3 = 0.148877d. V2534 Cyg Multiperiodic, P2 = 0.171077d, P3 = 0.239556d. VB A (B 12.0, 3", 165deg, 2003; C 12.5, 10", 112deg, 2003; D 13.1, 16", 2931deg, 2003). V2536 Cyg VB B (A 9.7m; AB 7", 270deg, 2003). V2541 Cyg A twice longer period is also possible. V2544 Cyg Apsidal motion detected. The tabulated elements are for MinI. MinII = 2455005.5824 + 2.093799d x E. V2547 Cyg SB. V2566 Cyg Multiperiodic, P2 = 0.422d. Porb = 55.03d. V2581 Cyg Multiperiodic. P2 = 0.2486d, P3 = 0.09029d. V2583 Cyg VB A (B 19.4m, 0.6", 0deg, 2002). V2608 Cyg Multiperiodic. P2 = 0.091463d. V2618 Cyg MinII - MinI = 0.57P. V2625 Cyg VB A (B 5", 32deg, 1998). V2642 Cyg Total eclipses of the white dwarfs plus occasional small flares. V2643 Cyg O'Connell effect. V2647 Cyg MinII - MinI = 0.334P. V2669 Cyg The one-day alias, P = 0.334285d, is also possible. V2690 Cyg Porb = 0.492d. V2693 Cyg VB B (A 14.08m; B 2.5" sf). V2699 Cyg Multiperiodic. V2700 Cyg Multiperiodic, 3 main frequencies. V2709 Cyg Possible non-radial pulsations of a white dwarf. P2 = 0.017070d. V2737 Cyg O'Connell effect. V2740 Cyg O'Connell effect. V2760 Cyg VB (3"). P=1.4088d is also possible. V2761 Cyg O'Connell effect. V2762 Cyg Porb = 12.7d; Pspin = 358.6s. V2764 Cyg O'Connell effect. V2777 Cyg O'Connell effect. V2786 Cyg Blazhko effect. V2797 Cyg P = 1.656d is also possible. V2800 Cyg The light curve shape varies. V2813 Cyg MinII - MinI = 0.64P. V2838 Cyg Multiperiodic? P2 = 0.13564d is possible [81213]. V2848 Cyg The Table presents light elements for eclipses. Multiperiodic small-amplitude DSCT pulsations [82003]. V2850 Cyg Multiperiodic, P2 = 0.11153d. V2855 Cyg Multiperiodic, P2 = 0.0983128d. V2860 Cyg Light elements for ELL type variability are presented in the Table. V2860 Cyg Multiperiodic DSCTC oscillations with an amplitude of 0.02m are superposed. V2860 Cyg The main harmonic: P = 0.058028d. V2863 Cyg Multiperiodic. V2864 Cyg VB A (13.7mG; B 15.4mG, 3", 99deg, 2000). V2871 Cyg VB B (A 10.9mV; B 11.2mV, 17", 299deg, 2016); the range in the Table is for combined brightness. V2879 Cyg VB A (12.5mG; B 13.3mG, 13", 213deg, 2000). V2883 Cyg Crowded, several close companions. V2887 Cyg VB A (15.9mG; B 17.0mG, 4", 50deg, 2000). V2888 Cyg VB B (A 14.35mG, B 15.2mG; AB 13", 271deg, 2000). V2896 Cyg VB A (B 10.40mV, 6", 130deg, 2015). V2897 Cyg VB B (A 13.5mG; B 14.0mG, 5", 210deg, 2000). The range in the Table is for combined brightness. V2917 Cyg Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.073937974d, P1/P0 = 0.7719. V2925 Cyg A twice longer period is also possible. V2926 Cyg A twice longer period is also possible. V2932 Cyg A twice longer period is also possible. V2934 Cyg VB (15.1mG, 16.0mG, 2.5", 131deg, 2000). V2941 Cyg VB B (A 13.8mJ, B 14.1mG; AB 4", 281deg, 2000). V2942 Cyg VB A (16.2mG; B 16.5mG, 2.5", 146deg, 2000). V2945 Cyg VB A (16.1mG; B 16.8mG, 4", 305deg, 2000). The variability range in the Table can be influenced by the companion. V2949 Cyg Multiperiodic; the second period is P = 0.11972d. VB B (13.0mG; A 12.0mG; AB 15", 45 deg, 2000). V2954 Cyg VB B (A 16.0mG; B 16.3mG, 6", 222deg, 2000). V2962 Cyg VB A (15.9mG; B 17.3mG, 5", 214deg, 2000; other companions). V2964 Cyg VB A (13.9mG; B 14.0mG, 3", 271deg, 2000). The variability range in the Table is for combined light. V2965 Cyg VB A (14.7mG; B 17.6mG, 4", 54deg, 2000). V2972 Cyg A twice longer period is also possible. V2975 Cyg A twice longer period is also possible. V2979 Cyg Multiperiodic; the second period is P = 0.12126d. V2980 Cyg Multiperiodic; the second period is P = 0.13658d. V2981 Cyg Long-term brightness variations are superposed. V2985 Cyg MinII - MinI = 0.24P (?). V2994 Cyg O'Connell effect [82207]. V2995 Cyg Multiperiodic; the second period is P = 0.05356d. V3001 Cyg VB B (A 15.8mG, B 16.0mG; AB 6", 218deg, 2000). V3005 Cyg A twice longer period is not excluded. V3011 Cyg VB A (14.1mG; B 15.2mG, 6", 79deg, 2000). V3014 Cyg P = 38.0d is superposed. V3015 Cyg MinII - MinI = 0.41P. V3018 Cyg VB A (10.4mG; B 12.5mG, 14", 92deg, 2000). V3020 Cyg O'Connell effect. V3023 Cyg VB A (13.8mG; B 16.4mG, 4.5", 94deg, 2000). V3024 Cyg O'Connell effect. V3029 Cyg VB A (15.1mG; B 17.0mG, 5", 18deg, 2000). V3038 Cyg A twice longer period is not excluded. V3041 Cyg Multiperiodic; the second period is P = 0.15328d. V3042 Cyg Eccentric orbit? V3043 Cyg MinII - MinI = 0.61P. V3048 Cyg A twice longer period is not excluded. V3051 Cyg O'Connell effect. V3052 Cyg VB B (A 16.40mG, B 16.44mG; AB 3.5", 29deg, 2000). A twice longer period is not excluded. V3072 Cyg VB A (15.0mG; B 16.6mG, 8", 348deg, 2000). V3073 Cyg VB A (B 13.08mV, 26", 254deg, 2015). V3076 Cyg Mira type and range 14.4 - <17.0mV are not excluded. V3079 Cyg VB A (13.2mG; B 13.5mG, 15", 110deg, 2000). V3083 Cyg P = 85.7d is superposed. V3097 Cyg VB A (12.9mG; B 14.3mG, 12", 241deg, 2000). V3101 Cyg Porb = 0.05352d. V3124 Cyg Double-mode pulsations. P2 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.105302d, P2/P1 = 0.8342. V3127 Cyg P = 65.6d is superposed. V3130 Cyg VB A (13.9mG; B 15.8mG, 10", 297deg, 2000). MinII - MinI = 0.40P:. V3131 Cyg VB A (16.0mG; B 16.4mG, 13", 260deg, 2000). V3134 Cyg VB A (8.55mV; B 10.08mV, 14.5", 208deg, 2016; C 9.01mV, 22.5", 201deg, 2016). V3137 Cyg VB A (11.9mG; B 14.7mG, 14", 58deg, 2000). V3139 Cyg VB A (10.8mG; B 12.7mG, 13", 302deg, 2000). V3142 Cyg VB A (10.8mG; B 12.6mG, 3", 27deg, 2000). V3143 Cyg P varies? V3144 Cyg VB A (13.3mG; B 16.0mG, 16", 335deg, 2000; C 16.6mG, 14", 329deg, 2000). V3145 Cyg P = 60.4d is superposed. V3147 Cyg VB A (14.4mG; B 15.2mG, 5", 73deg, 2000; C 16.3mG, 8", 119deg, 2000). The variability range in the Table can be influenced by the companions. V3148 Cyg Type SRB with P = 175.0d is also possible. V3154 Cyg P = 810d is superposed. V3155 Cyg VB A (9.88mV; B 12.89mV, 26", 332deg, 2017; C 13.80mV, 14", 89deg, 2015). V3156 Cyg Possibly, P = 27.4d is superposed. V3168 Cyg VB A (B 12.1mG, 8", 135deg, 2000). V3171 Cyg VB B (A 11.4mG, B 11.7mG; AB 5", 75deg, 2000). The magnitude at maximum in the Table is for combined brightness. V3183 Cyg Multiperiodic. Other periods: 0.05255589d, 0.04487315d, 0.12150888d. V3187 Cyg Period varies. VB A (B 11.8mV, 10", 336deg, 2015). V3192 Cyg P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 2.9905d, P1/P0 = 0.6959. V3193 Cyg Porb = 0.06062d, Psh = 0.06131d. V3204 Cyg VB A (14.9mG; B 15.6mG, 3", 209deg, 2000). V3207 Cyg VB A (12.7mG; B 14.3mG, 5", 66deg, 2000). V3213 Cyg In the region of the open cluster Kronberger 80. V3215 Cyg P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 2.11870d, P1/P0 = 0.7070. V3217 Cyg MinII - MinI = 0.419P. V3218 Cyg Psh = 0.0746d. V3220 Cyg Period varies. Min = 2454979.15940 + 0.4029096d x E + 4.5 x 10^(-10) x E^2 [032]. V3226 Cyg VB B (A 15.8mG, B 15.8mG; AB 6", 31deg, 2000). V3227 Cyg Total eclipse duration d = 0.06P. alf Cyg VB A (B 11.4m, 75.3", 106deg). tau Cyg VB A (B 6.44m, G1V, A = 0.88", P = 49.80yr; C 12.20m, tau Cyg 29", 230deg). 0.083d <= P <= 0.125d. tau Cyg The range of total light variation is given. ups Cyg VB A (B 10.2m, 15.2", 220deg; C 10.2m, 21.5", 180deg). khi Cyg VB A (B 10.8m, 158", 254deg). S 6 + %1e (Tc). SiO khi Cyg maser. P var.Max = 2393559 + 405.88d*E (JD2337150 - 94000); khi Cyg since JD2394000 - see Table. P Cyg The appearance of the star was firstly noted in P Cyg 1600, when its brightness was 3m. Since the XVIII P Cyg century the light of the star varies in the range P Cyg 4.6m - 5.6m vis. Radio source at the millimetre and P Cyg centimetre wavelengths. Q Cyg In minimum brightness varies periodically with the Q Cyg amplitude 0.5m: Max = 2440495 + 54.99d*E; P = 64.81d is Q Cyg also possible. Mean level of brightness varies in the Q Cyg range 15.2m - 15.9m B. S Del VB A (B 56", 342deg). Double maxima are sometimes observed. U Del Mean brightness var, P = 1100d. According to [08993], the U Del period value 160d - 180d is more likely than 110d. W Del d = 0.017P. Min II 9.79. P var. Since JD2433000 - see W Del Table. The light curve shape var. RZ Del VB (A var; B var, 17", 137deg) [03771]. TT Del P var. Since JD2435000 - see Table. TW Del Delta(m) var (0.5m + 3.4m). TW Del The light curve resembles that of RV Tau, with Min I and TW Del Min II; the epoch of Min I is given. TW Del Min I = 2432171.1 + 118.4d*E (1947 - 1952); TW Del Min I = 2435386.8 + 115.9d*E (1955 - 1963); during TW Del 1964 - 1970 - see Table. TX Del P var. P = 6.166585d (JD2428000 - 36600); since TX Del JD2436600 - see Table. TY Del Min II 9.8. P var.Min = 2428020.399 + 1.191121d*E TY Del (JD2428000 - 38000) [00279]; since JD2438000 - see Table. TZ Del Epoch of Min is given. VV Del Depth of Min II 0.05m. YY Del Min II of the depth ~0.05m is possible. P var. YY Del Min = 2425795.488 + 0.7930856d*E (JD2425000 - 34000) YY Del [01329]; since JD2434000 - see Table. AL Del Min II 12.4. BG Del Min II 13.8. BK Del P var? BR Del Emission. BX Del Delta(S) = 0. BY Del Min II 11.8. CE Del [Fe/H] = -0.68. CF Del The light curve shape var? CH Del [Fe/H] = -1.23. According to [09037], P = 0.315D. CN Del Min II 14.6. CR Del Min II 13.7. CS Del [Fe/H] = -0.92. CU Del Abrupt phase chande was noted. CW Del P var.P = 0.58209d (JD ~2427100), P = 0.58211D CW Del (JD ~2428800); During JD2429800 - 30600 - see Table. DG Del The elements should be checked. DK Del Min II 14.2. DM Del Min II 8.80. DT Del Epoch od Min is given. The elements are valid during DT Del JD2425480 - 6260. DX Del [Fe/H] = -0.11. EG Del P var. Max = 2425535.42 + 0.3248545d*E (JD2425478 - 30619) EG Del [00911]; abrupt change near JD2432578, since then see Table. EI Del The mean brightness var, P ~600d. EK Del B - V: +0.29, +0.53. ES Del Epoch of Max from [03715], [07527] contradict the given ES Del elements. ET Del Min II 12.7. EW Del Min II 15.5. EX Del Min II 13.3. FI Del Min II 14.5. FK Del Min II 14.5. FM Del Delta(S) = 0. FP Del [Fe/H] = -1.44. FR Del Min II 15.3. FT Del Blazhko effect? GG Del Min II 12.6. P var? GN Del P var? Delta(m) var? GY Del VB B (A = BD +15deg 4134A, SP A - F). HR Del Porb = 0.170920d. The brightness began to increase on HR Del JD ~2439653. Waves with maxima on JD2439752 (4.55m), HR Del 2439799 (4.64m), followed by a sharp main Max, flat max on HR Del JD2439981 (4.09m) and final decline. Radio source. HU Del mu = 0.685", theta = 79deg. Astrometric binary HU Del (semiamplitude of deviations 0.118", Porb = 1.52yr). II Del [Fe/H] = -1.30. IO Del A single outburst was observed (JD2439378 - 388). IV Del D ~0.1d. LS Del Min II 8.76. OO Del MinII 18.03. A cluster foreground star. OP Del MinII 17.33. A cluster foreground star. OR Del VB AB (4" - 6"), SB2 Aa, Ab. OX Del A twice longer period is not excluded. V0362 Del P = 173d is superposed. V0369 Del P = 642d is superposed. V0374 Del P = 55.7d is superposed. V0376 Del According to [g1102], P = 0.574280d. V0377 Del VB A (16.9mG; B 17.0mG, 6", 74deg, 2000). V0382 Del Blazhko effect. V0383 Del Blazhko effect. V0386 Del VB A (16.8mG; B 17.0mG, 2", 68deg, 2000). Blazhko effect. V0387 Del VB B (A 16.2mG, B 16.7mG; AB 3", 294deg, 2000). V0389 Del VB B (A 16.4mG, B 16.9mG; AB 2", 284deg, 2000). Blazhko effect. V0390 Del VB B (A 16.4mG, B 16.8mG; AB 3", 97deg, 2000). V0391 Del Crowded. V0393 Del P varies? V0395 Del Crowded. According to [g1102], P = 0.502578d. V0397 Del Crowded. V0400 Del VB B (A 15.7mG, B 16.9mG; AB 4", 21deg, 2000). V0401 Del VB C (16.8mG; A 15.0mG, AC 3.6", 120deg, 2000; B 16.4mG, BC 3.1", 324deg, 2000). V0403 Del Blended. V0404 Del VB A (16.9mG; B 17.1mG, 3", 189deg, 2000). V0408 Del Crowded. According to [g1102], P = 0.518445d. Blazhko effect? V0412 Del VB C (17.0mG; A 15.6mG, AC 2.8", 159deg, 2000; B 16.5mG, BC 2.9", 5deg, 2000). According to [g1101], P = 0.528068d. V0416 Del Blazhko effect. V0418 Del VB B (A 12.8mG, B 16.8mG; AB 10", 154deg, 2000). Blazhko effect. V0421 Del P varies. dP/dt = -0.15 x 10^{-6} d per year. V0422 Del P varies. dP/dt = -0.19 x 10^{-6} d per year. V0423 Del P varies? dP/dt = +0.06 x 10^{-6} d per year. V0424 Del P varies? dP/dt = +0.04 x 10^{-6} d per year. V0425 Del P varies? dP/dt = +0.04 x 10^{-6} d per year. V0428 Del P varies. dP/dt = -0.13 x 10^{-6} d per year. V0429 Del P varies? dP/dt = -0.04 x 10^{-6} d per year. V0430 Del P varies. dP/dt = +0.04 x 10^{-6} d per year. V0431 Del P varies. dP/dt = +0.65 x 10^{-6} d per year. V0432 Del Close VB, the magnitudes in the Table are influenced by the companion. V0433 Del P varies? dP/dt = -0.05 x 10^{-6} d per year [g1105]. Blazhko effect? [g1001]. V0435 Del VB B (A 18.7mG, B 18.8mG; AB 3", 348deg, 2000). P varies. dP/dt = +0.23 x 10^{-6} d per year. V0436 Del P varies. V0437 Del P varies? dP/dt = +0.17 x 10^{-6} d per year. V0439 Del P varies? dP/dt = +0.04 x 10^{-6} d per year. V0440 Del P varies? dP/dt = -0.05 x 10^{-6} d per year. V0441 Del Brighter than other RR variables in NGC 7006; a blend? V0442 Del P varies. dP/dt = +0.06 x 10^{-6} d per year. V0444 Del Crowded. P varies? dP/dt = +0.04 x 10^{-6} d per year. V0445 Del P varies? dP/dt = +0.03 x 10^{-6} d per year. V0447 Del Crowded. The Gaia DR2 proper motion does not seem realistic. V0448 Del P varies. dP/dt = +0.04 x 10^{-6} d per year. V0450 Del P varies? dP/dt = -0.03 x 10^{-6} d per year. V0451 Del P varies. dP/dt = +0.26 x 10^{-6} d per year. V0453 Del Crowded. V0456 Del Crowded. V0457 Del P varies? dP/dt = -0.08 x 10{-6} d per year. V0458 Del P varies? dP/dt = -0.04 x 10^{-6} d per year. Blended. V0459 Del P varies? dP/dt = +0.03 x 10^{-6} d per year. V0460 Del P varies? dP/dt = +0.04 x 10^{-6} d per year. V0461 Del P varies? dP/dt = -0.06 x 10^{-6} d per year. V0464 Del P varies? dP/dt = +0.06 x 10^{-6} d per year. V0466 Del P varies. dP/dt = +0.36 x 10^{-6} d per year. V0468 Del P varies. dP/dt = -0.12 x 10^{-6} d per year. V0469 Del MinII - MinI = 0.43P. del Del (k - b)2 = 0.19. SB2 (Porb = 40.58d; e = 0.7). del Del Spectra of both SB components show Am features; Fe, Ca, del Del Sc deficiency, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, Ce, La, Eu excess. del Del Both components are DSCT variables; the period of the del Del main component pulsation is 0.158d, that of the del Del secondary is 0.134d [07528]. Any of the oscillations may del Del occasionally dominante in the combined brightness: del Del according to [07529], Max = 2439338.4444 + 0.135547d*E; del Del according to [07530], P = 0.154991d. R Dor VB A (B 11.9m, 34", 10deg; C 11.0m, 35", 130deg, 1933). R Dor H2O, SiO, HC3N emission. S Dor VB A (B 12.1m, 13"). The member of the large magellanic S Dor cloud. In the cluster NGC 1910 and a diffuse nebula. S Dor One of the absolutely brightest stars. Deep Min: 1891, S Dor 1900, 1930, 1940, 1955, 1964. T Dor VB A (B 12.0m vis, 5", 13deg.) V Dor At the edge of the Large Magellanic Cloud. RR Dor In the region of the Large Magellanic Cloud. Min II 14.5. RW Dor In the region of the Large Magellanic Cloud.Cloud RW Dor non-member. P var [09036]. Min II 11.2. RX Dor In the region of the Large Magellanic Cloud. Cloud RX Dor non-member? SW Dor In the region of the Large Magellanic Cloud. SW Dor Cloud non-member. P var [09036]. SX Dor In the region of the Large Magellanic Cloud, SX Dor Cloud non-member. Delta(m) var. SY Dor In the region of the Large Magellanic Cloud. SY Dor According to [09036], variability is doubtful. SZ Dor In the region of the Large Magellanic Cloud, cloud SZ Dor non-member. TY Dor In the region of the Large Magellanic Cloud, cloud TY Dor non-member. UU Dor In the region of the Large Magellanic Cloud,cloud UU Dor non-member. UV Dor In the region of the Large Magellanic Cloud,cloud UV Dor non-member. UX Dor In the region of the Large Magellanic Cloud, cloud UX Dor non-member. XX Dor In the region of the Large Magellanic Cloud, cloud XX Dor non-member. [Fe/H] ~-1.3. ZZ Dor In the region of the Large Magellanic Cloud, cloud ZZ Dor non-member. AA Dor d = 0.02P. Min II 11.21. BE Dor In the field of the Large Magellanic Cloud. BF Dor Min II = 13.2. alf Dor VB A (B 4.3m, A = 0.2125", P = 13.00yr.) alf Dor The range of combined brightness variations is given. bet Dor P var. Current elements are given. T Dra ADS 10937 A (B = UY Dra, optical, 16", 222deg). U Dra P var. Mean elements are given. W Dra P var. Max = 2416748 + 257.11d*E (JD2416750 - 21390); W Dra Max = 2430826 + 262.11d*E (JD2421390 - 30820); W Dra Max = 2439962 + 268.87d*E (JD2430820 - 40490); W Dra since JD2440490 - see Table. Y Dra According to visual observations, 7.8m - 15.0m. Z Dra Min II 11.0. P var. Min = 2430973.314 + 1.3574176d*E Z Dra (JD2428460 - 33300); Min = 2433268.708 + 1.357440d*E Z Dra (JD2433300 - 43500); since JD2443500 - see Table. RR Dra d = 0.015P. Min II 10.1. P var. Before JD2439000 RR Dra Min I = 2433390.458 + 2.83123d*E [01001]; RR Dra since JD2440000 - see Table. RS Dra During JD2436012 - 37584 P = 145.3d. RS Dra Delta(m) and the light curve share vary strongly. RW Dra P var. Mean elements are given. RW Dra Composite Blazhko effect; RW Dra Pi = 93.95P = 41.61d; Pi1 = 280P; Pi2 = 6140P; Pi3 = RW Dra 3400P [01585]. 0.11P <= M - m <= 0.32P. Delta(S) = 3. RX Dra Min II 10.3, d II = 0.009P. RZ Dra Min II 10.38. P var. Min = 2429448.787 + 0.55087668d*E RZ Dra (1907 - 1968) [03822]; since 1968 - see Table. SU Dra P var. Before 1955 Max hel = 2420605.762 + SU Dra 0.66041890D; since 1955 - see Table. [Fe/H] = -1.39. SW Dra Delta(S) = 3.5. SX Dra d = 0.035P. Min II 10.0. P var. Min I = 2432273.276 + SX Dra 5.1692d*E (JD2432000 - 38000); since JD2442000 - see Table. TT Dra P2 = 198d. TW Dra ADS 9706 A (B 9.5m vis, 23deg, 3.6"). d = 0.02P; TW Dra Min II 8.1. P var. Min I = 2433888.452 + 2.806870d*E TW Dra (JD2433000 - 40000) [03825]; since JD2440000 - mean TW Dra elements in the Table. TX Dra Mean magnitude var, P2 = 654d. UU Dra Mean magnitude var, P2 = 960d. UX Dra According to [09086], the light curve may correspond UX Dra to the type E; SB, P ~340d. UZ Dra d = 0.01P; Min II 10.6. Possibly P = 1.65d [03827]. VW Dra According to photoelectric observations, 6.28m - 6.32m V. WW Dra Nonlinear term: -4.98d*10**(-9)*E2. WW Dra ADS 10152A (B 9.67m, 8.2", 5deg). Depth of Min II 0.08m. WZ Dra Delta(m) var strongly. XY Dra Min II 13.7. XZ Dra P var. Before JD2438000 Max = 2427985.648 + 0.4764944d*E XZ Dra [00188]. Epochs after JD2438000 are represented dy the XZ Dra elements in the Table only on average. Blazhko effect; XZ Dra according to [01474], Pi = 78d. [Fe/H] = -0.57. ZZ Dra P var. Max = 2434509 + 274.5d*E (JD2416350 - 34600); since ZZ Dra JD2437100 - see Table. AE Dra Delta(S) = (4). AF Dra VR var; SB? AG Dra A soft X-ray source. Elements in the Table represent AG Dra maxima in U band in 1974 - 1979 [09113]. AI Dra Min II 7.16, D II = 0.17P. AP Dra Twice shorter period is possible. AQ Dra Hbeta spectral line is probably filled in by emission. AR Dra Min II 11.63. AS Dra mu = 0.486", P = 289deg. SB. Delta(m) var. AS Dra Large spatial velocity. The brightness AS Dra varies with the phase of the orbital motion. Phases AS Dra of Max and Min vary from cycle to cycle. The Table AS Dra gives Porb [03075] and the epoch of the conjunction AS Dra (G4 - star is behind). AW Dra P var. since JD2430500 - see Table. AX Dra Min II 11.0. BE Dra Min II 11.5. The spectral type is late B. BH Dra ADS 12019A (B Am, 9.25m, 10.8", 58deg). Min II 8.58. BK Dra P var.Max = 2415150.817 + 0.592019d*E (JD2414900 - 16150) BK Dra [00001]; since JD2416940 - see Table. BK Dra Delta(S) = 8 in Max light. BP Dra Min II 14.7. BS Dra Min II 9.84. BV Dra ADS 9537 A (B = BW Dra, 16.3", 358deg, 1980; C 12.69m). BV Dra Min II 8.40. BW Dra ADS 9537 B (A = BV Dra; C 12.69m). Min II 9.02. BY Dra SB2 (Porb = 5.9750998d, e = 0.36). mu = 0.365", P = 150deg. BY Dra Quasiperiodic variability : BY Dra DM var, P var, (differential rotation), phase jumps. BY Dra Flares up to Delta(U) = 1.07m. CM Dra VB A (B SP = DC, 15.7m pg, 25.7", 22deg, common mu). CM Dra mu = 1.619", p = 317deg, pi = 0.068", V nu = -118.6km/s. CM Dra Min II 13.63. BY type variability: Delta(M) ~<= 0.05mV, CM Dra P ~Porb. Flares: Delta(m) ~0.05. CR Dra mu = 0.50", p = 168deg, pi = 0.048". CX Dra SB, Porb = 6.69612d (with this period Delta(V) = 0.04m). CX Dra Long-term cyclic variations: P ~2400d, Delta(V) ~0.2m. CX Dra Flares ~0.1m. An X-ray source; the reflection effect is CX Dra observed. DE Dra d = 0.017P. DG Dra Depths respective to Max I (Phase = 0.25); Min II 0.17m; DG Dra Max II 0.01m. DK Dra Porb = 64.44d. DK Dra Epoch of Min is given. Both components show H and K CaII DK Dra in emission. DL Dra VB A (B 9.2m, 3.9", 318deg, 1982). P1 = 0.0825d, A1 = DL Dra 0.028m; P2 = 0.0837d, A2 = 0.026m. DN Dra P = 109S. mu = 0.32", P = 153deg. MU Dra MinII 12.08. NO Dra A twice shorter period is not excluded. VB (8.4mHp, 9.6mHp, 0.1", 128deg, 1991). NS Dra Min II = 11.43. MinII - MinI = 0.630: x P. NT Dra Min II = 13.09. NU Dra Min II = 11.06. NV Dra Min II = 13.3 :. NW Dra Min II = 13.45. NX Dra Min II = 12.80. O'Connell effect. OO Dra Min II = 11.55. Overlaid oscillations with an amplitude up to 0.04mB and a cycle about 0.027d. OP Dra Min II = 15.00. OQ Dra Min II = 14.1. OR Dra Multiperiodic, P2 = 0.0826918d. VB AB (7.88, 8.81mHp; 0.1", 313deg, 1991). OV Dra The star has a spectrum of a cataclysmic variable. OX Dra Min II = 12.50. OZ Dra The tabulated light elements are for eclipses. Flickering. PQ Dra Min II = 14.05. PR Dra Min II = 13.55. PS Dra Min II = 13.3. PT Dra Min II = 14.9 :. PU Dra Min II = 12.25. PV Dra Min II = 13.7. PX Dra Min II = 6.88. VB A (B 10.8m, 18", 19deg, 2007). PZ Dra Min II = 12.8. QS Dra Biperiodic, P0 is tabulated. P1 = 0.0730446d. QU Dra Min II = 14.6. QY Dra Other possible periods: 0.603d; 1.205d (type EB). V0338 Dra Min II = 13.8. V0339 Dra Min II = 13.9. V0341 Dra Min II = 10.24. V0342 Dra Min II = 13.00. V0343 Dra Min II = 12.6. V0344 Dra Min II = 14.0. V0354 Dra A magnetic white dwarf with unusual properties. Variations are probably related to spots and axial rotation. V0363 Dra Fundamental period: see Table. First overtone: P1 = 0.40320d. V0366 Dra Multiperiodic, P = 0.0015926d is also excited. V0368 Dra Near the Draco dwarf galaxy; non-member. V0372 Dra O'Connell effect. V0381 Dra The tabulated light elements are for eclipses. Oscillations with P = 0.04407d and amplitudes 0.04mR, 0.05mV, 0.07mB, also present at both minima. V0386 Dra VB B (A 13.5mF; B 14.0mF, 8", 16deg, 2000); the tabulated range is for combined brightness. V0388 Dra O'Connell effect. V0410 Dra VB A (B 11.7mV, 8", 37deg, 2006). V0413 Dra VB AB (A 7.4m var, SB; B 10.2m, 0.5", 34deg, 2008). V0414 Dra Type ELL with a twice longer period is also possible. V0416 Dra Eclipses of about 0.2m in depth, Min = 2452368.53243 + 0.189109d x E. V0425 Dra MinII - MinI = 0.547:P. V0432 Dra MinII - MinI = 0.698P. V0441 Dra A twice shorter period is not excluded. V0458 Dra The light elements could not be confirmed [81001] using the Catalina Surveys data. V0462 Dra P = 0.21157d is not excluded. V0472 Dra VB B (A 13.7m; B 14.5m, 19", 199deg, 1999). The tabulated variability range is influenced with the companion. V0485 Dra Type ELL is not excluded. V0486 Dra The coordinates in [81005] refer to a neighbor star. V0506 Dra P varies. V0534 Dra VB A (14.4mV; B 16.1m*, 5", 359deg, 2000). V0546 Dra P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.351671d; P1/P0 = 0.7438. V0552 Dra Double-mode pulsations, also P = 0.0475034d. V0555 Dra P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.551274d; P1/P0 = 0.7461. V0556 Dra O'Connell effect. V0557 Dra P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.510745d; P1/P0 = 0.7459. V0558 Dra P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.472239d; P1/P0 = 0.7436. V0560 Dra P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.469194d; P1/P0 = 0.7432. V0561 Dra P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.484660d; P1/P0 = 0.7447. V0581 Dra VB A (11.1mV; B 14.8mV, 1".1, 137deg, 2014; C 18.3mV, 6", 112deg, 2012). V0599 Dra Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.04966603d, P1/P0 = 0.7747. V0601 Dra The light elements in the Table are for EA variations, range 16.4 - 19.4m*. A dwarf nova outburst was observed is September, 2010. V0602 Dra Porb = 0.05992d, Psh = 0.06041d. V0604 Dra VB B (A 20.5mG, B 20.8mG; AB 4.5", 21deg, 2000). Psh = 0.05616d. kap Dra IR excess. phi Dra ADS 11311 (Delta(m) = 1.7m, 0.3", 288deg, 1967). A:SB, P = phi Dra 26.768d. The epoch of Max U light is given. S Equ Min II 8.11. P var. Before JD2427000 Min = S Equ 2423746.490 + 3.4360050d*E [01140]; Min = S Equ 2437968.345 + 3.436072d*E (JD2427000 - 41000) S Equ [03432]; since JD2441000 - see Table. S Equ Gaseous streams; in Min light Halpha is in emission. W Equ Min II 12.4. P var. Z Equ A nearby star: 12.1m. RT Equ P var strongly. RW Equ Strong Blazhko effect. RZ Equ Min II 12.2:. SU Equ Min II 16.4. SV Equ Depth of Min II 0.16m. SW Equ Min II 15.6. VV Equ Porb = 0.057083d. VY Equ Double-mode pulsations. Fundamental mode: see the Table. First overtone: P1 = 0.1407792d. P1/P0 = 0.7978. WW Equ Period varies strongly, the Table presents the mean period for JD 2454500 - 2457300. ZZ Equ P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.475184d, P1/P0 = 0.7442. AA Equ VB B (A 13.9mG, B 14.8mG; AB 8", 119deg, 2000). gam Equ ADS 14702A (B 11.6m, 2", 268deg; C 12.6m, 48", optical). gam Equ The Table gives the pEriod of oscillations. Data on the gam Equ periodicity of the rotational variability of light, gam Equ spectrum and magnetic field are contradictory gam Equ (17.492d, 314d, 1785.7d, 72yr). V Eri Mean magnitude var, P2 = 1209d. W Eri SiO, OH, H2O maser. Z Eri P2 = 746.4d. RU Eri Min II 9.62. RX Eri [Fe/H] = -1.32. RY Eri d = 0.025P. RZ Eri d = 0.018P. The depth of Min II 0.04m pg. SV Eri [Fe/H] = -1.83. P var. P = 0.71365272d (JD2414000 - 21000); SV Eri P = 0.71370172d (JD2421000 - 26000) [00862]; SV Eri Max = 2426590.319 + 0.7137406d*E (JD2426000 - SV Eri 34000) [09195]; since JD2434000 - see Table. TT Eri (B - V)Max = +0.255m. TV Eri (B - V)Max = +0.53m. TZ Eri d = 0.015P. P var. Min = 2426066.198 + 2.606097d*E TZ Eri (JD2426000 - 33500) [01490]; since JD2438200 - see Table. UX Eri Min II 11.01. P var? Before JD2438500 Min I = UX Eri 2434368.570 + 0.4452820d [02494]; since JD2438500 - see UX Eri Table. UY Eri The shape of the light curve var. [A/H] = -1.6. VW Eri Alternating P1 = 83.4d, P2 = 93.3d. Halo population. WW Eri Min II 11.2. YY Eri Min II 8.72. P var. Min I = 2433617.5198 + 0.321496212d*E YY Eri (JD2433000 - 41500) [03850]; since 2441500 - see Table. YY Eri X-ray source. ZZ Eri Min II 14.4. AN Eri Min II 14.9. AO Eri d = 0.04P. AS Eri Min II 8.42. X-ray source. BB Eri (k - b)2 = 0.13. BC Eri Min II 11.26:. BK Eri Delta(S) = 8. P var. BL Eri The elements should be checked. BM Eri P > 20000d; D = 321d; d = 270d. BM Eri Only one Min was observed. Outside Min, according to BM Eri [05828], Delta(V) = 0.2m, Max = 2440643.0 + 30d*E. BQ Eri Min II 10.9. BV Eri Min II 8.42. dII = 0.06P. BW Eri Min II 9.72. BY Eri (k - b)2 = 0.06. BZ Eri Min II 9.21. CC Eri SB. mu = 0.310", P = 169deg, Pi = 0.083". CC Eri Photometric P is close to Porb. X-ray source. CI Eri VB (9.9m, 11.2m, 2", 106deg). CO Eri Min II 9.1. CS Eri (k - b)2 = 0.03. CT Eri Min II 10.27. CW Eri Min II 8.86, DII = 0.10P. DL Eri P0 - see Table; P1 = 0.118795d [09206]; P2 = 0.0968d [09207]. DM Eri ADS 3380 (5.1m, 5.4m, 0.3", 161deg). DM Eri Duplicity was observed only in 1877 and 1923. DO Eri Epoch of Min is given. Oscillations with P ~6.14 Min, 7 DO Eri different frequencies have been found. Beat phenomenon, DO Eri PB = 12.25d +-0.47d. Max of the oscillation amplitude DO Eri almost coincides with Max of the magnetic field, the DO Eri amplitude varies with Prot. Combined amplitude of DO Eri oscillations 0.062m B. DS Eri Min II 10.3. P var. Min = 2423147.25 + 0.827737d*E DS Eri (JD2414869 - 23150); during JD2423150 - 31320 - see Table. DW Eri ADS 3409 B (A 6.72m, G8III; B 9", 317deg). DY Eri ADS 3093 C (A 4.43m V, K1V; B 9.51m V, DA, 82", DY Eri 105deg; BC A = 7", Porb = 252.1yr). mu = 4.05", P = 212deg. DY Eri X-ray source. DZ Eri Epoch is given for Max (y), Min (He I). DZ Eri P = 3.67d is possible. EF Eri 2A0311 - 227. VB A (B 15.8m, 18", 260deg). EF Eri Epoch of narrow Min in IR light is given. The complex EF Eri phenomenon of eclipses is described in [04041]. EF Eri Oscillations with P ~20.2 and 13.7 Min. [09211]. Flickering. EG Eri Epoch of Min in Y light is given. EH Eri ADS 3305 A (B 10.8m, 1.45", 60deg, 1917). HV Eri Type RRC: is also possible. KP Eri A twice shorter period is not excluded. VB (A 9.3m; B 9.6m, 0.8", 154deg, 1991). KS Eri O'Connell effect. KU Eri Multiperiodic. SB. KV Eri Min II = 12.92. P varies. dP/dt = -0.20x10^(-5) d/yr. KW Eri Min II = 13.85. KX Eri Min II = 13.5. KZ Eri Min II = 11.54. LL Eri Amplitude(Min II)= 0.09mag. LR Eri Blazhko effect, P = 122d [80153]. LT Eri Eclipses with an amplitude about 1.6m. LU Eri Min II = 17.7. LW Eri Min II = 12.8. MM Eri SB2, Porb = 13.5601d. VB AB (11.0m, 11.2m, 0.8", 79deg). MQ Eri Min II = 12.7. NN Eri Blazhko effect, P = 335.29d. NP Eri Blazhko effect [81005]. NX Eri P0 is presented in the Table; P1 = 0.354824d. OX Eri Repeated outbursts in 2014, with intervals increasing approximately OX Eri from 10 to 20 days. PR Eri Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0474852d, P1/P0 = 0.7793. PS Eri A deep fading, similar to VY Scl stars, was observed. Small-amplitude variations with P = 0.136621d before the fading and P = 0.137206d after it. Another period of semi-regular variations is about 26d. PT Eri Double-mode pulsations. P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.05594349d, P1/P0 = 0.7807. PU Eri Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0500718d, P1/P0 = 0.7729. PV Eri VB A (13.9mG; B 14.7mG, 7", 287deg, 2000). gam Eri ADS 2904 A (B 12.4m, 53", 242deg). lam Eri Shell features are sometimes present in the spectrum. mu. Eri SB, Porb = 7.35886d. Pulsational or rotational variations: P = 1.62592d, multiperiodic. nu. Eri SB? P2 = 0.1735079d. Beat effect. omi 1 Eri P0 - see Table. P1 = 0.1291d. tau 4 Eri ADS 2472 A (B 9.9m, 6", 288deg; C 11m, 40", 99deg). tau 9 Eri SB1 (Porb = 5.954d). P = 1.2135d is not excluded. S For VB (9.2m, 9.3m, 0.28", 358deg, 1964). S For Found unusually bright only on one night S For by three experienced observers in europe; harvard S For photographs of the same night show it in normal brightness. V For (B - V)Max = +0.26. W For Min II is observed. RX For (k - b)2 = 0.06. RY For (B - V)Max = +0.535. SS For (k - b)2 = 0.09. SW For Delta(S) > 10:. SY For SB2 [M + pec(eq)]. TZ For SB2. Possible P values: TZ For 37.805d; 44.18d; 50.46d; 75.61d. DI = 1d. AV For VB AB (A 8.8m; B 10.0m, 1.5", 24deg, 1962; C 10.8m, 35", 102deg, 1931). AZ For P0 is tabulated. P1 = 0.58823d. BF For VB A (B 11.0m, 2", 170deg, 1991). BI For P varies? Light elements for JD 2454000 - 2455165 are presented in the Table. BP For Porb = 0.065d, Psh = 0.06617d. R Gem VB A (B 11.4m pg, 173", 200deg, 1910). S 3.5/6e- S 6.5/6-. S Gem VB A (B 11.1m, 70", 122deg). T Gem S 3/4e. U Gem Min = 2437638.82685 + 0.17690602d*E + 5.4d*10**(-12)*E**2 U Gem [09215]. Depth of Min 0.5m - 1.0m. U Gem Spectrum description [09216]. V Gem P var. Max = 2407750 + 276.2d*E (JD2407700 - 15500); V Gem Max = 2415729 + 278.3d*E (JD2415600 - 21600); Max = V Gem 2421839 + 269.8d*E (JD2421700 - 26500) [00458]; Max = V Gem 2432580 + 281.3d*E (JD2427500 - 32600); Max = V Gem 2434739 + 269.8d*E (JD2432600 - 35800); V Gem since JD2435800 - see Table. W Gem P var. Max = 2429815.990 + 7.914553d*E (JD2413200 - W Gem 31700); since JD2431700 - see Table. [A/H] = 0.2. W Gem There is possibly faint blue companion. RR Gem P var. Max = 2415219.734 + 0.39729235d*E RR Gem (JD2412000 - 18000); Max = 2418278.900 + 0.39727274d*E RR Gem (JD2418000 - 21000); Max = 2422865.229 + RR Gem 0.39724027d*E (JD2421000 - 25000) [09217]; Max = RR Gem 2427150.267 + 0.3972596d*E (JD2426200 - 27850); RR Gem Max = 2434806.289 + 0.3973103d*E (JD2428200 - 34900) RR Gem [02392]; since JD2436000 - see Table. Blazhko effect, RR Gem PB = 48d [03618], PB = 37d [09221]. Delta(S) = 3. RW Gem VB A (B 11.04m, 20", 105deg; C 11.84m, 100", 120deg). RW Gem Min II 9.74; d = 0.02P. RX Gem VB A (B 12.65m, 45", 215deg). Min II 9.28; d = 0.004P. RX Gem P var. Min I = 2417970.0 + 12.20868d*E (JD2415000 - 27500) [07534]; RX Gem since JD2427600 - see Table. RX Gem There is a square term in the elements given in the Table: RX Gem +2.25d*10**(-7)*E**2. Luminous gaseous ring surrounds the RX Gem primary component of the system [07535]. RY Gem VB A (B 12.30m, 45", 240deg). Min II 8.75; d = 0.023P. RY Gem P var. Min I = 2418015.333 + 9.300876d*E RY Gem (JD2418000 - 33000) [08653]; since JD2433000 - see Table. RY Gem Component of A type is surrounded by a luminous gaseous RY Gem ring. RZ Gem VB. P var. Max = 2429632.453 + 5.529716d*E RZ Gem (JD2415000 - 32400); since JD2432400 - see Table. SS Gem 9.9m <= Min II <= 10.7m. SU Gem P var. Min I = 2429204 + 50.12d*E (JD2429200 - 355) SU Gem [00310]; Min I = 2437772.5 + 50.39d*E (JD2437739 - SU Gem 39850); Min I = 2439856.6 + 50.10d*E (JD2439850 - SU Gem 40680); since JD2440680 - see Table. SU Gem Mean brightness varies with the elements: SU Gem Min = 2437953 + 680d*E; M - m = 264d. SU Gem Amplitude of shortperiodical variations is 0.3m - 0.9m. SW Gem Min brightness epoch is given. SX Gem Min II 11.3; d = 0.05P:. TX Gem Depth of Min II 0.04m; d = 0.017P:. UV Gem VB A (B 19.5m, 7", 285deg). WW Gem Min II 10.3. WY Gem May be an eclipsing system similar to VV Cep. Atmospheric WY Gem eclipse began probably in 1960 - 61, the mean phase of it WY Gem being in 1968 [05730]. Variable magnetic field [01591, 04498]. WY Gem Intrinsic variability of blue component is also possible WY Gem [07536]. YY Gem VB C (A 1.99m, B 2.85m, a = 6.06", P = 306.3 y; C 73", 165deg, 1925). YY Gem Min II 9.59; Min II - Min I = 0.50P; D = 0.000P. X-ray YY Gem source. P const [08655]. Both components are probably YY Gem UV Cet type variables. Flare amplitude in the integrated YY Gem light of the system reaches 0.3m V, or 1.8m U [09227]. AA Gem [A/H] = 0.0. AC Gem Min II 11.3. P var. Min I = 2433649.30 + 1.661795d*E AC Gem (JD2415000 - 36000) [01530]; since JD2430100 - see Table. AF Gem VB A (B 14.8m, 2", 0deg). Min II 10.67. AF Gem There is a square term in the elements given in the Table: AF Gem -1.71d*10**(-10)*E**2. AH Gem Min II 14.8:. AI Gem Min II 14.0. AL Gem Min II 9.85. AN Gem Min II 13.3:; d = 0.037P. AU Gem OH emission. AV Gem Min II 12.8:. AY Gem Min II 10.9. AZ Gem Min II 12.4. BB Gem VB A (B 12m, 25", 270deg). BP Gem P var. Max = 2434120 + 243.9d*E (JD2418700 - 36600); BP Gem since JD2436600 - see Table. BT Gem Min II 14.0:. CI Gem UG? CM Gem Min II 15.0. DL Gem VB A (B 13.1m, 18", 180deg). DN Gem VB A (B 13.5m, 12", 16deg; C 12.0m, 80", 99deg). DP Gem Min II 14.0. RRC? P = 0.2792d? DX Gem P var. Max = 2433182.876 + 3.136226d*E (JD2425000 - DX Gem 34000); Max = 2435554.199 + 3.136955d*E DX Gem (JD2434000 - 36500) [08300]; since JD2436500 - see Table. EF Gem P var. Min = 2428108.49 + 6.10222d*E (JD2428500 - EF Gem 42800) [00407]; since JD2442800 - see Table. EL Gem Min II 13.6. EN Gem Min II 13.8. EW Gem P var. Max = 2428495.686 + 0.523750d*E (JD2428100 - 30780); EW Gem since JD2430780 - see Table. EY Gem Min II 13.0. FT Gem Min II 14.1. GP Gem Min II 13.5. GR Gem 15.6 <= Min II <= 15.9. GW Gem Min II 10.68. GX Gem Min II 11.3. GZ Gem P = 1.225290d? HH Gem Min II 13.8. HR Gem Min II 11.7. HY Gem Min II 17.5. II Gem P = 223d? IP Gem Min II 14.5. IR Gem In supermaxima there are superhumps with P = 102 Min IR Gem [09232]. IZ Gem D >= 0.24d. KN Gem The minor planet (123) Brunhild. KQ Gem Min II 14.6. KU Gem d = 0.05P. KV Gem Epoch of Min of brightness is given. EW KV Gem type is possible according to the spectrum [09037]. KZ Gem The cycle may be 129d. LM Gem d = 0.02P. LX Gem Red. MO Gem Red. MP Gem VB. MU Gem Min II 14.9. MZ Gem Min II 16.7. NQ Gem In the spectrum of the carbon NQ Gem star the hydrogen emission lines and ultraviolet NQ Gem continuous emission appeared in February 1970 [06348]. NY Gem HD 47396 (Pec) = S 5438 = CSV 798 = CSV 6468. NY Gem In the chart in [00156] the position of the variable is NY Gem wrong. OS Gem Oscillations with OS Gem the period P1 given in the Table are superimposed OS Gem by oscillations with the period P0 = 0.070d and smaller OS Gem amplitude. P1/P0 = 0.78. V0345 Gem The variability may be due to the fainter (B) component. V0371 Gem Erroneous identification with HD 256211 in the literature is due to large positional errors in the HD catalogue for this field. V0372 Gem The depth of MinII is 0.22. V0373 Gem MinII 9.39. V0375 Gem MinII 13.4. V0383 Gem VB A (B 15.2mV, 12", 212deg, 1998; more companions at larger distances). The tabulated amplitude was influenced by the companions. V0396 Gem Min II = 10.37:. V0399 Gem Min II = 10.44. V0400 Gem Min II = 11.90. V0401 Gem Min II = 12.55. V0402 Gem Min II = 12.35. V0403 Gem Biperiodic, second period 0.1534d. V0404 Gem Min II = 12.9. V0405 Gem Min II = 10.97. V0409 Gem Min II = 13.9. V0410 Gem Min II = 11.06. V0411 Gem The depth of MinII is 0.26 mag (*). V0412 Gem The depth of MinII is 0.5 mag (*). V0413 Gem The depth of MinII is 0.40 mag (*). V0414 Gem Min II = 10.71. V0415 Gem Min II = 12.8. V0416 Gem Min II = 13.1. V0418 Gem Intermediate polar. Porb is tabulated, Pspin = 480.7080s. V0421 Gem Min II = 15.3. V0422 Gem Min II = 8.28. V0425 Gem Min II = 12.78. V0428 Gem Min II = 11.07. V0432 Gem Type EW with a twice longer period is also possible. V0435 Gem The depth of MinII is 0.35 mag (*). O'Connell effect. V0439 Gem A twice longer period is not excluded. V0455 Gem Multiperiodic. V0483 Gem P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.1173070d; P1/P0 = 0.7685. V0487 Gem The magnitude range in the Table is for BY-type brightness variations. Five flares were also detected. V0506 Gem P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.551687d; P1/P0 = 0.7465. V0512 Gem The ephemeris of eclipses is presented in the Table. Pulsations: peak-to-peak amplitude 0.36mV, V0512 Gem P = 0.08494573d, M - m = 0.40P. V0514 Gem VB A (B 10.33m, 8", 358deg, 2012). V0517 Gem P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.481358d; P1/P0 = 0.7452. V0520 Gem P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.540394d; P1/P0 = 0.7468. V0523 Gem Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.1074014d, P1/P0 = 0.7683. P0 possibly varies. V0525 Gem Double-mode pulsations. P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.1763610d, P1/P0 = 0.7684. V0526 Gem Double-mode pulsations. P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.1151140d, P1/P0 = 0.7713. V0527 Gem Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.1058089d, P1/P0 = 0.7709. V0529 Gem Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.05419923d, P1/P0 = 0.7752. V0530 Gem Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.05596885d, P1/P0 = 0.7734. V0531 Gem Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.05596237d, P1/P0 = 0.7742. V0533 Gem Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0597305d, P1/P0 = 0.7736. V0534 Gem Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.05113813d, P1/P0 = 0.7741. V0535 Gem Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0623454d, P1/P0 = 0.7758. V0537 Gem P varies? Blazhko effect? V0538 Gem Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0684971d, P1/P0 = 0.7737. P0 varies. zet Gem VB A (B 11.46m, 87", 84deg; C 7.56m, 97", 350deg). P var. zet Gem Max = 2410640.42 + 10.15477d*E (JD2394600 - 2407150); zet Gem Max = 2422366.187 + 10.15288d*E (JD2407150 - 22300); zet Gem Max = 2426802.918 + 10.15172d*E (JD2422300 - 34500) zet Gem [02392]; since JD2434500 - see Table. zet Gem All the observations are satisfied also by the zet Gem elements: Max = 2443785.444 + 10.150135d*E - zet Gem 5.24d*10**(-7)*E**2 [09029]. zet Gem May by a DCEPS type variable. eta Gem VB A (B 8.8m, GO III - IV, 1.60", 269.4deg, 1977). SB1 eta Gem (P = 2983d [09236]). Epoch of Min brightness is given. eta Gem The deepest minima (corresponding to the middles of the eta Gem descending branches of the radial velocity curve) are eta Gem satisfied by the elements: Min = 2429355 + 2984d*E eta Gem [01551]. mu. Gem VB A (B 9.8m, 122", 141deg). sig Gem VB A (B 10.8m, 182", 316deg); SB1 (P = 19.603d [09238]). sig Gem There is a Min II on the light curve; Min II sometimes sig Gem disappears and sometimes becomes deeper then Min I. sig Gem Min II - Min I = 0.5P. U Gru Depth of Min II 0.05m. d = 0.011P. W Gru P var. Nonlinear term: +7.84d*10**(-9)*E**2. Min II 10.0. X Gru d = 0.008P. Min II 10.69. P var. X Gru Current elements are given. Z Gru Delta(S) = 12:. Z Gru The shape of the light curve and P are strongly variable. RS Gru (k - b)2 = 0.22. RT Gru (k - b)2 = 0.02. Blazhko effect. RV Gru (B - V)Max = +0.93. Min II 11.4. RW Gru Delta(S) = 10. Blazhko effect. RX Gru Min II 10.7. RY Gru Superposition of irregular variations? RY Gru During JD2434513 - 517 precalculated minima were not RY Gru observed. RZ Gru A description of light changes [02809]. UW Gru [Fe/H] = -1.6. VW Gru P >= 260d? VY Gru P > 160d. VZ Gru RR type is also possible. AK Gru Elements should be checked. AP Gru P var. Mean elements JD2427992 - 36848 - see Table. AP Gru during JD2434250 - 36848 Max = 2434337.337 + 0.5082945d*E. AR Gru Min II 10.6. AV Gru P >= 160d is possible. AW Gru Min II? JD2436818. BC Gru Min II 10.3. RRC type is possible. BD Gru Min II 14.9. BH Gru Min II 15.2:. DV Gru A twice longer period is not excluded. DW Gru VB (A 11.8mV; B = GSC 8449.00117, 13.0mB, 13", 334deg, 1999; component A varies? [79063]). Combined magnitudes are tabulated. MinII - MinI = 0.44P. EN Gru P varies. dP/dt = +0.55 x 10^(-5) d/yr. ER Gru Blazhko effect. ES Gru Period varies? EX Gru The coordinates in [81005] are wrong. FH Gru The range and elements in the Table are for ASAS-SN data (JD 2456779 - 2458753). During JD 2451875 - 2455119 (ASAS-3 data), P = 274.0d, 8.97mV - 11.91mV. FO Gru Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0889176d, P1/P0 = 0.7731. FW Gru Psh = 0.05667d. pi. 1 Gru VB A (B 10.9m, G0V, 2.7", 202deg). T Her VB A (B 10m, 67", 321deg). U Her SiO, OH, H2O maser. W Her ADS 10121 A (B 14.2m, 6", 334deg). X Her P2 = 746d. Z Her VB A (B ro > 10"). Min II 8.18. Z Her nonlinear term: -6.19d*10**(-10)*E**2. RU Her SiO maser. The spectrum in Min RU Her light is composite; a companion? [03502]. RX Her Min II 7.74. SW Her B - V; +0.12, +0.40. P var. Before 1921 Max = SW Her 2416687.018 + 0.4928864d*E. SX Her [Fe/H] = -1.8. SY Her On period variations see [08699]. SZ Her Min II 10.10. P var. Min = 2430766.8390 + 0.818096d*E + SZ Her 0.0165d*sin(0.010465deg*E + 180deg) [05749]. SZ Her The Table gives current elements satisfac - SZ Her tory after JD2438000. TT Her Min II 9.89. The light curve shape var. TT Her P var. Before JD2430000 Min = 2425433.627 + TT Her 0.9120846D [02389]; Min = 2434525.2572 + 0.9120800d*E TT Her (JD2430000 - 40000) [03504]; since JD2440000 - see Table. TU Her d = 0.022P. P var. Before JD2435000 Min = TU Her 2424381.416 + 2.2671303d*E - 854d*10**(-11)*E**2 [09240]; TU Her Min = 2437462.3909 + 2.2669718d*E (JD2435000 - TU Her 38000) [09241]; Min = 2443324.70097 + 2.2669385d*E TU Her (JD2438000 - 44000) [08593]; since JD2444000 - see Table. TW Her [Fe/H] = -0.47. TX Her Min II 8.97, DII = 0.11P. P var; TX Her periodic term: +0.0081d*sin(0.042deg*(E + 7255)). UU Her [Fe/H] = -1.27. UU Her There was alternation of periods 90d and 71d UU Her [00310]; the period 45d [03507] was also noted. UU Her During JD2443611 - 44161 - see Table. Epoch of Min is given. UX Her Min II 9.11. P var. Before JD2429000 Min = UX Her 2419876.467 + 1.5488598d*E [00279]; Min = UX Her 2429987.420 + 1.5488513d*E (JD2429000 - 38000) UX Her [03671]; since JD2438000 - see Table. VW Her VB A (B 17.3m, 18", 120deg. VX Her Delta(S) = 5. P var; nonlinear term: VX Her -0.00745d (E:10000)**2. According to [03369], VX Her a member of an eclipsing binary system. VZ Her [Fe/H] = -0.9. P var. P = 0.44031880d (JD2415000 - VZ Her 22000) [05738]; Max = 2425004.4590 + 0.44032394d*E VZ Her (JD2422000 - 27000); Max = 2425004.4456 + VZ Her 0.44032631d*E (JD2427000 - 36000) [03506]; VZ Her since JD2436000 - see Table. WW Her VB A (B 15.6m, 7.4", 148.5deg, white). WX Her Twice longer P is not excluded. AC Her P var. AC Her The Table gives current elements valid since JD2442000. AC Her Mean P = 75.4619d [01754]. The magnitude in AC Her Max varies with Delta(m) = 1.6m [00368]. AD Her VB A (B 11.97m, 5", 189deg). d = 0.033P. Min II 9.79. AF Her P var. Before JD2426950 P = 0.630336d; AF Her since JD2426950 - see Table. AF Her The shape of the light curve var. AG Her P var. Max = 2422935.584 + 0.6494378d*E AG Her (JD2418210 - 26952); since JD2426952 - see Table. AH Her Porb = 5.9d:. Oscillations during outbursts: AH Her 24s <= P <= 39s, Delta(m) <= 0.003m [09251]. AH Her Flicckering in Max And Min up to 0.4m in 2 - 8 minutes AH Her [09252]. AK Her ADS 10408 A (B 12.0m, 5", 323deg). Min II 8.64. AK Her Min II - Min I = 0.505P. dII = 0.07P. P var. Before AK Her JD2421200 Min = 2421200.549 + 0.42152207d*E; Min = AK Her 2421200.549 + 0.42152083d*E (JD2421200 - 24950); AK Her Min = 2424949.555 + 0.42152061d*E (JD2424950 - AK Her 30000) [01760]; Min = 2430939.368 + 0.42152362d*E AK Her (JD2430000 - 41500); since 2441500 - see Table. AK Her The shape of the light curve var. AM Her 3U 1809 +50. Lx(soft)/Lopt ~15. AM Her Emissions of H and KCaII, H, HeI, HeII, etc. AM Her In the spectrum. Epoch of Min I in V light is given. AM Her The period shows complex variations. The phase of Min I AM Her in U light is 0.30p, in B 0.15P, in R 0.05P. Min I is AM Her probably due to an eclipse of a hot spot and the gas flow AM Her near the surface of the white dwarf by the white dwarf AM Her itself. The depth of Min I is up to 0.7m. Min II with the AM Her depth up to 0.4m (sometimes absent), Min II - Min I = 0.55P. AM Her Min II coincides in phase with the X-ray eclipse. AM Her High and low states (b ~13.0m and B ~15.0m on average); AM Her in the high state there are variations with Delta(m) ~0.3m AM Her on the time scale >= 200d; the duration of low states is AM Her 130d - 700d [09258] or less. During low states the AM Her depth of minima is small. Flickering up to 0.8mV in AM Her several minutes or dozens of seconds; X-ray flickering AM Her on the time scale of ~10s not correlating with AM Her optical flickering. The magnetic field ~1*10**7 G at AM Her the equator, ~2*10**7 G on poles. Variable circular AM Her (from +3% to -9%) and linear (up to 7%) polarization. AM Her IR excess at lambda 10 mkm. AP Her P var strongly. P = 10.400d (JD2415000 - AP Her 19000:); P = 10.3970d (JD2423700 - 24700:); P = AP Her 10.4260d (JD2424700 - 25300); P = 10.4338D AP Her (JD2425800 - 27000); P = 10.3945d (JD2427000 - 27400); AP Her P = 10.4277d (JD2433000 - 33850); P = 10.3898d AP Her (JD2433850 - 34850); P = 10.4209d (JD2434850 - 35600); AP Her P = 10.3715d (JD2435600 - 37200); AP Her DURING JD2437200 - 43800 - see Table. AP Her The light curve shape var. [A/H] = -0.8. AR Her P var in a complicated way. Max = AR Her 2424794.274 + 0.4700234d*E (1905 - 1954) [06535]; AR Her Max = 2439692.683 + 0.469975d*E (1954 - 1967) [05274]; AR Her since 1967 - see Table. AR Her Blazhko effect, Pi = 31.5489d [03555], AR Her Delta(m) var (0.9m -: 1.8m pg) [02168], (M - m) var. AR Her Delta(S) = 6. AT Her The star is bright on one plate (JD2418209). AT Her Besides that, 11.8m - 12.25m. AW Her VB A (B 10" - 20"). d = 0.03P. BB Her P var. P = 7.507696D (JD2418924 - 30700); BB Her since JD2430700 - see Table. [A/H] = +0.3. BC Her P var. Before JD2432000 Min = 2426242.372 + BC Her 3.08752d*E [09262]; since JD2436000 - see Table. BD Her P var. P = 0.4739135d (JD2426540 - 29620); P = BD Her 0.4739057d (JD2429620 - 30570); Max = 2430495.404 + BD Her 0.4739126d*E (JD2430570 - before 1948) [09263]; BD Her since 1948 - see Table. Delta(S) = 0.8. BL Her P var. P = 1.3074604d (JD2415000 - 35000); BL Her since JD2435000 - see Table. Another possible BL Her representation: Max = 2434999.402 + 1.307457d*E - BL Her 3.9d*10**(-10)*E**2 (JD2415000 - 42000). [Fe/H] = 0.0. BO Her d = 0.015P. Min II 10.8. P var? CC Her P var. Min = 2426120.415 + 1.7340314d*E (JD CC Her 2425790 - 31265); Min = 2431265.288 + 1.7340460d*E CC Her (JD2431265 - 36000) [02389]; Min = 2439668.342 + CC Her 1.73398d*E (JD2436000 - 39600); since JD2439600 - see CC Her Table. CD Her The chart in [06286] is wrong. CE Her [A/H] = -1.8. CK Her P var? Max = 2429231.234 + 0.519201d*E (JD2429231 - CK Her 877) [00332]; during JD2436041 - 37955 - see Table. CO Her P2 = 600d. Sometimes does not vary for 150d. CP Her Superimposed waves, 50d - 100d. CT Her The depth of min II 0.05m. P var. CT Her Min = 2430904.431 + 1.786337d*E (JD2426480 - 35000) CT Her [03567]; Min = 2439355.666 + 1.7863645d*E CT Her (JD2435000 - 39500) [00001]; Min = JD2441499.3307 + CT Her 1.7863891d*E (JD2439500 - 42500) [08593]; CT Her since JD2442500 - see Table. DE Her P var. Max = 2425754 + 171.2d*E (JD2425754 - 30890); DE Her Max = 2430889 + 175.3d*E (JD2430890 - 36150); DE Her during JD2436150 - 38140 - see Table. DF Her Elements are valid since JD2425900. DH Her d = 0.024P:. Min II 9.5. DI Her Min II 8.95, DII = 0.03P, Min II - Min I = 0.77P (1966 - DI Her 1978). Apsidal motion: P = 29000yr +- 4000yr; DI Her Min II = 2442241.4602 + 10.5501751d*E. DI Her A considerable discrepancy between the observed and DI Her the theoretical rate of apsidal motion. DK Her P var. DL Her Blazhko effect, Pi = 33.6d, 11.0m <= m Max <= 11.3m. P var. DL Her Delta(S) = 5. DO Her Close to V362 Her. DQ Her VB A (B 18.17m, F, 3.5", 132deg, optical?). DQ Her Nebula, R = 10.5" (Halpha, 1981). DQ Her After the main Max of the Nova a deep DQ Her Min 13.0m (JD2426925) and a flat secondary Max DQ Her 6.7m (JD2427065) were observed. DQ Her Eclipsing variability: DQ Her 14.61m - 18.08m, Min HeI = 2434954.9445 + 0.193620877d*E DQ Her [09280]. D = 0.20P, d = 0.000P. DQ Her The light curve shape and Delta(M) var. DQ Her Oscillations: Max HeI = JED2434954.785868 + DQ Her 8.22521640d*10**(-4)*E - 2.8048d*10**(-16)*E**2 DQ Her [08722], 0 <= Delta(m) <= 0.08m. DQ Her Polarization changes with double oscilation period. DQ Her Flickering: Delta(m) = 0.15m. DY Her P var, nonlinear term: -18.6d*10**(-13)*E**2. EI Her Red. EN Her P var. Before JD2427000 P = 160d. ES Her Min II 13.7. ET Her The elements are valid earlier than JD2427200 EX Her Red. EZ Her The elements are valid earlier than JD2427400. FN Her P var? FW Her Min II 14.6. FY Her According to the spectrum, EW type is possible. GL Her P var? GU Her d = 0.010P. Min II 11.8. Min II - Min I = 0.513P. GV Her [Fe/H] = -1.41. P var. Max = 2427543.360 + GV Her 0.2914606d*E (JD2427543 - 29728) [00152]; GV Her during JD2436041 - 38170 - see Table. GY Her P var. Max = 2428219.623 + 0.524347d*E (JD2428219 - GY Her 727) [00152]; during JD2436370 - 38170 - see Table. HS Her d = 0.025P. Min II 8.63. P var; since JD2438240 - see HS Her Table. Apsidal motion: Pi ~130yr [06538]. HV Her d = 0.008P:; Min II 12.9:. HZ Her Her X-1 = 4U 1656 + 35. Lx/Lopt = 2 - 60. HZ Her The Table gives elements for light minima due HZ Her to eclipsing variability and the reflection effect. Min I HZ Her coincides with the X-ray eclipse. Shallow Min II may HZ Her be present. The reflection effect causes variations HZ Her with Delta(m) up to 1.5m. A cycle of 34.875d duration is HZ Her observed in X-ray band; the source is faint during HZ Her two thirds of the cycle. The optical light curve changes HZ Her are observed during the 35d cycle [09283]. According to HZ Her [06539], during JD2427543 - 657 and JD2428630 - 29789 the HZ Her strong reflection effect was absent; the star was still HZ Her varying with P = 1.7d and had Delta(m) ~0.5m, HZ Her Min I = Min II. In [06546] it is stated that HZ Her such intervals with no reflection effect, of 8d to 7a HZ Her duration, took place for almost half the time since HZ Her 1890. The light changes during such intervals are in HZ Her the range 14.7m - 15.2m pg. Since 1957 intervals without HZ Her the reflection effect were not observed. In June - July HZ Her 1983 the predicted phases of high X-ray flux HZ Her did not take place, but the reflection effect did not HZ Her disappear [09284]. Secondary light variations: P1 = HZ Her 1.0977d (delta(B1) = 0.33m), P2 = 0.871173d*E HZ Her (delta(B2) = 0.10m), HZ Her P3 = 1.623846d*E (delta(B3) = 0.17m) [09285]. X-ray pulsar, HZ Her P = 1.2377991s (JD2443357), dP/dt/P = (-2.9 +- 0.2)*10**(-6)/yr HZ Her [09286], sometimes noticeable also in the HZ Her optical range [06543]. Rapid brightness flickering. IK Her d = 0.030P? IQ Her Superposition of variations with shorter P and IQ Her small Delta(m) [06645]. IT Her According to the spectrum, EW type is possible. KL Her Min II 14.7. KV Her The light curve is characteristic of Mira Ceti stars KV Her but strongly varies. Many irregularities. O - C: -96d, +73d. LR Her Min II 15.4:. LS Her The light curve shape var. LT Her d = 0.02P. Min II 10.79. LV Her P var? During JD2428429 - 31342 - see Table. MM Her VB A (B 13.50m, 18", 120deg). Min II 9.7. MM Her Delta(m) of the distorsion wave up to 0.12m. MP Her [Fe/H] = -1.18. MS Her Min II 13.3. MT Her Min II 12.30. MV Her The chart in [00156] identifies the variable erroneously; MV Her real MV Her is marked as "C". MW Her P var. P = 503d (1976) [09290]. During MW Her JD24668 - 29172 - see Table. MX Her Moments of Min after JD2444000 published by different MX Her groups of observers contradict each other. NQ Her According to [03882], EA, 8.0 - 8.6 pg, Min II NQ Her 8.4, Min I = 2426894.433 + 0.870218d*E (JD2426894 - 34250). NR Her Waves, P = 2.8d - 5.5d. OQ Her Epoch of min is given. OS Her B - V: +0.12, +0.48. OU Her Spectral type is given according to [02198]; in BSD-G7. OX Her Delta(S) = 6:. PW Her Min II 10.1; DII ~0.3P(!). V0338 Her Min II 10.13. P var. Before JD2437000 Min = V0338 Her 2433771.38 + 1.305732d*E [03115]; Min = 2441864.379 + V0338 Her 1.3057515d*E (JD2437000 - 43400) [08593, 00001]; V0338 Her since JD2443400 - see Table. V0342 Her Min II 10.7. V0347 Her P var. Max = 2415288.21 + 0.5373619d*E (JD2415288 - V0347 Her 18596); since JD2429495 - see Table. V0359 Her P var. Min = 2416046.476 + 1.755754d*E (JD2416000 - V0359 Her 26500) [00001]; Min = 2435693.47 + 1.755775d*E (JD V0359 Her 2426500 - 36000) [01040]; since JD2443500 - see Table. V0362 Her Close to DO Her. V0365 Her Blazhko effect: Pi = 40.64d. P var. V0365 Her During JD2429037 - 36840 - see Table. V0373 Her P = 0.33d or 0.50d is possible. V0384 Her P ~0.33d is possible. V0387 Her Min II 13.2. V0394 Her P var? V0395 Her Z = 0.0643. V0396 Her Z = 0.175. V0403 Her Min II 16.0:. V0412 Her Min II 15.2. V0422 Her P var? During JD2434131 - 35991 - see Table. V0423 Her Min II 15.0. V0426 Her Min II 15.8. V0431 Her P var. V0436 Her The elements are uncertain. V0441 Her IR excess, evidence for a circumstellar envelope. Possibly V0441 Her non-radial pulsation. V0442 Her P var. Max = 2434223.375 + 0.4421143d*E (JD2417447 - 36083); V0442 Her since JD2435730 - see Table. V0442 Her The shape of the light curve varies. V0446 Her Before the outburst 16.2m - 18.8m [03607]. V0451 Her ADS 10310 A (B 10.70m, 19", 239deg). V0451 Her The epoch of Min U light is given. V0458 Her [Fe/H] = -1.65. V0463 Her P = 54.4d is possible. V0477 Her Min II 15.4. V0482 Her Possibly eclipsing. V0499 Her Blazhko effect. V0502 Her Min II 13.5? V0510 Her P var? V0511 Her P var? V0513 Her Min II 15.7. V0516 Her Min II 17.1. V0523 Her Elements are valid during JD2430940 - 990. V0524 Her Twice shorter P is possible. V0527 Her Max = 2430938.451 + 0.5188d*E (JD2430938 - 990); V0527 Her during JD2436308 - 318 - see Table. V0529 Her Epoch of Min is given. V0529 Her According to [04217], P = 120d. V0533 Her VB A (B 16m, 9.5", 0deg). oscillations: V0533 Her Max = 2443717.730281 + 0.0007364941d*E, A ~1% [04162]. V0551 Her P = 4.00d/n is possible. V0552 Her P = 3.04d/n is possible. V0554 Her P = 4.01d/n is possible. V0557 Her P = 8.00d/n is possible. V0570 Her P = 0.5d or 0.33d is possible. V0578 Her Red. V0581 Her Several close companion. V0582 Her VB. Red. V0583 Her Red. V0588 Her Possibly eclipsing. V0600 Her SB, Porb - see Table. Variability of Vr possibly caused by V0600 Her BCEP type pulsations: P - 0.18d. V0601 Her Elements are valid since JD2439184. V0604 Her Red. V0608 Her Blazhko effect. V0615 Her Red. V0618 Her P var? V0624 Her VB A (12.04m, 40"). Min II 6.35. SB2. V0637 Her ADS 10227 A (BC 9.2m, 9.2m, 1.7", 18deg, 1975; BC: A = V0637 Her 0.28", Porb = 56.56yr). V0639 Her pi = 0.087". VB B (A = V647 Her, 11.36m var, dM4e; B 16", 268deg). V0639 Her Flares in the bands U and M pg. V0640 Her VB A (B 14.9m, 8.5", 217deg; C 13.9m, 23", 221deg). V0641 Her L or ISB type is also possible. V0644 Her SB (Porb = 11.859d). V0645 Her P ~3h - 10h, a cycle of 40d. V0647 Her VB A (B = V639 Her, 16", 268deg); pi = 0.087". V0652 Her P var; nonlinear term: -45.80d*10**(-10)*E**2. Delta(m) var. V0652 Her Resembles PV TEL type stars but is a helium rich subdwarf. V0652 Her Epoch of Max is given. Secondary hump at the phase 0.5P. V0654 Her Delta(m) = 0.15m in white light. V0655 Her ADS 10407 A (B 9.2m, 4.1", 144deg, 1971). V0657 Her According to [02610], CST?, 11.0m. V0662 Her Less probable P values: 0.56629d, 0.56710d, 0.56881d, V0662 Her 0.56970d. V0685 Her Min II 15.8. V0687 Her Min II 14.9. V0691 Her Possible P values: 0.927d, 0.637d. V0697 Her H2O, OH maser. V0699 Her Min II 16.0:. V0717 Her Blazhko effect? V0718 Her Min II 14.3. V0719 Her EW type with twice longer P is not excluded. V0720 Her Blazhko effect? V0721 Her Blazhko effect? V0722 Her Min II 15.7. V0723 Her Min II 15.5. V0728 Her Min II 11.4. V0731 Her Min II 13.8. V0731 Her Twice shorter P is not excluded. V0732 Her Min II 13.8. V0733 Her Min II 14.3:. V0737 Her Blazhko effect? V0740 Her Min II 14.4. V0741 Her Blazhko effect? V0742 Her Min II 14.4. V0744 Her Vr var, P = 86.7221d (SB1? nonradial pulsatiob?). V0744 Her Rapid spectral variability is possible: P = 2.5552d, V0744 Her 0.78906d. V0749 Her P = 465s. V0771 Her Epoch of max U light is given. V0772 Her VB AB (7.4m, G0V; 8.5m, G8V:; A = 0.27", E = 0.97, P = V0772 Her 20.0yr, C 10.62m, 28"). One of the components V0772 Her (probably B) is SB1, P = 0.879511d [04056]. The same V0772 Her component must be the eclipsing system. Faint X-ray V0772 Her source. V0774 Her Both flares and "antiflares" (abrupt fadings) of V0774 Her comparable amplitude are observed. V0946 Her Not Wolf 688, a large-proper-motion star, which is at 17h19m28s.9, V0946 Her +33deg05'10" (epoch and equinox 2000.0). V0973 Her Suspected rapid brightness variations. V0994 Her The secondary component of the double system may also vary. V1088 Her MinII 14.1. V1091 Her MinII 12.27. V1092 Her The depth of MinII is 0.46. VB B (B GSC 02073-00504, 14"). V1093 Her Multi-mode pulsations at a time scale of hours. V1094 Her MinII 13.08. V1095 Her MinII 12.40. V1099 Her Multi-mode pulsations of an sdB star at a time scale of hours. V1101 Her MinII 12.47. V1102 Her MinII 14.27. V1103 Her MinII 12.37. V1106 Her MinII 12.9. DSCT type with a twice shorter period is also possible [264, 040]. V1108 Her VB B (A 1" sf). The finding chart in [78247] is incorrect. V1117 Her Flat waves near maximum and deep fadings. IR excess. V1124 Her Blazhko effect? P(Bl) = 38.4d:. A pulsation period of 0.3551d is not excluded. V1131 Her The tabulated amplitude can be too low because of a neighboring star. V1135 Her The light elements in the Table are for eclipses. Pulsations: amplitude up to 0.3m, Max=2451413.280+4.2243dxE. V1137 Her Min II = 14.7. V1138 Her Min II = 14.0. V1140 Her Min II = 14.1. V1141 Her Multiperiodic, three close, nearly equidistant frequencies. P1 is tabulated (semi-amplitude 0.105m); P2 = 0.320340d (0.053m); P3 = 0.314355d (0.040m). V1143 Her Min II = 11.7. V1144 Her Min II = 15.4 :. V1146 Her Min II = 11.45:. V1158 Her Type RRC with a twice shorter period is possible. V1211 Her Multiperiodic. V1227 Her Porb = 0.06319d. V1231 Her VB A (B 12.9mV, 12", 289deg, 1999). V1236 Her VB AB (10.2m, 11.2m, 1.3", 331deg, 2009). V1239 Her Eclipsing variability in quiescence: 17.4m - 19.1mV, Min = 2453648.236507 + 0.10008215d x E, D = 0.1P. V1250 Her Ultraviolet flare amplitude in excess of 1.4m. V1265 Her Blazhko effect? V1285 Her The elements tabulated are for the first overtone. P0 = 0.5539d. V1290 Her SB1, Porb = 45.6228d. V1299 Her Type SRB is not excluded. V1302 Her VB B (A 12.2mV; B 12.4mV, 13", 266deg, 1998). V1304 Her VB A (B 12.1m, 16", 329deg, 2000). V1314 Her Blazhko effect? V1323 Her Intermediate polar; variations with only the spin period were detected. Porb = 0.11126d. V1344 Her MinII - MinI = 0.545P. V1366 Her P strongly varies, current elements after JD 2456000 are given in the Table. V1373 Her Period varies. V1377 Her Period varies. V1390 Her MinII - MinI = 0.46P. V1396 Her Blazhko effect. V1440 Her P2 = 0.291982d. Mode identification is unclear. V1441 Her Multiperiodic. V1446 Her VB A (B 3", 133deg, 2000). The magnitudes in the Table were influenced with the companion. V1452 Her P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.547662d; P1/P0 = 0.7462. V1457 Her P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.531662d; P1/P0 = 0.7465. V1458 Her The data for 1SWASP J161858.05+261303.5 data [82030] are combined measures for a V1458 Her non-variable star (V = 13.2m) near the SuperWASP position and the real variable. V1460 Her Outside outburst, type EW with light elements Min = 2456560.640 + 0.2078522d x E, V1460 Her V = 15.08m - 15.55m, MinII 15.45mV. Near outburst maximum, type EA with the depth V1460 Her of MinI reaching 1.2mV and the depth of MinII of only about 0.1mV. V1461 Her P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.559638d; P1/P0 = 0.7461. V1466 Her P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.545187d; P1/P0 = 0.7460. V1467 Her Additional non-radial mode, P = 0.2737529d; P(Blazhko) = 112d. V1468 Her P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.570831d; P1/P0 = 0.7459. V1472 Her P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.506715d; P1/P0 = 0.7448. V1473 Her The NSVS data for ROTSE1 J164316.86+264815.8 are combined measurements for a V1473 Her non-variable star (V = 12.4m) near the ROTSE position and the real variable. V1474 Her P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.536720d; P1/P0 = 0.7464. V1477 Her P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.532323d; P1/P0 = 0.7454. V1478 Her P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.502498d; P1/P0 = 0.7443. V1480 Her P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.473596d; P1/P0 = 0.7442. V1481 Her P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.472265d; P1/P0 = 0.7441. V1482 Her P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.532921d; P1/P0 = 0.7460. V1483 Her P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.537739d; P1/P0 = 0.7460. V1484 Her P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.530745d; P1/P0 = 0.7460. V1486 Her P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.489858d; P1/P0 = 0.7447. V1487 Her The data for 1SWASP J165734.53+274827.7 in [82030] are combined measurements for a V1487 Her non-variable star (V = 14.7m) near SuperWASP position and this variable (18"S). V1488 Her P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.502028d; P1/P0 = 0.7459. V1489 Her P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.550905d; P1/P0 = 0.7462. V1490 Her VB A (B 12.5mV, 16", 110deg, 2000). V1491 Her P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.555957d; P1/P0 = 0.7456. V1492 Her P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.478660d; P1/P0 = 0.7446. V1499 Her P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.503175d; P1/P0 = 0.7457. V1503 Her Additional non-radial mode, P = 0.340686d; P(Blazhko) = 17.2d. V1507 Her P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.480341d; P1/P0 = 0.7438. V1519 Her VB A (B 5", 101, 2000). V1548 Her P = 168d: is superposed. V1552 Her P = 320d is superposed. V1561 Her Multiperiodic. The secondary period is 0.039646d or 0.041285d. V1570 Her Multiperiodic. P1 is presented in the Table. P2 = 0.30441d, P3 = 0.33497d. The radial mode can be that corresponding to P1 or P2, the other two modes are probably non-radial. V1571 Her Between the horizontal branch and subgiant branch in the C-M diagram. Slow variations and a small-amplitude (0.03m) periodic variation, maybe related to the star's binary nature. V1574 Her The light curve shape varies. V1575 Her Multiperiodic, also P = 0.31936d. P(short)/P(long) = 0.97; one of the modes is non-radial. V1576 Her The light curve shape varies. V1581 Her The light curve shape varies. V1582 Her P = 170d: is superposed. V1587 Her P varies, dP/dt = -0.432 x 10^(-6)d per year. V1588 Her The light curve shape varies strongly. V1589 Her P varies, dP/dt = +0.044 x 10^(-6)d per year. The light curve shape varies. V1591 Her P varies, dP/dt = -0.500 x 10^(-6)d per year. The light curve shape varies. V1594 Her Strong Blazhko effect. V1595 Her VB B (A 17.9mG, B 18.0mG; AB 2", 359deg, 2000). V1596 Her P varies, dP/dt = -0.204 x 10^(-6)d per year. Blazhko effect? V1599 Her P varies, dP/dt = -0.280 x 10^(-6)d per year. V1601 Her P varies, dP/dt = -0.232 x 10^(-6)d per year. Blazhko effect. V1602 Her P varies, dP/dt = +0.120 x 10^(-6)d per year. V1604 Her Crowded field. Blazhko effect? V1606 Her Blazhko effect. V1608 Her Blazhko effect? V1609 Her Unresolved blend. V1610 Her P varies, dP/dt = +0.096 x 10^(-6)d per year. V1612 Her Crowded field. V1616 Her Blazhko effect? V1617 Her Very crowded field. V1618 Her The light curve shape varies? V1619 Her Cluster non-member? V1621 Her Blended. V1623 Her Crowded field. V1625 Her Crowded. V1626 Her Crowded. V1627 Her Crowded field. The light curve shape varies? V1628 Her Crowded. V1629 Her Found definitely variable in [g1113], but the period from [g1114] did not fit the new data; no single period? V1630 Her P varies, dP/dt = -0.056 x 10^(-6)d per year. V1631 Her Crowded. V1632 Her Unresolved blend? V1633 Her Unresolved blend. V1634 Her Blazhko effect. V1636 Her Crowded. V1637 Her Crowded. V1643 Her P varies, dP/dt = +0.024 x 10^(-6)d per year. V1644 Her Blazhko effect. V1645 Her VB? (17.9mG, 18.1mG, 1", 277deg, 2015.5). Blazhko effect? V1646 Her Blazhko effect? V1648 Her Blazhko effect. V1650 Her P varies, dP/dt = +0.780 x 10^(-6)d per year. The light curve shape varies. V1651 Her Unresolved VB. Blazhko effect? V1652 Her VB A (18.2mG; B 18.3mG, 2", 233deg, 2000). P varies, dP/dt = -0.024 x 10^(-6)d per year. V1654 Her P varies, dP/dt = +0.056 x 10^(-6)d per year. V1658 Her Very crowded field. The Gaia DR2 proper motion does not seem reliable. V1660 Her Very crowded field. V1661 Her Blazhko effect. V1663 Her The Gaia DR2 proper motion does not seem reliable. Multiperiodic. P0 (see the Table) is presumably the fundamental mode. P1 = 0.0615262d (presumably the first overtone). V1666 Her P varies, quadratic term -1.239d x 10^{-9}N^2. V1667 Her Multiperiodic? V1670 Her Blazhko effect [g1115]. V1675 Her Porb = 0.05666:d. V1676 Her Psh = 0.08473d. V1679 Her Porb = 0.04505d, Psh = 0.04559d. V1683 Her VB B (A 20.2mG, B 20.5mG; AB 1.2", 246deg, 2000). Porb = 0.05753d, Psh = 0.05810d. V1688 Her The light elements in the Table are for eclipsing variability, 16.2m - 16.7m in quiescence. Psh = 0.1042d. alf Her ADS 10418 A (B 5.39m, 4.9", 107deg, 1973; B - SB2, alf Her G5III + F2V). Slow variations, P ~6yr, Delta(m) ~0.5m; alf Her quicker changes, P ~ 50d - 155d, Delta(m) ~ 0.3m - 1.0m. alf Her Together with the visual companion the alf Her star is surrounded by an enormous envelope (R ~2*10**5R$, alf Her expansion velocity 10 km/s, mass loss 3*10**(-8)M$/yr). nu. Her [Fe/H] = -0.26. SB? omi Her VB interferometric. phi Her SB, Porb = 560.5d. ome Her ADS 10054 A (B 11.5m, 0.8", 232deg, 1967; C 11.0m, 28.4", ome Her 96deg, 1957; D 27.5", 271deg, 1960). Epoch of Min is given. ome Her Double wave in the light curve. ome Her Rapid variations, P = 0.15d [09310]. g Her The mean cycle 1972 - 1981 is given. Slow pulsations g Her (P = 875d +- 70d) and non-periodic variations on the g Her time scale of 5d - 15d with Delta(m) up to 0.2m are g Her superimposed. u Her ADS 10449 A (B 10.2m, 4.4", 60deg). Min II 4.93. R Hor OH, H2O, SiO maser. P var. Max = 2428868 + 401.5d*E R Hor (JD2412800 - 28900); since JD2428900 - see Table. V Hor P = 59d (JD2428380 - 910), P = 90d (JD2429170 - 980). X Hor Epoch of Min brightness is given. Maxima are broad. X Hor Usually secondary minima are observed. SY Hor Min II 12.0. SZ Hor Min II 10.7:. TU Hor Min II 6.03; Min II - Min I = 0.52P; TU Hor Max II is fainter than Max I by 0.05m. Peculiar TU Hor ellipsoidal variable [09245]. TY Hor Type RCB? UU Hor P var. Max = 2416826.417 + 0.6436900d*E (JD2416800 - 25000); UU Hor since JD2425000 - see Table. UX Hor Min II 14.4. P var. Min I = 2426659.380 + 0.7126943d*E UX Hor (JD2426650 - 30860); since JD2430540 - see Table. UZ Hor P var. Max = 2426679.425 + 0.338188d*E (JD2426300 - 28430); UZ Hor since JD2430040 - see Table. VY Hor mu = 0.173", ro = 33deg. P = 314s, 617s. AY Hor Blended. BG Hor Crowded. BK Hor Crowded. BL Hor Crowded. BO Hor Crowded. BR Hor VB B (A 16.5mG, B 16.7mG; AB 1.5", 174deg, 2000). BV Hor Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0377969d, P1/P0 = 0.7736. R Hya VB A (B 13.0m, 21.6", 324deg). SiO maser. P var. According R Hya to [00458]; Max = 2328201 + 486d*E (JD2328200 - 31120); R Hya Max = 2343512 + 507d*E (JD2343300 - 44800); R Hya Max = 2372678 + 485d*E (JD2372200 - 72700); R Hya Max = 2380447 + 477d*E (JD2380000 - 81400); R Hya Max = 2385160 + 461d*E (JD2384700 - 88000); R Hya Max = 2394350 + 448.6d*E (JD2393900 - 2402000); R Hya Max = 2403742 + 434d*E (JD2403300 - 04200); R Hya Max = 2406363 + 429.5d*E (JD2406000 - 11100); R Hya Max = 2413642 + 411d*E (JD2413200 - 14100); R Hya Max = 2416563 + 405.5d*E (JD2416100 - 23400); R Hya Max = 2424288 + 414.7d*E (JD2423400 - 28500). R Hya since JD2428500 - see Table. T Hya P var. Max = 2399455 + 289.00d*E(JD2398600 - 2421700); T Hya Max = 2422584 + 294.2d*E (JD2421700 - 25800); T Hya Max = 2431781 + 284.20d*E (JD2425800 - 36200); since T Hya JD2437500 - see Table. V Hya VB A (B 11.58mV, KO III, 46", 186deg). V Hya Mean brightness variations with P = 6670d and A = 3.5m are V Hya superimposed by light oscillations with A = 1.1m - 2m and V Hya elements given in the Table. Deep light minima were V Hya observed in 1891, 1908, 1925, 1942 - 43, 1959, and 1962. V Hya A graph of the light curve [03614]. W Hya VB A (B 9.3m, 72", 108deg). P var. Max = 2411074 + 379d*E W Hya (JD2411000 - 14150); Max = 2414644 + 395d*E W Hya (JD2414150 - 19400); Max = 2419746 + 378d*E W Hya (JD2419400 - 25200) [00458]. Max = 2425740 + 366d*E W Hya (JD2425200 - 27000); Max = 2440336 + 397.35d*E W Hya (JD2428000 - 40500); since JD2440500 - see Table. W Hya Amplitude and shape of the light curve vary strongly. W Hya OH, H2O, SiO maser. X Hya OH, H2O, SiO maser. Y Hya Mean magnitude varies. RR Hya H2O maser. RS Hya P var. Max = 2422973 + 330.2d*E (JD2414000 - 23000); RS Hya Max = 2429126 + 342.0d*E (JD2423000 - 29200); Max = RS Hya 2429455 + 331.2d*E (JD2429200 - 34500); RS Hya since JD2434500 - see Table. RT Hya Before 1952 P = 255d; since 1952 - see Table. RT Hya The character And amplitude of light variations vary RT Hya strongly. RU Hya OH, H2O maser. P var. Max = 2429572 + RU Hya 334.0d*E (JD2414000 - 29600); since JD2428500 - see RU Hya Table. RW Hya SB2 (P = 370d). Epoch of Min brightness is given. RX Hya VB A (B 10.5m). Depth of Min II 0.05m. P var. RX Hya Min I = 2428261.385 + 2.2815942d*E (JD2419500 - RX Hya 28500); Min I = 2440650.409 + 2.2816200d*E RX Hya (JD2428500 - 41400); since JD2441400 - see Table. SS Hya VB A (B 12.0m, 13", 195deg); SB2. SU Hya Mean magnitude varies with P = 780d. SV Hya VB A (B 35", 225deg). Delta(S) = 7. SX Hya D = 0.022P. P var. Min I = 2427659.223 + 2.895697d*E SX Hya (JD2410000 - 28000) [00007]; since JD2442500 - see Table. SY Hya P var. Min = 2425590.589 + 3.403082d*E (JD2425500 - SY Hya 31150) [07548]. Since JD2432200 - see Table. SZ Hya P var. Max = 2415714.1429 + 0.53742815d*E SZ Hya (JD2414700 - 26500) [03626]; Max = 2426410.575 + 0.53736d*E SZ Hya (JD2426400 - 27200) [00001]; Max = 2431881.5537 + SZ Hya 0.53723051d*E (JD2427880 - 35200) [03626]; Max = SZ Hya 2435542.267 + 0.5372497d*E (JD2435500 - 38900) SZ Hya [03627]. Since JD2438770 - see Table. SZ Hya Blazhko effect: Max(A) = 2440705 + 25.8d*n [06557]; SZ Hya 10.44m <= Max <= 11.03m. TT Hya Min II 7.32; d = 0.035P. TU Hya P var. Max = 2416980 + 277.5d*E (JD2412500 - TU Hya 17300); Max = 2417260 + 272.5d*E (JD2417200 - TU Hya 19800) [01787]; Max = 2430410 + 281.4d*E TU Hya (JD2420500 - 30500); Max = 2438332 + 272.3d*E TU Hya (JD2432000 - 39200); since JD2439200 - see Table. TY Hya P var. Min = 2434478.464 + 4.660978d*E (JD2419800 - TY Hya 35000) [01788]; since JD2435000 - see Table. UU Hya P var. Max = 2427423.84 + 0.5238585d*E (JD2414950 - 27400) UU Hya [01789]; Max = 2429729.835 + 0.523854d*E (JD2427000 - 31000) UU Hya [00752]. Spectrum is based on Ca II. UW Hya Min II 13.8:; Min II - Min I = 0.64P. P = 1.055439d? UY Hya Min II 13.8. RRC? VV Hya P var. Max = 2427421 + 155d*E (JD2419500 - 37000) VV Hya [01792]; since JD2437000 - see Table. VX Hya (k - b)2 = 0.26. VX Hya Luminosity class [03149] contradicts the type of light VX Hya variability. The shape of the light curve strongly varies. VX Hya The main oscillation with the period P0 given in the Table VX Hya is superimposed by the secondary one with P1 = 0.172720d VX Hya [03631]. P1/P0 = 0.773; Pb = 0.761445d. VY Hya Min II 9.1. VZ Hya Min II 9.46. WY Hya Min II 11.2. WZ Hya (k - b)2 = 0.06. P var. Max = 2416169.681 + 0.53772640d*E WZ Hya (JD2414000 - 19000); Max = 2419811.736 + WZ Hya + 0.53775858d*E (JD2419000 - 21000); Max = WZ Hya = 2424618.630 + 0.53774101d*E (JD2421000 - 32000) WZ Hya [00752]; Max = 2436613.445 + 0.5377229d*E WZ Hya (JD2436600 - 38500) [03633]; since JD2438000 - see Table. XX Hya P var. Max = 2439560.355 + 0.50774868d*E XX Hya (JD2428200 - 39560) [05238]; since JD2439560 - see Table. XZ Hya Min II 15.0. AE Hya Min II 14.6. AF Hya Min II 13.8. AI Hya Min II 9.84; Min II - Min I = 0.438P; DII = 0.075P; AI Hya dI = 0.02P; dII = 0.00P; EA/DM. Pulsation AI Hya period P' = 0.13803d, A = 0.02m - 0.03m [09259]. AV Hya Min II 10.35; dI = 0.023P:. CH Hya Min II 15.5; Min II - Min I = 0.57P. CO Hya Found in Centaurus, in 10deg to the south from the position CO Hya published by the discoverer [00078]. CW Hya P var? [04027]. CW Hya Elements given in the Table satisfy observations only in CW Hya the interval JD2428950 - 30375. DD Hya P var. Max = 2431139.313 + 0.501818d*E (JD2431100 - DD Hya 600) [01432]. Since JD2441600 - see Table. DE Hya d = 0.014P? DF Hya Min II 11.5. DH Hya Delta(S) = 7. DK Hya Min II 10.7. DM Hya d = 0.15P? EU Hya Min II 10.2. EX Hya Light variations with Porb and amplitude up to 0.9mV EX Hya due to eclipses of hot spot are represented by the EX Hya elements: ET(Min) = 2437699.94177 + 0.0682338422d*E, EX Hya where ET(Min) is the heliocentric Julian Date converted EX Hya to Ephemeris Time; simultaneously periodic modulation of EX Hya the shape of the light curve between the outbursts is EX Hya observed with the amplitude 0.2m - 0.9m and the elements: EX Hya Max = 2437699.8895 + 0.04654656d*E - 1.2d*10**(-12)*E**2 EX Hya [09265]. Mean interval between bright outbursts is 465d EX Hya [05695], mean cycle is close to 20 - 30d. EY Hya P var. Max = 2432707 + 160.5d*E (JD2426100 - 32800); EY Hya since JD2432800 - see Table. EZ Hya Min II 10.7. P var. Min I = 2440255.8482 + 0.44976658d*E EZ Hya (JD2431160 - 40650) [07549]; since JD2440250 - see Table. FG Hya Min II 10.25; dI = dII = 0.085P. P var. Min I = FG Hya 2431150.388 + 0.3278422d*E (JD2431140 - 34400) FG Hya [00182]; Min I = 2436968.7067 + 0.32783433d*E FG Hya (JD2434050 - 400) [03639]; Min I = 2436968.7067 + FG Hya 0.32783546d*E (JD2436950 - 43250) [09267]; FG Hya since JD2444600 - see Table. FI Hya V27 in the globular cluster NGC 4590 FI Hya (M68); cluster non-member. FS Hya According to [01480] P = 91.7d. FW Hya Min II 12.4. FY Hya VB A (B 15.45m, 15", 90deg); Delta(S) = 7:; (k - b)2 = -0.03. GK Hya Min II 9.57. GK Hya There is a square term in the elements: GK Hya -4.01d*10**(-9)*E**2. GM Hya d <= 0.01P. GN Hya Min II 13.6. GT Hya Cep? HS Hya Min II 8.55. IK Hya Blazhko effect with Pi ~30d. IW Hya OH, H2O maser. KM Hya P var? KU Hya VB AB (7.3m, 7.4m, A = 0.150", P = 58.93 yr, E = 0.219); KU Hya A(v) = 0.06m. KW Hya Porb = 7.75043d; E = 0.110 [09273]; Min II 6.35; KW Hya Min II - Min I = 0.54P. V0404 Hya MinII 15.10. V0412 Hya MinII 12.9:. V0420 Hya Porb = 764 d. Symbiotic features in the spectrum. V0421 Hya Variable brown dwarf. V0427 Hya VB A (B 13.9mpg, 22", 305deg, 1999; C 14.8mpg, 35", 276deg, 1999). V0430 Hya Blazhko effect? V0434 Hya MinII - MinI = 0.54P. V0443 Hya A twice shorter period is not excluded. V0453 Hya A twice shorter period is not excluded. V0466 Hya Min II = 11.6. O'Connell effect. V0468 Hya P varies? [80001]. V0470 Hya Min II = 13.50. V0472 Hya Min II = 12.5. V0474 Hya Min II = 12.2. V0475 Hya Min II = 13.2. V0476 Hya Min II = 13.1. V0477 Hya Min II = 16.2. V0483 Hya Min II = 12.55. V0484 Hya A brown dwarf with periodic brightness variations. V0488 Hya A brown dwarf with periodic brightness variations. V0490 Hya Min II = 8.71:. VB AB (8.81m, 10.93m, 1".10, 169deg, 1991). V0498 Hya Superhumps: P = 0.06036d. V0500 Hya P1 is tabulated; P0 = 0.56391d. Amplitude ratio A1/A0 = 2.45. V0502 Hya Min II = 10.09. VB AB (A 10.3m var; B 12.3m, 2.2", 72deg, 1943). V0504 Hya Type EW with a twice longer period is possible. V0511 Hya Min II = 9.05. V0514 Hya Min II = 14.5:. V0515 Hya P = 0.269198d is also possible. V0518 Hya The star's position coincides with SN 2001am. V0519 Hya Min II = 12.50. V0520 Hya P = 0.331234d is also possible. V0522 Hya P = 0.255132 is also possible. V0524 Hya Min II = 17.6. V0541 Hya Multiperiodic. V0542 Hya Min II = 10.40. dP/dt = -0.45 x 10^(-5) d/yr. VB AB (10.8m, 11.7m, 2", 42deg, 2003). V0543 Hya Blazhko effect, P = 59d. V0545 Hya Min II = 11.98. Besides variations with the tabulated period, a second EW periodicity is revealed, P2 = 0.353901d, with amplitudes of both minima about 0.25m. V0547 Hya VB A (B = V0548 Hya, 5", 148deg, 1999). V0548 Hya VB B (A = V0547 Hya; AB 5", 148deg, 1999). V0549 Hya VB B (A = V0550 Hya; AB 13", 185deg, 2000). V0550 Hya VB A (B = V0549 Hya, 13", 185deg, 2000). V0551 Hya Multiperiodic. V0552 Hya Blazhko effect, P = 48.3d. V0553 Hya Min II = 12.90. V0554 Hya Min II = 13.2. V0555 Hya Min II = 12.20. V0559 Hya Blazhko effect, P = 26.50d. V0571 Hya Blazhko effect, P = 11.80d. V0575 Hya Blazhko effect, P = 8.52d. V0588 Hya Blazhko effect, P = 87.73d [81056]. V0592 Hya Possibly Blazhko effect with P = 14.2d. V0598 Hya VB A (15.4mpg; B 15.6mpg, 18", 43deg, 2000). The coordinates in [81005] refer to the companion. V0599 Hya VB B (A 15.1mpg, B 16.6mpg; AB 29", 152deg, 2000). The coordinates in [81005] refer to the brighter star. V0603 Hya Double-mode pulsations. The Table contains the period for the first overtone. Fundamental mode: P0 = 0.4867803. P1/P0 = 0.7449. V0621 Hya P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.467934d; P1/P0 = 0.7434. V0623 Hya P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.545078d; P1/P0 = 0.7461. V0624 Hya P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.528738d; P1/P0 = 0.7465. V0627 Hya Period varies. V0635 Hya P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.558754d; P1/P0 = 0.7462. V0638 Hya The data for 1SWASP J090758.16-153811.8 in [82030] are combined measurements for the V0638 Hya a non-variable star (V = 13.6m) near the SuperWASP position and the real variable. V0659 Hya P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.447456d; P1/P0 = 0.7412. V0664 Hya P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.520738d; P1/P0 = 0.7461. V0677 Hya [Fe/H] = -1.16. V0678 Hya [Fe/H] = -1.37. V0679 Hya P varies, dP/dt = +0.273 x 10^(-6)d per year. V0680 Hya P varies, dP/dt = -0.125 x 10^(-6)d per year. V0681 Hya The light elements in the Table are for the first overtone. P0 = 0.523746d. P1/P0 = 0.7460. V0682 Hya The light elements in the Table are for the first overtone. P0 = 0.530818d. P1/P0 = 0.7464. V0683 Hya The light elements in the Table are for the first overtone. P0 = 0.535115d. P1/P0 = 0.7469. V0684 Hya P varies, dP/dt = +0.116 x 10^{-6}d per year. V0685 Hya P varies, dP/dt = -0.497 x 10^(-6)d per year. V0686 Hya The light elements in the Table are for the first overtone. P0 = 0.520186d. P1/P0 = 0.7458. V0688 Hya The light elements in the Table are for the first overtone. P0 = 0.557511d. P1/P0 = 0.7450. V0689 Hya The light elements in the Table are for the first overtone. P0 = 0.522230d. P1/P0 = 0.7476. V0691 Hya Blazhko effect. V0692 Hya Blazhko effect. V0695 Hya P varies, dP/dt = +0.225 x 10^(-6)d per year. V0697 Hya P varies, dP/dt = +0.116 x 10^(-6)d per year. V0698 Hya P varies, dP/dt = +1.553 x 10^(-6)d per year. V0700 Hya P varies, dP/dt = +0.066 x 10^(-6)d per year. V0702 Hya Blended. V0705 Hya P varies, dP/dt = -0.051 x 10^(-6)d per year. V0708 Hya Blended. Earlier reported as a double-mode variable. V0709 Hya The light elements in the Table are for the first overtone. P0 = 0.525259d. P1/P0 = 0.7456. V0710 Hya P varies, dP/dt = +0.234 x 10^(-6)d per year. V0712 Hya The light elements in the Table are for the first overtone. P0 = 0.545757d. P1/P0 = 0.7460. V0713 Hya Multiperiodic. The period in the Table is that for the fundamental mode. P1 = 0.051745d. P1/P0 = 0.786. V0716 Hya P varies, dP/dt = -1.081 x 10^(-6)d per year. V0717 Hya The star earlier had signatures of a double-mode RR Lyrae variable. V0718 Hya P varies? dP/dt = +0.044 x 10^(-6)d per year. V0719 Hya P varies, dP/dt = -0.488 x 10^(-6)d per year. Blazhko effect. V0720 Hya Cluster non-member? V0721 Hya The light elements in the Table are for the first overtone. P0 = 0.546782d. P1/P0 = 0.7444. V0722 Hya The light elements in the Table are for the first overtone. P0 = 0.537097d. P1/P0 = 0.7450. V0723 Hya The light elements in the Table are for the first overtone. P0 = 0.530525d. P1/P0 = 0.7450. V0724 Hya P varies, dP/dt = +0.102 x 10^(-6)d per year. V0726 Hya Cluster non-member? [g1001]. VB A (15.4mG; B 15.9mG, 2", 278deg, 2000). V0733 Hya Other possible periods: 0.6342d (RRAB, RR0); 0.2792d; 0.2182d. V0738 Hya Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.06860936d, P1/P0 = 0.7749. V0739 Hya Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0516362d, P1/P0 = 0.7790. V0741 Hya Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.06170619d, P1/P0 = 0.7734. V0742 Hya Porb = 0.05652d, Psh = 0.057d. V0743 Hya Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.03780310d, P1/P0 = 0.7738. V0744 Hya Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.05780735d, P1/P0 = 0.7736. V0745 Hya Porb is presented in the Table. Eclipse depth is 2.5 mag CV. V0747 Hya Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.09026021d, P1/P0 = 0.7715. V0748 Hya Porb = 0.06136d, Psh = 0.06337d. V0750 Hya Porb = 0.05847d, Psh = 0.05897d. V0751 Hya Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.04861082d, P1/P0 = 0.7732. V0752 Hya Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.05186660d, P1/P0 = 0.7772. V0753 Hya Multiperiodic. Also detected: P = 0.0499621d, P = 0.0576063d, and 6 more frequencies. V0754 Hya Porb = 0.075879d, Psh = 0.07649d. V0756 Hya Multiperiodic. Also detected: P = 0.0580439d, P = 0.0599227d, and two other frequencies. bet Hya VB A (B 5.6m, 0.9", 8deg, 1959). khi 2 Hya Min II 5.92. Y Hyi d = 0.024P. RS Hyi In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. RS Hyi Not a member of the cloud. RT Hyi Min II 14.1. RV Hyi Min II 12.4; Min II - Min I = 0.61P. RY Hyi In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. Not a member RY Hyi of the Cloud. ST Hyi The member of the Small Magellanic Cloud. [A/H] = -0.8. SZ Hyi In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. Not a member SZ Hyi of the Cloud. TW Hyi Delta(S) = 10:. UU Hyi P = 112.25d? VW Hyi Mean interval between the supermaxima is 179d. VW Hyi Porb = 0.0742711d. Between the normal outbursts the VW Hyi brightness periodically increases by 0.35m - 0.40m because VW Hyi of hot spot appearances: VW Hyi Max = 2440128.0222 + 0.0742711d*E [07550]. During the VW Hyi supermaxima the period between the superhumps is VW Hyi 0.0769d [09275]. Sometimes the light oscillations with VW Hyi the amplitude 2% and cycle from 28s to 34s are observed VW Hyi [07551]. VY Hyi In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. Not a member VY Hyi of the Cloud. VZ Hyi RR [00193]. WX Hyi Mean interval between the supermaxima is 141.5d. WX Hyi Porb = 0.0748134d [09277]. Period between the superhumps WX Hyi observed during the supermaxima is 0.07737d [09278]. WZ Hyi In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. Not a member WZ Hyi of the Cloud. ZZ Hyi A galaxy PGC 232232 [00001]. AC Hyi In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. Not a member AC Hyi of the Cloud. BB Hyi Delta(S) = 7:. CY Hyi MinII 9.8. DM Hyi Type RR with P = 0.64272d or 0.39125d is also possible. DS Hyi In the region of the SMC galaxy, probable non-member. V Ind P var. Max = 2439792.276 + 0.4796030d*E V Ind (JD2414000 - 40000) [05233]; since JD2440000 - see Table. V Ind Delta(S) = 7, (k - b)2 = 0.02. RS Ind Min II 10.0. P var. RU Ind VB A (B 12.6m, 2.3", 103deg). Min II 12.1. RX Ind 240d < P < 310d. RY Ind Min II 11.04. ST Ind Min II 11.79. SU Ind Min II 9.5:. TV Ind Min II 11.9. AR Ind Min II 14.4. RRC? AY Ind VB? CH Ind MinII 8.14:. CI Ind A variable double brown dwarf. VB (0.7"). CK Ind Besides 6 Gamma Dor modes, a Delta Sct mode (P = 0.039 d) was detected. CQ Ind MinII - MinI = 0.33P. CZ Ind Blazhko effect, P = 133d. DI Ind Type EW with a twice longer period is not excluded. DQ Ind Type DSCT: with P = 0.1163d is also possible. DS Ind Period varies strongly. DW Ind Blazhko effect, P = 26.7d:. EI Ind VB (14.7mG, 15.2mG, 2", 50deg, 2000). EL Ind Blazhko effect, P = 950d. M-m varies between 0.13P and 0.18P. EX Ind Blazhko effect with a very long period or non-periodic changes of amplitude (up to 0.9m) and M-m. R Lac VB A (B 14.1m, 6", 50deg). S Lac P var. Max = 2412857 + 238.2d*E (JD2410000 - 16400); S Lac Max = 2418828 + 241.45d*E (JD2416400 - 20500); Max = S Lac 2427307 + 242.7d*E (JD2420500 - 27300); Max = S Lac 2437290 + 237.4d*E (JD2427300 - 37300); S Lac since JD2437300 - see Table. U Lac There are light variations with the periods: U Lac 150d, 550 - 690d, 2900d. V Lac P var. There is a square term in the elements: V Lac -6.48d*10**(-8)*E**2. W Lac P var. Max = 2415255 + 323d*E (JD2414600 - 15300); W Lac Max = 2425628 + 335.5d*E (JD2425600 - 38000) [00458]; W Lac Max = 2433844 + 324.5d*E (JD2428000 - 33850); W Lac since JD2433850 - see Table. X Lac P var. Max = 2418890.497 + 5.444303d*E (JD2416670 - X Lac 29500) [02033]; since JD2429500 - see Table. Z Lac P var. There is a square term in the elements: Z Lac -3.4d*10**(-8)*E**2. [A/H] = 0.2. RR Lac P var. Max = 2419434.331 + 6.416146d*E (JD2417900 - 31600); RR Lac since JD2431600 - see Table. [A/H] = 0.0. RT Lac Min II 9.62. P var. Min I = 2440382.9005 + 5.0740484d*E + RT Lac 1.02d*10**(-8)*E**2 (JD2411650 - 42500) [08592]; RT Lac since JD2436470 - see Table. RT Lac There is a square term in the elements given in the Table: RT Lac -2.7d*10**(-8)*E**2. Shape of the light RT Lac curve and depths of the Minima vary. According to RT Lac [09293] the period of the distortion wave migration is RT Lac ~9.5 yr, the period of the wave amplitude variations RT Lac (0 < A <= 0.17m) is ~30 yr. According to [09292] the RT Lac migration period is nearly half of the value given in RT Lac [09293]. RV Lac Mean magnitude varies with the period 550 - 700d. RW Lac Min II 10.8; DII = 0.024P; Min II - Min I = 0.492P. RX Lac S7.5/1e. P = 174d (JD2414950 - 29550) [01026]; RX Lac since JD2436800 - see Table. RY Lac Oscillations of mean magnitude with P = 300 - 420d RY Lac and A <= 0.5m are superimposed by oscillations with RY Lac P = 38 - 91d. SS Lac Probable member of the open cluster NGC 7209. Min II 10.5; SS Lac Min II - Min I = 0.57P; d = 0.008P. SS Lac Apsidal motion with P = 1000 yr is possible. ST Lac Elements should be checked. SU Lac P var. Max = 2412748 + 279.10d*E (JD2412700 - 27000) SU Lac [05707]; Max = 2426972 + 286.74d*E (JD2426900 - 31000); SU Lac Max = 2431008 + 306.0d*E (JD2431000 - 33150) SU Lac [00001]; Max = 2433150 + 319.14d*E (JD2433150 - 42150) SU Lac [05707]; since JD2442100 - see Table. SW Lac Min II 9.31. P var. Min I = 2418943.712 + 0.32071236d*E SW Lac (JD2410000 - 19990); Min I = 2420038.621 + SW Lac 0.32071510d*E (JD2419990 - 25210); Min I = SW Lac 2430996.525 + 0.32071665d*E (JD2425210 - 33690); SW Lac Min I = 2436046.5634 + 0.32072132d*E (JD2433690 - 36755) SW Lac [05222]; Min I = 2437572.5723 + 0.32072811d*E SW Lac (JD2436755 - 40000) [03374]; Min I = 2440467.4592 + SW Lac 0.32072480d*E (JD2440110 - 40500) [06089]; Min I = SW Lac 2441249.3737 + 0.3207197d*E (JD2440500 - 41600); SW Lac [00001]; Min I = 2442697.4039 + 0.3207144d*E SW Lac (JD2441600 - 43100) [09295]; Min I = 2443459.7476 + SW Lac 0.3207216d*E (JD2443100 - 44400) [09297]; Min I = SW Lac 2444856.8064 + 0.3207184d*E (JD2444400 - 44900) SW Lac [00001]; since JD2444900 - see Table. SW Lac Shape of the light curve, depths of minima and heights SW Lac of maxima vary. TW Lac d = 0.018P. P var. Min I = 2424387.332 + 3.0374936d*E TW Lac (JD2424380 - 34000) [02389]; Min I = 2434049.593 + TW Lac 3.037520d*E (JD2434000 - 36560) [03115]; TW Lac since JD2441500 - see Table. TZ Lac In the region of the open cluster NGC 7243. UW Lac Depth of Min II 0.05m; d = 0.028P. P var. UW Lac Min I = 2429158.17 + 5.2902d*E (JD2414580 - 29440) UW Lac [01813]; Min I = 2429158.17 + 5.290000d*E UW Lac (JD2429440 - 35800) [03115]; since JD2436800 - see Table. UW Lac Apsidal motion is possible [09300]. UY Lac d = 0.022P. UZ Lac P var? VX Lac P var. Min = 2424791.488 + 1.0744891d*E VX Lac (JD2424700 - 32400); Min = 2432479.477 + 1.0744991d*E VX Lac (JD2432400 - 40510); Min = 2440750.971 + VX Lac 1.0744881d*E (JD2440750 - 43000) [07552]; VX Lac since JD2443000 - see Table. VY Lac Min II 10.6. P var? Min I = 2434629.392 + 1.036245d*E VY Lac (JD2424700 - 39830) [01804]; since JD2440080 - see Table. WY Lac Light variations with P = 850d and A = 1.5m are WY Lac superimposed by variations with P = 50d and A = 1m. XX Lac In the region of the open cluster NGC 7243. XZ Lac P var. AG Lac Min II 14.0. AR Lac Min II 6.43; Min II - Min I = 0.5018P; dI = 0.045P; DII = AR Lac 0.13P; dII = 0.00P. P var. Min I = 2426624.378 + AR Lac 1.983244d*E (JD2415300 - 26800) [09309]; Min I = AR Lac 2429535.739 + 1.9832125d*E (JD2426800 - 36000) AR Lac [09312]; Min I = 2437018.414 + 1.983252d*E AR Lac (JD2436000 - 37500) [00001]; since JD2437500 - see Table. AR Lac There is a square term in the elements AR Lac given in the Table: - 5.24d*10**(-9)*E**2. AR Lac Shape of the light curve varies; there is a AR Lac distortion wave with A up to 0.13mV migrating in the AR Lac direction of decreasing phases with P ~2.5 yr. Spectrum AR Lac investigations [01816, 09315, 9316]. AU Lac Min II 12.2; Min II - Min I = 0.53P. AW Lac Min II 11.2. BH Lac Hydrogen lines in the spectrum are sharp and deep [03149]. BL Lac Z = 0.07; B-V = +1.0. Light curve graph [06784]. BM Lac The elements are valid in the interval JD2425200 - 26250. BT Lac There is a square term in the elements: -0.0004d*E**2. BT Lac Epoch of Max brightness is given in the Table. BT Lac Mean brightness varies in the range 13.8m - 15.2m with BT Lac P = 654d. Mean amplitude of the shortperiodical variations BT Lac is ~1.5m. There occur changes of primaries and BT Lac secondaries minima into each other. BU Lac The main variation is superimposed by waves with a BU Lac possible period -200d. CG Lac Min II 14.0. CM Lac Min II 8.53; DII = 0.12P. CN Lac Min II 12.6. In the region of the CN Lac open cluster NGC 7209. Not member of the cluster. CO Lac Min II 10.79. Apsidal motion with CO Lac P = 42.3 yr is observed. There is a periodic term in CO Lac The elements given in the Table: -0.0133d cos(157.7deg + CO Lac 0.0359deg*E). Min II = 2427534.8439 + 1.5422075d*E + CO Lac 0.0133d cos(157.7deg + 0.0359deg*E). CS Lac Min II 9.4. CZ Lac Delta(S) = 1. P var. Max = 2432878.234 + 0.43210346d*E CZ Lac (JD2428700 - 39400) [01442]; Max = 2443081.309 + CZ Lac 0.4319850d*E (JD2439400 - 43100) [05839]; Max = CZ Lac 2444080.122 + 0.432114d*E (JD2443800 - 44100) CZ Lac [09009]; since JD2445100 - see Table. DD Lac VB A (B 9.2m, 69", 16deg). P var. Max = 2421914.178 + DD Lac 0.19309018d*E - 0.001798d*10**(-8)*E**2 (JD2421400 - DD Lac 37600) [05711]; since JD2443000 - see Table. DD Lac According to [09337] simultaneously the pulsations with DD Lac the following periods are observed (the corresponding AB DD Lac values are given in the brackets): P1 = 0.193082d (0.080m), DD Lac P2 = 0.197382d (0.034m), P3 = 0.182115d (0.020m), DD Lac P4 = 0.187438d (0.016m), P5 = 0.095109d (0.010m), DD Lac P6 = 0.23583d (0.008m). A var; 0.04m <= A <= 0.12m. DE Lac Delta(S) = 5. P var. Max = 2428807.130 + 0.2536940d*E DE Lac (JD2427000 - 33000); Max = 2433005.766 + 0.2536929d*E DE Lac (JD2433000 - 39100) [03378]; since JD2442000 - see Table. DF Lac [A/H] = 0.2. DG Lac P var. Min = 2426266.355 + 2.206435d*E (JD2426200 - 40000) DG Lac [04961]; since JD2440000 - see Table. DH Lac P var. Max = 2418240 + 284.8d*E (JD2418000 - 27350); DH Lac since JD2427300 - see Table. DM Lac Erroneously labeled VV306, instead of VV307, in the chart [05862]. DO Lac According to [00085], EA. EG Lac P > 50d? [05386]. EM Lac Min II 13.09. EN Lac VB A (B 11.32mV, 27", 345deg; C 9.0mV, 62", 48deg); SB1 EN Lac (Porb = 12.0968d). Eclipsing system with a pulsating EN Lac primary component of BCEP type. Depth of Min I 0.05mB. EN Lac Min I = 2444909.4339 + 12.096816d*E; D = 0.015P, EN Lac d = 0.000P. Simultaneously pulsations are EN Lac observed with the periods P1 = 0.169170d, P2 = 0.170770d, EN Lac P3 = 0.181692d [09346]. The corresponding amplitudes EN Lac of pulsations vary. The values of the amplitudes in EN Lac B system are as follows: A1 = 0.046m, A2 = 0.024m, EN Lac A3 = 0.022m (1952 - 1965); A1 = 0.016m, A2 = 0.010m, EN Lac A3 = 0.014m (1977); A1 = 0.010m, A2 = 0.014m, A3 = 0.023m EN Lac (1980 - 81). 0.01m <= A <= 0.11m. EO Lac Min II 12.9; Min II - Min I = 0.485P. EP Lac Depth of Min II 0.04m. ER Lac Depth of Min II 0.05m:. ES Lac Min II 11.6; Min II - Min I = 0.57P. ES Lac Apsidal motion is possible: ES Lac Min II = 2433582.95 + 4.459451d*E [09347]. EU Lac The chart in [05862] is wrong. EV Lac VB A (B 12.74mB, 10", 260deg, 1949). EV Lac Dark companion (A = 0.0206", P = 45 yr, EV Lac E = 0.5) [09348]. In 1979 sinusoidal light oscillations EV Lac were observed in the range 10.20m - 10.27mV: EV Lac Min = 2444037.576 + 4.378d*E [09349]. In 1974 - 76 such EV Lac periodicity was not observed [09350]. EW Lac Non-radial pulsations with P = 0.7d - 0.8d EW Lac are also possible [09351, 09352]. EX Lac d = 0.050P. FQ Lac A var; P var. Elements given in the Table are valid in the FQ Lac intervale JD2427950 - 31700. FU Lac d = 0.013P. GS Lac Min II 15.2. GX Lac Min II 10.23. HK Lac SB1 (Porb = 24.4284d [09355]). HM Lac Depth of Min II 0.05m. HN Lac Min II 14.7. HQ Lac Erroneously labeled VV307, instead of VV306, in the chart [05862]. HR Lac Min II 14.3. HT Lac In the region of the open cluster NGC 7209. HW Lac Min II 14.8. HX Lac Min II 14.8. HZ Lac Min II 15.0. IM Lac Min II 13.2. IN Lac E? IP Lac Min II 14.0. IR Lac Min II 15.4; d = 0.03P. IT Lac P var. IU Lac Min II 13.5. IY Lac Blazhko effect? IZ Lac Min II 12.7. KO Lac Min II 14.7. KP Lac P < 1d. KR Lac Min II 15.8; dII = 0.05P. KS Lac Depth of Min II 0.03m. KU Lac Depth of Min II 0.03m. LU Lac Min II 15.32. LW Lac d = 0.03P. Depth of Min II 0.03m? LY Lac Min II 12.6. LZ Lac Min II 12.5. MO Lac d = 0.04P. Depth of Min II 0.05m. MP Lac Min II 12.5. MV Lac Min II 15.0. MZ Lac Min II 12.1; Min II - Min I = 0.713P. MZ Lac Min II = 2433872.702 + 3.158719d*E. Elements for Min I MZ Lac are given in the Table. NN Lac d = 0.02P. np (usually brighter) component of a close pair. NN Lac The range of combined brightness is given in the Table. NO Lac Depth of Min II 0.03m. NR Lac Min II 13.4. Sp (brighter) component of a close pair. The NR Lac range of combined brightness is given in the Table. NU Lac EW? NW Lac Min II 13.9. Close binary, the components of which are NW Lac equal in brightness at minimum light. The range of NW Lac combined brightness is given in the Table. OO Lac Min II 12.8. OV Lac 150d <= P <= 200d. OX Lac Depth of Min II 0.04m. PP Lac Min II 12.0. PT Lac Min II 15.4. PZ Lac In the region of the open cluster NGC 7243. QQ Lac In the region of the open cluster NGC 7243. QU Lac Depth of Min II 0.04m. V0335 Lac Min II 15.8. V0338 Lac In the region of the open cluster IC 1434. V0339 Lac P = 3.4084964d? V0340 Lac Min II 12.4; Min II - Min I = 0.762P; V0340 Lac Min II = 2432858.521 + 19.943102d*E. V0340 Lac Elements for Min I are given in the Table. V0342 Lac Min II 12.9. V0343 Lac Min II - Min I = 0.57P. Depth of Min II 0.03m:. V0344 Lac Min II 13.0. Min I = 2433873.5784 + 0.39222768d*E V0344 Lac (JD2432800 - 35800); since JD2445200 - see Table. V0345 Lac Min II 11.6; Min II - Min I = 0.340P; DII = 0.040P; V0345 Lac dII = 0.014P. Apsidal motion is possible. V0347 Lac VB. V0350 Lac VB A (B 9.7m, 66", 94deg); SB1 (P = 17.755d [09356]). V0350 Lac Min II 6.45 [07468]. Mean magnitude varies. See also [08933]. V0355 Lac Northern component of a pair. V0360 Lac SB2 (P = 10d [09357]). Min II 5.93. V0362 Lac VB A (B 13.2m, 1.8", 49deg). V0363 Lac VB A (B 11.3m, F6 III - V:, 6.3", 325deg). V0364 Lac Min II 9.15; Min II - Min I = 0.52P; dI = 0.003P, V0364 Lac DII = 0.077P, dII = 0.009P. V0412 Lac SB, Porb = 41.95yr. V0413 Lac SB, Porb = 2.9833d. V0442 Lac Quasi-periodic brightness variations of a planetary nebula, possibly V0442 Lac due to variable mass loss or pulsations. V0450 Lac MinII 13.65. V0457 Lac A twice shorter period is not excluded. V0468 Lac Multiperiodic. V0485 Lac O'Connell effect. V0493 Lac EW type with a twice longer period is also possible. V0514 Lac A twice longer period is also possible. V0524 Lac VB A (B 4", 112deg, 1998). Double-mode pulsation. The other period is 0.101399d. V0529 Lac VB A (B 5", 297deg, 1998). V0556 Lac A twice longer period is also possible. V0568 Lac P = 0.12351d is also possible. V0600 Lac VB A (B 4.5", 207deg, 1998). V0607 Lac Near the galaxy 2MASX J22525476+5235101. V0639 Lac A twice longer period is also possible. V0651 Lac RRC type with P = 0.4109221d is also possible. V0665 Lac During each observing run, one or two of the three periods (that in the Table and also 48.10d and 46.09d) was observed. V0667 Lac VB A (15.4mG; B 15.8mG, 10", 21deg, 2000). V0680 Lac Triple-mode pulsations. The Table presents the first-overtone period (P1). P2 = 0.14968d, P3 = 0.12458. V0681 Lac VB A (13.6mG; B 14.3mG, 5.5", 309deg, 2000). The variability range in the Table is for combined light. V0685 Lac The Table contains light elements for eclipses. DSCT pulsations: P = 0.060193d, amplitude = 0.1mag. V0693 Lac A twice longer period is also possible. V0696 Lac VB B (A 13.5mG, B 15.1mG; AB 7", 266deg, 2000). The variability range in the Table is for combined light. V0700 Lac VB A (16.1mG; B 16.2mG, 3", 222deg, 2000). The variability range in the Table is for combined light. V0712 Lac VB (16.9mG, 17.1mG, 2", 169deg, 2000). The variability range in the Table is for combined light. V0716 Lac VB B (A 15.3mG, B 15.7mG; AB 20", 322deg, 2000); other companions around. A twice longer period is not excluded. V0717 Lac O'Connell effect. V0720 Lac Not red. V0724 Lac VB A (15.1mG; B 15.2mG, 11", 211deg, 2000). V0734 Lac VB B (A 13.2mG, B 14.4mG; AB 7", 344deg, 2000). The variability range in the Table is for combined light. V0737 Lac VB (14.3mG, 14.5mG, 4", 328deg, 2000). The variable is NW- comp. The variability range in the Table is for combined light. V0741 Lac Type EW with a twice longer period is not excluded. V0743 Lac VB B (A 14.1mG, B 15.9mG; AB 4", 190deg, 2000). The variability range in the Table is for combined light. V0745 Lac VB B (A 13.7mG, B 16.6mG; AB 6.5", 26deg, 2000). The variability range in the Table is for combined light. V0773 Lac Blended with several fainter stars. The variability range in the Table is for combined light. V0782 Lac VB A (15.6mG; B 16.4mG, 6.5", 344deg, 2000). V0787 Lac O'Connell effect. V0788 Lac VB (14.8mG, 16.0mG, 1", 88deg, 2000). The variability range in the Table is for combined light. V0795 Lac Period varies. V0805 Lac Multiperiodic. P2 = 0.68501d, possible P3 = 0.5672d. V0807 Lac O'Connell effect. V0813 Lac Multiperiodic, P2 = 0.6878d. V0815 Lac Double maxima, at phases 0.00P and -0.12P. V0820 Lac Type ELL with a twice longer period is also possible. V0832 Lac VB A (11.8mG; B 14.1mG, 7.5", 125deg, 2000). V0843 Lac O'Connell effect. V0845 Lac VB A (15.9mG; B 17.5mG, 5", 257deg, 2000). V0863 Lac VB? V0880 Lac VB A (15.5mG; B 16.7mG, 9", 245deg, 2000). V0881 Lac P = 52d is superposed. V0886 Lac VB A (13.2mG; B 14.4mG, 9", 115deg, 2000). V0896 Lac VB A (12.2mG; B 13.5mG, 5", 75deg, 2000). V0898 Lac VB A (16.1mG; B 17.1mG, 4", 304deg, 2000). Type EW with a twice longer period is also possible. V0910 Lac VB (A 15.2mG, B 15.6mG, 1.2", 29deg, 2000). The variability range in the Table is for combined light. V0931 Lac Long-term variations of mean brightness with an amplitude about 0.18mag, a cycle about 3000d is possible. V0936 Lac Long-term variations of mean brightness with an amplitude about 0.14mag, a cycle about 2600d is possible. V0938 Lac Pulsation cycle about 73d. V0942 Lac Long-term variations of mean brightness with an amplitude about 0.10mag, a cycle about 2500d is possible. V0953 Lac VB B (A 16.3mG, B 16.4mG; AB 2", 223deg, 2000). V0957 Lac Distortion wave with the period 7.36d. V0961 Lac Only two fadings were observed. V0993 Lac VB B (A 15.5mG, B 15.6mG; AB 6", 218deg, 2000). V0994 Lac MinII - MinI = 0.46P. V0998 Lac VB A (15.8mG; B 16.2mG, 4.5", 162deg, 2000). V1000 Lac Another cycle is 44.2d. V1018 Lac VB A (17.0mG; B 17.2mG, 4", 322deg, 2000). V1020 Lac VB A (15.0mG; B 16.0mG, 1.6", 10deg, 2000). Type EW with a twice longer period is not excluded. R Leo P var. Max = 2385112 + 312.43d*E (JD2385100 - 2402500); R Leo Max = 2402929 + 314.33d*E (JD2402500 - 11500); R Leo Max = 2411416 + 308.93d*E (JD2411500 - 16500); R Leo Max = 2416984 + 317.84d*E (JD2416500 - 22500); R Leo Max = 2423328 + 312.75d*E (JD2422500 - 27000); R Leo Max = 2427081 + 307.40d*E (JD2427000 - 30000); R Leo Max = 2437337 + 312.13d*E (JD2430000 - 37500); R Leo since JD2437500 - see Table. SiO, H2O, OH maser. S Leo P var. Max = 2420654 + 189.24d*E (JD2420200 - 26100); S Leo Max = 2426142 + 185.92d*E (JD2426100 - 28100); S Leo since JD2428100 - see Table. V Leo H2O maser. W Leo P var. Max = 2434651 + 385.41d*E (JD2409500 - 35000); W Leo since JD2437500 - see Table. OH maser. Y Leo P var. Min = 2422372.520 + 1.6860978d*E (JD2418000 - 23500) Y Leo [02389]; Min = 2422372.5368 + 1.68607314d*E Y Leo (JD2423500 - 38600) [09307]; since JD2438600 - see Table. Y Leo There is periodic term in the elements given in the Table: Y Leo +0.00375d*sin(0.21487deg*E + 141.7deg). Depth of Min II Y Leo 0.1m IR. RR Leo Delta(S) = 7.1. P var. Max = 2430440.3385 + 0.45238172d*E + RR Leo 1.963d*10**(-10)*E**2 (1898 - 1977) [08299]; since RR Leo JD2441400 - see Table. RT Leo Min II 10.5. RW Leo P var. Before JD2440800 Min = 2424993.458 + RW Leo 1.6825365d*E [03115]; since JD2440800 - see Table. RX Leo Delta(S) = 6.8. SS Leo P var. Max = 2415485.723 + 0.62633242d*E SS Leo (JD2414000 - 22000) [00752]; since JD2422000 - see Table. SS Leo [Fe/H] = -1.59. ST Leo (k - b)2 = 0.08. SZ Leo P var. Before JD2442500 Max = 2425331.400 + SZ Leo 0.5340833d*E [04157]; since JD2442500 - see Table. SZ Leo Light curve shape var? TU Leo Minor planet (8) Flora. TV Leo P var. Max = 2419852.318 + 0.6728362d*E TV Leo (JD2419000 - 28000) [00001]; since JD2437000 - see Table. TV Leo (k - b)2 = -0.01. TX Leo VB A (B 7.8m, 2", 157deg, 1971); TX Leo A binary according to lunar occultation data: ro = 0.0005". TX Leo The range of combined brightness is given. TX Leo Min II 5.69; DII = 0.19P; Min II - Min I = 0.550P. TY Leo Elements need confirmation. UU Leo Min II 11.5. P var. Since JD2430000 - see Table. UV Leo Min II 9.49; d = 0.014P. P var. Before JD2434000 UV Leo Min I = 2425574.302 + 0.60008516d*E [07554]; UV Leo since JD2434000 - see Table. UX Leo Min II 10.4. UX Leo Moments of Min by BBSAG contradict the tabulated elements. UZ Leo Min II 10.12. P var, nonlinear term: +2.8d*10**(-12)*E**2. XX Leo Min II 11.4. Period should be checked. XY Leo Min II 9.80. P var. Min = 2435195.66306 + 0.2841091d*E XY Leo (JD2434000 - 36500) [03392]; Min = 2437376.465 + XY Leo 0.28409592d*E (JD2436500 - 40000) [00001]; Min = XY Leo 2441005.5364 + 0.28410727d*E (JD2441000 - 44000) XY Leo [09084]; since JD2444000 - see Table. XY Leo The light curve shape var. XZ Leo Min II 11.1. AB Leo Epoch of Min is given. AB Leo According to [01853], Max = 2428880 + AB Leo 103.2d*E (JD2414600 - 19000, 2428000 - 31600); AB Leo During other time intervals cycles 75d - 125d. AD Leo mu = 0.49", P = 265deg; pi = 0.20". AD Leo X-ray and radio source. Astrometric binary? AF Leo H2O maser. AM Leo VB A (B 10.64m, 11", 270deg). Min II 9.83. AP Leo Min II 9.88. P var. Min = 2414986.868 + 0.430350d*E AP Leo (JD2414700 - 18600); since JD2418600 - see Table. AP Leo Light curve shape var. AQ Leo Elements for fundamental mode pulsations (P0) see Table. AQ Leo For the first overtone: P1 var?; AQ Leo P1 = 0.4101369d (1929 - 1969); P1 = 0.410130d (1957 - AQ Leo 1969); during 1973 - 1975 Max1 = AQ Leo 2441766.486 + 0.4101487d*E. delta(M0) = 0.23m, AQ Leo delta(M1) = 0.46M. AU Leo Vr = +7545 km/s. Variability is doubtful. BB Leo [Fe/H] = -1.32. BL Leo Min II14.4. P var. Since JD2442000 - see Table. BV Leo Min II 16.1. BW Leo Min II 15.4. BX Leo [Fe/H] = -1.23. BZ Leo Min II 15.8. CD Leo Light curve shape var. CE Leo Min II 12.5. P var? CE Leo Min by BBSAG contradict the tabulated elements. CN Leo Mu = 4.7", P = 235deg; pi = 0.41". CN Leo Soft X-ray source, radio source. CW Leo Dust envelope, 6"*4". CW Leo Molecular radioemission: SiO, SiS, HCN, HC3N, CO, H2O, CW Leo NH3, etc. Polarization in I band up to 24%. CX Leo VB A (B 12.3m, 132deg); SB (Porb = 12685.4d). CY Leo mu = 0.307", P = 141.3deg; pi = 0.022". CY Leo Outside flares Delta(m) < = 0.036m; P = 600s, 822s, 1638s CY Leo [06209]. A single strong flare with delta(M) = 0.61m in CY Leo blue light of 10 Min duration was observed [06141], CY Leo which is attributed by several authors to the presence of CY Leo a red flaring companion. DE Leo P = 1.2d - 2.0d? DG Leo VB B (A 6.6m, A 8IV, SB2, Porb = 4.15d; B 6.9m, 0.271", DG Leo 211.2deg, 1980, Porb ~200yr). DG Leo The range of the bombined brightness is given. DH Leo SB1, Porb = 1.070354d. FL Leo Variability range according to E.M. Halbedel, IBVS No. 3502, 1990. FX Leo Not a nearby star (despite having a Gl number). GU Leo MinII 12.19. GV Leo MinII 11.87. HI Leo The depth of MinII is 0.5. HK Leo Epoch of Min is given. HM Leo Porb = 0.1868d. HQ Leo The tabulated amplitude was probably influenced by a companion in 35" np. HY Leo Porb = 0.1736d; Pspin = 0.04804d. IK Leo Superhumps P = 0.056281d. IQ Leo Min II = 15.2. IU Leo Porb = 0.3763d. KO Leo P = 0.293919d is also possible. KT Leo P = 0.256494 is also possible. KV Leo Multiperiodic. SB? LR Leo Pulsates in the first overtone (see Table) and fundamental (Max = 2454701.577 + 0.557447d x E) modes. P1/P0 = 0.7469. A nonradial mode with P = 0.559369d may also be present. LU Leo O'Connell effect. LY Leo O'Connell effect. LZ Leo VB A (13.6mV; B 15.7mV, 9", 258deg, 2000). MV Leo Porb = 0.14608d. NV Leo Double-mode pulsations. The Table gives the first-overtone light elements. For the fundamental mode, Max = 2454800.541 + 0.483098d x E. P1/P0 = 0.7441. OX Leo Multiperiodic. P2 = 0.89405d. PS Leo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.509437d; P1/P0 = 0.7443. PW Leo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.503529d; P1/P0 = 0.7454. PX Leo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.521624d; P1/P0 = 0.7456. PY Leo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.530969d; P1/P0 = 0.7455. PZ Leo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.536083d; P1/P0 = 0.7462. QQ Leo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.502380d; P1/P0 = 0.7456. QR Leo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.561943d; P1/P0 = 0.7460. QS Leo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.471002d; P1/P0 = 0.7440. QU Leo P1 is presented in the Table. Additional non-radial mode, P = 0.359842d. QU Leo P0 = 0.490181d; P1/P0 = 0.7441. QV Leo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.560076d; P1/P0 = 0.7455. QY Leo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.469265d; P1/P0 = 0.7432. V0335 Leo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.481418d; P1/P0 = 0.7445. V0338 Leo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.553220d; P1/P0 = 0.7466. V0340 Leo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.489670d; P1/P0 = 0.7450. V0342 Leo VB A (B 11.9m, 35", 300deg, 2011). V0343 Leo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.465896d; P1/P0 = 0.7435. V0344 Leo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.533747d; P1/P0 = 0.7461. V0345 Leo P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.358597d; P1/P0 = 0.7442. V0350 Leo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.547015d; P1/P0 = 0.7460. V0351 Leo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.472132d; P1/P0 = 0.7438. V0352 Leo P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.504562d, P1/P0 = 0.7447. V0353 Leo VB A (B 11.2mV, 13", 203deg, 2017). V0354 Leo Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.11490105d, P1/P0 = 0.7707. V0355 Leo Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.05352909d, P1/P0 = 0.7826. V0356 Leo VB A (10.5mG; B 13.3mG, 3", 286deg, 2000). V0357 Leo Porb = 0.05909d, Psh = 0.06024d. V0360 Leo Porb = 0.05423d, Psh = 0.05489d. R LMi SiO, H2O, OH mazer. T LMi Min II 10.97. P var. Min I = 2420573.698 + 3.019889d*E T LMi (JD2420200 - 25000); Min I = 2423856.323 + T LMi 3.0199336d*E (JD2423800 - 35500); since JD2438400 - see T LMi Table. U LMi 1m <= A <= 3.3m. Periodicity sometimes breaks down. V LMi Delta(S) = 5.7. Y LMi P var. Max = 2428636.322 + 0.52443938d*E + 0.0597d* Y LMi *sin(0.0657deg*E + 27.2deg) (JD2425250 - 28500); Max = Y LMi 2428636.348 + 0.5244564d*E (JD2428500 - 30000) Y LMi [01856]; mean elements Y LMi for interval JD2432200 - 38900 are given in the Y LMi Table; in this interval the period changed with the Y LMi cycle of ~2100d. Blazhko effect with the period 33.4d Y LMi [01856]; 07m <= A <= 1.9m, 0.19P <= m - M <= 0.44P. RT LMi Min II 11.7. RU LMi Spectrum description [09326]. RW LMi VB A (B 15.5m B, 9", 10deg). 0.3m - 2.6m K, 7.64m - 10.71m, RW LMi 9.7m - 14.6m R, 14.1m - 18.1m B, 14.8m - 18.6m U. RW LMi Mean brightness varies. Gaseous-dust circumstellar RW LMi envelope. CO emission. Spectrum description [09327]. RY LMi VB A (B 16.1m, dM2, 15", 126deg); mu = 0.14", P = 264deg. RY LMi P0 = 215.197388s, dP0/dt = 5.6s*10**(-14)/s, A0 = 0.0440m; RY LMi P1 = 304.4s, A1 = 0.0150m; P2 = 271.0s, A2 = 0.0134m; RY LMi P3 = 107.6s, A3 = 0.0032m; P4 = 126.2s, A4 = 0.0028m; RY LMi P5 = 119.8s, A5 = 0.0026m. RY LMi Mean brightness varies by 0.05m. WZ LMi MinII 12.68. XX LMi MinII 12.56. XY LMi MinII 11.13. XZ LMi SB1? YY LMi SB1? YZ LMi Min II = 19.3. AC LMi Porb = 0.07938d. AD LMi SB1, Porb = 15.465d. AE LMi Min II = 13.1. AF LMi Min II = 14.5. AG LMi Min II = 10.75:. A twice longer period, with equally deep minima, is also possible. AR LMi P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.493881d; P1/P0 = 0.7448. AV LMi P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.547379d; P1/P0 = 0.7460. AW LMi Additional non-radial mode, P = 0.3056288d; P(Blazhko) = 25d. AX LMi P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.487467d; P1/P0 = 0.7445. AY LMi Additional non-radial mode, P = 0.313789d; P(Blazhko) = 13.4d. AZ LMi P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.571772d; P1/P0 = 0.7459. BB LMi P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.535953d; P1/P0 = 0.7463. BC LMi P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.4598247d, P1/P0 = 0.7429. R Lep P var. Max = 2398883 + 436.44d*E (JD2398000 - 2412000); R Lep Max = 2412849 + 418.04d*E (JD2412000 - 23000); R Lep Max = 2423300 + 441.38d*E (JD2423000 - 36000); R Lep since JD2436000 - see Table. R Lep A var; 5.5m <= Max <= 9.5m (Possible period is more R Lep than 40 years [03402]). S Lep Mean magnitude varies with the cycle of 890d. H2O maser. T Lep SiO maser. U Lep P var. Max = 2425084.431 + 0.58147098d*E U Lep (JD2411000 - 25090); Max = 2425084.431 + 0.58147377d*E U Lep (JD2425080 - 37700) [03403]; since JD2436600 - see Table. U Lep Delta(S) = 8.5; (k - b)2 = 0.00. V Lep Min II 9.9. Z Lep Min II 12.0:. RR Lep Min II 10.4. RS Lep Min II 9.96. RU Lep P var? RZ Lep S 4/4. SS Lep SB2 (Porb = 258.2d [09363]). SY Lep VB A (B 15.2m: V, 18", 270deg). AM Lep VB B (A = HR 1696, 4.45m, B8V; B 12", 337deg, 1998). BC Lep Min II = 10.70. BH Lep A brown dwarf with periodic brightness variations. BL Lep VB (6", 19deg, 1999); the variable is probably the southern component. Combined magnitudes are presented in the Table. BN Lep P varies strongly. BO Lep VB A (11.4mV; B 11.6mV, 19", 163deg, 1998). BW Lep Type EW (EC) with a twice longer period is also possible. Cluster non-member. BX Lep P varies [g1127]. CF Lep Crowded. CH Lep Multiperiodic. P0 is presented in the Table, P1 = 0.0391700d. P1/P0 = 0.7791. CI Lep Cluster non-member. CK Lep Crowded. CM Lep Crowded. CN Lep Crowded. CO Lep Multiperiodic. P2 = 0.36099d and P3 = 0.37037d are probably non-radial modes. CT Lep Blazhko effect [g1126]. CW Lep Cluster non-member. CX Lep Cluster non-member. CZ Lep Cluster non-member. DD Lep Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0503301d, P1/P0 = 0.7732. DE Lep Multimode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.06870810d, P1/P0 = 0.7716. Non-radial mode Pn = 0.0688260d. S Lib P var. Max = 2405692 + 192.14d*E (JD2402700 - 24000); S Lib Max = 2424141 + 194.74d*E (JD2424000 - 30500); S Lib Max = 2431900 + 190.34d*E (JD2430500 - 37200); S Lib Max = 2439203 + 197.61d*E (JD2437200 - 39300); S Lib since JD2441000 - see Table. Mean value of the period is S Lib given in the Table. A var (1.8m <= A <= 5m). W Lib P var. Max = 2412272 + 203.76d*E (JD2412000 - 28500); W Lib Max = 2428573 + 201.48d*E (JD2428500 - 34000); W Lib since JD2434000 - see Table. X Lib P var. Max = 2423500 + 165.75d*E (JD2413000 - 25000); X Lib since JD2425000 - see Table. Y Lib P var. Max = 2413452 + 275.7d*E (JD2413400 - 22000); Y Lib Max = 2422273 + 272.5d*E (JD2422000 - 28000) [00458]; Y Lib Max = 2434921 + 277.04d*E (JD2428000 - 35000); Y Lib since JD2435000 - see Table. Z Lib P var. Max = 2417736 + 294.5d*E (JD2407100 - 17800); Z Lib since JD2424400 - see Table. RR Lib P var. Max = 2409699 + 277.4d*E (JD2409600 - 15600); RR Lib Max = 2416345 + 273.2d*E (JD2416300 - 19700); RR Lib Max = 2421027 + 278.6d*E (JD2421000 - 27150) [00458]; RR Lib since JD2427150 - see Table. RS Lib P var. Max = 2413396 + 217.2d*E (JD2413300 - 20000); RS Lib Max = 2420110 + 219.6d*E (JD2420000 - 27500) [00458]; RS Lib Max = 2429078 + 215.6d*E (JD2427500 - 35000); RS Lib Max = 2438196 + 219.9d*E (JD2435000 - 42600); RS Lib since JD2441700 - see Table. RT Lib P var. Max = 2413776 + 254.21d*E (JD2413000 - 19000); RT Lib since JD2419000 - see Table. RU Lib P var. Max = 2413363 + 312.0d*E (JD2413300 - 16200); RU Lib Max = 2416807 + 322.5d*E (JD2416800 - 21000); RU Lib Max = 2421309 + 317.0d*E (JD2421300 - 24200); RU Lib Max = 2424804 + 311.5d*E (JD2424800 - 29800) [00458]; RU Lib Max = 2434909 + 319.9d*E (JD2429800 - 35000); since RU Lib JD2437700 - see Table. RV Lib Min II 9.44. RX Lib [A/H] = -0.5. P var. Max = 2430913.6 + 24.950d*E RX Lib (JD2425000 - 36300) [00266]; since JD2436300 - see Table. SS Lib Min II 10.8; d = 0.030P. ST Lib VB A (B 14m, 14", 0deg). TV Lib Delta(S) = 2.5. TY Lib d = 0.019P. UW Lib [Fe/H] = - 0.25. VV Lib P var. Max = 2424268.474 + 0.4781418d*E VV Lib (JD2419800 - 2425000); since JD2425000 - see Table. VW Lib Observations given in VW Lib [00293] contradict the elements given in the Table. VY Lib P var? [03506].Delta(S) = 6. VZ Lib Min II 10.55; dI = 0.000P; dII = 0.005P. P var. Min I = VZ Lib 2429022.227 + 0.358053d*E (JD2428600 - 30400) VZ Lib [09368]; Min I = 2430899.223 + 0.358448d*E VZ Lib (JD2430400 - 32400) [02532]; since JD2444330 - see Table. YZ Lib Min II 12.9. AA Lib P var? The elements are valid in the interval AA Lib JD2427800 - 29600. AF Lib The chart in [06286] has south on top. AP Lib Z = 0.0486. AQ Lib [Fe/H] = -0.60. BE Lib The chart in [06286] is wrong. BH Lib Recommended chart in [06286]: part III, page 50. BT Lib Min II 12.3. BW Lib The chart in [06286] is wrong. CG Lib [Fe/H] = -1.82. P var. Max = 2438592.287 + 0.3068674d*E CG Lib (JD2427800 - 39600) [07557]; since JD2439600 - see Table. CQ Lib The coordinates in [01870] are wrong. CZ Lib The chart in [06286], part I, page 40 is wrong. Recomended CZ Lib chart in [06286]: part III, page 52. EH Lib Delta(S) = 0. 9.35m <= Max < = 9.49m V; EH Lib Max (A) = 2442162.556 + 0.273778d*E [09336]. ES Lib Min II 7.33. EU Lib 70d <= P <= 90d. FI Lib 90d <= P <= 110d. FS Lib OH emission. FX Lib Spectrum description [06167, 09371]. KZ Lib MinII 11.22. LZ Lib Deviations from the light curve with the tabulated period reveal P2 = 0.334339d, also with an EW light curve. A quadruple system? MR Lib Blazhko effect, P = 41.7d. NY Lib P = 0.361945d is also possible. OO Lib P = 0.462571d is also possible. OR Lib The mean brightness varies slowly. OZ Lib Superposed variations with an amplitude up to 0.5m and a period about 53d. PT Lib Min II = 14.6. A twice shorter period and type RRC are possible. PW Lib P varies? [80001]. QZ Lib Superhumps, P= 0.064602d. V0339 Lib Min II = 14.2. V0351 Lib Min II = 14.0. V0364 Lib Two outbursts were observed. Porb = 0.70242d. V0366 Lib P varies. The light elements in the Table are for JD 2453639 - 2455100. V0368 Lib Double-mode pulsations. The Table contains light elements for the first overtone. Fundamental mode: Max = 2455000.800 + 0.57857d x E. P1/P0 = 0.7443. V0377 Lib P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.544401d; P1/P0 = 0.7455. V0379 Lib P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.483137d; P1/P0 = 0.7447. V0381 Lib [Fe/H] = -2.01. V0382 Lib Type BLBOO (BLBoo) is also possible. V0392 Lib Blended. V0393 Lib Porb = 0.05660d, Psh = 0.05735d. V0394 Lib Porb = 0.06101d. del Lib VB A (B 11.3m, 9", 351deg; C 12.80m, 67", 90deg); Min II del Lib 4.98. P var? S Lup VB A (B = X Lup, 13", 176deg). P var. Max = 2411950 + S Lup 347.81d*E (JD2411950 - 14000); Max = 2414040 + S Lup 339.31d*E (JD2414000 - 19000); Max = 2419135 + S Lup 345.12d*E (JD2419000 - 26000); Max = 2426038 + S Lup 336.60d*E (JD2426000 - 29500); Max = 2429743 + S Lup 345.15d*E (JD2429500 - 35000); since JD2437600 - see Table. X Lup VB B (A = S Lup). Y Lup P var. Max = 2424691 + 408.15d*E (JD2423000 - Y Lup 25500); Max = 2425503 + 394.81d*E (JD2425500 - Y Lup 30250); Max = 2430641 + 407.75d*E (JD2430250 - Y Lup 35000); since JD2437900 - see Table. RU Lup Sometimes varies quasiperiodically: P1 = 3.5457d, P2 = RU Lup 3.8375 [02412]. H2O maser. RY Lup Quasiperiodicity: P = 3.7609d [09366]. SX Lup Min II 11.8. TY Lup The chart in [06286] is wrong. UX Lup [A/H] = -0.9. P var. P = 16.2403d (JD2411526 - UX Lup 14040); P = 16.2065d (JD2414040 - 24016); P = UX Lup 16.2492d (JD2424016 - 25638); P = 16.1794d UX Lup (JD2425638 - 26449); P = 16.2241d (JD2426449 - 29693) UX Lup [05387]. VV Lup Close northern companion. VZ Lup P var? Light curve shape var? CC Lup The chart in [06286] is wrong. CW Lup The charts in [06286] are wrong. CX Lup Min II 12.8. CY Lup High Max every 360d, especially faint Min 80d before CY Lup these high Max. DG Lup Min II 15.1. DQ Lup The chart in [06286] is wrong. DY Lup In [00087] the information on variability of DY Lup is DY Lup accompanied by the coordinates of DZ Lup and vice versa. DY Lup The chart for DY Lup in [06286] is labeled DZ Lup, the DY Lup chart for DZ Lup in [06286] is wrong. DZ Lup In [00087] the information on variability of DY Lup is DZ Lup accompanied by the coordinates of DZ Lup and vice versa. DZ Lup The chart for DY Lup in [06286] is labeled DZ Lup, the DZ Lup chart for DZ Lup in [06286] is wrong. EL Lup VB. ER Lup P2 = 140d. EU Lup The chart in [06286] is wrong. FK Lup Min II 10.7:. FM Lup The chart in [02385] is wrong. FR Lup Deep Min II. FT Lup Min II 9.98. dI = 0.025P?, dII >= 0.066P. P var. FT Lup Before JD2439300 Min I = 2427987.310 + 0.470089d*E FT Lup [03948]; since JD2445000 - see Table. All the observations FT Lup are well represented also by the elements: FT Lup Min I = 2445061.834 + 0.470083d*E - 0.114d*10**(-9)*E**2 FT Lup [09360]. Light curve shape var? FV Lup Min II 11.2. GG Lup Min II 5.8. GN Lup VB A (B 10.2m vis, 10", 98deg). GO Lup Relatively short P. GW Lup In the dark nebula Barnard 228. HL Lup The initial identification with 2U 1543 - 47 is wrong. HL Lup 2U 1543 - 47 = IL Lup. HM Lup B - V: +1.12. HN Lup B - V: +1.55, +1.68. HO Lup B - V: +0.70, +0.81. OO Lup A twice shorter period is not excluded. OR Lup SB3, G1IV/V + G8:V/IV: + K0:V. OT Lup A twice shorter period is not excluded. OU Lup MinII - MinI = 0.28P. PP Lup MinII - MinI = 0.28P. PQ Lup Blazhko effect, P=48.8d. PS Lup P varies, current elements are given. PZ Lup Min II = 10.67. QQ Lup Min II = 13.2. QT Lup Min II = 12.80. QU Lup Min II = 10.53. dP/dt = -0.61 x 10^{-5} d/yr. VB AB (11.3, 11.3, 0.8", 326deg, 1991). QV Lup Min II = 11.68. QZ Lup Min II = 8.43:. V0339 Lup Blazhko effect, P = 49.5d. V0353 Lup Min II = 12.7. V0363 Lup Min II = 11.85. V0372 Lup OH, SiO maser. V0378 Lup Min II = 11.0. V0379 Lup Min II = 9.89. V0386 Lup Min II = 11.3. V0412 Lup VB A (18.3mG; B 19.5mG, 2.5", 269deg, 2000). V0414 Lup Blended. V0417 Lup Blended. V0421 Lup Blended. V0423 Lup Blended. V0425 Lup VB A (18.4mG; B 18.6mG, 3.5", 23deg, 2000). V0426 Lup Crowded field. V0436 Lup VB B (A 18.0mG, B 18.4mG; AB 3.4", 164deg, 2000). V0448 Lup VB? V0451 Lup Crowded. V0452 Lup Crowded. V0455 Lup Crowded. V0458 Lup VB B (A 14.4mG, B 14.5mG; AB 4", 198deg, 2000). V0459 Lup Blazhko effect? alf Lup VB A (B 14.0m, 27.6", 232deg, 1901). alf Lup Soft X-ray source. P2 = 3.145d is possible [08417]. gam Lup SB, Porb = 2.8081d. del Lup Less probable variant of elements: del Lup Max = 2441045.160 + 0.14273*E. R Lyn S 4/5E - S 6/6 - . S Lyn VB A (B 14m, 12.6", 155deg). P var. Max = 2414564 + S Lyn 300.26d*E (JD2414500 - 27400); Max = 2434241 + S Lyn 294.42d*E (JD2427400 - 35100); Max = 2440225 + S Lyn 300.44d*E (JD2435100 - 40220); since S Lyn JD2440220 - see Table. T Lyn P var. Max = 2425012 + 419.0d*E (JD2412800 - 34700); T Lyn since JD2434700 - see Table. U Lyn H2O, OH emission. P var. Max = 2417168 + U Lyn 440.3d*E (JD2417100 - 26000) [00458]; Max = U Lyn 2435908 + 432.05d*E (JD2426000 - 36000); Max = U Lyn 2439898 + 447.1d*E (JD2436000 - 40000); since U Lyn JD2440000 - see Table. V Lyn Cycles 55d and 87d replace one another. Mean brightness V Lyn varies. Y Lyn SB. RR Lyn VB A (B 10m, 50"). Min II 5.90; Min II = 2438051.3115 + RR Lyn 9.945074d*E; E = 0.081; Min II - Min I = 0.45P (JD2437700). RW Lyn [Fe/H] = -1.37. RZ Lyn Min II 10.8. SW Lyn Min II 9.65; dI = 0.038P. P var. Min I = 2425643.323 + SW Lyn 0.6440661d*E (JD2425640 - 35850) [02742]; Min I = SW Lyn 2438795.8016 + 0.6440520d*E (JD2438380 - 840) SW Lyn [09387]; Min I = 2440614.0107 + 0.6440729d*E SW Lyn (JD2439500 - 40620) [00001]; Min I = 2442786.4493 + SW Lyn 0.6440677d*E (JD2440650 - 42790) [07292]; SW Lyn since JD2442780 - see Table. SX Lyn Min II 10.1. P var. Min I = 2428636.375 + 2.0225615d*E SX Lyn (JD2427400 - 34700) [00519]; Min I = 2442561.424 + SX Lyn 2.0225172d*E (JD2442400 - 44000); since JD2444000 - see SX Lyn Table. SZ Lyn SB (Porb = 1146d, E = 0.26 [09388]). Delta(S) = 0. SZ Lyn There is a periodical term in the elements: SZ Lyn -0.00573d cos 2pi (EP0/P1 + 0.007); P0 = 0.120534920d, SZ Lyn P1 = 1150d. Amplitude and shape of the light curve vary. TT Lyn Delta(S) = 7. TV Lyn [Fe/H] = -0.99. TW Lyn Delta(S) = 10. P var. Max = 2418676.804 + 0.4817201d*E TW Lyn (JD2418670 - 20155); Max = 2420155.685 + 0.4816929d*E TW Lyn (JD2420155 - 27480); Max = 2427479.359 + 0.4817481d*E TW Lyn (JD2427480 - 28630); TW Lyn Max = 2428627.310 + 0.4818529d*E (JD2428620 - 37800) TW Lyn [02819]. Since JD2445000 - see Table. TZ Lyn Epoch of Min brightness is given. UU Lyn Min II 11.82. UV Lyn Min II 9.78. UZ Lyn VR var (P = 0.065d [09392]). VV Lyn VB A (B 11.76m, 38.6",354deg); SB. VW Lyn P1 = 590s, P2 = 260s [09393]. CW Lyn Type RRC: is also possible. DY Lyn MinII 10.16. EO Lyn Min II = 14.1. EQ Lyn Porb = 0.0599d. EZ Lyn Brightenings and mini-outbursts between superoutburts, 16.5m - 17.1mV, with oscillations (Delta V about 0.2m, P = 0.0295d). Superhumps in superoutbursts: P = 0.0597d. FG Lyn Min II = 11.00. FH Lyn Porb = 0.2890d. FI Lyn Min II = 10.18. FL Lyn Possible Porb = 0.0687d. Superhumps P = 0.06921d. FN Lyn Min II = 10.36. FT Lyn Min II = 13.08. HS Lyn A twice shorter period is not excluded. IW Lyn VB A (B 7", 349deg, 1999). IZ Lyn Probably a VB unresolved in the photometry. KX Lyn [Fe/H] = -1.9. LO Lyn Blazhko effect, P=9.763d. LR Lyn Blazhko effect? [81001]. LV Lyn P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.360108d; P1/P0 = 0.7460. LW Lyn P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.477799d; P1/P0 = 0.7442. MM Lyn P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.480261d; P1/P0 = 0.7442. MQ Lyn Additional non-radial mode, P = 0.2534778d; P(Blazhko) = 22.7d. MR Lyn P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.485654d; P1/P0 = 0.7451. MS Lyn Porb = 0.080d. MT Lyn P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.501434d; P1/P0 = 0.7447. MV Lyn P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.478181d; P1/P0 = 0.7442. MW Lyn Period varies. NQ Lyn Cluster non-member? [g0001]. NR Lyn The coordinates in [g0136] are offset by 3.5". A twice longer period is also possible [g0001]. NZ Lyn VB B, with a close bright companion. OW Lyn Crowded. OX Lyn Crowded. OZ Lyn Crowded. PP Lyn Crowded. PQ Lyn Close to the cluster center, crowded. PR Lyn Crowded. PS Lyn The proper motion in the Gaia DR2 catalog does not seem realistic. PU Lyn Crowded. PW Lyn Crowded. PX Lyn Crowded. PY Lyn Crowded. PZ Lyn Blend. QQ Lyn Crowded. QR Lyn Crowded. QS Lyn Crowded. QT Lyn Crowded. QU Lyn VB B, with a close bright companion. QX Lyn Crowded. QY Lyn Crowded. QZ Lyn Crowded. V0335 Lyn Crowded. V0336 Lyn P varies. V0339 Lyn Crowded. V0343 Lyn Crowded. V0344 Lyn Crowded. The magnitude range in the Table is likely contaminated by companions. V0346 Lyn Crowded. V0348 Lyn The light elements in the Table are for the first overtone. P0 = 0.54621d; P1/P0 = 0.7452. V0351 Lyn Crowded. V0352 Lyn VB? V0354 Lyn Crowded. V0357 Lyn Crowded. V0366 Lyn Crowded. V0368 Lyn Crowded. V0388 Lyn Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.05999301d, P1/P0 = 0.7754. V0389 Lyn Porb = 0.15688d. V0390 Lyn Double-mode pulsations. P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.08486650d, P1/P0 = 0.7733. V0392 Lyn Psh = 0.05855d. V0393 Lyn Porb = 0.070d, Psh = 0.07076d. S Lyr P var. Max = 2416186 + 432.01d*E (JD2415700 - 20100); S Lyr Max = 2420961 + 445.83d*E (JD2420900 - 26500); S Lyr Max = 2426748 + 429.01d*E (JD2426500 - 30700); S Lyr Max = 2432357 + 441.88d*E (JD2432000 - 34600); S Lyr since JD2442500 - see Table. U Lyr VB A (B 13.0m, 9.4", 182deg). P var. Max = 2418345 + U Lyr 459.22d*E (JD2418000 - 27000); since JD2432000 - see U Lyr Table. V Lyr OH maser. W Lyr P var. Max = 2415578 + 198.39d*E (JD2413000 - 19000); W Lyr Max = 2420322 + 194.99d*E (JD2419000 - 25500); W Lyr Max = 2431326 + 198.97d*E (JD2427000 - 31500); W Lyr Max = 2432494 + 195.11d*E (JD2431500 - 36500); W Lyr since JD2437500 - see Table. Y Lyr Delta(S) = 0.8. Z Lyr P var. Max = 2418150 + 285.07d*E (JD2417500 - 22200); Z Lyr Max = 2423600 + 291.37d*E (JD2422200 - 29500); Z Lyr Max = 2430000 + 284.00d*E (JD2429500 - 36800); Z Lyr since JD2436800 - see Table. RR Lyr [Fe/H] = -1.14. Delta(S) = 6. Blazhko effect of variable RR Lyr amplitude (practically to complete disappearance of RR Lyr Blazhko effect); Pi = 40.8d. Variations of Max light RR Lyr phase up to 0.14P; magnitude in Max var in the range RR Lyr up to 0.6m, that in Min var in the range up to 0.1m RR Lyr [03418].According to [07270], a cycle ~4 yr is present RR Lyr in Blazhko effect amplitude changes; at the end of RR Lyr the cycle the Blazhko effect phase changes abruptly RR Lyr by 0.25Pi. Magnetic field strength varies with the RR Lyr pulsational period [09339]. RR Lyr P var. Max = 2414856.480 + 0.56682069d*E RR Lyr (JD2414800 - 18800); Max = 2421854.052 + 0.56685169d*E RR Lyr (JD2418800 - 26500) [09379]; Max = 2426571.3828 + RR Lyr 0.56684333d*E (JD2426500 - 32500) [09338]; Max = RR Lyr 2438215.9492 + 0.566830d*E (JD2438000 - 41000) RR Lyr [05238]; Max = 2438215.9492 + 0.56683313d*E RR Lyr (JD2441000 - 42900) [09338]; since JD2442900 - see Table. RS Lyr P var. Max = 2415566 + 299.38d*E (JD2415000 - 24000); RS Lyr Max = 2425176 + 308.08d*E (JD2424000 - 37200); RS Lyr since JD2437200 - see Table. RT Lyr P var. Max = 2437022 + 250.85d*E (JD2415000 - 39000); RT Lyr since JD2439000 - see Table. RU Lyr P var. Max = 2415983 + 370.70d*E (JD2415900 - 33000); RU Lyr Max = 2433035 + 363.0d*E (JD2433000 - 41000); RU Lyr since JD2441000 - see Table. RV Lyr D = 0.015P. P var. Min = 2415949.7096 + 3.599007d*E RV Lyr (JD2412185 - 16000); Min = 2415949.7096 + RV Lyr 3.599046d*E (JD2416000 - 21400) [00001]; RV Lyr Min = 2432015.671 + 3.5989845d*E (JD2421400 - 32000); RV Lyr Min = 2432015.671 + 3.5990235d*E (JD2432000 - RV Lyr 39300) [09085]; since JD2442000 - see Table. RW Lyr OH, H2O maser. RX Lyr P var. Max = 2416226 + 249.94d*E (JD2415000 - 28800); RX Lyr since JD2428800 - see Table. RZ Lyr P var. Max = 2416415.360 + 0.51127069d*E RZ Lyr (JD2413000 - 19000) [00001]; Max = 2426161.4375 + RZ Lyr 0.51124948D*E (JD2426000 - 38000) [00323]; RZ Lyr since JD2438000 - see Table. RZ Lyr Blazhko effect, height of Max varies: 10.6m - 10.9m, RZ Lyr Max (Delta(m)) = 2430904.3 + 116.654d*N + 0.01034d*N**2; RZ Lyr Min (Delta(m)) - Max (Delta(m)) = 59.3d [03419]. RZ Lyr [Fe/H] = -1.69; Delta(S) = 10.0. SS Lyr P var. Max = 2421695 + 350.48d*E (JD2416000 - 22500); SS Lyr Max = 2429991 + 355.22d*E (JD2429000 - 38000); since SS Lyr JD2438000 - see Table. SZ Lyr According to [05750], during JD2434665 - 35044 the SZ Lyr amplitude was twice smaller than usual (due to the depth SZ Lyr of Min), and a temporary phase shift by 0.5P occured. TT Lyr d = 0.010P; Min II 9.44. TW Lyr VB A (B 15.2m pg, 14".70deg, 1912). TY Lyr P var. Max = 2419285 + 336.49d:*E (JD2419000 - 23700); TY Lyr Max = 2423985 + 329.79d*E (JD2423700 - 31250); TY Lyr since JD2438600 - see Table. TZ Lyr VB A (B 12.29m, 2.54", 2.5deg). Min II 11.05. P var. TZ Lyr Min I = 2420669.480 + 0.5288234d*E (JD2420000 - 38000); TZ Lyr since JD2438000 - see Table. UX Lyr B - V: +0.11, +0.47. UZ Lyr d = 0.012P:. P var. Min = 2424268.474 + 1.891253d*E UZ Lyr (JD2422500 - 25500) [02087]; since JD2425500 - see Table. AA Lyr Min II 13.5. AH Lyr d = 0.03P. Min II 12.1. AK Lyr Min II 12.9. AL Lyr P var. Max = 2427865.82 + 12.9837d*E (JD2414800 - 28000) AL Lyr [00001]; Max = 2432889.03 + 12.98047d*E AL Lyr (JD2428000 - 35500) [04427]; since JD2435500 - see Table. AQ Lyr P var. Max = 2425301.592 + 0.3571721d*E AQ Lyr (JD2425300 - 29000); Max = 2428944.739 + 0.3571285d*E AQ Lyr (JD2429000 - 30200); Max = 2430158.976 + 0.3571611d*E AQ Lyr (JD2430200 - 33900); Max = 2433909.178 + 0.3571861d*E AQ Lyr (JD2433900 - 35700); during JD2435700 - 37800 - see Table. AQ Lyr Blazhko effect? According to visual observations, AQ Lyr 0.4m <= Delta(m) <= 1.2m. AY Lyr Cycles of supermaxima 188.9d - 212.8d. AY Lyr Superhumps period: Ps = 0.07552d [06249]. BF Lyr P var. Max = 2425296 + 130d*E (JD2425300 - 800); BF Lyr During JD2429045 - 570 - see Table. BH Lyr P var. Max = 2413712.358 + 0.6129028d*E BH Lyr (JD2413712 - 27927); Max = 2434472.547 + 0.6128941d*E BH Lyr (JD2434472 - 36102); since JD2436423 - see Table. BQ Lyr Delta(S) = 0:. BV Lyr d = 0.025P. CC Lyr P var. Max = 2433182.7 + 24.028d*E (JD2426100 - 33400); CC Lyr Max = 2437078.8 + 24.200d*E (JD2433400 - 37100) [00001]; CC Lyr Max = 2439418.5 + 24.185d*E (JD2437100 - 39420) [05644]; CC Lyr since JD2440400 - see Table. Light curve shape var? CC Lyr [A/H] = -2.2. CV Lyr Possible superposition of P2 = 135d. CX Lyr P var. Max = 2418596.111 + 0.616689d*E CX Lyr (JD2414880 - 20000); Max = 2427696.396 + 0.616669d*E CX Lyr (JD2427530 - 30610); since JD2433000 - see Table. CX Lyr Delta(S) = 7:. DD Lyr P var. Max = 2425494.334 + 0.372610d*E (JD2418900 - 27600) DD Lyr [00001]; since JD2427600 - see Table. DF Lyr Min II 13.4. DI Lyr P var. Max = 2437160.310 + 0.4174486d*E (JD2437160 - 39293); DI Lyr Max = 2439293.468 + 0.4178451d*E (JD2439293 - 40768); DI Lyr since JD2440768 - see Table. DN Lyr P2 = 600d. DR Lyr [Fe/H] = -1.41; Delta(S) =7.4. DU Lyr Min II 13.3. EN Lyr B - V: + 0.40. + 0.43. P var. Delta(m) var. EP Lyr Max I Phase = 0.20P; Min II 10.36m - 10.58m, Phase = 0.50P; EP Lyr Max II 10.01m - 10.10m, Phase = 0.70P. EP Lyr Secondary oscillations: P2 = 45.1d, P3 = 7067d [09354]. EW Lyr P var; nonlinear term: EW Lyr +0.00210d*10**(-6)*E**2 (JD2426500 - 45500); EW Lyr since JD2442000 the observations are represented also by EW Lyr the elements: Min = 2445597.391 + 1.948763d*E [07037, 00001]. EX Lyr [Fe/H] = -0.63; Delta(S) = 2.5. EZ Lyr VB A (B 12.3m, 14", 302deg, 1934). P var. Since EZ Lyr JD2426577 - see Table. Delta(S) = 7.1. FG Lyr VB A (B 14m, <10"). d = 0.035P. P var? FH Lyr P var? FK Lyr The identification with HDE 337663(G5) [00021] is wrong. FL Lyr Min II 9.52, DII = 0.05P. FN Lyr B - V: +0.15, +0.48. FO Lyr Min II 13.7. GY Lyr The elements describe the brightest maxima. Between them GY Lyr there are 2 - 3 waves of smaller amplitude. Red. HP Lyr Min II 11.0. HQ Lyr P var, periodic term: +30d*sin(8deg*E). HT Lyr Min II 13.3. HY Lyr Min II 14.1. IK Lyr Blazhko effect? IL Lyr According to [00569], Max = 2429375.519 + 0.377620d*E, IL Lyr M - m = 0.14P:. IO Lyr Delta(S) = 3. IP Lyr Min II 13.3. IW Lyr Min II 13.3. IY Lyr Min II 14.1. KM Lyr Blazhko effect: Pi = 30d, 0.14P <= M - m <= 0.20P. KP Lyr ADS 11423 C (A 8.5m, B 9.7m; AB - C 77", 208deg; D 13.1m, KP Lyr C - D 14", 61deg, 1904). P2 = 1300d is possible. KR Lyr P var. The light curve shape var. KT Lyr Min II 14.9. KX Lyr Delta(S) = 0. LQ Lyr [Fe/H] = -1.39; Delta(S) = 7.2. LR Lyr P var? [Fe/H] = -1.41; Delta(S) = 7.4. LT Lyr Rapid variation (0.5m in an hour) were observed. LX Lyr Delta(S) = 8:. LZ Lyr P var. Min = 2425347.565 + 1.611143d*E (JD2425347 - 32119) LZ Lyr [00569]; since JD2442870 - see Table. MN Lyr Min II 14.1. MR Lyr Alternative P = 0.66d:. MS Lyr P < 0.5d? MT Lyr Min II 16.2. MV Lyr SB (Porb = 0.1336d [09373]). MV Lyr Quasiperiodic fadings of different amplitude: MV Lyr Min = 2425558 + 455.5d*E (JD2425500 - 30100); MV Lyr Min = 2430113 + 325.3d*E (JD2430100 - 36900); MV Lyr Min = 2436944 + 357.8d*E (JD2436900 - 44100) [09372]. MV Lyr After JD2444100 the mean brightness MV Lyr level became fainter by 5m; outbursts with an amplitude MV Lyr up to 3m of 1 - 2 months duration are observed [09404]. MV Lyr During the bright level of light, flickering up MV Lyr to 0.4m in 5 Min in U bAnd is observed [00365]. Soft MV Lyr X-ray source. MV Lyr B - V: 0.00 +- 0.40; U - B: -0.86 + -1.30. MW Lyr P var. Max = 2429521.386 + 0.3978817d*E (JD2427700 - 36000); MW Lyr since JD2436000 - see Table. MW Lyr Blazhko effect: Pi = 33.3d; the amplitude varies by 0.6m. MZ Lyr Min II 14.0. NV Lyr d = 0.02P:. NW Lyr P var. Max = 2436483.323 + 1.6012330d*E (JD2414500 - NW Lyr 36400) [03506]; since JD2436400 - see Table. NW Lyr B - V: +0.38, +0.86. NY Lyr Min II 13.1. NZ Lyr O - C vary harmonically with an amplitude +- 0.01d, NZ Lyr Pi ~2500P. OQ Lyr VB (B 12.1m vis, 5.3", 175deg, 1930). OS Lyr 40d <= P <= 60d. P2 = 400d - 500d is superimposed. PQ Lyr d = 0.014P; Min II 14.9. PS Lyr d = 0.02P:; Min II 11.4. PU Lyr Close companions sf, s. PV Lyr d = 0.03P:. PY Lyr Min II 13.4. P var. Min I = 2434980.4372 + 0.38576671d*E PY Lyr (JD2432700 - 36900) [04248]; since JD2442500 - see Table. QQ Lyr Min II 14.6. QT Lyr Min II 14.6. QU Lyr Min II 13.1. V0335 Lyr Large scatter in the light curve. V0336 Lyr P var. Min = 2429965.283 + 1.9049105d*E (JD2429370 - 31590); V0336 Lyr during JD2438930 - 40010 - see Table. V0337 Lyr Large scatter in the light curve. V0348 Lyr Min II 16.8. V0348 Lyr The elements are valid during JD2444023 - 45232. V0350 Lyr P var. The elements are valid during JD2438280 - 45232. V0355 Lyr The elements are valid during JD2429322 - 45232. V0356 Lyr VB A (B 17.5m, 10", 120deg, [00001]). V0361 Lyr Min II 15.3, Max II 14.7, Max II - Min I = 0.70P. V0361 Lyr The elements are valid during JD2433776 - 45232). V0372 Lyr The chart in [03910] is wrong. Called GR256 in [06358] V454 Lyr. V0380 Lyr Faint close companion nf. V0385 Lyr Faint close companion sf. V0388 Lyr No brightenings were observed during JD2438322 - 39289. V0389 Lyr The elements are valid during JD2438322 - 40007. V0390 Lyr The elements are valid during JD2439913 - 40007. V0401 Lyr Min II 14.4:. The period may be spurious. V0403 Lyr P var?, Pi = 500 P? V0404 Lyr Min II 12.4. V0406 Lyr Min II 13.0. V0409 Lyr P var? The elements are valid during JD2434500 - 40000. V0409 Lyr Blazhko effect? V0411 Lyr Min II 14.4. Alternatively RRC (P = 0.291315d). V0412 Lyr Min II 14.1; Min II - Min I = 0.48P. V0413 Lyr Min II 14.8? V0415 Lyr Cycle <= 150d. V0417 Lyr Min II 16.2. P var? V0418 Lyr P var. The elements are valid during JD2437100 - 40400. V0423 Lyr Min II 15.5. P var? V0424 Lyr Blazhko effect? V0428 Lyr Min II 14.3. Apsidal motion? V0429 Lyr Min II 14.8? V0431 Lyr Min II 15.1. V0435 Lyr Possibly ew with twice longer P. P may be spurious. V0462 Lyr P var? The elements are valid during JD2439913 - 40007. V0467 Lyr Min II 12.9. JD2415288 - 43287; the elements V0467 Lyr are valid during JD2415288 - 43287; large scatter V0467 Lyr on the light curve. According to [09412], during V0467 Lyr JD2443424 - 44165 the light variation range is 12.4m - V0467 Lyr 12.6m pg, the elements are not valid. V0470 Lyr U = 0.40", p = 7deg. P1 = 738.6s, P2 = 557.4s, P3 = 318.0s, V0470 Lyr P4 = 291.9s, P5 = 259.1s. V0473 Lyr P var, Delta(m) var. According to [09413], P = V0473 Lyr 1.490795d + 1.22d*10**(-6)*(JD - 2443600)/365.25d. V0473 Lyr Cyclic P variations: P alpha = 1178.5d; Pt = 2655d. V0473 Lyr Delta(m) varies with the period P alpha; P4 = 1063.5d V0473 Lyr may be traced in the variations of Vr. V0473 Lyr 0.06m <= Delta(m) <= 0.36m. V0474 Lyr P2 = 76d. V0477 Lyr The central star of planetary nebula Abell 46. Strong V0477 Lyr reflection effect. Depths of minima: Min I 1.42m B, V0477 Lyr Min II ~0.1m B. V0531 Lyr Minima observed only between JD 2448600 and 2448800. V0550 Lyr SB, Porb = 1.0309d. V0591 Lyr MinII 13.85. V0592 Lyr MinII 12.82. V0604 Lyr According to [78265], P = 11.5791 d. V0608 Lyr Called SBG 3268 in [78267], in contradiction with the star's coordinates and brightness. V0609 Lyr The period in the table is twice that in [78267], to justify the suggested classification. V0627 Lyr According to [78267], P = 3.34154 d. V0634 Lyr The coordinates in [78266] are wrong. V0641 Lyr P = 0.4599d is not excluded. V0664 Lyr VB A (A 13.0mV; B 14.5mV, 11", 302deg, 1998). V0668 Lyr Multiperiodic. V0691 Lyr O'Connell effect. V0722 Lyr A post-asymptotic-branch star with non-periodic, sometimes rapid, brightness variations. V0723 Lyr Multiperiodic, P2 = 0.0745095d. V0725 Lyr VB A (B 16.7mpg, 6", 102deg, 2000). V0730 Lyr SRB type with P = 85d is also possible. V0742 Lyr Pulsations: P = 40d - 50d, amplitude 0.4m. V0753 Lyr VB A (B 4", 178deg, 1998). V0754 Lyr O'Connell effect. V0755 Lyr O'Connell effect. V0757 Lyr Periods 2.2148d or 2.8458d are also possible. V0758 Lyr O'Connell effect. V0766 Lyr O'Connell effect. V0775 Lyr O'Connell effect. V0778 Lyr RRC type with P = 0.29403d or P = 0.2270d is also possible. V0780 Lyr VB A (B 17.1m, 5", 307deg, 1998). V0781 Lyr VB A (B 17.3m, 6", 191deg, 1998). The one-day alias, P = 0.055562d, is also possible. V0784 Lyr O'Connell effect. V0785 Lyr Strong O'Connell effect. V0798 Lyr Not red. V0817 Lyr EW type with a twice longer period is not excluded. V0827 Lyr VB A (B 5", 125deg, 2000); the range in the Table can be influenced by the companion. Type EW with a twice longer period is also possible. V0836 Lyr Multiperiodic. P0 is presented in the Table; P1 = 0.090297d, P1/P0 = 0.7746; other periods. V0846 Lyr VB B (A 14.9mG; B 15.3mG, 19", 146deg, 2000); the range in the Table can be influenced by the companion. V0868 Lyr P varies? V0870 Lyr Variations on the Palomar red plates: 16.3mR (1950 June 17) and 19.4mR (1987 June 21). V0870 Lyr The Table presents light elements for EA variations during the high state. V0874 Lyr The elements in the Table are for eclipses. ELL variations: P = 0.857724d, amplitude 0.02m. V0875 Lyr VB A (B 9.1mV, 1".3, 126deg, 2015). The amplitude is for combined brightness. V0897 Lyr P = 0.734873d (that would correspond to the RRAB/RR0 type) is also possible. V0903 Lyr P varies [g0139]. V0904 Lyr Porb = 0.05684d, Psh = 0.05752d. V0906 Lyr Porb = 0.05442d, Psh = 0.05510d. V0907 Lyr Period varies. alf Lyr IR excess. bet Lyr ADS 11745 A (B 8.6m, B7V, 46", 149deg; C 13.0m, 47", bet Lyr 248deg). Min II 3.85. P var. Nonlinear terms: bet Lyr +3.883d*10**(-6)*E**2 - 0.10d*10**(-10)*E**3. bet Lyr Light curve shape var. bet Lyr Radio and X-ray source. IR excess. del 2 Lyr Open cluster delta**2 Lyr member [02505]. R Men Sometimes P = 120d; R Men Sometimes P = 240d. T Men In the Large Magellanic Cloud region; not a member of the T Men Cloud. There is a sguare term in the elements: T Men +8.1d*10**(-6)*E**2. U Men VB A (B 10.4m, 0.6", 71deg, 1935.3). A var U Men (0.8m <= A <= 2.9M). P var. Max = 2416927 + 426.9d*E U Men (JD2415200 - 17400) [00207]; since JD2417400 - see Table. V Men Epoch corresponds to the middle of V Men the light curve ascending branch. W Men The member of the Large Magellanic Cloud. RR Men Min II 12.1. RS Men In the Large Magellanic Cloud region; not RS Men a member of the Cloud. RT Men In the Large Magellanic Cloud region; not a member of RT Men the Cloud. RU Men In the Large Magellanic Cloud region; not a member of RU Men the Cloud. RV Men In the Large Magellanic Cloud region; not a member of RV Men the Cloud. RW Men In the Large Magellanic Cloud region; not a member of RW Men the Cloud. TU Men Porb = 0.1176d [09376]. Superhump TU Men Period Ps = 0.12625d [04772]. TY Men Min II 8.47; d I = 0.00P, d II = 0.07P. TY Men Shape of the light curve varies. TZ Men Min II 6.36. UX Men Min II 9.47; Min II - Min I = 0.50045P. UX Men One of the components may be a physical variable. WY Men In the region of the NGC 1841 globular cluster; not a WY Men member of the cluster. In the halo of the magellanic WY Men clouds system. WZ Men In the region of the NGC 1841 globular cluster, not a WZ Men member of the cluster. In the halo of the Magellanic WZ Men Clouds system. XX Men In the region of the NGC 1841 globular cluster, not a XX Men member of the cluster. In the halo of the Magellanic XX Men Clouds system. XY Men In the Large Magellanic Cloud region; not a member of the XY Men Cloud. Min II 10.88; dI = 0.05P; dII = 0.00P. XZ Men There are there oscillations simultaneously: P1 = 0.1083d XZ Men (A1 = 0.0094m B), P2 = 0.0855d (A2 = 0.0082m B), XZ Men P3 = 0.0955d (A3 = 0.0058m B); P2/P1 = 0.789. AN Men Type RRC: is also possible. AT Men LMC non-member. AU Men LMC non-member. BB Men Min II = 11.80. P varies. dP/dt = +0.21 x 10^(-5) d/yr. BC Men VB B (A 7.54m; AB 16", 260deg, 2000). BG Men Multimode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.06629983d, P1/P0 = 0.7740. Two non-radial pulsations: Pn1 = 0.04610757d, Pn2 = 0.04583652d. iot Men Min II 6.05. R Mic P var. Max = 2413373 + 138.60d*E (JD2413300 - 29600) R Mic [00458]; Max = 2432745 + 137.43d*E (JD2429600 - 34700); R Mic Max = 2435091 + 140.84d*E (JD2434700 - 37800); R Mic since JD2437800 - see Table. S Mic P var. Max = 2413499 + 214.5d*E (JD2413500 - 15900) [00458]; S Mic Max = 2432102 + 208.23d*E (JD2422700 - 32200); S Mic since JD2432200 - see Table. U Mic OH, H2O emission. V Mic OH, H20 emission. Y Mic Mean brightness varies. Z Mic (k - b)2 = 0.12; Delta(S) = 4. RR Mic [A/H] = -1.4. P var. Max = 2433032.96 + 31.78175d*E RR Mic (JD2415000 - 35300) [02747]; since JD2443600 - see Table. RY Mic P var? Elements given in the Table represent observations RY Mic in the interval JD2436100 - 40210. RY Mic According to [00085] Max = 2428670 + 190d*E. RZ Mic Min II 11.2. TV Mic Min II 12.4. UZ Mic Min II 12.4. VW Mic In the interval JD2436600 - 840) VW Mic Max = 2436807.248 + 0.35620d*E. Since JD2442600 - see VW Mic Table. WY Mic P = 0.511427d? [00001]. XZ Mic In the interval JD2436670 - 840 Max = XZ Mic 2436731.480 + 0.449208d*E. Since JD2442630 - see Table. ZZ Mic (k - b)2 = 021; Delta(S) = 0. P var? Max = 2437192.3131 + ZZ Mic 0.0671786d*E (JD2437180 - 460) [04308]; ZZ Mic Max = 2439320.2162 + 0.0671575d*E (JD2439320 - 340) ZZ Mic [05683]; since JD2440440 - see Table. ZZ Mic Further period increase is possible [09380]. According ZZ Mic to [07985] there are two simultaneous oscillations with the ZZ Mic periods P1 and P2: P1 = 0.0654d, P2 = 0.0513d. ZZ Mic P2/P1 = 0.784; A2(U) = 0.25 A1(U). AE Mic In the interval JD2436670 - 840 Max = AE Mic 2436728.470 + 0.324142d*E. Since JD2442630 - see Table. AH Mic Min II 13.6. AT Mic VB (A 10.83m V, M 4.5Ve; B 10.9m V, M 4.5Ve; a = AT Mic 6.40", P = 675 yr, e = 0.60 [09381]. AT Mic mu, Vr, pi - common with AU Mic. AT Mic Unusually high freguency of flares AT Mic allows to suppose that both components are variable. AT Mic The range of combined brightness variation of the AT Mic system is given in the Table. AU Mic mu, pi, Vr - common with AT Mic. SB? 0.20P <= M - m <= 0.55P. AU Mic There are periodical light variations and also flares with AU Mic A <= 0.5m U [08601]. AW Mic Shape of the light curve strongly varies. Multiperiodicity AW Mic is possible. AX Mic In minimum brightness B - V = +1.42, U - B = +1.20. CZ Mic MinII 12.9:. DE Mic MinII 8.00. DS Mic Period varies [81001]. DY Mic Period varies strongly, the Table presents the mean period. EH Mic Period varies? R Mon Peculiar non-stellar object at the apex of the reflection R Mon variable [09396] cometary nebula NGC 2261. Probably young R Mon star surrounded by dust cloud. Light curve in [09394]. S Mon In the open star cluster S Mon NGC 2264. VB A (B 8.2m, 2.9", 213deg; 9.9m, 16.6", 14deg.) T Mon SB (Porb> = 70 yr [09397]). [A/H] = 0.3. T Mon There is a sguare term in the elements given in the T Mon Table: +5.34d*10**(-6)*E**2. T Mon Deviations from the parabola in the O - C, E diagram T Mon have a wave-like trend. If this wave is attributed to T Mon the light-time effect, Porb = 100 years. T Mon The observations are also satisfied by the following T Mon system of linear elements: Max = 2412874.56 + 27.0093d*E T Mon (JD2405200 - 15250) [09398]; Max = 2426004.62 + 27.0180d*E T Mon (JD2415250 - 27150); since JD2427150 - T Mon Max = 2436137.090 + 27.0205d*E [02392]. U Mon P var. Min = 2408897 + 92.26d*E (JD2408800 - 36210) [00368]; U Mon since JD2437300 - see Table. U Mon Mean magnitude varies with the period 2320d [00657]. U Mon Spectrum investigation [02226]. V Mon P var. Max = 2412172 + 334.5d*E (JD2412000 - 23500) [00458]; V Mon Max = 2427870 + 332.5d*E (JD2423500 - 28200); V Mon Max = 2429904 + 342.0d*E (JD2428200 - 30800); V Mon Max = 2439570 + 331.6d*E (JD2430800 - 41225); V Mon since JD2441225 - see Table. X Mon P var. Max = 2415078 + 154.0d*E (JD2415000 - 18800); X Mon Max = 2419758 + 149.6d*E (JD2419700 - 21000); X Mon Max = 2421136 + 155.0d*E (JD2421000 - 24600); X Mon Max = 2424673 + 169d*E (JD2424600 - 25600); X Mon Max = 2425644 + 155.6d*E (JD2425600 - 26800); X Mon Max = 2427028 + 150.7d*E (JD2427000 - 28000) [00458]; X Mon Max = 2429521 + 155.8d*E (JD2428000 - 36300); X Mon Max = 2438846 + 145.3d*E (JD2437800 - 38900); since X Mon JD2440800 - see Table. The amplitude strongly varies; X Mon sometimes irregular light variations are observed. Y Mon P var. Max = 2415792 + 228.6d*E (JD2415300 - 19700); Y Mon Max = 2419928 + 227.4d*E (JD2419700 - 24300) [00458]; Y Mon Max = 2432647 + 233.3d*E (JD2424300 - 32900); Y Mon since JD2432900 - see Table. RR Mon P var. Max = 2417476 + 384.5d*E (JD2417400 - 19600) [00458]; RR Mon since JD2419600 - see Table. RU Mon Min II 11.06; D II var: 0.06P <= DII <= 0.12P; RU Mon Min II - Min I var: 0.25P < = Min II - Min I <= 0.75P. RU Mon P var. In the interval JD2429100 - 38409 Min I = RU Mon 2418357.0140; 3.5846794d(E - 406) - 0.429d cos alpha + RU Mon 0.06d*sin(2alpha) + 0.010d*cos(3alpha) + RU Mon 0.003d*sin(4alpha), MinII = 2418355.2220 + RU Mon 3.5846794d(E - 406) + 0.429d cos alpha + RU Mon 0.060D*sin(2alpha) - 0.010d cos*3alpha + RU Mon 0.003d*sin(4alpha) (JD2416900 - 29100); RU Mon Min I = 2429641.567 + 3.5846391d*(E - 3554) - RU Mon 0.429d*cos(alpha) + 0.060d*sin(2alpha) + 0.010d*cos(3alpha) + RU Mon 0.003d*sin(4alpha), RU Mon Min II = 2429639.775 + 3.5846391d(E - 3554) + RU Mon 0.429d*cos(alpha) + 0.060d*sin(2alpha) - RU Mon 0.010d*cos(3alpha) + 0.003d*sin(4alpha), where alpha = RU Mon 0.01245deg(E - 406) [03445]. RU Mon The epochs E are being calculated for Min I from JD hel. RU Mon 2416901.205, and for Min II - from JD hel. 2416900.248. RU Mon In the interval JD2438409 - 41743 RU Mon Min I = 2438409.6045 + 3.584586d(E - 6000) - RU Mon 0.4290d*cos(alpha) + 0.0620d*sin(2alpha) + RU Mon 0.0107d*cos(3alpha) + 0.0026d*sin(4alpha) - RU Mon 0.00036d cos 5alpha, Min II = 2438407.8122 + RU Mon 3.584586d(E - 6000) + 0.4290d cos alpha + RU Mon 0.0620d*sin(2alpha) - 0.0107d*cos(3alpha) + RU Mon 0.0026d*sin(4alpha) + 0.00036d*cos(5alpha), RU Mon where alpha = 0.012385deg(E - 406) [07987]. RU Mon since JD2441743 - Min I = 2441743.2633 + RU Mon 3.584670d(E - 6930) - 0.4336d cos alpha + RU Mon 0.0634d*sin(2alpha) + 0.0111d*cos(3alpha) + RU Mon 0.0021d*sin(4alpha), Min II = 2441741.4710 + RU Mon 3.584689d(E - 6930) + 0.4336d cos alpha + RU Mon 0.0634d*sin(2alpha) - 0.0111d*cos(3alpha) + RU Mon 0.0021d*sin(4alpha), where alpha = 70.6deg + RU Mon 0.0114deg(E - 6094) [09546]. Linear elements for Min I RU Mon epochs in 1973 - 1990 are given in the Table. RU Mon Corresponding elements for Min II epochs are: RU Mon Min II = 2441741.575 + 3.584567d*E. E = 0.38. RU Mon Apsidal motion period is 285 years. RV Mon Mean brightness varies with P = 1047d. RW Mon Min II 9.45; d I = 0.027P, d II = 0.023P. P var. RW Mon Min I = 2417943.687 + 1.9061012d*E (JD2417940 - 32900) RW Mon [03450]; since JD2432900 - see Table. RX Mon P var. Max = 2418980 + 343.2d*E (JD2416200 - RX Mon 19000); Max = 2423097 + 338.9d*E (JD2422000 - RX Mon 28500); since JD2428500 - see Table. RY Mon VB A (B 12.29M, 28"). SS Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. SU Mon S 5/7 - S 6/7. P var: 69d (JD2416700 - 19100); 203.5d SU Mon (JD2420100 - 22920); 69d (JD2423000 - 30100). SU Mon In the intervals JD2423000 - 520 - const (11.5m), SU Mon JD2424820 - 980 - const (11.8m). SV Mon [A/H] = 0.2. P var. Max = 2419041.805 + 15.230721d*E SV Mon (JD2412000 - 22000) [00025]; Max = 2422651.931 + SV Mon 15.23256d*E (JD2422600 - 23850) [09400]; Max = SV Mon 2424571.60 + 15.2513d*E (JD2423850 - 24600); SV Mon Max = 2434045.326 + 15.2304d*E (JD2424600 - 34100); SV Mon since JD2433000 - see Table. SX Mon Mean brightness varies with P = 1100d. SZ Mon VB A (B 11m - 12m, 10" [09401]). Min II 10.55. P var. SZ Mon Min I = 2426357.1 + 32.760d*E (JD2422000 - 26400); SZ Mon Min I = 2427861.2 + 32.708d*E (JD2426750 - 32000); SZ Mon since JD2432800 - see Table. SZ Mon Shape of the light curve varies. Heights of maxima and SZ Mon depths of minima are constant. TU Mon Min II 9.1. TV Mon In the region of the open star cluster NGC 2237. TW Mon Wachmann [03453] assigns the variable to the RRab TW Mon type with the elements Max = 2433001.371 + 0.8743887*E, TW Mon but notes a considerable dispersion of the points around TW Mon the mean light curve obtained with this period. As the TW Mon periods by Hessner (PH) and Wachmann (PW) are mutually TW Mon related (1/PW ~1/PH + 1) it is more probable on account of TW Mon the above mentioned circumstance that the variable belongs TW Mon to cepheids. TX Mon [A/H] = -0.3. UV Mon The form of the light curve being unusual for RR Lyr type UV Mon variables (Max II 13.5 at the phase 0.39P, Min II 13.8 UV Mon at the phase 0.22P), the period may be doubtful, UV Mon though it was found independently by two investigators UV Mon [00380, 03453]. UX Mon Min II 8.52; dI = 0.044P. P var? UX Mon Brightness in maximum varies with the amplitude up to 0.2m. VV Mon Min II 9.55; dI = dII = 0.07P. VV Mon There is a square term in the elements given in the Table: VV Mon -0.12d*10**(-7)*E**2. VW Mon P var. Max = 2425243.40 + 0.6041350d*E (JD2414700 - VW Mon 30700); since JD2430700 - see Table. VW Mon In [00386, 05448] And other previous works the spurious VW Mon period value 1.532d is being accepted suggesting the VW Mon curious nature of the variable. Serious observations are VW Mon necessary to select the true value of the period. VX Mon Depth of Min II 0.07m. VY Mon In the region of the nebula IC 446. XX Mon [A/H] = -0.2. XZ Mon Min II 13.6; d = 0.02P:. AA Mon [A/H] = -0.9. P var. Max = 2430788.266 + 3.938052d*E AA Mon (JD2425300 - 34800) [03453]; since JD2434800 - see Table. AC Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2323. AK Mon P var. Max = 2425279 + 319.2d*E (JD2425200 - 28000); since AK Mon JD2428000 - see Table. AN Mon Min II 11.7:; d = 0.027P. AO Mon Min II 10.16; DII = 0.14P; Min II - Min I = 0.4933P. P var. AO Mon Min I = 2426735.333 + 1.884758d*E (JD2426700 - 40000); AO Mon since JD2440000 - see Table. AQ Mon Min II 10.9; DII = 0.05P; dI = 0.014P. AR Mon Min II 9.03; d = 0.011P. AR Mon There is a square term in the elements given in the Table: AR Mon -1.22d*10**(-6)*E**2. AU Mon Min II 8.2:. Shape of the light curve varies. AU Mon Brightness in maximum varies periodically with the AU Mon amplitude 0.2m: Max = 2443105 + 411d*E; M - m = 0.5P. AV Mon Depth of Min II 0.04m. AW Mon P var. Min = 2425649.053 + 20.797d*E (JD2425500 - AW Mon 26400) [09408]; Min = 2426439.340 + 20.81905d*E AW Mon (JD2426400 - 35900) [00511]; since JD2435900 - see Table. AX Mon Binary system with an envelope and gaseous streams. AX Mon Porb = 232.60d [06103]. Spectrum investigation [09411]. AX Mon Epoch of Min brightness preceeding the moment of AX Mon conjunction for 0.25p is given in the Table; A = 0.4m U. AX Mon Besides periodical variations, there are rapid light AX Mon fluctuations up to 0.1m. BB Mon Depth of Min II 0.04m. BC Mon P var. Max = 2421240 + 275.8d*E (JD2421200 - BC Mon 25960); Max = 2428880 + 267.2d*E (JD2425960 - BC Mon 30000); since JD2430000 - see Table. BE Mon Delta(S) = 0. BH Mon d = 0.01p:. BM Mon Min II 12.3. According to [09415], apsidal motion is BM Mon possible. BO Mon Min II 10.1. P var. Min I = 2428211.596 + 2.2251753d*E BO Mon (JD2415000 - 36000) [00007]; since JD2436000 - see Table. BP Mon P var? BP Mon Elements given in the Table are valid in the interval BP Mon JD2425600 - 29700. BT Mon VB A (B 16.0m, 10", 0deg). BT Mon After the outburst in 1939 the brightness varies in the BT Mon range 16.0m - 18.7m with the elements: Min = BT Mon 2443491.7155 + 0.3338141d*E; D = 0.20p, 0 <= d < = 0.03p. BT Mon Before the outburst in 1939, according to [09417], BT Mon the following elements were valid: Min = 2429500.207 + BT Mon 0.3338010d*E. Emission nebula with the radius of 3.8" BT Mon was discovered in 1981 around the nova [09148]. BX Mon Usually was considered as mira type variable BX Mon [09421]. In the Table the epoch of light maximum and BX Mon the period are given according to [09419]. According BX Mon to [09420] the Balmer emission lines originate in the BX Mon nebulosity surrounding the symbiotic system and are BX Mon excited by the hot component, and light variations BX Mon are due to the orbital motion in the system. BZ Mon d = 0.030P. In the region of the open cluster CR 106. CC Mon In the region of the open cluster CR 106. CD Mon P var. Max = 2427704 + 273.8d*E (JD2427400 - 30400); since CD Mon JD2430400 - see Table. CE Mon Min II 14.2. CF Mon Min II 13.7; d = 0.02P:. CH Mon d = 0.030P. CS Mon VB A (B 13m, 9", 0deg). CT Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2244. CU Mon [A/H] = -0.2. CV Mon In the centre of an anonymous open cluster. CV Mon VB A (B 13.76m, 10", 270deg; C 13.72m, 14", 270deg). CV Mon P var. Max = 2429805.142 + 5.378782d*E (JD2429360 - CV Mon 36000); since JD2436000 - see Table. DD Mon Min II 11.3. DF Mon The chart in [05285] is wrong, the star observed was DF Mon not DF Mon. DN Mon Min II 13.9. DR Mon In the region of the open cluster Cr 106. DT Mon P var. Max = 2425324 + 345d*E (JD2425300 - 28200) DT Mon In the interval JD2429250 - 37700 there were cycles 119d, DT Mon 230d, 350d. DW Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2286. EE Mon P var. Max = 2425300.42 + 4.80776d*E (JD2425300 - EE Mon 27720); since JD2427720 - see Table. EH Mon d = 0.023P. EK Mon P var. Max = 2425302.59 + 3.95773d*E (JD2425200 - EK Mon 33000) [00387]; since JD2433000 - see Table. EP Mon d = 0.026P. ES Mon d = 0.02P. EW Mon Min II 14.2. FH Mon Depth of Min II 0.04m. FP Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2353. FS Mon Min II 11.2. FU Mon S 6.5/7.5. FW Mon d = 0.016P. Depth of Min II 0.04m. FX Mon OH emission. FZ Mon The elements should be checked. GH Mon Min II 13.1. GP Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. GQ Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. GR Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. GU Mon Min II 12.5. GV Mon Depth of Min II 0.04m. GX Mon OH, H2O, SIO maser. HI Mon Min II 9.9. HM Mon Min II 13.6. P var. Min I = 2430110.1948 + 0.40765737d*E HM Mon (JD2429600 - 35400) [05285]; since JD2435400 - see Table. HO Mon d = 0.03P. HP Mon d = 0.04P:. HR Mon Depth of Min II 0.03m. HY Mon Min II 12.4. IL Mon d = 0.03P. IM Mon Min II 6.47. IO Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. IP Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. IQ Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. IR Mon P var? IS Mon Depth of Min II 0.05m. IX Mon Min II 12.8. IZ Mon Min II 12.0. KU Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. KV Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. KW Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. KX Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. KY Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. KZ Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. LL Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. LM Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. LN Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. LO Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. LP Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. LQ Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. LR Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. LS Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. LT Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. LU Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. LV Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. LW Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. LX Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. LY Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. LZ Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. MM Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. MN Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. MO Mon VB A (B 20m, 10", 356deg); in the region of the MO Mon open cluster NGC 2264. MP Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. MQ Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. MX Mon Min II 11.7. NN Mon Min II 12.9. NS Mon Min II 11.1. NT Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. NU Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. NV Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. NW Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. NX Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. NY Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. NZ Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. OO Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. OP Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. OQ Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. OR Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. OS Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. OT Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. OU Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. OV Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. OW Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. OX Mon VB A (B 15m, 7", 35deg); in the region of the open OX Mon cluster NGC 2264. OY Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. OZ Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. PP Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. PQ Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. PR Mon The elements should be checked. PT Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. PU Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. PV Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. PW Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. PX Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. PY Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. QR Mon 290d <= P <= 400d. Depth of Min varies by QR Mon 0.9m with the period about 2000d. QT Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. QU Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. QV Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. QW Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. QX Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. QY Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. QZ Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0335 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0336 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0337 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0338 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0339 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0340 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0341 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0342 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0343 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0344 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0345 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0346 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0347 Mon VB A (B 20m, 12", 120deg); in the region of the open V0347 Mon cluster NGC 2264. V0348 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0349 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0350 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0351 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0352 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0353 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0354 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0355 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0356 Mon VB (3", 78deg); in the region of the open cluster V0356 Mon NGC 2264. V0357 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0358 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0359 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0360 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0361 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0362 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0363 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0364 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0365 Mon VB B (A = V591 Mon, B 7", 135deg); in the region of the V0365 Mon open cluster NGC 2264. V0366 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0367 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0368 Mon VB (9", 252deg); in the region of the open cluster V0368 Mon NGC 2264. V0369 Mon VB (11", 264deg); in the region of the open cluster V0369 Mon NGC 2264. V0370 Mon VB (8", 97deg); in the region of the open cluster V0370 Mon NGC 2264. V0371 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0372 Mon SC 7/7.5. V0373 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0379 Mon d = 0.015P:. V0380 Mon Min II 12.9; P = 1.98904166d? V0383 Mon Min II 15.2. V0384 Mon Min II 13.0. V0389 Mon Min II 14.9. V0393 Mon Min II 14.3. V0394 Mon d = 0.02P; depth of Min II 0.04m. V0395 Mon d = 0.03P. V0396 Mon Min II 13.5. V0397 Mon Min II 11.9. V0398 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0399 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0400 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0401 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0402 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0403 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0404 Mon d = 0.02P:. V0405 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0406 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0407 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0408 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0409 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0410 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0411 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0412 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0413 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0414 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0415 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0416 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0417 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0418 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0419 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0420 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0421 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0422 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0423 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0424 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0425 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0426 Mon VB A (B = NSV 3125 17.0m, 6", 117deg); in the region of V0426 Mon the open cluster NGC 2264. V0427 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0428 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0429 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0430 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0431 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0432 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0433 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0434 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0435 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0436 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0437 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0438 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0439 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0440 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0441 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0442 Mon Min II 11.6. V0443 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0444 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0445 Mon Min II 11.3. V0446 Mon [A/H] = -0.7. V0447 Mon [A/H] = -1.4. V0448 Mon Min II 9.8. V0449 Mon d = 0.02P. V0450 Mon Min II 12.6. V0451 Mon Min II 14.7. V0452 Mon Min II 12.7; d = 0.02P. V0453 Mon Min II 11.8. V0454 Mon Min II 12.2. V0455 Mon Min II 15.3. V0456 Mon Min II 13.7. V0457 Mon Min II 14.3; d = 0.03P:. V0458 Mon Min II 13.8. V0459 Mon Min II 14.7. V0460 Mon Min II 10.7. V0463 Mon d = 0.03P; P = 2.2476768d? V0464 Mon Min II 12.3. V0465 Mon P var. Max = 2429642.44 + 2.71341d*E (JD2425600 - V0465 Mon 30800) [03551]; Max = 2431845.65 + 2.713212d*E V0465 Mon (JD2430000 - 35200) [03453]; Max = 2435541.315 + V0465 Mon 2.713668d*E (JD2435200 - 41600); since JD2441600 - see V0465 Mon Table. V0466 Mon VB A (B 15m, 135deg). V0474 Mon (k - b)2 = 0.32. Blazhko effect: V0474 Mon Max(O - C) = 2441664.962 + 7.74639d*N; Min(O - C) = V0474 Mon 2441669.569 + 7.74639d*N; 0.03m <= A <= 0.37m; V0474 Mon -0.02d <= O - C <= +0.03d. Freguency analysis gives V0474 Mon three principal oscillations [08669]: P1 = 0.1361258d V0474 Mon (A1 = 0.18m), P2 = 0.1337745d (A2 = 0.12m), V0474 Mon P3 = 0.1385591d (A3 = 0.04m). V0478 Mon In the region of the nebula IC 2169. V0479 Mon In the region of the nebula IC 2169. V0481 Mon In the region of the nebula IC 2169. V0482 Mon In the region of the nebula IC 2169. V0483 Mon In the region of the nebula IC 2169. V0486 Mon VB A (B 18.4M, 6"). In the region of the nebula NGC 2245. V0487 Mon In the region of the nebula NGC 2245. V0488 Mon In the region of the nebula NGC 2245. V0489 Mon In the region of the nebula NGC 2245. V0490 Mon In the region of the nebula NGC 2247. V0493 Mon In the region of the open cluster Tr 5. V0494 Mon Depth of Min II 0.05m. V0496 Mon Min II 12.8. V0497 Mon 8.9 - 11.8 IR. V0498 Mon P = 2.4727818d? V0500 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0501 Mon Min II 13.1; Min II - Min I = 0.445P; DII = 0.036P. V0503 Mon 9.2 - 10.9 IR. V0505 Mon Min II 7.55. V0507 Mon SB2 (P = 53.781d [09483]); d = 0.015P:. V0510 Mon [A/H] = -0.1. V0513 Mon Depth of Min II 0.04m. V0514 Mon Min II 13.3. V0515 Mon Min II 12.7. V0521 Mon Min II 10.4. V0524 Mon Min II 15.2. V0526 Mon P var. Max = 2433304.284 + 2.675208d*E (JD2429300 - V0526 Mon 35170); since JD2439170 - see Table. V0527 Mon Depth of Min II 0.05m. V0530 Mon Min II 12.8. V0532 Mon Min II 12.8. RRC? V0535 Mon P var. Max = 2431846.445 + 0.3328791d*E V0535 Mon (JD2429600 - 34060); since JD2434060 - see Table. V0535 Mon [Fe/H] = -1.44. V0539 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2244. V0540 Mon In the region of the nebula IC 446. V0541 Mon In the region of the nebula IC 446. V0542 Mon In the region of the nebula IC 446. V0543 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2244. V0544 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2244. V0545 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2244. V0546 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2244. V0547 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2244. V0548 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2244. V0549 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2244. V0550 Mon VB A (B 17.3m, 6", 0deg ); in the region of the open V0550 Mon cluster NGC 2244. V0551 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2244. V0552 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2244. V0553 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2244. V0554 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2244. V0555 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2244. V0556 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2244. V0557 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2244. V0560 Mon Depth of Min II 0.05m. V0565 Mon Connected with the diffuse nebula V0565 Mon NGC 2313 having diameter of 10" and a faint cometary V0565 Mon nebula. V0569 Mon VB A (B 10.8m, 6.2", 281deg; C 10.5m, 38.3", 295deg). V0569 Mon The range of combined light variation of A and B V0569 Mon components is given. According to [08215], P = 0.18d. V0571 Mon (k - b)2 = 0.32. V0571 Mon Non-radial pulsation with variable periods: V0571 Mon P1 = 0.0999081d (A1 = 0.052m), P2 = 0.0749998d V0571 Mon (A2 = 0.015m) (JD2440914 - 41692) [07127]; P1 = 0.0894534d V0571 Mon (A1 = 0.038m), P2 = 0.15988d (A2 = 0.025m), P3 = 0.106516d V0571 Mon (A3 = 0.014m). P4 = 0.26998d (A4 = 0.012m), P5 = 0.15069d V0571 Mon (A5 = 0.011m) (JD2441662 - 719) [09450]. V0577 Mon VB (A 11.3m V, B 14.8m V; a = 0.312", P = 16.60 yr, e =0.38). V0577 Mon Both components are probably variables. The range V0577 Mon of combined light variation of the system is given V0577 Mon in the Table [06146]. V0578 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2244. V0579 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0580 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0581 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0582 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0583 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0584 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0585 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0586 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0588 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0589 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0590 Mon VB (10", 358deg); in the region of the open cluster V0590 Mon NGC 2264. V0591 Mon VB A (B = V365 Mon, 7", 135deg); in the region of the open V0591 Mon cluster NGC 2264. V0593 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0594 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0595 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0596 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0597 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0598 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0599 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0600 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0601 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0602 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0603 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0604 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0605 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0606 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0607 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0608 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0609 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0610 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0611 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0612 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0613 Mon S 3/2. V0616 Mon Novalike outbursts were observed in 1917 (Max JD2421540) V0616 Mon and in 1975 (Max JD2442646). In quiescent state probably V0616 Mon ellipsoidal light variation is observed with P = 0.325d V0616 Mon and A = 0.2m [09458], and also slower light variations V0616 Mon with P = 7.39d [09459] or 7.8d [09460]. Spectrum description V0616 Mon [09461, 09462]. V0624 Mon In the region of the open cluster Cr 106. V0628 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0629 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0630 Mon VB A (B 21m, 3", 300deg); in the region of the open V0630 Mon cluster NGC 2264. V0632 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2368. V0637 Mon Basic oscillation with A1 = 0.05m and elements given in V0637 Mon the Table is superimposed by the second one with V0637 Mon A2 = 0.02m and the elements: Max = 2443496.1624 + V0637 Mon 0.19740d*E. Beat period Pb = 6.09d. V0638 Mon VB (6.5m, 8.5m; 0.8", 178deg). V0640 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2244. V0640 Mon Porb = 14.39604d [06103]. V0640 Mon Irregular light variations. V0640 Mon Probably transitional stage from a binary system of V0640 Mon O stars to a system of WR type [04107]. V0641 Mon VB A (B 10.91m, 21.4", 310deg; C 12.46m, 25.8", 285deg). V0641 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. V0642 Mon In the region of the open cluster NGC 2264. Cluster V0642 Mon non-member. Epoch of light minimum is V0642 Mon given in the Table. V0645 Mon Epoch of light minimum is given in the Table. V0741 Mon Type ACV: is also possible. V0750 Mon In the region of the nebula IC 2177. V0753 Mon Type ACV: is also possible. V0851 Mon Cluster non-member. V0852 Mon The depth of MinII is at least 0.07. V0853 Mon MinII 16.05. V0857 Mon MinII 15.98. V0858 Mon MinII 15.87. V0859 Mon MinII 14.50. Cluster non-member? V0860 Mon MinII 9.38. V0861 Mon MinII 12.7. V0863 Mon MinII 9.13. V0875 Mon Multiple (A 12.6mV; B 13.4mV, 18", 218deg; C = var, 14.51mV, 10", 101deg; D 15.8mV, 12", 168deg, 1990). The tabulated variability range could be influenced by the companions. V0878 Mon O'Connell effect. V0879 Mon VB (A 8.4m, B 10.4m, 7", 265deg, 1999). V0880 Mon VB A (A 8.7m; B 9.9m, 14", 300deg, 1991). Combined magnitudes are tabulated. V0898 Mon VB A (B 15.0mpg, 19", 173deg, 1999). V0900 Mon Min II = 12.65. V0901 Mon The tabulated light elements are for the fundamental mode. First overtone: Max = 2453724.711 + 1.61404d x E. V0902 Mon Several longer period aliases are also possible. V0903 Mon Min II = 12.80. V0904 Mon Min II = 12.68. V0906 Mon Min II = 10.82. V0907 Mon Min II = 10.57. V0908 Mon Min II = 11.54. V0909 Mon Min II = 10.63. V0910 Mon Min II = 11.39. V0912 Mon VB A (B 14.4m, 3"s). V0915 Mon Min II = 11.15. V0917 Mon Min II = 9.93. V0919 Mon Min II = 11.7. V0920 Mon Min II = 7.48. VB AB (A 7.74m, A2:V:m, SB, Porb = 6.7663d; B 9.18m, G8IIIe, SB, Porb = 4.4813d; AB 0.9", 37deg, 1995). Component A varies. V0922 Mon Min II = 11.38. V0925 Mon Min II = 8.52. V0927 Mon Min II = 11.16. V0929 Mon Min II = 13.7. V0930 Mon Min II = 8.40. V0931 Mon VB AB (A 10.49m; B 11.10m, 3.3", 282deg, 1999). V0934 Mon Min II = 13.4. V0935 Mon Min II = 9.9. Min II - MinI = 0.78P. V0936 Mon Min II = 14.2. V0937 Mon Min II = 8.84. Light elements for eclipses are tabulated. Pulsations with P = 0.110480d and amplitude about 0.08m. V0938 Mon Min II = 15.0 :. V0948 Mon Min II = 13.7. V0953 Mon Min II = 14.4. Type RRC with a twice shorter period is not excluded. V0960 Mon In a nebula. V0962 Mon SB2, Porb = 5.32d; the F2V component varies. Multiperiodic; other periods are P2 = 0.77214d and P3 = 0.68432d. V0964 Mon VB AB (12.5m, 13.0m, 2".7, 213deg, 2000). V0965 Mon Blazhko effect, P=37.24d. V0966 Mon Pulsates in the first (see Table) and second (Max = 2453761.54 + 0.85905d x E) overtone modes. P2/P1 = 0.8043. V0972 Mon A period of 0.948d was also detected. V0973 Mon The amplitude of periodic variations (see Table) is 0.08m; a single flare was observed. V0975 Mon Light elements for eclipses are tabulated. Outside eclipses, P = 3.25d, amplitude 0.03m. VB A (B = NSV 03138, 16.1 - 16.7mV, 7", 357deg, 1999). V0979 Mon The light elements for the first overtone are given in the Table. Second overtone: Max = 2453800.32 + 1.03153 x E. P2/P1 = 0.8005. V0982 Mon VB A (B 14.35mF, 10", 256deg, 1998). V0985 Mon Pulsates in the first (see Table) and second (Max = 2453674.01 + 0.70772d x E) overtone modes. P2/P1 = 0.8046. V0988 Mon P = 0.36319d is also possible. V0989 Mon VB A (B 6", 264deg, 1998). V1014 Mon VB (A 9.52m, B 10.56m; AB 3", 194deg, 2001). The magnitude range in the Table is for combined brightness. V1032 Mon MinII - MinI = 0.69P. V1033 Mon Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.07394077d, P1/P0 = 0.7734. V1038 Mon VB A (11.6mG; B 14.0mG, 11", 5deg, 2000). V1040 Mon Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.1270300d, P1/P0 = 0.7662. V1041 Mon Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.06010818d, P1/P0 = 0.7747. V1044 Mon Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.04359416d, P1/P0 = 0.7752. V1045 Mon Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.08667595d, P1/P0 = 0.7723. V1046 Mon Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0727752d, P1/P0 = 0.7718. S Mus Marked on the chart for BO Mus. Max II = Max I, S Mus Phase (Max II) = 0.15P. P var? SB 1 (Porb = 506.4d). T Mus P2 = 1021d. V Mus In the Coal Sack region. RV Mus P = 128d: is possible. RW Mus P = 130d: is possible. RY Mus V1 (NGC 4833). RZ Mus V2 (NGC 4833). Cluster non-member. SY Mus Min II 11.2; Min I - Min II = 170d. SY Mus Elements for Min I of quasiperiodic variations observed SY Mus during JD2434910 - 41510 are given. Radio source. TU Mus Min II 8.65. P var. Min I = 2424260.396 + 1.38728d*E TU Mus (JD2423900 - 29300) [00039]; during JD2437380 - 41900 - see TU Mus Table. The light curve shape var. TV Mus Min II 11.3. TW Mus Min II 12.4. TZ Mus B - V: +1.22, +1.43. UW Mus Min II 11.9. UY Mus Min II 12.0. VW Mus Min II 13.9. WY Mus P var. Periodic term: +0.35d*sin(0.12deg*E). XZ Mus Before JD2419200 Max = 2412590 + 113d*E. AB Mus Min II 13.0. AS Mus [A/H] = 0.5. AX Mus P var. During JD2412550 - 19200 - see Table; during AX Mus JD2423900 - 26100 P = 97.3d. AY Mus Min II 10.8. Min II - Min I = 0.481P. AY Mus The elements are valid during 1897 - 1943. In the time AY Mus interval JD2441683 - 721 eclipses did not occur [08094]. BB Mus P, possibly P should be doubled. BD Mus Depth of Min II 0.05m. BE Mus Min II 14.1. BF Mus Min II 14.4. BK Mus P very long P: 56d < d < 310d. BR Mus Min II 11.25. B - V: +0.10m. BS Mus Min II 11.5. BX Mus Depth of Min II 0.04m. CD Mus Min II 14.7. CS Mus P > 120d. DW Mus According to [08135], the spectral type is M5e, typical of DW Mus Mira stars. Elements in [03934] were deduced from the DW Mus observed brightness variations with P ~355d which DW Mus was considered to be a spurious period; rapid variations DW Mus were confirmed by 7h of photographic observations. DZ Mus Possibly Pshould be doubled. EE Mus In the coal sack. The flare was observed spectroscopically. EN Mus d = 0.035P:. EP Mus [A/H] = 0.2. According to [08136], EA, EP Mus P = 4.15d, D = 0.05P, 11.63m - 12.60m V, Min II 11.7:. ET Mus Alternatively possible type EW [08727, 04001]. EV Mus d = 0.09P:. EY Mus In the Coal Sack region. EZ Mus Alternative possible values of P 4.3032d, 4.3224d. FH Mus Depth of Min II 0.03m. FO Mus P var? GK Mus Min II 15.0. GN Mus Min II 14.2. GO Mus Min II 15.2. GP Mus B - V: +1.03, +1.61. KU Mus Type RV: is also possible. MR Mus MinII 8.53. NT Mus VB A (B 12.8m, 14", 233deg, 2000). OT Mus VB, several companions within 15". OW Mus A twice longer period is not excluded. PX Mus The mean brightness varies with a possible period about 750d. QR Mus VB A (B 14.3mpg, 18", 228deg, 2000). QU Mus VB A (B 14.7mpg, 13", 183deg, 2000). V0338 Mus Min II = 10.1. VB AB (10.14m, 11.00m, 2.4", 129deg, 1985). V0340 Mus Min II = 8.06. V0355 Mus SB2. V0356 Mus Double-mode pulsations. The Table gives the first-overtone light elements. For the second overtone, Max = 2453693.12 + 0.734376d x E. P2/P1 = 0.8043. V0360 Mus Erroneously named in the finding chart legend in [g0143]; the correct chart is Fig. 2(c), upper right. The declination in the Table differs by 7" from that in [g0143]. V0364 Mus Erroneously named in the finding chart legend in [g0143]; the correct chart is Fig. 2(c), upper middle. V0365 Mus Cluster non-member? V0368 Mus Cluster non-member? V0369 Mus Type ELL (Ell) with a twice longer period is also possible. V0377 Mus Cluster non-member? V0378 Mus Erroneously named in the finding chart legend in [g0143]; the correct chart is Fig. 2(c), lower right. V0379 Mus Erroneously named in the finding chart legent in [g0143]; the correct chart is Fig. 2(c), upper left. Cluster non-member? V0381 Mus MinII - MinI = 0.58P. V0383 Mus VB A (15.4mG; B 16.2mG, 3.5", 1deg, 2000). V0384 Mus Period varies. V0385 Mus Crowded. V0387 Mus VB B (A 14.6mG, B 15.4mG; AB 2", 57deg, 2000). V0391 Mus VB B (A 15.1mG, B 15.3mG; AB 4", 124deg, 2000). V0392 Mus VB A (15.2mG; B 15.4mG, 4", 255deg, 2000). V0393 Mus VB A (15.3mG; B 15.4mG, 5", 8deg, 2000). V0394 Mus Crowded. V0395 Mus Crowded. Strong Blazhko effect. V0396 Mus Crowded. V0397 Mus Several close companions. V0398 Mus Crowded. V0399 Mus Cluster non-member? V0400 Mus VB A (15.3mG; B 16.1mG, 5", 142deg, 2000). V0402 Mus Blazhko effect? V0403 Mus Crowded. V0408 Mus Crowded. The Gaia EDR3 identification is not absolutely certain. V0409 Mus VB B (A 14.8mG, B 15.4mG; AB 5", 139deg, 2000). V0410 Mus Cluster non-member? V0416 Mus VB A (14.3mG; B 15.5mG, 6", 256deg, 2000). Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.05703312d, P1/P0 = 0.7744. V0418 Mus VB A (13.6mG; B 13.8mG, 4", 98deg, 2000). The variability range in the Table is for combined light. alf Mus VB A (B 13.0m, 29.3", 316deg). eta Mus VB A (B 7.30m, 60"). tet Mus VB (A 5.64m, B 7.5m, 5.3", 187deg); SB (Porb = 18.341B). tet Mus Variable intensity of emission lines with respect to the tet Mus continuum (double wave; elements in the Table are for the tet Mus epochs of Min I variability in the UV range (lambda lambda tet Mus 1550 - 3300 A) with an amplitude about 2%, P = 1.5d and tet Mus rapid changes (lamda lamda 1550 - 1800 A) with an tet Mus amplitude about 3 - 5% on the time scale of 50s - 70s tet Mus [08532]. Connected with a nebula, 80'*45'. R Nor VB A (B 14.0m, 5.7", 268deg, 1929). P var. Max II = R Nor 2406371 + 486.94d*E (JD2406300 - 25000); Max II = R Nor 2426359 + 500.56d*E (JD2426000 - 30500); Max II = R Nor 2431377 + 489.0d*E (JD2430500 - 34500); since R Nor JD2437600 - see Table. Like R Cen, has a doudle Max, R Nor JD2437600 - see Table. Like R Cen, has a doudle Max, R Nor divided by a comparatively shallow Min II. Max II is R Nor usually brighter than Max I. Phase (Min I) = 0.43P, R Nor Phase (Max I) = 0.70P, Phase(Min II) = 0.85P. S Nor In the centre of the open cluster NGC 6087, cluster member. S Nor [A/H] = -0.1. T Nor P var.Max = 2414783 + 241.87d*E (JD2414700 - 28000); T Nor Max = 2428084 + 244.93d*E (JD2428000 - 35000); T Nor since JD2437000 - see Table. U Nor P var. Max = 2415028.94 + 12.64084d*E (JD2415000 - 26000) U Nor [00060]; since JD2434000 - see Table, [A/H] = -0.6. W Nor P2 ~1300d. Y Nor VB A (B 12.2m vis, 4.0", 156deg, 1903). Z Nor Min II 9.6. RR Nor Min II 9.9. RS Nor B - V: +1.13, +1.48. RT Nor Quasiperiodic variations: P1 ~59d, P2 ~175d [08140]. RV Nor [A/H] = 0.8. RV Nor There are irregularities in the light curve. SV Nor Min II 12.6. SW Nor D = 0.013P, d = 0.003P. SX Nor d = 0.1P. SY Nor VB A (B 12.8m, 2.1", 315deg, 1934). B - V: +1.16, +1.49. SY Nor [A/H] = 0.5. SZ Nor Min II 12.6. TT Nor Twice longer P is possible. TU Nor Min II 12.5. Associated with a small faint nebula. TV Nor Min II 9.3. TW Nor In the region of the poor open cluster Lynga 6. TW Nor B - V: +1.79, +2.22. [A/H] = 0.2. TX Nor Min II 12.5. TZ Nor Min II 12.1. UV Nor d ~0.07P. UX Nor In Max light B - V = +0.30. UY Nor d = 0.025P. UZ Nor d = 0.02P. VV Nor In the region of the cluster NGC 6152. VX Nor Depth of Min II ~0.03m. VZ Nor In the region of the cluster NGC 6152. Min II 14.3. WX Nor The chart is erroneously labelled as that for WZ Nor. WX Nor Min II 12.8. WZ Nor The chart is erroneously labelled as that for WX Nor. WZ Nor Min II 13.4. XY Nor Min II 13.2. AA Nor [A/H] = -0.1. AF Nor In the region of the open cluster NGC 5999. AQ Nor The chart in [06286] is wrong. AR Nor The chart in [06286] is wrong. AT Nor d = 0.026P:. BE Nor Min II 14.2. BF Nor The chart in [06286] is wrong. BH Nor Min II 13.2. BP Nor Close companion. CE Nor d = 0.05P. Min II 11.8? CG Nor The chart in [06286] is wrong. CI Nor The chart in [06286] is wrong. CT Nor The chart in [06286] is wrong. CX Nor Min II 15.0. DE Nor The chart in [06286] is wrong. DF Nor The chart in [06286] is wrong. DO Nor Min II 14.2. In the region of the open cluster NGC 6087. DP Nor The chart in [06286] is wrong. DR Nor In the region of the open cluster NGC 6087. EE Nor The chart in [06286] is wrong. EM Nor Min II 13.8. ET Nor d = 0.032P. FG Nor The chart in [06286] is wrong. FI Nor The chart in [06286] is wrong. FK Nor Min II 15.0. FQ Nor According to [00060], P = 1.994d? FW Nor Min II 14.5. GM Nor d = 0.02P; Min II 11.01; Min II - Min I = 0.499P GM Nor (JD2441683 - 721), Min II - Min I = 0.531P (JD2425381 - GM Nor 28402). B - V = 0.44m. GN Nor Min II 13.3, DII = 0.16P, Min II - Min I = 0.405P GN Nor (JD2425900). Apsidal motion: P = 500yr. GO Nor Min II 13.7. GQ Nor Min II 13.8. GR Nor [A/H] = 0.9. GT Nor d = 0.048P. GU Nor In the region of the open cluster NGC 6067. GU Nor B - V: +1.17, +1.40. [A/H] = 0.1. GV Nor d = 0.03P:. GX Nor Min II 15.0. HH Nor VB B (A 9.9m vis, FO; B 12.6", 148deg). d = 0.05P. HI Nor D is very small. HK Nor Min II 12.9. HO Nor Min II 13.2:. HW Nor d = 0.024P. HZ Nor P = 2.921584d is possible. IQ Nor B - V: +1.55, +1.93. IS Nor In the region of the open cluster NGC 6067. IT Nor Min II 9.8. KL Nor P >= 140d. KM Nor P >= 170d. KQ Nor Mira Ceti type is not excluded [04001]. KT Nor P >= 180d. KX Nor Min II 14.8. LO Nor P >= 220d. LV Nor Deep Min II. LX Nor Possible P values: 0.60492d, 0.7851d, etc. NR Nor Min II 15.9. NS Nor Min II 10.50 V; Min II - Min I = 0.67P NW Nor P > 140d. NX Nor Min II 14.4. OS Nor Epoch of Min is given. EW/KW type is possible. OT Nor Min II 13.7. OU Nor Min II 15.1. OV Nor P >= 200d. OW Nor P >= 120d. OX Nor P >= 110d. PQ Nor Possibly a cepheid which is a fainter component of an PQ Nor unresolved binary. Epoch of Max is given. PT Nor In the region of the open cluster NGC 6067. QT Nor HV 5388 = HV 8903. The coordinates in [00424] are wrong. QV Nor 3U 1538 - 52. No.12 [04124]. QV Nor Epoch of Min corresponding to the X-ray eclipse is given. QV Nor Depth of Min I 0.05m V, that of Min II 0.08m V. The period QV Nor of X-ray pulses Px = 528.928s [04114]. A flare was observed QV Nor with Delta(m) > 0.3m [09456]. QX Nor 4U 1608 - 52. QZ Nor In the open cluster NGC 6067. V0367 Nor May be not a supergiant. V0374 Nor Type LBV: is also possible. V0384 Nor MinII 10.30. V0389 Nor Min II 15.7. V0392 Nor VB (A 8.59m; B 9.29m, 13", 205deg, 2000). The combined brightness is tabulated. V0396 Nor Cluster non-member. MinII - MinI = 0.44P. V0405 Nor Min II = 9.08:. MinII - MinI = 0.56P. V0410 Nor Min II = 16.60. V0412 Nor Min II = 16.90:. O'Connell effect. V0413 Nor Min II = 15.80. V0414 Nor Min II = 14.95:. V0415 Nor Min II = 17.90. V0417 Nor Min II = 16.65. V0418 Nor Min II = 16.45. V0419 Nor Min II = 16.35. V0420 Nor Min II = 17.95. V0422 Nor Min II = 17.50. V0424 Nor Min II = 14.73. V0426 Nor Min II = 18.0. V0427 Nor Min II = 16.78. V0428 Nor Min II = 13.22. V0429 Nor The coordinates in [80419] are wrong. V0430 Nor Min II = 17.18. The coordinates in [80419] are wrong. V0432 Nor Min II = 17.30. V0434 Nor Min II = 16.45. V0436 Nor Min II = 17.65. V0437 Nor Min II = 14.10. V0438 Nor Min II = 17.0. V0440 Nor Min II = 16.13. V0441 Nor Min II = 16.6. V0442 Nor Min II = 14.95. V0443 Nor Min II = 16.8. V0445 Nor Min II = 17.2. V0447 Nor Min II = 16.62. V0448 Nor Min II = 16.50. V0449 Nor Min II = 15.75. V0451 Nor Min II = 9.58. V0479 Nor Multiperiodic; P2 = 0.204945d. V0495 Nor SB2. V0498 Nor VB B (A 9.25mV; B 9.72mV, A6V, 7", 160deg, 1998). Combined magnitudes are presented in the Table. V0501 Nor VB A (B 5", 99deg, 20000). Combined magnitudes are presented in the Table. V0558 Nor VB A (B 11.4m, 3", 183deg, 1933; C 11.4m, 6", 159deg, 1972). mu. Nor In the region of the open cluster NGC 6169. U Oct P var. Max = 2420685 + 302.00d*E (JD2414900 - U Oct 20700); Max = 2424320 + 300.74d*E (JD2422800 - U Oct 29800); Max = 2431901 + 309.60d*E (JD2429800 - U Oct 32250); Max = 2434018 + 300.70d*E (JD2432250 - U Oct 38800); since JD2438800 - see Table. X Oct P var.Max = 2415170 + 208.40d*E (JD2415100 - X Oct 17100); Max = 2417425 + 201.24d*E (JD2417100 - X Oct 20700); Max = 2423780 + 207.95d*E (JD2422000 - X Oct 24000); Max = 2424370 + 200.18d*E (JD2424000 - X Oct 25600); since JD2425600 - see Table. Depths of minima are X Oct stongly variable; 1.1m <= A <= 4.0m. RV Oct Delta(S) = 10. TX Oct Min II 12.7. UV Oct Delta(S) = 9; (k - b)2 = 0.06. Blazhko effect: P = 80d; UV Oct 0.14P <= M - m <= 0.24P, 0.4m <= A <= 1.3m. UZ Oct Min II 9.48; dI = 0.00P, dII = 0.05P. P var. Min I = UZ Oct 2440223.1560 + 1.1493709d*E (JD2438300 - 42000); UZ Oct since JD2442000 - see Table. AM Oct Min II 14.9. BC Oct Min II 10.8:V. Also possible is P=26.45924 with MinII - MinI = 0.338P. BE Oct P < 20d:. BG Oct P = 0.7490d? BK Oct Min II 14.6. BP Oct (k - b)2 = 0.25. CC Oct Basic radial pulsation with P1 = 0.12490d (A1 = 0.042m) CC Oct is superimposed by others with periods: P2 = 0.0795317d CC Oct (A2 = 0.008m), P3 = 0.12336d (A3 = 0.014m); P4 = CC Oct 0.11068d (A4 = 0.008m), P5 = 0.12713d (A5 = 0.006m); CC Oct P6 = 0.11815d (A6 = 0.006m). CD Oct mu = 0.51", p = 279deg. One of the periods P = 686s CD Oct (A = 0.01m). CE Oct Light oscillation with P2 = 0.054511d (A2 = 0.0056m) is CE Oct superimposed by an oscillation with P1 = 0.2100d or CE Oct 0.2660d (A1 = 0.0052m), which is due to pulsation or CE Oct ellipsoidal variability in a close binary system. CP Oct Variability type and spectral type (F2/F3Ib/II) do not agree. DU Oct MinII 9.34. DV Oct In the constellation Octans. DZ Oct Blazhko effect, P=36.8d. EV Oct Min II = 14.5. EX Oct Min II = 11.20. EZ Oct Min II = 12.04. GH Oct Blazhko effect, P = 222d. GM Oct Blazhko effect, P = 70.8d:. alf Oct SB, Porb = 9.073d. R Oph P var. Max = 2399214 + 302.1d*E (JD2399200 - 2427900) R Oph [00458]; Max = 2427915 + 304.0d*E (JD2427900 - 34900); R Oph Max = 2434906 + 301.5d*E (JD2434900 - 40600) [00001]; R Oph since JD2440600 - see Table. U Oph ADS 10428 A (B 12.26m, GOV, 20.4", 358deg). Min II 6.46. U Oph P var. Periodic term: U Oph +0.0120d*sin(0.0483deg*E + 4.7833deg). V Oph P var. Max = 2411155 + 296.73d*E (JD2411000 - 24000); V Oph Max = 2424198 + 302.46d*E (JD2424000 - 28000); V Oph since JD2428000 - see Table. W Oph P var. Before JD2420500 Max = 2415186 + W Oph 335.07d*E; Max = 2420870 + 325.33d*E (JD2420500 - W Oph 24700); since JD2424700 - see Table. X Oph VBA (A = 0.34", Porb = 485.3 yr; B - 9m, K1III, 0.4", X Oph 142deg, 1980). X Oph The range of the combined brightness is given. X Oph P var. Max = 2416416 + 336.61d*E (JD2416400 - 26000); X Oph Max = 2426161 + 331.28d*E (JD2426000 - 32500); Max = X Oph 2432788 + 335.50d*E (JD2432500 - 38000); X Oph since JD2438000 - see Table. Y Oph SB1? Porb = 2612d? P var. Before JD2427000 Y Oph Max = 2408694.77 + 17.11884d*E; since Y Oph JD2432000 - see Table. [A/H] = -0.2. Z Oph P var. Max = 2411896 + 349.0d*E (JD2411800 - 21000) Z Oph [00458]; Max = 2420962 + 352.1d*E (JD2421000 - 25000); Z Oph Max = 2425183 + 347.4d*E (JD2425000 - 31000); Z Oph Mean elements after JD2431000 - see Table. RR Oph P var. Nonlinear term: -0.009282d*E2. RS Oph Previous outbursts: 1898, 1933, 1958. RS Oph According to [07575], in 1972 - 1973 there were semiregular RS Oph variations (Delta(m) ~0.5M, P = 50D - 70D). RT Oph P var. Before JD2426500 Max = 2417452 + RT Oph 429.00d*E; Max = 2426461 + 422.67d*E (JD2426500 - RT Oph 34000); since JD2434500 - see Table. OH, H2O maser. RU Oph P var. Before JD2422000 Max = 2417388 + RU Oph 200.95d*E; Max = 2422011 + 203.62d*E (JD2422000 - RU Oph 27300); Max = 2427298 + 200.5d*E (JD2427300 - 29000); RU Oph Max = 2429305 + 203.88d*E (JD2429000 - 33000); RU Oph during JD2433000 - 40500 - see Table. RV Oph d = 0.015P; Min II 9.56, DII = 0.09P. The light curve RV Oph share var. RW Oph P var. Max = 242494 + 247.86d*E (JD2425000 - 34000). RW Oph The Table gives mean elements. RX Oph OH, H2O maser. RY Oph P var. Max = 2415235 + 151.05d*E (JD2414700 - 24000); RY Oph Max = 2424152 + 149.69d*E (JD2424000 - 31000); Max = RY Oph 2431339 + 150.94d*E (JD2431000 - 40000); RY Oph since JD2440000 - see Table. RZ Oph d = 0.030P. SS Oph P var. Before JD2432500 Max = 2417330 + 179.88d*E. ST Oph (k - b)2 = 0.03. SV Oph The elements are valid since JD2422000. SW Oph VB A (B 12.0m vis, 2.4", 91deg, 1943). d = 0.02P. P var. SW Oph Min = 2418880.528 + 2.445948d*E (JD2418880 - 26200) SW Oph [00001]; Min = 2431235.216 + 2.446086d*E (JD2427900 - SW Oph 33500) [02389]; since JD2434000 - see Table. SX Oph d = 0.03P. SZ Oph P var. Before JD2428400 Min = 2421057.556 + 3.708454d*E; SZ Oph since JD2442000 - see Table. TT Oph [Fe/H] = -0.5. TW Oph P2 = 2000d:. Associated with a nebula of variable TW Oph brightness [03479]. UU Oph d = 0.024P. P var? UX Oph P var. Max = 2426041 + 117.34d (JD2406430 - 28040); UX Oph since JD2433100 - see Table. VW Oph P var. Mean elements are given. During JD2422500 - 30600 VW Oph Max = 2430554 + 282.69d*E. WW Oph Epoch of Min is given. The chart in [06286] is wrong. WZ Oph Min II 9.82. XX Oph A symbiotic object featuring deep fadings XX Oph of long duration [09489]. AH Oph H2O maser. AQ Oph The chart in [06286] is wrong. BE Oph The data in [00278] refer to another star. BF Oph SB? P var? since JD2430000 - see Table. BN Oph 80d <= P <= 250d. DM Oph P var. P = 220d (1893 - 1910), P = 216d (1914 - 1928). DQ Oph P = 35d is possible. FK Oph V2 (NGC 6273). GM Oph V12 (NGC 6284). GR Oph P var. Max = 2415425 + 136d*E (1893 - 1908); GR Oph during 1910 - 1928 - see Table. IL Oph P2 = 140d:. IW Oph In the field of the globular cluster NGC 6293, IW Oph possible cluster member. KM Oph In the field of the globular cluster NGC 6304, field star. KO Oph In a dark nebula. KQ Oph P2 = 1500d. KR Oph P2 > 5000d. OU Oph V70 (NGC 6266). PU Oph VB (A = V29 (NGC 6266), the data are in the Table; B = V28 PU Oph (NGC 6266), 16.6m - 17m, 4B, 4.8", 7deg), B: RRAB, PU Oph Max = 2433423.52 + 0.49749d*E, M - m = 0.15P. V0378 Oph Min II 14.2. In the region of the open cluster CR 359. V0378 Oph Epoch of Max is given. V0380 Oph Porb = 0.16d. Blue. V0391 Oph In the region of the open cluster CR 359. P var? V0391 Oph Before JD2427000 Min = 2425501.425 + 2.89558d*E [00432]; V0391 Oph since JD2441500 - see Table. V0392 Oph Red. V0402 Oph P var. Max = 2425364 + 154d*E (JD2425350 - 670); V0402 Oph since JD2425670 - see Table. V0413 Oph Delta(S) = 3. Blazhko effect? V0414 Oph B - V: +0.41, +0.77. V0423 Oph In the region of the open cluster CR 359. V0426 Oph Outbursts separated by 17d - 55d [08079]; in 1976 - 77 the V0426 Oph cycle was 32.3d. Outside outbursts 12.7m - 13.3m, waves V0426 Oph with a cycle of 20 - 30 Min and slower variations. V0438 Oph H20 Maser. V0439 Oph B - V: +0.63, +0.97. V0442 Oph Porb = 0.14056d. V0445 Oph VB A (B 13.04m y, 21"nf). (k - b)2 = 0.35; Delta(S) = 2. V0445 Oph According to [05692], Blazhko effect (Pi > 2000d). V0449 Oph P var. Before JD243900 Min = 2428696.465 + V0449 Oph 1.243078d*E; Min = 2442959.607 + 1.243095d*E V0449 Oph (JD2439000 - 43000); since JD2443000 - see Table. V0451 Oph Min II 8.31; Min II - Min I = 0.494P; DII = 0.12P. V0452 Oph Delta(S) = 5:. V0455 Oph P var? The Table gives mean elements which need V0455 Oph confirmation. V0456 Oph Min II 10.5. P var. Before JD2436100 Min = V0456 Oph 2428422.341 + 1.015986d*E [00476]; since JD2441800 - see V0456 Oph Table. V0465 Oph B - V: +0.68, +1.10. P var? V0471 Oph Very red. V0478 Oph B - V: +0.86, +1.33. [A/H] = -0.7. V0478 Oph The elements need confirmation. V0487 Oph D <= 0.14P. In the region of the open cluster Cr 359. V0496 Oph In the region of the open cluster Cr 359. V0501 Oph Min II 11.1. V0502 Oph Min II 8.81. P var. Since JD2434500 - see Table. V0506 Oph Min II 12.0. In the region of the open cluster Cr 359. V0508 Oph Min II 10.59. V0509 Oph In the region of the open cluster Cr 359. V0511 Oph Min II 13.7. In the region of the open cluster Cr 359. V0515 Oph Max = 2425600 + 300d*E (JD2425600 - 26700); P = 140d V0515 Oph (JD2426700 - 27300); during JD2427300 - 30200 - see Table. V0516 Oph In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6304. V0517 Oph In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6304. V0521 Oph P = 164d (JD2415000 - 24600); P2 - 4000d. V0526 Oph Min II 13.6. V0527 Oph Min II 14.8. V0532 Oph P >= 6000d. V0533 Oph P >= 80d. V0534 Oph d = 0.03P. V0535 Oph d = 0.025P. V0536 Oph d = 0.04P:. V0537 Oph Min II 12.8. V0540 Oph d = 0.05P; Min II 13.4. V0541 Oph [A/H] = -1.0. In the region of the globular cluster V0541 Oph NGC 6401; cluster non-member? V0543 Oph Min II 13.6. V0549 Oph Min II 14.0. V0550 Oph Min II 13.0. V0554 Oph [A/H] = -1.1. V0555 Oph Sharp and flat maxima. Blazhko effect? V0557 Oph Min II 15.7. In the region of the open cluster Cr 359. V0558 Oph B - V: +0.57, +0.68. [Fe/H] = -1.48. According to [09037], V0558 Oph P = 0.299d. V0564 Oph [Fe/H] = -1.37. Epoch of Min is given. P var. Nonlinear V0564 Oph term: +0.0073d*(E + 10)**2. V0565 Oph P = 0.3957d is possible. Photoelectric observations of V0565 Oph 1968 contradict the elements [05746]. V0566 Oph dI = 0.048P; Min II 7.89, dII = 0.06P. P var. Before V0566 Oph JD2440500 Min = 2436744.4200 + 0.40964091d*E [08287]; since V0566 Oph JD2440500 - see Table. V0567 Oph (k - b)2 = 0.22; Delta(S) = 0. According to [07984], V0567 Oph Max = 2441134.467 + 0.1300729d*E. V0568 Oph Red. V0570 Oph VB A (B 16.3m, 5", 90deg). V0572 Oph In the region of the open cluster Cr 359. V0573 Oph d = 0.034P. In the region of the open cluster Cr 359. V0574 Oph P2 ~500d. V0577 Oph Min II 11.9. Min II - Min I = 0.583P. DII = 0.050P. V0577 Oph e = 0.22. V0580 Oph VB A (B 15.5m, 0.2'). V0585 Oph A long-period variation is superimposed? V0586 Oph In the region of the open cluster Cr 359. V0590 Oph Min II 13.6. V0592 Oph Max = 2427227 + 78d*E (JD2426100 - 29400); V0592 Oph during JD2429400 - 30150 - see Table. V0592 Oph After intervals of irregular variability the periodicity V0592 Oph resumes without phase shift. V0605 Oph Epoch of Min is given. V0618 Oph Min II 14.7:. V0636 Oph d = 0.030P. V0683 Oph P var. The light curve shape varies. V0687 Oph P may be twice longer. V0693 Oph Blazhko effect? [05692]. V0695 Oph P var? The light curve shape varies. V0698 Oph P var? since JD2442950 - see Table. V0700 Oph B - V: +0.49, +0.50. [Fe/H] = -2.10. V0716 Oph Delta(S) = 7. V0720 Oph VI (NGC 6171). Cluster non-member. V0722 Oph P var. Max = 2437089.456 + 0.6190385d (JD2419900 - 37100) V0722 Oph [07806]; since JD2436700 - see Table. V0729 Oph P var. Max = 2437492.766 + 0.4685794d*E (JD2423500 - 37800) V0729 Oph [03560]; since JD2437400 - see Table. V0732 Oph Unusual light curve (sharp Max; primary Min; broad Max; V0732 Oph secondary Min 15.2). V0734 Oph P var. Max = 2420636.497 + 0.562489d*E (JD2420600 - V0734 Oph 29100); during JD2429100 - 37150 - see Table. V0735 Oph Min II 10.6. V0737 Oph P = 374d is possible. V0767 Oph According to [00104], waves with Delta(m) = 0.3m - 1.4m vis V0767 Oph of 50d - 110d duration; mean brightness var, V0767 Oph Delta(m) ~0.4m in 800d - 1000d. V0782 Oph Very red. V0784 Oph B - V: +0.26, +0.56. The period should be checked. V0786 Oph Red. V0788 Oph Blazhko effect? Pi = 115d. V0799 Oph P = 215d is possible. V0802 Oph Red. V0816 Oph B - V: +0.25, +0.63. V0822 Oph Blazhko effect? V0823 Oph In the region of the open cluster IC 4665. V0825 Oph In the region of the open cluster IC 4665. V0829 Oph Blazhko effect? Pi = 165d. V0832 Oph Red. V0838 Oph P2 ~500d is possible. V0839 Oph mu = 0.041", ro = 292deg. Min II 9.38. V0840 Oph VB A (B 12m, 16", 116deg). V0841 Oph Max = 2396146. V0843 Oph SN Kepler. Max 2307193. Gaseous remnant. V0844 Oph Min II 14.9. V0845 Oph VB A (B 15.7m). V0847 Oph Min II 13.1. V0848 Oph Min II 13.4. V0851 Oph Max = 2425828 + 95d*E (JD2425600 - 29700); V0851 Oph during JD2429700 - 34250 - see Table. V0854 Oph According to [08116], the spectrum V0854 Oph resembles that of a T Tau - type star. V0868 Oph Min II 13.6. In the region of the open cluster Cr 359. V0870 Oph In the region of the open cluster Cr 359. V0872 Oph P = 0.825d is possible. V0878 Oph Min II 16.5. In the region of the open cluster Cr 359. V0911 Oph P2 = 81d, P3 = 114d. P4 > P3? Standstills up to 100d. V0919 Oph VB A (B sp). V0920 Oph Min II 15.9. V0924 Oph Min II 16.4. V0929 Oph d = 0.050P. V0934 Oph E type is possible. V0936 Oph In the region of the open cluster Cr 359. V0938 Oph Min II 15.3. In the region of the open cluster Cr 359. V0940 Oph Min II 15.6. V0941 Oph Min II 16.5. V0943 Oph Min II 16.4. In the region of the open cluster Cr 359. V0945 Oph Min II 15.1. In the region of the open cluster Cr 359. V0947 Oph Min II 14.5. In the region of the open cluster Cr 359. V0952 Oph P = 0.954d is possible. V0954 Oph In the region of the open cluster Cr 359. Min II 14.9. V0954 Oph According to [03500], const, V = 12.86m, B - V = +1.36m, V0959 Oph P var? Max = 2429785.419 + 0.084857d*E V0959 Oph (JD2429785 - 845) [02757]; during JD2443719 - 732 - see V0959 Oph Table; other possible elemente: V0959 Oph Max = 2443726.469 + 0.07786d*E. V0960 Oph In the region of the open cluster Cr 359. V0963 Oph Min II 15.1. In the region of the open cluster Cr 359. V0968 Oph [Fe/H] = -1.48. In the region of the open cluster Cr 359. V0969 Oph Min II 13.8:. In the region of the open cluster Cr 359. V0977 Oph In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6426. V0978 Oph In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6426. V0979 Oph V11 (NGC 6426). Cluster non-member. V0980 Oph In the the region of globular cluster NGC 6426. V0980 Oph P = 0.25740d is possible. V0983 Oph In the region of the open cluster Cr 359. V0986 Oph In July 1980 Vr varied with P = 0.179d, 0.147d, 0.225d, V0986 Oph and possibly 0.097d, but there were no spectrum variations, V0986 Oph and the photometric P = 0.323d was not noticeable in Vr. V0986 Oph SB? Porb = 15d - 20d; there is also excess power V0986 Oph at low frequences in the photometric data. Earlier V0986 Oph studies revealed photometric periods 0.284d - 0.4d V0986 Oph and violation of periodicity. V0987 Oph d = 0.02P. Min II 14.6. In the region of the open cluster V0987 Oph Cr 359. V0998 Oph In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6171. V0999 Oph In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6171. V1000 Oph Blazhko effect? V1002 Oph Min II 15.2. V1002 Oph RRC type with twice shorter P is possible. V1004 Oph Blazhko effect? V1010 Oph Min II 6.46. P var. P = 0.661464d (JD2415000 - 25000) V1010 Oph [05738]; since JD2425000 - see Table, nonlinear term: V1010 Oph -3.87d*10**(-10)*E**2. Min I var.The light curve shape and V1010 Oph the depth of Min I var. V1011 Oph Blazhko effect? V1015 Oph D <= 0.23P, d < 0.02P; Min II 14.5. V1017 Oph [Fe/H] = -1.25. P var? Max = 2437433.935 + 0.2343d*E V1017 Oph (JD2437433 - 514) [03625]. During V1017 Oph JD2442954 - 45140 - see Table. V1017 Oph According to [09037], P = 0.361d. V1018 Oph Possibly eclipsing. V1021 Oph Delta(m) var. B - V: +0.42, +0.62. V1022 Oph d = 0.06P:; Min II 15.95. V1024 Oph Max = 2437433.559 + 0.5914d*E (JD2437433 - 514) V1024 Oph [03625]. During JD2442954 - 45140 - see Table. V1024 Oph RR(B) type is possible; P = 0.371d satisfies the V1024 Oph observations during JD2442954 - 44407. V1026 Oph Max = 2437433.562 + 0.6563d*E (JD2437433 - 514) V1026 Oph [03625]. During JD2442954 - 45140 - see Table. V1028 Oph Blazhko effect? V1032 Oph P > 1.0d is not excluded. V1033 Oph Max = 2437433.714 + 0.4845d*E (JD2437433 - 514) V1033 Oph [03625]. During JD2442954 - 45140 - see Table. V1035 Oph Max = 2437433.388 + 0.6100d*E (JD2437433 - 514) V1035 Oph [03625]; during JD2442954 - 45140 - see Table. V1039 Oph P = 0.3166d is possible. V1040 Oph The light curve shape var. V1041 Oph [Fe/H] = -1.06. V1042 Oph The light curve shape var. Max = 2437433.633 + 0.5528d V1042 Oph (JD2437433 - 514) [03625]. During JD2442954 - 45140 - see V1042 Oph Table. V1052 Oph Max = 2437433.537 + 0.7546d*E (JD2437433 - 514) V1052 Oph [03625]; during JD2442954 - 45140 - see Table. V1054 Oph VB Wolf 630AB (A 9.76m V, 12.47mu; B 9.78m V; A = 0.22", V1054 Oph Porb = 1.71665 yr; C = Wolf 629, 11.70m V,14.75mu, V1054 Oph dM4, 72", D = vB8, 16.7m V, 221", common mu). mu = 1.19", V1054 Oph ro = 222deg. Lx/Lopt(V) = 0.05. V1072 Oph P var. Max = 2439025.31 + 0.444715d*E (JD2438500 - 39025); V1072 Oph since JD2442800 - see Table. V1075 Oph Red. V1077 Oph P var. Max = 2438614.40 + 0.373926d*E (JD2438200 - 700); V1077 Oph Max = 2442871.516 + 0.37384d*E (JD2442810 - 910): V1077 Oph Max = 2442983.345 + 0.373911d*E (JD2442920 - 3330); V1077 Oph since JD2443330 - see Table. V1089 Oph VB AB (B 16.4m, 2", 45deg). V1099 Oph Red. V1100 Oph Red. V1111 Oph OH, H2O, SiO maser. V1120 Oph Min II 14.3. V1121 Oph Soft X-ray source. V1135 Oph [Ca/H] = -0.74. V1141 Oph P var? The light curve shape var? V1142 Oph P var? The light curve shape var? V1146 Oph P = 185.2d is possible. V1153 Oph P = 153.0d is possible. V1157 Oph B - V: +0.42, +0.66. V1161 Oph P = 0.49d is possible [06438]. V1168 Oph P var? The light curve shape var? V1170 Oph P = 360d: is possible [06438]. V1174 Oph P var? The light curve shape var? V1176 Oph P = 269.0d is possible. V1179 Oph P var? The light curve shape var? V1185 Oph Other possible elements: Max = 2435630 + 177d*E [00001]. V1195 Oph One more Max 2435637 (1956). Type M is possible. V1203 Oph P = 315d is possible [06438]. V1204 Oph P = 144d: or P = 191d: are possible. V1235 Oph UV type is possible. V1240 Oph P = 0.42136d is possible. V1244 Oph The light curve shape var? V1258 Oph P var? V1261 Oph The light curve is not typical for the P in the Table [06438]. V1262 Oph The light curve is not typical for the P in the Table [06438]. V1276 Oph [Ca/H] = -0.1. V1296 Oph [Ca/H] = -0.9. V1299 Oph The light curve shape var? V1300 Oph P = 235d: is possible. V1305 Oph Min II 17.9:. V1307 Oph The light curve shape var? Spurious period? [06438]. V1323 Oph P var? V1332 Oph [Ca/H] = -0.64. V1348 Oph The light curve shape var? V1355 Oph The light curve shape var? V1403 Oph P = 215d? V1423 Oph The light curve shape var? V1426 Oph P var? V1451 Oph P = 179.4d? V1474 Oph P = 127d:? V1491 Oph P = 328.0d? V1492 Oph The light curve shape var? V1505 Oph P = 86d:? V1512 Oph The light curve shape var? V1526 Oph P = 0.29745d? V1532 Oph P = 144.4d? V1534 Oph P = 198.8d? V1548 Oph The minor planet (336) Lacadiera. V1554 Oph P = 136.0d? V1568 Oph P = 275.5d? V1571 Oph P var? V1573 Oph Type E? V1583 Oph P - spurious? V1616 Oph Type E? V1628 Oph The light curve shape var? V1637 Oph [Ca/H] = -0.44. V1661 Oph The light curve shape var? V1666 Oph P = 154.2d? V1676 Oph Close optical companion? V1682 Oph P = 118.0d? V1687 Oph Type CW? V1702 Oph P = 121d? V1705 Oph P var? V1710 Oph P = 0.37422d? V1731 Oph The light curve shape var? V1736 Oph P = 143.8d?, P = 244.5d? V1744 Oph P = 191.6d? V1748 Oph A var. Type CW? V1754 Oph P = 128.4d? V1768 Oph The light curve shape var? V1775 Oph Type EW? V1793 Oph P = 170d:? V1803 Oph The star is not SVS 438. V1805 Oph The light curve shape var? V1811 Oph Min II 17.9:. V1814 Oph P = 160.4d? V1822 Oph P var? V1829 Oph P = 143.2d? V1840 Oph V 12 (NGC 6333 = M9). Cluster member. V1841 Oph The light curve shape var? V1845 Oph V7 (NGC 6333 = M9). Cluster member. V1853 Oph The light curve shape var? V1860 Oph [Ca/H] = -0.49. V1861 Oph P = 142.0d? V1864 Oph V3 (NGC 6333 = M9). Cluster member. V1886 Oph The light curve shape var? V1889 Oph P = 316.0d? V1895 Oph The light curve shape var? V1905 Oph P = 149.0d? V1919 Oph P = 102.8d?, P = 227.0d? V1939 Oph P = 330.0d? V1946 Oph The light curve shape var? V1952 Oph P = 248.0d? V1953 Oph P = 199d:?, P = 235d:? V1954 Oph P = 159.6d? V1973 Oph P = 0.24154d? V1989 Oph A var? V1990 Oph P = 121d:? V1991 Oph The light curve shape var? V1994 Oph P = 170.0d? V1998 Oph P = 270.5d? V2002 Oph The light curve shape var? V2003 Oph [Ca/H] = -0.96. V2009 Oph V5 (NGC 6356). Cluster member. V2010 Oph [CA/H] = -0.79. V2016 Oph [CA/H] = -0.96. V2042 Oph P var. Max = 2430146.478 + 0.5385d*E (JD2429100 - V2042 Oph 30202); since JD2436700 - see Table. V2045 Oph The chart in [05159] is wrong. V2048 Oph SB2 [06598]. In the region of the open cluster Cr 359. V2048 Oph Along with irregular light variations typical for be stars V2048 Oph there are rapid flares with the amplitudes up to 1.8m V2048 Oph (lambda eff = 5800 A) [06150]. It is not excluded that the V2048 Oph flares occur on a fainter companion of the system. V2051 Oph Usually - 15.0m with strong flickering of brightness V2051 Oph (up to 0.4m is 5 minutes) and rare flares. At the same V2051 Oph time the eclipses are observed with depth to 2.5m with the V2051 Oph elements: Min = 2444787.32124 + 0.062427865d*E [09550]; V2051 Oph D = 0.0088P:, d = 0.0065P. V2058 Oph In the dark nebula in the rho Oph region. V2059 Oph In the dark nebula in the rho Oph region. V2061 Oph In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6171 (M 107). V2062 Oph In the dark nebula in the rho Oph region. V2063 Oph The minor planet (64) Angelina. V2064 Oph In the dark nebula in the rho Oph region. V2101 Oph In a dark nebula. V2102 Oph In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6293. V2105 Oph Vr = 100 km/s. V2106 Oph Vr = -102 km/s. V2108 Oph H2O, SiO maser. V2112 Oph The primary oscillation with A1 = 0.0172m V2112 Oph (see Table) is superimposed by the secondary one V2112 Oph (A2 = 0.0061m) with the elements: V2112 Oph Max = 2444114.531: + 0.1449461d*E. V2116 Oph X-ray pulsar. The pulse period is decreasing: 135s (1971), V2116 Oph 112.076s (1979), 109.668s (1980) [09553]. The spin-period V2116 Oph may be twice longer. V2118 Oph Probably rapidly rotating single spotted F type star. V2118 Oph Max brightness epoch is given. V2119 Oph In the region of the globular cluster V2119 Oph NGC 6284. Not a member of the cluster. V2120 Oph V6 (NGC 6284). In the region of the globular cluster V2120 Oph NGC 6284. Not a member of the cluster. V2121 Oph V10 (NGC 6284). In the region of the globular cluster V2121 Oph NGC 6284. Not a member of the cluster. V2122 Oph In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6284. Not V2122 Oph a member of the cluster. V2123 Oph V11 (NGC 6284). In the region of the globular cluster V2123 Oph NGC 6284. Not a member of the cluster. V2124 Oph In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6284. Not V2124 Oph a member of the cluster. V2137 Oph VB B (AB 3", 295deg). V2391 Oph Porb = 88.13yr. Component B is a suspected variable star V2391 Oph (NSV 24260) and may be the cause of variations. V2561 Oph Not a supernova. V2577 Oph The results in [78246] do not refer to BE Oph [78236]. V2597 Oph P var. V2600 Oph MinII 12.6. Type EB according to [78011]. V2604 Oph MinII 14.0:. V2609 Oph P var. V2612 Oph MinII 9.70. V2617 Oph VB A (B 14.7mpg, 23", 166deg, 1999). The tabulated amplitude can be influenced by the companion. V2626 Oph MinII - MinI = 0.44P. VB (8.6mHp, 10.1mHp, 1.4", 306deg, 1991). V2628 Oph Period varies, the tabulated elements are valid for JD 2453000 - 2454600. V2629 Oph VB A (B 17.0mV, 13", 95deg, 2000). V2636 Oph A twice shorter period is not excluded. V2638 Oph A twice shorter period is not excluded. V2640 Oph VB A (B 13.8m, 25", 168deg, 2000). V2642 Oph A twice longer period is not excluded. V2664 Oph Period varies, current elements are tabulated. V2666 Oph VB AB (6.1mV, 7.0mV, 0.44", 308deg, 1992; a=1.19", Porb=294 years). V2683 Oph Blazhko effect, P = 26.28d [80377]. V2690 Oph Porb = 0.063791d. V2703 Oph VB A (B 14.3m, 19", 27deg, 1997). V2707 Oph VB B (A 4"n). The range in the table is for combined brightness. V2709 Oph Blazhko effect, P = 22.18d. V2711 Oph Multiperiodic. V2715 Oph VB, a close companion to the north-west. V2718 Oph Cluster non-member. V2719 Oph Cluster non-member. Type RRC a twice shorter period is not excluded. V2720 Oph Cluster non-member. Type EW with P=0.4225d is also possible. V2721 Oph Cluster non-member. V2724 Oph O'Connell effect. V2731 Oph Intermediate polar. Variations with Porb (see Table) and Pspin = 0.0014815d. V2742 Oph Biperiodic, P2 = 0.84443d. V2744 Oph The identification with NSV 09496 suggested in [80002] is wrong. V2770 Oph A one-day alias, P = 0.10096d, is also possible. V2775 Oph O'Connell effect. V2780 Oph The light curve shape varies. V2787 Oph O'Connell effect. V2817 Oph VB B (A 12.4m; AB 10", 34deg, 2000). V2837 Oph The period in the Table is that of spot variability. SB2, Porb = 591d. VB A (B = V2252 Oph, 13", 123deg, 1998). V2857 Oph O'Connell effect. V2862 Oph VB A (B 19.7m, 2.5", 289deg). V2897 Oph P = 129d is superposed. V2918 Oph A twice shorter period is not excluded. V2925 Oph P varies [81101]. V2930 Oph Blazhko effect. V2947 Oph VB A (B 14.0m, 12", 93deg, 1998). The magnitude at minimum in the Table can be influenced by the companion. V2970 Oph Type EB with P = 0.749593d is not excluded. V2975 Oph VB (about 3"). Probably the eastern component is the variable. V2976 Oph Blazhko effect, P = 36d. V2980 Oph VB A (B 5", 120deg, 1998). V2981 Oph VB A (B 6", 23deg, 1998). V3002 Oph Blazhko effect, P = 28.58d. V3003 Oph Type EB with P = 0.713648d is not excluded. V3014 Oph Several close companions. V3017 Oph Several close companions. V3068 Oph RRC type with a twice shorter period is also possible. V3072 Oph RRC type with a twice shorter period is also possible. V3079 Oph VB B (AB 4", 206deg, 2000). The magnitudes in the Table were influenced by the companion. V3095 Oph A twice longer period is also possible. V3099 Oph VB A (B 3.5", 256 deg, 1999). The magnitudes in the Table were influenced by the companion. V3128 Oph VB A (B 7", 326deg, 2000). V3138 Oph A twice longer period is also possible. V3141 Oph Not red. V3149 Oph VB A (B 14.1m, 11", 338deg, 1991). V3157 Oph RRC type with a twice shorter period is also possible. V3158 Oph VB A (B 14.4mV, 6.5", 86deg, 2000). V3169 Oph RRC type with a twice shorter period is also possible. V3181 Oph DSCT type with a twice shorter period is also possible. V3189 Oph VB A (B 4", 188deg, 2000). The magnitudes in the Table were influenced by the companion. V3201 Oph RRC type with a twice shorter period is also possible. V3203 Oph A twice shorter period is also possible. V3232 Oph Type RRC and P = 0.219324d are also possible. V3233 Oph P = 0.357913d is also possible. V3273 Oph P = 0.330540d is also possible. V3280 Oph EW type with P = 0.842916d is also possible. V3290 Oph Other possible periods: 0.399278d and 0.285235d. V3294 Oph VB (3"). The south-eastern component varies. The magnitudes in the Table were influenced by the companion. V3301 Oph EW type with P = 0.578142d is also possible. V3303 Oph Type EA or EB with P = 1.10753d is also possible. V3312 Oph P = 0.2948d is also possible. V3331 Oph O'Connell effect. V3339 Oph EW type with P = 0.32572d is also possible. V3368 Oph The one-day alias, P = 0.052743d, is also possible. V3380 Oph The one-day alias, P = 0.49813d, is also possible. V3409 Oph A twice longer period is also possible. V3410 Oph P = 0.285971 is also possible. V3415 Oph Other possible periods: P = 0.309472d (RRC type) or P = 0.618943 (EW type). V3416 Oph Other possible periods: 0.285741d (RRC type), 0.400063d (RRC type), 0.444211d (EW type), 0.571481d (EW type). V3424 Oph EW type with P = 0.200466d is also possible. V3430 Oph RRC type with P = 0.301831d is also possible. V3470 Oph RRC type with a twice shorter period is also possible. V3489 Oph P = 0.323339d is also possible. V3502 Oph VB A (B 4", 143deg, 2000). V3504 Oph DSCT type with a twice shorter period is also possible. V3532 Oph A twice longer period is also possible. V3533 Oph A one-day alias, P = 0.397451d, is also possible. V3534 Oph RRAB type with a twice shorter period is also possible. V3541 Oph VB A (B 4", 268deg, 1999). The magnitudes in the Table were influenced with the companion. V3569 Oph VB A (B 3", 329deg, 1999). V3577 Oph A one-day alias, P = 0.378940d, is also possible. V3579 Oph RRC type with a twice shorter period is also possible. V3583 Oph A one-day alias, P = 0.081429d, is also possible. V3609 Oph Blazhko effect, P = 53.4d. V3616 Oph VB (companion 4", 293deg, 1999). V3617 Oph VB A (B 15.4m, 5.5", 20deg, 1999). RRC type with P = 0.21753d is also possible. V3618 Oph VB (companion 5", 139deg, 1999). V3627 Oph Close companions. The light curve shape varies. RRC type with P = 0.2746d is also possible. V3632 Oph Close VB. V3637 Oph VB A (B 5", 118deg, 1999). V3638 Oph O'Connell effect. V3640 Oph Close companions. V3642 Oph O'Connell effect. V3650 Oph Close VB. V3652 Oph VB A (B 5", 337deg, 2000; other companions). V3653 Oph Crowded. V3655 Oph O'Connell effect. V3656 Oph O'Connell effect. V3657 Oph VB B (AB 6", 352deg, 1999). V3673 Oph Cluster non-member. V3677 Oph P = 72d is also possible. V3694 Oph Possible additional pulsation with P = 0.294286d. V3716 Oph P = 56.3d is superposed. V3722 Oph P = 48d is superposed. V3723 Oph P = 47.3d is superposed. V3726 Oph MinII - MinI = 0.42P. Apsidal motion. V3732 Oph Porb = 0.9400430d [840005]. V3737 Oph Blazhko effect? V3740 Oph Crowded. V3741 Oph VB B (A 15.1mG, B 15.4mG; AB 4", 145deg, 2000). V3742 Oph Crowded. V3743 Oph Strongly crowded. P varies, dP/dt = 0.293 x 10^(-6) d per year. V3744 Oph Crowded. V3745 Oph VB A (15.3mG; B 15.4mG, 5", 98deg, 2000). V3746 Oph VB A (15.5mG; B 15.5mG, 5", 74deg, 2000). V3748 Oph VB B (A 15.3mG, B 15.4mG; AB 2.4", 17deg, 2000). V3749 Oph VB B (A 15.5mG, B 14.6mG; AB 5", 144deg, 2000; other companions). V3752 Oph Cluster non-member. V3756 Oph P varies [g0155]. V3758 Oph Cluster non-member. V3771 Oph Cluster non-member? V3781 Oph VB A (15.9mG; B = NGC 6266 V123, 16.0mG, 3.2", 8deg, 2000). V3782 Oph VB B (A = NGC 6266 V122, 15.9mG; B 16.0mG; AB 3.2", 8deg, 2000). V3786 Oph VB A (16.2mG; B 16.3mG, 4.5", 151deg, 2000). V3787 Oph VB A (15.8mG, VB?; B 16.8mG, 4.7", 77deg, 2000). V3789 Oph VB B (A 14.9mG, B 15.8mG; AB 4.2", 87deg, 2000; other components). V3790 Oph Several close companions. V3792 Oph VB A (15.8mG; B 16.5mG, 2.4", 76deg, 2000). V3793 Oph Several close companions. V3794 Oph VB B (A 15.7mG, B 15.8mG; AB 4.5", 95deg, 2000; other components). V3798 Oph Blazhko effect? [g0001]. V3799 Oph VB B (A 15.4mG, B 15.7mG; AB 3.5", 44deg, 2000). V3800 Oph VB B (A 15.3mG, B 15.8mG; AB 4", 291deg, 2000). V3805 Oph Cluster non-member? V3806 Oph Photometry in [g0146], [g0147] is uncalibrated but shows reasonably good light curves. V3807 Oph VB B (A 15.6mG, B 15.8mG; AB 3.9", 42deg, 2000). V3809 Oph VB A (16.0mG; B 16.1mG, 2.8", 62deg, 2000; other companions). V3811 Oph Several close companions. V3812 Oph Red. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3815 Oph Several close companions. V3817 Oph Crowded. Brighter than other cluster RR Lyrae stars, cluster non-member? Possible proper-motion member. V3820 Oph VB B (A 13.6mG, B 15.8mG; AB 1.8", 99deg, 2000). Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3821 Oph Crowded. V3823 Oph VB B (A 14.8mG, B 16.0mG; AB 3.4", 359deg, 2000; other components). V3825 Oph VB B (A 12.8mG, B 15.7mG, C 17.0mG; AB 4.7", 165deg, 2000; BC 4.4", 197deg, 2000). V3826 Oph VB A (15.6mG; B 16.1mG, 3.2", 298deg, 2000; other components). V3827 Oph VB A (15.8mG; B 15.8mG, 5.0", 303deg, 2000; other companions). V3828 Oph Cluster non-member? V3829 Oph Several close companions. V3830 Oph Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. VB B (A 15.8mG, B 15.9mG; AB 2.3", 241deg, 2000). V3831 Oph Crowded, Gaia EDR3 identification is uncertain. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3832 Oph Several close companions. V3833 Oph VB A (16.3mG; B 17.0mG, 3.3", 263deg, 2000). V3834 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3836 Oph VB B (A 13.3mG, B 15.8mG; AB 2.5", 342deg, 2000; other components). V3837 Oph Crowded. V3838 Oph Crowded. V3840 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3841 Oph VB A (16.2mG; B 16.6mG, 3.3", 115deg, 2000). V3843 Oph VB A (16.1mG; B 17.2mG, 4.3", 69deg, 2000; other companions). V3844 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3845 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3846 Oph Red. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3847 Oph Several close companions. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3848 Oph Crowded. V3849 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3853 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3854 Oph Several close companions. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3855 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3856 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3857 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3858 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3861 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3863 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3864 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3868 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3869 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3870 Oph Red. Several close companions. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve with slow variations. V3871 Oph Crowded, Gaia EDR3 identification is uncertain. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3872 Oph Several close companions, including V019 (NGC 6266). V3873 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3874 Oph Cluster non-member? V3875 Oph Several close companions, including V093 (NGC 6266). Photometry in [g0146], [g0147] is uncalibrated but shows reasonably good light curves. V3876 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3877 Oph Several close companions. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3878 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3879 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3881 Oph Several close companions. V3882 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3883 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3884 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3885 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3886 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3887 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3888 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3889 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3890 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3891 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3892 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3893 Oph Red. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3895 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3896 Oph Several close companions. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3897 Oph Crowded, Gaia EDR3 identification is uncertain. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3898 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3899 Oph Crowded. Identification with Gaia-EDR3 is not quite certain. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3900 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3901 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3902 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3903 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3904 Oph Several close companions. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3905 Oph Red. Several close companions. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve with slow variations. V3907 Oph Red. Several close companions. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3908 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3909 Oph Several close companions. V3910 Oph Several close companions. V3911 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3912 Oph Gaia EDR3 identification is uncertain. Red. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve with slow variations. V3913 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3914 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3915 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3916 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3917 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3918 Oph Several close companions. V3919 Oph Crowded, Gaia EDR3 identification is uncertain. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated, but shows a moderately good light curve with a large scatter at minimum. V3920 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3921 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3922 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3923 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3924 Oph Crowded. Red. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3925 Oph VB B (A 15.5mG, B 15.9mG; AB 4.8", 91deg, 2000; other components). Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3926 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3927 Oph Crowded. Red. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve with slow variations. V3928 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3929 Oph Crowded. V3930 Oph Crowded. V3931 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3932 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3933 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3934 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3935 Oph Red. VB A (12.8mG; B 13.7mG, 3.7", 355deg, 2000; other components).Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve with slow variations. V3936 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3937 Oph Crowded. V3938 Oph Crowded, reliable Gaia EDR3 identification was not possible. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. Blazhko effect? V3940 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3941 Oph Several close companions. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3943 Oph Several close companions. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3944 Oph VB B (A 15.7mG, B 16.2mG; AB 3.0", 95deg, 2000). V3945 Oph Several close companions. V3946 Oph Crowded. V3947 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3948 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3949 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3950 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3951 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3952 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3953 Oph VB A (16.3mG; B 16.7mG, 3.5", 194deg, 2000). V3955 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3956 Oph Crowded. V3957 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3959 Oph Red. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3960 Oph Crowded. V3961 Oph VB A (15.9mG; B 16.7mG, 4.8", 224deg, 2000; other components). Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3964 Oph VB B (A 15.1mG, B 16.2mG; AB 4.1", 47deg, 2000). V3965 Oph Crowded. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3966 Oph Crowded. V3969 Oph VB A (15.9mG; B 16.2mG, 3.6", 325deg, 2000; other components). V3970 Oph Crowded. V3972 Oph VB B (A 13.3mG, B 16.2mG; AB 3.8", 63deg, 2000). V3973 Oph Several close companions. Photometry in [g0146], [g0147] is uncalibrated but shows reasonably good light curves. V3975 Oph Several close companions. Photometry in [g0146] is uncalibrated but shows a reasonably good light curve. V3976 Oph Several close companions. V3978 Oph Several close companions. V3979 Oph VB A (16.2mG; B 17.2mG, 3.4", 187deg, 2000). V3981 Oph Several close companions. V3983 Oph VB A (15.8mG; B 16.1mG, 2.3", 94deg, 2000). V3985 Oph VB A (15.9mG; B 16.5mG, 4.0", 197deg, 2000; other components). V3986 Oph VB A (16.1mG; B 16.2mG, 3.7", 348deg, 2000). V3987 Oph VB B (A 13.8mG, B 15.9mG; AB 5.0", 177deg, 2000). V3989 Oph VB A (16.1mG; B 16.8mG, 4.2", 253deg, 2000; other companions). V3990 Oph VB A (16.0mG; B 17.2mG, 4.4", 37deg, 2000). V3992 Oph VB A (16.1mG; B 17.5mG, 3.2", 136deg, 2000). V3993 Oph VB B (A 15.9mG, B 15.0mG; AB 4.8", 48deg, 2000). V3996 Oph Cluster non-member? V3998 Oph VB A (16.1mG; B 17.5mG, 3.1", 230deg, 2000; other components). V3999 Oph Crowded. V4001 Oph VB A (15.7mG; B 16.4mG, 4.2", 64deg, 2000). V4005 Oph VB B (A = PU Oph = NGC 6266 V29, 16.0mG; B 16.2mG; AB 4.3", 2deg, 2000). V4007 Oph VB A (16.0mG; B 16.0mG, 1.8", 0deg, 2000). V4011 Oph P varies. VB B (A 15.8mG, B 16.1mG; AB 4.4", 0deg, 2000). V4013 Oph Cluster non-member. VB A (16.7mG; B 16.8mG, 3.9", 113deg, 2000). V4017 Oph Cluster non-member? V4018 Oph Cluster non-member? V4020 Oph VB A (16.0mG; B 16.2mG, 3.5", 88deg, 2000; other companions). V4022 Oph VB A (16.2mG; B 17.6mG, 4.7", 349deg, 2000). Cluster non-member. V4023 Oph Cluster non-member from the Gaia EDR3 proper motion. V4031 Oph P varies? [g0160]. V4033 Oph P varies. Gaia DR2 proper motion suggests that the star may be a cluster non-member. V4036 Oph Cluster non-member. V4037 Oph Cluster non-member? V4038 Oph Cluster membership is uncertain. V4039 Oph Crowded. V4041 Oph Cluster non-member? V4042 Oph Crowded. V4043 Oph Crowded. V4051 Oph P = 0.9769d is also possible. V4062 Oph According to [g0165], also exhibits short-term variations. V4064 Oph Listed as a suspected variable in [g0165]. V4068 Oph Cluster non-member? V4069 Oph Cluster non-member. V4071 Oph Cluster non-member? V4072 Oph VB B (A 16.0mG, B 16.1mG; AB 2.5", 144deg, 2000). V4073 Oph Cluster non-member? V4074 Oph VB B (A 14.4mG, B 16.1mG; AB 1.2", 9deg, 2000). V4075 Oph VB C (A 14.0mG, B 14.9mG, C 16.0mG; AC 1.2", 101deg, 2000; BC 3.7", 92deg, 2000). V4076 Oph Heavily crowded field. P varies, dP/dt = +0.032 x 10^(-6) d/d. V4077 Oph Crowded. V4078 Oph Near the cluster center, crowded. V4079 Oph Crowded. V4080 Oph Near the cluster center. V4081 Oph Near the cluster center. V4082 Oph The elements in the Table are for the first overtone. Possible fundamental mode: P0 = 0.492734, P1/P0 = 0.7444. V4082 Oph VB B (A 14.8mG, B 16.0mG; AB 2.6", 69deg, 2000). V4084 Oph Crowded. Blazhko effect? V4086 Oph P varies, dP/dt = +0.013 x 10^(-6) d/d. VB C (A 14.8mG, B 15.1mG, C 16.1mG; AC 3.5". 9deg, 2000; AB 2.5", 325deg, 2000). V4087 Oph VB A (15.9mG; B 16.1mG, 1.6", 71deg, 2000; other components, also brighter ones, at larger distances). V4088 Oph Blazhko effect. V4089 Oph VB B (A 15.7mG, B 15.8mG; AB 2", 351deg, 2000; other components). V4091 Oph Blazhko effect? V4094 Oph Cluster non-member? VB A (15.8mG; B 16.9mG, 2", 102deg, 2000). V4108 Oph Cluster non-member? V4110 Oph Cluster non-member, background object? [0169]. Proper motion agrees with cluster members [g0001]. V4113 Oph Multiperiodic. V4114 Oph Cluster non-member? V4115 Oph Cluster non-member? V4118 Oph Cluster non-member. V4120 Oph VB A (16.9mG; B 16.9mG, 5", 165deg, 2000). V4124 Oph Cluster non-member. VB A (14.7mG; B 15.4mG, 3", 167deg, 2000). O'Connell effect in data from [g0170]. V4129 Oph VB A (17.0mG; B 17.1mG, 3", 152deg, 2000). V4130 Oph VB B (A 15.6mG, B 16.9mG; AB 2", 238deg, 2000; other companions). V4134 Oph Several close companions. V4136 Oph Several close companions. V4137 Oph VB A (16.7mG; B 17.2mG, 3", 85deg, 2000). V4138 Oph Several close companions. V4139 Oph Several close companions. V4140 Oph VB B (A 17.0mG, B 15.7mG; AB 2", 278deg, 2000). V4144 Oph VB A (17.1mG; B = NGC 6402 V087, type CST, 17.2mG, 3", 53deg, 2000). V4146 Oph VB A (13.6mG; B 14.6mG, 3", 44deg, 2000). V4149 Oph Crowded. V4152 Oph Crowded. V4153 Oph VB A (15.0mG; B 15.4mG, 3", 277deg, 2000; other companions). V4155 Oph Several close companions. V4156 Oph Several close companions. V4157 Oph Crowded. V4158 Oph Crowded. V4159 Oph Several close companions. V4160 Oph VB C (A 16.0mG, B 16.6mG, C 16.8mG; AB 3", 181deg, 2000; AC 4.5", 198deg, 2000). V4161 Oph Crowded. V4163 Oph Crowded. V4164 Oph Crowded. V4166 Oph Several close companions. V4168 Oph Strongly crowded. V4169 Oph Crowded, brighter companion. V4170 Oph Crowded. V4171 Oph Several close companions. V4172 Oph Several close companions. V4173 Oph Crowded. V4174 Oph Crowded. V4175 Oph Several close companions. V4176 Oph Several close companions. V4177 Oph Several close companions. V4178 Oph Strongly crowded. V4179 Oph Blended? According to [g0170], RRAB (RR0), P = 0.52244d. V4180 Oph Strongly crowded. V4181 Oph VB B (A 14.7mG, B 16.9mG; AB 1.2", 276deg, 2000; other companions). V4183 Oph Crowded. V4184 Oph Crowded. V4185 Oph Strongly crowded. V4186 Oph Crowded. V4187 Oph Several close companions. V4188 Oph Crowded. V4190 Oph Crowded. V4192 Oph Crowded. V4193 Oph Crowded, close bright companions. V4194 Oph Crowded. V4195 Oph VB B (A 15.6mG, B 17.0mG; AB 2", 166deg, 2000). V4196 Oph Crowded. V4197 Oph Several close companions. V4199 Oph VB B (A 16.8mG, B 16.9mG; AB 4", 199deg, 2000). V4200 Oph Strongly crowded. V4201 Oph Crowded. V4204 Oph Several close companions. V4206 Oph Crowded. V4209 Oph Several close companions. V4210 Oph VB B (A 15.8mG, B 16.9mG; AB 2", 53deg, 2000). V4211 Oph VB C (A 14.3mG, B 15.3mG, C 17.1mG; AC 1.3", 136deg, 2000; BC 3", 163deg, 2000). V4214 Oph Several close companions. V4215 Oph VB B (A 14.8mG, B 16.8mG; AB 3", 321deg, 2000). V4216 Oph Several close companions. V4218 Oph VB A (13.3mG; B 14.5mG, 2.6", 180deg, 2000). V4219 Oph VB A (17.0mG; B 17.1mG, 2.4", 179deg, 2000). V4222 Oph Several close companions. V4226 Oph VB B (A 15.1mG, B 17.0mG; AB 5", 186deg, 2000). V4230 Oph VB A (16.8mG; B 18.0mG, 2.3", 341deg, 2000). V4231 Oph Several close companions. V4234 Oph VB C (A 14.6mG, B 16.6mG, C 16.9mG; AC 3.7", 73deg, 2000; BC 5.6", 264deg, 2000). V4237 Oph VB B (A 16.5mG, B 17.1mG, C 17.4mG; AB 3.7", 173deg, 2000; BC 4.5", 82deg, 2000). V4241 Oph Several close companions. V4242 Oph VB C (A 14.6mG, B 15.8mG, C 16.9mG; AC 3.4", 292deg, 2000; BC 6.7", 133deg, 2000). V4243 Oph VB B (A 13.3mG, B 17.1mG, C 17.1mG; AB 4.9", 279deg, 2000; BC 1.8", 10deg, 2000). V4254 Oph Outside the cluster half-light radius, cluster non-member. V4255 Oph Outside the cluster half-light radius, cluster non-member. V4256 Oph Outside the cluster half-light radius, cluster non-member. V4257 Oph VB B (A 13.9mG, B 15.8mG; AB 1.6", 68deg, 2000). Outside the cluster half-light radius, cluster non-member. V4258 Oph Outside the cluster half-light radius, cluster non-member. V4259 Oph Crowded. V4261 Oph Several close companions. V4262 Oph Several close companions. V4263 Oph VB B (A 13.51mG, B 13.52mG; AB 2.2", 277deg, 2000). Outside the cluster half-light radius, cluster non-member. V4264 Oph Outside the cluster half-light radius, cluster non-member. V4265 Oph Several close companions. V4267 Oph Outside the cluster half-light radius, probably cluster non-member. V4268 Oph VB A (17.4mG; B 17.6mG, 5", 295deg, 2000). V4269 Oph VB B (A 16.1mG, B 17.2mG; AB 1.8", 264deg, 2000). V4270 Oph Crowded. V4271 Oph Several close companions. V4273 Oph Several close companions. V4274 Oph Crowded. V4275 Oph Several close companions. V4276 Oph VB B (A 17.2mG, B 17.4mG; AB 2.5", 16deg, 2000; other components). V4277 Oph Crowded. V4278 Oph Crowded. V4279 Oph Double-mode, also P = 0.2575d. One of the modes (or both) can be non-radial. V4279 Oph Two objects separated by 0.6" in the Gaia EDR3 catalog; superposition of two variables? V4280 Oph Crowded. V4281 Oph Crowded. V4282 Oph Crowded. V4284 Oph VB B (A 16.9mG, B 17.9mG; AB 1.8", 38deg, 2000). V4285 Oph Crowded. V4286 Oph Crowded. V4287 Oph Crowded. V4288 Oph Crowded. V4289 Oph Crowded. V4290 Oph Crowded. V4291 Oph Crowded. V4292 Oph Outside the cluster half-light radius, cluster non-member. V4293 Oph Crowded. V4294 Oph Outside the cluster half-light radius, probably cluster non-member. Crowded. V4295 Oph VB B (A 16.4mG, B 17.3mG; AB 2.2", 24deg, 2000). V4296 Oph VB B (A 15.7mG, B 17.3mG; AB 3.7", 201deg, 2000; other components). V4297 Oph Several close companions. V4298 Oph VB C (A 14.6mG, B 17.1mG, C 17.3mG; AB 4.8", 132deg, 2000; AC 3.0", 117deg, 2000). V4299 Oph Several close companions. V4300 Oph Several close companions. Cluster non-member? V4301 Oph Several close companions. V4302 Oph Several close companions. V4304 Oph VB A (16.0mG; B 16.3mG, 2.4", 329deg, 2000; other components). V4305 Oph Crowded. V4306 Oph Cluster non-member? V4308 Oph Crowded. V4309 Oph Crowded. V4310 Oph VB B (A 15.8mG, B 17.3mG; AB 1.7", 307deg, 2000). V4311 Oph VB B (A 17.2mG, B 17.3mG; AB 3.7", 123deg, 2000). V4312 Oph Several close companions. V4313 Oph Crowded. V4315 Oph Crowded. V4316 Oph P = 0.26205d is also possible. V4318 Oph First overtone: see Table. Fundamental mode: P = 0.54194d. P1/P0 = 0.7452. A1/A0 = 2.06. V4322 Oph VB A (17.9mG, 18.5mG, 4.6", 28deg, 2000). V4324 Oph P varies? Light curve shape varies? V4325 Oph VB B (A 17.3mG, B 17.9mG; AB 2.4", 95deg, 2000). V4326 Oph VB A (17.9mG, 18.9mG, 2.5", 299deg, 2000). V4327 Oph Several close companions. V4328 Oph VB A (18.0mG, 19.0mG, 2.4", 255deg, 2000). V4331 Oph Cluster non-member? V4337 Oph VB A (15.5mG; B 16.4mG, 6", 294deg, 2000). The variability range in the Table is for combined light. V4338 Oph VB B (A 16.6mG, B 17.3mG; AB 4.5", 320deg, 2000). V4341 Oph Porb = 0.05656d, Psh = 0.06009d. V4343 Oph Blazhko effect with P = 52d or additional non-radial pulsation, Pn = 0.481190d. V4344 Oph Porb = 0.05973d, Psh = 0.06028d. V4352 Oph Crowded. In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6401. V4353 Oph Crowded. In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6401. V4355 Oph Crowded. In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6401. V4356 Oph VB A (19.8mG; B 20.0mG, 3", 306deg, 2000). V4357 Oph Blazhko effect? Crowded. In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6401. V4358 Oph VB A (17.7mG; B 18.0mG, 1", 65deg, 2016). V4359 Oph Crowded. In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6401. V4360 Oph In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6401. Cluster non-member. V4367 Oph Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.77946d, P1/P0 = 0.6988. V4369 Oph P = 0.181167d is also possible. tet Oph SB1 (Porb = 11.44d [06597]). tet Oph The basic oscillation (see Table) is superimposed by tet Oph oscillations with the periods: P1 = 0.092551d, tet Oph P2 = 0.069452d, P3 = 0.0555d, P4 = 0.0464d, P02 = tet Oph 0.137255d, P13 = 0.13845d, P24 = 0.13990d, P03 = 0.09185d. khi Oph SB 1 (Porb = 138.8d [09558]). ome Oph P = 1.5d? R Ori SC 5/9.5 E. P var. Max = 2399420 + 378d*E R Ori (JD2395600 - 99500); Max = 2412687 + 378.1d*E R Ori (JD2403200 - 12700); Max = 2414230 + 366.5d*E R Ori (JD2413800 - 16800); Max = 2417943 + 378.1d*E R Ori (JD2416800 - 21350); Max = 2421352 + 384.9d*E R Ori (JD2421350 - 24100); since JD2424100 - see Table. S Ori VB A (B 10.9m, 47", 228deg). SiO maser. P var. S Ori Max = 2404538 + 412.00d*E (JD2404520 - 13600); S Ori Max = 2414014 + 427.15d*E (JD2414000 - 19150); S Ori Max = 2419567 + 416.11d*E (JD2419570 - 22890); S Ori Max = 2423312 + 407.10d*E (JD2423320 - 31050); S Ori Max = 2431454 + 438.53d*E (JD2431500 - 39000) S Ori [03765]; since JD2439000 - see Table. T Ori In the T-association of the Orion nebula. Connected with T Ori a cometary nebula. U Ori SiO, OH, H2O maser. P var. Max = 2409881 + 374.5d*E U Ori (JD2409800 - 15900); Max = 2415871 + 367.9d*E U Ori (JD2415900 - 21000); Max = 2421016 + 376.0d*E U Ori (JD2421000 - 29300); Max = 2428164 + 368.3d*E U Ori (JD2428100 - 32900) [00960]; U Ori Max = 2433336 + 372.7d*E (JD2432900 - 43800); U Ori since JD2443800 - see Table. V Ori P var. Max = 2413656 + 264.8d*E (JD2411800 - 18700); V Ori Max = 2418987 + 271.7d*E (JD2418700 - 24600); V Ori Max = 2424695 + 263.7d*E (JD2424600 - 29400) V Ori [00960]; Max = 2430769 + 269.9d*E (JD2430700 - 36200); V Ori since JD2437700 - see Table. W Ori Mean magnitude varies with P = 2450d. Z Ori Min II 9.9; d = 0.013P. RS Ori P var. Max = 2428073.205 + 7.566836d*E (JD2416500 - RS Ori 33000); since JD2435000 - see Table. RT Ori Mean magnitude varies with P = 3200d. RU Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. RV Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. RW Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. RX Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. RZ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. SS Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. ST Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. SU Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. SV Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. SW Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. SX Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. SY Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. SZ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. TT Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. TU Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. TV Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. TW Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. TX Ori VB A (B = TY Ori, 42.4", 45deg); in the region of TX Ori the nebula IC 434. TY Ori VB B (A = TX Ori); in the region of the nebula IC 434. TZ Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. UW Ori Min II 11.6. UY Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. UZ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. VV Ori Min II 5.50; dI = 0.055P; dII = 0.064P. VV Ori There is third component in the system VV Ori (Porb = 119.09d [08045]). VW Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. VX Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. VY Ori VB A (B = 16.6mV, 16", 135deg). In the region of the Orion VY Ori nebula T-association. VZ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. WW Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. WX Ori VB A (B 17m, 11", 10deg). In the region of the Orion nebula WX Ori T-association. WY Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. WZ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. XX Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. XY Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. XZ Ori The periodicity in light variations is possible. XZ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. YY Ori Emission. In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. YZ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. ZZ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. AA Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. AB Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. AC Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. AE Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. AF Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. AG Ori VB A (B 16.4mV, 16", 185deg). In the region of the Orion AG Ori nebula T-association. AH Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. AI Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. AK Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. AL Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. AM Ori VB A (B 20.3mV, 3.5", 320deg). In the region of the Orion AM Ori nebula T-association. AN Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. AO Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. AP Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. AQ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. AR Ori VB A (B 2", 240deg). In the region of the Orion nebula AR Ori T-association. AS Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. AT Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. AU Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. AV Ori VB A (B 18.7mV, 6", 305deg). In the region of the nebula AV Ori T-association. AW Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. AX Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. AY Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. AZ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. BB Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. BC Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. BD Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. BE Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. BF Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. BG Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. BH Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. BK Ori P var. Max = 2422016 + 338.0d*E (JD2413550 - 22100); BK Ori Max = 2428880 + 326.5d*E (JD2422300 - 28880); BK Ori Max = 2429940 + 345.3d*E (JD2428880 - 29940); BK Ori Max = 2432892 + 327.7d*E (JD2429940 - 32900); BK Ori Max = 2438800 + 346.3d*E (JD2432900 - 38800); BK Ori since JD2438800 - see Table. BM Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. In the BM Ori cluster NGC 1976. Orion Trapezium BM Ori member: teta**1 Ori B (A = V1016 Ori; B 8.7", 32deg; BM Ori C 5.13m, 13.1", 131deg; D 6.70m, 21.6", 96deg). d = 0.05P; BM Ori Min II 7.98. Shape of the light curve and depths of minima BM Ori vary. BO Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. BP Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. BS Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. BT Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. BU Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. BV Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. BW Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. BX Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. BY Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. BZ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. CC Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. CD Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. CE Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. CF Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. CG Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. CH Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. CI Ori VB A (B 9.70m, 12.9", 88deg). CM Ori P var? CN Ori Porb = 0.163097d. CN Ori Light curve is superposed by oscillations with CN Ori the following elements: Max0 = 2444941.5032 + CN Ori 0.163097d*E (A0 = 0.2m), Max1 = 2444941.573 + CN Ori 0.15946d*E (A1 = 0.1m) [09471]. CN Ori Sometimes smaller rapid light oscillations are also CN Ori observed with periods 24.3s - 29.5s (A<1%). CO Ori Member of the T-association CO Ori CO Ori. VB A (B 13m, 1", 280deg). CP Ori Min II 11.2. P var [02545]. CT Ori SRD? P = 68d? [09496]. CW Ori Min II 13.2. DK Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. DK Ori VB (ro < 3"). DL Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. DM Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. DN Ori Min II 9.9; d = 0.026P. P var. Min I = 2428497.51 + DN Ori 12.9649d*E (JD2425200 - 28600); since DN Ori JD2435570 - see Table. DY Ori B - V: +0.58, +1.72. EG Ori d = 0.086P. P var? EQ Ori Min II 10.3. P var. Min I = 2425889.706 + 1.74608d*E EQ Ori (JD2425600 - 26700) [02839]; Min I = 2429219.467 + EQ Ori 1.74611d*E (JD2427700 - 31000) [00001]; EQ Ori since JD2431000 - see Table. ER Ori VB A (B 13.6", 0deg). Min II 9.97. P var. Min I = ER Ori 2426336.6485 + 0.4233955d*E (JD2426330 - 33920) ER Ori [00279]; Min I = 2434765.6306 + 0.42340620d*E ER Ori (JD2433920 - 35475) [02278]; Min I = 2436508.7851 + ER Ori 0.4234009d*E (JD2435475 - 40000) [03787]; ER Ori since JD2440000 - see Table. Shape of the light curve ER Ori varies. ET Ori Min II 11.3. P var? EW Ori Min II 10.5; Min II - Min I = 0.529P. EW Ori In the region of the open cluster CR 70. EW Ori In [00007] Min II are accepted to be Min I, and vice EW Ori versa (Min II - Min I = 0.47P). EW Ori For decisive choice of the Min I epoch photoelectric EW Ori observations are necessary. P var? Min II = EW Ori 2429974.810 + 6.9368005d*E [00007]; since EW Ori JD2430000 - see Table. EY Ori Min II 9.54; d = 0.003P. In the region of the Orion EY Ori nebula T-association. P var. EY Ori Min I = 2427310.420 + 16.787450d*E [00007]; EY Ori since JD2427500 - see Table. EZ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. FF Ori Min II 10.3. FH Ori d = 0.035P. P var. FI Ori VB A (B 10.5m, 5", 323deg). FI Ori Shape of the light curve varies, probably periodically FI Ori [03790, 05475]. FK Ori P var. Min = 2427773.390 + 1.947447d*E (JD2426900 - FK Ori 37500); since JD2437500 - see Table. FL Ori P var. Min = 2427452.271 + 1.550971d*E (JD2427450 - FL Ori 29600) [03115]; Min = 2430400.649 + 1.55093d*E FL Ori (JD2429600 - 30400);Min = 2432517.755 + 1.550991d*E FL Ori (JD2430400 - 32900); Min = 2434459.571 + 1.550965d*E FL Ori (JD2432900 - 35050); Min = 2436649.568 + 1.550995d*E FL Ori (JD2435050 - 40600); since JD2440600 - see Table. FO Ori Min II 9.7; d = 0.005P. FR Ori Min II 11.1. FT Ori Min II 9.60; DII = 0.08P; Min II - Min I = 0.73P. P var. FT Ori Min I = 2433009.553 + 3.150404d*E (JD2426380 - 38000) FT Ori [02758]; since JD2438000 - see Table. FT Ori The period of apsidal motion 520 +- 100 years [07358]. FU Ori Member of FU Ori T-association. In the dark globule B35. FU Ori Connected with a bright cometary nebula and the bright FU Ori hydrogen nebula S 280. Light maximum was in summer FU Ori 1937. IN 1980 - 10.6m B. FZ Ori Min II 11.2. GG Ori Min II 11.1; Min II - Min I = 0.427P. GP Ori SC 7/8- . GQ Ori VB A (B 9.7m, 31", 324deg). GW Ori In the T-association CO Ori. GX Ori In the T-association CO - Ori. GY Ori In the T-association CO - Ori. GZ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. HH Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. HI Ori In the T-association CO - Ori. HK Ori In the T-association CO - Ori. HK Ori Connected with a bright cometary nebula. CO, CH, OH HK Ori emission. HL Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. HM Ori In the T-association CO - Ori. HN Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. HO Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. HP Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. HQ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. HR Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. HS Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. HT Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. HU Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. HV Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. HW Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. HX Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. HY Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. HZ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. II Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. IK Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. IL Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. IM Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. IN Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. IO Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. IP Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. IQ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. IR Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. IS Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. IT Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. IU Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. IV Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. IW Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. IX Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. IY Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. IZ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. KK Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. KL Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. KM Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. KN Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. KO Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. KP Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. KQ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. KR Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. KS Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. KT Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. KU Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. KV Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. KW Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. KX Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. KY Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. KZ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. LL Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. LM Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. LN Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. LO Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. LP Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. LQ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. LR Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. LS Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. LT Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. LU Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. LV Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. LW Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. LX Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. LY Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. LZ Ori VB B (A 10.3m; B 14.1", 219deg). In the region of the LZ Ori Orion nebula T-association. MM Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. MN Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. MO Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. MP Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. MQ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. MR Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. MS Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. MT Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. MU Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. MV Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. MW Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. MX Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. MY Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. MZ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. NN Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. NO Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. NP Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. NQ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. NR Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. NS Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. NT Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. NU Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. In the NU Ori nebula NGC 1982. Dust shell. NV Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. NW Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. NX Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. NY Ori VB B (A = V566 Ori; B 5", 135deg). In the region of the NY Ori Orion nebula T-association. NZ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. OO Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. OP Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. OQ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. OR Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. OT Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. OU Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. OV Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. OW Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. OX Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. OY Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. OZ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. PP Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. PQ Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. PR Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. PS Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. PT Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. PU Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. PV Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. PW Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. PX Ori Vr = + 298 km/s [09511]. In the region of the Orion PX Ori nebula T-association. PY Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. PZ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. QQ Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. QR Ori In the region of T-association FU Ori. QT Ori P var? Elements given in the Table are valid in the QT Ori interval JD2429640 - 35550. V0340 Ori Epoch of Min brightness is given. V0343 Ori Min II 11.0. Shape of the light curve and depth of V0343 Ori Min II vary. V0347 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0348 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0349 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0353 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0354 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0355 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0356 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0357 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0358 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0359 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0359 Ori Epoch of Min HEI line intensity is given. V0359 Ori According to [09512], P = 14.612d. V0360 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0361 Ori VB C (A 4.8m; B 6.1m, 52.4", 93deg; C 129", 97deg). V0361 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0362 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0363 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0364 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0365 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0366 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0367 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0368 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0369 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0370 Ori In the T-association CO - Ori. V0371 Ori mu = 0.28", ro = 238deg. V0372 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0373 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0374 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0375 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0376 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0377 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0378 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0379 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0380 Ori In the nebula NGC 1999. In the region of the Orion V0380 Ori nebula T-association. Spectrum description V0380 Ori [04002]. OH, CH emission. V0381 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0382 Ori P var. MAX = 2431146 + 227.8d*E (JD2429300 - 31200); V0382 Ori Mean period is given in the Table (JD2428100 - 33700). V0383 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0384 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0385 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0386 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0387 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0388 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0389 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0390 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0391 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0393 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0394 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0395 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0396 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0397 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0398 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0399 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0400 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0401 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0402 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0403 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0404 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0405 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0406 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0407 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0408 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0409 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0410 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0411 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0412 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0413 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0414 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0415 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0416 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0417 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0418 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0419 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0420 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0421 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0422 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0423 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0424 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0425 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0426 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0427 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0428 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0432 Ori Delta(S) = 0. V0435 Ori P var. Max = 2430350 + 186d*E (JD2429600 - 30730); V0435 Ori Max = 2431373 + 186d*E (JD2431370 - 3250) [02279]; V0435 Ori since JD2434000 - see Table. V0436 Ori In the T-association CO Ori. V0437 Ori In the T-association CO Ori. V0438 Ori In the T-association CO Ori. V0439 Ori In the T-association CO Ori. V0441 Ori In the T-association CO Ori. V0442 Ori VB A (B 16.6m, 20", 73deg). In the T-association CO Ori. V0443 Ori In the T-association CO Ori. V0444 Ori In the T-association CO Ori. V0445 Ori In the T-association CO Ori. V0446 Ori In the T-association CO Ori. V0447 Ori In the T-association CO Ori. V0448 Ori In the T-association CO Ori. V0449 Ori In the T-association CO Ori. V0449 Ori In [08289] was considered as an EW type variable with the V0449 Ori elements: Min I = 2430259.622 + 0.441990d*E V0449 Ori (JD2430250 - 5550), 14.8m - 15.7m pg. V0450 Ori In the T-association CO Ori. V0452 Ori In the T-association CO Ori. V0453 Ori In the T-association CO Ori. V0454 Ori In the T-association CO Ori. V0455 Ori In the T-association CO Ori. V0456 Ori In the T-association CO Ori. V0457 Ori In the T-association CO Ori. V0458 Ori In the T-association CO Ori. V0460 Ori In the T-association CO Ori. V0461 Ori In the T-association CO Ori. V0463 Ori In the T-association CO Ori. V0464 Ori In the T-association CO Ori. V0465 Ori In the T-association CO Ori. V0466 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0467 Ori In the T-association CO Ori. V0468 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0470 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. Star V0470 Ori Pi 1411. Near to WY Ori = Pi 1396. V0473 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0474 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0475 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0476 Ori In the region of the open cluster lambda Ori. V0477 Ori In the region of the open cluster lambda Ori. V0478 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0479 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. In the V0479 Ori infrared A>1.5m. V0480 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. In the V0480 Ori infrared A>1.5m. V0481 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0482 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0484 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0484 Ori In the infrared A>1.0m. V0485 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0485 Ori In the infrared A>1.0m. V0486 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0487 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0489 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0489 Ori In the infrared A>1.0m. V0490 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0490 Ori In the infrared A>1.0m. V0491 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0491 Ori In the infrared A>1.0m. V0492 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0492 Ori Northern component of the close pair of infrared stars. V0492 Ori In the infrared A = 1m. V0493 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0493 Ori In the infrared A>1.0m. V0494 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0495 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0495 Ori Close binary (ro = 0.24"). It is unknown which of the V0495 Ori components varies. V0496 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0496 Ori In the infrared A>1.0m. V0497 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0497 Ori In the infrared A>1.0m. V0498 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0500 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0501 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0502 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0504 Ori Min II 15.4. V0505 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0507 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0508 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0509 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0510 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0511 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0514 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0516 Ori Max = 2430325 + 139d*E (JD2430250 - 5350); P = 70d V0516 Ori (JD2435350 - 550). V0519 Ori Min II 12.9. V0522 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0523 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0525 Ori Min II 14.7. V0526 Ori In the region of T-association FU Ori. V0529 Ori Nova Ori 1678? V0529 Ori Recurrent outburst was possibly observed at 1894 [02866]. V0529 Ori Earlier the object was considered as nova Ori [1667 V0529 Ori 2862, 2863, 2867, 2868], its existence being considered V0529 Ori as doubtful [03813]. V0537 Ori In the region of the open cluster lambda Ori. V0538 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0539 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0540 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0541 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0542 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0544 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0545 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0546 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0547 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0548 Ori In the region of the open cluster lambda Ori. V0549 Ori In the region of the open cluster lambda Ori. V0550 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0551 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0552 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0553 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0554 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0555 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0556 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0557 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0559 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0560 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0561 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0562 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0563 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0564 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0565 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0566 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0567 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0568 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0569 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0570 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0571 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0572 Ori In the region of the open cluster lambda Ori. V0573 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0574 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0575 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0576 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0577 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0578 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0579 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0580 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0581 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0582 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0584 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0585 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0586 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0587 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0588 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0589 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0590 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0591 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0592 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0593 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0594 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0595 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0596 Ori In the region of the open cluster lambda Ori. V0597 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0598 Ori In the region of the open cluster lambda Ori. V0599 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0600 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0601 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0602 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0603 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0604 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0605 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0606 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0607 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0608 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0610 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0611 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0612 Ori VB, SE-comp.; NW-comp.=NSV 02555. In the region of the V0612 Ori nebula IC 434. V0614 Ori In the region of T-association FU Ori. V0615 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0616 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0617 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0618 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0619 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0620 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0621 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0622 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0623 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0625 Ori In the region of T-association FU Ori. V0626 Ori In the region of T-association FU Ori. V0627 Ori In the region of T-association FU Ori. V0628 Ori In the region of T-association FU Ori. V0629 Ori In the region of T-association FU Ori. V0630 Ori In the region of T-association FU Ori. V0631 Ori In the region of T-association FU Ori. V0632 Ori In the region of T-association FU Ori. V0634 Ori In the region of T-association FU Ori. V0635 Ori In the region of T-association FU Ori. V0636 Ori In the region of T-association FU Ori. V0637 Ori In the region of T-association FU Ori. V0638 Ori In the region of T-association FU Ori. V0639 Ori In the region of T-association FU Ori. V0640 Ori d <= 0.02P. V0641 Ori Min II 14.5. V0642 Ori d = 0.05P?. V0643 Ori P = 26.2075d? V0647 Ori Min II 11.9. P var. Min I = 2418005.035 + 0.977575d*E V0647 Ori (JD2414660 - 23230); since JD2423230 - see Table. V0648 Ori Min II 12.2. V0649 Ori In the T-association CO - Ori. VB A (B 15m, 2", 0deg). V0650 Ori In the region of the open cluster lambda Ori. V0652 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0654 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0655 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0656 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0657 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0658 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0659 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0667 Ori Min II 15.0. V0676 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0677 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0678 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0679 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0680 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0681 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0682 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0683 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0684 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0685 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0685 Ori A(U) = 1.0m. V0686 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0687 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0688 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0689 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0690 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0691 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0692 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0693 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0694 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0695 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0696 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0697 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0698 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0699 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0700 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0701 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0702 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0703 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0704 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0705 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0706 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0707 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0708 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0709 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0710 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0711 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0712 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0713 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0713 Ori A(U) = 4.0m. V0714 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0715 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0716 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0717 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0718 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0718 Ori Probably the sf-component of a very close pair. V0719 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0720 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0721 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0722 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0723 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0724 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0725 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0726 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0727 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0728 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0729 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0730 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0731 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0732 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0733 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0734 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0735 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0736 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0737 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0737 Ori A(U) > 2.4m. V0738 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0739 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0740 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0740 Ori A(pg) > 4.0m. V0741 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0742 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0744 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0745 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0746 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0747 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0748 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0749 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0750 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0751 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0752 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0753 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0754 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0755 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0756 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0757 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0758 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0759 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0760 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0761 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0762 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0763 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0764 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0765 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0766 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0767 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0767 Ori A(U) = 1.5m. V0768 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0770 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0771 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0772 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0773 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0774 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0775 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0776 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0777 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0778 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0778 Ori A(pg) = 1.6m. V0779 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0780 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0780 Ori A(U) = 1.0m. V0781 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0782 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0783 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0783 Ori A(pg) = 3.0m. V0784 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0785 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0786 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0787 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0788 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0789 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0790 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0791 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0792 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0793 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0794 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0795 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0796 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0797 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0798 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0799 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0800 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0801 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0802 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0803 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0804 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0805 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0806 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0807 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0808 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0810 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0811 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0812 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0813 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0814 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0815 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0816 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0817 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0818 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0819 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0820 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0821 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0822 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0823 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0824 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0825 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0826 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0827 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0828 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0829 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0830 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0831 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0832 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0833 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0834 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0835 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0836 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0836 Ori A(U) > 1.5m. V0837 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0838 Ori In the region of tbe Orion nebula T-association. V0839 Ori In the region of tbe Orion nebula T-association. V0840 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0840 Ori A(pg) = 0.7m. V0841 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0842 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0843 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0844 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0845 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0846 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0847 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0848 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0849 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0850 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0851 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0852 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0853 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0854 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0855 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0855 Ori A(U) > 2.0m. V0856 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0857 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0857 Ori A(pg) > 5.0m. V0858 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0859 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0860 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0861 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0862 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0863 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0864 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0865 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0866 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0867 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0867 Ori A(pg)>3.0m. V0868 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0869 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0870 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0871 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0872 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0873 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0874 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0875 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0876 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0876 Ori Southem component of a close pair. V0877 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0878 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0879 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0880 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0881 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0882 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0883 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0883 Ori In the apex of a cometary nebula. V0884 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0885 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0886 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0886 Ori A(pg) > 3.5m. V0888 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0889 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0890 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0891 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0892 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0892 Ori Southern component of a pair (ro = 3"). V0893 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0893 Ori A(U) = 2.0m. V0894 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0895 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0896 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0897 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0898 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0899 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0900 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0900 Ori A(pg) > 2.5m. V0901 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0902 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0904 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0905 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0906 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0907 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0908 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0909 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0916 Ori P = 0.28297d? Member of the open cluster NGC 2169. V0917 Ori Member of the open cluster NGC 2169. V0918 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0919 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0920 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0921 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0922 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0923 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0924 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0926 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0927 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0928 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0929 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0930 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0931 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0932 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0933 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0934 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0935 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0937 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0938 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0939 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0941 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0942 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0943 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0945 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0946 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0947 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0948 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0949 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0950 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0951 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0952 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0953 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0956 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0957 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0958 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0960 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. V0961 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0964 Ori P var. Max = 2415800.389 + 0.5046772d*E V0964 Ori (JD2415800 - 21010); Max = 2424500.446 + 0.50466477d*E V0964 Ori (JD2424500 - 30500); since JD2431500 - see Table. V0966 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0967 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0968 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0969 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0970 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0971 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0972 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0973 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0974 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0975 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0976 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0977 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0978 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0979 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0980 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0981 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0982 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0983 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0984 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0985 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0986 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0987 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0988 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0989 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0990 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0991 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0992 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0994 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0995 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0996 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0997 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V0998 Ori mu = 0.28", ro = 221deg. V0999 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1000 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1001 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1002 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1003 Ori mu = 0.272", ro = 60.8deg. V1004 Ori VB A (B 10.57m, 37", 204deg); SB (P = 2.74d). V1005 Ori The range of light variations (characteristic for BY Dra V1005 Ori type variability) between the flares is given in the Table; V1005 Ori the amplitude of the flares A(U) can reach 3.2m. V1006 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1007 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1016 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1016 Ori In the cluster NGC 1976. Orion Trapezium V1016 Ori member: teta1 Ori A (B = BM Ori, 8.7", 32deg; C 5.13m, V1016 Ori 13.1", 131deg; D 6.70m, 21.6", 96deg). d = 0.001P. V1017 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1018 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1019 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1020 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1022 Ori In the region of T-association FU Ori. V1028 Ori P = 6d? V1029 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1030 Ori In the region of the nebula IC 434. (sig Ori) E V1030 Ori (A 4.1m; B 5.1m, A = 0.247", P = 170yr; C 8.79m, 11.2", V1030 Ori 238deg; D 6.66m, 12.9", 84deg; E 41.6", 61deg). Min I V1030 Ori (HeI) = 2442802.48 + 1.19080d*E. Unusual helium variable. V1030 Ori Epoch of Min I brightness is given in the Table V1030 Ori (Min II 6.71, Min II - Min I = 0.43P). This epoch is being V1030 Ori observed by 0.18P later than the epoch of minimum strength V1030 Ori of the HeI lambda 4026 A line. According to [09524], light V1030 Ori minima are due to "eclipses" of the star surface V1030 Ori by two isolated clouds (consisting of hydrogen and V1030 Ori helium), which are located almost oppositely near V1030 Ori the intersections of the magnetic And rotational V1030 Ori equator. V1031 Ori VB (0.159", 104deg, 1980.7). Min II 6.32; DII = 0.017P. V1034 Ori Epoch of light minimum is given. V1035 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1036 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1037 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1038 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1039 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1040 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1041 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1042 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1043 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1044 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1045 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1046 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1046 Ori SB 1. Min II 6.58. Possibly an ellipsoidal variable, its V1046 Ori light variations being superimposed by light variations of V1046 Ori the primary component of SX Ari type: V1046 Ori Min (HeI) = 2442812.23 + 0.9015d*E [08054]. V1047 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1048 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1049 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1050 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1052 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1053 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1054 Ori Epoch of light minimum is given. P = 8.596d?, P = 8.674d? V1055 Ori P(X) = 5.2d [09528]. V1056 Ori VB A (B 9.8m, 28.7", 58deg). V1058 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1059 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1060 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1061 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1062 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1063 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1064 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1065 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1066 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1067 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1068 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1069 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1070 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1071 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1072 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1073 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1074 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1075 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1076 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1077 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1078 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1079 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1080 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1081 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1082 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1083 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1084 Ori In the region of the Orion nebula T-association. V1377 Ori SB?, Porb ~ 5.5 to 6.5d. V1380 Ori In a bright nebula. V1647 Ori The nebula brightened to 14.0, the central star's magnitude is given. V1650 Ori The magnitude in Min light is from [78130]. V1804 Ori VB (A 7.7m; B 7.9m, 5", 5deg, 1991). V1811 Ori A twice shorter period is not excluded. V1814 Ori SB2, Porb = 19.48136d. V1818 Ori In the head of the nebula GN 05.51.4. V1820 Ori Blazhko effect, P(Bl) = 28d [79169]. V1833 Ori Min II = 10.53. Changing O'Connell effect. V1834 Ori Min II = 6.87. VB AB (A 7.0m; B 9.1m, 1".8, 340deg, 2007). V1840 Ori VB A (B 13.1m, 13", 211deg, 2001). V1847 Ori Amplitude(Min II)= 0.24mag. V1848 Ori Min II = 11.65. V1851 Ori Min II = 13.05 :. V1853 Ori Min II = 12.20 :. V1859 Ori SB2, Porb = 5.935d. V1865 Ori Min II = 12.8. V1871 Ori Min II = 12.9. V1872 Ori SB2, Porb = 7.672d. V1878 Ori SB2, Porb = 40.57d. V1882 Ori SB2, Porb = 46.85d. V1883 Ori VB B (A = NEXT GCVS NAME; AB 9", 262deg, 2000). V1884 Ori VB A (B = PREVIOUS GCVS NAME, 9", 262deg, 2000). V1885 Ori VB AB (1"). V1928 Ori VB B (A 9.05m; AB 7", 163deg, 2001). V1931 Ori VB A (B 13.51m, 8", 359deg, 2001). V1934 Ori VB B (A = IM Ori, 12.67m; AB 6", 337deg, 2001). V1935 Ori VB A (B 13.88m, 6", 71deg, 2001). V1952 Ori VB B (A 10.4m; AB 12", 32deg, 2001). V1953 Ori The amplitude of out-of-flare variations is 0.04m. V1994 Ori VB B (A = V1000 Ori, 11.70m; AB 6", 194deg, 2001). V1995 Ori VB B (A 9.59mJ; B 13.98mJ, 24", 31deg, 2001; C 14.25mJ, BC 7", 214deg, 2001; also other components). V1999 Ori Amplitude(Min II)= 0.3mag. V2008 Ori VB A (B = V1694 Ori, 12.31mJ, 8", 191deg, 2001). V2014 Ori VB AB (7.7mV, 8.2mV, 1".7, 282deg, 2006). V2024 Ori VB B (A 13.13m; AB 6", 305deg, 2001). V2027 Ori VB A (B 13.87m, 5", 342deg, 2001). V2030 Ori VB A (B 16.0m, 5", 133deg, 2001). V2038 Ori VB B (A = KK Ori, 11.26m; AB 5", 89deg, 2001). V2039 Ori VB A (B 13.11m, 11", 322deg, 2001). V2084 Ori VB B (A = NSV 02252, 8.61m; AB 11", 130deg, 2001). V2085 Ori VB A (B 12.84m, 10", 36deg). V2086 Ori VB B (A = V1474 Ori, 13.30m; AB 19", 291 deg, 2001; C 15.78m; BC 6", 117deg, 2001). V2088 Ori VB C (A = V1316 Ori, 12.74m, B 14.40m; AB 8", 353deg, AC 13", 15deg, 2001). V2090 Ori VB B (A = V1317 Ori, 14.04m; AB 7", 141deg, 2001). V2094 Ori VB A (B 13.20m, 6", 279deg, 2001). V2099 Ori Multiple (V1318 Ori 12.75m, 13", 312deg, 2001 and other companions). V2102 Ori VB B (A = KS Ori, 9.51m; AB 5", 69deg, 2001). V2107 Ori VB A (B = KR Ori, 10.23m; AB 15", 99deg, 2001). V2109 Ori VB A (B 12.87m, 5", 353deg, 2001). V2110 Ori VB B (A = V1479 Ori, 12.49m; AB 9", 346deg, 2001). V2113 Ori VB B (A = NSV 16386, 13.34m; AB 8", 127deg, 2001). V2114 Ori VB B (A = V1319 Ori, 10.91m; AB 6", 270deg, 2001). V2118 Ori VB B (A 11.54m; AB 11", 218deg, 2001). V2120 Ori VB B (A 12.70m; AB 18", 294deg, 2001; C 13.14m; BC 12", 185deg, 2001; D 13.54m; BD 11", 277deg, 2001). V2121 Ori VB A (B 13.69m, 5", 309 deg, 2001). V2133 Ori VB B (A 8.74m, 20", 346deg, 2001). V2136 Ori Type E is not excluded. V2139 Ori VB A (B 14.13m, 8", 150deg, 2001). V2141 Ori VB A (B 11.64:m, 6", 252deg, 2001). V2142 Ori VB B (A 12.72m, 7", 11deg, 2001). V2143 Ori VB A (B = V1482 Ori, 12.08m, 10", 274deg, 2001; C = V1322 Ori, 12.11m, 13", 320deg, 2001; D = V1323 Ori, 12.26m, 15", 352deg, 2001). V2150 Ori VB B (A = V480 Ori, 11.38m, AB 10", 326deg, 2001; C = GCVS NAME FROM NEXT REMARK, 13.18m, AC 6", 306deg, 2001). V2152 Ori VB C (A = V480 Ori, 11.38m, B = GCVS NAME FROM PREVIOUS REMARK; AB 10", 326deg, AC 6", 306deg, 2001). V2164 Ori VB B (A 11.53m, K5; AB 10", 189deg, 2001; C 13.44m, M3.5e, AC 5", 153deg, 2001; other components). V2167 Ori VB A (B 16.35m, 8", 83deg, 2001). V2175 Ori VB A (B = NSV 16405, 13.31m, 9", 106deg, 2001). V2177 Ori VB B (A = REMARK AFTER NEXT, 12.96m; AB 4", 238deg, 2001). V2178 Ori VB A (B 15.25m, 8", 111deg, 2001). V2179 Ori VB A (B = REMARK BEFORE PREVIOUS, 14.72m, 4" 238deg, 2001). V2181 Ori VB B (A 12.69m; AB 7", 330deg, 2001). V2183 Ori VB B (A 13.36m; AB 8", 111deg, 2001). V2185 Ori VB A (B 12.84m, 7", 330deg, 2001). V2189 Ori VB B (A 14.43m; AB 6", 297deg, 2001). V2191 Ori VB C (A = LR Ori, 9.70m, B 12.92m; AB 10", 160deg, AC 14", 248 deg, 2001; other components). V2192 Ori VB B (A 12.88m; AB 6", 317deg, 2001). V2194 Ori VB A (B 16.48m, 7", 163deg, 2001). V2198 Ori VB B (A 12.04m; AB 5", 65deg, 2001). V2205 Ori VB A (B 16.07m, 7", 108deg, 2001). V2212 Ori Amplitude(Min II)= 0.1mag. V2213 Ori Multiple (V1487 Ori 9.42m, 13". 233deg, 2001; other components, including NSV 16420). V2214 Ori VB A (B 13.55m, 11", 118deg, 118deg). V2215 Ori VB B (A 12.32m; AB 9", 272deg, 2001; other components). V2216 Ori VB A (B 15.54m, 11", 353deg, 2001). V2217 Ori Multiple (LU Ori 8.74mKs, 9", 182deg, 2001; other components). V2218 Ori VB B (A = LU Ori, 9.98mJ; AB 7", 158deg, 2001). V2220 Ori VB A (B 3" s). V2222 Ori VB B (A 12.11m; AB 7", 149deg, 2001). V2225 Ori Multiple (NSV 16423 14" np; other components). V2228 Ori Multiple (NSV 16426 13.58m, 9", 356deg, 2001; GCVS NAME FOR NSV 16429 12.37m, 11", 147deg, 2001; other components). V2232 Ori VB A (B 13.64:m, 8", 40deg, 2001; other components). V2233 Ori VB B (A = GCVS NAME FOR No. 8384; AB 5", 276deg, 2001). V2236 Ori Multiple. V2237 Ori VB A (B 12.80m, 6", 123deg, 2001). V2239 Ori VB A (B = V1491 Ori, 11.29m, 16", 229deg, 2001). V2241 Ori Multiple. V2242 Ori VB C (A = GCVS NAME FOR NSV 16438, 12.80m, B = GCVS NAME FOR NSV 16437, 13.37m; AB 13", 191deg, AC 9", 208deg, 2001). V2243 Ori VB A (B = GCVS NAME FOR No. 8355, 5", 276deg, 2001). V2245 Ori VB B (A = GCVS NAME FOR NSV 16438, 12.80m; AB 13", 191deg, 20001; C = GCVS NAME FOR No. 8381, AC 9", 208deg, 2001). V2246 Ori VB A (B 13.24m, 12", 235deg, 2001). V2247 Ori VB A (B = GCVS NAME FOR NSV 16437, 13.37m, 13", 191deg, 2001; C = GCVS NAME FOR No. 8381, AC 9", 208deg, 2001). V2248 Ori VB A (B = NSV 16441, 8.16:m, 17", 150deg, 2001; C = V1496 Ori, 8.78m, 7", 180deg, 2001). V2251 Ori VB C (A 13.52m, B 14.96m; AB 6", 229deg, AC 5", 23deg, 2001). V2252 Ori VB B (A = NSV 16435, 11.05m; AB 7", 66deg, 2001). V2254 Ori Multiple. V2255 Ori Multiple (GCVS NAME FOR NSV 16443 11", 122deg, 2001; other components). V2256 Ori VB B (A = V1495 Ori, 12.24m; AB 9", 71deg, 2001). V2257 Ori VB C (A 11.05m, B 11.44m; AB 7", 66deg, AC 13", 137deg, 2001). V2261 Ori VB A (B = GCVS NAME FOR NEXT REMARK, 6", 17deg, 2001). V2263 Ori VB B (A = GCVS NAME FOR PREVIOUS REMARK; AB 6", 17deg, 2001). V2266 Ori Multiple (GCVS NAME FOR No. 8478 11", 302 deg, 2001; other components). V2270 Ori Multiple (NSV 16454 10.96m, 10", 65deg, 2001; other components). V2271 Ori VB (B = JW 474, 2.4", 24deg, 1961). V2272 Ori VB A (B 13.63m, 12", 331deg, 2001). V2276 Ori VB B (A 14.49m; AB 7", 173deg, 2001). V2279 Ori VB A (B = AC Ori 3" s). V2280 Ori VB A (B 12.57m, 5", 215deg, 2001). V2283 Ori VB B (A 13.00m; AB 9", 259deg, 2001). V2284 Ori Multiple. V2288 Ori Multiple. V2291 Ori VB A (B 13.47m, 7", 18deg, 2001). V2292 Ori Multiple (NSV 16466 12.56m, 12", 68:deg). V2294 Ori VB B (A 12.44m, 10", 59deg, 2001). V2297 Ori NSV 16469 9" nf. V2299 Ori VB A (B 4" s). V2300 Ori VB B (A = V1812 Ori, 10.60m; AB 9", 244deg, 2001). V2301 Ori VB C (A 8.76m, B = LZ Ori, 9.30m; AB 14", 220deg, AC 25", 226deg, 2001). V2304 Ori Multiple. V2309 Ori VB B (A 13.63m; AB 5", 300deg, 2001). V2314 Ori VB A (B 12.32m, 5", 16deg, 2001). V2317 Ori VB A (B 15.50m, 5", 300deg, 2001). V2318 Ori VB A (B 14.04m, 10", 69deg, 2001). V2321 Ori VB (2"). Multiple (V1336 Ori 5", 133deg, 1961; NSV 16467 10.10m, 10", 286deg, 2001; other components). V2325 Ori Multiple. V2326 Ori VB B (A 10.91m; AB 12", 115deg, 2001). V2330 Ori VB B (A 10.15m; AB 10", 69deg, 2001). V2333 Ori Multiple. V2336 Ori Multiple. V2338 Ori Multiple. V2343 Ori VB A (B = NSV 16486, 13.43:m, 9", 68deg, 2001). V2346 Ori VB B (A = GCVS NAME FOR NSV 16495; AB 10", 275deg, 2001). V2350 Ori V1516 Ori 11"nf. V2352 Ori VB B (A 13.65m; AB 6", 127deg, 2001). V2353 Ori Multiple. V2354 Ori VB A (B 6" sf). V2355 Ori VB B (A = GCVS NAME FOR NSV 2307; AB 13", 214deg, 2001; NSV 16490 close to A). V2359 Ori VB (0.8"). V2360 Ori VB A (B = GCVS NAME FOR No. 9248, 10", 275deg, 2001; C 14.71m, 14", 240deg, 2001). V2362 Ori VB A (B 13.54m, 7", 83deg, 2001). V2363 Ori VB A (B = V1521 Ori; AB 7", 264deg, 2001). V2364 Ori VB A (B = GCVS NAME FOR No. 9305, 13", 214deg, 2001; NSV 16490 3" n). V2366 Ori VB B (A 12.01m; AB 11", 6deg, 2001). V2372 Ori VB A (B 10.98m, 8", 1deg, 2001). V2373 Ori VB B (A = V1521 Ori; AB 6", 90deg, 2001). V2374 Ori VB AB (0.7"). Multiple (NSV 16503 11.42mJ, 6", 330deg, 2001; other components). V2377 Ori VB B (A = NSV 16506, 13.64m; AB 4", 40deg, 1991). V2378 Ori VB B (A = AG Ori; AB 12", 185deg, 2001). V2383 Ori Multiple (V1524 Ori 9", 225deg, 2001; other components). V2384 Ori Min II = 14.81. MinII - MinI = 0.67P. V2387 Ori VB B (A 13.80m; AB 7", 78deg, 2001). V2389 Ori VB A (B 6" sf). V2401 Ori VB B (A 13.05m; AB 5", 321deg, 2001). V2404 Ori VB B (A = V561 Ori, 11.78m; AB 9", 250deg, 2001). V2405 Ori VB A (B 14.81m, 5", 285deg, 2001). V2410 Ori VB B (A = V1531 Ori; AB 7", 163deg, 2001). V2413 Ori VB A (B 3" f). V2414 Ori VB B (A = V1017 Ori; AB 10", 283deg, 2001). V2415 Ori VB B (A = NSV 16523 8" sp). V2417 Ori VB AB (1"). V2423 Ori VB A (B = V1400 Ori, 6", 43deg, 2001). V2425 Ori Multiple (NSV 16535 12" nf; other components). V2435 Ori VB A (B 15.3m, 6", 138deg, 2001). V2442 Ori VB C (A 11.63m, B 11.70m; AB 3", 257deg, AC 10", 349deg, 2001). V2444 Ori VB A (B = GCVS NAME FOR NSV 16541, 6", 144deg, 2001). V2448 Ori VB B (A = GCVS NAME FROM PREVIOUS REMARK; AB 6", 144deg, 2001). V2449 Ori VB (AK Ori 9" s). V2451 Ori VB B (A 2.9mV, C = NSV 2342, 9.7mV; AB 11", 141deg, AC 49", 103deg, 2002). V2454 Ori VB A (B 10" np). V2458 Ori VB C (A = GCVS NAME FOR NEXT REMARK, B 11.34m; AB 9", 286deg, AC 6", 349deg, 2001). V2460 Ori VB A (B 11.34m, C = GCVS NAME FOR PREVIOUS REMARK; AB 9", 286deg, AC 6", 349deg, 2001). V2464 Ori VB B (A 11.29m; AB 11", 14deg, 2001). V2467 Ori VB B (A = NSV 02331, 11.77m, C 13.91:m; AB 7", 20deg, AC 11", 13deg, 2001). V2476 Ori VB A (B 13.70m, 11", 230deg, 2001). V2479 Ori VB B (A = V1549 Ori, AB 6", 117deg, 2001). V2481 Ori VB A (B 15.02m, 6", 13deg, C 16.39m, 10", 139deg, 2001). V2483 Ori VB A (B 14.76m, 9", 19deg, 2001). V2484 Ori VB A (B 12.38m, 7", 2deg, 2001). V2491 Ori VB A (B 13.12m, 6", 37deg, 2001). V2492 Ori VB B (A = GCVS NAME FOR NEXT REMARK; AB 8", 344deg, 2001). V2494 Ori VB A (B = GCVS NAME FOR PREVIOUS REMARK, 8", 344deg, 2001). V2495 Ori VB B (A = GCVS NAME FOR NSV 2341; AB 11", 342deg, 1961; also fainter components). V2497 Ori VB B (A = NSV 2340, 11.23m, C 13.82m; AB 8", 160deg, AC 7", 258deg, 2001). V2499 Ori VB A (B = GCVS NAME FOR No. 10729, 11", 342deg, 1961; also fainter components). V2500 Ori VB A (B 8" n). V2509 Ori NU Ori 20" np. VB A (B 12.36m, 8", 147deg, 2001). V2514 Ori VB B (A = V565 Ori, 10.17m; AB 9", 7deg, 2001). V2516 Ori The periodic variations were reported for the bright state (above 14m J). V2521 Ori VB B (A = V359 Ori, C 11.28; AB 10", 290deg; AC 14", 306deg, 2001). V2537 Ori VB A (B 14.35m, 7", 215deg, 2001). V2543 Ori VB B (A = AM Ori, AB 4", 330deg, 2001). V2568 Ori VB A (B 13.86m, 11", 168deg, 2001). V2575 Ori VB B (A 7.98m; AB 15", 232deg, 2001). V2592 Ori Min II = 8.20. MinII - MinI = 0.40P. V2602 Ori VB A (B 13.65m, 11", 63deg, 2001). V2603 Ori VB A (B 14.98m, 7", 282deg, 2001). V2608 Ori VB A (B 13.70m, 7", 350deg, 2001). V2615 Ori VB B (A = OV Ori, 11.51m; AB 7", 287deg, 2001). V2620 Ori VB B (A 10.34m; AB 12", 170deg, 2001). V2630 Ori VB A (B 15.27m, 8", 310deg, C 15.84m, 8", 144deg, 2001). V2651 Ori VB B (A = NSV 2412, 11.48:m; AB 9", 219deg, 2001). V2655 Ori VB B (A 12.56m; AB 10", 48deg, 2001). V2677 Ori VB A (B 13.80m, 10", 152deg, 2001). V2678 Ori Multiple. V2679 Ori VB B (A = NSV 2424, 11.01m; AB 14", 46deg, 2001). V2689 Ori Type from [80034]. V2712 Ori Min II = 12.7. V2729 Ori VB C (A 12.57m, B 16.17m; AB 16", 117deg, AC 18", 132deg, 1999). V2735 Ori Min II = 9.43. V2743 Ori Min II = 13.9. V2749 Ori SB2, Porb = 18.74d. V2751 Ori SB1. V2752 Ori Type from [80034]. V2757 Ori Min II = 10.12. V2758 Ori SB2, Porb = 4.99d. V2759 Ori Min II = 10.62. V2762 Ori Min II = 10.31. V2766 Ori Amplitude(Min II)= 0.7mag. V2767 Ori Min II = 13.2 :. V2768 Ori Amplitude(Min II)= 0.4mag. V2769 Ori Amplitude(Min II)= 0.4mag:. V2772 Ori Min II = 12.35. V2776 Ori VB A (B 16.9m R, 6", 31deg, 1999). V2777 Ori VB A (B 16.0m R, 9", 88deg, 1999). V2778 Ori Min II = 10.50:. MinII - MinI = 0.44P. V2780 Ori Min II = 12.12. VB A (B 5", 139deg, 1999). V2783 Ori Min II = 10.63. VB A (B 12.9m, 7", 25deg, 1999). V2784 Ori Min II = 13.7. V2787 Ori Min II = 10.28. V2788 Ori Min II = 10.82:. V2789 Ori Min II = 11.4. V2790 Ori Min II = 11.64. V2793 Ori Min II = 13.6. V2797 Ori Multiperiodic. V2834 Ori P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.488575d; P1/P0 = 0.7428. V2846 Ori According to [82044], a flare to 15.7mpg from 17.4 mpg was observed on 1996 November 17. V2853 Ori P1 is presented in the Table. P2 = 0.2653979d; P2/P1 = 0.7990. V2855 Ori Double-mode pulsator, P2 = 0.0448278d. VB A (B 5", 99deg, 1999). V2856 Ori MinII - MinI = 0.52P. V2861 Ori Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0886835d, P1/P0 = 0.7755. V2863 Ori Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0753941d, P1/P0 = 0.7736. V2864 Ori Psh = 0.06331d. V2865 Ori Double-mode pulsations. P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.1322361d, P1/P0 = 0.7700. alf Ori VB A (B 14.5m, 39.8", 110deg). Min = 2410600 + 2070d*E alf Ori (1840 - 1929) [01012]. Since 1929 - see Table. alf Ori The main variation is superimposed by the waves alf Ori with P = 200 - 400d. Dust-gaseous shell (r = 50") alf Ori [09529]. del Ori VB A (A 0.217", 144deg, 1980; B 14.0m, 33.1", 227deg; del Ori C 6.84m, 53.5", 359deg). Orion Belt cluster member. del Ori Min II 2.20. del Ori Apsidal motion (P = 210 yr). Shape of the light curve del Ori varies. The intrinsic brightness variability of the del Ori components is possible. eps Ori Orion Belt cluster member. eta Ori VB Aab (AC 0.037", 111deg, 1979.0, P = 9.219 yr [09535]; eta Ori B 4.8m, 1.60", 76deg, 1976.0; C 9.4m, 115", 51deg). EA/DM. eta Ori Min II 3.57. The range of combined light variation of the eta Ori components AAb (SB 2, P = 7.989268d), AC, and B is given eta Ori in the Table. Outside eclipses there are sinusoidal light eta Ori variations of the system with A(V) = 0.05m due to eta Ori pulsations of the component Ab [09535] with P = 0.30197d eta Ori [09536] or 0.30145d [09537]. According to [08566] these eta Ori variations were not observed between 1970 and 1976. pi. 5 Ori Min II 3.73. The period is improved using radial pi. 5 Ori velocities [04627]. psi Ori VB A (B 11.1m, 2.7", 323deg; C 13.88m, 83", 196deg). psi Ori Min II 4.58. The period is determined on the base of psi Ori radial velocities [09541]. R Pav Pvar. Max = 2411219 + 228.34d (JD2411000 - 18500); R Pav Max = 2418527 + 230.95d*E (JD2418500 - 30000); R Pav since JD2430000 - see Table. S Pav P var. Max = 2421479 + 389.64d*E(JD2421000 - 31000); S Pav since JD2431000 - see Table. Delta(m) var strongly. S Pav Min II is sometimes observed after Max I. T Pav P var. Max = 2413328 + 243.45d*E(JD2405700 - T Pav 25500); Max = 2425499 + 245.11d*E(JD2425500 - T Pav 32500); since JD2432500 - see Table. V Pav VBA (B 14.0m vis, 15", 327deg). Mean brightness var, V Pav P2 = 3735d, 9.7m - 10.7m. W Pav P var. Before JD2431000 Max = 2413778 + 282.92d*E; W Pav since JD2431000 - see Table. RT Pav Mean light var, 10.4m - 11.1m 1649, P2 = 757d. SU Pav P var. Max = 2430036 + 245.18d*E (JD2411000 - 30100) SU Pav [00001]; during JD247700 - 40000 - see Table. TW Pav Before JD2420400 Max = 2417760 + 397.d*E. YY Pav Delta(m) var strongly. P possibly is twice longer, in that YY Pav case Min II 14.4. AR Pav Depth of eclipses Delta(m) = 2m B, d = 0.05P. Expanding AR Pav shell. BD Pav Only one outburst was observed [00629]. Brightness BD Pav flickering. Eclipses according to the elements BD Pav Min I = 2444412.676 + 0.1793015d*E, Delta(m) ~0.5m [09191]. BD Pav Outside outburst, 15.40m - 16.21m. BF Pav Min II 11.9. BI Pav Min II (Delta(m) ~0.05m) is possible. DF Pav Epoch of min is given. Light curve shape strongly var. DN Pav Delta(S) = 8:. DW Pav Min II 16.3. EG Pav Twice shorter P is possible [00001]. EL Pav Min II 15.5. EN Pav Elements need confirmation. EQ Pav Red. FY Pav Min II? JD2436784.37. HL Pav Blazhko effect? HP Pav Min II 15.5. HQ Pav Min II 12.7. HY Pav Min II 12.1. IL Pav RRC type is possible. KR Pav Min II 14.1. KZ Pav VB A (B 8.7m, 6.7", 119deg, 1971; C 9.2m, BC 1.0", 329deg, KZ Pav 1971). P var. Min = 2430448.617 + 0.949880d*E KZ Pav (JD2416000 - 30000) [00001]; since JD2430000 - see Table. KZ Pav Min II is present. LL Pav Min II 15.1. LO Pav Min II 16.5. LR Pav Min II 15.3. LT Pav Min II 12.2. LV Pav Min II 14.3. LY Pav Min II 14.9. MQ Pav Epoch of Min is given. EW/KW type with twice longer P is MQ Pav possible. MR Pav Possible elements Max = 2436731.40 + 0.3737d*E [00001]. MS Pav Min II 14.1. MW Pav d = 0.08P. Min II 8.92, dII = 0.11P. NP Pav Deep Min II. NW Pav [A/H] = -0.7. OY Pav The chart in [06286] is wrong. V0382 Pav Type EW: is also possible. V0399 Pav Symbiotic spectrum. V0400 Pav MinII 9.23. V0413 Pav P varies, dP/dt =+1.29 x 10^(-5) d/yr. V0416 Pav P0 is tabulated, P1 = 0.36574d. V0430 Pav Type EW with P=0.444342d is not excluded. V0449 Pav Blazhko effect, P = 61.3d. V0471 Pav P = 68.6d is superposed. V0472 Pav P = 43d is superposed. V0475 Pav VB B (AB 7", 287deg, 2000). V0483 Pav VB (15.22mG, 16.08mG, 3", 137deg, 2000); the range in the Table is for combined brightness. V0484 Pav Possible secondary period 48d. V0491 Pav P = 59.7d is superposed. V0494 Pav Blazhko effect. V0500 Pav P varies. V0537 Pav Blazhko effect? V0538 Pav Long period: P = 675d. V0541 Pav Pulsation period P = 48.4d. V0546 Pav VB A (14.45mG; B 14.5mG, 16", 286deg, 2000). V0551 Pav VB A (15.0mG; B 15.1mG, 11", 210deg, 2000). kap Pav P var. Max = 2419619.38 + 9.0898d*E (JD2411930 - 22550); kap Pav Max = 2425987.12 + 9.1028d*E (JD2422550 - 26980); kap Pav Max = 2430530.67 + 9.0833d*E (JD2426980 - 31345); kap Pav Max = 2433239.87 + 9.0956d*E (JD2431345 - 34045); kap Pav Max = 2434693.11 + 9.0653d*E (JD2434045 - 37000); kap Pav since JD2440000 - see Table. [Fe/H] = 0.0/ - 0.4. kap Pav Moderately high Z coordinate (IZI ~240 pc provided kap Pav the period - luminosity relation for DCEP stars is valid), kap Pav low radial velocity. The period is not typical kap Pav for CW stars. Ca II emission was noticed in the spectrum. lam Pav VB A (B 12.4m, 63.1", 206deg). rho Pav The main light variation P1 (see Table) with a rho Pav semiamplitude delta(y) = 0.0069m is superposed by rho Pav oscillations with P2 = 0.1131d (delta(y) = 0.0031m), rho Pav P3 = 0.1612d (delta(y) = 0.0029m). R Peg OH, H2O, SiO maser. P var. Max = 2396327 + 381.9d*E R Peg (JD2396300 - 2408200); Max = 2413012 + 371.4d*E R Peg (JD2413000 - 19800); Max = 2420092 + 379.77d*E R Peg (JD2420000 - 31100) [00960]; since JD2431100 - see Table. T Peg P var. Max = 2398452 + 371.0d*E (JD2398400 - 2408900); T Peg Max = 2413697 + 386.8d*E (JD2413600 - 18700); T Peg Max = 2421016 + 362.5d*E (JD2420900 - 28000) [00960]; T Peg Max = 2434343 + 376.0d*E (JD2428300 - 34300); T Peg Max = 2440984 + 368.7d*E (JD2434300 - 41000); T Peg since JD2441000 - see Table. U Peg Min II 9.73. P var. U Peg There is a square term in the elements: U Peg -2.468D*10**(-11)*E**2. U Peg 0 - C = 0.00323d*sin((2pi/16330)E + 0.418pi). Shape of U Peg the light curve varies. W Peg SiO maser. P var. Max = 2413819 + 343.2d*E W Peg (JD2413800 - 26600); Max = 2427162 + 345.5d*E W Peg (JD2426600 - 32100) [00960]; Max = 2439690 + 348.75d*E W Peg (JD2432300 - 39700) [00001]; since JD2441400 - see Table. X Peg P var. Max = 2414713 + 200.3d*E (JD2414700 - 21300); X Peg Max = 2420105 + 204.3d*E (JD2420100 - 23800); X Peg Max = 2423570 + 199.8d*E (JD2423600 - 31000) [00960]; X Peg Max = 2432006 + 208d*E (JD2431000 - 32100); X Peg Max = 2434206 + 200.0d*E (JD2432100 - 39300); X Peg since JD2438400 - see Table. Z Peg P var. Max = 2415433 + 318.9d*E (JD2398800 - 2420550); Z Peg Max = 2420207 + 328.0d*E (JD2420200 - 32000) [00960]; Z Peg Max = 2432005 + 325.8d*E (JD2432000 - 37900); Z Peg Max = 2437870 + 319d*E (JD2437500 - 40100); Z Peg Max = 2442086 + 328.0d*E (JD2440100 - 43100); Z Peg since JD2442100 - see Table. RR Peg P var. Max = 2417582 + 268.3d*E (JD2416700 - 17850) RR Peg [00001]; Max = 2417859 + 260.8d*E (JD2417850 - 21000) RR Peg [00960]; since JD2421000 - see Table. RS Peg P var. Max = 2415846 + 431.5d*E (JD2415800 - 18450); RS Peg Max = 2418434 + 404.1d*E (JD2418400 - 24200); RS Peg Max = 2424514 + 413.4d*E (JD2424500 - 34900) [00960]; RS Peg Max = 2436496 + 403.4d*E (JD2435700 - 38600) [00001]; RS Peg since JD2438500 - see Table. RT Peg VB A (B 10.5m, 15.6", 291deg). P var. RT Peg Max = 2423609 + 215.0d*E (JD2416000 - 24300); RT Peg Max = 2428149 + 216.6d*E (JD2424300 - 32100); RT Peg since JD2432100 - see Table. RU Peg VB A (B 12.5m, 12", 18deg); SB2 (Porb = 0.3746d [09570]). RU Peg There are also light oscillations with P = 11.6s RU Peg and 50s [09571]. RV Peg Emission. Light curve (1907 - 1973) [09572]. P var. RV Peg Max = 2428735 + 388.4d*E (JD2417000 - 32640); RV Peg Max = 2430680 + 390.9d*E (JD2430200 - 38900); RV Peg since JD2438800 - see Table. RW Peg P var. Max = 2419393 + 208.4d*E (JD2412700 - 19400); RW Peg Max = 2421520 + 213.0d*E (JD2419390 - 21550); RW Peg Max = 2427133 + 208.0d*E (JD2421500 - 27150); RW Peg since JD2427300 - see Table. RX Peg P2 = 110d:. RY Peg VB B (A = RZ Peg; B 20", 252deg). RZ Peg VB A (B = RY Peg:20", 252deg). SC 6/9 - e. P var. RZ Peg Max = 2423361 + 441.4d*E (JD2411400 - 26450); RZ Peg Max = 2431215 + 434.0d*E (JD2426400 - 33000); RZ Peg since JD2433000 - see Table. SS Peg P var. Max = 2416390 + 410.8d*E (JD2415500 - 20000); SS Peg Max = 2422235 + 423.8d*E (JD2420000 - 27000); SS Peg Max = 2427270 + 403.4d*E (JD2427000 - 29000); SS Peg Max = 2437218 + 416.35d*E (JD2428500 - 43000); SS Peg since JD2443000 - see Table. SV Peg H2O emission. SX Peg S 2.5/6 e. P var. Max = 2436043 + 306.56d*E SX Peg (JD2414800 - 38300); since JD2438300 - see Table. TU Peg P var. Max = 2417800 + 320.8d*E (JD2404300 - 18450); TU Peg Max = 2420730 + 328.4d*E (JD2418450 - 20800); TU Peg Max = 2428080 + 319.6d*E (JD2420800 - 31600); TU Peg since JD2432800 - see Table. TW Peg H2O maser. The basic light variation with the period given TW Peg in the Table is superimposed by small oscillations TW Peg with P = 94.13d. TY Peg Min II 10.2. P var. Min I hel = 2419520.476 + TY Peg 3.0922754d*E (JD2412300 - 19600) [02389]; Min I hel = TY Peg 2425918.348 + 3.092252d*E (JD2419600 - 26000) TY Peg [00001]; since JD2426000 - see Table. TZ Peg P var? Max = 2425892 + 213.7d*E (JD2410000 - 28000); TZ Peg since JD2430000 - see Table. UU Peg OH, H2O maser. UW Peg According to [08837] P = 60d. UX Peg P var. Min = 2428428.386 + 1.544618d*E (JD2422100 - UX Peg 28430) [00230]; Min = 2431273.597 + 1.544632d*E UX Peg (JD2428420 - 34000) [00001]; since JD2434000 - see Table. VV Peg Delta(S) = 8. P var. Max = 2420105.296 + 0.48837765d*E VV Peg (JD2420000 - 28900); Max = 2433217.268 + 0.48838307d*E VV Peg (JD2432800 - 38000) [03506]; since JD2438000 - see Table. VW Peg P = 2.341295d? VX Peg The basic light variation is superimposed by the secondary VX Peg one with P = 80 - 90d:. VZ Peg [Fe/H] = -1.75. WW Peg P var. Max = 2433142 + 371.6d*E (JD2415670 - 33200) WW Peg [00001]; since JD2436800 - see Table. ZZ Peg Min II 12.5. AE Peg P var. Max = 2415470.866 + 0.4967388d*E (JD2415500 - AE Peg 21000); Max = 2426161.544 + 0.496725d*E (JD2425400 - AE Peg 31500); Max = 2432632.809 + 0.496692d*E (JD2431500 - AE Peg 36000) [00001]; during JD2436000 - 40000 - see Table. AE Peg Delta(S) = 6.3. AG Peg SB2 (Porb = 820d [09580]). AG Peg Maximum of brightness was in 1870, then the very AG Peg slow light decrease was observed that was superimposed AG Peg since 1935 by periodical light oscillations with AG Peg A = 0.4m V AG Peg and P = Porb: Min = 2428250 + 827.d*E ( JD2428000-43000) AG Peg [09587]. After JD2442300 the period probably has changed: AG Peg Min = 2442370 + 760d*E [09587]. In 1962 - 1979 the range of AG Peg brightness was 7.95m - 8.55m V; M - m = 0.50P. AG Peg Light minima correspond to the epochs of inferior AG Peg conjunction of M 3 III component. Spectrum var: Beq AG Peg (1893 - 1919); since 1922 the spectrum is symbiotic one, AG Peg the M star spectrum being more noticeable. AG Peg Surrounded by a radio nebula with 1" half-power diameter. AN Peg P var. Max = 2428045 + 274.1d*E (JD2424500 - 38500) AN Peg [09581]; since JD2438500 - see Table. AO Peg Delta(S) = 4.3. AQ Peg Min II 10.47; d = 0.030P. P var. Min I = 2424749.335 + AQ Peg 5.548419d*E (JD2424000 - 34000) [00980]; AQ Peg since JD2434000 - see Table. AS Peg Of the two stars circled in the chart in [06286], the southern AS Peg component varies. AT Peg Min II 9.04. P var. Min I = 2425862.337 + 1.1460988d*E AT Peg (JD2425800 - 37500) [00001]; Min I = 2437497.542 + AT Peg 1.146080d*E (JD2437490 - 40000) [06101]; Min I = AT Peg 2440407*4370 + 1.1461007d*E (JD2440000 - 42400) AT Peg [00001]; since JD2442400 - see Table. AU Peg Cepheid in a close binary system. AU Peg SB1 (Porb = 53.319d, K1 = 41.8 km/s, gamma = -4.1 km/s, AU Peg E = 0.12 [09582]). [Fe/H] = 0.1. AU Peg P var. Max = 2428729.76 + 2.3978d*E (JD2426500 - 28750) AU Peg [00916]; Max = 2433151.976 + 2.38934d*E (JD2433150 - 35800); AU Peg Max = 2439039.08 + 2.39079d*E (JD2435800 - 39100) [00001]; AU Peg since JD2441700 - see Table. AU Peg There is a square term in the elements given in the Table: AU Peg +2.246d*10**(-6)*E**2. The shape of the light curve varies: AU Peg 0.20P < M - m < 0.47P. AV Peg P var. Max = 2416347.713 + 0.39036510d*E AV Peg (JD2414000 - 26500) [00752]; Max = 2426582.301 + AV Peg 0.39037015d*E (JD2426500 - 36000) [09584]; AV Peg since JD2436000 - see Table. [Fe/H] = +0.02. AW Peg d = 0.07P, Min II 7.60. BB Peg Depth of Min II 0.60m. BB Peg There is a square term in the elements given in the Table: BB Peg +2.3d*10**(-11)*E**2. dI = 0.05P; dII = 0.00P. BF Peg P var. Max = 2426589.293 + 0.495796d*E + 2.8d*10**(-9)*E**2 BF Peg (JD2426500 - 28800) [00522]; Max = 2433200.312 + BF Peg 0.495796d*E (JD2429400 - 33200) [00001]; Max = BF Peg 2437583.343 + 0.495674d*E (JD2437500 - 39400) BF Peg [00001]; since JD2442650 - see Table. BG Peg P var. Min = 2427386.3705 + 1.952452d*E (JD2426000 - 35000) BG Peg [03567]; Min = 2436453.509 + 1.95238d*E (JD2435000 - 43500) BG Peg [03624]; since JD2443500 - see Table. BH Peg P var. Max = 2426596.535 + 0.64101381d*E BH Peg (JD2426500 - 28200) [01038]; since JD2434400 - see Table. BH Peg Blazhko effect. A var. BH Peg Max (O - C) = 2442929.03 + 39.8d*N [09588]. (k - b)2 = 0.09; BH Peg Delta(S) = 5. BI Peg Waves with a cycle of 60 - 80d are superimposed. BK Peg Min II 10.47. BO Peg Min II 11.6. P var. Min I = 2427655.460 + 0.5804342d*E BO Peg (JD2426500 - 35100) [02263]; since JD2444000 - see Table. BP Peg P1 = 0.084510d; P1:P0 = 0.77. Beat BP Peg period Pb = 0.3698d [06604]. BS Peg The chart in [06286] is wrong. BU Peg Observations are represented by the elements in the BU Peg intervals JD2432000 - 34000, JD2438200 - 41400. BX Peg Depth of Min II 0.62m; dI = 0.05P; dII = 0.00P. BX Peg P var. Min I = 2431323.278 + 0.2804238d*E BX Peg (JD2424700 - 39000) [00279]; since JD2439000 - see Table. BY Peg P var. Min I = 2424745.75 + 0.34193403d*E BY Peg (JD2424700 - 35400); since JD2435000 - see Table. CC Peg Min II 12.9. CG Peg Delta(S) = 2. P var? CU Peg d = 0.010P. P var. Min = 2433895.463 + 3.8801345d*E CU Peg (JD2425500 - 34000) [00001]; Min = 2434221.392 + CU Peg 3.880196d*E (JD2434000 - 36500) [07929]; CU Peg since JD2436500 - see Table. CZ Peg Min II 13.9. DF Peg Min II 9.2. DG Peg P var. Max = 2425857 + 148.15d*E (JD2425500 - DG Peg 33500); since JD2433500 - see Table. DH Peg P var. Max = 2414981.537 + 0.25550478d*E DH Peg (JD2414000 - 24000) [01158]; DH Peg Max = 2427695.390 + 0.2555107d*E (JD2424000 - 33500) DH Peg [09590]; since JD2433500 - see Table. [Fe/H] = -0.9. DI Peg Min II 9.59. P var. Min I = 2425644.315 + 0.7118144d*E DI Peg (JD2425500 - 30000) [02431]; Min I = 2437559.4096 + DI Peg 0.7118182d*E (JD2430000 - 40000) [09592]; Min I = DI Peg 2440159.6796 + 0.71181417d*E (JD2440000 - 44500); DI Peg since JD2444500 - see Table. DK Peg d = 0.04P. P var. Min = 2427745.388 + 1.631801d*E DK Peg (JD2427700 - 33700); since JD2433700 - see Table. DM Peg d = 0.03P; Min II 11.0. DN Peg Mean brightness varies with cycles 800 - 1400d and DN Peg A = 0.2m - 0.4m. DO Peg P var. Min = 2434272.350 + 2.61394d*E (JD2428000 - 34700) DO Peg [00485]; since JD2434700 - see Table. DV Peg Min II 12.1. DY Peg P var. Max = 2432751.9624 + 0.072926372d*E DY Peg (JD2429000 - 38000); since JD2438000 - see Table. DY Peg The basic pulsation is superimposed by the secondary one DY Peg with P1 = 0.05570d [09594]. A var, M - m var (Pi = 0.2358d): DY Peg 0.55m < A < 0.67m, 0.24P < M - m < 0.42P. Delta(S) = 6. DZ Peg P var. Max = 2429127.211 + 0.6073407d*E DZ Peg (JD2419000 - 28800); Max = 2429127.189 + 0.6073761d*E DZ Peg (JD2429100 - 33500); since JD2433500 - see Table. EE Peg Min II 7.06. The third body (Porb = 1464d, T0 = 2443120). EF Peg VB B (A 14.0m; B 5", 305deg). EH Peg d = 0.08P. EQ PegA VB A (B = EQb Peg; A = 6.87", Porb = 359 yr, E = 0.20. EQ PegA [09597]); mu = 0.560", P = 91.7deg. A (B) >= 1.4m. EQ PegB VB B (A = EQa Peg). a = 6.87'' P orb = 1464d, EQ PegB T0 = 2443120. A(U) >= 1.9m. ET Peg Delta(S) = 4. EU Peg Min II 12.3. EZ Peg On 1943 November 16 the spectrum of the star was B [02875]; EZ Peg probably at that time the star had a flare. FL Peg Min II 14.0. FU Peg Blazhko effect (Pi = 150d); A var; FU Peg 15.2m <= Max <= 15.8m; 0.15P <= M - m <= 0.50P. GH Peg Depth of Min II 0.13m. GR Peg P var. Max = 2436492 + 69.93d*E (JD2436420 - 38740); GR Peg since JD2440470 - see Table. GT Peg mu = 0.51", P = 96deg. Epoch of the light minimum is given. GT Peg During the flares A(U) < 3.6m. GV Peg Delta(S) = 5:. GW Peg Min II 15.1. GX Peg SB1 (Porb = 2.340939d [06103]). GZ Peg VB A (B 10.6m, A3V, 32.7", 198deg). HN Peg [Fe/H] = -0.09. Epoch of light minimum is given. HN Peg The variability of emission in H and K call lines with HN Peg P = 4.63d was detected [09600]. HP Peg Vr = -381 km/s. HR Peg S4+/1+ . HZ Peg Min II 17.6. II Peg mu = 0.575", p = 86.5deg. SB1 II Peg (T0 = 2443030.396 + 6.724464d*E); T0 is the epoch of the II Peg inferior conjunction of K-star. The epoch of the II Peg distortion wave maximum is given in the Table. Mean II Peg brightness of the system varies. IK Peg SB1 (Porb = 21.724d). Multiperiodicity [09609]. IM Peg SB1 (Porb = 24.649d). OX Peg VB A (B 9.4m V, 12.8", 265deg, 2018). QQ Peg Variability needs confirmation. V0341 Peg SB, Porb = 2.1779d. V0342 Peg Suspected SB. V0405 Peg Type ZAND is also possible. V0407 Peg MinII 9.69. O'Connell effect. V0415 Peg VB (8.9m, 9.1m, 0.2", 316deg, 1996). V0416 Peg VB (8.1m, 10.0m, 4", 36deg, 1991). V0418 Peg SB2, Porb = 135.19d. V0421 Peg Min II = 8.63. V0429 Peg Blazhko effect, P = 80.2d. V0437 Peg The object 1WASP J213004.12+120428.8 = 2RXP J213005.4+120426 = GSC 1127.1390 was named V0437 Peg in 2013 (type BY, P= 0.5837:d). Howerer, because of the low resolution of SuperWASP data, this (non-variable) star is blended with a V0437 Peg really variable star in 30" to the north, V15(NGC7078), cluster member. P varies. Streng Blazhko effect. V0443 Peg Blazhko effect from Catalina data [80001]. V0444 Peg Superhumps: P = 0.097762d [80233]. V0460 Peg The period of ellipsoidal variations is tabulated. Pulsational periods: 0.06479d and 0.06337d. The A8 component pulsates. V0473 Peg O'Connell effect. V0479 Peg Period varies. V0492 Peg P = 0.11068d for the main DSCTC mode. Multiperiodic, several other GDOR and DSCTC periods. V0499 Peg VB A (A 10.90mJ; B 11.50mJ, 9", 324deg, 2000). V0510 Peg Multiperiodic. V0513 Peg Porb = 0.17918d. V0517 Peg Blazhko effect? V0521 Peg Porb = 0.05986d. V0533 Peg VB AB (A 9.7mJ; B 11.3mJ, 4", 1 deg, 1998). V0537 Peg Porb = 0.42234d. V0550 Peg Blazhko effect. V0553 Peg Blazhko effect? V0585 Peg Multiperiodic. V0598 Peg Porb is tabulated. Pspin = 0.02893d. V0615 Peg Porb = 0.240946d from spectroscopy. V0624 Peg SB, Porb = 0.05865d. High proper motion. V0627 Peg A close southern companion of GSC 02197-00866. High proper motion. V0643 Peg Double-mode pulsation. P2 = 0.73025d. V0648 Peg Double-mode pulsation. P2 = 0.220793d. V0674 Peg P = 0.3632d is not excluded. V0691 Peg P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.488102d, P1/P0 = 0.7451. V0713 Peg P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.555216d, P1/P0 = 0.7468. V0714 Peg P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.478308d, P1/P0 = 0.7439. V0716 Peg P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.485087d, P1/P0 = 0.7442. V0718 Peg VB A (B = NEXT STAR IN PEGASUS, 12", 55deg, 2000). V0719 Peg VB B (A = PREVIOUS STAR IN PEGASUS; AB 12", 55deg, 2000). V0720 Peg P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.544770d, P1/P0 = 0.7457. V0723 Peg P = 55.2d is superposed. V0727 Peg P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.492575d, P1/P0 = 0.7450. V0730 Peg VB B (A 15.6mG, B 15.7mG; AB 11", 116deg, 2000). V0732 Peg VB B (A 15.3mG, B 15.8mG; BA 6", 246deg, 2000). The variability range in the Table is for combined light. V0733 Peg P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.532732d, P1/P0 = 0.7460. V0734 Peg P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.545923d, P1/P0 = 0.7456. V0736 Peg VB A (15.3mG; B 16.3mG, 6", 166deg, 2000). P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.539620d, P1/P0 = 0.7463. The variability range is for combined light. V0737 Peg P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.492187d, P1/P0 = 0.7452. V0740 Peg VB A (17.5mG; B 18.8mG, 5", 79deg, 2000). P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.521470d, P1/P0 = 0.7456. V0742 Peg P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.480465d, P1/P0 = 0.7446. V0743 Peg P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.478391d, P1/P0 = 0.7443. V0744 Peg P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.536693d, P1/P0 = 0.7464. V0745 Peg P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.498880d, P1/P0 = 0.7447. V0746 Peg P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.469896d, P1/P0 = 0.7433. V0752 Peg Blazhko effect, P = 138d:. V0753 Peg P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.503623d, P1/P0 = 0.7460. V0755 Peg P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.467317d, P1/P0 = 0.7438. V0756 Peg Additional non-radial mode: P = 0.3122540d, P(Blazhko) = 14.0d. Another non-radial mode, with P = 0.321512d, is also possible. V0758 Peg P varies, the elements in the Table are for JD 2455600 - 2456600. Additional non-radial mode: P = 0.260058. Amplitudes of both oscillations vary. V0759 Peg P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.549317d, P1/P0 = 0.7463. V0761 Peg Multiperiodic. The Table presents light elements for the first-overton mode. P0 = 0.1419385d, P2 = 0.0876715d. V0764 Peg P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.498405d, P1/P0 = 0.7446. V0766 Peg Porb = 0.07824d. V0768 Peg P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.492663d, P1/P0 = 0.7447. V0771 Peg Additional non-radial mode: P = 0.310512d, P(Blazhko) = 8.2d. V0772 Peg Blazhko effect, P = 53d. V0774 Peg Porb = 0.085d, Psh = 0.08838d. Mean outburst cycle is about 11d; mean superoutburst cycle is about 66.9d. V0776 Peg Porb = 0.09727d, Psh = 0.097313d [049]. V0777 Peg Porb = 0.05838d, Psh = 0.06001d. V0778 Peg Porb = 0.057517d, Psh = 0.05815d. V0781 Peg P = 60.0d is superposed. V0791 Peg In the region of the globular cluster Palomar 13, cluster non-member. V0792 Peg In the region of the globular cluster Palomar 13, cluster non-member. V0793 Peg In the region of the globular cluster Palomar 13, cluster non-member. V0801 Peg The light elements in the Table are for the orbital period. Distortion wave: P = 0.53326d. bet Peg VB A (B 11.2m, 109", 211deg). eps Peg VB A (B 12.66m, 81", 325deg; C 8.65m, 140", 321deg). eps Peg Usually varies in the range 2.29m - 2.44m V. On 1972 eps Peg september 26/27 in the interval 23h58m - 00h02m UT it was eps Peg bright (0.7m V), then at 00h09m UT decreased to 2.4m V eps Peg [06875]. On 1847 November 5 the star was 3.5m, then the eps Peg brightness increased but on November 6 it was still eps Peg fainter than normal [09606]. tau Peg P2 = 0.04895d; PB = 0.4943d. S Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. S Per OH, H2O, SiO maser. S Per In 1920 - 1969 there were secondary S Per waves with cycles of 300d - 700d and Delta(m) ~1m [08630]; S Per in 1935 - 1961 P1 = 807d, P2 = 930d [09694]. T Per Other periodicities were noted. In the region T Per of open cluster h, khi Per. U Per P var. Max = 2411683 + 316.10d*E (before JD2422500); U Per Max = 2422748 + 326.53d*E (JD2422500 - 34000); U Per since JD2434000 - see Table. V Per VB A (B 14m, 28", 278deg). W Per P2 = 2667d +- 460d is superimposed. X Per 3U 0352 + 30. LX/Lopt = 10**(-2). ADS 2859 A (B = X Per V397 Per, M3III, 22.5", 12deg). SB. X Per IR excess. X-ray pulsar (P = 13.93m). X Per Further periodicities were noticed in X-ray, optical, X Per spectroscopic observations: 22.4h, 308.33d, 580.7d. Y Per P var. Max = 2414990 + 254.74d*E (JD2415000 - 18000); Y Per Max = 2418049 + 246.25d*E (JD2418000 - 22000); Y Per Max = 2422242 + 253.62d*E (JD2422000 - 41000); Y Per since JD2441000 - see Table. Z Per d = 0.028P; Min II 9.8. Z Per P var. Min = 2418173.663 + 3.056422d*E (JD2415000 - Z Per 19000) [01961]; Min = 2425481.416 + 3.05636d*E Z Per (JD2419000 - 31000) [00978]; since JD2431000 - see Table. RR Per P var. Max = 2424280 + 392.01d*E (JD2416000 - 28500); RR Per since JD2428500 - see Table. RS Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. RS Per According to [01053], P = 152d. RT Per Min II 10.67. P var. Min = 2411963.2995 + 0.84941322d*E RT Per (JD2411317 - 19400); Min = 2419702.3124 + 0.84940248d*E RT Per (JD2419400 - 29300); Min = 2429751.6066 + 0.84941274d*E RT Per (JD2429300 - 33000); since JD2433000 - see Table. RV Per Min II 10.4. P var. Min = 2417972.345 + 1.973489d*E RV Per (JD2417000 - 25500); since JD2432500 - see Table. RW Per The light curve shape var, RW Per d = 0.03P - 0.000P. Min II 9.78. P var. Before RW Per JD2425720 Min = 2425720.0185 + 13.198910d*E; RW Per Min = 2429217.5946 + 13.198399d*E (JD2425720 - 36700); RW Per since JD2436700 - see Table. RY Per d = 0.014P; Min II 8.65. RZ Per S 3/7 e. P var. Before JD2430500 Max = 2415034 + 353.19d*E; RZ Per since JD2430500 - see Table. ST Per VB A (B 12.1m, 11.6", 6deg, 1928). d = 0.014P, Min II 9.62. ST Per P var. Min = 2419030.5038 + 2.6483615d*E ST Per (JD2418500 - 27000) [09740]; Min = 2429528.5897 + ST Per 2.6483488d*E (JD2427000 - 34600) [02389]; Min = ST Per 2439091.716 + 2.648353d*E (JD2439000 - 42400); ST Per since JD2442400 - see Table. SU Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. SV Per [A/H] = 0.6. SB2, hot companion. SV Per P var? Before JD2435000 Max = 2419055.145 + SV Per 11.12875d*E [02431]; since JD2435000 - see Table. SX Per [A/H] = 0. The chart in [08300] SY Per In the region of the open cluster NGC 1528. TU Per Delta(m), P var. Before JD2427200 Max = 2418572.288 + TU Per 0.6070775d*E; Max = 2427119.334 + 0.6070643d*E TU Per (JD2427200 - 36000); since JD2436000 - see Table. TV Per P2 = 1080d is superimposed. TX Per [Fe/H] = -0.88. OH maser. TZ Per VB A (B14m, 13", 290deg). Mu alpha = +0.012", TZ Per mu delta = -0.050". In the region of the open TZ Per cluster h, khi Per. UX Per [A/H] = -0.3. UY Per [A/H] = -0.3. In the region of the open clusters King 4, UY Per Czernik 8. UZ Per P2 = 91d is superimposed. VV Per Twice shorter P is possible [00960]. VX Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. VX Per [A/H] = -0.2. P var. Since JD2431000 - see Table. VY Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. VY Per [A/H] = -0.3. VZ Per VB A (B 16.9m pg, 17", 180deg). In the region of the open VZ Per cluster Tr 2. WY Per P var. Min = 2425234.460 + 3.327126d*E (JD2421500 - 26000) WY Per [01072]; since JD2441500 - see Table. XX Per VB A (B 9.7m vis, 21", 176deg, 1909). XX Per Mean brightness var, P = 4100d. XY Per ADS 2788 AB (delta(mV) = 0.6m - 2.5m, 1.4", 75deg, XY Per SpA = A2II, SpB = B6e). IR excess. XZ Per Min II 11.6. P var? Min = 2425150.439 + 1.1516282d*E XZ Per (JD2425000 - 29000) [00522]; Min = 2437932.411 + XZ Per 1.1516347d*E + 0.005d*sin(0.09091deg*E) (JD2432000 - XZ Per 38000) [00001]; since JD2438000 - see Table. YZ Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. ZZ Per The coordinates are possibly erroneous. AB Per d = 0.045P; Min II 10.5. VB (Delta(m) = 0.0m vis, 0.20", AB Per 86.4deg, 1978). AD Per Mean brightness var, P = 2950d. AD Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. AE Per P2 = 2150d is superimposed. AG Per ADS 2990 A (B Delta(m) = 2.0m, 0.9", 225deg, 1975; C 12.6m, AG Per 36", 118deg, 1948). The combined brightness AB is given. AG Per Min II 7.00, DII = 0.10P, dII = 0. Apsidal motion: AG Per Min II - Min I = 1.01435d + 0.0884d*sin(0.0278deg*E + AG Per 49.1deg). AR Per P var, nonlinear term: +1.18d*10**(-11)*E**2. AR Per [Fe/H] = -0.17. AS Per Delta(m) var, d (Delta(B))/dt = -0.01m/yr. AV Per P = 250 - 300d. AW Per SB2, companion B6V, Delta(m) (companion - AW) = 2.8m vis. AX Per Epoch of Min is given. The variability with Delta(m) up to AX Per 0.7m pg is caused probably by the orbital motion. Outburst AX Per activity is superimposed. AY Per d = 0.009P. BE Per In the region of the open cluster CR 39. BI Per In the region of the open cluster Berk 9. BL Per P = 125 - 130d. BM Per [Fe/H] = -0.04. BP Per Min II = Min I. In the region of the open cluster BP Per Cr 39. BU Per Max brightness var, P = 8.1yr [01085]. In the region of BU Per the open cluster h, khi Per. CC Per Min II 14.1. CI Per P var (3.35d - 3.40d), possibly with a period of 4000d. CI Per The light curve shape var. CK Per d = 0.05P:. CM Per d = 0.052P. In the region of the open cluster Stock 2. CO Per In the region of the open cluster Stock 2. CR Per Elements need confirmation. In the region of the open CR Per cluster Stock 2. CS Per In the region of the open cluster Stock 2. CZ Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. DE Per d = 0.01P? DF Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. DG Per d = 0.021P. DK Per The depth of Min II 0.05m. In the region of the open DK Per cluster h, khi Per. DM Per Min II 8.02, DII = 0.17P. DM Per Depths of Minima, the shape of Min II var. DM Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. DO Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. DP Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. DR Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. DS Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. DT Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. DU Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. DV Per Min II 14.5. DY Per In the region of the open cluster Tr 2. DZ Per Min II 14.7. In the region of the open cluster Tr 2. EL Per Before JD2428900 Max = 2427980 + 167d*E; EL Per during JD2428900 - 31000 - see Table. EO Per IR excess? ER Per Mean brightness var, P ~900d. EU Per Min brightness var, P ~900d. EW Per Superimposed waves 70d - 180d. EW Per In the region of the open cluster Stock 4. EX Per Min II 12.5. FM Per VB A (B 12.1m, 3", 285deg). P var? Max = 2429982.268 + FM Per 0.489199d*E (JD2428000 - 30600); FM Per During JD2433700 - 36000 - see Table. FR Per In the region of the open cluster NGC 1528. FV Per Cycles 300 - 350d, 1800d:. FX Per d = 0.04P. In the region of the open cluster NGC 1582. FY Per Possible periods 0.0702d, 0.4407d. FY Per Photometric spectral type B1V. FZ Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. GH Per P = 220d is possible. GK Per SB2 (sdBE + K2IVp). GK Per The following types of activity are being observed after GK Per the return to the normal brightness: rapid irregular GK Per variations (Delta(m) ~0.1m in several minutes); irregular GK Per fluctuations from night to night (Delta(m) up to 0.3m); GK Per slow irregular variations (Delta(m) = 1.5m in several GK Per dozen days); bursts with light increase in 10d - 30d and GK Per decrease in 10d - 40d, Delta(m) up to 3.5m, the mean GK Per interval between bursts being delta(t) = 820d [09686, 09788]. GK Per According to [10198], the radial velocities are GK Per represented with the elements Max (Vr > 0) = 2444912.966 + GK Per 1.996803d*E (Kabs = 124 km/s, Kem = 34 km/s). According GK Per to [10199], the 2d variation is modulated with a period GK Per of 0.131623d, Max (delta(Vr)) ~2443787.995 (Kabs = GK Per 15 km/s, Kem = 20 km/s). During a burst the sinusoidal GK Per modulation of X-ray flux was recorded, GK Per Tmax = 24455555.67456 + 0.004066443d*E [09786]. GK Per ExpAnding envelope (0.454"/yr, 1948 - 1964; GK Per 0.432"/yr, 1964 - 1981, [09787]). GP Per [A/H] = -0.5. GQ Per According to [00021], Sp K0. HQ Per [A/H] = -0.3. HS Per In the region of the open cluster Stock 4. HV Per d ~0.03P. HW Per Min II 13.3. Min II - Min I = 0.45P:. HY Per Three of the four min in [01079] are not satisfied with the HY Per elements. HZ Per [A/H] = -0.8. B_V: +1.93, +2.34. II Per Min II 13.6. In the region of the open cluster NGC 1582. IK Per Min II 11.6. IM Per Min II 12.7. The elements need confirmation. In the region IM Per of the open cluster Cr 39. IO Per H2O maser. IP Per IR excess. IQ Per dI = 0.02P. Min II 7.88, DII = 0.12P, dII = 0.03P, IQ Per Min II - Min I = 0.53P. P var? VB A (B = BD + 47deg 921, IQ Per 9.30m, A0V np:, 39.3", 175deg); SB1. IT Per dI = 0.06P. Min II 10.0, DII = 0.24P:, dII = 0.16P:. IT Per VB (Delta(m) = 1.7m, 12", 37deg). IT Per The range of the combined brightness is given. IW Per SB1. Min II 5.83. IX Per The depth of Min II 0.02m. IX Per VB A (B 10.6m, 5", 208deg). IZ Per Min II 8.3. KK Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. KP Per Beat phenomenon: P1 - see Table, KP Per A1 = 0.0323m B; P2 = 0.1980855d, A2 = 0.0235M B; P3 = KP Per 0.2270986d, A3 = 0.0072M B. KR Per Min II 11.1. KS Per SB (Porb = 360.47d). KS Per The main component is a helium star. Besides the KS Per semiregular variability (see Table), variations were noted KS Per with P = 50 - 100 Min and Delta(m) of several hundredths KS Per of a magnitude. IR excess. Variable polarization (P - 1%). KT Per Quasi-periodic oscillations during outbursts: P = KT Per 22.9s - 29.5s [05959], 82s, 90s, 147s [09791], Delta(m) KT Per up to ~0.01m. KV Per [Fe/H] = -0.96. P var. Max = 2428950.400 + 0.24942d*E KV Per (JD2428950 - 29200); since JD2429500 - see Table. KW Per Min II 10.8. P var. Min = 2426295.450 + 0.931255d*E KW Per (JD2423400 - 39500) [04009]; since JD2440000 - see Table. KY Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. KZ Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. LL Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. LM Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. LN Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. LO Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. LP Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. LQ Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. LR Per Very red. In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. LX Per DII = 0.05P. Migrating distortion wave: LX Per P = 475d [09792], Delta(m) up to 0.04m. MS Per Min II 12.1. MX Per IR excess. NP Per Min II 13.0. NR Per P var. Max = 2416780 + 323.0d*E (JD2415750 - 24550); NR Per Max = 2435060 + 340.2d*E (JD243350 - 35400); NR Per since JD2436700 - see Table. NU Per A close pair, var is the southern star. OV Per D ~2h. PP Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. PR Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. QR Per Red. QU Per d = 0.03P. QW Per Min II 14.7:. QX Per Min II 16.1. V0345 Per In the nebula NGC 1579. V0346 Per In the nebula NGC 1579. V0347 Per In the nebula NGC 1579. V0351 Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. V0352 Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. V0354 Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. V0355 Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. V0356 Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. V0357 Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. P = 0.21955d V0357 Per is possible. V0358 Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. V0359 Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. V0360 Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. V0360 Per Other possible periods: 0.40036d, 0.40154d. V0361 Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. V0363 Per Red. V0364 Per Min II 15.6, Max II 14.8. V0365 Per Min II 14.3:. V0376 Per P2 = 0.09165d, A2 = 0.016m; P1 - see Table, V0376 Per A1 = 0.037m. A var. V0380 Per SB (Porb = 26d?). The epoch of Min light is given. V0382 Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. V0392 Per The southern component of a very close pair. V0394 Per H2O maser. V0395 Per VB A (B 3.5", 90deg). V0396 Per In the region of the open cluster alpha Per. V0396 Per Observations are also satisfied by P ~1.678d. According V0396 Per to [07586], P = 2.4928d or 1.6857d. V0397 Per ADS 2859 B (A = X Per; B 22.5", 12deg). V0398 Per IN type is also possible. V0403 Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. V0409 Per Epoch of Min is given. V0423 Per ADS 2433 A (B 11.9m, 30.8", 99.2deg); SB. V0423 Per Porb is given. V0424 Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. IR excess. V0425 Per VB A(B 12.8m, 3.6", C 14.3m, 6.8"). In the region of V0425 Per the open cluster h, khi Per. V0428 Per According to [08639], type IS? V0432 Per Min II 11.6. V0434 Per Min II 14.9. V0436 Per Min II 5.74; Min II - Min I = 0.413P; D II = 0.03P. V0437 Per In the region of the open cluster NGC 744. V0438 Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. VB (8.7m, V0438 Per 10.9m, 1".2, 26deg). V0438 Per Min II 8.34. The range of combined brightness V0438 Per variation is given. The bright component is V0438 Per considered to be variable. This suggestion V0438 Per needs verification. V0439 Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. V0440 Per In the region of the open cluster h, khi Per. ADS 1820 V0440 Per A (B 14.5m, 8".3, 122deg). V0449 Per Min II 13.3. V0451 Per Min II 15.8. V0459 Per In the alpha Per cluster. V0461 Per In the alpha Per cluster. V0462 Per Min II 14.0. V0465 Per P2 = 0.030d is superimposed. V0466 Per Superposition of P1 = 5300d +- 250d, P2 = 475d +- 35d V0466 Per (Delta(m) = 1.1m), P3 = 0.26d (Delta(m) = 0.5). V0468 Per P1 = 925s, P2 = 1022s. mu = 0".29, p = 170deg. V0469 Per Changes of line profiles with periods 0.150d, 0.188d, V0469 Per 0.304d, 0.476d, 0.608d, 1.88d [09814]. V0469 Per In 1978/1979 non-radial pulsations were observed: V0469 Per P1 = 1.74d. P2 = 2.04d [04173, 04180]. V0470 Per VB A (B 18.8m B, 1" - 2"). V0471 Per The central star of the planetary nebula M1-2 = VV8. V0471 Per According to [09815, 09816], const. V0547 Per High proper motion (LTT 10610) not confirmed by HIPPARCOS data. V0580 Per The variability may be due to the fainter (B) component. V0582 Per A single deep minimum at the bottom of the small-amplitude V0582 Per (5.63 - 5.64) wave. V0592 Per VB (0".2, 197 deg, 1989.7). V0680 Per MinII 14.07. V0732 Per A twice shorter period is not excluded. V0751 Per Min II = 11.90 :. MinII - MinI = 0.450P. V0752 Per Beperiodic, P2 = 0.0265d. V0753 Per Min II = 13.71. V0754 Per Min II = 12.30. MinII - MinI = 0.412P. V0756 Per Min II = 12.90. V0757 Per Multiperiodic. The range is in the Geneva B passband. VB A (B 12.2mV, 7", 185deg, 2007). V0758 Per Min II = 10.70. V0789 Per Min II = 13.4. V0871 Per Min II = 11.38. V0873 Per Min II = 11.5. V0874 Per VB AB (4", 215deg, 1998). V0876 Per Min II = 14.1. V0877 Per Min II = 14.0. V0880 Per Min II = 13.7. Type EA with D = 0.11P is not excluded. V0881 Per Min II = 11.01. O'Connell effect. V0882 Per Min II = 12.10. V0884 Per Min II = 11.21. V0885 Per Min II = 13.45. V0886 Per Min II = 14.1. V0887 Per Min II = 10.30. V0888 Per A twice longer period is possible. V0889 Per Multiperiodic. SB, Porb = 31.9456d. V0890 Per Min II = 12.05. V0894 Per Min II = 10.95. Type EB is not completely excluded. V0899 Per Min II = 13.17. V0901 Per Min II = 10.70. V0912 Per Min II = 12.5. V0919 Per VB B (A = V711 Per, 15.4mI; B 15.8mI, 8", 321deg, 1999). V0920 Per VB A (B = V716 Per, 14.1m, 9", 293deg, 1999). V0929 Per Outside the cluster tidal radius. V0930 Per Outside the cluster tidal radius. V0931 Per Outside the cluster tidal radius. V0932 Per Outside the cluster tidal radius. V0934 Per Min II = 15.85. O'Connell effect. V0935 Per Outside the cluster tidal radius. V0936 Per Min II = 15.2. V0939 Per Outside the cluster tidal radius. V0943 Per Outside the cluster tidal radius. V0944 Per Min II = 16.78. Outside the cluster tidal radius. V0945 Per Min II = 16.20. Outside the cluster tidal radius. V0947 Per Min II = 13.95. V0951 Per Min II = 13.14. V0958 Per A twice longer period is possible. V0959 Per Min II = 10.7 :. V0960 Per Min II = 11.83. V0963 Per Min II = 13.7. V0964 Per Min II = 12.90. V0966 Per MinII - MinI = 0.33P. e = 0.284. V0982 Per MinII - MinI = 0.38P. V1024 Per VB A (B 4", 168deg, 1989). V1035 Per Type DSCT with P = 0.1441d is also possible. V1036 Per Type SR with P = 71d is not excluded. V1041 Per Type SR with P = 160d is not excluded. V1043 Per The epoch in the Table corresponds to the eclipse-like feature of the light curve but not to the overall brightness minimum. V1056 Per VB A (B 6", 80deg, 2000; other companions). The magnitudes in V1056 Per the Table are for combined brightness; if corrected for V1056 Per neighbors, the approximate range is 11.75 - (12.4m*. V1057 Per Type ELL with a twice longer period is not excluded. V1058 Per O'Connell effect. V1060 Per VB A (B 6", 1deg, 1999). V1066 Per O'Connell effect. V1078 Per Multiperiodic. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.143832d. V1118 Per MinII - MinI = 0.51P. V1120 Per Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0842605d, P1/P0 = 0.7723. V1124 Per Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.05753546d, P1/P0 = 0.7749. V1128 Per Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.09171797d, P1/P0 = 0.7727. V1130 Per VB (12.70mG, 13.69mG, 1", 268deg, 2000). V1135 Per In the region of the open cluster NGC 1582. V1137 Per Double-mode pulsations. P1 is presented in the Table. P2 = 0.782620d, P2/P1 = 0.8022. V1139 Per Period varies. bet Per Multiple system (Eclipsing pair = Algol AB; Algol C 4.7m, bet Per Am, a = 0".10, Porb = 1.862a); Algol AB = ADS 2362 A bet Per (B 12.7m, 57".5, 156deg, 1920). P var. P = 2.8673442d bet Per (1784 - 1835); P = 2.8673012d (1835 - 1854); bet Per P = 2.8672775d bet Per (1854 - 1901); P = 2.8672967d (1901 - 1913); bet Per P = 2.8672506d bet Per (1913 - 1915) [06156]; Min I = 2424477.806 + 2.86730236d*E bet Per (JD2420500 - 25000); Min = 2425917.203 + 2.86732697d*E bet Per (JD2425000 - 277000); Min I = 2433194.454 + 2.86731667d*E bet Per (JD2427700 - 33600); Min I = 2433928.4944 + 2.86732442d*E bet Per (JD2433600 - 37000); Min I = 2437598.6766 + 2.86733732d*E bet Per (JD2437000 - 42200); since JD2442200 - see Table. bet Per Porb (Algol C) = 1.862a may be traced in the deviations; bet Per a period of 32a may also be real. Depth of Min I var. bet Per Variable polarization, changes in hydrogen line profiles, bet Per sometimes emissions in the spectrum. Radio source with bet Per frequent burst of different amplitude, faint X-ray source. del Per Variable emission lambda 1650 A [06905]. Vr var, del Per A = 16 km/s. ksi Per In the far IR range (lambda = 10 mkm) Delta(m) > 1m. In ksi Per the far IR range (lambda = 10 mkm ) Delta(m) > 1m; the ksi Per variability is related to mass loss. omi Per VB A (B 8.4m, 0.96'', 29.7deg,1972). Possible omi Per superposition of BCEP type oscilations. rho Per A slower variation of the mean light is possible. phi Per SB2. (Porb = 126.696d). v*sin(i) = 450km/s. A var (P ~Porb). b Per SB2. Depths of minima differ by 0.03m. Third body? , b Per P = 701d. Radio source. In the region of the open cluster b Per NGC 1545. R Phe P var. Max = 2405121 + 271.0d*E(JD2405000 - 11500); R Phe Max = 2414570 + 266.26d*E(JD2414500 - 25500); R Phe since JD2425500 - see Table. T Phe P var. Max = 2411252 + 281.00d*E(JD2410000 - 30000); T Phe since JD2430000 - see Table. W Phe P var. Max = 2414960 + 328.65d*E(JD2414500 - 19500); W Phe Max = 2424530 + 332.87d*E(JD2424500 - 30200); W Phe since JD2436000 - see Table. RS Phe P var? RT Phe P = 208d? RV Phe P var?; (k-b)2 = 0.06; Delta(S) = 8: SX Phe mu = 0.894", ro = 163.1deg. P var. Max = 2433923.9618 + SX Phe 0.054964519d*E1 - 0.00337d*sin(2pi*(0.28503379*E1 + 0.074)) SX Phe (JD2433900 - 36900); since JD2436900 - see Table. SX Phe There is a periodic term in the elements given in the SX Phe Table: -0.00325*sin(2pi*(0.28503575*E2 - 0.107)). According SX Phe to [09614] for epoch 1950.0 P0 = 0.054964509, SX Phe P1 = 0.042772831, Pb = 0.1928355; dP0/dt = -87*10**(-13), SX Phe dP1/dt = -174*10**(-13), dPb/dt = 2.46*10**(-10). SX Phe P1/P0 = 0.778; 0.8m <= A <= 0.3m; SX Phe 0.2p <= M-m <= 0.4p. [Fe/H] = -0.6. WW Phe Min II 12.7. YZ Phe Min II 13.0. AD Phe Min II 10.80. P var. Min I = 2436847.375 + 0.3799277*E AD Phe (JD2428650 - 36850); since JD2436850 - see Table. AE Phe Min II 8.19; 0.033p <= dI <= 0.05p; dII = 0.00. The AE Phe shape of the light curve varies with periods 55.9d and AE Phe 95.3d [09615]. P var. Min I = 2440857.8140 + 0.36237459*E AE Phe (JD2438250 - 40870) [07388]; Min I = 2441969.57074 + AE Phe 0.36237186d*E (JD2440870 - 42000) [09616]; Min I = AE Phe 2442654.8201 + 0.3623741d*E (JD2441950 - 42660) [09533]; AE Phe since JD2443700 - see Table. AG Phe Min II 8.95. P var. Min I = 2440415.231 + 0.7553429d*E AG Phe (JD243800 - 40850); since JD2443750 - see Table. AI Phe Min II 8.89; dI = 0.0035; Min II - Min I = 0.46p. AU Phe Min II 13.0. According to [09517] the P value given in AU Phe the Table is wrong. AX Phe mu = 0.234", p = 70deg. Multiperiodical: P i = 606.8s, AX Phe 682.7s, 744.7s, 840.2s (Ai ~0.01m). CG Phe Type RRC: is also possible. CZ Phe The first-overtone period is tabulated. P0 = 0.56680d, Delta(m)1/Delta(m)0 = 1.9. DN Phe Blazhko effect? DP Phe P probably varies. DR Phe Blazhko effect, P=40.17d [81056]. DX Phe Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0566927d, P1/P0 = 0.7764. gam Phe SB1 (P orb = 193.85d). zet Phe VB A (B 7.0m, A7:, 0.46", 51.4deg, 1965.9; C 8.0m, zet Phe F7V, 6.4"). Total light range of A and B components is zet Phe given in the Table. Min II 4.22, MinII - MinI = 0.507p; zet Phe dII = 0.02p. iot Phe VB A (B 12.7m, 7.7", 270deg). ksi Phe VB A (B 12.1m, 13.2", 253deg). Epoch of MinI(v) is given ksi Phe in the Table. A(v) = 0.13m. rho Phe Frequency analysis results see also in [09619, 09620, 9621]. psi Phe SB. R Pic P var. Max = 2413413 + 165.8d*E (JD2413000 - 23600); R Pic since JD2423600 - see Table. Light curve (1923 - 1953) R Pic [01054]. S Pic P var. Max = 2413595 + 424.7d*E (JD2405500 - 23000); S Pic since JD2423000 - see Table. OH emission. U Pic P var. Max = 2428103.565 + 0.44036450*E (JD2414000 - U Pic 29000) [00353]; since JD2438400 - see Table. (k - b)2 = U Pic 0.17; Delta(S) = 3. X Pic Min II 10.8 RR Pic Since 1965 periodic light variations were detected RR Pic with A(B) = 0.33m and elements Max = 2438815.380 + RR Pic 0.14502545d*E. These variations are superimposed by RR Pic others with A(B) = 0.036m and period ~15.6 min or RR Pic 15.4 min [09612]. There are also rapid oscillations RR Pic with periods in the range 20 - 40s [09613]. RT Pic Not seen only on one plate; defect? RV Pic Min II 9.79. SU Pic Min II 10.4. VW Pic Variability may be due to component B. VZ Pic Kapteyn's star. AL Pic Blazhko effect, P = 34.0d. AM Pic VB A (A 9.6m; B = HD 273920, 10.3m, Sp K7, 27", 123deg, 2000). The tabulated range is for the combined brightness. AO Pic VB (A 9.7m; B 11.1m, 2.1", 39deg, 1929). AS Pic Min II = 11.10. dP/dt = +0.38 x 10^(-5)d/yr. AU Pic Min II = 14.3. AW Pic Blazhko effect. P(Bl) = 756d [81001]. AX Pic P varies. AY Pic SB2. BF Pic Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.07263767d, P1/P0 = 0.7730. BG Pic Porb = 0.05539d, Psh = 0.05595d. del Pic Min II 4.83. R Psc P var. Max = 2418070 + 344.14d*E (JD2397070 - 27700); R Psc Max = 2432866 + 347.1d*E(JD2427300 - 33000) - see Table. S Psc P var. Max = 2406665 + 405.6d*E (JD2398944 - 2407100); S Psc Max = 2415930 + 402.6d*E (JD2407100 - 16500); Max = S Psc 2421295 + 413.7d*E (JD2416500 - 21500) - see Table. U Psc P var. Max = 2417230 + 172.71d*E (JD2407720 - 18000); U Psc Max = 2423840 + 174.3d*E (JD2418000 - 24000) [00001]; U Psc Max = 2424527 + 170.3d*E (JD2423000 - 26100) [00960]; U Psc Max = 2432514 + 174.05d*E (JD2425000 - 33000) [00001]; U Psc since JD2433000 - see Table. W Psc P var. Max = 2412690 + 189.08d*E (JD2412692 - 27100) W Psc [01193]; W Psc since JD2435000 - see Table. X Psc P var. Max = 2433474 + 357.3*E (JD24295000 - 38000); since X Psc JD2438000 - see Table. Y Psc P var. Min = 2410002.844 + 3.76582d*E (JD2410000 - 19700) Y Psc [09707]; Min = 2425495.522 + 3.765903d*E Y Psc (JD2423200 - 6300) [01072]; Min = 2430613.384 + Y Psc 3.7658895d*E Y Psc (JD2427300 - 30620); Min = 2432865.357 + 3.7658405d*E Y Psc (JD2430620 - 32900); Min = 2435693.452 + 3.7657765d*E Y Psc (JD2432860 - 36600) [00001]; Min = 2441225.473 + Y Psc 3.765859d*E Y Psc (JD2439000 - 42500) [06956]; Min = 2443142.29056 + Y Psc 3.7658491d*E (JD2442500 - 44000) [08593]; since JD2444000 - Y Psc see Table. RS Psc In the region of the galaxy NGC 251. RT Psc Mean brightness varies with P2 = 533d. According to [08643] RT Psc 30d <= P1 <= 70d. RU Psc [Fe/H] = -1.65. P var. [00752, 09714] Max = 2415407.609 + RU Psc 0.3903008d*E (JD2414400 - 15700); Max = 2416022.660 + RU Psc 0.3902139d*E (JD2415700 - 16600); Max = 2417244.537 + RU Psc 0.3902878d*E (JD2416600 - 19200); Max = 2419936.853 + RU Psc 0.3903520d*E (JD2419200 - 22000); Max = 2425894.778 + RU Psc 0.3903016d*E (JD2422000 - 26200); Max = 2426214.829 + RU Psc 0.3903546d*E (JD2426200 - 27300); Max = 2427397.519: + RU Psc 0.3902216d*E (JD2427300 - 28000); Max = 2428165.524 + RU Psc 0.3903535d*E (JD2428000 - 29300); Max = 2429488.868: + RU Psc 0.3904577d*E (JD2429300 - 600) [00752]. Max = 2430053.353 + RU Psc 0.390202d*E (JD2430000 - 650); Max = 2430935.366 + RU Psc 0.390354d*E (JD2430600 - 940); Max = 2431331.307 + RU Psc 0.390457d*E (JD2430940 - 31350); Max = 2432119.417 + RU Psc 0.390346d*E (JD2431350 - 32120); Max = 2433162.250 + RU Psc 0.390283d*E (JD2432100 - 33200); Max = 2433905.311 + RU Psc 0.390261d*E (JD2433200 - 33910); Max = 2433905.311 + RU Psc 0.390321d*E (JD2433900 - 35430); Max = 2435429.502 + RU Psc 0.390412d*E (JD2435420 - 35800); Max = 2435781.265 + RU Psc 0.39027d*E (JD2435780 - 36130); Max = 2436501.361 + RU Psc 0.39032d*E (JD2436130 - 36510); Max = 2436534.190 + RU Psc 0.39043d*E (JD2436500 - 36850); Max = 2436845.351 + RU Psc 0.39025d*E (JD2436840 - 37200); Max = 2437181.358 + RU Psc 0.39031d*E (JD2437180 - 37610); Max = 2437994.329 + RU Psc 0.39026d*E (JD2437610 - 38000); [00001]. RU Psc Max = 2438303.950 + 0.39040d*E (JD2438000 - 38400) [03879]. RU Psc Max = 2438375.409 + 0.39027d*E (JD2438370 - 38650) [00001]. RU Psc Max = 2439435.2421 + 0.390385d*E (JD2438650 - 39500) RU Psc [09713]. Max = 2439435.242 + 0.390313d*E (JD2439430 - 39800); RU Psc Max = 2439771.3049 + 0.39046d*E (JD2439770 - 40140) [00001]. RU Psc Since JD2440140 - see Table. According to [03569] A var RU Psc with P = 28.8d. RV Psc Min II 12.0. RY Psc (k-b)2 = 0.03, Delta(S) = 7. P var. Max = 2419677.268 + RY Psc 0.52971027d*E (JD2414000 - 22000); Max = 2425148.192 + RY Psc 0.52972643d*E (JD2422000 - 25500) [01337]; Max = RY Psc 2425508.390 + 0.5297291d*E (JD2425500 - 40000); RY Psc Max = 2441538.476 + 0.52972911d*E (JD2441000 - 41650) RY Psc [07984]; since JD2442660 - see Table. RZ Psc Algol-like. SS Psc (k-b)2 = 0.19; Delta(S) = 2. Blazhko effect: SS Psc -0.04d <= O-C <= +0.04d; Min(O-C) = 2437520 + 136d*E SS Psc [09731]. SU Psc Min II 11.3. SW Psc P var. Max = 2425177.298 + 0.5212844d*E (JD2419670 - SW Psc 25200) [04191]; Max = 2425177.256 + 0.5212642d*E SW Psc (JD2425170 - 38000) [03506]. Since JD2438600 - see Table. SW Psc There is a periodic term in the elements given in the SW Psc Table: + 0.0132d*sin(5.440deg*(E + 2)). Blazhko effect SW Psc (Pi = 34.5d). SX Psc P var. Min = 2427811.357 + 0.825882d*E (JD2425580 - 36000) SX Psc [01218]; Min = 2437202.453 + 0.825877d*E SX Psc (JD2436000 - 39900) SX Psc [00001]; since JD2439800 - see Table. SZ Psc Min II 7.38. P var. SZ Psc There is a square term in the elements given in the Table: SZ Psc -0.113d*10**(-6)*E**2. TY Psc Porb = 0.080d [09735]. TY Psc The cycle of supermaxima is 370d [09675]. UU Psc VB A (B 7.60m, F4V, 11.5", 148deg, 1966.9). Min II 6.04; UU Psc Min II - Min I = 0.55P. UU Psc Elliptical orbit and rotation of the line of apsides are UU Psc possible. UV Psc Min II 9.54. P var. Min I = 2424134.574 + 0.8610475d*E UV Psc (JD2414600 - 24150) [00001]; Min I = 2428038.555 + UV Psc 0.861046d*E (JD2424150 - 36700) [02924]; UV Psc since JD2436700 - see Table. The shape of the light UV Psc curve varies. UW Psc Min II 11.0:. UZ Psc SB1 (Porb > 1 yr [05751]). VZ Psc Mu = 0.43", P = 65deg. Min II 10.43. WW Psc VB A (B 13.1m, 31"). WX Psc OH, H2O, SiO maser. ZZ Psc P1 = 612s, P2 = 816s [07476]. ZZ Psc Nonradial modes [08467]. AG Psc P (Vr) = 0.055d. AH Psc The star was seen in 1854 - 60; since 1862 it was not AH Psc observed. AO Psc Epoch of Max brightness is given. Light variations with AO Psc Porb = 0.1496263d are superimposed by variations with AO Psc P = 858.6861s and twice smaller amplitude (Max = AO Psc 2444815.00276 + 0.009938496d*E; M-m = 0.54P), and AO Psc also by still smaller oscillations with P = 805.2059s AO Psc (Max = 2444815.00294 + 0.009319513d*E). The last period AO Psc is the X-ray impulse period which is equal to AO Psc the period of rotation of the compact object (probably AO Psc a white dwarf). EM Psc The depth of MinII is 0.35. EQ Psc Multi-mode pulsations at a time scale of hours. ET Psc VB (A 9.1m; B 11.8m, 2".9, 198deg, 1830). EU Psc VB (A 9.1m; B 9.8m, 0.1", 111deg, 1991). EW Psc Min II = 10.37. EX Psc Min II = 14.27. EY Psc Min II = 9.35 :. EZ Psc VB A (B 13.6m, 25", 59deg, 2000; C 12.1m, 33", 131deg, 1969). FM Psc Multiperiodic. FR Psc Blazhko effect, P=51d:. FT Psc VB AB (A 12.5mHp; B 13.6mHp, 2", 316deg, 1991). FU Psc Min II = 11.98 :. FY Psc Min II = 13.3. GG Psc Min II = 13.85. GK Psc Min II = 13.9. GO Psc Min II = 13.35. GR Psc Min II = 11.75. GS Psc VB A (B 15.8mV, 10", 62deg, 1997). GT Psc Min II = 12.47. GW Psc Min II = 12.0. GX Psc Min II = 13.65. GY Psc Min II = 12.6. HL Psc Min II = 10.97. Strong O'Connell effect in [80021] but not in [80057]. HN Psc Min II = 10.93. HO Psc Min II = 11.6. IN Psc VB A (B 8", 48deg, 1999). Combined magnitudes are tabulated. KV Psc Multiperiodic. P2 = 0.289120d. P2/P1 = 0.9779. LL Psc Double-mode pulsation. The period in the Table is for the first overtone. P0 = 0.468938d. P1/P0 = 0.7434. LM Psc VB A (B 4", 305deg, 1997). LO Psc VB A (B 12.2m, 5", 299deg, 2012). LQ Psc VB A (B 10.5m, 5", 314deg; C 10.5m, 9", 57deg, 2015). LU Psc Porb = 0.05535d, Psh = 0.05619d. LW Psc Porb = 0.05716d, Psh = 0.05783d. LX Psc Double-mode pulsations. P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.0866064d, P1/P0 = 0.7784. Additional non-radial pulsation, Pn = 0.04539784d. LY Psc Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0580951d, P1/P0 = 0.7740. LZ Psc Porb = 0.05854d. MM Psc Porb = 0.16923d. MN Psc Porb = 0.05456d, Psh = 0.05560d. MO Psc Porb = 0.05161 [002]. MP Psc H2O maser. MQ Psc P = 48.8d is superposed. MS Psc [Fe/H] = -1.9:. Double-mode pulsations. P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.559325d, P1/P0 = 0.7464. MT Psc VB A (17.7mG; B 18.7mG, 1.6", 287deg, 2000). R PsA P var. Max = 2417385 + 293.00d*E (JD2405000 - 26000); R PsA Max = 2432896 + 291.50d*E (JD2426000 - 38000); R PsA since JD2438000 - see Table. S PsA P var. Max = 2417853 + 271.0d*E (JD2411000 - 18000); S PsA Max = 2426880 + 273.6d (JD2418000 - 27000); Max = S PsA 2434714 + 270.3d (JD2427000 - 35000); since S PsA JD2434000 - see Table. X PsA Min II 14.2. RW PsA Min II 11.63. TX PsA VB B (A 13.0m pg; B 37", 131deg); mu = 0.22", p = 117deg. XZ PsA MinII 8.04. AE PsA Blazhko effect, P = 5.78d. AG PsA The first-overtone period is tabulated. P0 = 0.49785d. A1/A0 = 1.6. AO PsA Period varies? AR PsA P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.569776d, P1/P0 = 0.7457. pi. PsA SB (Porb = 178.3177d [05769]). R Pup In the region of the open cluster NGC 2439. U Pup P var. Max = 2415090 + 314.26d*E (JD2408000 - 22800); U Pup since JD2422800 - see Table. V Pup VB A (B 10.0m, 7", 0, 70deg; C 11.0m, 19.0", 48deg). V Pup Min II 4.82. P var. IO - CI < 0.02d. W Pup P var. Max = 2420990 + 120.68d*E (JD2412500 - 23600); W Pup Max = 2424725 + 119.9d*E (JD2423600 - 26300); W Pup Max = 2432200 + 120.68d*E (JD2426300 - 40800); W Pup since JD2440800 - see Table. X Pup P var. Max = 2414889.8 + 25.939d*E (JD2408800 - 16000); X Pup Max = 2435188.76 + 25.9610d*E (JD2419000 - 35190) X Pup [02392]; Max = 2436279.50 + 25.97d*E X Pup (2435190 - 38000) [00001]; since JD2438000 - see Table. Z Pup OH, H2O, SiO emission. Z Pup P var. Max = 2424256 + 513.90d*E (JD2413900 - 24500); Z Pup since JD2424500 - see Table. RS Pup Surrounded by the reflecting nebulosity with a radius of RS Pup 1.4' [09634]. P var. Max = 2419186.3 + 41.337d*E RS Pup (JD2414000 - 24000) [02049]; Max = 2427083.613 + 41.414d*E RS Pup (JD2425800 - 28300) [02440]; Max = 2434823.23 + 41.38535d*E RS Pup (JD2433750 - 34900) [09636]; since JD2435700 - see Table. RW Pup P var. Max = 2430175 + 332.5d*E (JD2424500 - 30200) RW Pup [00001]; since JD2435800 - see Table. RX Pup Light curve (1890 - 1925) [01265]. RX Pup Mira type component light variations are observed in the RX Pup infrared region of spectrum: Max = 2444530 + 580d*E, RX Pup 3.99m - 6.00m J, M - m = 0.50P [09518]. ST Pup [A/H] = -0.9. ST Pup The light curve shape and the period vary strongly: ST Pup 0.10P < M - m < 0.30P; 17.4d < P < 19.19d. ST Pup P = 19.188d (JD2415000 - 17000); 18.949d ST Pup (JD2417000 - 18000), 18.8065d (JD2418000 - 19000), ST Pup 18.721d (JD2419000 - 20000), 18.714d (JD2420000 - 21000), ST Pup 18.717d (JD2421000 - 22000), 18.6175d (JD2422000 - 23000), ST Pup 18.678d (JD2423000 - 24000), 18.735d (JD2424000 - 25000), ST Pup 18.796d (JD2425000 - 26000), 18.817d (JD2426000 - 27000) ST Pup [01266]. Max = 2427779.6 + 18.846d*E (JD2427000 - 28000) ST Pup [01266]; Max = 2428893.9 + 18.885d*E (JD2428000 - 29000) ST Pup [00016]; Max = 2429697.51 + 19.188d*E (JD2429000 - 30000) ST Pup [01266]. P = 19.142d (JD2430000 - 31000), ST Pup 19.145d (JD2431000 - 32000) [01266]. ST Pup Max = 2435395.430 + 18.559d*E (JD2435160 - 500) ST Pup [06006]; Max = 2435617.45 + 18.8864d*E (JD2435500 - 5620) ST Pup [02309]; Max = 243957.3 + 17.4d*E (JD2438700 - 39600) ST Pup [06611]; since JD2444000 - see Table. SV Pup P var. Max = 2419010 + 166.6d*E (JD2413660 - 18000); SV Pup Max = 2423090 + 169.8d*E (JD2418000 - 23100); SV Pup Max = 2426782 + 167.8d*E (JD2423100 - 27500); SV Pup since JD2427500 - see Table. SW Pup Min II 9.1; d = 0.029P. TT Pup Min II 13.6. TY Pup Min II 8.87. UZ Pup Min II 10.0. VV Pup mu = 0.100", P = 165.0deg. VV Pup The epoch of light maximum is given. The mean VV Pup brightness varies by 2 - 3m. Intervals of active light VV Pup variation with amplitude up to 2m during maximal mean VV Pup brightness are observed. During low activity intervals VV Pup when amplitude is about 0.3m mean brightness is minimal; VV Pup during this time the ellipsoidal light variations of the VV Pup system are observed in the range 15.1m - 15.3m J with the VV Pup elements Min = 2427889.6509 + 0.0697468256d*E [09644]. VV Pup The white dwarf rotation period is equal to the orbital VV Pup period. There are flickerings. Spectrum description VV Pup [09472, 09645]. VW Pup P var. Max = 2425184.67 + 4.28405d*E (JD2422660 - 25600) VW Pup [00973]; Max = 2435554.86 + 4.28519d*E (JD2425600 - 35600) VW Pup [02309]; since JD2435500 - see Table. VX Pup P1 = 2.1389d (A1 = 0.29m); A0 = 0.31m; P1/P0 = 0.71042. VY Pup The depth of Min II 0.04m. VZ Pup [A/H] = -0.3. P var. Max = 2434864.90 + 23.1640d*E VZ Pup (JD2426700 - 35300) [02309]; since JD2435300 - see Table. WW Pup P var. Max = 2424497.73 + 5.5159d*E (JD2423520 - WW Pup 26000) [00973]; since JD2426000 - see Table. WX Pup P var. Max = 2435042.184 + 8.93825d*E (JD2422000 - WX Pup 35100) [02431]; since JD2435000 - see Table. WZ Pup P var. Max = 2427861.33 + 5.02657d*E (JD2421100 - WZ Pup 29400) [02392]; since JD2429400 - see Table. XX Pup P var. Max = 2426338.503 + 0.51719805d*E XX Pup (JD2426300 - 39500) [03572]; since JD2441700 - see Table. XX Pup (k - b)2 = 0.07. The spectral type according to CA II is XX Pup given. XY Pup Min II 9.4; d = 0.042P. XZ Pup Min II 7.90. P var. Min I = 2440629.7969 + 2.192383d*E XZ Pup (JD2425850 - 41700) [00099]; since JD2441700 - see Table. YY Pup The depth of Min II 0.05m. AE Pup In the region of the open cluster Cr 173. AF Pup Min II 13.5. AG Pup Min II 10.9. AH Pup The depth of Min II 0.05m. AN Pup Min II 10.7. AQ Pup VB A (B 11.13m, < 15"; C 12.83m, < 15"). [A/H] = -0.1. AQ Pup The range of the variation of combined light is given. AQ Pup P var. Max = 2429734.59 + 29.931d*E (JD2427500 - 33000) AQ Pup [03474]; Max = 2433296.2 + 30.018d*E (JD2433000 - 35850) AQ Pup [02474]; Max = 2436625.9 + 29.8568d*E AQ Pup (JD2435850 - 36700) [03601]; Max = 2441760.63 + 30.032d*E AQ Pup (JD2436600 - 42700) [09671]; since JD2443400 - see Table. AR Pup The mean brightness varies with P = 1200d. AS Pup In the region of the open cluster NGC 2546. P var. AS Pup Max = 2416110 + 331.4d*E (JD2415460 - 26000); since AS Pup JD2426000 - see Table. AT Pup In the region of the open cluster NGC 2546. AT Pup P var. Max = 2426758.205 + 6.6648d*E (JD2426700 - 35600) AT Pup [02202]; since JD2435600 - see Table. AU Pup Min II 9.28. P var. Min I = 2428111.304 + 1.126418d*E AU Pup (JD2414700 - 28200) [00007]; since JD2439000 - see Table. AV Pup Min II 11.0. AW Pup VB A (B 11.7m, 3.7", 258deg). Period probably must be AW Pup doubled. AY Pup Min II 12.5. AZ Pup Min II 10.1. BB Pup (k - b)2 = 0.24; Delta(S) = 3. BH Pup In the region of the open cluster Cr 173. BI Pup In the region of the open cluster Cr 173. BK Pup In the region of the open cluster Cr 173. BL Pup Min II 14.2. BN Pup In the region of the open cluster NGC 2533. BP Pup Min II 12.3. BQ Pup The shape of the light curve possibly varies. BR Pup Min II 12.9. BT Pup Min II 14.5. In the region of the open cluster NGC 2482. BU Pup Min II 13.9. In the region of the open cluster NGC 2447. BW Pup The depth of Min II 0.15m. BX Pup In the region of the open cluster NGC 2482. CE Pup P var? [07934]. CH Pup P var. Max = 2428465 + 491.0d*E (JD2428400 - 37300); CH Pup since JD2437300 - see Table. CO Pup P var? The epoch of light minimum is given. CP Pup In 1981 the radius of the shell expanding with CP Pup Vexp = 710 km/s was equal to 7" [09689, 09559]. CX Pup d = 0.05P. CY Pup d = 0.01P:; Min II 13.0. CZ Pup Min II 13.1. DD Pup Min II 14.6; Min II - Min I = 0.572P. DE Pup Min II 12.9. DF Pup Min II 12.8. DK Pup Min II 13.0. DM Pup Min II 13.7; Min II - Min I = 0.62P. DN Pup Min II 13.5. DO Pup Min II 13.3. DR Pup Min II 13.3:. DS Pup Min II 13.4. DT Pup Min II 14.3. EK Pup VB A (B 15", 270deg). P var? Max = 2427747.89 + 2.62587d*E EK Pup (JD2425500 - 29500) [01343]; since JD2434500 - see Table. EL Pup P > 1.3d? In the region of the open cluster NGC 2437. EN Pup Min II 11.4. EQ Pup Min II 10.9. ES Pup According to [00412], Max = 2430377 + 187d*E. ES Pup The elements given in the Table are valid in the interval ES Pup JD2425600 - 29700. EU Pup Min II 14.8. FK Pup A var (P2 = 3000d). Strong SiC2 bands in the spectrum. FM Pup Min II 14.2. GG Pup S5/5. GH Pup VB A (B 10", 195deg; C 16", 280deg; D 14", 315deg). P var. GH Pup Max = 2425450 + 800d*E (JD2425300 - 28000); since GH Pup JD2428700 - see Table. Very red. GI Pup In the region of the open cluster NGC 2437. GK Pup IN the region of the open cluster NGC 2437. GN Pup VB A (B 16.5m, 10", 80deg). GP Pup Min II 13.5. GU Pup Min II 12.2. GX Pup Min II 13.9. In the region of the open cluster Cr 173. GY Pup Min II 12.3. GZ Pup Min II 12.1. HH Pup (k - b)2 = 0.14, Delta(S) = 1. HI Pup Min II 11.0. In the region of the open cluster Cr 173. HK Pup P var. Max = 2425925.732 + 0.7342532d*E HK Pup (JD2425300 - 36600) [04127]; since JD2436600 - see Table. HM Pup There is a shallow Min II. HP Pup P var? HW Pup P var? Max = 2429756.28 + 13.4532d*E (JD2427100 - 33000) HW Pup [03551]; since JD2433000 - see Table. KQ Pup In the open cluster NGC2422. SB2 (Porb = 9752d [03985]). KT Pup Min II 13.4. KW Pup Min II 11.8. KX Pup Min II 13.04; 0.435P (1930) < Min II - Min I < 0.56P (1973) KX Pup [03474, 08094]; e = 0.15. Apsidal motion. KY Pup Min II 11.1. LN Pup Min II 12.9; Min II - Min I = 0.533P. LO Pup Min II 13.9. LP Pup d = 0.03P:. LT Pup Min II 12.6. MN Pup Min II 13.2. MQ Pup Min II 9.39. MT Pup RCB? MW Pup Min II 9.2. NO Pup VB A [BC 7.19m V, 8.1". 124deg (delta(M) = 0.0m, 0.20", NO Pup 275deg, NO Pup 1976)]. Min II 6.66; Min II - Min I = 0.582P; e = 0.123. NQ Pup S 4.5/2-. NW Pup Porb = 1d. NX Pup Connected with a cometary nebula. OR Pup In the region of the open cluster NGC 2467. OS Pup VB A (B 6.10m, 67.4"). OS Pup In the region of the open cluster C 0812-362. OU Pup In the region of the open cluster IC 2391. OX Pup In the region of the open cluster NGC 2451. PS Pup The depth of Min II 0.028m. PT Pup P2 = 0.168377d. A (lambda 1550) = 0.043m; PT Pup 0.015m < A(B) < 0.035m. PU Pup VB (5.2m, 5.6m; 0.11", 43.6deg, 1927). Min II 4.74. PV Pup VB B (A 6.1m; B 16.9", 340deg; C 10.5m, 100.4", 228deg). PV Pup Min II 7.31; DII 0.10P; Min II - Min I = 0.47P. PV Pup The light curve shape in Max and Min II varies. PV Pup The deviations DB from the mean curve vary from -0.06m PV Pup to +0.03m with the elements: Max (IDelta(B)I) = PV Pup 2440000.027458 + 1.92207d*E or Max (IDelta(B)I) = PV Pup 2440000.219470 + 0.48003d*E. PW Pup Min II 9.54; d = 0.095P. In the region of the open PW Pup cluster NGC 2439. QS Pup 0.008m <= A(u) <= 0.015m. QT Pup Probably a member of the open cluster NGC 2477. QU Pup P2 = 0.1680d or 0.2019d; 0.010m <= A(u) <= 0.040m. QV Pup May be a member of the open cluster NGC 2489. V0360 Pup Type ACV: is also possible. V0364 Pup The preceding component of the northern star in the system of two V0364 Pup CoD-CPD objects, COD-36 3425 and CoD-36 3426 (CPD-36 1171 and CPD-36 V0364 Pup 1172). The cross-identifications of these CoD and CPD objects differ V0364 Pup from one source to another; our adopted identification is based on the V0364 Pup paper editions of the catalogs. V0376 Pup Type ACV: is also possible. V0378 Pup Type BE is also possible. V0393 Pup SB, Porb = 2.5248d. V0419 Pup Not a nearby star (despite having a Gl number). V0575 Pup VB, rho=2". Component A: SB. V0579 Pup MinII 13.52. V0581 Pup MinII 12.43. V0582 Pup MinII 7.94:. V0587 Pup MinII 9.25. Erroneously marked in the chart in [78321]. V0588 Pup The chart in [78107] is assumed to be wrong. V0589 Pup MinII 8.97. V0596 Pup VB A (B 8.58m, 0.3"). V0596 Pup Range of the variation of combined light is given. V0596 Pup Min II 7.03; DII = 0.08P; Min II - Min I = V0596 Pup 0.48P. Min II = 2444622.86709 + 4.5961766d*E. V0596 Pup Apsidal motion (P = 3200 yr). V0605 Pup A twice shorter period is not excluded. V0611 Pup MinII - MinI = 0.40P. VB (A 8.6m; B 9.1m, 0.3", 130deg, 1990). V0620 Pup VB B (A 11.7mV; B 12.0mV, 28", 358deg, 1999; C 12.5mV, 16", 78deg, 1999). V0624 Pup A much longer cycle superposed. V0626 Pup VB (A 9.65m; B 10.0m, 9", 55deg, 1991). V0628 Pup VB A (B 15.8mpg, 9", 84deg, 1995). V0634 Pup A twice longer period is not excluded. V0642 Pup MinII - MinI = 0.6P. V0651 Pup Min II = 12.4. V0652 Pup Min II = 9.83. VB AB (A 10.44m; B 10.55m, 0.80", 170deg, 1991). P varies. dP/dt = -0.28 x 10^(-5) d/yr. V0653 Pup Min II = 10.53. V0654 Pup Min II = 14.8. V0656 Pup Min II = 18.25. V0658 Pup Min II = 16.76. V0660 Pup Min II = 16.4 :. V0661 Pup Min II = 20.7. V0662 Pup Min II = 20.5. V0663 Pup Min II = 17.32:. V0664 Pup Min II = 12.25. P varies. dP/dt = +0.24 x 10^(-5) d/yr. V0667 Pup VB (1.8"), the NE star of the pair varies. The tabulated period is probably orbital. Stable pulses with Pspin = 0.00593d and amplitude of 0.03m. V0668 Pup Min II = 13.3. V0670 Pup Min II = 9.00. Eclipse amplitude is about 0.06m , out-of-eclipse variations [80015] with an amplitude about 0.12m. V0674 Pup Min II = 10.95. P varies. dP/dt = -0.77 x 10^(-5) d/yr. V0675 Pup Min II = 10.9. V0683 Pup Multiperiodic. P2 = 1.40294d, P3 = 1.17811d. V0687 Pup Blazhko effect? V0690 Pup Min II = 8.96. V0691 Pup Min II = 12.53. V0692 Pup Min II = 14.70. V0695 Pup Min II = 15.85. V0696 Pup Min II = 14.39. V0697 Pup Min II = 11.06. Cluster non-member. V0698 Pup Min II = 12.6. V0701 Pup Two modes with similar amplitudes. For the second mode, Max = 2453015.749 + 0.296111d x E. V0707 Pup P varies strongly. V0711 Pup VB A (B 5", 128deg, 1999). V0714 Pup Blazhko effect, P=116.96d. V0716 Pup P varies strongly. V0719 Pup Pulsates in the first (see Table) and second (Max = 2453455.40 + 0.593216d x E) overtone modes. P2/P1 = 0.8057. VB B (A 9.96m, B 11.0m, 6", 42deg, 1999); V0719 Pup the range in the Table is for the combined brightness. V0722 Pup SB2. V0725 Pup VB A (B 10.3m, 1", 47deg, 1991). V0732 Pup Pulsates in the first (see Table) and second (Max = 2453456.065 + 0.333105d x E) overtone modes. P2/P1 = 0.8007. V0733 Pup Pulsates in the fundamental mode (see Table) and in the first overtone (Max = 2453600.055 + 0.1742342d x E). P1/P0 = 0.7618. V0743 Pup VB A (B 10", 211deg, 1999); magnitudes in the Table are for combined brightness. V0743 Pup P1 is presented in the Table. P2 = 0.328118d; P2/P1 = 0.8000. V0751 Pup VB A (B 12.8m, 0.6", 166deg, 2015). V0752 Pup Multimode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.07358515d, P1/P0 = 0.7723. Non-radial mode Pn = 0.05395933d. V0753 Pup Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.07123833d, P1/P0 = 0.7734. V0754 Pup Double-mode pulsations. P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.11930159d, P1/P0 = 0.7740. V0756 Pup Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.05491516d, P1/P0 = 0.7752. V0758 Pup Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.06184430d, P1/P0 = 0.7739. omi Pup Type EA: is also possible. rho Pup VB A (B 13.7m, 29.6", 15deg). [Fe/H] = +0.13. P var. rho Pup Max = 2435552.807 + 0.14088141d*E (JD2413900 - rho Pup 37500) [09756]; Max = 2439887.843 + 0.14088141d*E rho Pup (JD2439800 - 43700); since JD2444000 - see Table. L 2 Pup VB A (B 11.5m, 62", 214deg); mu = 0.34", P=18deg. H2O, L 2 Pup SiO maser. S Pyx P var. Max = 2411770 + 206.60d*E (JD2405500 - 23700); S Pyx Max = 2423765 + 207.0d*E (JD2423700 - 29600); S Pyx since JD2429600 - see Table. T Pyx Previous outbursts were observed in 1890, 1902, 1920, 1944. RR Pyx A close companion 14.5m. RZ Pyx Min II 9.69. SU Pyx d = 0.016P. TT Pyx P = 3.031556d? TV Pyx Depth of Min II 0.05m. TX Pyx Min II 9.8. TY Pyx Min II 7.48. TZ Pyx Min II 11.1. UZ Pyx VB A (B 7.61m, 110", 180deg). VW Pyx The nucleus of the planetary nebula K1-2. VW Pyx The range of the variations of combined light: VW Pyx 15.7 - 17.4 pg. The value of P close to VW Pyx that found by bond [09767] and the epoch of Max brightness VW Pyx are given in the Table. CR Pyx MinII 11.37. CU Pyx MinII 12.36. CY Pyx SB1. CZ Pyx P = 635d [78130] superimposed. DK Pyx MinII - MinI = 0.29P. DN Pyx A twice shorter period is not excluded. DQ Pyx Min II = 9.31. EI Pyx Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0729176d, P1/P0 = 0.7736. EK Pyx Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.07474365d, P1/P0 = 0.7738. EL Pyx Psh = 0.05556d. EM Pyx Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.04838490d, P1/P0 = 0.7744. R Ret P var. Max = 2403013 + 280.0d*E (JD2403000 - 13900); R Ret Max = 2423317 + 276.68d*E (JD2413900 - 25300); R Ret Max = 2430008 + 279.7d*E (JD2425200 - 30020); R Ret since JD2430000 - see Table. T Ret Mean brightness varies with P = 200d. X Ret (k - b)2 = 0.09. P var. Max = 2427425.47 + 0.4920d*E X Ret [00357]; Max = 2434334.611 + 0.492011d*E (JD2434300 - 600) X Ret [00080]; since JD2434600 - see Table. X Ret The shape of the light curve varies. Blazhko effect: X Ret Pi >= 45d; 0.13P <= M - m <= 0.23P [00080]. VY Ret MinII - MinI = 0.75P. WY Ret Min II = 14.0. AA Ret Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0447423d, P1/P0 = 0.7808. AB Ret Multimode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.07354215d, P1/P0 = 0.7732. Non-radial pulsation Pn = 0.07653493d. AC Ret Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0569386d, P1/P0 = 0.7727. R Sge P var (70.07d <= P <= 71.24d [09769]. Period variation R Sge study [00767]. The elements given in the Table are valid R Sge since JD2434000. The mean brightness varies: R Sge Min = 2414402 + 1112.d*E [01357]. S Sge SB1 (Porb = 675d [01358]). P var. Max = 2409863.32 + S Sge 8.381968d*E (JD2406600 - 18000); since S Sge JD2418000 - see Table. U Sge VB A (B 9.6m, 92.0", 318deg). Min II 6.71; U Sge 0.014P <= dI <= 0.024P. In the region of the open cluster U Sge Col 399. Not a member of the cluster. P var [06224, 08608]. U Sge Mean elements are given in the Table representing U Sge epochs of Min within +-0.008P. The shape of the light U Sge curve varies. V Sge VB A (B 13.9m, 9.7", 267deg); SB2 (K1 = 320 km/s, V Sge K2 = 85 km/s). P var? The depth of eclipses V Sge varies from 0.6m to 1.3m. The mean brightness outside V Sge eclipses varies. There are also flares with amplitudes up V Sge to 3m and small light variations with a time V Sge scale of minutes, dozens of minutes and a few days. V Sge spectrum description [03593, 09472]. X Sge VB A (B 13.18m, 6", 248deg). Z Sge V1 (NGC 6838, M71). Globular cluster member. P var. Z Sge Max = 2437870 + 175.3d*E (JD2437000 - 38700); since Z Sge JD2438700 - see Table. RS Sge The mean brightnese varies: Max = 2435999 + 1124d*E [08104]. RS Sge Two Algol-like light weakenings were also RS Sge observed: JD2444837.22, 2444865.17 [09727]. RW Sge P var. according to [01363] Max = 2424289 + 429d*E. Since RW Sge JD2434000 - see Table. RZ Sge Porb ~97m [09771]. Mean cycle is given according to [09785]. RZ Sge Supermaxima are repeated with the cycle 266d. The period RZ Sge of superhumps decreases from 101.3m till 100.8m. SY Sge Min II 10.7. P var. Elements given in the Table are valid SY Sge in the interval JD2425800 - 38300. TU Sge d = 0.035P. TX Sge P var. Max = 2425002 + 155.0d*E (JD2414900 - 25100); TX Sge since JD2425000 - see Table. UU Sge VB A (B 16.5m B, 4", 90deg). The nucleus of the planetary UU Sge nebula Abell 63. Min II 14.41; d = 0.019P. UU Sge The range of the combined light variation is given. UU Sge The actual depth of Min I is about 4.3m. Large reflection UU Sge effect. UZ Sge Min II 11.6:. P var. Min I = 2429961.231 + 2.215750d*E UZ Sge (JD2429000 - 41600); since JD2441600 - see Table. VZ Sge VB A (B 12m, 28.2", 206deg). WY Sge Nova Sge 1783 (Max JD2372494:). Min I = 2445137.8993 + WY Sge 0.1536342d*E; D = 0.16P. Brightness outside eclipses is WY Sge usually ~18.7m, the depth of the eclipses is ~ 1.5 - 2m. WY Sge At present outbursts by 1.6m are sometimes observed WY Sge similar to the UG type variable outbursts, as well as WY Sge rapid flickering of light [09708]. WZ Sge Nova Sge 1913, 1946, 1978. VB A (B 15.76m B, 7", 280deg). WZ Sge Really it is not a nova. Three outbursts were registered WZ Sge up to day: JD2420094, 32001, 43844 [09710, 09711]. WZ Sge There are superhumps on the light curve during the WZ Sge outburst with 0.057250d >= P >= 0.05714d (A=0.3m V) WZ Sge [09710, 09776]. There are light variations between WZ Sge the outbursts (A = 0.14m - 0.3m). During some of light WZ Sge weakenings Algol-like eclipses are observed (A = 0.2m) WZ Sge with the elements: Min I = 2437547.72845 + 0.0566878455d*E WZ Sge [09774]; D = 0.04P. d = 0.02P. There are also rapid light WZ Sge oscillations (A <= 0.01m). The periods of these WZ Sge oscillations before the 1978 outburst were 28.98s and WZ Sge 27.87s [09774], but after this outburst - 28.95963s [09775]. WZ Sge According to [09777], in 1976 - 78 these oscillations were WZ Sge represented by the elements: Max = 2443311.790250 + WZ Sge 0.00032254826d*E + 9.8d*10**(-16)*E**2. XY Sge According to [03705] the spectrum is earlier than M0. AG Sge P = 117d? BR Sge d = 0.030P. CP Sge Min II 13.3. CT Sge Multiple. The tabulated range is for combined magnitudes. CU Sge Min II 11.3. CW Sge Min II 11.7. P var? The shape of the light curve varies. CZ Sge Min II 15.2. DH Sge The shape of the light curve varies (1.1m <= A <= 1.7m). DH Sge P var. Max = 2427612.509 + 0.4695844D*E (JD2427600 - DH Sge 38800) [04027]; since JD2438800 - see Table. DH Sge Blazhko effect disappeared after the period change DH Sge (A = 1.1m). DI Sge P var. Max = 2427929 + 203.0d*E (JD2427500 - 30200) DI Sge [02641]; since JD2437100 - see Table. DK Sge Min II 13.0. DL Sge Min II 11.5. DM Sge Min II 11.6. DP Sge P var. Max = 2427985.464 + 0.4883395d*E (JD2427985 - 33000); DP Sge Max = 2432855.191 + 0.4883339d*E (JD2433000 - 40775); DP Sge since JD2440775 - see Table. DQ Sge Min II 14.8. DS Sge Min II 16.0:. DT Sge d = 0.05P:. EH Sge VB A (B 15.6m). EI Sge Min II 14.6. ER Sge P var. Max = 2430515.460 + 0.4184209d*E ER Sge (JD2427000 - 38400); ER Sge Max = 2438443.388 + 0.4184356d*E (JD2438400 - 41800); ER Sge since JD2441800 - see Table. FF Sge d = 0.03P; Min II 13.0. FG Sge VB A (B 14.2m, 8", 100deg). The central star of the FG Sge planetry nebula PK 60deg (diameter 36", the age about 6000 FG Sge years). The brightness of the star steadily increased from FG Sge 13.6 pg in 1894 to the maximum in 1967, and then is FG Sge steadily decreasing. In 1982 it was 11.0 B. In 1967 the FG Sge strong absorption lines of rare earth elements appeared FG Sge in the spectrum. The spectral class steadily becomes FG Sge later. The signes of new planetary nebula ejection were FG Sge observed. In 1962 the star entered the instability FG Sge strip in the Mv, B-V diagram and began to pulsate FG Sge with a small amplitude and increasing period: Min(V) = FG Sge 2442629 + 59.83d*E + 1.126d*E**2 (JD2442600 - 44530). FG Sge In twenty years the period increased from 50d to 134d, FG Sge the amplitude of pulsations changed from 0.2mV to 0.5mV; FG Sge now it decreased again to 0.2mV, and the period is only FG Sge 90d [09780]. FH Sge Min II 13.5. FL Sge There is a close companion 14m. In the minimum probably FL Sge fainter than 15.9m. FO Sge P var. Max = 2427578.0 + 67.8d*E (JD2427570 - 28120); FO Sge Max = 2428134.4 + 72.7d*E (JD2428120 - 30150); FO Sge since JD2430150 - see Table. FP Sge Min II 14.9. P = 0.32100275d? FT Sge P.K.55-1 deg 2. Not a planetary nebula. FU Sge Min II 15.8. FX Sge In the region of the globular cluster M71 (NGC 6838). GI Sge Red. GN Sge Min II 10.6. GP Sge Red. GY Sge P var. Max = 2431264.49 + 51.497d*E (JD2429490 - 34900) GY Sge [07199]; Max = 2433787.42 + 51.5991d*E (JD2433600 - 37280), GY Sge Max = 437911.04 + 51.2524d*E (JD2437280 - 40510) [06172]; GY Sge since JD2444450 - see Table. HH Sge The cycles 23 - 26d and 300d are observed. HM Sge VB A (B 14.20m, 10", 182deg). The brightness increased HM Sge from 17.2m up to 11.3m pg in the interval JD2442280 - HM Sge 42650. Then the light variations in the infrared region HM Sge appeared with P = 550d [09721, 09783] and A(K) = 1.5m. HM Sge Radio and X-ray source. IR Sge SF star in a close pair. LN Sge SF star in a close pair. MV Sge Possible member of the globular cluster Palomar 10. MZ Sge Possible member of the globular cluster Palomar 10. PT Sge P component of a close pair. V0339 Sge Extremely metal-weak. V0366 Sge O'Connell effect. V0370 Sge MinII - MinI = 0.38P. V0378 Sge VB A (B 13.7m, 20", 322deg, 2000). V0380 Sge VB AB (10.7m, 10.9m, 0.57", 74deg, 1990). V0404 Sge The light curve shape, including the depth of minima, varies. V0407 Sge P = 0.086636d is also possible. V0443 Sge VB A (14.8mG; B 15.35mG, 17", 85deg, 2000; C 15.4mG, 18", 88deg, 2000). del Sge VB A (B, A = 0.04", P = 7 yr); SB2 (Porb = 3725d [09789]). del Sge The last superior conjunction of the B-star and its del Sge atmospheric eclipse was in March - April 1980 [09726]. R Sgr P var. Max = 2405776 + 271.0d*E (JD2399500 - 2407500); R Sgr Max = 2407115 + 264.2d*E (JD2407100 - 9500); R Sgr Max = 2418125 + 269.65d*E (JD2409500 - 19500); R Sgr Max = 2433137 + 267.90d*E (JD2419500 - 36000); R Sgr since JD2436000 - see Table. S Sgr P var. Max = 2401029 + 230.6d*E (JD2401000 - 10000); S Sgr Max = 2411638 + 229.2d*E (JD2410000 - 19500); S Sgr Max = 2422222 + 232.81d*E (JD2419500 - 27000); S Sgr since JD2427000 - see Table. T Sgr Companion F3IV (ro < 0.8"). P var. T Sgr Max = 2409013 + 385.1d*E (JD2401500 - 10500); T Sgr Max = 2414582 + 399.0d*E (JD2413000 - 17500); T Sgr Max = 2424363 + 387.9d*E (JD2417500 - 25500); T Sgr since JD2425500 - see Table. T Sgr S 5/6-e. There are Te lines and a very strong T Sgr Li lambda 6708 line in the spectrum. U Sgr The member of the open cluster M25 (IC 4725). U Sgr P var. Max = 2416628.046 + 6.744925d*E (JD2404480 - 30115) U Sgr [00765]; since JD2430115 - see Table. [A/H] = 0.1. W Sgr VB A (A 9.2m, 0.116", 153.3deg, 1976.477; B 13.5m, 33.4", W Sgr 233deg; C 13.5m, 47.9", 101deg). P var. W Sgr Max = 2403198.39 + 7.594695d*E (JD2403100 - 34500); since W Sgr JD2434500 - see Table. X Sgr P var. Max = 2410006.22 + 7.01206d*E (JD2403000 - 17000); X Sgr Max = 2424248.11 + 7.01245d*E (JD2417000 - 34500); since X Sgr JD2434500 - see Table. Y Sgr In the region of the open cluster M25 (IC 4725). RR Sgr P var. Max = 2410008 + 336.0d*E (JD2410000 - 17100) RR Sgr [09794]; Max = 2422755 + 332.73d*E (JD2422700 - 32100) RR Sgr [00960]; since JD2432100 - see Table. OH, H2O emission. RS Sgr VB A (B 9.65m V, 39.0", 86deg). Min II 6.28. RT Sgr P var. Max = 2412759 + 303.1d*E (JD2412700 - 8300) RT Sgr [00960]; Max = 2425588 + 308.8d*E (JD2422800 - 26700); RT Sgr Max = 2428034 + 303.8d*E (JD2426700 - 33500); RT Sgr since JD2433500 - see Table. RU Sgr P var. Max = 2413062 + 242.3d*E (JD2410150 - 16700) RU Sgr [00960]; Max = 2423670 + 242.3d*E (JD2422500 - 24500); RU Sgr Max = 2428200 + 237.6d*E (JD2424500 - 28800); since RU Sgr JD2428800 - see Table. RV Sgr P var. Max = 2411206 + 319.3d*E (JD2410200 - 17000) RV Sgr [00960]; Max = 2429032 + 321.3d*E (JD2422600 - RV Sgr 29500); since JD2429500 - see Table. RW Sgr P var. Max = 2413798 + 189.0d*E (JD2413700 - 23000); RW Sgr Max = 2431998 + 190.87d*E (JD2423000 - 33500); RW Sgr since JD2433500 - see Table. RX Sgr P var. Max = 2417730 + 330.3d*E (JD2413000 - 18500); RX Sgr Max = 2420122 + 346d*E (JD2418500 - 20150); RX Sgr Max = 2420122 + 323d*E (JD2420100 - 22200); RX Sgr Max = 2424120 + 345d*E (JD2422200 - 24200); RX Sgr Max = 2428785 + 332.2d*E (JD2424000 - 31500); RX Sgr since JD2431500 - see Table. RY Sgr VB A (B 15.69m, 12"). There are pulsational light RY Sgr variations (0.1m < A < 1.5m) with the elements: RY Sgr Max = 2433670 + 38.6056d*E - 78d*10**(-5)*E**2. RY Sgr light curve [09798, 09799]; spectrum description [06261]. ST Sgr S 6/3-e. SU Sgr VB A (B 13.5m, 1.0", 240deg, 1932.45). SU Sgr earlier P = 88d was observed [00017]. SV Sgr In the nebula M8 (NGC 6523). SW Sgr P var. Max = 2416338 + 290.3d*E (JD2414000 - 16500); SW Sgr Max = 2428507 + 288.5d*E (JD2422500 - 29000); SW Sgr Max = 2429088 + 293.5d*E (JD2429000 - 33000); SW Sgr since JD2433000 - see Table. SX Sgr Min II 9.62; d = 0.05P. P var. Min I = 2429114.249 + SX Sgr 4.15395762d*E (JD2410000 - 29150) [00007]; SX Sgr since JD2429000 - see Table. SY Sgr In the region of the nebula S188. SZ Sgr VB A (B 12.5m V, 2.0", 212deg.) VV Sgr In the region of the open cluster NGC 6494. OH, H2O VV Sgr emission. VX Sgr P var; 1m <= A <= 6m. SIO, H2O, OH maser. VX Sgr Light curve (1935-1969) [06615]. VY Sgr [A/H] = 0.5. WX Sgr VB A (B 12.5m, 0.4", 88deg). P var. Min = 2419317.259 + WX Sgr 2.129095d*E (JD2419300 - 24700) [00457]; Min = WX Sgr 2424729.418 + 2.129113d*E (JD2424700 - 39700) WX Sgr [00279]; since JD2440000 - see Table. WY Sgr Min II 10.3. WZ Sgr The member of the open cluster C 1814-190. [A/H] = 0.4. XX Sgr P var. Max = 2419189.730 + 6.424264d*E (JD2419100 - 30100) XX Sgr [00637]; since JD2435000 - see Table. XZ Sgr Min II 8.95; d = 0.022P. P var. Min I = 2420311.519 + XZ Sgr 3.275537d*E (JD2420300 - 28000) [01604]; Min I = XZ Sgr 2436440.137 + 3.27549d*E (JD2428000 - 37500) XZ Sgr [02516]; Min I = 2441150.348 + 3.2755357d*E XZ Sgr (JD2437500 - 41500) [07084]; since JD2441500 - see Table. YY Sgr Min II 10.64; Min II = 2433075.8296 + 2.628463d*E YY Sgr [02302]. Apsidal motion period is about 300 years. AL Sgr P var. Max = 2425792 + 79.07d*E (JD2421000 - 26000); AL Sgr since JD2426000 - see Table. AN Sgr P var. Max = 2425720 + 339.62d*E (JD2415000 - 26000); AN Sgr Max = 2428360 + 330.0d*E (JD2426000 - 28500); AN Sgr since JD2428500 - see Table. AP Sgr SB? [09004]. AR Sgr There is a square term in the elements: AR Sgr -[0.0031d (E-30)**2 + 8.8d]. AS Sgr Planetary nebula HB6 = 7 + 1deg 1. AU Sgr In the region of the open cluster and the diffuse nebula AU Sgr NGC 6514 (M20). AV Sgr In the region of the open cluster NGC 6546. Not a member AV Sgr of the cluster. [A/H] = 0.4. P var. AV Sgr Max = 2429083.30 + 15.4093d*E (JD2421400 - 39100); since AV Sgr JD2439100 - see Table. AW Sgr VB A (B 16m, 15", 97deg). AW Sgr In the region of the open cluster NGC 6546. AY Sgr [A/H] = 0.2. BB Sgr VB A (B = V4088 Sgr, 7.49m - 7.87m, 93.5", 102deg). BB Sgr In the region of the open cluster Cr394. BE Sgr A var (0.6m <= A <= 1.1m). BM Sgr P var. BN Sgr Min II 9.37; d = 0.04P:. BN Sgr Soft X-ray source. P var [01600]. BQ Sgr d = 0.017P. P var. Min = 2412592.7905 + 8.01964d*E BQ Sgr (JD2412590 - 22220) [01696]; since JD2422220 - see Table. CC Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6723. CD Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6723. P var. CD Sgr Max = 2416247 + 266.62d*E CD Sgr (JD2411000 - 23000); since JD2423000 - see Table. CE Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6723. CE Sgr SF component of a close double. CF Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6723. CF Sgr P var. Max = 2415632.81 + 0.570026d*E (JD2411000 - CF Sgr 23800) [01616]; since JD2423900 - see Table. CG Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6723. DH Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6809 (M55). DI Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6809 (M55). DK Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6809 (M55). DM Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6809 (M55). DO Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6809 (M55). DP Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6809 (M55). DR Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6809 (M55). DS Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6809 (M55). DV Sgr d = 0.044P. EG Sgr d = 0.010P. FV Sgr P var. Max = 2424010 + 269.5d*E (JD2424000 - 27500) FV Sgr [00251]; since JD2427500 - see Table. GG Sgr P var. Max = 2413840 + 286.5d*E (JD2413800 - 24000); GG Sgr since JD2424000 - see Table. GK Sgr According to [05869] - eclipsing. GU Sgr There are also light variations with P = 37.5d, GU Sgr 0.4m <= A(V) <= 1.5m [06273]. HH Sgr VB (ro = 0.1'). IR Sgr VB B (A 13.6m; B 10", 320deg). KO Sgr Similar to UG. It is possible that the observations in Min KO Sgr brightness refer to a companion. LN Sgr P = 227.0d? LZ Sgr VB A (B 16m, 7", 30deg). MV Sgr Very hot hydrogen deficient extreme helium carbon star. MW Sgr P var. Max = 2418940 + 202.3d*E (JD2418900 - 23900); MW Sgr Max = 2428753 + 206.5d*E (JD2423900 - 28950); MW Sgr since JD2428950 - see Table. NP Sgr The cycles 100 - 300d are possible. OW Sgr In the region of the open cluster NGC 6716. V0348 Sgr VB A (B 15m pg, 16", 73deg). Very hot hydrogen deficient V0348 Sgr helium carbon star. V0348 Sgr By the character of light variation and the spectrum the V0348 Sgr star is unique. The light curve resembling those of RCB V0348 Sgr type stars is superimposed by conspicuons irregular and V0348 Sgr semiregular variations with the mean cycle about 200d V0348 Sgr [02449, 09824]. The star is surrounded by a nebula the V0348 Sgr radius of which equals 1". A fainter nebulous envelope is V0348 Sgr observed up to 7" from the star. Large infrared V0348 Sgr excess. Spectrum description [02451, 09825]. Probably V0348 Sgr the star is intermediate between the RCB variables V0348 Sgr And planetary nebula Wolf-Rayet central stars. V0350 Sgr SB [09004]. V0354 Sgr d = 0.02P. V0356 Sgr Min II 7.24; DII = 0.20P:; d = 0.05P; V0356 Sgr 0.490P (1928) <= Min II - Min I <= 0.505P (1951). V0356 Sgr Apsidal motion is possible. V0366 Sgr P var. Max = 2425479.448 + 0.4779616d*E (JD2423990 - 28780) V0366 Sgr [00705]; since JD2435600 - see Table. [Ca/H] = -0.73. V0367 Sgr [Ca/H] = -1.21. V0377 Sgr The epoch of light min is given in the Table. V0377 Sgr P var. Min = 2426071.24 + 16.17076d*E (JD2425300 - 26600) V0377 Sgr [00048]; Min = 2427350.25 + 16.19326d*E (JD2426600 - 28700) V0377 Sgr [01400]; Min = 2436358.98 + 16.1575d*E V0377 Sgr (JD2436200 - 37300); Min = 2437863.09 + 16.1925d*E V0377 Sgr (JD2437660 - 39100); Min = 2440114.81 + 16.2407d*E V0377 Sgr (JD2440200 - 560); since JD2440950 - see Table. V0397 Sgr There is a square term in the elements: V0397 Sgr -0.009d*10**(-6)*E**2 V0401 Sgr Min II 14.1. V0403 Sgr There is a nonlinear term in the elements: V0403 Sgr -0.013d*10**(-6)*E**2. V0410 Sgr VB A (B 13.6m, 270deg). V0426 Sgr Min II 13.3. V0427 Sgr There is a nonlinear term in the elements: V0427 Sgr -131d*10**(-10)*E**2. The shape of the light curve varies: V0427 Sgr 0.17P <= M - m <= 0.22P. V0431 Sgr Min II 14.9. V0437 Sgr Min II 14.0. V0440 Sgr Delta(S) = 9. P var. P = 0.4774659d (JD2416000 - 23000) V0440 Sgr [00752]; P < 0.4774659d (JD2422000 - 26000) [00235]; V0440 Sgr Max = 2426581.203 + 0.477474d*E (JD2426000 - 29460) [01000]; V0440 Sgr since JD2437100 - see Table. V0453 Sgr There is a nonlinear term in the elements: V0453 Sgr +0.003d*10**(-6)*E**2. V0457 Sgr There is a nonlinear term in the elements: V0457 Sgr -0.005d*10**(-6)*E**2. V0466 Sgr There is a nonlinear term in the elements: V0466 Sgr +0.03d*10**(-6)*E**2. V0496 Sgr Min II 14.3. V0497 Sgr Min II 16.0. V0505 Sgr Min II 6.63. P var. Min I = 2433515.3295 + 1.18287141d*E V0505 Sgr (JD2425500 - 35800) [01642]; Min I = 2437494.4964 + V0505 Sgr 1.1828622d*E (JD2435800 - 37500); Min I = V0505 Sgr 2440055.3991 + 1.1828650d*E (JD2437500 - 40100); V0505 Sgr Min I = 2442656.5283 + 1.18286917d*E (JD2440100 - V0505 Sgr 42670); since JD2442670 - see Table. The shape of the V0505 Sgr light curve varies. Deviations from the mean light curve V0505 Sgr vary with P = 310d. The difference of Min I and Min II V0505 Sgr depths varies by 0.05m [09830]. V0511 Sgr P var. Max = 2423950 + 158.8d*E (JD2411300 - 23950); V0511 Sgr since JD2423950 - see Table. V0515 Sgr There is a nonlinear term in the elements: +0.015d*E**2. V0519 Sgr There is a nonlinear term in the elements: +0.0046d*E**2. V0520 Sgr There is a nonlinear term in the elements: +0.051d*E**2. V0523 Sgr Min II 9.88. Apsidal motion is observed. In the Table the V0523 Sgr epoch of Min I is given corresponding to the moment of V0523 Sgr line of apsides coinciding with the line of sight, when V0523 Sgr Min II - Min I = 0.50P. The mean period according to V0523 Sgr [02453] is given; with this period O - C deviations do not V0523 Sgr exceed +-0.06P for both minima. The period of apsidal V0523 Sgr motion is 248 years [02453]. Min II - Min I = 0.39P in 1953. V0524 Sgr Min II 11.2. V0525 Sgr Min II 8.51. V0526 Sgr VB A (B 12.40m, 8.6", 7.3deg). Min II 10.20, DII = 0.17P; V0526 Sgr dI = 0.006P, dII = 0.013P. V0526 Sgr There are periodic terms in the elements: V0526 Sgr +0.1369d*sin(0.01295deg*E) - 0.0115d*sin(0.0259deg*E) + V0526 Sgr 0.0011d*sin(0.0388deg*E). Min II = 2422055.0453 + V0526 Sgr 1.919411d*E - 0.1369d*sin(0.01295deg*E) - V0526 Sgr 0.0115d*sin(0.0259deg*E) - 0.0011d*sin(0.0388deg*E). V0526 Sgr The period of apsidal motion is 146 years. e = 0.224. V0527 Sgr P var. Max = 2426904.95 + 1.258956d*E (JD2425790 - 7650) V0527 Sgr [01648]; since JD2438200 - see Table. V0551 Sgr VB B (A 16.5m; B 12", 135deg). V0552 Sgr P var. The elements given in the Table are V0552 Sgr valid since JD2418400. V0554 Sgr Min II 14.5. V0557 Sgr P var. Max = 2415110.5 + 16.233d*E (JD2415100 - 22000); V0557 Sgr Max = 2426100.0 + 16.260d*E (JD2423900 - 27700) [00251]; V0557 Sgr Max = 2428097.70 + 16.171d*E (JD2427700 - 28800) [00296]; V0557 Sgr since JD2428800 - see Table. V0558 Sgr Min II 14.3. V0564 Sgr P var. Max = 2424056 + 27.8d*E (JD2423780 - 26000) V0564 Sgr [00251]; Max = 2428403.3 + 27.99d*E (JD2427870 - 29160) V0564 Sgr [00296]; Max = 2429158.2 + 27.2d (JD2429150 - 515); V0564 Sgr since JD2429515 - see Table. V0567 Sgr The central star of the planetary nebula P.K.355 -6deg 1 V0567 Sgr (M3-21). V0573 Sgr Min II 12.7. V0574 Sgr Min II 14.7. V0578 Sgr According to [02448], Max = 2428710 + 253d*E. V0593 Sgr P var. Max = 2414150 + 230d*E (JD2414100 - 22900); V0593 Sgr since JD2423900 - see Table. V0598 Sgr d = 0.05P. V0611 Sgr P var. Max = 2414150 + 123d*E (JD2414150 - 19000); V0611 Sgr since JD2420250 - see Table. V0611 Sgr The period must probably be doubled because the star V0611 Sgr resembles RV Tau (Min II 16.2). V0612 Sgr P var. Max = 2413750 + 107.9d*E (JD2413700 - 17900); V0612 Sgr since JD2418800 - see Table. V0615 Sgr P.K.356 -7deg 1 = He 2-349. V0626 Sgr P var? Max = 2427715.4 + 26.745d*E (JD2425380 - 28800) V0626 Sgr [00046]; since JD2434500 - see Table. V0631 Sgr Min II 14.2. V0632 Sgr P var. Max = 2413350 + 263d*E (JD2413300 - 19000); V0632 Sgr since JD2420200 - see Table. V0633 Sgr P var. Max = 2415110 + 224d:*E (JD2415000 - 18800); V0633 Sgr since JD2420000 - see Table. V0638 Sgr P var? Max = 2412670 + 73.1d*E (JD2412600 - 14540); V0638 Sgr since JD2414800 - see Table. V0646 Sgr P var. Max = 2413350 + 95d*E (JD2413300 - 15900); V0646 Sgr since JD2423900 - see Table. V0655 Sgr P = 213.0d? The coordinates given in [05869] are erroneous. V0660 Sgr P var. Max = 2426460 + 235.6d*E (JD2426400 - 35700) V0660 Sgr [00251]; since JD2435600 - see Table. V0663 Sgr P var. Max = 2426160 + 305d*E [00251]; V0663 Sgr since JD2435600 - see Table. V0671 Sgr P = 292.5d? V0672 Sgr P var? Max = 2424680 + 228d*E [00251]; since V0672 Sgr JD2435600 - see Table. V0674 Sgr P var. Max = 2425830 + 249d*E [00251]; since V0674 Sgr JD2435600 - see Table. V0675 Sgr (k - b)2 = -0.01; Delta(S) = 11. V0676 Sgr P var. Max = 2414140 + 181d*E (JD2414100 - 22600) V0676 Sgr [00251]; since JD2423900 - see Table. V0679 Sgr P var. Max = 2415900 + 225d*E (JD2415900 - 22200) V0679 Sgr [00251]; Max = 2425440 + 223.1d*E (JD2425000 - 29000); V0679 Sgr since JD2429000 - see Table. V0683 Sgr Min II 12.5. V0686 Sgr P var? Max = 2425390 + 225.3d*E [00251]; since V0686 Sgr JD2435600 - see Table. V0687 Sgr Min II 12.2. V0691 Sgr P var? Max = 2426095.550 + 0.46911d*E [00251]; V0691 Sgr since JD2435630 - see Table. V0703 Sgr Var 4. According to [02951] the range of light variation, V0703 Sgr the type of variability and the elements of light V0703 Sgr variation are erroneously assigned in [01640] to the star V0703 Sgr Var 3. V0705 Sgr Min II 12.9. V0710 Sgr P var. Min = 2426101.550 + 2.3817d*E [00251]; Min = V0710 Sgr 2431286.425 + 2.381633d*E (JD2428390 - 35700) [03513]. V0713 Sgr P var? Max = 2424680 + 253.4d*E [00251]; since V0713 Sgr JD2435600 - see Table. V0716 Sgr P var? Max = 2424670 + 277d*E [00251]; since V0716 Sgr JD2435600 - see Table. V0718 Sgr P var? Max = 2425850 + 153.2d*E [00251]; since V0718 Sgr JD2435600 - see Table. V0721 Sgr P = 71:d? V0725 Sgr Unique star. V0725 Sgr The mean brightness increased from 13.0m to 12.4m V0725 Sgr since 1889 to 1915, and fell to 12.8m in 1926. From V0725 Sgr 1895 to 1926 real shortperiodic oscillations with the V0725 Sgr amplitude about 0.4m. In 1928 the amplitude suddenly V0725 Sgr increased by almost 2m, but the magnitude in maximum V0725 Sgr remained unchanged. From 1928 to 1935 the light V0725 Sgr variations became periodic, the period increasing every V0725 Sgr year by 1d in accordance with the formula: V0725 Sgr Min = 2426087 + 15.933d*E + 0.0233d*E**2. V0725 Sgr In 1935 P = 21d. Since 1936 only small oscillations of V0725 Sgr brightness with a gradual increase of the mean magnitude V0725 Sgr from 14.3m to 13.9m B (1969). Photoelectric observations V0725 Sgr in 1968 - 69 reveal the light variations 12.33m - 12.72m V V0725 Sgr with possible periods 15.4d in 1968 and 45.3d in 1969. In V0725 Sgr 1973 12.28m - 12.58m V, B-V = +1.37, P = 50d [07101]. V0727 Sgr VB A (B = V728 Sgr, 14.7m - 15.9m, 25", 108deg). V0728 Sgr VB B (A = V727 Sgr, B 25", 108deg). V0734 Sgr Min II 13.1. V0735 Sgr VB A (B 15.5m, 6", 315deg). According to B-V, U-B values V0735 Sgr and spectrum the star is not a UG type variable [09840]. V0738 Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6558. V0738 Sgr According to [05403], RV? P = 86.78d? V0743 Sgr Min II 14.2. V0745 Sgr P var. Max = 2416560 + 385.1d*E (JD2411000 - 19260); V0745 Sgr since JD2419260 - see Table. V0748 Sgr Min II 14.7; d = 0.04P. V0750 Sgr d = 0.02P:. V0752 Sgr Min II 12.7. V0755 Sgr d = 0.01P. V0757 Sgr Min II 13.8; d = 0.06P. V0760 Sgr Min II 13.4. P var. Min = 2414059.5 + 45.10d*E V0760 Sgr (JD2412800 - 19000); since JD2419000 - see Table. V0761 Sgr Min II 12.8; d = 0.05P. V0762 Sgr P var. Max = 2414100 + 461d*E (JD2411000 - 22860); V0762 Sgr since JD2422860 - see Table. V0763 Sgr P var. The observations are satisfied by the given V0763 Sgr elements since JD2415000. V0766 Sgr d = 0.05P. V0768 Sgr Min II 13.0. V0770 Sgr Min II 13.1. V0773 Sgr [A/H] = 0.1. V0777 Sgr d = 0.055P. V0778 Sgr Min II 12.1. V0779 Sgr Min II 12.0. V0780 Sgr Min II 12.9; d = 0.08P. V0782 Sgr d = 0.045P. V0784 Sgr Min II 12.8. V0786 Sgr d = 0.025P. V0789 Sgr In the region of the open cluster Tr 31. V0789 Sgr P = 5.10470d (Min II 12.7)? [00478]. V0791 Sgr d = 0.03P:. V0792 Sgr Min II 12.2. In the region of the open cluster V0792 Sgr and the diffuse nebula NGC 6514 (M 20). V0793 Sgr P var. Max = 2412610 + 195d*E (JD2412600 - 19400); V0793 Sgr since JD2423400 - see Table. V0794 Sgr P var. Min I = 2413723 + 173.48d*E (JD2413700 - V0794 Sgr 23750); since JD2423750 - see Table. V0801 Sgr Min II 14.9. V0802 Sgr [A/H] = -0.4. V0803 Sgr P = 3.771748d? V0818 Sgr The shape of the light curve varies. V0819 Sgr P var? V0824 Sgr Min II 15.2. V0828 Sgr There is a close companion. V0838 Sgr P var? V0839 Sgr P var? Max = 2426170.126 + 1.835347d*E (JD2425700 - 26600) V0839 Sgr [01598]; since JD2441500 - see Table. V0841 Sgr The shape of the light curve varies. V0844 Sgr P var? V0845 Sgr Min II 14.6. V0859 Sgr The shape of the light curve varies. V0879 Sgr There is a close companion. V0882 Sgr Min II 14.6. V0884 Sgr 0.20P <= M - m <= 0.40P. Blazhko effect. V0889 Sgr 0.14P <= M - m <= 0.24P. Blazhko effect. V0902 Sgr Min II 14.8. V0903 Sgr Min II 13.0. V0919 Sgr Spectrum description [09845]. V0935 Sgr P var. Max = 2420040 + 232.0d*E (JD2419500 - 28650); V0935 Sgr since JD2428600 - see Table. V0938 Sgr P = 138.27d? V0960 Sgr nP = 1734d. V0966 Sgr Min II 14.0. V0977 Sgr d = 0.03P. V0981 Sgr Min II 14.8. V0985 Sgr Min II 14.3. V0986 Sgr d = 0.015P. V0993 Sgr dI = 0.05P:; Min II 13.7, DII = 0.09P, dII = 0.00P. V0994 Sgr Min II 12.8:. V0998 Sgr The depth of Min II 0.04m:. V1000 Sgr Min II 13.9. V1002 Sgr Min II 13.7. V1004 Sgr [A/H] = -0.2. V1005 Sgr Min II 13.9. V1013 Sgr Min II 15.0. V1017 Sgr VB B (A 10.6m V; B 15", 270deg). V1017 Sgr For a long time the star was considered to be a recurrent V1017 Sgr nova. Three considerable flares were observed: in 1901 V1017 Sgr (10.8m), 1919 (6.2m), and 1973 (10.5m). Composite spectrum V1017 Sgr with a trace of a hot component [03872]. V1023 Sgr In the region of the open cluster Cr 394. Min II 13.0:. V1026 Sgr Min II 13.4. V1028 Sgr Min II 14.4. V1032 Sgr Min II 15.0. V1033 Sgr The shape of the light curve varies. Blazhko effect? V1034 Sgr d = 0.025P:. V1056 Sgr Min II 14.1. V1063 Sgr The shape of the light curve strongly varies. Blazhko V1063 Sgr effect? V1068 Sgr Min II 15.4. V1069 Sgr The shape of the light curve strongly varies. Blazhko V1069 Sgr effect? V1071 Sgr P = 1.3560996d? V1072 Sgr The shape of the light curve strongly varies. Blazhko V1072 Sgr effect? V1080 Sgr P var. The shape of the light curve varies. V1081 Sgr P var? V1089 Sgr Cycle <= 30d. V1100 Sgr d = 0.02P:. V1108 Sgr Min II 11.9; Min II - Min I = 0.516P. V1109 Sgr Min II 14.5. V1127 Sgr There is a nonlinear term in the elements: V1127 Sgr +78.10d**(-10)*E**2. V1136 Sgr d = 0.020P. V1148 Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6553. V1153 Sgr P var? Max = 2428391.266 + 1.332624d*E (JD2427680 - V1153 Sgr 30910); since JD2435630 - see Table. V1177 Sgr Min II 11.4. V1178 Sgr d = 0.03P:. V1180 Sgr [A/H] = -0.4. V1181 Sgr [A/H] = 0.6. P var. Max = 2428452.25 + 21.341d*E V1181 Sgr (JD2427400 - 31000) [01638]; since JD2433000 - see Table. V1185 Sgr [A/H] = -0.5. P var. Max = 2428778.86 + 13.9123d*E V1185 Sgr (JD2427500 - 32750) [01638]; Max = 2437485.4 + V1185 Sgr 13.901345d*E (JD2437100 - 43760) [08519]; V1185 Sgr since JD2444000 - see Table. V1187 Sgr [A/H] = -0.8. V1188 Sgr [CA/H] = -0.37. V1189 Sgr [A/H] = -1.1. V1190 Sgr P = 3.000078d? V1191 Sgr Min II 14.4. V1205 Sgr The alternative period is possible: 0.659820d [01638]. V1209 Sgr A var. V1211 Sgr Delta(S) = 3:. V1214 Sgr There is a nonlinear term in the elements: V1214 Sgr -0.25d*10**(-7)*E**2. V1216 Sgr mu = 0.720", P = 106.7deg. V1223 Sgr As a rule has a persistent high state; five drops by two V1223 Sgr to more than three magnitudes have been registered and a V1223 Sgr twelve year interval of irregular variations at V1223 Sgr intermediate magnitudes. According to [09850] there are V1223 Sgr slow variations in brightness by 0.15m on a time scale V1223 Sgr of ~1 day. They are superimposed by variations with the V1223 Sgr orbital period P orb (Max = 2444749.9866 + 0.140239d*E) V1223 Sgr and with amplitude up to 0.15m. These variations in their V1223 Sgr turn are superimposed by the others: with P = 794.38s V1223 Sgr and the amplitude from 0.03m up to 0.15m V1223 Sgr (Max = 2444750.00404 + 0.009194215d*E and (sometimes) with V1223 Sgr P = 849.8s and a twice smaller amplitude V1223 Sgr (Max = 2444750.00350 + 0.00983588d*E). Besides there are V1223 Sgr rapid brightness variations on time scales 10 - 100s by V1223 Sgr 0.10m - 0.20m, and high frequency flickering by 0.05m. V1223 Sgr According to [09851], the period of X-ray pulses associated V1223 Sgr with the rotation of the compact object is 12.5 minutes. V1276 Sgr Min II 14.3. V1280 Sgr Brightness of Max varies by 2m with the period 5230d. V1281 Sgr The light variation is not strictly periodic. V1282 Sgr P var. Min = 2427651.297 + 1.754574d*E (JD2427650 - V1282 Sgr 30560) [00705]; since JD2435600 - see Table. V1284 Sgr Min II 13.5. EB? V1287 Sgr Var 3. According to [02951] the range of light variation of V1287 Sgr Var 4 (V703 Sgr), the type of variability and the elements V1287 Sgr of light variation of Var 4 (V703) are erroneously V1287 Sgr assigned in [01640] to the star Var 3. V1287 Sgr According to [02951] the range of light variation, the type V1287 Sgr of variability and the elements of light variation are V1287 Sgr erroneously assigned in [01640] to the star Var 4. V1287 Sgr Min II 14.8. V1290 Sgr [A/H] = -1.2. V1303 Sgr [A/H] = -0.8. P var? Max = 2438241.176 + 18.46812d*E V1303 Sgr (JD2427700 - 38250) [00001]; since JD2444000 - see Table. V1304 Sgr [A/H] = 0.3. P var. Max = 2428758.10 + 12.9287d*E V1304 Sgr (JD2427590 - 28820) [01640]; since JD2435600 - see Table. V1309 Sgr Not far from V4032 Sgr. V1311 Sgr V 14 in the globular cluster NGC 6656 (M22). V1311 Sgr Not a member of the cluster. V1312 Sgr P var? Max = 2428815.600 + 0.6011427d*E (JD2427590 - 28820) V1312 Sgr [01640]; since JD2435630 - see Table. V1314 Sgr P var? Max = 2428346.536 + 0.657489d*E (JD2427600 - V1314 Sgr 28820) [01640]; since JD2435630 - see Table. V1317 Sgr P var? V1327 Sgr SR?, L? [08424]. V1328 Sgr P = 0.39937d? V1329 Sgr VB B (A 17.2m; B 1.4", 120deg). P var. Max = 2432388.777 + V1329 Sgr 0.48306d*E (JD2431670 - 32740) [03524]; V1329 Sgr since JD2443300 - see Table. V1331 Sgr Min II 16.5. V1352 Sgr P var. Max = 2431998.851 + 0.49505d*E (JD2431670 - V1352 Sgr 33150) [01680]; Max = 2443341.844 + 0.49493d*E V1352 Sgr (JD2443300 - 350); Max = 2444087.558 + 0.49516d*E V1352 Sgr (JD2444050 - 110); in the interval JD2444400 - 410 - see V1352 Sgr Table. V1356 Sgr Min II 18.0:. V1357 Sgr Min II 19.0. V1359 Sgr P var? V1369 Sgr P var. Max = 2432736.821 + 0.52956d*E (JD2431670 - 33150) V1369 Sgr [03524]; since JD2440700 - see Table. V1374 Sgr Delta(S) = 1. V1378 Sgr Delta(S) = -3:. V1387 Sgr Delta(S) = 3. V1389 Sgr The epoch of Min brightness is given. V1390 Sgr Min II 17.6. V1392 Sgr P var. Max = 2432739.791 + 0.55032d*E (JD2431670 - 33150) V1392 Sgr [03524]; since JD2440700 - see Table. V1393 Sgr Delta(S) = 3. V1394 Sgr Min II 18.0. V1401 Sgr The epoch of Min brightness is given. V1405 Sgr P var. Max = 2432031.778 + 0.46511d*E (JD2431670 - 33150) V1405 Sgr [06094]; since JD2443300 - see Table. V1408 Sgr A var (0.5m <= A <= 1.4m). V1409 Sgr P var. Max = 2432739.822 + 0.65159d*E (JD2431670 - 33150) V1409 Sgr [03524]; since JD2443300 - see Table. V1412 Sgr The epoch of Min brightness is given. V1415 Sgr P var? V1416 Sgr Delta(S) = 3. P var? Max = 2432002.875 + 0.42767d*E V1416 Sgr (JD2431670 - 33150) [06094]; since JD2440700 - see Table. V1418 Sgr P var. Max = 2432740.818 + 0.45423d*E (JD2431670 - 33150) V1418 Sgr [03524]; since JD2440700 - see Table. V1419 Sgr P var. Max = 2432061.669 + 0.57144d*E (JD2431670 - 33150) V1419 Sgr [01680]; since JD2440700 - see Table. V1425 Sgr Min II 18.8. V1426 Sgr Delta(S) = 1.5. V1429 Sgr The epoch of Min brightness is given. V1435 Sgr Min II 18.0; Min II - Min I = 0.53P. V1437 Sgr V8 (NGC 6522); not a member of the globular cluster. V1438 Sgr V9 (NGC 6522); not a member of the globular cluster. V1439 Sgr P = 0.53711d? [06094]. V1443 Sgr Min II 18.6. V1446 Sgr Min II 18.0. V1447 Sgr Min II 18.2. V1454 Sgr Min II 15.4. V1457 Sgr Min II 19.0. V1459 Sgr The depth of Min II is 0.04m. V1460 Sgr P var. Max = 2432067 + 162.0d*E (JD2431670 - 33150) V1460 Sgr [01680]; since JD2440340 - see Table. V1464 Sgr Delta(S) = 1. V1465 Sgr P var. Max = 2431702.660 + 0.45757d*E (JD2431700 - 940); V1465 Sgr Max = 2432706.945 + 0.45757d*E (JD2431940 - 32740) [03524]; V1465 Sgr since JD2440740 - see Table. V1466 Sgr The epoch of Min brightness is given. V1473 Sgr According to [08424] P = 340d. V1487 Sgr Min II 18.8. V1491 Sgr Min II 18.5. V1498 Sgr SP component of a close pair. P var. V1498 Sgr Max = 2432739.728 + 0.47467d*E (JD2431670 - 33150) [06094]; V1498 Sgr since JD2443300 - see Table. V1508 Sgr VB. V1509 Sgr Min II 18.1:. V1510 Sgr According to [06094], P = 0.48546d. V1516 Sgr P var? Max = 2432740.753 + 0.49709d*E (JD2431670 - V1516 Sgr 33150) [03524]; since JD2440700 - see Table. V1517 Sgr P < 2.0d. V1523 Sgr P var? Max = 2432417.702 + 0.36202d*E (JD2431670 - 33150) V1523 Sgr [03524]; since JD2443300 - see Table. V1526 Sgr Min II 18.3. V1537 Sgr Min II 17.4; Min II - Min I = 0.54P. V1540 Sgr According to [08424], P = 465d. V1546 Sgr The epoch of Min brightness is given. V1550 Sgr P = 0.37432d? [06094]. V1554 Sgr Min II 17.5. V1557 Sgr Delta(S) = 8. V1558 Sgr Delta(S) = 1. V1559 Sgr The depth of MinII is 0.04m. V1561 Sgr Min II 17.7. V1567 Sgr Min II 18.0. V1569 Sgr Min II 18.6. V1576 Sgr [Ca/H] = -1.23. V1577 Sgr P var. Max = 2426200 + 290d*E (JD2426000 - 30560) V1577 Sgr [02449]; since JD2430560 - see Table. V1580 Sgr P var (310d <= P <= 365d). V1589 Sgr [Ca/H] = -0.91. V1602 Sgr d = 0.03P. V1610 Sgr P < 0.5d. V1639 Sgr The shape of the light curve varies. V1640 Sgr (k -b)2 = 0.24. P var? V1642 Sgr 250d <= P <= 350d. V1643 Sgr Min II 12.1. According to [05771], RR?, P = 0.34d. V1644 Sgr The shape of the light curve varies. V1647 Sgr VB A (B 9.13m, 8", 104deg). Min II 7.43, DII = 0.059P, V1647 Sgr Min II - Min I = 0.262P (JD2441830); V1647 Sgr Min II = 2441830.55561 + 3.28282227d*E. V1647 Sgr The apsidal motion period is 592.5 +- 6.5 years. V1648 Sgr Close VB. Flat Min. V1652 Sgr Close VB. Flat Min. V1653 Sgr Close VB. Flat Min. V1656 Sgr Close VB. Flat Min. V1658 Sgr P var.Max = 2426560 + 105d*E (JD2417000 - 28000) V1658 Sgr [00842]; since JD2428000 - see Table. V1660 Sgr Close VB. Flat Min. V1661 Sgr Close VB. Flat Min. P var. Max = 2426850 + 275d*E V1661 Sgr (JD2424000 - 26850); since JD2436700 - see Table. V1667 Sgr P var. Max = 2426560 + 158d*E (JD2417000 - 36000) V1667 Sgr [00842]; since JD2436000 - see Table. V1668 Sgr Close VB. Flat Min. V1670 Sgr A var. P var. The shape of the light curve varies V1670 Sgr (probably with a period of about 11 years). V1675 Sgr A possible companion of 16m. V1679 Sgr Close VB. Flat Min. V1681 Sgr A possible companion of 16m. V1690 Sgr A possible companion of 16m. V1691 Sgr Close VB. Flat Min. V1691 Sgr P var. Max = 2426520 + 235d*E (JD2417000 - 28000) V1691 Sgr [00842]; since JD2436000 - see Table. V1697 Sgr A possible companion of 16m. V1698 Sgr A possible companion of 16m. V1699 Sgr P var. Max = 2425410 + 203.6d*E (JD2417000 - 27600) V1699 Sgr [00842]; since JD2436000 - see Table. V1703 Sgr A possible companion of 16m. V1705 Sgr P var. Max = 2425860 + 142d*E (JD2417000 - 27000) V1705 Sgr [00842]; since JD2435800 - see Table. V1711 Sgr [A/H] = -1.1. P var. Max = 2435365.19 + 30.46d*E V1711 Sgr (JD2432700 - 35400) [02570]; since JD2442200 - see Table. V1714 Sgr In the region of the open cluster Ruprecht 134. V1721 Sgr d = 0.03P:. V1723 Sgr Min II 13.8. V1730 Sgr Min II 14.8:; d = 0.03P:. V1741 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var1. V1743 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var2. V1747 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var3. V1748 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var4. V1749 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var6. V1750 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var8. V1751 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var7. V1752 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var13. V1753 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var14. V1755 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var15. V1758 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var16. V1761 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var19. V1762 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var20. V1764 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var23. V1765 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var24. V1768 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var26. V1769 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var27. V1771 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var29. V1772 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var28. V1773 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var31. V1774 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var30. V1775 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var33. V1776 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var36. V1777 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var37. V1778 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var34. V1779 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var40. V1780 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var39. V1781 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var41. V1782 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var44. V1784 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var45. V1785 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var46. V1786 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var48. V1787 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var47. V1788 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var50. V1789 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var51. V1790 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var49. V1790 Sgr Western component of a close pair. V1791 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var53. V1792 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var55. V1793 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var54. V1794 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var56. V1795 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var58. V1797 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var59. V1798 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var60. V1800 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var61. V1801 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var62. V1802 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var63. V1803 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var64. V1803 Sgr SP component of a close pair. V1805 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var66. V1807 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var67. V1808 Sgr In the nebula and the cluster NGC 6530 (M8). Var68. V1828 Sgr P var. Max = 2424402 + 12.985d*E (JD2423800 - 36000) V1828 Sgr [02515]; since JD2436000 - see Table. V1831 Sgr P var. Max = 2428849.4 + 26.58d*E (JD2427500 - 31270) V1831 Sgr [02447]; since JD2435630 - see Table. V1843 Sgr P = 163.7d? [05869]. V1845 Sgr Flat Min. Close companion? V1864 Sgr Epoch of light maximum is given. V1869 Sgr P var. Max = 2434178 + 346d*E (JD2427590 - 34220) V1869 Sgr [02447]; since JD2435630 - see Table. V1882 Sgr The shape of the light curve varies. V1891 Sgr A companion of 16m. V1894 Sgr V4 (NGC 6637). Possible member of the globular cluster V1894 Sgr NGC 6637 (M 69). V1895 Sgr P var. Max = 2421065 + 156.0d*E (JD2418850 - 21100); V1895 Sgr since JD2427600 - see Table. V1900 Sgr A companion of 15m. V1904 Sgr A companion of 15m. V1911 Sgr P var. Max = 2428832.4 + 10.0581d*E (JD2427600 - 34220) V1911 Sgr [02447]; since JD2435630 - see Table. The shape of the V1911 Sgr light curve varies? V1925 Sgr P var? V1942 Sgr In the region of the open cluster Ruprecht 147. V1945 Sgr In the region of the open cluster and the diffuse nebula V1945 Sgr NGC 6514 (M20). V1946 Sgr In the region of the open cluster and the diffuse nebula V1946 Sgr NGC 6514 (M20). V1947 Sgr In the region of the open cluster and the diffuse nebula V1947 Sgr NGC 6514 (M20). All the published charts V1947 Sgr for this variable are wrong. According to [09861] the V1947 Sgr star actually lies 1.1 mm south and 0.8 mm east of V1947 Sgr "D2" in fugure 3 published in [02428]. V1948 Sgr In the region of the open cluster and the diffuse nebula V1948 Sgr NGC 6514 (M20). V1949 Sgr In the region of the open cluster and the diffuse nebula V1949 Sgr NGC 6514 (M20). V1950 Sgr In the region of the open cluster and the diffuse nebula V1950 Sgr NGC 6514 (M20). V1951 Sgr In the region of the open cluster and the diffuse nebula V1951 Sgr NGC 6514 (M20). V1954 Sgr VB(ro = 2"). P var. V1954 Sgr There is a nonlinear term in the elements: V1954 Sgr -4.1313d*10**(-8)*E**2. V1958 Sgr Min II 14.0. V1962 Sgr In the region of the open cluster and the V1962 Sgr diffuse nebula NGC 6618 (M 17). V1963 Sgr In the region of the open cluster and the diffuse nebula V1963 Sgr NGC 6618 (M 17). V1966 Sgr In the region of the open cluster and the diffuse nebula V1966 Sgr NGC 6618 (M 17). V1969 Sgr There are three close faint companions (15.8m-16.3m). V1970 Sgr In the region of the open cluster and the diffuse nebula V1970 Sgr NGC 6618 (M 17). V1971 Sgr In the region of the open cluster and the diffuse nebula V1971 Sgr NGC 6618 (M 17). V1973 Sgr In the region of the open cluster and the diffuse nebula V1973 Sgr NGC 6618 (M 17). V1975 Sgr In the region of the open cluster and the diffuse nebula V1975 Sgr NGC 6618 (M 17). The presence of a blue companion is V1975 Sgr possible. V1976 Sgr In the region of the open cluster and the diffuse nebula V1976 Sgr NGC 6618 (M 17). V1977 Sgr In the region of the open cluster and the diffuse nebula V1977 Sgr NGC 6618 (M 17). V1980 Sgr Min II 11.7; DII = 0.11P; Min II - Min I = 0.52P. V1996 Sgr VB. V2003 Sgr S 5.5/5. In the region of the open cluster M 25 (IC 4725). V2007 Sgr V 26 (NGC 6656 = M 22). V2008 Sgr P = 120 - 135d. V2028 Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6681 (M 70). V2037 Sgr A close companion is possible. V2054 Sgr P > 450d? V2062 Sgr The chart in [4233] is wrong. V2064 Sgr VB. Combined brightness of the star and the close V2064 Sgr companion was estimated. It is not clear which star is V2064 Sgr variable. V2065 Sgr NP component of a close binary. V2094 Sgr P < 0.5d. V2106 Sgr VB. Combined brightness of the components was estimated. V2148 Sgr VB. Combined brightness of the components was estimated. V2148 Sgr The variable is the northern component. V2276 Sgr P < 30d. V2282 Sgr Star L. In the region of the open cluster and the diffuse V2282 Sgr nebula NGC 6514 (M20). Late spectrum. V2283 Sgr Min II 10.59:. Apsidal motion with P = 560 years [07107]: V2283 Sgr 0.739P (1898) <= Min II - Min I <= 0.797P (1965). V2283 Sgr There are periodic terms in the V2283 Sgr elements given in the Table: V2283 Sgr +0.5414d*sin(0.006deg*(E + 45019)) - 0.0995d*sin(0.012deg* V2283 Sgr (E + 45019)) + 0.0217d*sin(0.018deg*(E + 45019)); Min II = V2283 Sgr 2438946.7619 + 3.4714231d*E - 0.5414d*sin(0.006deg* V2283 Sgr (E + 45019)) - 0.0995d*sin(0.012deg*(E + 45019)) - 0.0217d* V2283 Sgr sin(0.018deg*(E + 45019)). V2284 Sgr P var. V2313 Sgr Min II 16.8. V2315 Sgr P = 0.193d? V2323 Sgr Blue [08424]. V2341 Sgr The epoch of Min brightness is given. V2342 Sgr V 17 (NGC 6626 = M28). V2342 Sgr The member of this globular cluster. Min II 13.5. V2343 Sgr A close companion of 14.5m. V2346 Sgr Cycles 50 - 100d. V2349 Sgr Min II 9.2. V2351 Sgr Min II 10.31. V2352 Sgr P var. There is a nonlinear term in the elements: V2352 Sgr 0.0525d*E**2. V2355 Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6637 (M 69). V2358 Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6642. V2359 Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6637 (M 69). V2360 Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6637 (M 69). V2361 Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6637 (M 69). V2362 Sgr A close companion of 15m. V2366 Sgr P var. There is a nonlinear term in the elements: V2366 Sgr +0.6815d*10**(-9)*E**2. V2367 Sgr V28 (NGC 6656 = M22). Not a member of this globular cluster. V2367 Sgr P = 323d? V2378 Sgr Two close companions of 15.3m and 15.8m. V2389 Sgr P var? V2391 Sgr P = 189d? V2413 Sgr P var. The elements are valid in the interval V2413 Sgr JD2425440 - 30905. V2416 Sgr P.K. 7 +1G 2. V2425 Sgr E? V2442 Sgr P = 0.5d? V2449 Sgr Min II 17.4. V2468 Sgr Blue [08424]. V2471 Sgr VB B (A 14.6m; B 8", 225deg). V2493 Sgr Blue [08424]. V2506 Sgr P.K. 3 -4deg 6. V2507 Sgr Min II 14.6. V2508 Sgr Min II 14.1:. V2509 Sgr Min II 7.50. V2510 Sgr The epoch of Min brigtness is given. The elements given V2510 Sgr in the Table are valid since JD2427440. V2520 Sgr VB. V2526 Sgr The epoch of Min brightness is given. V2526 Sgr P var. Min = 2428699.5 + 31.3224d*E (JD2424100 - 31400) V2526 Sgr [05590]. Since JD2431400 - see Table. V2529 Sgr Min II 14.5. Twice shorter period is given in [05590]. V2540 Sgr P var. V2544 Sgr VB? V2552 Sgr VB A (B 15.7m). V2553 Sgr There are two close companions. V2562 Sgr Northern component of a close pair. The companion is of V2562 Sgr 16m. V2563 Sgr P var. V2564 Sgr P var? V2565 Sgr VB B (A 12.5m; B 90deg). V2566 Sgr P var. [Ca/H] = -0.52. V2567 Sgr [Ca/H] = -0.57. V2568 Sgr P var? V2576 Sgr P var. Max = 2426200 + 149d*E (JD2423500 - 27000); V2576 Sgr since JD2433000 - see Table. V2577 Sgr P var? V2578 Sgr VB. In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6642. V2579 Sgr P var. Max = 2429926.251 + 0.5911903d*E (JD2427590 - V2579 Sgr 34200) [05590]; since JD2435600 - see Table. V2584 Sgr P var. Max = 2426564.347 + 0.534829d*E (JD2423940 - V2584 Sgr 33860); since JD2437820 - see Table. V2592 Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6656 (M22). V2593 Sgr P var. Max = 2428780.349 + 0.5123825d*E V2593 Sgr (JD2427680 - 34200) [05590]; since JD2435600 - see Table. V2594 Sgr P var. V2598 Sgr A companion 15.8m. Spectrum description [06495]. V2601 Sgr P.K. 12 -7deg 1. The epoch of Min brightness is given. V2616 Sgr Min II 13.0. V2617 Sgr Min II 9.63. V2620 Sgr P = 185.6d? V2625 Sgr P = 0.75837d? V2628 Sgr P = 171d:?/205d:?/256d:?. V2645 Sgr P var? V2649 Sgr P = 143d:? V2672 Sgr P = 196.8d? /204.5d, /255.3d? /315.0d? V2682 Sgr P = 228.5d? V2687 Sgr P = 174d:? V2703 Sgr P = 270d:? V2719 Sgr SR? V2731 Sgr P = 147d:? V2732 Sgr P = 188.6d? V2733 Sgr P = 244d:? V2736 Sgr [Ca/H] = -1.45. V2738 Sgr [Ca/H] = -0.67. V2740 Sgr P = 269.0d? V2745 Sgr [Ca/H] = -1.15. V2756 Sgr P.K. 2 -5deg 1. The epoch of Min brightness is given. V2763 Sgr P = 216d:? V2777 Sgr [Ca/H] = -0.83. V2783 Sgr P = 265.0d? V2789 Sgr P = 255.5d? V2798 Sgr P = 244.5d? V2816 Sgr P = 250d:? V2828 Sgr P = 0.39669d? V2830 Sgr Cepheid? V2833 Sgr P = 224.0d? V2834 Sgr P = 275d:? V2846 Sgr P = 0.39659d? V2868 Sgr P = 235.5d? V2876 Sgr Min II 15.7:. V2877 Sgr P = 254.5d? V2893 Sgr P = 250d:? V2900 Sgr P = 0.49835d? V2905 Sgr Spectrum description [04452, 06495]. V2918 Sgr P = 197d:? V2937 Sgr [Ca/H] = -0.75. V2947 Sgr RV Tau? Cepheid? V2959 Sgr P = 0.37233d? V2962 Sgr P = 209.5d? V2967 Sgr P = 0.68750d? V2996 Sgr RV Tau? Cepheid? V3004 Sgr [Ca/H] = -0.76. V3005 Sgr RV Tau? Cepheid? V3016 Sgr P var? V3032 Sgr P = 153d:? V3033 Sgr The coordinates given in [05869] are erroneous. V3034 Sgr P = 154d:? V3038 Sgr P = 252d:? V3052 Sgr RV Tau? Cepheid? V3062 Sgr EW? P = 0.59610d? V3065 Sgr P = 179.8d?/215.5d? V3071 Sgr P = 291d:? V3072 Sgr P = 194d:? V3088 Sgr P = 215d:? V3105 Sgr [Ca/H] = -0.82. V3106 Sgr P = 261d:? V3111 Sgr P = 182.8d? V3127 Sgr UG? Not red. V3128 Sgr Nova? Only one Max was observed. V3170 Sgr [Ca/H] = -0.82. V3175 Sgr P = 179.8d? V3176 Sgr P = 197d:? V3179 Sgr P = 297d:? V3186 Sgr [Ca/H] = -1.28. V3196 Sgr RV Tau? Cepheid? V3207 Sgr P = 237d:? V3239 Sgr P = 226d:? V3249 Sgr UG? V3285 Sgr P = 173.8d /196.2d? V3294 Sgr P = 121d:? /177d:? V3295 Sgr P = 197d:? V3335 Sgr RV Tau? Cepheid? V3353 Sgr P var? V3356 Sgr P = 239.5d? V3365 Sgr P = 197d:? /252d:? V3388 Sgr P = 125d:? /160d:? V3395 Sgr P = 159d:? V3412 Sgr Cepheid? V3433 Sgr P = 287.0d? V3443 Sgr P = 177.6d? V3444 Sgr P = 160d:? V3459 Sgr P var. The shape of the light curve varies. V3467 Sgr RV Tau? Cepheid? V3473 Sgr SR? V3500 Sgr RV Tau? Cepheid? V3501 Sgr Min II 15.7:. V3508 Sgr The member of the open cluster M25 (IC 4725). V3511 Sgr RV Tau? Cepheid? V3536 Sgr P = 239.5d? V3537 Sgr P = 318.0d? V3551 Sgr P = 165.2d? /201.0d? V3560 Sgr P = 181d:? V3564 Sgr Cepheid? V3566 Sgr P = 249.0d? V3583 Sgr P = 228.0d? V3588 Sgr [Ca/H] = -0.69. V3625 Sgr P = 294d:? V3634 Sgr P = 145d:? V3645 Sgr In the region of the open cluster M25 (IC 4725). V3709 Sgr P = 240.0d? V3718 Sgr P var. There is a nonlinear term V3718 Sgr in the elements: +0.865d*10**(-10)*E**2. V3748 Sgr P = 0.305327d? V3765 Sgr [Ca/H] = -0.78. V3783 Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6681 (M70). V3784 Sgr P = 176.4d? V3788 Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6723. Red. V3791 Sgr In the region of the open cluster and the diffuse nebula V3791 Sgr NGC 6514 (M20). V3792 Sgr VB A (B 8.92m, 13.3", 90deg). Min II 6.81. V3792 Sgr The range of the combined light variation is given in the V3792 Sgr Table. The shape of the light curve varies. V3804 Sgr Spectrum description [06495, 07099]. V3811 Sgr P2 = 4d? Spectrum description [07099, 09845]. V3817 Sgr VB A (B 16m). V3819 Sgr P var. There is a nonlinear term in the elements: V3819 Sgr +10**(-10)*E**2. V3829 Sgr A close companion. V3832 Sgr A close companion. V3834 Sgr Cepheid or eclipsing? V3837 Sgr P = 0.565d? [06383]. V3838 Sgr VB A (B 15.8m). V3841 Sgr P var. Max = 2431970 + 358d*E (JD2423900 - 33000); V3841 Sgr since JD2433000 - see Table. V3842 Sgr A close companion with M2? Spectral class possibly exists. V3843 Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6642. V3853 Sgr V22 (NGC 6656 = M22). The member of this globular cluster. V3855 Sgr V31 (NGC 6656 = M22). Possible member of the cluster. V3857 Sgr According to [06278] the spectral class is M8. V3867 Sgr Under the chart S 4903 is printed erroneously instead of V3867 Sgr CSV 4309. V3868 Sgr P var. Max = 2426130 + 270d*E (JD2423900 - 33900); V3868 Sgr since JD2435700 - see Table. V3874 Sgr P var. Max = 2436035 + 115.3d*E (JD2426000 - 38000); V3874 Sgr since JD2438000 - see Table. V3875 Sgr P var. P = 358d (JD2424000 - 33800); since V3875 Sgr JD2435000 - see Table. V3876 Sgr P var. Max = 2430090 + 345d*E (JD2423900 - 32000); V3876 Sgr Max = 2436830 + 358d*E (JD2436000 - 41500) [06279]; V3876 Sgr since JD2441400 - see Table. V3879 Sgr VB (Delta(m) = 2.6m, ro = 0.6"). V3880 Sgr OH, SiO, H2O maser. V3885 Sgr Porb = 0.206d [04939]. V3885 Sgr Besides the irregular variability high-frequency V3885 Sgr oscillations are sometimes observed with V3885 Sgr P1 = 29.0s, P2 = 30.15s and with amplitudes of 0.00028m. V3885 Sgr In the spectrum there are extremely broad absorption V3885 Sgr lines of HI and HeI. The Balmer lines have emission V3885 Sgr components. X-ray source. V3886 Sgr Type EB? V3893 Sgr Connected with a ring nebula. V3894 Sgr Min II 6.37. P var? V3899 Sgr In the region of the open cluster and the diffuse nebula V3899 Sgr NGC 6514 (M20). V3900 Sgr V7 (NGC 6522). Not a member of this globular cluster. V3903 Sgr The member of the open cluster Collinder 367. V3903 Sgr In the nebula Simeis 188. V3907 Sgr The epoch of Min brightness is given. V3929 Sgr P.K.5 -5deg 2. V3961 Sgr SB1 (Porb = 690d [09915]). V4024 Sgr SB. V4032 Sgr Not far from V1309 Sgr. V4034 Sgr Flat Min. Close companion? V4046 Sgr Flares (11.1m - 12.4m U). V4048 Sgr Min II 12.6; DII = 0.15P. V4051 Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6638. V4051 Sgr Not a member of the cluster. V4052 Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6638. V4052 Sgr Not a member of the cluster. V4054 Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6638. V4054 Sgr Not a member of the cluster. V4055 Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6638. V4055 Sgr Not a member of the cluster. V4058 Sgr d = 0.02P V4060 Sgr P var. Max = 2437846 + 283d*E (JD2436030 - 38970); V4060 Sgr since JD2438970 - see Table. V4066 Sgr d ~0.07P. V4067 Sgr V32 (NGC 6656 = M22). V4067 Sgr Not a member of the globular cluster. V4068 Sgr V17 (NGC 6656 = M22). V4068 Sgr Not a member of the globular cluster. V4069 Sgr V33 (NGC 6656 = M22). V4069 Sgr Not a member of the globular cluster. V4390 Sgr SB2 and speckle binary. V4417 Sgr The variability may be due to the fainter (B) component. V4429 Sgr A giant, according to HIPPARCOS data, despite the published V4429 Sgr luminosity class (V). V4620 Sgr In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6558. V4955 Sgr Close to the N of V4521 Sgr, the periods differ considerably. V5099 Sgr SU UMa-type cv. V5112 Sgr A symmetrical minimum lasted for several months, with variations also outside it. V5129 Sgr MinII 15.71. V5157 Sgr The type was confirmed spectroscopically in [78222]. V5164 Sgr MinII 13.31. V5325 Sgr The Mira V3978 Sgr is in 12" to the west. V5400 Sgr The coordinates are given for BMB 21. BMB 20 5" np. It is not clear which component varies. V5431 Sgr VB A (B 5" np). It is not clear which component varies. V5521 Sgr MinII 15.8. V5527 Sgr MinII 16.9. V5528 Sgr MinII 17.7. V5533 Sgr The light curve with P = 0.94741 d in [78022] is not convincing, our period is based on ASAS-3 data. V5535 Sgr MinII 10.96. V5555 Sgr A protoplanetary object, rapid irregular brightness variations. V5559 Sgr A twice shorter period is not excluded. V5565 Sgr MinII - MinI = 0.41P. V5566 Sgr VB A (B 7.5mKs, 7", 327deg, 1999). The A component looks not round on DSS images, the spectral type M6: [79127] probably refers to an unresolved companion and not to component B. V5569 Sgr Besides eclipses, complex variations of different nature. V5627 Sgr A decline from 15.1m to 16.9m was observed between JD 2449800 and 2451400. The tabulated light elements are for eclipses in quiescence (Max 16.88m). V5631 Sgr VB A (B 11.2m, 1".9, 98deg, 2002). V5632 Sgr OH maser. V5633 Sgr Multiperiodic. V5634 Sgr X-ray pulses with P = 5.539917s. V5639 Sgr VB A (B 11.6m, 8", 142deg, 2000; several fainter companions). V5640 Sgr Erroneously called V1592 Sgr in [80502]. V5641 Sgr Multiperiodic, P2 = 0.203290d. V5644 Sgr The fundamental period is tabulated; for the first overtone, P = 0.34247d. V5649 Sgr Blended, combined magnitudes are tabulated. Type Mira is not excluded. V5659 Sgr Blazhko effect, P = 45.69d. V5664 Sgr Type EW with a twice longer period is possible. V5672 Sgr VB A (B 5", 35deg, 2000). The magnitudes in the Table were influenced by the companion. V5675 Sgr P = 129d is superposed. V5680 Sgr VB A (B 14.5mV, 6", 148deg, 1996). V5695 Sgr MinII - MinI = 0.56P. V5697 Sgr MinII - MinI = 0.59P. V5700 Sgr VB A (B 3.5" f). V5701 Sgr Several close companions. V5728 Sgr VB A (B 2.5" f). V5731 Sgr VB A (B 2.5" p). V5732 Sgr VB B (A 2" np). V5743 Sgr Several close companions. V5745 Sgr VB A (B 2" np). V5759 Sgr SB, Porb = 671d. V5760 Sgr VB B (A 2.5" nf). Eclipses: 16.9m - 17.2m, MinII 17.1m. A brightening to 15.0m, of unclear nature, was observed on JD2453050 - 2453170. V5779 Sgr Main wave: amplitude about 1.2m; long wave: P = 1566d, amplitude about 3m. V5815 Sgr VB A (B 11.9, 8", 235deg, 2000). V5824 Sgr VB A (B 13.0m, 7", 69deg, 1999). V5825 Sgr VB A (B = V2790 Sgr, 13", 271deg, 1980; also other companions). V5830 Sgr The identification with V1615 Sgr [81002] is wrong. V5833 Sgr Multiperiodic. Other periods: 0.1345604d; 0.0821122d? V5837 Sgr Multiperiodic, 5 harmonics detected. V5840 Sgr SB2. V5845 Sgr Double-mode pulsations. P1 is given in the Table, P0 = 0.45389d. P1/P0 = 0.7416. V5846 Sgr VB A (9.53m; B 10.9m, 13", 106deg, 1999). The magnitudes in the Table are influenced with the companion. V5847 Sgr The elements in the Table are for the first overtone. P0 = 0.474648d. P1/P0 = 0.7439. V5860 Sgr P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 3.37986d; P1/P0 = 0.7009. V5864 Sgr Blended. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.832980d; P1/P0 = 0.7051. V5867 Sgr P = 215.3d is superposed. V5874 Sgr P = 161.7d is superposed. V5875 Sgr The depth of eclipses varies strongly. V5954 Sgr VB A (B 4", 22deg, 2000). The range is for combined brightness. V5960 Sgr P = 142d is superposed. V5977 Sgr P = 138d is superposed. V5980 Sgr Porb = 1.2664d. V5985 Sgr P = 97d is superposed. V5995 Sgr P = 131d is superposed. V6099 Sgr VB B (A 12mV; AB 4.4", 46deg, 2015). V6102 Sgr P = 95.5d is superposed. V6109 Sgr VB A (B 14m, 5", 138deg, 2000). V6125 Sgr VB B (A 13m; AB 6", 54deg, 2000). V6173 Sgr P = 163d is superposed. V6298 Sgr P = 333d is superposed. V6318 Sgr VB (NW); the SE component (NEXT STAR) 10", 123deg, 2000. V6319 Sgr VB (SE); the NW component (PREVIOUS STAR) 10", 303deg, 2000. V6335 Sgr VB A (B 14.36mG, 5", 2deg, 2000; C 14.39mG, 10", 258deg, 2000). V6361 Sgr VB A (B 8", 135deg, 2000); the range in the Table can be influenced by the companion. V6386 Sgr VB A (B 4", 326deg, 2000); the range in the Table is for combined brightness. Mira type is not excluded. V6434 Sgr P = 71.7d is superposed. V6467 Sgr P = 59d is superposed. V6474 Sgr P = 119d is superposed. V6490 Sgr VB A (12.8mG; B 14.3mG, 7", 87deg, 2000). V6495 Sgr Long-term variations with a cycle about 750d are superposed. V6499 Sgr VB A (B = EH Sgr, 12mV - 17mV, 47", 349deg, 2000). V6500 Sgr VB A (9.5mV; B 9.8mV, 5", 161deg, 2000). The range in the Table is for combined brightness. V6501 Sgr P = 64.7d is superposed. V6502 Sgr P = 83.0d is also possible. V6508 Sgr VB C (A 13.3mG; B 13.7mG, 29", 255deg, 2000; C 14.99mG, 11", 294deg, 2000; other companions). V6509 Sgr Type EW with a twice longer period is also possible. V6515 Sgr Blazhko effect? V6525 Sgr Blazhko effect? V6554 Sgr P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.546995d; P1/P0 = 0.7457. V6560 Sgr Period varies. V6573 Sgr Period strongly varies. V6574 Sgr Period varies. V6596 Sgr VB A (B 16.0mG, 4.4", 2000). V6597 Sgr Several close faint companions. V6609 Sgr The light elements in the Table are for eclipsing variability. For the white dwarf, Pspin = 0.045445d, with an amplitude about 0.5 mag. V6610 Sgr VB A (14.7mG; B 12.9mG, 4", 174deg, 2000). V6617 Sgr P = 471d is superposed. V6618 Sgr DSCT variations are multiperiodic. P0 = 0.09006792d, P1 = 0.06958900d; P1/P0 = 0.77263. eta Sgr VB A (B 8.0m, 3.5",105deg). mu. Sgr VB A (B 10.48m, 16.9", 285deg; C 13.0m, 25.2", 119deg; mu. Sgr D 9.69m, 48.5", 312deg; E 9.25m, 50.0", 115deg). SB2 mu. Sgr (e = 0.4). The variability type is EA/GS + ACYG. mu. Sgr According to [09922] there are also quasiperiodical light mu. Sgr variations with the amplitudes 0.08m - 0.15m and cycles mu. Sgr from 16d to 40d. ups Sgr Min II 4.59. R Sco V7 (NGC 6093 = M80). Probable field star. R Sco P var. Max = 2400518 + 220.2d*E (JD2400500 - 04000) R Sco [00960]; Max = 2404493 + 225.86d*E (JD2404000 - 08600); R Sco Max = 2409003 + 222.29d*E (JD2408600 - 33300); since R Sco JD2433300 - see Table. S Sco V6 (NGC 6093 = M80). Cluster non-member. S Sco P var. Max = 2400986 + 177.00d*E (JD2400900 - 17500); S Sco since JD2417500 - see Table. T Sco 4.0" N, 2.7" E from the center of the globular cluster T Sco NGC 6093 = M80. U Sco Previous outbursts: U Sco 2401646: (1863), 2417343 (1906), 2428342 (1936). Y Sco Since 1972 varies its brightness in the range 12.3m-15.0m Y Sco irregularly, maxima are unpredictable [08080]. Z Sco P var. Max = 2425546 + 357.17d*E (JD2412500 - Z Sco 25600); since JD2430000 - see Table. RR Sco SiO maser. P var. Max = 2416944 + 284.31d*E RR Sco (JD2411000 - 18000); Max = 2422828 + 278.09d*E RR Sco (JD2422800 - 40000); since JD2440000 - see Table. RU Sco P var. During JD2425000 - 40000 - see Table. RV Sco VB A (B 13.0m, 5.9", 325deg). RW Sco OH, H2O, SiO maser. RY Sco P var, nonlinear term: +4.10d*10**(-6)*E**2. [A/H] = 0.2. RY Sco VB A (B 10.70m, F8:, 13.8", 220.5deg, 1965; RY Sco C 11.5m, 2.0", 102deg, 1964; D 11.43m, 24", 80deg). RY Sco Combined brightness of AC is given. RZ Sco P var. Max = 2413994 + 161.20d*E (JD2413600 - 22700); RZ Sco Max = 2422858 + 155.79d*E (JD2422700 - 28000); RZ Sco Max = 2428156 + 160.29d*E (JD2428000 - 35000); since RZ Sco JD2437500 - see Table. SV Sco P var. Max = 2418886 + 258.5d:*E (JD2411600 - 19000); SV Sco Max = 2424233 + 252.43d*E (JD2420500 - 28600); SV Sco Max = 2429055 + 255.9d:*E (JD2428600 - 35000); SV Sco since JD2437000 - see Table. SY Sco In the region of the open cluster NGC 6475 = M7. TX Sco In the region of the open cluster NGC 6475 = M7. TX Sco Probable cluster member. XX Sco The elements Max = 2413786 + 152d*E XX Sco [00031] do not represent the observations from [09447]. AC Sco According to [00266], CST:, 12.2m - 12.6m pg. AH Sco OH, H2O, SiO maser. AI Sco P2 = 966.6d. AL Sco Min II 11.3. AN Sco EA type is possible. AP Sco The chart in [09447] is wrong. AR Sco According to [07104], T Tau type spectrum. AU Sco It is assumed that the star, called AU Sco in [00121], is actually NSV 20691. AV Sco The chart and data in [09447] correspond to another star. BI Sco VB B (A = GW Sco; B 6", 150deg). BM Sco In the region of the open cluster NGC 6405 = M6. BN Sco In the region of the open cluster NGC 6475 = M7. BN Sco Resembles R Cen. BS Sco d <= 0.03P. According to [00021], SP F8. BT Sco P var. There is periodic term in the elements given in the BT Sco Table: +0.05d*sin(176deg + 0.0857deg*E). Blazhko effect? BV Sco Doubtful identification in [09447]. CF Sco Min II 13.8. CK Sco VB A (B 15m, 14"). CL Sco The brightness in optical and UV range is modulated CL Sco according to the elements: Min (pg) = 2427020 + 624.7d*E. CL Sco Outbursts 1892, 1899, 1907, 1926. CP Sco N /= 4. CQ Sco [A/H] = -1.4. DX Sco VB A (B p). EZ Sco VB A (B 15.6m nf). FQ Sco VB A (B 16m vis). FU Sco VB A (B np). Min II 12.7, Min II - MiN I = 0.493P. FV Sco d = 0.015P. Depth of Min II 0.1m pg. FY Sco VB A (B 15m, 15", 35deg). GG Sco VB A (B 15m, 8", 45deg). GM Sco The nothern one of the two stars noted on the chart for GM Sco SVS 1677. GW Sco VB A (B = BI Sco, 6", 150deg). IU Sco VB A (B 16.4m nf). IU Sco Max = 2413280 + 69.05d*E (1893 - 1906); IU Sco during 1910 - 1928 - see Table. KO Sco Rapid variations: A = 1.0m. Slow changes: KO Sco A = 0.5m, P = 2000d +-. KQ Sco [A/H] = +0.3. P var? LO Sco P var? Before JD2419150 Max = 2411500 + 450d*E; LO Sco since JD2423900 - see Table. LO Sco The spectrum is later than M5. LR Sco The spectrum resembles RCrB in Max light [08090]. LR Sco IR excess. RCB type minima were not observed. OO Sco In the region of the open cluster TR 29. OQ Sco The chart in [06286] is wrong. QZ Sco P var. Before JD2420400 Max = 2412640 + 158d*E; QZ Sco since JD2423900 - see Table. V0347 Sco P var. Before JD2418700 Max = 2411500 + 198d*E; V0347 Sco since JD2423900 - see Table. V0350 Sco VB A (B 15.0m, 3", 233 deg). V0381 Sco d = 0.046P. V0382 Sco In the region of the open cluster NGC 6475 = M7. V0385 Sco In the region of the open cluster CR 338. V0387 Sco Min II 12.2. V0390 Sco P var. Before JD2422500 Max = 2420330 + 466d*E; V0390 Sco since JD2423900 - see Table. V0393 Sco Min II 8.3. V0400 Sco Min II 15.0. V0402 Sco In the region of the open cluster NGC 6475 = M7. V0403 Sco d ~0.02P. The depth of Min II 0.05m. V0407 Sco In the region of the open cluster NGC 6475 = M7. V0411 Sco Min II 14.0. V0412 Sco Min II 14.8. In the region of the open cluster V0412 Sco NGC 6475 = M7. V0420 Sco In the region of the open cluster NGC 6475 = M7. V0421 Sco P var. Before JD2418000 Max = 2413830 + 293d*E; V0421 Sco since JD2423900 - see Table. V0423 Sco Min II 14.2. In the region of the open cluster V0423 Sco NGC 6475 = M7. V0425 Sco In the region of the open cluster NGC 6475 = M7. V0426 Sco In the region of the open cluster NGC 6475 = M7. V0429 Sco In the region of the open cluster NGC 6475 = M7. V0430 Sco In the region of the open cluster Tr 30. V0432 Sco In the region of the open cluster Tr 30. V0437 Sco d = 0.02P. Min II 13.9. V0439 Sco P var. Before JD2418200 Max = 2413350 + 166.5d*E; V0439 Sco since JD2419900 - see Table. V0440 Sco In the region of the open cluster Tr 30. V0446 Sco P var? before JD2435000 Max = 2434980.1 + V0446 Sco 28.6195d. [A/H] = -1.0. V0450 Sco A = 0.9m pg. V0453 Sco VB A (B 13.51m, F7V, 13.5", 168deg). Min II 6.70. V0453 Sco The light curve shape var? V0455 Sco P.K.351deg + 3deg1. Planetary nebula nature is doubtful. V0455 Sco Nova-like outbursts separated by several years. V0457 Sco Min II 11.3. V0460 Sco d = 0.02P. V0464 Sco d = 0.03P. V0466 Sco Min II 13.7. V0467 Sco P var. P = 2.41354d (1889 - 1903); since 1903 - see Table. V0470 Sco [A/H] = 0.1. V0471 Sco Min II 15.2, dII = 0.08P(!). V0472 Sco d = 0.02P. V0474 Sco Min II 10.6. V0483 Sco CI = +3.5m. V0485 Sco Short term variations are superimposed. V0486 Sco D >= 4d? P = 1d is possible. In the region of V0486 Sco the open cluster NGC 6383. V0487 Sco [Fe/H] = -1.67, Delta(S) = 9.0. V0490 Sco Min II 12.5. V0491 Sco Min II 13.2. V0494 Sco A var (1.27m - 1.66m B). P var? Delta(S) = 2. V0494 Sco VB A (B 12.72m y, 23"). V0495 Sco Short term variation are superimposed. V0495 Sco (Delta(m)short = 0.5m +-). V0496 Sco In the region of the open cluster NGC 6414. V0496 Sco d = 0.03P. V0497 Sco Min II 13.6. V0499 Sco AII = 0.47m V. Min I - Min II = 0.504P. V0502 Sco In the region of the open cluster C 1712 - 407. V0507 Sco The epoch of Max from [00300] contradicts the elements. V0540 Sco VB A (B 15.2m sp). V0547 Sco VB B (A 14.2m sf). V0549 Sco [A/H] = -1.1. V0555 Sco [A/H] = -0.3. V0562 Sco Min II 12.1. V0566 Sco d = 0.01P:. V0567 Sco VB A (B 13.01m, 10"sp, CD 30"nf). P var. V0568 Sco d = 0.04P. V0569 Sco Min II 11.4. V0570 Sco P var? Unusually broad Max. V0573 Sco d = 0.06P. In the region of the open cluster Tr 24. V0574 Sco In the region of the open cluster Tr 24. V0575 Sco Min II 12.4. V0579 Sco In the region of the open cluster Tr 24. V0581 Sco Min II 11.9. V0584 Sco Min II 13.1. V0585 Sco d = 0.03P:. V0586 Sco d = 0.04P. In the region of the open cluster Tr 24. V0588 Sco d = 0.02P. In the region of the open cluster Tr 24. V0589 Sco d = 0.05P. In the region of the open cluster Tr 24. V0590 Sco In the region of the open cluster NGC 6231. V0592 Sco Min II 13.3. V0593 Sco d = 0.05P:. V0594 Sco d = 0.01P. V0603 Sco d = 0.04P. V0606 Sco d = 0.07P. V0607 Sco Min II 10.3. V0609 Sco Min II 13.7. V0611 Sco d = 0.04P. Min II 13.7. V0612 Sco d = 0.05P. V0613 Sco d = 0.04P. V0616 Sco Min II 12.4. V0619 Sco Min II 12.1. V0620 Sco d = 0.02P. V0621 Sco d = 0.04P. V0622 Sco Min II 14.2. V0623 Sco Long intervals in Max without changes, sometimes becomes V0623 Sco faint. V0625 Sco VB A (B 13.2m sf). Min II 13.5. V0627 Sco Min II 14.1. V0628 Sco Min II 12.4. V0629 Sco Apsidal motion. V0631 Sco Min II 13.2. V0632 Sco d = 0.06P. V0633 Sco Min II 12.2. V0634 Sco Min II 12.2. V0636 Sco SB1 (Porb = 1318d). V0638 Sco d = 0.07P. V0640 Sco Min II 13.5. V0656 Sco The chart in [06286] is wrong. V0660 Sco VB A (B 16.0m s). V0672 Sco P = 180d is possible. V0674 Sco VB A (B 15.0m s). V0677 Sco The chart in [06286] is wrong. V0679 Sco P = 364d is possible. V0690 Sco VB A (B 14.40m y, 6", 0deg). The range of the combined V0690 Sco light is given. Delta(S) = 4. V0698 Sco D <= 0.20d, d = 0.043d. V0700 Sco Min II 10.3. V0701 Sco Min II 9.05. P var. Min I = 2439329.6657 + 0.76187133d*E V0701 Sco (JD2428000 - 39400) [07177]; since JD2439400 - see Table. V0701 Sco Probable member of the open cluster NGC 6383. V0702 Sco Probable member of the open cluster NGC 6383. V0703 Sco P0 = 0.1499615d [03521]; P1 - see Table V0703 Sco (P var?). Also noted P = 0.04162025d [03521]. V0703 Sco A var (0.23m - 0.46m). Beat phenomenon: V0703 Sco Max = 2436760.249 + 0.497306d*E [03521]. Delta(S) = 1. V0703 Sco In the region of the open cluster NGC 6405 = M6. V0705 Sco Min II 14.1:. V0706 Sco Moments of Max from [00046] contradict the tabulated V0706 Sco elements. According to [04678], A <= 0.05m V V0706 Sco during 6 nights. V0708 Sco In the region of the open cluster NGC 6475 = M7. V0709 Sco IN the region of the open cluster NGC 6475 = M7. V0709 Sco [A/H] = -0.6. V0710 Sco Min II 14.2. V0711 Sco In the region of the open cluster NGC 6475 = M7. V0712 Sco Min II 14.0. V0714 Sco d = 0.05P:. P may be twice longer. V0717 Sco [A/H] = 0.9. V0718 Sco D ~4d. Another Min 2429847 - 849 [00270]. V0720 Sco In the region of the open cluster NGC 6475 = M7. V0723 Sco In the region of the open cluster NGC 6475 = M7. At the V0723 Sco edge of a dark cloud. V0725 Sco It is assumed that the southern neighbou of the star, called AU Sco in [00121], is actually NSV 20691. V0729 Sco Possibly a Nova. V0732 Sco P may be twice longer. V0733 Sco Possibly a Nova. V0734 Sco Possibly a Nova. V0735 Sco The light curve shape var. V0738 Sco d = 0.04P:; Min II 13.4:. In the region of the open V0738 Sco cluster NGC 6475 = M7. V0740 Sco In the region of the open cluster NGC 6475 = M7. V0741 Sco There is a red variable close to the coordinates in the V0741 Sco discovery announcement [02448], but a different star is V0741 Sco marked in the chart in [02448]. V0749 Sco P = 410d is possible. V0751 Sco Erroneously named HV 9160 and CSV 3584 in [02448]. V0756 Sco Min II 10.7. V0760 Sco dI = 0.02P; Min II 7.4; DII = 0.2P:, dII = 0.03P. V0761 Sco IN type is not excluded. V0764 Sco Min II 9.0. V0805 Sco Possibly P is twice shorter. V0818 Sco Sco X-1. SB. V0818 Sco Var X-ray and multi-component radio source. V0818 Sco Lx/Lbol = 300 - 1000. The epoch of Min is V0818 Sco given for the periodic component of the light variation V0818 Sco (A ~0.25m). Flickering and flares up to 1m with V0818 Sco time scale from dozens of seconds to minutes. The V0818 Sco mean brightness level decreased in the middle of V0818 Sco 1960-es by 0.3m-0.4m. The spectrum with blue continuum V0818 Sco and H, HeI, HeII, CIII, NIII emissions. V0819 Sco Min II 13.2. V0821 Sco Min II 14.5. V0822 Sco VB? Combined brightness. V0827 Sco Min II 14.1. V0833 Sco Min II 11.2. V0837 Sco d ~0.03P:; Min II 14.3. V0838 Sco Min II 13.4. V0842 Sco Min II 12.3. V0843 Sco Min II 10.5. V0848 Sco Min II 13.1. RRC type with twice shorter period is V0848 Sco possible. V0849 Sco Min II 14.1. V0853 Sco d = 0.05P; Min II 14.1. V0856 Sco VB C (A = BS 6000, 6.65m, AO-3III; B 12.55m, 16", V0856 Sco 298deg; C 44", 185deg; D 11.7m, CD 1.3", 105deg, 1945). V0857 Sco Erroneously labelled "10" (instead of "11") in the chart. V0858 Sco Erroneously labelled "11" (instead of "10") in the chart. V0861 Sco SB1. Min II 6.28. Depths of minima var. In the region of V0861 Sco the open cluster NGC 6231, Cr 316, Tr 24. V0862 Sco Usually 6.67m - 6.76m. A flare of 40m duration on July 3, V0862 Sco 1965. In the region of the open cluster NGC 6405 = M6. V0866 Sco VB (Delta(m) ~0.5m, ~1", 200deg). m (6370 A) = V0866 Sco 11.14m - 12.37m. IR excess. V0870 Sco B-V = +3.38m - +3.52m. In the region of the open cluster V0870 Sco NGC 6231. V0877 Sco Min II 13.1. V0883 Sco VB A (B 12.60m, 9", 130deg). P var? V0883 Sco Min = 2438228.315 + 1.294745d*E (JD2438200 - 40500) V0883 Sco [06871]; since JD2440500 - see Table. Deep Min II. V0884 Sco 4U 1700-37. LX/Lbol = 0.00007. V0884 Sco Eclipsing X-ray source. Eclipse duration is variable V0884 Sco in the ranges 0.61d <= dx <= 1.10d. The epoch of the V0884 Sco middle of the X-ray eclipse coinciding with Min II is V0884 Sco given. X-ray flux var in the scale from seconds till V0884 Sco hours. Sometimes a periodic modulation with P ~97 V0884 Sco Min is present, its amplitude in the optical band reaches V0884 Sco Delta(V) ~0.01m. Min II 6.57; Min I - Min II = 0.63P, V0884 Sco dI=0.2P. Surrounded by the ring nebula Sh 2. in the region V0884 Sco of the open cluster NGC 6281. Field star. V0885 Sco Noticeable Min II. V0889 Sco The northern component of a triple. V0890 Sco VB A (B 11.5m, 0.5' n). V0894 Sco A = 0.6m pg. V0896 Sco Co-ordinates or the chart may be erroneous. V0900 Sco In the region of the open cluster NGC 6231. V0900 Sco The light curve is a sinusoidal wave. Possibly V0900 Sco P = 6.20d; 6.85d. V0903 Sco N96 [02448]. Erroneously identified with V479 Sco. V0906 Sco In the region of the open cluster NGC 6475 = M7. Probable V0906 Sco cluster member. VB (delta(mV) = 0.8m, 0.1", 111deg, 1957). V0906 Sco The range of the combined light variation is given. V0906 Sco Min II 6.21. V0907 Sco In the region of the open cluster NGC 6475 = M7. V0907 Sco Min II 9.2. V0911 Sco Alternative P = 4.2d. V0913 Sco Alternative P = 0.976d. IR excess. V0914 Sco VB (delta(mV) = 2m, 3", 200deg). Sine wave with P = 2.69d, V0914 Sco Delta(B) = 0.15m (B = 12.91m) [09753]. V0915 Sco VB A (B 10.43m, WN6, 14", 330deg; C 11.40m, 20", 202deg; V0915 Sco D 13.96m, 22", 80deg, 1973). The brightness decreased from V0915 Sco 6.32m to 6.50m during JD2443680 - 44115. V0917 Sco VB A (B 17m: sp). The outburst: rise 1930-1936, V0917 Sco Max 1936-1938, decline 1938-1952. V0919 Sco In the region of the open cluster NGC 6231. V0920 Sco In the region of the open cluster NGC 6231. Multiple V0920 Sco periodicity: P1 - see Table, semiamplitude A1 = 0.0051m; V0920 Sco P2 = 0.10765d. A2 = 0.0046m; P3 = 0.10388d, A3 = 0.00485m; V0920 Sco P4 = 0.12137d, A4 = 0.0036m; P5 = 0.6929d?, A5 = 0.0028m. V0921 Sco The star illuminates a nebula. V0922 Sco Multiple periodicity, superposition of frequencies with V0922 Sco amplitudes 0.0010m - 0.0352m. V0923 Sco D = 0.32d:. The elements need confirmation. In the region V0923 Sco of the open cluster NGC 6281. V0924 Sco B-V var: +1.90, +2.50, V0924 Sco Light fluctuations by 0.1m - 0.2m (u, b) in several V0924 Sco minutes. V0925 Sco VB A (B ~10", faint, blue). Probable member of the open V0925 Sco cluster TR 27. In Vr possible values of P: 105.3d, 73.0d, V0925 Sco 188.7d, 312.5d [09950]. V0926 Sco 3U 1735-44 = Sco XR-3. Bursts superimpose small light V0926 Sco variations with P = 0.18d which is apparently the V0926 Sco orbital period [04394]. V0927 Sco The epoch of Min in U light is given. IR excess. V1195 Sco MinII 9.01 at phase 0.4. V1196 Sco Symbiotic spectrum. V1212 Sco The magnitude in [78189] refers to a different star but the period is correct [78040]. V1216 Sco MinII 10.35. V1225 Sco MinII 10.25. V1229 Sco MinII 8.96. V1230 Sco Erroneously called V719 Sco in [78218]. V1270 Sco MinII 9.70. V1279 Sco B - V: +1.23, +1.46. V1286 Sco Very red, J - K = 1.35 (2MASS). V1292 Sco MinII - MinI = 0.44P. V1296 Sco MinII - MinI = 0.56P. V1299 Sco MinII - MinI = 0.55P. V1300 Sco A twice shorter period is not excluded. V1301 Sco MinII - MinI = 0.53P. V1302 Sco A twice shorter period is not excluded. V1303 Sco MinII - MinI = 0.34P:. V1305 Sco VB (9.0m, 11.8m, 1.0", 153deg, 1927). V1308 Sco MinII - MinI = 0.48P. V1317 Sco One deep fading has been detected. After JD 2454100, a cycle of 58.4d (amplitude 0.7m) was observed. V1319 Sco P varies. Before JD 2452258, Max = 2452053.713 + 0.2541756d x E. The tabulated light elements are valid after JD 2452258. V1327 Sco VB (0.3", 5deg, 1995). V1331 Sco In the region of the globular cluster M4. Cluster non-member. V1364 Sco Multiperiodic. V1414 Sco OH maser. V1452 Sco Multiperiodic. V1485 Sco VB A (B 15.6m, 7", 244deg, 1999). V1488 Sco VB A (9.56mJ; B 9.74mJ, 6", 245deg, 1999). V1504 Sco The long period is about 735d. V1506 Sco VB A (B 14.04m, 10", 333deg, 2000; several other components. Second periodicity: P = 0.423350d or twice shorter. V1512 Sco P2 = 0.058920d. VB AB (10.6, 11.0, 0".5, 204deg, 1991). V1517 Sco Foreground star, globular cluster non-member. V1520 Sco Foreground star, globular cluster non-member. V1537 Sco Multiperiodic. VB A (8.1mV; B 12.6mV, 1.9", 231deg, 1939). V1544 Sco It is assumed that there is a typo in the star's declination in [81021]. V1547 Sco Simultaneous presence of two periods. P1 is given in the Table. P2 = 2.27816d. V1552 Sco VB A (B 16.0m, 11", 111deg, 2000). V1553 Sco Double-mode pulsations. The period for the fundamental mode is given in the Table. P1 = 0.1470447d. P1/P0 = 0.7978. V1560 Sco VB A (B 15.0m, 6", 147deg, 1999). V1611 Sco MinII - MinI = 0.65P. V1614 Sco Several close companions. V1628 Sco VB B (A 11.2m; AB 15", 220deg, 1999). The tabulated magnitude in maximum was influenced by component A. V1644 Sco VB A (B 5", 114deg, 1999). V1646 Sco VB A (B 12.2m, 17", 355deg, 1999). V1653 Sco VB B (A 12.6m; AB 9", 21deg, 1998). The magnitude at maximum in the Table is for the combined brightness. V1679 Sco P = 38.8d is superposed. V1695 Sco VB A (15.5mV; B 15.6mV, 9", 204deg, 1999). V1708 Sco According to [240], the star showed semiregular variations before its outburst with a peak-to-peak amptitude about 1m and P = 140.5d. V1712 Sco Cluster non-member. V1713 Sco Cluster non-member? alf Sco ADS 10074 A(B 5.1m, B4Ve, A = 2.9", Porb = 878 yr.). alf Sco Connected with a nebula. zet 1 Sco In the region of the open cluster NGC 6231. kap Sco SB. P2 = 0.205430d. P1 var. Beat phenomenon: kap Sco Pi = 7.3316d. lam Sco SB1. Porb = 5.6d? Apuls = 0.02m. Long period light changes: lam Sco Max = 2440376.15 + 10.1605d*E [09761]. One eclipse was lam Sco found (JD2440690, A ~0.04m) [06388]. mu. 1 Sco Min II 3.12. sig Sco VB AA (A 5.5m, 0.37", 96deg, 1981, sig Sco orbital motion?; B 8.45m, B9.5V, 20.1", 273deg, sig Sco 1961); SB1, Porb = 33.06d. P0 var. sig Sco Max Vr = 2420000.1465 + 0.24682815d*E (1918 - 1924) sig Sco [09953]; Max = 2432306.918 + 0.246846d*E (JD2432000 - 37800) sig Sco [09764]; since JD2437800 - see Table. sig Sco A0 = 0.036m y. P1 = 0.2396674d, A1 = 0.013m y [09762]. sig Sco Pbeat = 8.256d = Porb/4 [09957]. sig Sco Connected with a nebula. R Scl VB A (B 19.9m, 10", 234deg). CO emission. S Scl P var. Max = 412774 + 367.9d*E (JD2405400 - 20500); S Scl Max = 2423035 + 360.6d*E (JD2421250 - 27740); S Scl Max = 2427738 + 370.4d*E (JD2427700 - 34000) [00960]; S Scl Since JD2434000 - see Table. H2O emission. T Scl P var. Max = 2417400 + 202.26d*E (JD2411300 - 19000); T Scl Max = 2420390 + 197.85d*E (JD2419000 - 23600); T Scl since JD2423600 - see Table. V Scl P var. Max = 2414006 + 294.8d*E (JD2411600 - 18200); V Scl Max = 2422866 + 297.2d*E (JD2420400 - 35100); V Scl since JD2435100 - see Table. X Scl P var. Max = 2413796 + 258.7d*E (JD2413500 - 22800); X Scl since JD2422800 - see Table. Y Scl The cycles 100d: and 300d: are sometimes observed. RT Scl Min II 10.47. [Fe/H] = -0.75. P var. There is RT Scl a nonlinear term in the elements given in the Table: RT Scl -9.04d*10**(-11)*E**2. RU Scl (k - b)2 = 0.09. A var [03429]. P var. Max = 2425094.4175 + RU Scl 0.4933257d*E (JD2416750 - 25100) [00183]; Max = RU Scl 2427403.177 + 0.4933239d*E (JD2425100 - 30650) RU Scl [01381]; since JD2430650 - see Table. RW Scl P var? SV Scl [Fe/H] = -1.82. P var? Max = 2439468.364 + SV Scl 0.3773636d*E (JD2427300 - 39500) [05233]; SV Scl since JD2439850 - see Table. SY Scl H2O maser. P var? Max = 2426160 + 411d*E [00193]; since SY Scl JD2440400 - see Table. SZ Scl Min II 13.68. UY Scl Near the galaxy NGC 55. UZ Scl VB A (B 15.81m, 23", 135deg); (k - b)2 = 0.14. The UZ Scl shape of the light curve varies. VV Scl Min II 8.50. ACV? [08083]. VY Scl Porb = 0.1662d? [09932]. High and low states of the VY Scl system are observed. VZ Scl High and low states of the system are observed [09933]. WZ Scl There are two oscillations with the periods P1 and WZ Scl P2: P1 = 0.06576d, P2 = 0.095944d, P1/P2 = 0.6854. XX Scl There are two oscillations with the periods P1 and XX Scl P2: P1 = 0.048898d, P2 = 0.051350d, P1/P2 = 0.95225. AI Scl There are two oscillations with the periods P1 and AI Scl P2: P1 = 0.044d, P2 = 0.0931d, P1/P2 = 0.47. AL Scl Min II 6.20; Min II - Min I = 0.475P; DII = 0.08P. AO Scl mu = 0.46", P = 187deg. BC Scl May be eclipsing. BI Scl Type E: is also possible. CE Scl Min II 9.75. CI Scl MinII - MinI = 0.39P. VB (A 9.50mHp; B 9.82mHp, 0.8", 240deg, 1991). CM Scl MinII - MinI = 0.40P. VB (9.0m, 10.8m, 1.0", 111deg, 1991). CP Scl Min II = 13.01. P varies. dP/dt = -0.23x10^(-5) d/yr. CQ Scl Min II = 12.40. P varies. dP/dt = -0.23x10^(-5) d/yr. CR Scl Min II = 9.68. P varies. dP/dt = 0.26x10^(-5) d/yr. VB AB (A 9.8m; B 12.7m, 4", 231deg, 1975). CT Scl Min II = 12.08. CX Scl Light elements for eclipses are tabulated. DSCTC pulsations: P = 0.183038d, Delta m = 0.11m. CY Scl Blazhko effect. DE Scl P1 is presented in the Table; P1/P0 = 0.7448. DI Scl SB2. DX Scl Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.04668118d, P1/P0 = 0.7825. DY Scl Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.04440837d, P1/P0 = 0.7794. DZ Scl Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.04438018d, P1/P0 = 0.7739. EE Scl Period varies. EI Scl Porb = 0.05488d, Psh = 0.05609d. R Sct [Fe/H] = -1. P var. Min I = 2377165 + 142.8d*E R Sct (JD2377160 - 9820); Min I = 2384885 + 142.6d*E R Sct (JD2384890 - 8170); Min I = 2394451 + 141.4d*E R Sct (JD2394450 - 8500); Min I = 2398777 + 142.4d*E R Sct (JD2398770 - 2404320); Min I = 2404627 + 137.4d*E R Sct (JD2404600 - 6410); Min I = 2406561 + 142.7d*E R Sct (JD2406560 - 9065); Min I = 2409742 + 143.6d*E R Sct (JD2409730 - 12700); Min I = 2412755 + 141.5d*E R Sct (JD2412750 - 16720); Min I = 2417161 + 139.5d*E R Sct (JD2417150 - 20790); Min I = 2421083 + 143.4d*E R Sct (JD2421050 - 25170) [09935]; Min I = 2429478 + 142.8d*E R Sct (JD2429000 - 30650) [09938]; Min I = 2432078 + 140.05d*E R Sct (JD2432000 - 42240) [07596]; Min I = 2442737 + 152.5d*E R Sct (JD2442550 - 43050); Min I = 2443315 + 138.5d*E R Sct (JD2443050 - 44150) [00001]; since JD2444150 - see Table. R Sct Light curve drawings [09935, 09936, 9937]. R Sct Spectrum description [09939, 09954]. S Sct VB A (B 11.9M V, 14.5", 238deg; C 12.5m V, 44", 105deg). U Sct Min II 10.31. W Sct Min II 10.1. X Sct [A/H] = -0.1. In the region of the open cluster NGC 6639. Y Sct In the region of the open cluster NGC 6664. Z Sct [A/H] = 0.3. RS Sct Min II 10.08. RU Sct [A/H] = -0.7. P var. There is a nonlinear term in the RU Sct elements given in the Table: +3.15d*10**(-6)*E**2. RX Sct Connected with the bright hydrogen nebula YM 13. RY Sct Min II 9.56. P var? Min I = 2427979.340 + 11.124939d*E RY Sct (JD2414800 - 36100) [00007]; since JD2431200 - see Table. RY Sct The shape of the light curve varies. RZ Sct Min II 7.47. P var. There is nonlinear term in the RZ Sct elements given in the Table: +0.78d*10**(-7)*E**2. SU Sct P var. Max = 2424324.48 + 1.467713d*E (JD2420700 - 34310); SU Sct Max = 2439678.428 + 1.468753d*E (JD2437100 - 41100) [07806]; SU Sct since JD2441100 - see Table. TX Sct CWA? red. TY Sct [A/H] = -0.3. In the region of the open cluster Tr 35. UZ Sct [Fe/H] = 0.35. P var. Max = 2435629.5 + 14.7468d*E UZ Sct (JD2423900 - 35700) [02309]; since JD2436000 - see Table. VV Sct SF component of a pair. VW Sct P var. Max = 2415887 + 234d*E (JD2411900 - 22210); VW Sct Max = 2423588 + 235d*E (JD2422880 - 27600); VW Sct Max = 2429468 + 235.1d*E (JD2428750 - 34200); VW Sct since JD2434600 - see Table. VX Sct d = 0.064P. VZ Sct Min II 12.0. WY Sct P var. XY Sct Min II 14.5. AC Sct d = 0.024P; Min II 10.2. AE Sct d = 0.04P. AI Sct In the region of the open cluster NGC 6705. AN Sct P var? AP Sct V2 (NGC 6712). AU Sct d ~0.03P. BC Sct Following component of a close double system. The BC Sct companion - NSV 11551. BH Sct Min II 14.9. BI Sct VB A (B 16.3m:, 3", 280deg; C 16.7m:, 12", 190deg; BI Sct D 16.8m:, 18", 45deg; E 17.0m:, 6", 350deg). BK Sct Close companion 16.5m sf. BN Sct d = 0.02P. BP Sct S 5.5/5.5. BS Sct Min II 11.07. In the region of the open cluster M11 BS Sct (NGC 6705). BU Sct A var. P var. Max = 2425804.625 + 0.42022d*E [01401]; BU Sct Max = 2427928.041 + 0.4202188d*E (JD2427900 - 9440) BU Sct [01404]; Max = 2432770.464 + 0.4201944d*E BU Sct (JD2432740 - 38290); Max = 2438589.357 + 0.4202171d*E BU Sct (JD2438580 - 40510) [07806]; since JD2440770 - see Table. BX Sct [A/H] = -0.9. CD Sct Min II 13.7. CF Sct d = 0.035P. CH Sct V7 (NGC 6712). The member of this globular cluster. CK Sct [Fe/H] = 0.23. CL Sct May be the period should be doubled? CM Sct [A/H] = 0.1. CN Sct [A/H] = -1.5. CO Sct P var? Resembles RV Tau type variables: if the period is CO Sct doubled, the neight of max I and the depth of Min II vary. CR Sct Min II 12.1; DII = 0.071P; Min II - Min I = 0.53P. CT Sct Min II 11.1. CW Sct Min II 10.1. DD Sct One of the components probably varies. DE Sct Min II 16.3. DG Sct d = 0.03P:. DL Sct Min II 15.9. DT Sct Min II 16.5. DV Sct Min II 17.8. DW Sct Min II 16.4. EE Sct Min II 15.3. EH Sct Min II 15.0. EK Sct Min II 16.0. EL Sct The shape of the light curve varies? EN Sct Min II 17.2. The different elements are also possible: EN Sct Min I = 2428008.85 + 1.06446d*E. EP Sct d = 0.04P:; Min II 15.6. EQ Sct In the region of the open cluster NGC 6631. Min II 12.6:. ER Sct Min II 9.3; Min II - Min I = 0.506P; DII = 0.14P. EU Sct VB A (B 17.5m, 6", 45deg). EV Sct [A/H] = -0.4. The member of the open cluster NGC 6664. EW Sct P0 = 5.8195d (A/2 = 0.27m), P1 = 4.0646d (A/2 = 0.22m); EW Sct P1/P0 = 0.6984. EX Sct d = 0.025P:. EY Sct Min II 12.4. In the region of the open cluster NGC 6683. EZ Sct Min II 12.5. FF Sct Min II 14.2. FG Sct Min II 14.70. P var? Min I = 2429017.557 + 0.2705728d*E FG Sct (JD2427975 - 29520) [01397]; since JD2444700 - see Table. FH Sct In the region of the open cluster NGC 6694. FK Sct Min II 14.4:. FL Sct Min II 13.8. FM Sct Min II 12.9. FN Sct In the open cluster NGC 6704. FO Sct D = 0.22d. FR Sct Spectrum description [01410]. GI Sct Min II 14.5. GM Sct Min II 13.8:. HI Sct D = 0.29d. HL Sct Min II 13.4. IS Sct P < 200d. IT Sct In the region of the open cluster NGC 6705. LL Sct sf component of a close pair. LR Sct V14 (NGC 6712). LU Sct P2 = 30d. LZ Sct In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6712. MM Sct Min II 15.8. MP Sct V1 (NGC 6712). The member of this globular cluster. MP Sct [Fe/H] = -0.69. MR Sct V8 (NGC 6712). P var. Max = 2430885 + 117d*E MR Sct (JD2427900 - 32400) [04231]; since JD2434900 - see Table. NU Sct VB A (B 16.6m, 12", 180deg). NV Sct P = 200d? OU Sct P var. Max = 2427620 + 152d*E (JD2426200 - 32800); OU Sct since JD2433100 - see Table. PT Sct There is a close companion, 16.4m. PW Sct The range of the combined light of the variable and PW Sct a close companion, which follows, is given in the Table. QU Sct The variable is also eclipsing one with P = 0.2d and QU Sct A = 0.7m. V0337 Sct A close companion (16.2m, <7", 90deg). V0340 Sct Min II 15.6. V0356 Sct Min II 12.3; DII = 0.10P. V0360 Sct A close fn companion, 16.4m. V0362 Sct P = 170d? V0367 Sct In the open cluster NGC 6649. The light elements V0367 Sct with fundamental mode period P0 (A0 = 0.54m B) are V0367 Sct given in the Table. For the first-overtone period V0367 Sct P1 (A1 = 0.41m B) Max = 2437435.12 + 4.38466d*E; V0367 Sct P1/P0 = 0.696744. M - m var (0.15 <= M - m <= 0.45). V0369 Sct In the region of the open cluster NGC 6705 (M 11). V0369 Sct There is a superposition of the four light oscillations: V0369 Sct P1 = 0.240d (A1 = 0.044m), P2 = 0.220d (A2 = 0.020m), V0369 Sct P3 = 0.182d (A3 = 0.068m), P4 = 0.114d (A4 = 0.028m) V0369 Sct [09745]. V0370 Sct d = 0.016P. V0372 Sct d = 0.012P. V0414 Sct Blue companion? V0479 Sct Porb = 4.4267 d. V0484 Sct MinII 9.22. V0490 Sct Min II 13.6; Min II - Min I = 0.326P; DII = 0.025P. V0491 Sct Min II 14.1. V0493 Sct MinII - MinI = 0.75P. V0498 Sct Multiperiodic. V0509 Sct Several close companions. V0514 Sct Several close companions. V0521 Sct VB B (A 13.7m; AB 4", 359deg, 1998). V0530 Sct VB B (A 3" sp). V0531 Sct VB (companion of comparable brightness, 4.5", 326deg, 1998). V0548 Sct Crowded. V0556 Sct Crowded. V0558 Sct Several companions. V0567 Sct Crowded. V0571 Sct Crowded. V0573 Sct Crowded. V0574 Sct Crowded. V0575 Sct Crowded. V0584 Sct Crowded. V0600 Sct VB A (B 2" nf). V0646 Sct OH, H2O, SiO maser. V0665 Sct P = 42.4d is superposed. del Sct VB A (B 10m, 53", 130deg); (k - b)2 = 0.37. del Sct The basic light variation P0 (A0 = 0.125m) given in the del Sct Table is superposed by the secondary one with del Sct P1 = 0.1867756 (A1 = 0.034) [09975]. R Ser P var. Max = 2372429 + 356.93d*E (JD2372400 - 88900) R Ser [00960]; Max = 2397809 + 353.00d*E R Ser (JD2394000 - 2403000); Max = 2403104 + 357.25d*E R Ser (JD2403000 - 24000); Max = 2432387 + 356.10D*E R Ser (JD2424000-39200); since JD2441000 - see Table. R Ser Maser (SiO, H2O). S Ser P var. Max = 2394360 + 361.01d*E (JD2394000 - 2407000); S Ser Max = 2407024 + 372.70d*E (JD2407000 - 17000) [00960]; S Ser Max = 2425875 + 366.59d*E (JD2417000 - 36000); since S Ser JD2437600 - see Table. Maser (OH, SiO, H2O). T Ser In the region of the open cluster NGC 6633. T Ser P var. Max = 2400907 + 342.05d*E (JD2400500 - 15000); T Ser Max = 2417912 + 345.73d*E (JD2417900 - 26000); T Ser Max = 2428524 + 332.21d*E (JD2426000 - 32500); T Ser Max = 2438382 + 345.71d*E (JD2432500 - 39500); since T Ser JD2439500 - see Table. 0.8' from BN Ser. U Ser P var. Max = 2421158 + 237.70d*E (JD2414000 - 22000); U Ser Max = 2422347 + 236.78d*E (JD2422000 - 26600); U Ser Max = 2426609 + 239.21d*E (JD2426600 - 32500); U Ser since JD2432500 - see Table. V Ser Min II 9.85. W Ser P var, nonlinear terms: W Ser +(3.140d*10**(-6))*E**2 + (1.432d*10**(-9))*E**3. W Ser The light curve shape var. Wavelike variations in Max W Ser light. Changes of emission lines with the orbital phase. W Ser Active mass exchange, evidence for a common envelope. X Ser After 1932 variations 14.3m - 18.3m were noted; according X Ser to [01417], P = 275d. Observations in 1961 - 1964 did not X Ser confirm P = 275d, fluctuations of light with a period of X Ser several minutes were suspected [03625]. The spectral data X Ser are for 1981. Y Ser Epoch of min is given. According to [08643], variations Y Ser with P ~400d are superimposed by P ~40d. Z Ser The elements are valid during JD2422000 - 31000. RS Ser Min II 11.4. RT Ser Max (1920 - 1923). In the spectrum (1977 - 1979) there are RT Ser emissions Halpha - Hdelta, HeI, HeII, [OI] etc. RT Ser Absorptions TiO. RV Ser Maser (H2O). VY Ser [Fe/H] = -1.77, Delta(S) = 9. WW Ser Maser (H2O). WX Ser Maser (OH, SiO, H2O). P var? AA Ser [A/H] = 0.2. AG Ser P var? since JD2435000 - see Table. AK Ser P var? before JD2442300 Min = 2431313.266 + 1.9225667d*E AK Ser [00318]; since JD2442300 - see Table. AN Ser P var? Max = 2429156.260 + 0.5220703d*E AN Ser (JD2427000 - 38000) [00001]; since JD2438000 - see Table. AN Ser According to [02740], Blazhko effect with Pi = 21.94d; AN Ser the presence of the Blazhko effect is denied in [07258]. AN Ser Delta(S) = 0. AO Ser Min II 10.8. AP Ser VB A (B 14.29m, 8" sp). [Fe/H] = -1.37. AQ Ser Min II 11.1. AR Ser P var. Before JD2425000 Max = 2415617.698 + 0.5752221d*E; AR Ser Max = 2425313.530 + 0.57508945d*E AR Ser (JD2425000 - 28500); Max = 2428848.662 + 0.575214d*E AR Ser (JD2428500 - 31000) [08081]; Max = AR Ser 2431436.424 + 0.5751134d*E (JD2431000 - 34200); AR Ser Max = 2436013.279 + 0.5752169d*E (JD2435900 - 37200); AR Ser Max = 2438138.467 + 0.5750651d*E (JD2437200 - 38700) AR Ser [00001]. Elements working on average since JD2438700 - see AR Ser Table. Complex Blazhko effect. Pi = 108.4d [08082]. AR Ser A var (0.23m - 0.87m V). Pi var (80d - 120d) [07032]. AR Ser Delta(S) = 4.6. AS Ser Min II 11.5. The epoch of Min I 2442937.428 AS Ser (BBSAG) is not in agreement with the elements. AT Ser P var. Max = 2415353.783 + 0.74655695d*E AT Ser (JD2415000 - 27000); Max = 2428337.260 + 0.7465670d*E AT Ser (JD2428000 - 39500); since JD2441500 - see Table. AT Ser Delta(S) = 9. AU Ser Min II 11.61. AU Ser The light curve shape var. AV Ser Delta(S) = 6. AW Ser Delta(S) = 5.0. BF Ser [A/H] = -2.5. Delta(S) = 6. BH Ser P var. Max = 2427956.674 + 0.434545d*E (JD2425000 - BH Ser 30700) [01039]; since JD2437650 - see Table. BI Ser Min I 2446264.414 [10200] contradicts the elements. P var? BN Ser In the region of the open cluster NGC 6633. 0.8' from BN Ser T Ser. BO Ser P var? Max = 2425681 + 201d (JD2425600 - 30100) 0447]; BO Ser the Table gives mean elements (JD2425600 - 35400). BQ Ser P0 - see Table. P1 = 3.012d [08188]. In the region of the BQ Ser open cluster IC 4756. BR Ser In the region of the open cluster IC 4756. BS Ser In the region of the open cluster IC 4756. BT Ser In the region of the open cluster IC 4756. BU Ser In the region of the open cluster IC 4756. CC Ser Min II 11.63. CN Ser [Fe/H] = -0.77. Delta(S) = 3.4. CO Ser P var? The light curve shape var. CO Ser [Fe/H] = -1.38. Delta(S) = 7.2. CQ Ser Min II 12.0. CR Ser [A/H] = -0.2. CS Ser P var. Max = 2418137.875 + 0.5267904d*E CS Ser (JD2416000 - 32500) [00001]; since JD2432500 - see Table. CS Ser Delta(S) = (6). In the region of the HII complex S 54 and CS Ser the open star cluster NGC 6604. Connected with a CS Ser shell-structure nebula. Sometimes eclipses are observed CS Ser during the configuration "WR in front of O" (see Table) CS Ser and sometimes during the configuration "O in front of CS Ser WR" which coincided with the deepest eclipse ever observed CS Ser (with the depth 0.5m B, V). Sometimes the photometric CS Ser eclipse at predicted moments does not occur, and only the CS Ser atmospheric eclipse of the O star with the WR component is CS Ser observed at lambda 4653 A (emission of CII - CIV, NIII), CS Ser lambda < 2000 A. IR excess; possibly an IR eclipse in CS Ser the configuration "O in front of WR". CX Ser The light curve (resembling the eclipsing light curve of CX Ser U Gem) shows a hump of ~0.2m height before the minimum; CX Ser fluctuations up to ~0.3m - 0.4m in Max. DF Ser VB A (B 13.9m, 0.4', -115deg). DG Ser Min II 16.5:. The alias period is possible (0.3360742d). DH Ser Another possible P = 450d. DK Ser Max 2433829 [10008] contradicts the elements. DR Ser VB A (B 12.54m, 28", 0deg). DT Ser VB A (B ~5"). The spectrum shows emissions of [OIII] DT Ser lambda lambda 4959, 5007 A. Symbiotic? [08676]. DV Ser In a small star cluster. DY Ser [Fe/H] = -1.58. Delta(S) = 8.4. EE Ser In the region of the open cluster M 17 = NGC 6618. EF Ser In the region of the open cluster M 17 = NGC 6618. EG Ser VB A (ro > 10"). EL Ser N <= 7. EN Ser [Fe/H] = -1.07. Delta(S) = 5.3. EO Ser The light curve shows large scatter. RR(B) type is EO Ser possible. Max = 2437433.653 + 0.6309d*E (JD2437433 - 514) EO Ser [3625]. [Fe/H] = -1.63. Delta(S) = 8.8. ER Ser In the region of the open cluster M 16 = NGC 6611. ES Ser In the region of the open cluster M 16 = NGC 6611. ET Ser In the region of the open cluster M 16 = NGC 6611. EU Ser VB A (B 4" np). A member of the open cluster EU Ser M 16 = NGC 6611. IR excess. EV Ser In the region of the open cluster M 16 = NGC 6611. EW Ser In the region of the open cluster M 16 = NGC 6611. EX Ser In the region of the open cluster M 16 = NGC 6611. FI Ser Hints of periodicity in U light. FK Ser VB (Delta(m) ~0.5m, 1.3", 11.5deg, 1972). FK Ser Flares were found in the satellite UV range [10013]. FK Ser Differences from typical by stars and probable "post-T Tau" FK Ser nature are noted [07260, 03866]. According to [06948], FK Ser Min = 2441939.200 + 5.20d*E. Soft X-ray source. FL Ser VB (Delta(m) = 1.9m, 0.46", 145deg, 1981). FM Ser In the region of the open cluster M 16 = NGC 6611. FM Ser VB (var sf?). FN Ser In the region of the open cluster M 16 = NGC 6611. FR Ser ADS 11477 A (B 12.5m, 10.5", 330deg, 1924; C 9.3m, FR Ser 30.5", 5deg, 1930). Possible values of P: 2.1308d, 2.1565d. LN Ser m pg ~17.5m ~const; blue companion? [07264]. LS Ser The light curve shows large scatter, the elements need LS Ser confirmation. Possible identification with an X-ray source LS Ser 2ASE 1822 + 0. LV Ser The epoch of max in V light is given; in B and U varies LV Ser in opposite phase. LX Ser The depth of eclipses ~2.5m. Comparatively frequent LX Ser outbursts [10023]. MM Ser Ser X-1 = 4 U 1 837 + 04. LX/Lopt >= 100. MM Ser VB B (A 19.1m; B 2.2", 210deg). MO Ser V1 (NGC 6535). Cluster non-member. MP Ser V2 (NGC 6535). Cluster non-member. OU Ser SB2. PS Ser Both components are SB systems, Porb(A) = 15.888d, PS Ser Porb(B) = 13.561d. PT Ser SB, Porb = 38.937d. V0381 Ser SB2. V0383 Ser SB2. V0384 Ser MinII 12.35. V0391 Ser The coordinates in [78230] are wrong. V0393 Ser VB A (B 15" np). V0399 Ser MinII 11.9. V0413 Ser Apsidal motion, P(MinII) = 2.259735d. VB(9.1m, 9.1m, 0.3", 215deg, 1991). V0425 Ser Min II = 12.1. V0437 Ser Superposed variations with an amplitude about 0.3m and a period of 44d. V0462 Ser P = 0.274277d is also possible. V0466 Ser P = 0.177978d is also possible. V0493 Ser Porb = 0.07408d, superhumps: P = 0.082866d. V0497 Ser P = 0.302612d is also possible. V0499 Ser Multiperiodic. V0501 Ser P = 0.266086d is also possible. V0539 Ser Multiperiodic. V0562 Ser d = 0.07P. V0575 Ser Double-mode pulsations. The Table contains light elements for the first overtone. Fundamental mode: Max = 2454700.867 + 0.475615d x E. P1/P0 = 0.7446. V0579 Ser Double-mode pulsations. The Table contains light elements for the first overtone. Fundamental mode: Max = 2454800.609 + 0.479144d x E. P1/P0 = 0.7444. V0585 Ser SiO maser. V0592 Ser VB A (B 14.0mpg, 13", 80deg, 1998). V0595 Ser VB A (B 5" p). V0609 Ser VB A (B 4", 186deg, 1998; several fainter companions). The magnitudes in the Table were influenced by the companions. V0627 Ser A twice shorter period is also possible. VB A (B 7", 183deg; C 5", 159deg, 2000). V0628 Ser VB A (B 14.0mV, 7.5", 207deg, 2000). V0637 Ser P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.541556d; P1/P0 = 0.7460. V0638 Ser Double-mode pulsations. P = 0.04191053d is superposed. V0640 Ser The data for 1SWASP J151652.90+004835.8 in [82030] are combined measurements for a V0640 Ser non-variable star (V = 14.3m) near the SuperWASP position and the real variable. V0641 Ser Type EB with a twice longer period is not excluded. V0646 Ser P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.596277d; P1/P0 = 0.7450. V0647 Ser Double-mode pulsations. P = 0.042667 is superposed. V0649 Ser P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.481733d; P1/P0 = 0.7438. V0654 Ser P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.491922d; P1/P0 = 0.7456. V0661 Ser H2O, OH maser. V0664 Ser SiO, H2O maser. V0667 Ser VB AB (10.2mV, 11.2mV, 3", 127deg, 2000). V0677 Ser Cluster non-member? V0679 Ser Cluster non-member? V0683 Ser Blazhko effect? V0686 Ser Period varies. V0687 Ser Porb = 0.05687d, Psh = 0.05782d. V0688 Ser In the region of the globular cluster NGC 6539, probable non-member. del Ser ADS 9701A (B 5.16m, dF0, a = 5.843", Porb = 3168 yr; del Ser 4", 175G, 1980). omi Ser SB? d Ser ADS 11353 A (B 7.44m, SB?, F5V, 3.9", 320deg, 1983). d Ser VB (speckle-interferometric; 0.25", 157deg, 1976). d Ser SB (P1orb = 385d, P2orb = 1.8505205d). S Sex P var. Max = 2422029 + 257.2d*E (JD2417650 - 22050); S Sex Max = 2428968 + 266.65d*E (JD2422050 - 30300); Max = S Sex 2434739 + 260.86d*E (JD2430300 - 34750); Max = S Sex 2438796 + 254.3d*E (JD2434750 - 38800); S Sex since JD2440600 - see Table. T Sex [Fe/H] = -1.20. P var. Max = 2416146.675 + 0.32465971d*E T Sex (JD2414000 - 18300), Max = 2424561.398 + 0.32467107d*E T Sex (JD2418300 - 24570) [00752]; T Sex Max = 2424561.430 + 0.3246702d*E (JD2424560 - 28280), T Sex Max = 2429350.320 + 0.3247113d*E (JD2429350 - 34370), T Sex Max = 2434795.409 + 0.3246978d*E (JD2434795 - 36630) T Sex [09978]; since JD2441380 - see Table. U Sex P var. Max = 2419823.355 + 0.53402622d*E U Sex (JD2419470 - 36670) [03697]; since JD2443980 - see Table. Y Sex Min II 10.17; dII = 0.05P. P var. Min I = 2428122.700 + Y Sex 0.41982341d*E (JD < 2429000) [00007]; Min I = Y Sex 2434445.989 + 0.419818d*E (JD2428100 - 35000) Y Sex [00001], Min I = 2439521.964 + 0.41981543d*E Y Sex (JD2431150 - 43250) [09981]; since JD2440300 - see Table. RU Sex Min II 11.4. According to [09923], RR? RU Sex (P = 0.5398d?), CEP? (P = 6.792d?). RW Sex Porb = 0.247d [09925]; LX/Lopt = 10**(-4) [09926]; RW Sex Px = 254s [09927]. RX Sex VB A (B 9.1m, 116.3", 191deg). RY Sex Mu = 0.67", P = 281deg. WW Sex MinII 10.46. WX Sex MinII 12.8. WY Sex The depth of MinII is 0.29. WZ Sex MinII 10.0. AI Sex Min II = 11.0. AO Sex P = 0.234675d is also possible. AY Sex A millisecond radio pulsar showing optical variations with the tabulated orbital period. Dramatic shanges in the spectrum were recorded. BG Sex P = 0.415502d is also possible. BP Sex VB A (B 10.96mV, 1.3", 342deg, 1991). BY Sex Pulsates in the first overtone (see Table) and fundamental (Max = 2454801.000 + 0.581288d x E) modes. P1/P0 = 0.7473. CF Sex P strongly varies. The elements in the Table are for JD 2455900 - 2456500. CW Sex P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.475673d; P1/P0 = 0.7443. CX Sex P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.563212d; P1/P0 = 0.7459. CY Sex P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.488334d; P1/P0 = 0.7446. R Tau OH, H2O, Sio maser. P var. Max = 2411012 + R Tau 325.0d*E (JD2398654 - 2414000); Max = 2424243 + R Tau 322.1d*E (JD2414000 - 24300); Max = 2434005 + R Tau 325.4d*E (JD2424300 - 35500); since JD2435500 - see Table. S Tau P var. Max = 2404646 + 380.1d*E (JD2399326 - 2405000); S Tau Max = 2425085 + 371.40d*E (JD2405000 - 26000); since S Tau JD2426000 - see Table. T Tau VB A (B 15m, 0.27", 358deg; C - infrared companion, 0.590", T Tau 180deg). Near the variable nebula NGC 1555. OH, H2O maser. T Tau In the interval JD2402140 - 21000 the light range T Tau 9.3m - 13.5m, since JD2421000 - only 9.5m - 10.8m. U Tau VB (A 10.9m; B 12.0m, 3", 77deg). V Tau P var. Max = 2417978 + 170.0d*E (JD2404550 - 18000); V Tau Max = 2424580 + 169.3d*E (JD2418000 - 24600); V Tau Max = 2432746 + 170.1d*E (JD2424600 - 33500); V Tau Max = 2436970 + 168.7d*E (JD2433500 - 37300); V Tau Max = 2442442 + 171.1d*E (JD2437300 - 43000); V Tau since JD2443000 - see Table. W Tau P value is given in the Table. W Tau P var. Max = 2415320 + 274.1d*E (JD2410360 - 15500), W Tau Max = 2421995 + 266.1d*E (JD2415500 - 22500), W Tau Max = 2425135 + 260.5d*E (JD2422500 - 28800), W Tau Max = 2438837 + 245.4d*E (JD2428800 - 39100) [00001]. Z Tau VB A (B 13.6m, 4", 45deg). Z Tau P var. Max = 2425115 + 499.90d*E (JD2415100 - 26500) Z Tau Max = 2438768 + 486.20d*E (JD2426500 - 39000); Z Tau since JD2439000 - see Table. RR Tau Spectrum description and the photographs of the nebula RR Tau [04002]. RU Tau VB A (B 4"). P var. Max = 2426004 + 545.3d*E RU Tau (JD2415009 - 27500). Max = 2434309 + 604.0d*E RU Tau (JD2427500 - 34500); since JD2437500 - see Table. RV Tau OH maser. Mean brightness varies: Min = 2417553 + 1224d*E RV Tau [00580]. RW Tau VB A (12.5m, 1.3", 172deg, 1959). dI = 0.020P; Min II 8.09. RW Tau P var. Min I = 2417198.410 + 2.7688665d*E + RW Tau 0.038d*sin(0.0818deg*(E - 100)) (JD2409913 - 24150), RW Tau Min I = 2434423.3571 + 2.7688209d*E (JD2424150 - 37000) RW Tau [05460]; Min I = 2437164.4860 + 2.7688480d*E RW Tau (JD2437000 - 39900) [07531]; Min I = 2442776.93772 + RW Tau 2.76884463d*E (JD2439855 - 42780) [08593]; Min I = RW Tau 2442776.9313 + 2.7688396d*E (JD2442780 - 45750) RW Tau [09084]; since JD2445750 - see Table. The shape of the RW Tau light curve varies. RX Tau OH, H2O maser. P var. Max = 2423561 + 338.4d*E RX Tau (JD2417155 - 24000); Max = 2430505 + 330.2d*E RX Tau (JD2424000 - 30700); Max = 2437963 + 339.3d*E RX Tau (JD2430700 - 38000); since JD2438000 - see Table. RY Tau SB1. The photographs of the nebula and spectrum RY Tau description [05064]. Long period light variations are RY Tau possible with cycles 70.25, 15.9, 9.4 and 5.84 years RY Tau [09993]. RZ Tau Min II 10.66. P var. Min I = 2424032.1426 + RZ Tau 0.41567109d*E (JD2424000 - 34100) [00312]; RZ Tau since JD2436000 - see Table. SS Tau P var [03506]. Max = 2420894.2339 + 0.3699665d*E SS Tau (JD2420890 - 21300) [09995]; Max = 2426669.080 + SS Tau 0.3699687d*E (JD2426400 - 26700) [00320]; Max = SS Tau 2428843.856 + 0.3699231d*E (JD2426700 - 30300), SS Tau Max = 2431392.603 + 0.369912d*E (JD2430300 - 31400), SS Tau Max = 2432118.794 + 0.369937d*E (JD2431400 - 32150), SS Tau Max = 2432857.884 + 0.3699146d*E (JD2432150 - 35000), SS Tau Max = 2435055.528 + 0.3699066d*E (JD2435000 - 36400), SS Tau Max = 2437313.503 + 0.3699266d*E (JD2436400 - 37320), SS Tau Max = 2437960.419 + 0.369878d*E (JD2437300 - 37960), SS Tau Max = 2437960.419 + 0.369938d*E (JD2437960 - 38740); SS Tau since JD2438740 - see Table. SV Tau Min II 9.8. SW Tau P var. Max = 2432049.856 + 1.583623d*E (JD2418240 - 36000); SW Tau since JD2436000 - see Table. SX Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member SX Tau of the cluster. SY Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member SY Tau of the cluster. SZ Tau The member of the halo of the open cluster NGC 1647. SZ Tau P var. Max = 2410000.60 + 3.1487d*E (JD2412000 - 20200) SZ Tau [09996]; Max = 2419267.519 + 3.149046d*E SZ Tau (JD2419260 - 34650); since JD2434650 - see Table. TT Tau P = 364d? [00589]. TY Tau In the region of the hyades cluster. Not a member of TY Tau the cluster. According to [09997], Min = 2422291.303 + TY Tau 0.539250d*E. UU Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member of UU Tau the cluster. UX Tau VB A (B 13.67m V, M2.5 VE, 5.74", 270.1deg, 1944). UZ Tau VB A (B 15.16m B, M4VE (Li), 3.7", 271.5deg, 1944). UZ Tau The range of the combined light variation is given in the UZ Tau Table. VW Tau The chart in [06286] is wrong. WW Tau P var. P = 114.8d (JD2414800 - 20800). P = 124.4d WW Tau (JD2420800 - 23700) [00634]; P = 114d (JD2424800 - 26300), WW Tau P = 139d (JD2426300 - 27700) [00310]; P = 114d WW Tau (JD2427900 - 30800), P = 131d (JD2430800 - 31500), WW Tau P = 109d (JD2431500 - 33400) [00364]; since WW Tau JD2433400 - see Table. WY Tau Min II 11.73. P var? [10048]. WZ Tau VB. XZ Tau VB A (B = HL Tau, 23", 273deg). YZ Tau [Fe/H] = -1.53. In the region of the Pleiades cluster. YZ Tau Not a member of the cluster. YZ Tau There is a square term in the elements: -6d*10**(-11)*E**2. AA Tau Cyclic light variation with P = 4.5d and 2d [10003] and AA Tau also 8.2d [10004] is possible. AC Tau d = 0.025P. P var? AH Tau Min II 11.85. P var? In the region of the Pleiades AH Tau cluster. Not a member of the cluster. AL Tau P var. The depth of Min II 0.15m. AM Tau d = 0.012P:. P var. Min I = 2427534.444 + 2.044018d*E AM Tau (JD2425580 - 27540), Min I = 2435019.436 + AM Tau 2.043935d*E (JD2433320 - 37020); since JD2442365 - see AM Tau Table. AN Tau Min II 10.5; Min II - Min I = 0.53P. P var. AP Tau Min II 14.7; Min II - Min I = 0.48P. AS Tau P var. Min I = 2439390.595 + 3.4835542d*E AS Tau (JD2419440 - 44300) [07806]; since JD2444300 - see Table. AU Tau P var. Max = 2426642 + 71.0d*E (JD2426290 - 30400) AU Tau [00310]; since JD2438000 - see Table. AW Tau OH, H2O maser. P var. Max = 2426278 + 690d*E AW Tau (JD2416100 - 33850) [00609]; since JD2433850 - see Table. BB Tau SC 7/7 e. BK Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member of BK Tau the cluster. BN Tau P var. Min I = 2435460.370 + 4.2542044d*E BN Tau (JD2419000-39100) [05466]; since JD2443000 - see Table. BP Tau There are quasisinusoidal light variations with P = 7.6d BP Tau [10011]. BU Tau Pleione. The member of the Pleiades cluster. BV Tau Min II 11.9. BW Tau 3C 120. Seyfert galaxy; Z = 0.033. Spectrum description BW Tau [10012]. CD Tau VB A (B 9.88m, 9.9", 148.8deg). Min II 7.31. CD Tau In the region of the open cluster CR 65. CF Tau d = 0.02P; Min II 10.2; CH Tau The epoch of Min brightness is given. CM Tau SN 1054 in the Crab nebula (NGC 1952 = M1); pulsar NP 0532. CM Tau The outburst epoch is JD2106210:. The pulsed radiation CM Tau varies precisely in phase over the whole spectrum, from CM Tau radio waves to gamma rays with P = 0.033S in the range CM Tau 13.9m - 17.7m V. P var [10017, 10018]: 0.033095563927s CM Tau (JD2440297.5094) <= P <= 0.033242051159s (JD2444312.750). CR Tau P = 1.362692d? CT Tau Min II 11.12. P var. Min I = 2437312.369 + 0.6668274d*E CT Tau (JD2432700 - 38790) [10010]; since JD2441400 - see Table. CU Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member of CU Tau the cluster. Min II 11.90. P var. Min I = CU Tau 2431822.5193 + 0.4126022d*E (JD2431060 - 2890) CU Tau [00604]; since JD2440960 - see Table. CZ Tau VB B (A = DD Tau; B 31", 13deg). DD Tau VB A (B = CZ Tau; 31", 13deg. DE Tau VB A (B 26", 10deg). DG Tau Connected with a small bright arc-shaped nebula. DH Tau VB A (B = DI Tau, 16", 125deg). According to [10004] there DH Tau is periodical light variability with P = 7.0d and DH Tau A = 0.4m V. DI Tau VB B (A = DH Tau; B 16", 125deg). DI Tau According to [10004] there is DI Tau periodical light variability with P ~7.0d and A < 0.4m V. DL Tau VB A (B 17m V, 12", 333deg). DL Tau Cyclic light variation with P = 2.7d is present [10003]. DN Tau There are sinusoidal light variations with DN Tau P = 6.6d [10011]. DO Tau Connected with a small bright arc-shaped nebula. DS Tau VB A (B 13.7m, 4", 288deg). Range of Combined light DS Tau variation of the pair is given in the Table. EI Tau VB? EQ Tau Min II 10.97. In the region of the Pleiades cluster. EQ Tau Not a member of the cluster. ET Tau Min II 9.3. EY Tau The member of the Hyades cluster. EZ Tau The member of the Hyades cluster. FH Tau The member of the Hyades cluster. FL Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. FS Tau VB A (B 16", 289deg). FV Tau VB A (B 13", 103deg). FW Tau VB A (B 13", 243deg). FY Tau VB B (A = FZ Tau, B 17", 250deg.) FZ Tau VB A (B = FY Tau, 17", 250deg). GG Tau VB A (B 18.5m, 12", 205deg). GH Tau VB B (A = V807 Tau; B 21.4", 193deg). GI Tau VB B (A = GK Tau; B 13", 329deg). There are GI Tau quasisinusoidal light variations with P = 7.2d [10011]. GI Tau Connected with a small bright arc-shaped nebula. GK Tau VB A (B = GI Tau, 13", 329deg). GK Tau There are quasisinusoidal light variations with P = 4.6d GK Tau [10011]. Connected with a small bright arc-shaped nebula. GL Tau The central star of the planetary nebula PK 174 -14deg 1. GP Tau P2 = 1000d. GR Tau dI = 0.068P; Min II 10.49; Mim II - Min I = 0.516P. GS Tau SB1 (Porb = 7.227424d [06568]). The epoch of Min GS Tau brightness is given. GU Tau VB A (B 11", 299deg). GV Tau Herbig-haro object. GW Tau Min II 11.7. P var? GX Tau VB A (B 11", 310deg). HK Tau VB A (B 21m, 2", 180deg). HL Tau VB B (A = XZ Tau; B 23", 273deg). Connected with a HL Tau small bright arc-shaped nebula. HN Tau VB A (B 18m, 3.3", 205deg). HO Tau VB A (B 8", 110deg). HP Tau Connected with a small bright arc-shaped nebula. HP Tau According to [10004] there is periodical variability HP Tau with P = 1.2d. HR Tau VB B (A = HS Tau; B 14", 119deg). HS Tau VB A (B = HR Tau; 14", 119deg). HU Tau Min II 5.91. HW Tau Minor planet (49) Pales. HZ Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible HZ Tau member of the cluster. II Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. II Tau Possible member of the hyades cluster IK Tau OH, H2O, SiO maser. IM Tau P var. Max = 2439792.398 + 0.144969d*E (JD2439790 - IM Tau 43130) [10019]; P1 = 0.109016d, P1/P0 = 0.752. IM Tau Since JD2444230 - see Table. IN Tau mu = 0.121", P = 105deg. The member of the Hyades cluster? IO Tau In the region of the Hyades cluster. IQ Tau VB A (B 17m, 11", 298deg). IS Tau SVS 1319 [04051]. IS Tau The star N23 with Halpha emission [00596]. In the map given IS Tau in [00596] erroneously designated as N26 in contradiction IS Tau with the co-ordinates given in the same paper. It was the IS Tau reason for different mistakes when the IS Tau star was identified by some other investigators. IT Tau SVS 1320 [04051]. IT Tau The star N26 with Halpha emission [00596]. IT Tau In the map given in [00596] IS Tau erroneously designated IT Tau as N26 in contradiction with the co-ordinates given in the IT Tau same paper. It was the reason for different mistakes when IT Tau IS Tau was identified by some other investigators. KK Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. KL Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. KM Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. KN Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. KO Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. KP Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member KP Tau of the cluster. KQ Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. KR Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member KR Tau of the cluster. KS Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. KT Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. KU Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. KV Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. KW Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. KX Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member KX Tau of the cluster. KY Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. KZ Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. LL Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. LM Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member LM Tau of the cluster. LN Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. LO Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member LO Tau of the cluster. LP Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member LP Tau of the cluster. LQ Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. LR Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member LR Tau of the Hyades cluster. LS Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. LT Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member LT Tau of the cluster. LU Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member LU Tau of the cluster. LV Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member LV Tau of the cluster. LW Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member LW Tau of the cluster. LX Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. LY Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member LY Tau of the cluster. LZ Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. MM Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. MN Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. MO Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member MO Tau of the cluster. MP Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. MQ Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. MR Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. MS Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. MT Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member MT Tau of the cluster. MU Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member MU Tau of the cluster. MV Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member MV Tau of the cluster. MW Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. MX Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. MY Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. MZ Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member MZ Tau of the cluster. NN Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. NO Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. NP Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. NQ Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. NR Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member NR Tau of the cluster. NS Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. NT Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member NT Tau of the cluster. NU Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. NV Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member NV Tau of the cluster. NW Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. NX Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member NX Tau of the cluster. NY Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member NY Tau of the cluster. NZ Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. OO Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. OP Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member OP Tau of the cluster. OQ Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. OR Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. OS Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. OT Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. OU Tau Max = 2444896.758 + 0.39701d*E, M - m = 0.5P, A(V) = OU Tau 0.13m [10052]. OU Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. OW Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. OX Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. OY Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member OY Tau of the cluster. OZ Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member OZ Tau of the cluster. PP Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member PP Tau of the cluster. PQ Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member PQ Tau of the cluster. PR Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. PS Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. PT Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. PU Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. PV Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member PV Tau of the cluster. PW Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. PZ Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. QQ Tau SB2. The member of the Pleiades cluster. QR Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. QS Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. QT Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. QU Tau VB A (B 18.0m, 4.0", 135deg). In the region of the QU Tau Pleiades cluster. QV Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. QW Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. QX Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. QX Tau Max = 2444896.79 + 0.483d*E, M - m = 0.5P, A(V) = 0.125m QX Tau [10052]. QY Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member QY Tau of the cluster. QZ Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0335 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0336 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0336 Tau of the cluster. V0337 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0338 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0338 Tau of the cluster. V0339 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0339 Tau of the cluster. V0340 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0341 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0342 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0343 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0344 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0345 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0346 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0347 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0347 Tau of the cluster. V0348 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0349 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0349 Tau of the cluster. V0350 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0350 Tau of the cluster. V0351 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0351 Tau of the cluster. V0352 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0353 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0353 Tau of the cluster. V0354 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0354 Tau of the cluster. V0355 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0355 Tau of the cluster. V0356 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0357 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0358 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0359 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0360 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0361 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0361 Tau of the cluster. V0362 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0363 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0364 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0364 Tau of the cluster. V0365 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0366 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0367 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0368 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0369 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0370 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0371 Tau VB (Delta(m) ~1m, 1.5"). The member of the Pleiades V0371 Tau cluster. V0372 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0373 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0374 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0375 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0375 Tau of the cluster. V0376 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0377 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0378 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0379 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0379 Tau of the cluster. V0380 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0380 Tau of the cluster. V0381 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0382 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0383 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0384 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0385 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0385 Tau of the cluster. V0386 Tau TCSN 437. In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0387 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0388 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0389 Tau TCSN 439. In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0390 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0392 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0392 Tau of the cluster. V0394 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0394 Tau of the cluster. V0395 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0396 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0397 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0398 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0398 Tau of the cluster. V0399 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0400 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0401 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0402 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0403 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0404 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0405 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0410 Tau There are periodical light variations with P = 1.92d, V0410 Tau A(V) = 0.21m, M - m = 0.5P [10056]. V0411 Tau mu = 0.13", P = 143deg. V0411 Tau Eruptive white dwarf. Usually there are quasi-perio- V0411 Tau dic variations with A ~0.3m and periods P0 = 12.436 V0411 Tau Min and P1 = 8.237 Min (P1/P0 = 0.6624) which are V0411 Tau nonlinearly modulated by the third period PL ~0.135d V0411 Tau (probably by the orbital period of a faint companion). V0421 Tau Minor planet (586) Thekla. V0423 Tau Min II 15.8. V0425 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0425 Tau of the cluster. V0426 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0427 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0428 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0429 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0430 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0430 Tau of the cluster. V0431 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0432 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0433 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0434 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0435 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0435 Tau of the cluster. V0436 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0436 Tau of the cluster. V0437 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0437 Tau of the cluster. V0438 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0438 Tau of the cluster. V0439 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0440 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0441 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0441 Tau of the cluster. V0442 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0443 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0444 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0444 Tau of the cluster. V0445 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0446 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0447 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0447 Tau of the cluster. V0448 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0449 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0449 Tau of the cluster. V0451 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0451 Tau of the cluster. V0452 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0452 Tau of the cluster. V0453 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0453 Tau of the cluster. V0454 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0454 Tau of the cluster. V0455 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0456 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0457 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0458 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0459 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0460 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0461 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0461 Tau of the cluster. V0462 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0462 Tau of the cluster. V0463 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0464 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0465 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0466 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0466 Tau of the cluster. V0467 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0468 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0469 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0470 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0470 Tau of the cluster. V0471 Tau The member of the Hyades cluster. V0471 Tau EA/D/(RS + WD) + XP. d = 0.0625P. V0471 Tau There occurs a total eclipse of the white dwarf in V0471 Tau Min I (A = 0.04m V, 0.36m U). V0471 Tau P var. Min I = 2440612.67083 + 0.52118321d*E V0471 Tau (JD2440570 - 970) [06250]; Min I = 2440898.80038 + V0471 Tau 0.52118376d*E (JD2440880 - 41360), Min I = V0471 Tau 2441665.46153 + 0.52118329d*E (JD2441660 - V0471 Tau 42100) [10058]; since JD2441900 - see Table. V0471 Tau Wave-like distorsion with the amplitude from 0.05m V0471 Tau up to 0.27m and with the period close to the orbital V0471 Tau one is observed in the light curve outside eclipses; V0471 Tau sometimes there are also flares. The wave is migrating on V0471 Tau phase in the direction of phase decreasing V0471 Tau with a migration period of 191d [10060] or ~250d V0471 Tau [10061]. The period of white dwarf rotation derived V0471 Tau through X-ray observations Ppuls = 554.73s [10062]. V0472 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0473 Tau P = 2.7800d? V0474 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0474 Tau of the cluster. V0475 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0476 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0477 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0478 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0479 Tau VB A (BC 8.90m, 59", 357deg); (k - b)2 = 0.40. V0480 Tau VB A (B 10.4m, 176", 303deg). The member of the Hyades V0480 Tau cluster. V0481 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0483 Tau The member of the Hyades cluster. V0484 Tau The member of the Hyades cluster. V0485 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0486 Tau Epoch of Max (U) is given. V0486 Tau P =/ 10.61d? [10063]. V0487 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0487 Tau of the cluster. V0487 Tau On the photograph west is at the top and V0487 Tau south to the right. V0488 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0489 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0490 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0491 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0491 Tau of the cluster. V0492 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0492 Tau of the cluster. V0493 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0494 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0494 Tau of the cluster. V0495 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0496 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0497 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0497 Tau of the cluster. V0498 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0498 Tau of the cluster. V0499 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0500 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0501 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0501 Tau of the cluster. V0502 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0503 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0503 Tau of the cluster. V0504 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0506 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0506 Tau of the cluster. V0507 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0508 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0509 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0510 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0511 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0512 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0513 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0514 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0515 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0516 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0517 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0517 Tau of the cluster. V0518 Tau VB B (A 14.4m; B 10", 80deg). The member of the V0518 Tau Pleiades cluster. V0519 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0519 Tau of the cluster. V0520 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0520 Tau of the cluster. V0521 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0521 Tau of the cluster. V0522 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0523 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0523 Tau of the cluster. V0524 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0525 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0525 Tau of the cluster. V0526 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0527 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0527 Tau of the cluster. V0528 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0529 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0529 Tau of the cluster. V0530 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0530 Tau of the cluster. V0531 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0532 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0533 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0534 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0535 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0536 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0537 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0538 Tau The member of the Pleiadea cluster. V0539 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0539 Tau of the cluster. V0540 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0541 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0542 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0542 Tau of the cluster. V0543 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0544 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0545 Tau Max = 2444896.678 + 0.355d*E, M - m = 0.42P, A(V) = V0545 Tau 0.09m [10052]. The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0546 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0546 Tau of the cluster. V0547 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0548 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0548 Tau of the cluster. V0549 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0550 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0551 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0552 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0553 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0553 Tau of the cluster. V0554 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0555 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0555 Tau of the cluster. V0556 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0557 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0557 Tau of the cluster. V0558 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0559 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0559 Tau of the cluster. V0560 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0560 Tau of the cluster. V0561 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0562 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0563 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0564 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0565 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0565 Tau of the cluster. V0566 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0566 Tau of the cluster. V0567 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0568 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0569 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0569 Tau of the cluster. V0570 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0571 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0572 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0573 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0574 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0575 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0576 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0577 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0578 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0578 Tau of the cluster. V0579 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0581 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0582 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0583 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0584 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0585 Tau In the region of the Hyades cluster. V0589 Tau In the region of the Hyades cluster. V0594 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0595 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0596 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0596 Tau of the cluster. V0597 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0598 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0599 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0600 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0601 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0602 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0602 Tau of the cluster. V0603 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0604 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0605 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0606 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0607 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0608 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0608 Tau of the cluster. V0609 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0610 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0611 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0612 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0613 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0613 Tau of the cluster. V0614 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0615 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0615 Tau of the cluster. V0617 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0618 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0619 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0620 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0621 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0622 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0623 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0624 Tau The value of P1(A1 = 0.01m) is given in the Table. V0624 Tau P2 = 0.017d, A2 = 0.007m. The member of the Pleiades V0624 Tau cluster. V0625 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0626 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0627 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0629 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0630 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0631 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0632 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0633 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0633 Tau of the cluster. V0634 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0634 Tau of the cluster. V0635 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0636 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0636 Tau of the cluster. V0637 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0638 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0639 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0640 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0641 Tau Max = 2444896.744 + 1.22d*E; M - m = 0.5P, A(V) = 0.03m V0641 Tau [10052]. The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0642 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0643 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0644 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0645 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0645 Tau of the cluster. V0646 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0647 Tau The value V0647 Tau of P1(A1 = 0.011m) is given in the Table. V0647 Tau P2 = 0.070d, A2 = 0.006m. The member of the Pleiades V0647 Tau cluster. V0648 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0649 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0650 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0651 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0652 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0653 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0653 Tau of the cluster. V0654 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0654 Tau of the cluster. V0655 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0656 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0657 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0657 Tau of the cluster. V0658 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0659 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0660 Tau Max = 2444896.453 + 0.23541d*E, M - m = 0.5P, A(V) = V0660 Tau 0.20m [10052]. The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0661 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0662 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0663 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0664 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0665 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0665 Tau of the region. V0666 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0667 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0668 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0669 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0670 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0671 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0672 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0672 Tau of the cluster. V0673 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0673 Tau of the cluster. V0674 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0675 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0675 Tau of the cluster. V0676 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0677 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0678 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0678 Tau of the cluster. V0679 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0680 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0680 Tau of the cluster. V0681 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0682 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0683 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0684 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0684 Tau of the cluster. V0685 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0685 Tau of the cluster. V0686 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0687 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0688 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0689 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0690 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0691 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0692 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Possible member V0692 Tau of the cluster. V0693 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0694 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0696 Tau The member of the Hyades cluster. V0697 Tau The member of the Hyades cluster. V0698 Tau Type INB? V0700 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0701 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0702 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0703 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0705 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0706 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0707 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0709 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0710 Tau VB A (B 16m, 3.5", 180deg). V0711 Tau VB A (B 8.83m, A = 8.023", E = 0.18, Porb = 2101 yr); V0711 Tau SB2 (Porb = 2.83774d [10070]). V0711 Tau Migration period of the distortion wave is about V0711 Tau 10.5 yr [10072]. V0711 Tau The range of combined light variation is given. V0712 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0713 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0714 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0715 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0716 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0717 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0718 Tau In the region of the Hyades cluster. V0725 Tau SB1 (Porb = 110.8d [10076]). V0725 Tau X-ray outbursts occur periodically near V0725 Tau the periastron passages of the pulsar with P = Porb. V0725 Tau The amplitude of the corresponding variations of V0725 Tau visual brightness of the system A(V) = 0.03m. The period V0725 Tau of pulsar rotation Prot var [10077]. V0725 Tau Prot = 104.17s (JD2442531), 103.806s (JD2442728), V0725 Tau 103.882s (JD2443505), 103.8402s (JD2443620) V0725 Tau [10074]; 103.647s (JD2444521), 103.423s V0725 Tau (JD2445292), 103.3429ss(JD2445623) [10078]. V0726 Tau Min II 11.2. V0727 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0728 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0728 Tau of the cluster. V0729 Tau Max = 2439024.46 + 152.35d*E (JD2438680 - 39415); V0729 Tau Max = 2440127.78 + 313.86d*E (JD2439415 - 40510). V0729 Tau H2O maser. V0732 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0733 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0734 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0735 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0736 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0737 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0738 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. The chart in [08559] V0738 Tau is wrong. V0739 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0740 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0741 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0742 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0743 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0744 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0746 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0747 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0748 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0749 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0750 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0751 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0752 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0753 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0753 Tau of the cluster. V0754 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0755 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0756 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0757 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0758 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0758 Tau of the cluster. V0759 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0760 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0761 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0761 Tau of the cluster. V0762 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0762 Tau of the cluster. V0763 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0764 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0765 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0767 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0768 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0769 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0770 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0771 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0772 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0773 Tau There are also quasisinusoidal light variations with V0773 Tau P = 3.43d and A(V) = 0.13m [10056]. V0774 Tau VB A (B 6.96m, G5IV, 66.8", 315deg). V0775 Tau The member of the Hyades cluster. V0776 Tau VB A (B 7.5m, 1.4", 333deg, 1958; C 8.7m, 77.2", 233deg, V0776 Tau 1925); SB1 (Porb = 57.25d). The member of the V0776 Tau Hyades cluster. V0777 Tau VB A (B 8.12m V, 0.0088", 173.2deg, 1980.6). V0777 Tau The member of the Hyades cluster. V0778 Tau Min II 17.0. P var. Min I = 2438680.546 + 0.434842d*E V0778 Tau (JD2436528 - 38841); Min I = 2439765.488 + 0.434846d*E V0778 Tau (JD2439559 - 41031); since JD2440129 - see Table. V0780 Tau VB A (B 15.8m V, 0.3", 310deg, 1974); mu = 0.364", V0780 Tau P = 163deg. V0781 Tau Min II 9.3. V0782 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0783 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0784 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0785 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0787 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0788 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0789 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0790 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0791 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0792 Tau Near V752 Tau. Identical to it? V0792 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0793 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0794 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0794 Tau of the cluster. V0795 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0796 Tau The member of the Pleiades cluster. V0797 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. Not a member V0797 Tau of the cluster. V0798 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0799 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0800 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0801 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0802 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0804 Tau In the region of the Pleiades cluster. V0805 Tau The member of the Hyades cluster. V0807 Tau VB A (B = GH Tau, 21.4", 193deg). V0808 Tau Porb = 11.93d. The member of the Hyades cluster. V1144 Tau SB, Porb = 13.88d. V1148 Tau Type LBV: is also possible. SB, Porb = 2.2075d. V1152 Tau Type E: with P = 11.080d is also possible. V1161 Tau Variability needs confirmation. V1212 Tau Dwarf nova in Taurus. V1226 Tau Variable brown dwarf. V1229 Tau MinII 6.88. V1230 Tau MinII 14.49. V1234 Tau MinII 12.9. V1237 Tau The depth of MinII is 0.19. V1238 Tau MinII 8.87. V1239 Tau MinII 10.76. V1241 Tau The depth of Min II 0.22m. The primary component var, V1241 Tau DSCT:, P1 = 0.16454d, P2 = 0.13721d. V1243 Tau VB (A 9.1m var, F1; B 9.9m, F8:, 0.3", 24deg, 1991). V1248 Tau OH maser. V1258 Tau SiO maser. V1260 Tau MinII - MinI = 0.57P. V1268 Tau VB A (B 7.8m, A2V, 7", 207deg, 2004). V1282 Tau SB2, Porb > 6000d? V1283 Tau SB1, Porb = 7.05051d. V1284 Tau Min II = 15.17. V1287 Tau Min II = < 8.69. MinII - MinI = 0.39P. V1295 Tau Min II = 11.35. V1299 Tau VB AB (9.3m, 9.3m, 0".4, 252deg, 2007). V1304 Tau SB. V1305 Tau Amplitude(Min II)= 0.2mag. V1311 Tau Min II = 14.59. V1322 Tau P = 0.585d is also possible. V1326 Tau P = 1.651d is also possible. V1332 Tau Min II = 11.78. Possily a pulsating star with a twice shorter period. V1337 Tau SB2. V1345 Tau P = 11.66d is also effect. V1347 Tau SB2. V1350 Tau SB2. V1352 Tau Min II = 13.1 :. V1355 Tau Min II = 14.2. V1356 Tau Min II = 11.37. MinII - MinI = 0.57P. V1364 Tau VB AB. V1367 Tau Min II = 11.15. V1369 Tau Min II = 12.43. V1370 Tau Min II = 11.28. V1374 Tau Min II = 13.9. V1384 Tau Multiperiodic. P1 is presented in the Table; P0 = 0.1397914d. V1392 Tau Multiperiodic. P0 is presented in the Table; P1 = 0.0579031d. V1403 Tau Close VB. V1412 Tau P=0.3409505d is also possible. V1414 Tau P = 0.195018d is also possible. V1428 Tau Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.1251222d, P1/P0 = 0.7669. V1429 Tau Double-mode pulsations. P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.1450347d, P1/P0 = 0.7704. V1434 Tau Psh = 0.06978d. alf Tau VB A (B 13.5m, M2V, 31", 110deg). alf Tau The star is surrounded by an infrared emission envelope alf Tau with the diameter of about 10". In the region of the alf Tau Hyades cluster. zet Tau Min II 3.05. tet 2 Tau VB A (B 4.85m, 0.02077", 19.6deg, 1980.59); SB1 (Porb = tet 2 Tau 140.728D, E = 0.75 [10087]). The value of P1(A1 = 0.017m B) tet 2 Tau is given in the Table. P1 var. Later P1 = 0.07541d tet 2 Tau (A1 = 0.023m B), P2 = 0.0831d (A2 = 0.013m B). Possibly tet 2 Tau eclipsing with the elements: tet 2 Tau Min = 2445358.38 + 140.734d*E, A = 0.02m B. tet 2 Tau The member of the Hyades cluster. lam Tau Min II 3.54. Triple system. The eclipsing system rotates lam Tau around the third component with P = 33.025d [10090]. lam Tau In the region of the Hyades cluster. rho Tau The member of the Hyades cluster. ups Tau VB A (B 6.5m, 0.020"). The member of the Hyades cluster. S Tel The AAVSO chart, approved by Harvard Observatory in 1951, S Tel corresponds to the star at the coordinates in the Table. Most S Tel observations of S Tel reported in the 20th century probably S Tel refer to this star. There remains doubt if the original S Tel CPD-55 9313 was the same star [N0030]. U Tel P var [00001]. SiO maser. RR Tel A symbiotic Nova. In 1889 - 1930, 12m - 14m pg (according to RR Tel [00625], irregular variations; according to [00017], RR Tel Max = 2411490 + 384d*E, with irregularities). In 1930 - 1944, RR Tel 12.5m - 16.5m pg, Max = 2430145 + 386.73d*E [01649]. An outburst RR Tel from 14m to 7m in October, 1944. On JD2441426 - 2444899, RR Tel 5.06m - 6.74m J, P = 387d [09989]. The data in [N0002] reveal RR Tel current $V$-band variations with a small amplitude and nearly RR Tel the same period [00001]. A period of 11.38 years, presumably the RR Tel orbital one, was reported in [N0031]. The spectrum in the Max of RR Tel the outburst was F5 without emissions, then a rich emission RR Tel spectrum was formed. Since the 1970s, TiO absorption bands are RR Tel being noted. Radio source, soft X-ray source. RS Tel Semiregular variations, P = 49.0d [N0002]. RV Tel VB (0.6", 294deg, 1946). SS Tel SiO maser. SU Tel VB B (A 13.6m B, 12" nf). TY Tel OH, SiO maser. UY Tel VB. YY Tel No emission lines in the spectrum. AG Tel VB A (B 13.7m B, 20" sp). AN Tel A secondary period about 27d. AX Tel [A/H] = -0.7. BB Tel Not red [00001]. BI Tel [Fe/H] = -1.96. BL Tel [Fe/H] = -0.66. The depth of Min II is about 0.1m. The primary BL Tel component varies approximately between 7.09m and 7.27m V, BL Tel the periods revealed in these pulastins are 92.5d and 64.8d BL Tel [N0033]. BO Tel [A/H] = -0.3. CK Tel VB B (A 15.0m, 12" s). DZ Tel VB A (B 15.9m, 15" np). EH Tel VB A (B 15.6m R, 5" nf). EU Tel The chart in [06286] is wrong. FX Tel VB (4"). GM Tel VB A (B 16.6m, 10" p). HH Tel [Fe/H] = -1.02. HR Tel Type EW with a twice longer period is possible. HY Tel [Fe/H] = -0.17. KK Tel Porb = 0.08453d. KN Tel VB A (B 15.6m B, 13" sf). LW Tel Possibly identical to NSV10695. MT Tel [Fe/H] = -1.85. NS Tel Strong O'Connell effect. PS Tel V39 (NGC 6584). Cluster non-member? PS Tel P = 0.1422d or 0.1657d is possible. PT Tel V27 (NGC 6584). Cluster non-member. PU Tel V24 (NGC 6584). Cluster non-member. PV Tel SB2. PX Tel V15 (NGC 6584). Cluster non-member. PZ Tel SB2. QR Tel P(osc) = 13.0 min. QS Tel Porb = 0.097187d. QU Tel Multiperiodic, P = 257s is dominant. QZ Tel VB B (A 9" sp). The variability is probably due to the fainter QZ Tel (B) component [HIP]. The variability range for combined light QZ Tel is given. V0340 Tel The data from [N0002] do not confirm the tabulated period V0340 Tel [00001]. V0343 Tel O'Connell effect, MaxII 9.18m. V0349 Tel Multiperiodic, P2 = 1.2719d. V0356 Tel MinII - MinI = 0.48P. V0358 Tel A twice shorter period is not excluded. V0359 Tel MinII - MinI = 0.78P. VB (8.8m, 11.4m, 4", 239deg, 1991). V0362 Tel VB (9.5m, 12.2m, 3", 140deg, 1991). V0368 Tel P varies, dP/dt = -0.18 x 10^(-5) d/yr. V0374 Tel The first-overtone period is tabulated; for the fundamental mode, P = 0.47907d. V0379 Tel VB A (B 18.52m, 2.4"). V0381 Tel VB (11", 6deg, 2000); combined magnitudes are tabulated. For the first-overtone period, see the Table; P0 = 0.46781d; the amplitude ratio (1O/F) is 1.05. V0384 Tel VB A (B 6.5",40deg, 1999). V0388 Tel Double-mode pulsations. P0 is given in the Table, P1 = 0.1127701d. P1/P0 = 0.7564. V0389 Tel Blazhko effect, P = 10.82d. V0398 Tel VB A (B 14.4mB, 10", 8deg, 2000). V0409 Tel Type EW with a twice longer period is also possible. V0418 Tel P varies. V0432 Tel P = 52.3d is superposed. V0436 Tel A twice longer period is not excluded. V0445 Tel VB A (B 4", 322deg, 2000). V0466 Tel VB A (B 15.1mG, 10", 91deg, 2000); the range in the Table can be influenced by the companion. V0470 Tel P varies. V0475 Tel O'Connell effect. V0478 Tel Blazhko effect. V0487 Tel Blazhko effect, P(Bl) = 52.8d. V0488 Tel Blazhlo effect, P(Bl) = 37d. V0489 Tel VB A (15.1mG; B 16.0mG, 5", 233deg, 2000). V0507 Tel VB B (A 14.8mG; B 15.3mG, 3", 69deg, 2000). The range in the Table is for combined brightness. V0521 Tel VB A (16.5mG; B 18.5mG, 3", 293deg, 2000; C 18/9mG, 5", 67deg, 2000). R Tri P var. Max = 2412167 + 267.3d*E (JD2412000 - 16000); R Tri Max = 2416972 + 262.6d*E (JD2416000 - 20000); R Tri since JD2420000 - see Table. Maser (H2O). S Tri P var. Max = 2418541 + 248.9d*E (JD2418000 - 31000); S Tri since JD2431000 - see Table. T Tri P var. Max = 2420535 + 320.6d*E (JD2420000 - 27000); T Tri since JD2427000 - see Table. U Tri Delta(S) = 1.3. V Tri Min II 11.0. X Tri VB A (B 13.3m, 6.7", 55.3deg, 1952). Usual brightness in X Tri Max 8.88. d = 0.013P; Min II 9.07. According to [10043], X Tri a two-peaked flare-like event of 35 min duration X Tri (Delta(V) = 0.33m) was observed at JD2445594.4550. X Tri P var. Min = 2422722.269 + 0.9715342d*E X Tri (JD2422700 - 26600); Min = 2426946.508 + 0.9715390d*E X Tri (JD2426600 - 33400); Min = 2433504.397 + 0.9715290d*E X Tri (JD2433400 - 35500); X Tri Min = 2435687.422 + 0.9715352d*E (JD2435500 - 39200); X Tri Min = 2439375.373 + 0.9715277d*E X Tri (JD2439200 - 42500) [07603]; since JD2442500 - see Table. Y Tri Var No.2 (M33). VB A (B 17.28m B, 26.4" np). RS Tri VB A (B 11.98m, 6.0", 214deg, 1962). RS Tri d = 0.016P; Min II 10.4, Min II - Min I = 0.56P. RU Tri VB A (B 12m, 21.8", 88deg). Min II 11.8:. RW Tri The depth of Min I 1.12m - 2.21m. RW Tri D = 0.052P - 0.086P, d ~0.03P. P var? [03434, 09858, 9859]. RW Tri Strong fluctuations of light outside eclipses. the lower RW Tri the brightness outside the eclipse, the deeper the Min. RW Tri In J, K light Min II of 0.16m J depth was found at the RW Tri phase 0.50P [10053]. Flat spectrum of the accretion disc RW Tri with emission lines. RX Tri Max = 2426577 + 192d*E (JD2426500 - 31800); RX Tri since JD2432800 - see Table. According to [04029], RX Tri P = 100d? RY Tri Red. ST Tri Min II 14.5. SW Tri Blazhko effect is possible. SY Tri Blazhko effect is possible. TT Tri In the region of the galaxy M 33. TZ Tri ADS 1697 A (B 6.72m, F6V, SB2, Porb = 2.2365d, TZ Tri 3.9", 71deg, 1973); SB2 (P = 14.732d). Secondary TZ Tri variations on ~100d time scale. H and K CaII emission was TZ Tri noted only for one of the two G-stars. AW Tri Min II = 13.7. AY Tri Min II = 14.45. AZ Tri Min II = 14.3. BB Tri Min II = 14.3 :. BC Tri Min II = 12.08. Type RRC with a twice shorter period is possible. BE Tri Min II = 13.2. BF Tri Min II = 14.5 :. BI Tri Min II = 12.65. VB AB (4", 227deg, 1997). BM Tri Min II = 13.3 :. BO Tri Min II = 12.0. BP Tri Min II = 14.6. BQ Tri Min II = 12.8. BR Tri Min II = 13.3. BT Tri Min II = 14.7. BU Tri Min II = 14.9. BV Tri Min II = 14.3. BX Tri Min II = 12.60. CC Tri Min II = 13.6. CD Tri Min II = 12.3. CL Tri Min II = 12.07. CM Tri Min II = 14.3. CN Tri Min II = 12.25. CP Tri Min II = 10.95. The identification with the missed BD star, BD +33 460 = NSV 00856, suggested in [80121] seems unjustified. CR Tri Min II = 14.7. CS Tri Min II = 11.4. DE Tri P = 30.6d is not excluded. DI Tri P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.559708d; P1/P0 = 0.7459. DK Tri VB B (A = GCVS NAME!!!; AB 14", 211deg, 2016). DL Tri VB A (B = GCVSNAME!!!, 14", 211deg, 2016). alf Tri SB (Porb = 1.767 d). R TrA SB? U TrA For moments of Max0 (fundamental mode) see Table. U TrA Max1 (first overtone) = 2443266.05 + 1.824881d*E. RR TrA Min II 10.60, dII = 0.025P. RW TrA (k - b)2 = 0.30. Delta(S) = 1. SU TrA The chart in [06286] is wrong. TW TrA VB. TY TrA The chart in [06286] is wrong. UW TrA The chart in [06286] is wrong. UZ TrA The chart in [06286] is wrong. XX TrA The chart in [06286] is wrong. XY TrA The chart in [06286] is wrong. BH TrA According to [04637], L type. CI TrA Possibly P < 0.3d. DI TrA The chart in [06286] is wrong. DV TrA Three Max and three Min are observed during a cycle. DV TrA Max1 (phi = 0.0P) 13.2m; Max2 (phi = 0.2P) 14.2m; Max3 DV TrA (phi = 0.6P) 13.5m. Min1, Min2, Min3 ~16.0m. DZ TrA The chart in [06286] is wrong. EH TrA Shallow Min II is possible. EK TrA n star of a pair. EK TrA For the mean cycle between normal maxima see Table. The EK TrA mean cycle between supermaxima 442.1d (JD2435200 - 39700), EK TrA 551.5d (JD2439700 - 44050). Superhumps (delta(M) = 0.26m V) EK TrA with P = 0.06492d, M - m = 0.26P [09945]. EL TrA Min II 10.9. EM TrA Min II 10.4. EN TrA According to [07934], RV: type. EP TrA Min II 9.5. EQ TrA Min II 9.0. EQ TrA P var. Min = 2416267.614 + 2.709220d*E (JD2416000 - 29000); EQ TrA since JD2429000 - see Table. ER TrA P > 220d. FH TrA The elements need confirmation. FK TrA The elements need confirmation. FM TrA P >= 220d. GN TrA Min II 12.0. GR TrA Blazhko effect. HP TrA Deep Min II. The elements need improvement. HV TrA Min II? 14.8. Min II - Min I = 0.55P. IM TrA P >= 150d. Epoch of Min is given. IW TrA Min II 14.5:. The elements need confirmation. KX TrA 2U 1639-62? P.K.326 -10deg 1. Gas velocities up to KX TrA 5000 km/s [09958]. KY TrA TrA X-1 = A1524-61. KZ TrA 4U 1626-67. Lx/Lopt ~2000. VB B (A 14.9m; B25", 189deg). KZ TrA Barycentric period parameters for pulses [04534]: Min = KZ TrA JED 2443931.2394789; P = 7.6776762s, DP/dt = KZ TrA (-4.95 +-0.02)*10**(-11). Delta(m) pulse = 0.02m - 0.17m. KZ TrA Porb = 2491.06s or 2492.32s [04558]. KZ TrA Flares with Delta(m) up to 0.4m with intervals ~20 min KZ TrA correlated with X-ray flares [04536]. LM TrA The chart in [08661] is wrong. LP TrA VB A (B 11.5m, 25", 123deg; C 12.0m, BC 6"). MZ TrA MinII 8.73. NO TrA MinII 8.85. NT TrA MinII - MinI = 0.57P. NY TrA VB A (B 5", 62deg, 2000). V0336 TrA Min II = 11.1. V0338 TrA VB A (6.3mJ; B 10.3mJ, 7", 265deg, 2000). V0344 TrA VB B (A = NEXT STAR IN THE LIST; AB 13", 304deg, 2000). V0345 TrA VB A (B = PREVIOUS STAR IN THE LIST, 13", 304deg, 2000). V0347 TrA Blazhko effect, P=118.05d. V0348 TrA Double-mode pulsations. The Table contains light elements for the first overtone. Second overtone: Max = 2453600.091 + 0.1224057d x E. P2/P1 = 0.8279. V0351 TrA P = 49.5d is superposed. V0362 TrA Several close companions. T Tuc P var. Max = 2410138 + 250.76d*E (JD2410000 - 14400); T Tuc Max = 2414900 + 248.88d*E (JD2414400 - 22000); T Tuc Max = 2432160 + 250.00d*E (JD2422900 - 35000); T Tuc since JD2437700 - see Table. U Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. U Tuc SMS non-member. U Tuc P var. Max = 2421190 + 258.12d*E (JD2412600 - 22000); U Tuc Max = 2427487 + 262.83d*E (JD2422000 - 28000); U Tuc Max = 2437808 + 257.70d*E (JD2428000 - 39150); U Tuc since JD2440900 - see Table. V Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. V Tuc SMS non-member. V Tuc The depth of Min II 0.11m. W Tuc (k - b)2 = 0.09, Delta(S) = 7:. P var? RR Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. RR Tuc VB A (B 17m, 6", 90deg). RV Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. VB. SS Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. HV 1877. SS Tuc Earlier was erroneously identifded with HV 1887. SU Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. HV 1922. SU Tuc According to [09980], alternatively may be identical to SU Tuc HV 1920. SX Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. VB (B 16m? P). SY Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. Min II 15.4. TV Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. TV Tuc The variable's position in 2' to the north TV Tuc of CPD -73deg 64 [09980] makes it impossible to identify TV Tuc it with HV 2041. TZ Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. TZ Tuc SMS non-member. TZ Tuc VB A (B 13m sp). UW Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. UW Tuc SMC non-member. UX Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. UX Tuc SMS non-member.In the neighbourhood OF 47 Tuc; probably UX Tuc cluster non-member. P var. [Fe/H] = -1.8. YY Tuc The elements need improvement; current elements with the YY Tuc epoch from [07984] are given. YY Tuc (k - b)2 = 0.03. Delta(S) = 8:. AD Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. AD Tuc SMS non-member. Delta(S) = 4.9. AF Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. SMS AF Tuc non-member. AH Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. SMS AH Tuc non-member. P var. AI Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. SMS AI Tuc non-member. In the region of the globular cluster NGC 362. AI Tuc P var. AK Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. SMS AK Tuc non-member. P var. AL Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. SMS AL Tuc non-member. AM Tuc The elements should be checked. AM Tuc [Fe/H] = -1.82. Delta(S) = 9.9. AO Tuc The elements need improvement. Delta(S) = 5. AP Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. SMS AP Tuc non-member. AQ Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. SMS AQ Tuc non-member.In the region of the globular cluster 47 Tuc. AQ Tuc Min II 10.48. AR Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. SMS AR Tuc non-member. AU Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. SMS AU Tuc non-member. AV Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. SMS AV Tuc non-member. BD Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. SMS BD Tuc non-member. BE Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. BF Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. [A/H] = -0.7. BG Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. SMS BG Tuc non-member. BH Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. VB A BH Tuc (B 14.28m, 10" n). BS Tuc (k - b)2 = 0.10. BZ Tuc P var. Max = 2429849.448 + 127.78d*E (JD2410000 - BZ Tuc 35100) [03641]; Max = 2441193.541 +127.27d*E BZ Tuc (JD2435100 - 43500) [A.M. van Genderen, AsAp Suppl 52, BZ Tuc 423, 1983]; since JD 2443500 - see Table. CF Tuc In the region of the Small Magellanic Cloud. SMS CF Tuc non-member. Soft X-ray source. Distortion CF Tuc wave. Delta(m) = 0.057m [10065]. Min II 7.52. DX Tuc Type RRC: is also possible. EM Tuc Min II = 12.6. EN Tuc Min II = 8.61. EP Tuc Blazhko effect, P = 63d. EX Tuc SB2. EY Tuc In the region of the SMC galaxy, non-member. EZ Tuc Double-mode pulsations. P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.1578383d, P1/P0 = 0.7734. tet Tuc For the period of the main oscillation (A = 0.0132m) see tet Tuc Table. Other instable frequences were also noted. R UMa Maser (H2O). S UMa S 1.5/6 e. P var. Max = 2398325 + 224.51d*E S UMa (JD2394000 - 2405000); Max = 2405290 + 230.20d*E S UMa (JD2405000 - 10500); Max = 2417530 + 223.96d*E S UMa (JD2410500 - 23500); Max = 2426324 + 228.53d*E S UMa (JD2423500 - 28800); since JD2428800 - see Table. T UMa Maser (H2O). W UMa ADS 7494 A (B 12.35m, 6.5", 44deg, 1963). W UMa dI = 0.037P; Min II 8.43, dII = 0.028P. W UMa Soft X-ray source. LX/Lbol = 1.7*10**(-4). W UMa P var. Min I = 2420980.8093 + 0.333638880d*E W UMa (JD2416000 - 21000); Min I = 2420980.8093 + W UMa 0.333636993d*E (JD2421000 - 33000) [01760]; W UMa Min I = 2435918.4169 + 0.33363832d*E (JD2433000 - 41000) W UMa [05327]; since JD2441000 - see Table. The light curve shape, W UMa including depths of minima, var. A moving wave with W UMa Delta(m) = 0.025m y and P ~1100d [10067] was noted. A W UMa flare (Delta(m) = 1.5m, lambda 3300 A, W UMa delta(lambda) = 50 A, JD2438511.7, W UMa delta(t) = 7 min) was announced [05788]. The system W UMa contains gaseous streams, dark spots on the surface of W UMa the components. H and K CaII emission. Z UMa Usually 2 Max and 2 Min during a cycle. RV UMa P var. Max = 2417861.434 + 0.4680618d*E RV UMa (JD2417800 - 25000); Max = 2425053.675 + 0.4680654d*E RV UMa (JD2425000 - 29000) [00188]; RV UMa Max = 2438459.945 + 0.468062d*E (JD2429000 - 40000) [03506]; RV UMa since JD2440000 - see Table. Blazhko effect, Pi = 92.12d RV UMa (JD2436229 - 38114) [09835]. Pi var. [Fe/H] = -1.04; RV UMa Delta(S) = 3.5. RW UMa DI < 0.08P; Min II 10.34, DII = 0.10P. RW UMa [Fe/H]A = -0.1, [Fe/H]B = -1.0. P var? RW UMa Distortion wave, A = 0.11m V. SU UMa The cycle of normal maxima 5d - 35d [09782, 03791]. SU UMa Three different mean values of the mean cycle of SU UMa supermaxima change each other being active at different SU UMa time intervals: P1 = 161.5d; P2 = 203.9d; P3 = 248.1d SU UMa (P = 201.7d) [09276]. Porb = 2.06d/N (N = 26, 27, 28) SU UMa or 3.1h. Surrounded by a faint halo (28' diameter) of soft SU UMa X-ray sources. SW UMa SB. Superior conjunction of the accretion disc SW UMa T = 2445376.8601 + 0.0567433d*E [09836]. SX UMa P var strongly. Before JD2418800 SX UMa Max = 2416200.486 + 0.3071148d*E; SX UMa Max = 2418800.213 + 0.3071345d:*E (JD2418800 - 22500) SX UMa [00001]; Max = 2422653.5032 + 0.30711855d*E SX UMa (JD2422500 - 26000) [10083]; Max = 2426400.418 + SX UMa 0.3071555d*E (JD2426000 - 29500); Max = SX UMa 2430000.250 + 0.3071301d*E (JD2429500 - 34000), SX UMa Max = 2438508.751 + 0.3071363d*E (JD2434000 - 39000); SX UMa since JD2441500 - see Table. [Fe/H] = -1.82, SX UMa Delta(S) = 9.9. TU UMa P var [03506]. [Fe/H] = -1.05, Delta(S) = 7.6. TW UMa d = 0.002P; Min II 12.3:. TX UMa Min II 7.13. P var. Min I = 2416426.801 + 3.063297d*E TX UMa (JD2416000 - 22000); Min I = 2427926.492 + 3.063337d*E TX UMa (JD2424200 - 30000); Min I = 2433440.431 + 3.063300d*E TX UMa (JD2430000 - 38000) [09839]; since JD2438000 - see Table. TY UMa P var, non-linear term: +6.4d*10**(-11)*E**2. TY UMa dI = 0.05P, dII = 0.00P. The light curve shape var. TY UMa 12.10 <= Min I <= 12.14, 12.06 <= Min II <= 12.12. UX UMa The shape of the eclipse light curve, the UX UMa mean level of light outside eclipses, the depth of UX UMa Min var. Deviations from the tabulated elements may UX UMa reach +-0.002d. Rapid brightness oscillations UX UMa (28.54s <= P <= 30.02s) are sometimes observed [07304]. UX UMa Soft X-ray source. UY UMa Min II 12.9. VV UMa Min II 10.26. P var. Min I = 2439245.408 + 0.6873793d*E VV UMa (JD2425600 - 40200) [09843]; Min I = 2440768.6280 + VV UMa 0.687367d*E (JD2440200 - 42700); since JD2442700 - see VV UMa Table. VX UMa Maser (H2O). WX UMa Mu alpha = -0.4094s, mu delta = +0.955", VB B WX UMa (A = BD +44deg 2051, dM2, 8.74m V; B 28", 133deg; WX UMa common mu). Soft X-ray source. LX/LV = 0.095. XY UMa Mu alpha = -0.0055s, mu delta = -0.175". P var. XY UMa Non-linear term: +2.77d*10**(-11)*E**2. XY UMa The brightness outside eclipses var by 0.16m V. The depth XY UMa of Min I is 0.48m - 0.67m, that of Min II is 0.19m. XY UMa Migrating wave. XZ UMa Min II 10.2. P var? Min = 2444986.445 + 1.2223105d*E XZ UMa (JD2414990 - 45000); since JD2445000 - see Table. AA UMa Min II 11.53, Max II 10.94. The elements should AA UMa be checked. AC UMa VB B (A = BD + 65G671, 9.97m V, B-V = +0.50m; B 19", AC UMa 114deg, 1957). The chart in [08953] is wrong. AD UMa Blazhko effect is possible. Pi = 35d - 40d, AD UMa delta(A) = 0.2m. AE UMa The fundamental mode P0 is given in the Table. AE UMa P1 = 0.066527d, Pbeat = 0.293616d [09869]. AE UMa Max 10.86 - 11.10, Min 11.46 - 11.52. AF UMa d = 0.05P. AK UMa The elements need improvement. AN UMa The epoch of Min for periodic (P = Porb) light variations AN UMa with A <= 1m B is given. Min II is present. B - V = 0.0 AN UMa in Max light, +0.5 during an eclipse; U - B = -1.1. AN UMa Circular polarization in B light -9% to -35%; linear AN UMa polarization 0% - 13% with a sharp Max near Max light. AN UMa Rapid changes (A = 0.03m, f = 0.4 - 0.8 Hz). The mean AN UMa light level and the light curve shape var. During the low AN UMa state (B ~19m) the light variability with porb disappears, AN UMa emission lines occur only during 10% of Porb, IR excess is AN UMa noted. Soft X-ray source, var. Emissions of H, HeI, AN UMa He II, NIII, FeII. AW UMa dI = 0.06P:; Min II 7.08, dII = 0.11P. AW UMa The light curve shape var. AW UMa P var. Min I = 2442150.4385 + 0.43873234d*E AW UMa (JD2438000 - 42200); since JD2442200 - see Table. AX UMa P var. Max = 2435951.354 + 0.53510d*E (JD2435900 - 38200) AX UMa [04375]; during JD2445000 - 45900 - see Table. BE UMa d = 0.006P. Outside eclipses var BE UMa 14.8m <= B <= 16.0m (reflection effect). The depth of BE UMa eclipses for lambda lambda 3330 - 3700 A is greater than BE UMa 4.3m,that for lambda lambda 5265 - 6005 A is 1.5m. BG UMa Min II 10.93. Alternative type EW. BH UMa Min II 12.3. BI UMa Min II 15.8. BK UMa [Fe/H] = -1.29, Delta(S) = 6.6. BL UMa Min II 16.2. BM UMa The depth of Min II 0.80m. BN UMa [Fe/H] = -1.65, Delta(S) = 8.9. BP UMa D <= 0.04P. The elements need confirmation. CE UMa In the region of the cluster of galaxies Abell 1213. CE UMa SN 1966 omicron? CF UMa Groombridge 1830 B (A = BD +38deg 2285, V = 6.45m, CF UMa B - V = +0.75m, G8 subdwarf, B 2", 165deg). A possible flare on CF UMa February 27, 1968. A brightening of the combined light by CF UMa 0.6m pg on April 27, 1939 [09881]. Maybe the object does CF UMa not exist [09882]. CH UMa X-ray source 1E 1003 +67. LX/Lopt = 0.04. CM UMa P var? CQ UMa The epoch of Max in U and B light CQ UMa coinciding with that of Min in V light is given. CQ UMa A(U) = 0.06m, A(B) = 0.06m. CR UMa The elements for Max in U light are given. In B and V CR UMa bands no periodicity is apparent. A(U) = 0.03m. CW UMa Mu = 0.27", P = 300deg. DF UMa ADS 8242A (B 11.4m, 1.8", 60deg, 1960). DF UMa The data for combined brightness are given in the Table. DF UMa SB1, Porb = 1.033824d. Mu alpha = +0.0131s, DF UMa mu delta = -0.038". Besides rapid variations (V = 10.14m, DF UMa Delta(V) = 0.05m), long term variations are possible. DG UMa Blazhko effect is possible. DK UMa Soft X-ray source, lg Lx/Lv = -3.5. [Fe/H] = -0.38. DL UMa Eclipses with P = 0.42d [04706]. DM UMa SB1 (Porb = 7.492d). DM UMa Min = 2444026.97 + 7.478d*E (1979 - 1982); DM UMa 1981 - 1984 - see Table. Two Min in the light curve in DM UMa 1981 - 1982. DN UMa ADS 8347 ABC (A 7.2m vis; B 9.0m vis, 0.121", 142.0deg, DN UMa 1981.5; C 8.3m vis, 4.0", 42deg, 1980; D = BS 4561, DN UMa A1pCrEuSr:, V = 7.03m, B - V = +0.01m, 63.0", 114deg). DN UMa The range of combined brightness for the three components DN UMa is given. It is not known which of the components varies. DN UMa The component D was used as a comparison star. DN UMa Min II 6.73, Min II - Min I = 0.504P. GM UMa SB, discrepant Porb = 3.2424d. HH UMa Type EW: is also possible. HN UMa Type DSCT: is also possible. HU UMa VB A (B = GSC 3014.0222 = L265-581, 24", 250 deg, common proper HU UMa motion). II UMa Type RR: is also possible. LU UMa SB1, Porb = 13.572 d. MM UMa Variable brown dwarf. MS UMa MinII 12.50. MT UMa MinII 12.09. MV UMa SB. NO UMa SB2? NS UMa The period was improved in [79045] compared to [79025] using new data. VB A (B 12.5mV, 15", 48deg, 1999). The tabulated amplitude was influenced by the companion. NT UMa A twice shorter period is possible [79100]. NU UMa A twice shorter period is not excluded. VB (A 9.6mHp; B 11.9mHp, 1.1", 39deg, 1991). NY UMa Porb = 42.628d. OR UMa Min II = 12.4. OT UMa Min II = 12.48. OV UMa Min II = 11.10. OX UMa Min II = 12.14. OY UMa Min II = 13.3. PP UMa Blazhko effect, P = 46d:. PS UMa Min II = 12.78. MinII - MinI = 0.466P. PU UMa Light elements for eclipsing variations in quiescence (19.1m - 21.2m) are tabulated. PV UMa SB, Porb = 80.53d. PW UMa Min II = 11.5. PX UMa Slow variations on time scale of several days are also present. PZ UMa Min II = 13.1. QQ UMa Min II = 14.1. QT UMa Min II = 11.70. QV UMa Min II = 14.25. V0337 UMa Min II = 14.20. V0342 UMa The depth of MinII is 0.40 mag. V0343 UMa Min II = 14.35. V0351 UMa Porb = 0.0992d. V0354 UMa Min II = 11.12. V0355 UMa The white-dwarf pulsation period is tabulated, with an amplitude about 0.05m. Another period detected photometrically is 320 minutes or 344 minutes. Porb = 0.0573083d. V0356 UMa Min II = 13.0. V0357 UMa Min II = 12.8. V0358 UMa Min II = 12.45. V0359 UMa Multiperiodic. V0360 UMa Min II = 14.0. V0362 UMa Min II = 14.6. V0363 UMa Min II = 14.0. V0364 UMa Min II = 13.95. V0365 UMa Min II = 13.10. V0366 UMa Min II = 14.2 :. V0374 UMa Multiperiodic, 4 harmonics. V0379 UMa P1 is given in the Table. P0 = 0.494909d, P1/P0=0.7446. V0380 UMa Pulsates in the first overtone (see Table) and fundamental (Max = 2454876.9243 + 0.47451d x E) modes. P1/P0 = 0.743. V0384 UMa Type EW with a twice longer period is also possible. V0389 UMa Double-mode pulsations. The Table gives the first-overtone light elements. For the fundamental mode, Max = 2454847.9552 + 0.47119d x E. P1/P0 = 0.744. V0415 UMa P = 1.56575d is also possible. V0417 UMa O'Connell effect. V0430 UMa Other detected periods are 0.0037005d and 0.0024173d. V0441 UMa VB A (B = V442 UMa, 2.0", 136deg, 2002). The range in the Table is for combined brightness. V0442 UMa VB B (A = V441 UMa; AB 2.0", 136deg, 2002). O'Connell effect. V0448 UMa P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.481662d; P1/P0 = 0.7445. V0452 UMa VB A (A 14.0mV; B 15.7mV, 18", 233deg, 2000). V0460 UMa Distortion wave: P = 3.697d. V0462 UMa P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.484580d; P1/P0 = 0.7441. V0464 UMa P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.483830d; P1/P0 = 0.7450. V0465 UMa The mean brightness varies. V0470 UMa P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.516157d; P1/P0 = 0.7464. V0471 UMa P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.548171d; P1/P0 = 0.7455. V0473 UMa P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.497336d; P1/P0 = 0.7456. V0474 UMa Double-mode pulsations. The other period is 0.0496142d. V0475 UMa P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.557528d; P1/P0 = 0.7462. Additional non-radial mode, P = 0.433241d. V0477 UMa P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.474709d; P1/P0 = 0.7440. V0479 UMa P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.524939d; P1/P0 = 0.7463. V0486 UMa Type EW with a twice longer period is also possible. V0497 UMa Double-mode pulsations. For the P0 period, see the Table. P1 = 0.0526002d; P1/P0 = 0.77418. V0498 UMa Period varies? V0499 UMa Porb = 0.057d, Psh = 0.05814d. V0501 UMa Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.05363685d, P1/P0 = 0.7875. V0502 UMa Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0464245d, P1/P0 = 0.7732. eps UMa SB (P=4.15A). Interferometric binary? (0.053", 94.5deg, eps UMa 1975.4). In 1976 - 1983 attempts to resolve the binary eps UMa interferometrically were not successful. In the UMa moving cluster. ups UMa ADS 7534 A (B 11.5m, 11.3", 295deg, common mu). ups UMa The light curve shape and A var. R UMi H2O maser. S UMi P var. Max = 2422604 + 321.9d*E (JD2413000 - 23000); S UMi Max = 2432200 + 331.5d*E (JD2423000 - 32800); S UMi Max = 2436080 + 322.5d*E (JD2433000 - 37000); S UMi Max = 2439011 + 326.5d*E (JD2437000 - 41500); S UMi since JD2441500 - see Table. T UMi P var. Max = 2428332 + 315.48d*E (JD2416500 - 29500); T UMi Max = 2436415 + 310.05d*E (JD2429500 - 37200); T UMi Max = 2442389 + 315.5d*E (JD2437200 - 43600); since T UMi JD2443600 - see Table. U UMi P var. Max = 2416975 + 323.1d*E (JD2416500 - 21000); U UMi Max = 2428804 + 331.3d*E (JD2421000 - 29780) [00001]; U UMi Max = 2429789 + 320.6d*E (JD2429780 - 34600) [00960]; U UMi Max = 2434600 + 331d*E (JD2434600 - 36300); U UMi Max = 2437853 + 322.6d*E (JD2436300 - 39000); since U UMi JD2439000 - see Table. V UMi Mean brightness var with P2 = 760d. W UMi Min II 8.66; d = 0.02P. P var? Non-linear term in the W UMi elements is possible: -7.7d*10**(-10)*E**2. X UMi P var? Max = 2424224 + 343d*E (JD2423800 - 25100) X UMi [00684]; since JD2438100 - see Table. RR UMi SB (Porb = 749.4d [09896]). RT UMi Min II 10.86. RU UMi Min II 10.20. RZ UMi Min II 13.5. SZ UMi Variability needs confirmation. VV UMi MinII - MinI = 0.52P:. VZ UMi Min II = 13.5. WW UMi Min II = 12.55. WX UMi Min II = 15.1. WY UMi The ultraviolet-light amplitude is at least 1.6m. WZ UMi Min II = 13.1. AA UMi Min II = 12.68:. AK UMi Type ELL with a twice longer period is not excluded. AN UMi VB A (14.4mV; B 15.8mV, 8", 63deg, 2000). The variability range in the Table is for combined light. BD UMi MinII - MinI = 0.544P. BE UMi d = 0.05P. The mean brightness outside eclipses strongly varies. Quasi-periodic variations BE UMi outside eclipses with P1 = 0.0402525d, P2 = 0.0352080d and four other periods. alf UMi VB A (B 8.20m, F3V, 18.3", 218deg); SB1 (Porb = 10969d, alf UMi E = 0.655 [09904]). P var. There is a non-linear term in alf UMi the elements: +1.9877d*10**(-7)*E**2. The amplitude of alf UMi light and radial velocity variation decreased in 1982. alf UMi A(V) = 0.04m (1984). gam UMi P var. Max = 2424301.78 + 0.14335d*E [10097]; Max = gam UMi 2427904.468 + 0.14335d*E [10098]. Elements given in the gam UMi Table represent observations in 1964 - 1968. According to gam UMi [09906] Vr var in 1922 with P = 0.108449d. eps UMi VB A (B 12.5m, 76.9", 3deg). Min II 4.21. S Vel Min II 7.83; d = 0.041P. P var? There is a non-linear term S Vel in the elements given in the Table: +4.47d*10**(-9)*E**2. W Vel P var. Max = 2415053 + 384.3d*E (JD2414600 - 17400); W Vel Max = 2426080 + 399.9d*E (JD2422400 - 27300); W Vel Max = 2429990 + 388.0d*E (JD2427300 - 30100); W Vel Max = 2438328 + 398.7d*E (JD2430100 - 38800); W Vel since JD2438800 - see Table. OH emission. Y Vel P var. Max = 2415900 + 438.6d*E (JD2411500 - 15900); Y Vel Max = 2419930 + 447.7d*E (JD2415900 - 19930); Y Vel Max = 2425755 + 452.8d*E (JD2421600 - 27600); Y Vel Max = 2434150 + 439.5d*E (JD2427600 - 34200); Y Vel since JD2434200 - see Table. Z Vel P var. Max = 2415445 + 435.96d*E (JD2415000 - 25100); Z Vel Max = 2425462 + 417.99d*E (JD2425100 - 29700) [00960]; Z Vel since JD2429200 - see Table. RR Vel Min II 10.9. RS Vel P var. Max = 2410403 + 421d*E (JD2410400 - 16800) RS Vel [09961]; since JD2415450 - see Table. RU Vel VB A (B 12m sf). According to [00017], RU Vel Max = 2414390 + 63d*E. RW Vel P var. Max = 2413553 + 430.4d*E (JD2413500 - 18500); RW Vel Max = 2420610 + 465.7d*E (JD2418500 - 25700); since RW Vel JD2425700 - see Table. RX Vel Min II 10.5. RY Vel [A/H] = -0.3. P var. Max = 2440246.67 + 28.1270d*E RY Vel (JD2419000 - 40250) [05366]; since JD2443900 - see Table. SW Vel P var. Max = 2434872.95 + 23.473d*E - 3.75d*10**(-5)*E**2 SW Vel (JD2412500 - 35500) [09636]. Since JD2440700 - see Table. SX Vel The light curve has double maximum. The epoch of SX Vel the primary (second) maximum is given in the Table. TT Vel Min II 10.7. UW Vel In the region of the open cluster NGC 3033. YZ Vel Min II 12.8; DII = 0.040P; Min II - Min I = 0.537P. ZZ Vel Min II 10.0. AA Vel Min II 9.9. AC Vel Min II 9.11. AF Vel (k - b)2 = 0.06. Blazhko effect is possible [10110]. AH Vel SB? [10111]. In the region of the open cluster AH Vel Collinder 173. AI Vel Mu = 0.11", P = 76deg; (k - b)2 = 0.23. AI Vel Light oscillations with the period P0 given in the Table AI Vel are superimposed by oscillations with P1 = 0.08620868d and AI Vel twice smaller amplitude. According to [10112] P0 is AI Vel constant, P1 is increasing. AK Vel In the region of the open cluster Collinder 173. AL Vel d = 0.072P. AO Vel In the region of the open cluster Collinder 173. AO Vel Min II 9.55:. There is apsidal line motion. AO Vel There is a sinusoidal term in the elements given in the AO Vel Table: +0.058d*sin(phi), where phi = 2pi(E - 5338)/11500, AO Vel and E values are counted from JD2415810.66. AO Vel Min II = 2424270.125 + 1.5845993d (E - 5338) - AO Vel -0.058d*sin(phi); Min II - Min I = 0.792d - 0.116d*sin(phi). AP Vel P1 = 2.19984d; P1/P0 = 0.703. M - m var (0.25P <= M - m <= AP Vel <= 0.50P) [03710]. AQ Vel d = 0.05P. The depth of Min II 0.05m. AS Vel Min II 8.4; Min II - Min I = 0.55P. AT Vel d = 0.03P. In the region of the open cluster Collinder 173. AU Vel In the region of the open cluster Collinder 173. AV Vel In the region of the open cluster Collinder 173. AW Vel In the region of the open cluster Collinder 173. AX Vel The first overtone mode light variation elements with the AX Vel period P1 are given in the Table; the amplitude of AX Vel the first overtone mode light variation A1 exceeds AX Vel that of the fundamental mode, A0:A1(V) = 1.5A0(V). AX Vel For the fundamental mode P0 Max hel = 2443878.885 + AX Vel 3.673174d*E. AX Vel P1/P0 = 0.706; M - m var: 0.24P <= M - m <= 0.50P:. AY Vel Min II 9.7. AZ Vel Min II 13.0. In the region of the open cluster AZ Vel Collinder 173. BB Vel P < 20d. In the region of the open cluster Collinder 173. BC Vel Min II 12.3. BD Vel d = 0.04P. BE Vel Min II 12.5. BF Vel The depth of Min II 0.04m. BM Vel Min II 13.0. In the region of the open cluster NGC 2547. BM Vel In the region of the open cluster Collinder 173. BO Vel Min II 14.2. BP Vel Min II 13.7. BR Vel The shape of the light curve varies. BT Vel Min II 14.8. BU Vel Min II 10.96; Min II - Min I = 0.522P. In the region BU Vel of the open cluster Collinder 173. BV Vel In the region of the open cluster Collinder 173. BW Vel Min II 14.3. BX Vel In the region of the open cluster Tr 10. BZ Vel Min II 10.4; Min II - Min I = 0.57P. CK Vel D ~0.3d. CL Vel Min II 13.4. CR Vel d = 0.05P. CS Vel [A/H] = 0.1. Possible member of the open CS Vel cluster Ruprecht 79. CU Vel The period of superhumps ~0.08d, A = 0.4m [10115]. CV Vel Min II 7.17. CW Vel d = 0.024P. The depth of Min II 0.1m pg. CZ Vel Min II 11.1. DF Vel Min II 13.4. DH Vel Min II 13.7. DK Vel VB A (B 12.50m, 22", 315deg; C 16m, 10", 60deg). DL Vel Min II 12.1. DM Vel P = 123d? DQ Vel Min II 11.0. DS Vel Min II 10.8. DT Vel (k - b)2 = 0.24. DX Vel Min II 10.3. In the region of the open cluster Col 213. EH Vel Min II 13.4. EL Vel In the region of the open cluster Collinder 173. EO Vel Min II 11.90, DII = 0.07P. EO Vel Apsidal motion: Min II - Min I = 3.15d + 0.00003d*E. EO Vel Min II = 2441716.75 + 5.32969d*E. EP Vel In the region of the open cluster IC 2395. ES Vel Min II 12.7. ET Vel Min II 12.1. EU Vel Min II 13.8. EY Vel d = 0.04P:. FM Vel Min II 12.9. FS Vel Delta(S) = 10. FT Vel Min II 10.5. FW Vel Min II 10.0. FX Vel Min II 10.5. The shape of the light curve varies. FY Vel Min II 7.03. Type ELL? [06827]. FZ Vel VB A (B 12.08m, 24.2", 338deg). GG Vel VB A (B 11.2m, 6", delta(alpha) = 0). P = 2.950432d? GP Vel Min II 6.90. Min II - Min I = 0.55P. GP Vel The shape of the light curve varies. GP Vel There are probably long-period light GP Vel oscillations: Min = 2442681.6 + 93.3d*E (A ~0.02m) GP Vel [10051]. The period of X-ray pulses var: 282.8913s GP Vel (1975.5) [10125]; 282.919s (1975.7) [10126]; 282.869s GP Vel (1976.4), 282.838s (1976.9) [10127]; 282.80s (1978.9) GP Vel [10128]; 282.745s (1979.3), 282.7874s (1980.3), 282.87s GP Vel (1981.0) [10129]; 282.93s (1981.9 - 1982.9); 282.9306s GP Vel (1983.2) [10078]. GV Vel In the region of the open cluster NGC 2660. HU Vel Pulsar PSR 0833-45. In the nebula Vela SNR. HU Vel Star M [08276]. The pulsed radiation varies in radio, HU Vel optical and gamma rays with P = 0.089s. HU Vel P var [10136 - 10139]: P = 0.089233318274s HU Vel (JD2442553 - 680), P = 0.089234713929s (JD2442700 - 848), HU Vel P = 0.089244007685s (JD2443654 - 676), P = 0.089245406487s HU Vel (JD2443719 - 850) [10137]; P = 0.089256985348s HU Vel (JD2444795.84) [10138]. HV Vel A member of the open cluster IC 2391. HW Vel P = 0.26133d? A member of the open cluster IC 2391. HX Vel VB A (B 7.1m, 0.3", 313deg, 1949); in the region HX Vel of the open cluster IC 2395. Min II 5.50:. HY Vel VB A (B 5.7m, 76.6"); a member of the open cluster IC 2391. HY Vel Min II 4.90. IL Vel A var (0.02m <= A <= 0.15m). Beat period 10.075d IL Vel (Min A = 2443175.5 + 10.075d*E). IM Vel VB A (B 9.73m, 3.3", 179deg, 1948). IM Vel The double wave of light variations IM Vel with rotation period Prot = 2.85204d and A = 0.03m is IM Vel superimposed by oscillations with the periods IM Vel P1 = 0.00812815d (A1 = 0.0043m), P2 = 0.00808206d IM Vel (A2 = 0.0035m), P3 = 0.00810503d (A3 = 0.0008m), P4 = IM Vel 0.004052519d (A4 = 0.0009m), P5 = 0.004064065d IM Vel (A5 = 0.0004m), P6 = 0.004041031d (A6 = 0.0004m), IM Vel P7 = 0.00815128d (A7 = 0.0004m) [09208]. IN Vel P = 65 - 70d, IP Vel VB A (B 11.2m V, 2.1", 200deg, 1929). P > 1.25d. IQ Vel Min II 12.94; Min II - Min I = 0.500P. IS Vel A(U) var: 0.005m <= A(U) <= 0.018m. IT Vel Min II 7.08. P = 23.52d? OQ Vel The type is doubtful. V0360 Vel Several close companions. V0390 Vel P = 89.9 d is also possible. SB, Porb = 499 d. V0405 Vel A twice shorter period is not excluded. VB (9", 346deg, 1976). V0409 Vel MinII - MinI = 0.28P. V0420 Vel Not CoD-45 05845 (identification suggested in [79235]). V0447 Vel Min II = 11.91. V0448 Vel Min II = 11.96. P varies. dP/dt = -0.44 x 10^(-5) d/yr. V0451 Vel Min II = 7.49. V0452 Vel Min II = 11.01. V0454 Vel Min II = 7.65. V0456 Vel The depth of MinII is 0.45 mag. V0457 Vel Multiperiodic. V0458 Vel Multiperiodic. V0459 Vel Multiperiodic. V0460 Vel Blended. Multiperiodic. V0461 Vel After subtraction of the BE trends, EA variations 8.33m - 8.45m, MinII 8.44. V0464 Vel The depth of MinII is 0.30 mag. V0465 Vel Min II = 14.32. V0467 Vel Min II = 11.00:. The tabulated ephemeris is for eclipses. Pulsations: P = 0.432728d, amplitude 0.05m. V0469 Vel Min II = 9.51. V0472 Vel An atypical emission-line star with periodic brightness variations. V0479 Vel Min II = 9.22. V0483 Vel Min II = 8.25. VB AB (8.79m, 9.19m, 1.0", 53deg, 1991). V0484 Vel Min II = 9.91. V0487 Vel Cycles about 280d in maximum light with an amplitude up to 1m. V0495 Vel Min II = 10.47. V0496 Vel Min II = 9.21. V0497 Vel Min II = 9.63. VB AB (10.1m, 10.4m, 0.2", 150deg, 1991). V0503 Vel Min II = 8.98. VB AB (9.2m, 11.2m, 0.6", 107deg, 1945). V0504 Vel Min II = 18.20. Cluster non-member. V0505 Vel Min II = 18.54. Cluster non-member. V0506 Vel Min II = 17.60. Cluster non-member. V0507 Vel Min II = 17.21. Cluster non-member. V0508 Vel Min II = 17.89. Cluster non-member. V0509 Vel Min II = 20.33. Cluster non-member. V0510 Vel Cluster non-member. V0511 Vel Min II = 20.00. Cluster non-member. V0512 Vel Min II = 17.84. Cluster non-member. V0513 Vel Min II = 19.29. Cluster non-member. V0514 Vel Cluster non-member. V0516 Vel A twice longer period is also possible. VB A (B 12.0m, 2", 29deg, 1945). V0518 Vel Min II = 12.14. V0519 Vel Pulsates in the first (see Table) and second (Max = 2453426.48 + 0.939354d x E) overtone modes. P2/P1 = 0.8052. V0526 Vel Double-mode pulsation. For the fundamental-mode period, see the Table. P1 = 0.0624889d, P1/P0 = 0.8062. V0528 Vel Multiperiodic, 4 harmonics. V0533 Vel SB2. V0540 Vel Double-mode pulsation. P2 = 0.1765777d. V0547 Vel SB2. V0548 Vel Multiperiodic. P2 = 0.0482189d. V0551 Vel Multiperiodic. V0556 Vel Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.1393228d, P1/P0 = 0.7905. V0567 Vel Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.07266560d, P1/P0 = 0.7728. V0569 Vel Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0725399d, P1/P0 = 0.7738. V0571 Vel Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.11552007d, P1/P0 = 0.7627. Non-radial oscillation Pn = 0.06553481d. gam 2 Vel VB A (B 4.22m, 41.3", 220deg). gam 2 Vel SB2 (Porb = 78.5002d [10119]). In HII region. gam 2 Vel T0 = 2433633.0 is the epoch of the conjunction where the gam 2 Vel O component is in front [10119]. lam Vel VB A (B 14.8m, 18.2", 137deg). omi Vel A member of the open cluster IC 2391. P(VR) = 2.74d. omi Vel P = 2.76d? SB1? The epoch of the light maximum is given. omi Vel Close binary system? R Vir P var. Max = 2381914 + 145.77d*E (JD2338900 - 2402000); R Vir Max = 2402321 + 144.90d*E (JD2402000 - 18000); R Vir Max = 2418268 + 145.48d*E (JD2418000 - 30000); R Vir Max = 2430489 + 148.32d*E (JD2430000 - 34000); R Vir Max = 2434193 + 144.63d*E (JD2434000 - 38500); R Vir Max = 2438829 + 147.45d*E (JD2438500 - 43000); R Vir since JD2443000 see Table. Maser (SiO). S Vir P var. Max = 2399014 + 374.7d*E (JD2398600 - 2405000); S Vir Max = 2412970 + 376.2d*E (JD2412000 - 23500, on average); S Vir Max = 2423502 + 381.52d*E (JD2423500 - 23000); since S Vir JD2433000 - see Table. Maser (H2O, SiO). T Vir Maser (OH, H2O, SiO). V Vir P var. Before JD2427000 Max = 2400467 + 250.17d*E; V Vir Max = 2427225 + 246.54d*E (JD2427000 - 31500); V Vir since JD2431500 - see Table. W Vir The epoch of Min is given. P var. W Vir Min = 2404151.168 + 17.2707d*E (JD2403000 - 23200); W Vir Min = 2423200.837 + 17.2634d*E (JD2423200 - 29700); W Vir since JD2429700 - see Table. The light curve shape var. W Vir [Fe/H] = -1.03. X Vir VB A (B 12m, dK4, 0.6', ~50deg). The brightenings X Vir of 1871 and 1882 may be due to misidentification [01651]. Z Vir P var. Max = 2409683 + 309.19d*E (JD2408000 - 18500); Z Vir since JD2418500 - see Table. RS Vir Maser (OH, H2O, SiO). P var. Max =2412592 + 351.29d*E RS Vir (JD2412000 - 31000); since JD2431000 - see Table. RT Vir Maser (OH, H2O, SiO). According to [10145], observations RT Vir of 1970-1977 are not in agreement with the P value in the RT Vir Table. RU Vir P var? Max = 2425120 + 435.9d*E (JD2414000 - 31500); since RU Vir JD2431500 - see Table. RV Vir P var. Max = 2412272 + 268.39d*E (JD2412000 - 31500); RV Vir since JD2431500 - see Table. RX Vir VB (B 13.0m vis, 1.1", 107deg, 1939). According to RX Vir photoelectric observations [06450, 08837], 8.72m - 8.81m V. RX Vir Const? [06450]. SS Vir P var. Max = 2415910 + 352.75d*E (JD2415900 - 21500); SS Vir Max = 2421913 + 361.7d*E (JD2421500 - 26500); SS Vir Max = 2428359 + 350.12d*E (JD2426500 - 40000); SS Vir since JD2440000 - see Table. ST Vir P var. Max = 2425005533 + 0.4108494d*E (JD2422000 - 29100) ST Vir [10146]; Max = 2436702.513 + 0.4108168d*E ST Vir (JD2433000 - 39000) [03415]; since JD2439000 - see Table. ST Vir Blazhko effect? Delta(S) = 0.8. SU Vir P var. Max = 2415040 + 213.7d*E (JD2415000 - 19500); SU Vir Max = 2419926 + 210.96d*E (JD2415000 - 31500); SU Vir Max = 2437378 + 210.2d*E (JD2431500 - 38500); SU Vir since JD2438500 - see Table. SV Vir P var? The mean elements are given. Maser (H2O). SZ Vir Possibly EW with a very small A. TV Vir VB A (B P). TW Vir Porb = 0.182666d [09430]. Variability of ellipsoidal TW Vir character in H light: P = Porb/2, A(H) = 0.13m. TW Vir X-ray source. TX Vir VB A (B 15m, 0.3' P). TY Vir [Fe/H] = -1.7. TZ Vir P2 = 6900d is superimposed? UU Vir [Fe/H] = -0.3. delta[S] = 0.7. UW Vir d = 0.011P. P var. Min = 2419942.513 + 1.8106818d*E UW Vir (JD2415000 - 34500); since JD2441000 - see Table UY Vir d = 0.014P; Min II 8.1. VV Vir Min II 12.2:. VW Vir SN 1895 (NGC 4424). XX Vir [Fe/H] = -1.5. Delta(S) = 9:. YZ Vir [A/H] = -0.9. AD Vir P var. Max = 2425259.259 + 0.5522109d*E AD Vir (JD2419000 - 31000); since JD2431000 - see Table. AF Vir P var. Max = 2429051.697 + 0.4838214d*E AF Vir (JD2419500 - 36000); Max = 2436718.3758 + AF Vir 0.4838386d*E (JD2436000 - 37500) [10159]; AF Vir since JD2440000 - see Table. DM var. AG Vir The depth of Min II up to 0.44m. AG Vir The light curve shape and A var. AG Vir dI = 0.03P:, dII = 0.66P. Min II - Min I = 0.512P. AG Vir P var. Min = 2434487.4297 + 0.6426489d*E AG Vir (JD2424500 - 34500); since JD2434500 - see Table. AH Vir ADS 8472 A (B 13.2m, 1.3", 17deg). AH Vir The combined brightness is given, AH Vir dI = 0.07P. The depth of Min II 0.53m, dII = 0.00P. AH Vir The light curve shape var. AH Vir P var. Min = 2434841.3963 + 0.40751843d*E AH Vir (JD2425000 - 35000) [05222]; Min = 2435573.710 + AH Vir 0.40752192d*E (JD2435000 - 41400); Min = AH Vir 2441411.460 + 0.40753186d*E (JD2441400 - 44000); AH Vir since JD2444000 - see Table. AK Vir VB B (A = BD -17deg 3996; B 44", 286deg). AL Vir P var [A/H] = -0.7. AN Vir P2 ~1000d is superimposed. AO Vir VB A (B 11.4m vis, 6.9", 321deg, 1956, common AO Vir Vr). delta(M) is possibly in error because of the AO Vir companion. P var. Max = 2413949 + 256.88d*E AO Vir (JD2412900 - 21000); since JD2421000 - see Table. AS Vir P var. The Table gives the mean elements valid after AS Vir JD2425600. Blazhko effect? [03506]. AS Vir (k - b)2 = 0.08. AT Vir P var. Max = 2426831.367 + 0.5258053d*E AT Vir (JD2420500 - 35000) [00188]; since JD2435000 - see Table. AT Vir (k - b)2 = 0.00, Delta(S) = 6.0. AU Vir [Fe/H] = -1.84, Delta(S) = 10.1. AV Vir Delta(S) = 5.5. AW Vir Min II 11.67. AX Vir Min II 10.24. AY Vir Maser (H2O). AZ Vir Min II 11.37. BB Vir Blazhko effect? BC Vir P var. Max = 2419922.289 + 0.56451468d*E BC Vir (JD2419900 - 30100); the Table gives current elements. BD Vir P var. Min = 2424971.720 + 2.548410d*E BD Vir (JD2424900 - 32000); since JD2432000 - see Table. BF Vir Min II 10.72. Total eclipses. BF Vir P var. Min = 2416595.67 + 0.64057d:*E (JD2414000 - 19000); BF Vir Min = 2440331.809 + 0.64057631d*E BF Vir (JD2426000 - 41000); since JD2441000 - see Table. BH Vir Min II 10.24. Distortion wave? BH Vir (Delta(V) = 0.04m). BN Vir P var. Max = 2419865.422 + 0.39127585d*E BN Vir (JD2419800 - 28300); since JD2432600 - see Table. BO Vir P var. Max = 2419513.388 + 0.52005916d*E BO Vir (JD2419500 - 33000); since JD2433000 - see Table. BQ Vir P var? BS Vir [Fe/H] = -1.84. Delta(S) = 10.1. BV Vir P var. Max = 2426070.488 + 0.4965803d*E BV Vir (JD2419900 - 28500); since JD2436600 - see Table. BW Vir P var. Max = 2420247.403 + 0.4706660d*E BW Vir (JD2420200 - 26800); since JD2426800 - see Table. CG Vir Min II 10.9. CK Vir [Fe/H] = -2.0. CM Vir d = 0.05P. P var. Min = 2425411.330 + 3.40167d*E CM Vir (JD2423900 - 28400) [00001]; during JD2432200 - 34200 - see CM Vir Table. CS Vir The epoch of Max in B light is given. CS Vir SB (Porb = 1618d). IR excess (4.8 mkm). CU Vir ADS 9152 A (B 11.9m, G1V, 60", 212deg). CW Vir The epoch of min is given. CX Vir The depth of Min II 0.30m. DK Vir According to [10189], P1 = 0.1162d, P2 = 0.1086d. DK Vir (k - b)2 = 0.20. DL Vir SB (Porb = 2286d). DL Vir The spectrum shows the A-component of the eclipsing DL Vir system and the G8III star around which the eclipsing DL Vir system is orbiting. DM Vir Min II 9.49. DII = DI. DN Vir P >= 100d. DT Vir Mu alpha = -0.044s, mu delta = -0.02". SB? DT Vir Rotation period 1.535d [10014], A = 0.05m V. DV Vir Blazhko effect? EF Vir According to [04784], const?, 16.1m pg. EP Vir IR excess (4.8 mkm). EQ Vir SB; [Fe/H] = -0.08. Min = 2441129.585 + 3.914169D*E + 0.0001803345d*E**2, EQ Vir A = 0.10m V, M - m = 0.40P. Soft X-ray source, EQ Vir lg FX/FV = -2.07. EW Vir P >= 100d. EX Vir P >= 100d. EY Vir P >= 100d. FF Vir The P value for magnetic field variations is given. FG Vir ADS 8471 A (B 13.51m, 25", 352deg, 1909; FG Vir C 11.85m, 74", 195deg, 1909). FI Vir Mu alpha = +0.043s, mu delta = -1.22". FL Vir VB AB (A = 0.76", P = 16A). Both components show flares? FL Vir The range of combined brightness is given. FL Vir Mu alpha = -0.118s, mu delta = +0.26". FM Vir SB2, Porb = 38.324d. FN Vir Mu alpha = -0.064s, mu delta = +0.28". SB? FN Vir X-ray source, LX/Lbol = -3.55. FO Vir Min II 6.67. FQ Vir Deep Min II. GG Vir Multiperiodicity, 0.023d <= P <= 0.083d, A <= 0.02m. GH Vir P var. GK Vir The secondary is a red dwarf (M0 - M6). GL Vir Mu alpha = -0.087s; mu delta = +0.23". GM Vir P ~1.6d/n. GQ Vir Mu alpha = -0.045s, mu delta = -0.44". GR Vir The depth of Min II 0.41m. GU Vir P var. Max = 2439236.36 + 0.466562d*E GU Vir (JD2438100 - 39300); during JD2441300 - 42600 - see Table. LV Vir Type RR: is also possible. MW Vir Type DSCTC: is also possible. NN Vir Type EW: is also possible. PS Vir MinII 12.2. PT Vir MinII 13.54. PU Vir MinII 11.68. PY Vir MinII 10.04. QU Vir MinII 12.03. QX Vir MinII 12.6. QZ Vir SB1 (Porb = 0.05881873d [09304]). V0338 Vir A twice longer or a twice shorter period is not excluded. V0354 Vir Blazhko effect, P = 59d: [80026]. V0357 Vir Blazhko effect? [80422]. V0378 Vir P = 0.268012d is also possible. V0379 Vir Porb = 0.061412d. V0385 Vir P = 0.447390d is also possible. V0391 Vir Min II = 13.6. V0406 Vir Quasi-periodic variations with a cycle about 0.39d. Porb = 0.05592d. V0414 Vir P = 0.492859d is also possible. V0415 Vir Min II = 10.32. V0419 Vir Blazhko effect, P = 65.69d. V0439 Vir Multiperiodic. V0461 Vir P = 0.153332d is also possible. V0466 Vir Blazhko effect, P = 62.9:d. V0467 Vir Min II = 9.69. V0476 Vir P varies? V0492 Vir P = 0.407024d is also possible. V0503 Vir Min II = 16.10. V0533 Vir P = 0.186684d is also possible. V0546 Vir Min II = 10.48. V0551 Vir Blazhko effect, P = 48d. V0560 Vir Blazhko effect. V0585 Vir P varies. Before JD 2453700, Max = 2451961.85 + 0.60163d x E. V0589 Vir Min II = 14.20. V0591 Vir Min II = 12.38. V0593 Vir P = 0.186389d is also possible. Associated with an X-ray source. V0594 Vir Multiperiodic. V0613 Vir P strongly varies. V0630 Vir The Table presents the light elements for the first overtone. For the fundamental mode, Max = 2454800.650 + 0.524429d x E. P1/P0 = 0.7453. V0644 Vir Double-mode pulsations. The Table gives the first overtone light elements. For the fundamental mode, Max = 2454800.145 + 0.455977d x E. P1/P0 = 0.7426. V0659 Vir Double-mode pulsations. The Table contains light elements for the first overtone. Fundamental mode: Max = 2454800.750 + 0.505828d x E. P1/P0 = 0.7450. V0674 Vir P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.485546d; P1/P0 = 0.7444. V0675 Vir P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.347029d; P1/P0 = 0.7415. V0679 Vir P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.481836d; P1/P0 = 0.7436. V0680 Vir P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.496630d; P1/P0 = 0.7451. V0681 Vir P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.494004d; P1/P0 = 0.7453. V0684 Vir P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.478307d; P1/P0 = 0.7433. V0685 Vir P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.495555d; P1/P0 = 0.7447. V0686 Vir P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.494463d; P1/P0 = 0.7445. V0691 Vir P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.539888d; P1/P0 = 0.7461. V0693 Vir The data for 1SWASP J130711.90+084159.9 in [82030] are combined measurements for a V0693 Vir non-variable star (V = 14.9m) near the SuperWASP position and the real variable. V0694 Vir P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.464667d; P1/P0 = 0.7430. V0696 Vir P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.469383d; P1/P0 = 0.7433. V0698 Vir P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.516959d; P1/P0 = 0.7452. V0699 Vir P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.559293d; P1/P0 = 0.7468. V0703 Vir P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.476683d; P1/P0 = 0.7441. V0704 Vir P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.476846d; P1/P0 = 0.7446. V0705 Vir P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.477771d; P1/P0 = 0.7438. V0707 Vir P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.486191d; P1/P0 = 0.7437. V0708 Vir P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.483093d; P1/P0 = 0.7438. V0711 Vir P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.545077d; P1/P0 = 0.7457. V0723 Vir Additional non-radial mode, P = 0.2702020d; P(Blazhko) = 10.7d. V0730 Vir Type EW with a twice longer period is also possible. V0734 Vir P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.462283d; P1/P0 = 0.7428. V0735 Vir P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.545647d; P1/P0 = 0.7468. V0737 Vir P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.485785d; P1/P0 = 0.7439. V0740 Vir Period varies? V0742 Vir P1 is presented in the Table. P0 = 0.552328d; P1/P0 = 0.7459. V0742 Vir A close VB. V0743 Vir Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.05342869d, P1/P0 = 0.7747. V0745 Vir Porb = 0.05563d, Psh = 0.05670d. V0749 Vir VB A (B 11.7mV, 11", 293deg, 2016). V0751 Vir Possible Blazhko effect with P = 136d. V0753 Vir Blazhko effect is possible. V0755 Vir Period varies. alf Vir The Table gives the epoch of Min for the ellipsoidal alf Vir variability and Porb. The depth of Min II up to 0.08m. alf Vir SB 2. e = 0.205 +- 0.004. Apsidal motion: Pi = 108a +- 5a. alf Vir Pulsations: P var, P = 0.17378587d (1908 - 1956); alf Vir since 1956 Max = 2445405.63 + 0.17378680d*E [10181]. A var. alf Vir 3 companions according to lunar occultation observations: alf Vir 3.1m, 0.0025"; 4.5m, 0.05"; 7.5m, 0.5". Soft X-ray source, alf Vir LX/Lbol = 2.9*10**(-8). psi Vir Binary? (lunar occultations). R Vol P var. Max = 2415238 + 441d*E (JD2394100 - 2418800) R Vol [10143]; since JD2422700 - see Table. S Vol P var. Max = 2415042 + 397.6d*E (JD2415000 - 24200), S Vol Max = 2428880 + 392.1d*E (JD2423000 - 28900), S Vol Max = 2434113 + 401.7d*E (JD2428900 - 34900), S Vol Max = 2434910 + 387.2d*E (JD2434900 - 39200); S Vol since JD2439200 - see Table. T Vol P var. Max = 2413135 + 189.8d*E (JD2413100 - 14600); T Vol Max = 2416870 + 171.8d*E (JD2414600 - 16900); T Vol Max = 2416870 + 176.8d*E (JD2416800 - 24400); T Vol Max = 2424460 + 170.8d*E (JD2424400 - 27200); T Vol Max = 2429925 + 182.3d*E (JD2427200 - 30000); T Vol since JD2440000 see Table. RX Vol P < 20d? ST Vol SP component of a very close pair. SV Vol The shape of the light curve varies. TX Vol Min II 10.5. P var. Min I = 2416789.869 + 5.38845d*E TX Vol (JD2415100 - 26000), Min I = 2431150.345 + TX Vol 5.3887d*E (JD2426000 - 31400), Min I = TX Vol 2433542.609 + 5.388d*E (JD2431400 - 33600) TX Vol [00001]; since JD2433600 see Table. YZ Vol A twice shorter period is not excluded. AD Vol VB A (B 14.8mpg, 19", 260deg, 2000). AH Vol Min II = 11.8. AL Vol P0 is tabulated, P1 = 0.38521d. AO Vol A close VB. AP Vol Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.04921392d, P1/P0 = 0.7731. AQ Vol Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.05063580d, P1/P0 = 0.7735. AR Vol Double-mode pulsations. P0 is presented in the Table. P1 = 0.0663899d, P1/P0 = 0.7732. R Vul P var. Max = 2400169 + 138.3d*E (JD2400100 - 02700), R Vul Max = 2402779 + 136.76d*E (JD2402700 - 19800), R Vul Max = 2419880 + 137.45d*E (JD2419800 - 24400), R Vul Max = 2424413 + 136.76d*E (JD2424400 - 28500 R Vul [00960]; Max = 2429331 + 135.9d*E (JD2428500 - 32000) R Vul [00001]; since JD2432000 see Table. S Vul In the region of the open cluster C 1947 + 272 [10123]. S Vul P var. Max = 2401772 + 67.37d*E (JD2401760 - 6400), S Vul Max = 2408180 + 67.70d*E (JD2408170 - 14950), S Vul Max = 2415285 + 68.26d*E (JD2415300 - 22800), S Vul Max = 2423468 + 67.72d*E (JD2423450 - 27200), S Vul Max = 2428227 + 68.18d*E (JD2428220 - 31300) S Vul [00761]; Max = 2432775 + 67.51d*E (JD2431300 - 34500) S Vul [10148]; Max = 2437150 + 68.66d*E S Vul (JD2436800 - 39600), Max = 2441507 + 67.344d*E S Vul (JD2439600 - 43000) [10124]; since JD2443000 see Table. S Vul [A/H] = 0.1. T Vul P var. Max = 2419372.151 + 4.435589d*E (JD2409880 - 34000); T Vul since JD2434000 see Table. V Vul Min II 8.65. P var. Min I = 2414912.9 + 74.96d*E V Vul (JD2414900 - 20840), Min I = 2420909.8 + 75.686d*E V Vul (JD2420900 - 24810), Min I = 2425072.9 + 76.344d*E V Vul (JD2425050 - 30000), Min I = 2430023.5 + 75.957d*E V Vul (JD2430000 - 32500) [10149]. Study of period variation and V Vul changes of Min II by Min I see also in [00767, 010150]. W Vul In the region of the open clusters NGC 6882, NGC 6885. X Vul P var. Max = 2420636.337 + 6.319301d*E (JD2417000 - 34000) X Vul [00768]; since JD2435000 - see Table. Z Vul VB A (B 12.0m, 13", 359deg). Min II 7.58. P var. Min I = Z Vul 2425456.117 + 2.454926d*E (JD2413200 - 37000) Z Vul [00063]; since JD2437000 - see Table. RS Vul Min II 6.86; Min II - Min I = 0.508P. RU Vul A var. P var. Max = 2416266 + 155.95d*E RU Vul (JD2415000 - 36000), Max = 2436779 + 150.7d*E RU Vul (JD2436000 - 38800), Max = 2438855 + 153.4d*E RU Vul (JD2438800 - 41620), Max = 2441193 + 138.5d*E RU Vul (JD2441620 - 42600); since JD2442600 - see Table. RX Vul P var. Max = 2420301 + 438d*E (JD2418900 - 22500) RX Vul [04018]; since JD2424700 - see Table. RZ Vul Slow variations of mean brightness with P = 1410D and RZ Vul A = 2m are superimposed by fluctuations with the cycle RZ Vul 40 - 100d and A up to 1m. SU Vul In the region of the open cluster NGC 6882, NGC 6885. SV Vul [Fe/H] = 0.23. P var. There is a nonlinear term in the SV Vul elements given in the Table: -0.0001814d*E**2. SX Vul In the region of the open cluster NGC 6940. UU Vul Published coordinates in [01622] are wrong. VV Vul Min II 12.1; d = 0.026P. P var. Min I = 2416670.527 + VV Vul 3.411224d*E (JD2416600 - 27500) [00134]; VV Vul since JD2426000 - see Table. VW Vul Porb = 0.0731d [10160]. VY Vul Min II 14.4:. WW Vul There is quasi-periodicity in light minima with the cycle WW Vul 404d. XZ Vul Min II 11.4. P var. Min I = 2426477.525 + 3.0895116d*E XZ Vul (JD2416900 - 36000) [04427]; since JD2436000 - see Table. AB Vul The depth of Min II 0.02m. AD Vul Min II 0.010P. AF Vul Min = 2436545.23 + 0.954d*E (JD2436200 - 900) [03148]. AR Vul In the region of the open cluster Stock 1. AT Vul Min II 9.3; d = 0.02P. AW Vul Min II 10.9; d = 0.020P. AX Vul d = 0.018P. AY Vul d = 0.020P. P var. Min hel = 2436128.388 + 2.4124239d*E AY Vul (JD2418500 - 40700); since JD2440700 - see Table. AZ Vul Min II 11.9. BB Vul In the region of the open cluster NGC 6940. BE Vul VB A (BC 11.92m, 50", 320deg). Min II 9.90. P var. BE Vul Min I = 2426144.490 + 1.55205d*E BE Vul (JD2426140 - 28880), Min I = 2430698.203 + BE Vul 1.5520442d*E (JD2430690 - 34660), Min I = BE Vul 2435340.373 + 1.552052d*E (JD2435340 - 40070); BE Vul since JD2440100 - see Table. BF Vul Elements given in the Table represent well only the bright BF Vul maxima. The fainter maxima are represented by the elements: BF Vul Max = 2427731 + 95.4d*E. BI Vul Min II 14.86. P var? Min I = 2424759.70 + 0.251828d*E BI Vul [00193]; since JD2444750 - see Table. BN Vul Delta(S) = 7. P var. Max = 2414815.759 + 0.5941295d*E BN Vul (JD2414000 - 30000) [00388]; Max = 2434244.333 + BN Vul 0.59412538d*E (JD2430000 - 36000) [00616]; BN Vul Max = 2438265.386 + 0.59412763d*E (JD2436000 - BN Vul 41000) [09009]; since JD2441000 - see Table. BO Vul Min II 10.6. P var. Min I = 2429984.332 + 1.9459123d*E BO Vul (JD2415000 - 30000) [00007]; Min I = 2432379.766 + BO Vul 1.9459206d*E (JD2427000 - 35000), since BO Vul JD2435300 - see Table. BP Vul Min II 10.5. BS Vul Min II 11.10. BT Vul d = 0.03P; Min II 12.3. BU Vul P var. Min = 2431006.204 + 0.5689904d*E BU Vul (JD2426500 - 31100) [00001]; since JD2433500 - see Table. BV Vul S 6.5/6-. BW Vul P var. Max = 2424000.171 + 0.20102229d*E BW Vul (JD2424000 - 26500), Max = 2426500.079 + BW Vul + 0.20102933d*E (JD2426500 - 31500), Max = BW Vul = 2432000.054 + 0.20103513d*E (JD2431500 - 41000); BW Vul since JD2441000 - see Table. CD Vul Min II 11.9. CK Vul Max 2331186:. Connected with nebulae. Type NR? CS Vul Min II 13.6. DR Vul Min II 9.19; DII = 0.132P. DR Vul There is apsidal motion with the period 37.8 years. DR Vul Elements given in the Table contain supplementary DR Vul terms: -0.07165d*sin(0.05863deg*E) - 0.00269d* DR Vul *sin(0.11726deg*E). DR Vul Min II = 2440301.7934 + 2.2508645d*E + 0.07165d* DR Vul *sin(0.05863deg*E) - 0.00269d*sin(0.11726deg*E). DR Vul P var? [10185]. The depth of minima varies. DY Vul VB A (B 13.0m V, 14", 300deg). EH Vul P var. Max = 2429609 + 185d*E (JD2429600 - 30600); EH Vul since JD2430800 - see Table. EP Vul S 6.5/5. EQ Vul Min II 12.5; Min II - Min I = 0.31P; DII = 0.050P, EQ Vul dII = 0.010P. ER Vul P var. Min I = 2440182.2593 + 0.69809510d*E ER Vul (JD2433100 - 40200) [08592]; since JD2440100 - see Table. ER Vul 7.35m <= Min II <= 7.44m. The shape of the light ER Vul curve and depths of minima vary. ES Vul VB A (B 10.1m, 1.6", 126deg). ET Vul [A/H] = -0.4. P var. Max = 2425110.63 + 54.33d*E ET Vul (JD2422900 - 26600), Max = 2432875.80 + 54.33132d*E ET Vul (JD2432700 - 35430), Max = 2438656.99 + 53.81d*E ET Vul (JD2436050 - 39035), Max = 2439253.55 + 54.24d*E ET Vul (JD2439035 - 40990) [10168]; since JD2441900 - see Table. EU Vul Min II 13.3. EV Vul Min II 11.9. P var. Min I = 2428750.459 + 2.822084d*E EV Vul (JD2428400 - 36400) [04027]; Min I = 2436748.37 + EV Vul 2.82220d*E (JD2436380 - 750) [03732]; since EV Vul JD2441500 - see Table. EX Vul d = 0.03P. EY Vul The depth of Min II 0.05m. FG Vul In the region of the open cluster NGC 6940. Star 120. FG Vul The epoch of light minimum is given. FH Vul P var. The elements given in the Table are valid since FH Vul JD2436000. FK Vul Blazhko effect. FM Vul Min II 13.0. FN Vul d = 0.02P; Min II 14.2. FP Vul Min II 15.6. FQ Vul Min II 12.9. Apsidal motion with P = 280 years. Correction FQ Vul of mispints in [04248] see in [04244]. FR Vul Probably the period must be doubled. FS Vul Min II 15.2. FU Vul sp component of a close pair. FW Vul Min II 12.9. FY Vul sp component of a close pair. Cycle 30 - 70d [04027]. FZ Vul Min II 13.9. GG Vul P var. Max = 2427681.0 + 106.5d*E (JD2427500 - 28850); GG Vul since JD2428850 - see Table. GH Vul P = 2.5d? GI Vul Min II 13.8. GK Vul Red. GN Vul Min II 12.4; d = 0.04P. GO Vul Min II - Min I = 0.515P. The depth of Min II 0.03m. GP Vul Min II 11.2; Min II - Min I = 0.48P. GQ Vul nf component of a close triple group of stars. GQ Vul P var. Max = 2434399.825 + 12.647241d*E (JD2426100 - 38000) GQ Vul [04414]; since JD2444600 - see Table. GR Vul Min II 13.3. The chart in [04244] is wrong. GT Vul Min II 15.8. GU Vul Min II 12.2. GV Vul Probably the period must be doubled. Probably the period GV Vul must be doubled. HI Vul Min II 12.6. HP Vul The depth of Min II 0.04m. HS Vul Min II 14.2. HU Vul Blazhko effect? HV Vul P var. Max = 2437165.449 + 0.419906d*E (JD2437100 - 38670); HV Vul since JD2438670 - see Table. Blazhko effect? HW Vul P var. Max = 2429077.0 + 75.44d*E (JD2427190 - 29080), HW Vul Max = 2429077.0 + 73.94d*E (JD2429070 - 32470); HW Vul since JD2432350 - see Table. IU Vul P var. Max = 2434656 + 320.2d*E (JD2432700 - 37860) [04427]; IU Vul since JD2437860 - see Table. IW Vul Min II 13.1. KN Vul Min II 13.4. KO Vul Red. KS Vul Very red. LT Vul Multiperiodicity: P1 = 0.109414d, A1(V) = 0.0234m; LT Vul P2 = 0.11094d, A2(V) = 0.0074m; P3 = 0.1215d, LT Vul A3(V) = 0.0070m (JD2444054 - 096) [10173]; LT Vul P1 = 0.109621d, A1(B) = 0.0340m; P2 = 0.093528d, LT Vul A2(B) = 0.0136m (JD2444071 - 465) [10193]. LU Vul Nova Vul 1968 N2. LV Vul Nova Vul 1968 N1. VB A (B 18m, 6", 115deg). LW Vul Min II 16.3. MN Vul Min II 16.1; Min II - Min I = 0.518P; DII = 0.10P. MO Vul Min II 14.8. P var? MR Vul P2 = 111.0d? MT Vul Multiperiodicity: MT Vul P2 = 119.93d (A2 = 0.3m), P3 = 25.02d (A3 = 0.4m:). MX Vul P = 181.8d? NO Vul Min II 14.1. NS Vul VB A (B 8.8m, A0, 0.73", 273deg, 1978.6), NS Vul The range of combined light variation is given. PS Vul VB A (B 10.0m, 0.4", 105deg, 1980.0); SB2. PT Vul P1 = 256.12714s (A1 = 1.14%), Max1 = PT Vul 2445166.660914 HJED; P2 = 256.33205s (A2 = 1.09%), PT Vul Max2 = 2445166.659424 HJED; P3 = 128.11496s (A3 = 0.37%), PT Vul Max3 = 2445166.660024 HJED. mu = 0.1508", P=1.6deg. PU Vul Pre-outburst SP M4 (1958). Gradual light increase in PU Vul 1977 - 79 up to 8.7m V; in 1979 A = 0.29M V, PU Vul Min I = 2443943.39 + 78.12d*E [10197]. In the max of 1979 PU Vul Sp F5Ia - F8-9I. In February 1980 an abrupt light decrease PU Vul started; the star reached V = 13.65m by early September. PU Vul By September, 1981 the star recovered from the deep Min of PU Vul 500d duration. During the 1980 - 81 minimum Sp M5 with TiO PU Vul bands, emissions of Halpha, NaD, [OII], FeII, rare earths. PU Vul In 1982 - 84 8.35m - 8.87m V, Sp became F again. Simetimes PU Vul Halpha, Hbeta emissions have been detected, often PU Vul with P Cyg profiles. V0398 Vul Not identical to IRC+30416 = NSV 12861. V0469 Vul Red, despite Sp B in the literature. V0477 Vul Multiperiodic, P2 = 0.0644149d. V0479 Vul Multiperiodic, P2 = 0.10114d. V0491 Vul MinII - MinI = 0.327P. VB AB (10.9m, 11.1m, 0.6", 223deg, 2010). V0495 Vul MinII - MinI = 0.544P. V0498 Vul Superhumps: P = 0.05990d. A possible cycle between outburtsts is about 1000d. V0507 Vul Period varies. Light elements for JD 2454200-2455150 are tabulated. For JD 2452750-2453950, Max = JD 2453169.815 + 0.336042 x E. V0523 Vul O'Connell effect. Unusually red for the EW type. VB B (A 14.6m; AB 4", 43deg, 1991). V0524 Vul P = 0.685447d and type EW are also possible. V0528 Vul P = 0.471026d is also possible. V0532 Vul VB A (B 8", 94deg, 2000; C 5", 247deg, 2000). V0533 Vul P = 0.267441d is also possible. V0536 Vul P = 0.269786d is also possible. V0539 Vul P = 0.3098d is also possible. V0540 Vul Other possible periods: 0.418246d or 0.294669d. V0543 Vul P = 0.274336d is also possible. V0544 Vul P = 1.60142d is also possible. V0554 Vul VB A (12.1mG; B 14.2mG, 11", 173deg, 2000). V0566 Vul VB A (13.5mG; B 15.8mG, 8", 126deg, 2000); the range in the Table is influenced by the companion. V0571 Vul Projected on the planetary nebula M27 = NGC 6853. V0572 Vul VB A (B 10.96mV, 34", 3deg, 2015). V0575 Vul VB A (13.8mG; B 14.5mG, 2.7", 64deg, 2000). The variability range in the Table is for combined light. V0610 Vul VB A (B 11.80mV, 5", 79deg, 2015). The variability range in the Table is for combined light. V0612 Vul Porb = 0.05973d, Psh = 0.06023d.